Monday, April 30, 2018
Stop listening to other people
If you are serious about following Jesus , you should stop listening to people and start listening to Jesus. His sheep hear His voice and they follow Him.
Sheep often follow after sheep and then they go astray. We have to follow after Jesus to bear fruit for His kingdom and be pleasing to Him.
Jesus Christ is the way and the truth and the life. If we do not follow Him, we will not find the way.
Jesus commanded His disciples to make disciples, who are led by the Holy Spirit, not by fellow disciples. The Holy Spirit guides every disciple into fruitful service for the kingdom of God. Without Jesus, without His Holy Spirit we can do nothing. He uses every member of the Body as He directs. One might be sent with a message, to prophesy. Prophecy is not for personal guidance, it is to warn, reprimand and direct the hearer to Jesus.
Every disciple must learn to listen to the Holy Spirit. We have to learn to ask Jesus, trust Him, wait on Him and obey, when He directs us. Harmony in the Body of Christ results when individual members obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Church organizations function under direction of the leadership, they do not function under direction of the Holy Spirit. They are not of the kingdom of God. Churches teach their membership to submit to the church leadership, not to Jesus. They are Antichrist.
Those who belong to Jesus set themselves apart to serve Him. They are led by the Holy Spirit. They do not follow, nor submit themselves to church leadership. Nobody can serve two masters. You have to learn to listen to Jesus, follow and obey Him.
Jesus might send another disciple to you to warn and reprimand you. Pray, ask Jesus whether the message is from Him. He will confirm it, if it is from Him.
Do not be led by revelations from other people, unless Jesus specifically confirms the revelation to you. Many people have been destroyed because they were following after so-called men and women of God that had special revelations. Many have acted on rapture predictions. They believed that Jesus would return on a certain day. Because of that many quit ttheir jobs, deserted their families, gave away their hard earned possessions and then when the prophecy was not fulfilled as they expected, they got mad at God. Many of them do not believe in Jesus any more, because they followed after people and allowed themselves to be deceived. Always get your final guidance from Jesus.
There are many false teachings that have been made up from the Bible. Churches manipulate members with Bible verses. That is witchcraft, because they distort the truth to deceive and take advantage of believers.
Follow Jesus, not men. Seek Jesus. Ask Him. Pray, wait on Him and He will reveal Himself to you. He will guide you. Stop listening to people and start listening to Jesus. He is the living God. He speaks and His sheep listen to His voice. They follow Him. Get serious with Jesus and He will guide you. Stay with Him every step of the way, until the end.
May Jesus bless you.
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Do Not Compromise
Nothing is more important than our relationship with Jesus, about knowing Him, obeying Him, trusting Him and following Him. Those who are being led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. If we allow anything or anybody to come in between us and Jesus, then we will be destroyed, and then we will become useless for the kingdom of God.
Without faith it is impossible to please God. Without obedience to Jesus it is impossible to please Him. If we put our hand to the plow and we look back, then we are not worthy of Him. satan will try anything and everything to come in between you and Jesus. He will use those who are the closest to you, he will use your spouse, your brother in Christ, to deter you, to take you away from what Jesus wants you to do, if you allow him. That is why satan also used Peter to try and sway Jesus Christ. When Jesus told his disciples that He would be crucified, He would die and be resurrected, Peter took Him one side and he rebuked Him. He said:"Lord may it never be!" and what did Jesus say to him? He said:"Get behind me satan, you're thinking of earthly things not of the kingdom of God."
Do not allow any brother or anybody, any church, nothing, do not allow anything to come in between you and Jesus, because that will rendered you useless for the kingdom of God, and you will not enter his kingdom. We have to follow Jesus Christ every step of the way.
Jesus will teach you. He will guide you. He will use you for His kingdom, if you remain faithful to Him, if you do not compromise, but if you compromise you make yourself unsuitable for the kingdom of God. I have had many people brothers in Christ tell me to remove certain videos which they did not like. They did not like the message. If Jesus told me to say something, I will say it and I will
not turn back on it. I've had some wonderful brothers, who supported me, who felt that they wanted to financially support me they were sending me money, but then the message hurt them. They told me to change the message. and I refused. They stopped supporting me, they became my enemies, they were enemies of Jesus Christ in the first place. Money is the reason why many people compromise. They follow after people, they want the acceptance of people. You will be tested and if you follow Jesus, and you do his will you will often find yourself in a position where you've got to choose between your closest brother, the family, and Jesus Christ. If you choose to compromise, you will be destroyed, you will lose Jesus because He requires of us to follow Him every step of the way.
It is a lonely road, but it is the only road. If you want to have eternal life, if you want to be pleasing to Jesus, you are not allowed to compromise. You must listen to Jesus, get your wisdom from Him. Pray, ask Him. He will guide you. Wait on Him. Live for Him, but do not compromise, do not listen to the wisdom of people. Get your guidance from Jesus. Nothing is more important and our relationship with Jesus Christ. Compromisers will not enter the kingdom of God. Follow Jesus, obey Him trust Him, do what He commands you to do. Do not compromise, and you will never be shaken.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Friday, April 27, 2018
The Biggest Threat for Serious Jesus Followers
To be a child of God means to be a
follower of Jesus Christ, as Paul also wrote in Romans chapter 8
verse 14: "Those who are being led by the Spirit of God, they
are the children of God," they are the sons of God.
follower of Jesus Christ, as Paul also wrote in Romans chapter 8
verse 14: "Those who are being led by the Spirit of God, they
are the children of God," they are the sons of God.
People always look for an example. They
look for someone to follow, but the biggest threat for a child of God
is to start running after and following after other believers,
following after preachers, prophets, so-called men and women of God.
The biggest threat for a child of God is to turn his eyes off Jesus,
to put his trust in men, because then he turns away from God.
look for someone to follow, but the biggest threat for a child of God
is to start running after and following after other believers,
following after preachers, prophets, so-called men and women of God.
The biggest threat for a child of God is to turn his eyes off Jesus,
to put his trust in men, because then he turns away from God.
We can only be pleasing to Jesus if we
stay focused on Him. We can only follow Him and we can only bear
fruit for His kingdom, if we get our wisdom and our direction from
Him, not from other people, not from the books and writings of other
people, but from Jesus Christ Himself, from the Holy Spirit. He
promised the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth to come and dwell in,
and be with those who earnestly seek Him, those who wish to follow
Him and who obey His words. Repent and be baptized, stop sinning,
seek Jesus with all your heart, seek the indwelling of His Holy
Spirit in you. The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth and will
teach you everything that you need to know, but as soon as you start
listening to Christians, a brother, a sister, a prophet, and you turn
away from Jesus, then you are in danger of hellfire.
stay focused on Him. We can only follow Him and we can only bear
fruit for His kingdom, if we get our wisdom and our direction from
Him, not from other people, not from the books and writings of other
people, but from Jesus Christ Himself, from the Holy Spirit. He
promised the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth to come and dwell in,
and be with those who earnestly seek Him, those who wish to follow
Him and who obey His words. Repent and be baptized, stop sinning,
seek Jesus with all your heart, seek the indwelling of His Holy
Spirit in you. The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth and will
teach you everything that you need to know, but as soon as you start
listening to Christians, a brother, a sister, a prophet, and you turn
away from Jesus, then you are in danger of hellfire.
That has been the downfall of many
serious followers of Jesus. They started following other people.
There is nobody else that is worthy to be followed. It is dangerous
to follow after men, it is fatal. We have to trust in Jesus alone and
follow Him. Ask Him and He will guide you. Wait on Him, seek Him
with all your heart, draw closer to Him and He will draw closer to
you. Do not be satisfied with anything but hearing from Jesus,
whatever any other man or woman of God tells you, whatever revelation
they have had, take that to Jesus. Whatever people tell you, go and
consult Jesus about it. Ask Jesus, it is Jesus whom we must follow to
have eternal life. Remember, the biggest threat for a child of God is
to start following after people, because then he's not following
Jesus anymore.
serious followers of Jesus. They started following other people.
There is nobody else that is worthy to be followed. It is dangerous
to follow after men, it is fatal. We have to trust in Jesus alone and
follow Him. Ask Him and He will guide you. Wait on Him, seek Him
with all your heart, draw closer to Him and He will draw closer to
you. Do not be satisfied with anything but hearing from Jesus,
whatever any other man or woman of God tells you, whatever revelation
they have had, take that to Jesus. Whatever people tell you, go and
consult Jesus about it. Ask Jesus, it is Jesus whom we must follow to
have eternal life. Remember, the biggest threat for a child of God is
to start following after people, because then he's not following
Jesus anymore.
Follow Jesus and you will have life.
Jesus Christ alone is the way and the truth and the life.
Jesus Christ alone is the way and the truth and the life.
May Jesus bless you.
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Work on your own relationship with Jesus
Each and every follower of Jesus Christ
must work on their own relationship with Jesus, and make sure that He
knows them, that they stay with Him and that He is pleased with them.
They must endure with Him until the very end. Without Jesus we can do
nothing. If we do not remain with Jesus and in utter obedience to
Him, following Him and doing His will, then we cannot be fruitful, we
cannot be fruitful for the kingdom of God.
must work on their own relationship with Jesus, and make sure that He
knows them, that they stay with Him and that He is pleased with them.
They must endure with Him until the very end. Without Jesus we can do
nothing. If we do not remain with Jesus and in utter obedience to
Him, following Him and doing His will, then we cannot be fruitful, we
cannot be fruitful for the kingdom of God.
Jesus warned that every branch in Him,
that does not bear fruit will get cut off and burned. Nothing is more
important than our relationship with Jesus Christ. It is only when we
remain with Him, when we stay with Him, walk with Him every day,
listen to His voice and respond, that we can do what He requires of
us, that He can use us, it is only if we make ourselves available to
Him and are tuned in to Him, dedicated to Him to serve Him, that we
will be useful for His kingdom.
that does not bear fruit will get cut off and burned. Nothing is more
important than our relationship with Jesus Christ. It is only when we
remain with Him, when we stay with Him, walk with Him every day,
listen to His voice and respond, that we can do what He requires of
us, that He can use us, it is only if we make ourselves available to
Him and are tuned in to Him, dedicated to Him to serve Him, that we
will be useful for His kingdom.
Many believers are busy with their own;
religion they walk their own road, they are busy with their own
studies of the Bible, the are busy with their own projects for God.
They believe in Jesus, and they want to serve Him according to their
insight, and according to what other people tell them, what to do,
but they don't have a relationship with Jesus. Many are distracted
from following Jesus and they start running after other people. Jesus
warned that He will say to many believers in that day that they die,
when they stand before Him, He will say to them:"Go away I never
knew you, you workers of wickedness."
religion they walk their own road, they are busy with their own
studies of the Bible, the are busy with their own projects for God.
They believe in Jesus, and they want to serve Him according to their
insight, and according to what other people tell them, what to do,
but they don't have a relationship with Jesus. Many are distracted
from following Jesus and they start running after other people. Jesus
warned that He will say to many believers in that day that they die,
when they stand before Him, He will say to them:"Go away I never
knew you, you workers of wickedness."
We can only be pleasing to Jesus if our
relationship with Him is right, if He is pleased with us. We have to
stay close to Him. Work on your relationship with Jesus Christ. There
is nothing more important than that. Do not allow anybody or anything
to distract you and take you away from Jesus.
relationship with Him is right, if He is pleased with us. We have to
stay close to Him. Work on your relationship with Jesus Christ. There
is nothing more important than that. Do not allow anybody or anything
to distract you and take you away from Jesus.
If you need wisdom, if you need
guidance, pray. Talk to Jesus. Ask Him. Wait on Him. He is faithful
and true. He loves you and He cares for you. He will never leave you.
He will guide you and He will teach you, but you have to trust Him
and stay with Him. Do not leave Jesus. Nothing can pluck you out of
His hand, but if you decide to stray, if you go away from Jesus, you
are in danger of hellfire, because Jesus will not hold you back.
guidance, pray. Talk to Jesus. Ask Him. Wait on Him. He is faithful
and true. He loves you and He cares for you. He will never leave you.
He will guide you and He will teach you, but you have to trust Him
and stay with Him. Do not leave Jesus. Nothing can pluck you out of
His hand, but if you decide to stray, if you go away from Jesus, you
are in danger of hellfire, because Jesus will not hold you back.
Work on your own relationship with
Jesus and make sure that He is pleased with you and you're with Him
until the very end, to have eternal life.
Jesus and make sure that He is pleased with you and you're with Him
until the very end, to have eternal life.
May Jesus bless you.
with Jesus,
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Spiritual Adulterers
Many Christian believers are spiritual
adulterers. To be a child of God means to be a follower of Jesus
Christ, to be faithful unto Him, to obey Him and to live our lives to
please Him. We must live according to His Commandments and do what is
pleasing to Him, but many believers run after people. They are
unfaithful to Jesus Christ. Most of them are not following Jesus.
They follow after their own mind, and they follow after preachers and
other people. They seek the advice of men, but they do not follow
Jesus. They don't go to Jesus.
adulterers. To be a child of God means to be a follower of Jesus
Christ, to be faithful unto Him, to obey Him and to live our lives to
please Him. We must live according to His Commandments and do what is
pleasing to Him, but many believers run after people. They are
unfaithful to Jesus Christ. Most of them are not following Jesus.
They follow after their own mind, and they follow after preachers and
other people. They seek the advice of men, but they do not follow
Jesus. They don't go to Jesus.
There's only one way to have eternal
life and that is to obey the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel of
Jesus Christ are His words, the words that He spoke, as they will
also recorded in the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. If we take
seriously the words of Jesus and we obey Him; we repent and are
baptized in water and we seek Him with all our heart, then He will
reveal himself to us. He will come and dwell in us and with us. He
will give His Spirit in us to guide us, but we have to be faithful to
Him. We have to follow Him. We have to trust Him. As soon as we start
following after people, seeking the advice of others, we are
fornicating, then we become adulterers with the world, become
adulterers because we are unfaithful to Jesus Christ, and adulterers
will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
life and that is to obey the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel of
Jesus Christ are His words, the words that He spoke, as they will
also recorded in the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. If we take
seriously the words of Jesus and we obey Him; we repent and are
baptized in water and we seek Him with all our heart, then He will
reveal himself to us. He will come and dwell in us and with us. He
will give His Spirit in us to guide us, but we have to be faithful to
Him. We have to follow Him. We have to trust Him. As soon as we start
following after people, seeking the advice of others, we are
fornicating, then we become adulterers with the world, become
adulterers because we are unfaithful to Jesus Christ, and adulterers
will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
We have to obey the gospel of Jesus
Christ and we have to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit as the
Apostle Paul also wrote in 1st Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 7. He
wrote:"When the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with his
mighty angels in flaming fire, dealing contribution to those who do
not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord
Jesus. These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction away from
the presence of God and from the glory of His power, when He comes to
be glorified in his saints on that day, to be marveled at among all
who have believed."
Christ and we have to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit as the
Apostle Paul also wrote in 1st Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 7. He
wrote:"When the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with his
mighty angels in flaming fire, dealing contribution to those who do
not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord
Jesus. These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction away from
the presence of God and from the glory of His power, when He comes to
be glorified in his saints on that day, to be marveled at among all
who have believed."
Now many people believe. Many Christian
believers say they believe but they do not believe the gospel of
Jesus Christ. They do not believe neither obey His words. They
believe a different gospel. The words of Jesus are the words of
eternal life. Jesus Christ is the way and the truth and the life. He
speaks and His sheep hear His voice. They listen to Him and they
follow Him. They stay faithful to Him. They do not adulterate. They
do not listen to other people. They follow Jesus. They seek His
guidance and they seek His approval. They do not seek the approval of
each other and that of other Christians, other believers. They do not
seek the approval of the world. They seek the approval of Jesus. They
are faithful to Him, because they seek to please Him. He is their
Lord and their Master. They are not spiritual adulterers. They are
faithful to the Master.
believers say they believe but they do not believe the gospel of
Jesus Christ. They do not believe neither obey His words. They
believe a different gospel. The words of Jesus are the words of
eternal life. Jesus Christ is the way and the truth and the life. He
speaks and His sheep hear His voice. They listen to Him and they
follow Him. They stay faithful to Him. They do not adulterate. They
do not listen to other people. They follow Jesus. They seek His
guidance and they seek His approval. They do not seek the approval of
each other and that of other Christians, other believers. They do not
seek the approval of the world. They seek the approval of Jesus. They
are faithful to Him, because they seek to please Him. He is their
Lord and their Master. They are not spiritual adulterers. They are
faithful to the Master.
Are we faithful to Jesus Christ? Do we
get our guidance and our teaching, our advice, from Him? Do we follow
Jesus, or are we spiritual adulterers? We must stay focused on Jesus,
seek Him, pray, wait on Him. Walk with Him. Listen to him obey Him
and follow Him every day until the very end.
get our guidance and our teaching, our advice, from Him? Do we follow
Jesus, or are we spiritual adulterers? We must stay focused on Jesus,
seek Him, pray, wait on Him. Walk with Him. Listen to him obey Him
and follow Him every day until the very end.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Monday, April 23, 2018
Adulterous Marriages and Private Revelations
Many Christian believers preach rules and regulations from their own private interpretation of the Bible, from their own conviction and from their own revelations that they claim to have had of Jesus. Many people are confused by these varied teachings and often the faith of many is destroyed.
One of such teachings is the one of adulterous marriages, that claims that if a person is divorced and gets married again, then he is in an adulterous marriage and he needs to divorce and go back to his previous partner. God hates divorce. Advising a person who was once divorced and got married again, to divorce for the second time, causes that person to commit the same sin for the second time. The gospel of Jesus Christ is not about rules and regulations. It is a about following and obeying Jesus Christ obeying His commands. Once you have repented and you've accepted Jesus as your Lord and Master, then you follow Him and you obey Him and you get your guidance from Him, not from the rules and regulations and private revelations of other people.
If we are still following people, we are not following Jesus Christ. If we following people, we are following the blind, the blind leading the blind. We are not to follow people. We are to follow Jesus Christ and to do what He guides us to do and what He tells us to do.
It serves no purpose to destroy a second marriage, break up a home, put people into distress, break up a home where children need to be maybe brought up, in stability, and then to go back to a previous partner who might not want to accept you. It is not about our relationship with other people. It is primarily about our relationship with Jesus. We have to obey Him. If He tells you to divorce and go back to your previous wife or husband, then you are following Jesus, but if you are following the advice of another person, then you're not with Jesus, you are busy with dead religious rules and practices.
Many believers have a dreams and experiences, revelations which they share with others about things like heaven and hell, fasting, vigils, and these people want to make up rules by which other people have to live and follow Jesus Christ. There are many testimonies of near-death experiences, and people come back with different stories. The only way to know the truth is to ask Jesus to confirm whether that which the person says is indeed the truth, whether that is what Jesus wants you to do. If we follow after people and the words of people we're not busy with Jesus, and we are already astray. Jesus delivered His gospel, His words, His teachings, and He said that if we listen to His words, and we obey them, then we will be like a wise man who has built his house on the rock, on the solid foundation, and when the storms of life come we will stand. But if we build our faith and our beliefs on what other people say, we are like those who build their foundations on the sand, and when the storms come we are destroyed; we fall over, we fall to pieces.
The only way that we can be stable in Christ is when we are led by the Holy Spirit, when we get our wisdom and our guidance from Jesus, and we should not waver. That is what discipleship is about. That is what following Jesus Christ is about. It is not following His servants, but following Him. U as followers of Jesus and disciples of Jesus, we must bring others to Jesus, not to ourselves not to our own teachings, our own ideas. We must take people to Jesus and advise them to get their wisdom from Him, to be led by Him, because Jesus is our Teacher, He is our Lord. He is our Master, He is our Guide, He is our Rock, He is our Provider. He is our everything, and if we allow ourselves to be distracted from Jesus, we will not survive. We must build on the Rock, on Jesus Christ.
We must live by His words, by the words that He command, as also recorded in the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Those are the words of eternal life. We must be led by the Holy Spirit. Man will not live from bread alone but from every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, and the moment that you turn away from God, and you start following after a brother or a sister, or a preacher, you are in grave danger of destruction and hell fire.
In Jeremiah 17 verse 5 we read: Cursed is the man who turns away from the Lord his God and puts his trust in flesh. We've got to trust Jesus only. Don't trust in me, don't trust in another preacher, don't trust in another man because then you're not following Jesus Christ anymore. If you need wisdom, if you need guidance; go on your knees, speak to Jesus. He will guide you. If He does not give you the answer that you're looking for, wait on Him. He will speak to you at the right time. He will give you wisdom and guidance about the things that are important to Him. We often have wrong priorities. We want to know certain things, but those things are not important to God.
What is important to Jesus is our relationship with Him, obeying His words, living according to His commands. Sin no more, live holiness, righteousness. Pray, ask Him for guidance. Wait on Him. Repent and be baptized. Do as He commanded and He will give His Spirit in you to guide you. He will always be with you, but we have to stay with Him to have eternal life. If we start listening to other people and their wisdom, if we start following other people, we are being led by the blind, because dear friends I can tell you one thing. I don't know about tomorrow, but I know who holds tomorrow, that is Jesus and I follow Him. I cannot advise you about tomorrow. I cannot tell you what to do and I will never do that, but what I will tell you is: Get your eyes on Jesus, seek Him. He is the only way. Follow Him and you will have life. I follow Jesus and I advise you to put your hand in His hand, to seek Him with all your heart, and if you seek Him you will find Him. If you ask Him, He will guide you, but you have to be serious.
Stop listening to other people. Get on your knees, pray, wait on the Lord, and He will guide you. There is only one way to have eternal life and that is to follow and obey Jesus Christ. Stay with Jesus, build on Him, listen to Him. Obey Him and you will be safe.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Men of Action
Men of faith are men of action. Women of faith are women of action. Faith without works is dead. Those who truly believe in Jesus and hear His voice, they follow and obey Him. They do the works that He has prepared for them to do.
A tree is known by it's fruit. If we follow Jesus and we remain in Him, we will bear much fruit and bring many souls to repentance through our testimony.
Many call themselves Christians and they
profess to believe in Jesus but they bear no fruit. They are just idle talkers, spiritually dead, no action. They have no testimony of Jesus because they do not know Him, neither follow nor obey Him.
Are we men and women of God? Are we men and women of action? Is our faith in Jesus alive? Do we perform the works that Jesus provided for us to do?
May Jesus bless you.
Friday, April 20, 2018
A Father that will never leave you
Many people have lost their father. Some have been deserted by their fathers. Some fathers left their families, divorced their wives and left their children. Many of those people are broken and torn. They feel that they have no direction, no purpose in life. Some blame themselves, they fell amiss, without an anchor in life.
The truth is that even the best father in the world will not be with us for ever. However there is one person who wants to be the perfect father for us. That person is Jesus, but there are certain conditions that we have to comply with.
We read in 2 Corinthians 6:14 "Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? 15Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever?
16Or what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; just as God said,
17“Therefore, COME OUT FROM THEIR MIDST AND BE SEPARATE,” says the Lord.
And I will welcome you.
18“And I will be a father to you,
And you shall be sons and daughters to Me,”
Says the Lord Almighty."
Jesus is inviting you to become His child, to accept Him and separate yourself unto Him, and He will be an everlasting father to you. You will never be alone again.
May Jesus bless you.
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Do Not Worry - My Testimony
If you become a disciple of Jesus Christ you don't worry about the things that the rest of the world worries about. Jesus said to His disciples:"For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26“Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? 27“And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life? 28“And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, 29yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. 30“But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith! 31“Do not worry then, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear for clothing?’ 32“For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. 34“So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:25-34.
I want to share with you my testimony. When Jesus told my wife and me. to return to the US a few years ago, we did not know where we would be living. We arrived with all our belongings in a few travel cases, clothes and computers. We did not have a car, nor a place to live. Before we left for the US, Jesus spoke to me one night and showed me we were living in a camping trailer.
The normal questions that anyone would ask are: What veihicle to buy? What camping trailer, and where would we find it?
We prayed and asked Jesus. He told me what model car to buy. It was not my choice of model nor brand, but I found it and bought it.
We still did not know about the camping trailer and where we would park it. We did not even have truck that could tow one, if we bought it. Jesus spoke to my wife one night and gave her a street name. She told me when she woke up and I recognized the street name, I knew where it was. The next day we drove there and had only travelled a few hundred yards down the road when we saw a camping trailer for sale at the side of the road. I just knew it was it.
We had a look at the trailer and agreed with the seller to buy it. It turned out that there was a trailer park less than a mile away. The seller agreed to deliver the camping trailer at the trailer park, to park it and hook it up for us. So we did not even need a towing vehicle.
We did not need furniture, as the comping trailer was fully furnished and ready to be used.
We are driving the car Jesus showed us, living in the camping trailer that Jesus chose for us, and we are living where He determined for us and we will be there as long as He wants us to be there, because we are living for Him and His kingdom.
Those who follow Jesus seek His guidance and His will because they live to do His will. He guides their footsteps and determines their life. All they have to be concerned about is about staying with Jesus, following His guidance and doing His will. He knows what we need, even before we ask.
Do not worry about tommorrow. "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."
May Jesus bless you.
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Do you listen to His voice?
Jesus said:"My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me." If you have accepted Jesus and you listen to Him, He will teach and guide you.
Jesus called me. One night many years ago, I woke up and I clearly heard these words:"Go into all the world an make disciples of all nations. Go where I send you. Take their hand and put it in My hand and I will guide them."
Jesus guides my footsteps and He warns me of danger. Years ago I used to preach at a church in the townships on Sundays. It was a very dangerous area. One Sunday morning I woke up at 4 in the morning. I had just dreamed that I was in the township on my way to the church and had been shot. Jesus was telling me not to go. The very next day Christian missionaries were shot and killed in the same area.
In the corporate work situation, Jesus guided me, gave me wisdom in business decisions. In the home, Jesus guided me in the discipline and bringing up of my children. In my marriage, my relationship with my wife, Jesus guides me. In all things, I seek His guidance and approval.
Jesus speaks to all His children but many do not listen. They follow their own mind and they follow the advice of other people.
We cannot please Jesus and bear fruit for His kingdom if we do not listen to Him and obey Him.
That is why many Christians will end up in hell. They are stubborn and disobedient. they follow after their own ways and the ways of the world, and they ignore Jesus when He speaks to them.
Without Jesus, we can do nothing. If we want to enter His kingdom, we have to listen to Him and obey Him. If we stray from Jesus we will perish.
Seek Jesus with all your heart. Live your life to please Him. Pray, wait on Him. Listen and obey when He speaks to you and He will guide you all the way, until the end.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus is alive and hell is real. I am here to introduce you to Jesus Christ so that you can know Him, follow Him and have eternal life. Subscribe to my channel to learn more about Jesus. May Jesus bless you.
Monday, April 16, 2018
Don't Look Back
The worst mistake that a follower of Jesus can make is to keep on looking back, to long for the sins, friends and sinful pleasures that he gave up when he decided to follow Jesus.
Jesus warned that whoever puts his hand to the plow and keeps on looking back, is not worthy of Him.
We read in Hebrews 10:36 "For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised.
39But we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith to the preserving of the soul."
Are we eagerly following Jesus or do we keep on looking back to the world?
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Stubborn Disobedient Christians
Many Christian believers stubbornly disobey Jesus. They refuse to turn away from their sinful ways and they refuse to be baptized in water as Jesus commanded. They trust in their own beliefs and their own understanding of the Bible.
The only way to be saved from damnation is to embrace Jesus Christ and to obey Him. Not only do we have to obey His teachings, as recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, we have to be led by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, to be able to enter the narrow door that leads to Life.
Jesus Christ alone is the Way, the Truth and the Life. We have to follow and obey Him to have eternal life in heaven. Those who disobey Jesus will also live for ever, but they will endure eternal suffering in damnation.
Salvation is not just about believing in Jesus and confessing Him. It is about knowing and serving Him as Lord and Master, always seeking His approval and living our lives to please Him, not ourselves.
To repent and be baptized is only the start of the road, for those who wish to follow Jesus. We have to continuously seek Jesus in prayer and live in obedience to His teachings. If we seek Him, we find Him. He gives His Holy Spirit to come and dwell in those who obey Him. The Holy Spirit will guide them into all truth, but they have to listen, obey and follow Him. We have to give up our own plans and ambitions, and yield to the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit. We must pick up our cross every day, deny ourselves and follow Jesus, until the end.
Stubborn, disobedient Christians refuse to obey Jesus. They are not worthy of Him and will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Salvation is not just about believing in Jesus. We have to go after Jesus, obey Him, yield to Him and follow Him until the end. Seek His kingdom and His righteousness. Live according to His will. Serve Jesus as Lord.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Friday, April 13, 2018
Christian Survivors are Few
When you accept Jesus Christ and commit to follow Him, you enter a war zone. All the forces of evil will come against you to stop you from following Jesus. Jesus warned that
the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.
Many start following Jesus but very few endure with Jesus until the end. Without Jesus we can do nothing. If we do not stay with Jesus and endure with Him until the end, we will not suvive and enter into heaven.
Are we following Jesus on the straight and narrow road? Are we surviving?
May Jesus bless you.
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Spoon-fed Christians
Most Christian believers want to be spoon-fed. They want to hear nice sermons and have a good time with Christian friends, but they are not willing to work out their own salvation. They always ask others for guidance and assurance of salvation. They never grow up to be spiritually mature followers of Jesus.
It is written that man shall not live from bread alone, but from every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Jesus Christ is the Word of God. His sheep hear His voice and they follow Him. We have to hear from Jesus and follow Him.
Spoon-fed Christians will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Are you a spoon-fed Christian or do you follow Jesus?
May Jesus bless you.
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Conceited Christians Defeated by satan
Many Christian believers are conceited and arrogant. They think they are superior to unbelievers and other believers who belong to churches other than theirs. Many of them believe they are chosen by God, they believe they are the elect. They think that they are saved and assured of eternal life, purely based on what they believe, but they do not know Jesus and they have no relationship with Him.
They live under a perfect illusion from satan, because they think that they are God's special people. The vast majority of church going Christians are like that. Many of them search the Scriptures and they predict fulfilment of end time prophecy. They are fearful of the things that are happening in the world. Further they believe that God will rapture them before the great tribulation starts. Most of those people have never met Jesus, they never repented of their sin, were not baptized in water as Jesus commanded and they are not following Him. They boast about their salvation and say they wish Jesus would come, to take them away and judge the unbelievers. What they do not realize is that they are deceived. They are defeated by satan, because they are sinners, they are not followers of Jesus.
Jesus did not call us to be fearful and defeated. He called us to overcome, to overcome sin, to overcome temptation, to overcome the world, to overcome satan and to build His kingdom.
Things will not work out like these conceited Christians believe. God is in control and either we are in His plan, following His guidance, building His kingdom, overcoming, or we will fall under His judgment.
Are we following Jesus and overcoming, or are we conceited and defeated by the evil one?
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Bear Fruit for Eternal Life
Jesus requires of those who follow Him, to bear fruit, or else they will be cut off and burned.
Here is how to bear fruit. We read in John 4:36 Jesus said to His disciples: "Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest. 36“Already he who reaps is receiving wages and is gathering fruit for life eternal; so that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. 37“For in this case the saying is true, ‘One sows and another reaps.’ 38“I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored and you have entered into their labor.”
Bearing fruit is about making disciples of Jesus Christ. We read in Matthew 28:18. Jesus spoke to His disciples, saying: “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Are we bearing fruit for eternity? Are we making disciples of Jesus Christ?
May Jesus bless you.
Monday, April 9, 2018
All are fallible Not all are sinners
We are all fallible but not all of us are sinners. We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God but those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Master are not sinners any more. They have repented and become obedient children of God. They have turned from their evil ways and from going after the pleasures of sin and they are going after Jesus.
We read in 1 John 3: 4 "Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness. 5You know that He appeared in order to take away sins; and in Him there is no sin. 6No one who abides in Him sins; no one who sins has seen Him or knows Him. 7Little children, make sure no one deceives you; the one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous; 8the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil. 9No one who is born of God practices sin, because His seed abides in him; and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. 10By this the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious: anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor the one who does not love his brother."
If a child of God stumbles, he immediately repents, pleads Jesus forgiveness, and does everything in his power, not to repeat the same sin.
All sinners will end up in hell, if they do not repent and stop sinning.
Are you a holy, obedient child of God, or are a sinner?
May Jesus bless you.
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Diligently Seek Jesus
The only way to have eternal life is to follow and obey Jesus Christ. Many believers just want salvation. They don't want to go to hell, but they are not serious about following Jesus. .
Jesus is alive. He speaks. His sheep hear His voice, and they follow Him. Most Christian believers do not know Jesus. They do not know His voice and they do not follow Him. They are not His sheep. They believe they have salvation, but they are on their way to hell.
Jesus reveals Himself to those who obey the gospel, His commands, His words as they are recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Repent and be baptized in water. Stop sinning, live every day as Jesus taught, sin no more. Seek Jesus with all your heart and He will baptize you in His Holy Spirit. He will give His Spirit to come and dwell in you, to discipline you, teach and gude you in His ways. He will direct you and you will be able to follow Him.
Many hear the message and they say they asked Jesus, but He is not speaking to them. They are just not serious. They have no endurance. Most of them do not obey the words of Jesus. They do not repent and stop sinning. They do not go after Jesus. They are are lazy, good for nothing. They are not worthy of Jesus and His kingdom.
We have to diligently seek Jesus, go after Him, tirelessly, persevering, every day, until the end. Jesus said:"Deny yourself, pick up your cross, every day, and come her, follow Me."
Do you hear from Jesus? Are you serious about following Him? Get serious and go after Jesus with all your power, until the very end, or you else you have no hope of ntering His kingdom and having eternal life.
May Jesus bless you.
Thursday, April 5, 2018
The church way is not Jesus' way
The way that churches teach believers to live is not the way Jesus taught and showed us how to live.
The church ways are the ways of the world because church organizations are controlled and operated by worldly people. The seminary trained preachers are coached along the ways of the worldly churches. They do not know, nor follow Jesus, therefor they themselves do not know the ways of Jesus. How can they, who themselves do not know the way, teach others how to be disciples of Jesus?
The institutionalized churches butcher and twist the words of Jesus, to support their false teachings. Their doctrines turn believers into slaves of the church organizations, instead of making disciples of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ Himself showed us how to live. He gave us His instructions, His teachings and His commands, as they were also recorded in the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. He also gave the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth.
The words of Jesus are plain and simple, a child can understand them, but once believers have been indoctrinated by churches they are blind to the truth.
To follow Jesus is a way of living, His way, according to His commands, being led by His Spirit, the Holy Spirit, not by various doctrines and opinions of men. There is only one way to have eternal life, and that is to follow and obey Jesus, not by faith alone, or by any of the other doctrines that are taught by the churches.
Go and read the words of Jesus, in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, (the red letter words in some Bibles), for yourself, Read them as though you have never read them before. Then you will learn the ways of the kingdom of God. Take His words seriously and obey them. Repent and be baptized in water. Turn from your worldly and wicked ways. Live your life to please Jesus, Stop sinning. Examine yourself. Pray and Jesus will guide you. The Holy Spirit will convict you of things in your life that are not pleasing to Jesus. Eliminate those things, get rid of them, stop doing them.The Holy Spirit will remind you of the words of Jesus, as they are also recorded in the gospel. He will speak to you in your mind, in your conscience, sometimes through dreams, to show you the way.
Change your ways. Focus your life on what Jesus requires of you. If you are not sure, pray and ask Jesus to guide you. Fill your mind with Jesus and His words. Stop watching TV. Stop playing senseless video games. Stop going after sensuality, entertainment and idle pleasure. Get rid of and avoid worldly media, books, music, games. Stop going along with worldly friends They will lead you away from Jesus. Testify to them and if they reject you, move on. Go after Jesus. Do not go after people for their acceptance. Change your way of living. Stop being lazy. Work hard at whatever you do, whether it be school or work. Do it to glorify Jesus. If it is not pleasing to Jesus, stop doing it, or change direction. Much of what people study is senseless, even satanic. Ask Jesus for guidance and direction. He will show you, whether to change study direction or work.
Live within your means. Get out of debt.
Honor Jesus in everything you do, In all relationships, Jesus must come first. Ask His wisdom and guidance. Do not fornicate or commit adultery. Live holy. Live in peace with all people, even those who hate and reject you, those who treat you badly. In all relationships, seek the guidance of Jesus, with your spouse, your children, your family. Live to please Jesus. Seek Him in prayer. Ask Him to baptize you in the Holy Spirit, to fill you with His Holy Spirit . Commit your life to Jesus and live every day to please Him.
If you do these things Jesus will reveal Himself to you. He will guide and teach you. You will know Him for real. Do not think that it will be easy. Many days will seam impossible, but if you stay with Jesus you will overcome. Jesus will make a way for you if you follow Him. If you don't you will not enter His kingdom, and you will not have eternal life.Tere is only one way, Jesus' way.
Do not go after the ways of the churches. those ways lead to destruction. Follow Jesus, His way. Stay with Him until the end and you will have LIFE.
May Jesus bless you.
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Worried about the wrong things
Most Christian believers are worried about the wrong things. The only thing that a follower of Jesus should be worried about is his relationship with Jesus.
If you are serious about following Jesus you will absorb the words of Jesus as they are recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. You will obey His teachings. You will repent and be baptized in water. You will stop sinning and be holy. You will be praying and seeking Jesus' guidance and approval. You will be asking Him for wisdom and understanding. You will desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit, to be led by Him.
Jesus Christ is the way, the life and the truth. Jesus is all we need, but most believers do not know Him nor follow Him. They are busy with dead religious practices and entertainment.
In the end, all that will matter is whether we knew Jesus, served Him, obeyed Him, and followed Him. We have to be bearing fruit for the kingdom of God and bringing glory to Jesus. We can only do that if we remain with Him and in His will.
How is your relationship with Jesus? Is He pleased with you?
May Jesus bless you.
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Stand Up For Jesus
Many people say they are Christians and that they believe in Jesus. They believe Jesus died for them so that they can have life, a good life, but very few are willing to stand up for Jesus and His words. They are ashamed to be associated with Jesus.
When you talk about Jesus, Christians will ask you what church you belong to. when you tell them that you do not belong to a church, but to Jesus, they look at you as though you are crazy. They associate with their church organization but to associate with Jesus to them, is weird.
They run after celebrity preachers, theologians and church leaders and they quote their wo rds and teachings, but they do not quote the words of Jesus.
Most Christians are Bible believers, but they avoid the words of Jesus as they are recorded in the Bible, in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They rather quote some other scriptures. Most of them will tell you that it is impossible to stop sinning. Jesus said that he who sins is a slave to sin. If Jesus has set you free you will be free from the bondage of sin.
When you testify that Jesus speaks to you, He guides and teaches you, modern day Christians want to send you for psychiatric treatment, because you are hearing voices.
Jesus said His sheep hear His voice and they follow Him. They do not hear voices, they know their Master's voice. They do not listen to strangers.
Most Christian cannot talk about Jesus, they cannot witness for Jesus. Many who have met Him are ashamed of Him. They rather talk about thier church, their pastor, or they quote Bible verses and the sayings of famous preachers.
The true followers of Jesus stand up for Him. They are not ashamed of witnessing for Jesus and of standing for His words and for truth and righteousness. Jesus warned that if we deny Him before men, He will deny us before His heavenly Father and the holy angels.
Do we stand up for Jesus? Does the whole world know that we belong to and follow Jesus? What are we living for? If we are not living for Jesus and His kingdom, we are not His, and we will not enter heaven. Stand up for Jesus or He will deny you also.
May Jesus bless you.
Monday, April 2, 2018
Your Relationship With Jesus Is YOUR Responsibility
Nothing is more important for our eternal welbeing, than our relationship with Jesus Christ. When we die we will open our eyes in eternity, either to eternal life with Jesus or eternal life in damnation.
As we die so shall we awake in eternity. If we closely followed Him and selved Him, we will be with Him, but if we rejected and ignored Him we will spend eternity away from Him.
Our relationship with Jesus is strictly between us and Him. Nobody else can work on it for us. We have to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling.
Jesus is not concerned about your Bible knowledge or church attendance. He requires obedience. He said:"If you love Me. obey my commands." He also said that He will say to many in that day:"Go away I never knew you, you workers of iniquity." Believing in Jesus cannot save us if we do not obey Him and live Holy and righteously.
The approval of men will not help you to get into heaven, whether it be your Christian friends, your pastor or any other person. We need the approval of Jesus.
Obey Jesus, repent and be baptized in water, live in holiness and righteousness in accordance with His words as also recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Seek Jesus always, and He will give His Holy Spirit in you to teach and guide you so that you can be pleasing to Him.
Your Relationship With Jesus Is YOUR Responsibility. Make sure that Jesus is pleased with you today and every day of your life until the very end.
May Jesus bless you.
Sunday, April 1, 2018
Do not be distracted
Salvation is about following and obeying Jesus Christ. Jesus is alive. He gives His Holy Spirit in those who obey Him and wish to follow Him. Without Jesus we can do nothing. Just believing in Jesus is not enough. We have to obey the gospel of Jesus Christ, His words as also recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Repent and be baptized in water. Stop sinning, live according to the words of Jesus, seek Him with all your heart and He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit. He will give His Spirit, the Holy Spirit, in you to teach and guide you but you have to go after Him. Stay focused on Him and do not allow yourself to be distracted. Follow Jesus, the guidance of His Holy Spirit. Those who are being led by the Spirit of God (the Holy Spirit), they are the children of God.
Many believe in Jesus, but they do not obey Him. Most of them never received the Holy Spirit. Few of those who did receive the Holy Spirit follow His guidance and that is why they will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
Many seek and receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit but once they have received the Holy Spirit baptism, they think they are saved and guaranteed of going into heaven when they die.
We have to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, every day and not allow ourselves to be distracted from going after Him, staying focused on Jesus, in constant prayer, always having Jesus on our mind throughout every day. If we allow ourselves to be distracted we will stray from Jesus and get drawn away from Him and from doing His will.
satan will try everything to distract you and destroy your relationship with Jesus. There are many things that can distract us, friends, family, work, internet, media, social media, the news, politics, cellphones, hobbies, religion, church activities, studies, TV, movies, temptation... the list is endless. We have to stay focused on Jesus and be led by the Holy Spirit or else we cannot bear fruit for His kingdom, we cannot be pleasing to Him and we will not enter His kingdom.
The Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth, but we have to follow Him. He will guide us in all aspects of life; work, studies, marriage, raising our children, discipline, relationships, friends, where to live, what to wear, what car to buy, witnessing for Jesus, bearing fruit for His kingdom, everything. We have to live our lives for Jesus and His kingdom, always pray and seek His guidance in all things, even the smallest of things. He will give us wisdom and understanding, of all things. Nothing is more important than our relationship with Jesus and our obedience to Him.
Do not allow yourself to be distracted from Jesus. Do not spend your time on your cellphone or in front of the TV. Spend time with Jesus, in prayer, meditation, waiting on Him, listening to Him, praising and thanking Him for His goodness, always focused on Jesus. Always have Jesus on your mind. Jesus is the only way, stay with Him until the very end.
May Jesus bless you.
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