Churches are institutions that were
created by men to control and manipulate people. The born again
children of God do not belong to nor submit themselves to any church
organization or it's leadership. They belong to Jesus and they submit
themselves to Him alone.
The true church, the Body of Christ is
not an institution, neither will it ever be part of a worldly church
organization. God does not dwell in temples made of stone and
mortar. The born again children of God are the temple of the
Holy Spirit, for Him to dwell in. All God's children are
servants or the kingdom of God. There is no hierarchy, like they have
in the worldly man made church organizations. Every member of the
Body of Christ submits himself to the Head, Jesus Christ.
can only be a child of God and be part of the true church, the
Body of Christ, if you are born again and have received the Holy
Spirit. "Those who are being led by the Spirit of God, they are
the children of God." Romans 8:14. Jesus said:"My sheep
listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me." John
10:27. Jesus promised His Holy Spirit to dwell in every believer who
accepts and obeys Him, repents and is baptized in water, and seeks to
follow Him. Jesus guides every born again believer by His
Spirit. They are His sheep. "If anyone does not have the Spirit
of Christ, he does not belong to Christ."Romans 8:9.
do not make disciples of Jesus. They make slaves and followers of the
church and it's leadership. They twist Bible verses to deceive
people. They use one verse in particular to compel them to attend
church. That is Hebrews 10:25 "not forsaking our own assembling
together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and
all the more as you see the day drawing near." The writer of
Hebrews was talking about the assembling of the born again saints to
encourage each other in their walk with the Lord, not for a
"service", a show, an indoctrination session
and a social meeting with sinners.
Churches do not preach the
gospel of Jesus Christ, His words, as also recorded in Matthew, Mark,
Luke and John. The words of Jesus are the words of eternal life, for
those who obey Him. Churches preach their own doctrines. Only
the words of Jesus lead to salvation. Jesus said:" ‘BUT IN
MEN.’” Matthew 15:9.
Jesus commanded His disciples: “Go
therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in
the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20teaching
them to observe all that I commanded you." He never commanded
them to build churches. Neither did they build churches. They made
disciples, baptized them and taught them to obey the teachings of
Jesus. Those disciples received the baptism in the Holy Spirit
and followed the guidance of the Holy Spirit. They did not follow
other disciples, they followed Jesus.
If you follow after men or
women and churches, you will perish. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and
the Life, we must follow Him. In all things we must seek and follow
His guidance. If we need wisdom or direction, we must ask Him.
Many people seek guidance from the Bible and from other people. If we
do not receive our guidance from Jesus, we cannot follow Him, we
cannot be pleasing to Him and we are heading for destruction.
came, not only to save us, but He also gives His Spirit to be with
us and guide us into all truth.
Very few are following Jesus. Most
professing Christians follow after churches. They do not know Jesus.
They are in darkness and they are heading for destruction.
you know Jesus? Do you listen to His voice and follow Him? Are you
one of His sheep?
May Jesus bless you.
children of God do not belong to nor submit themselves to any church
organization or it's leadership. They belong to Jesus and they submit
themselves to Him alone.
The true church, the Body of Christ is
not an institution, neither will it ever be part of a worldly church
organization. God does not dwell in temples made of stone and
mortar. The born again children of God are the temple of the
Holy Spirit, for Him to dwell in. All God's children are
servants or the kingdom of God. There is no hierarchy, like they have
in the worldly man made church organizations. Every member of the
Body of Christ submits himself to the Head, Jesus Christ.
can only be a child of God and be part of the true church, the
Body of Christ, if you are born again and have received the Holy
Spirit. "Those who are being led by the Spirit of God, they are
the children of God." Romans 8:14. Jesus said:"My sheep
listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me." John
10:27. Jesus promised His Holy Spirit to dwell in every believer who
accepts and obeys Him, repents and is baptized in water, and seeks to
follow Him. Jesus guides every born again believer by His
Spirit. They are His sheep. "If anyone does not have the Spirit
of Christ, he does not belong to Christ."Romans 8:9.
do not make disciples of Jesus. They make slaves and followers of the
church and it's leadership. They twist Bible verses to deceive
people. They use one verse in particular to compel them to attend
church. That is Hebrews 10:25 "not forsaking our own assembling
together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and
all the more as you see the day drawing near." The writer of
Hebrews was talking about the assembling of the born again saints to
encourage each other in their walk with the Lord, not for a
"service", a show, an indoctrination session
and a social meeting with sinners.
Churches do not preach the
gospel of Jesus Christ, His words, as also recorded in Matthew, Mark,
Luke and John. The words of Jesus are the words of eternal life, for
those who obey Him. Churches preach their own doctrines. Only
the words of Jesus lead to salvation. Jesus said:" ‘BUT IN
MEN.’” Matthew 15:9.
Jesus commanded His disciples: “Go
therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in
the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20teaching
them to observe all that I commanded you." He never commanded
them to build churches. Neither did they build churches. They made
disciples, baptized them and taught them to obey the teachings of
Jesus. Those disciples received the baptism in the Holy Spirit
and followed the guidance of the Holy Spirit. They did not follow
other disciples, they followed Jesus.
If you follow after men or
women and churches, you will perish. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and
the Life, we must follow Him. In all things we must seek and follow
His guidance. If we need wisdom or direction, we must ask Him.
Many people seek guidance from the Bible and from other people. If we
do not receive our guidance from Jesus, we cannot follow Him, we
cannot be pleasing to Him and we are heading for destruction.
came, not only to save us, but He also gives His Spirit to be with
us and guide us into all truth.
Very few are following Jesus. Most
professing Christians follow after churches. They do not know Jesus.
They are in darkness and they are heading for destruction.
you know Jesus? Do you listen to His voice and follow Him? Are you
one of His sheep?
May Jesus bless you.
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