Monday, October 31, 2016


You have to stay focused on Jesus until the very end and do what is pleasing to Him to have eternal life, to enter into His kingdom. Many people start out well but then they get distracted. They go back to sin, they turn away from Jesus. If you have turned away from Jesus, if you've been distracted, go back to Jesus. Get your focus on Him and stay focused on Him until the very end. It is all about following Jesus Christ, keeping your eyes on Hm, praying, having Jesus on your mind, being filled with His Spirit. Jesus Christ alone is the Way the Truth and the Life. There is no other.

It is about our relationship with Him not with other Christians, not with other people. It is not about our Bible knowledge or our dedication to the church, or fellowship with other Christians; it is about our relationship Jesus. Jesus said: "Follow Me." Jesus is the WAY. Stay focused on Jesus and follow Him. Do not allow anything to distract you. If you stumble, go back to Jesus and stay focused on Him until the very end.

May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Consequences of BELIEVING in Jesus Christ

If you hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and you take Him seriously then there will be some serious and severe consequences, because you will be changed inside, if you except Jesus Christ and you are born again. You will not be the same person anymore, you will be a new creature. You will not have the same taste for sin, for the things of the world, for the same friends, and the same activities, same desires, the same ambitions anymore. You will be different. You will have different values. That happened to me when I took Jesus Christ seriously. I changed, I was a different person. At work I was a different person; I was not the same fun person anymore. I did not enjoy the same things with the same people anymore. I did not participate in the same idle chatter, I was different and there were consequences. I was a senior manager at a big company and my boss called me in,  he said to me:"What has happened to you? You are not the same person anymore," and I said to him: "I have met Jesus and I realized that I was heading the wrong way, but I've turned around, I'm going a different direction I want to be pleasing to Jesus." My boss said to me:"You do not fit in here anymore. I want your resignation, right now."  I was fired. That was one of the consequences of my faith of believing in Jesus, of being born again and the consequences have not changed. I've been rejected by friends, by family. I have been hated, I've been persecuted, because I do not fit in anymore. I have a different outlook on life, I am NOT of the world, I am of Jesus Christ. I want to be pleasing to Him. I do not care for the same things anymore. There will be consequences when you decide to follow Jesus Christ. When Jesus sends you where He wants to use you, you will have to obey and go where He sends you. When He tells you to do something you will have to do it, you will have to obey Him. That is one of the consequences.

Those consequences never stop. If you believe in Jesus Christ and you go after Him then many things will happen to you, many things will happen in and through your life there will be consequences. If you follow Jesus Christ your life will be eventful.

Many people say they believe in Jesus Christ for salvation but nothing changed. Their life didn't change, they didn't change, everything is just the same. They are as worldly and as sinful as they used to be. They never changed, because they never really believed. If you you believe in Jesus Christ you will be changed, you will be a new creature. You will be a child of God and you will constantly seek to do His will. You will not be at home in this world anymore. You will not enjoy the pleasures of sin.

Many people say they believe in Jesus and they say they love Him, but they battle with sin. If you follow Jesus Christ you will suffer and if you have suffered the consequences of following Jesus Christ then you will not have desire for sin anymore. You will desire to be pleasing to Jesus. If you have seen the kingdom of God, if you have met Jesus Christ for real you will be changed. You will have a different view of life, you will have your sights set on the kingdom of heaven and you will be seeking to please Jesus, your Lord and your Master because you will know Him for real. That is the consequence of getting to know Jesus Christ. You will be a new creature.

Has your life changed? Have your circumstances changed? Have you changed? Have there been consequences,since you believed in Jesus Christ?

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Voice of God

Many people claim that God has spoken to them, but it is a terrifying thing when God does speak to you. He does not just

speak into your ear, the voice of God permeates through every part of your being. God is spirit and His voice cuts through you.

As the writer of Hebrews wrote in Hebrews 4:12 "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit. of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart . And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do." It is a terrifying thing when God speaks to you because His voice permeates every part of your being.

If God has spoken to you, you will have no doubt that God has spoken to you. God is a God of love, but He is also a terrifying, terrible God. God is not our equal, God is GOD Almighty. If He has spoken to you, you will fear Him and you will respect Him. Nobody who has heard the voice of God will take Him lightly.

May Jesus bless you

Friday, October 28, 2016

Your Relationship with Jesus Christ

If we follow and obey Jesus Christ and do what is pleasing to Him then we have peace in our hearts, and we have CONFIDENCE to go to Him in prayer. When we pray, we know that He hears our prayers and that He answers our prayers.
If we closely follow Jesus Christ and look after our relationship with Him, then we know that
He will never leave us and He will never forsake us. It does not matter what is happening in the world around us, it does not matter what our circumstances are; we can be in the darkest of places, in the most difficult situations, but Jesus is with us and we have CONFIDENCE, we
have peace in our hearts because we know that Jesus Christ is in us, and
nothing can happen to us, that He does not allow, or that He does not
approve of, because Jesus Christ is with us. But if we go away from
Jesus, if we disobey Him, if we live in sin and rebellion, then we do
not have confidence to go to Jesus; we do not have His peace in us, we
live in fear and uncertainty and the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin,
of our wickedness and we feel that we are always in grave danger, and
anxiety. If our relationship with Jesus Christ is not right then we are
in danger of Hell fire.
There's only one safe place in this whole
world and that is to be close to Jesus. Jesus in you, you in Him and His
peace and His power abiding in you. How is your relationship with Jesus
Christ? Are you in His piece and in His confidence? Are you doing what
is pleasing to Him? Do you follow Jesus Christ every day? Is Jesus
Christ real to you?
May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

The POWER In You

In this world we will have tribulation, trials and temptation, but it is only those that overcome, that will have the prize of eternal life.
Jesus Christ gives you the power to overcome. If he lives in you, if His Spirit is in you, it is the Holy Spirit the Power that keeps you alive and that gives you the power to overcome, but you have to fight, you have to resist the devil, you have to face trials and temptations, and you have to overcome in the Name of the Lord. But if the Lord Jesus, His Holy Spirit, is not in you, then you cannot fight in His Name. Then you do not have the power to overcome. If you have not submitted your life to Jesus, if you do not yield to Him, if His spirit does not dwell in yo, then you will not have power to overcome. If you are living in sin and disobedience to Jesus, then you will not have the power to overcome.
You need to be led by the Spirit of God not by your own lusts, not by temptations, not by the things of the world, you have to be led by the Spirit of God, to walk in the power of God. Do we have the power of God in us? Do we have that Holy Spirit power in us?
Are we fighting in the power of the Spirit? Or are we being defeated in our own power? That is why many believers cannot
overcome, they do not have the Spirit of Christ in them. They do not have the power to overcome. Do we have that Holy Spirit power in us? Are we overcoming? Are we overcoming and are we
living and walking in victory every day, because we have the power the Spirit of Christ in us?
May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Drop your Bible and Follow Jesus Christ

To be a child of God means to be born again of the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ Himself living in you, guiding you, and teaching you. You follow and obey Him ,to be a child of God.
It does not mean carrying a Bible and applying biblical principles according to your own mind; that is religion. That
is carnal. That is not following Jesus Christ. You need to be led by the Holy Spirit. If you do not have the Spirit of Christ in you and you do not follow and obey Him, then you cannot be a disciple of Jesus Christ you cannot be a child of God. Obey Jesus Christ, repent and be baptized in water and invite Jesus into your life. If you obey Jesus and seek Him with all your heart, He will come and dwell in you. He will guide you and He will teach you and you will know Him for real. If Jesus is not in you then you are not of the kingdom of God.
May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Faith and Religion Cannot Save You

Many people trust in their faith. They trust in those things that they
believe in but sadly most of them believe lies. Many are just religious.
Others say that they believe in Jesus Christ for salvation but that
faith cannot save them if they do not obey Jesus Christ, if they do not
know him for real.

Salvation is not about what you believe. It is
about knowing, following and obeying Jesus Christ, the Living God. There
is only one way to have forgiveness of our sins, there is only one way
to be a child of God, and that is to be born again by the Spirit of God.
When you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Master and you take
action, you obey Him, you repent of sin, you turn from your wicked ways,
and you are baptized in water, and you seek Jesus Christ with all your
heart, He will give His Holy Spirit in you to guide you; to be your
constant companion. He will teach you all things so that you will know
Jesus Christ for real, and that you will become part of His kingdom, the
kingdom of God.

Salvation is not about what you believe, how you
believe. It is about knowing the truth, knowing Jesus Christ, believing
His words and obeying Him, it is about being a born-again child of God.
There's only one way to have eternal life, and that is Jesus Christ.
Seek Him, follow Him, and obey Him, draw closer to Him and He will draw
closer to you. Obey His words and He will reveal Himself to you, and you
will know Him for real. Jesus Christ alone is the Way, the Life and the
Truth, there is no other.

May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Spiritual Survival

Many people hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and they believe.  many of
them are born again but very few of them survive. Very few of them
endure with Jesus Christ until the end, because they do not realize that
when you accept Jesus Christ and you are born again of the Spirit of
God, you enter into a spiritual battle field, satan and his armies are
against you and he will try to destroy you.

We cannot fight against
the devil in the natural. Even with your best intentions,even with all
the Bible knowledge in the world, and all your own power you cannot
stand against satan, you cannot stand against the wiles of the devil.

cannot survive on your own. Most believers do not make it, they are
destroyed by satan. The reason is that they never earned to trust in
Jesus, never learned to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. satan
will try his utmost to snare you, to lay traps for you, to distract you,
and in most cases he succeeds, because believers trust in their natural
abilities, natural senses and then their own power, to overcome satan.
We cannot overcome on our own. We need to follow the guidance of the
Holy Spirit, we need to be spiritually perceptive to overcome, and we
can only be spiritually perceptive if we are tuned in to the Holy
Spirit; through prayer, through being filled with the Holy Spirit and
following the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Without Jesus Christ we can
do nothing. He sent the Holy Spirit to teach us and to guide us into all

We cannot survive on our own. We cannot survive on Bible
knowledge, we cannot be led by other people. We need to be led by the
Holy Spirit and that is why most believers do not survive. They have a
good intentions but they don't survive because they are fighting in
their own power. They trust in other people, they trust in themselves,
they trust in their own knowledge of the Bible, but they do not trust in
the Holy Spirit, they do not trust in Jesus. They have never learned to
listen to Him, to trust Him, to obey Him and to follow Him and that is
why their perish, that is why they do not survive.

Are you being led
by the Holy Spirit? Is your focus on Jesus Christ or are you trusting in
the Bible, your preacher, other people? Without Jesus we can do
nothing. Go on your knees and cry out to Him, seek Him with all your

Ask Him to always fill you with His Spirit. Seek more of Jesus
every day. Let Him live in you and dwell in you, and stay tuned in,
vigilant. Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and trust Him. Let Him
guide you and teach you. That is the only way that you will endure and
survive until the end.

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

A New Mindset A New Way Of Living

If you are a born again child of God, you are a new creation, and you
have a new mindset. You have Jesus Christ on your mind all the time, and
because you have Jesus in your mind and on your mind, He fills you with
His thoughts, you have the mind of Christ. You have a new way of living
because you live for Jesus and for His kingdom. Your thoughts are
filled with Him. His Spirit dwells in you because your mind is on Him
and you seek Him all the time, in prayer and in your thoughts. He fills
your life. When you wake up in the morning your thoughts are about
Jesus, about what He wants of you, what He requires of you. When you
wake up at night your thoughts are with Jesus, because He

speaks to
you. He speaks to in dreams; He puts His mind in you, He gives you
wisdom and understanding. He teaches you His ways because your mind is
set on Him.

A child of God sets mind on Jesus and on the things
above, and he seeks revelation from his Lord and Master, from Jesus
Christ,  he seek his guidance from Jesus and Jesus fills in with a
divine inspiration; He teaches him and he guides him. A born-again 
child of God lives for Jesus. He does not live for himself anymore, for
his own ambitions, for his own desires. He desires to do the will of
God. He desires to know the will of God  therefore his mind is on Jesus
and he seeks to learn from Him. Have you been born again of the Spirit
of God? Do you have the mind of Christ? Are you living for the kingdom
of God. Jesus  said, "seek first the kingdom of God and His
righteousness and all the other things will be added unto you."

you of the kingdom of God? Is your mind on the King, on our Lord and
Master, Jesus Christ? Are you serving Him and is He  guiding your
footsteps? Are you bearing fruit for the kingdom of  heaven because the
spirit of God dwells in you?

There's only one way to be pleasing to
God is only one way to  enter the kingdom of heaven and that is to have
the mindset of Christ. Seek Jesus with all your heart and He will fill
you with His mind. He will guide you and He will teach you. He will
make  you fruitful for the kingdom of heaven.

Seek Jesus and live.

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, October 21, 2016

My help is from the Lord

Jesus Christ is my Lord. He saved me from sin and He saved me from hell. He made me a child of God, He made me new inside. I am born again and I belong to Him. All my help comes from Jesus Christ.

He is my shepherd. He lives inside of me, He gave His Holy Spirit to dwell in me and He teaches me. He guides me. He gives

me wisdom and understanding. He provides in all my needs. He warn me against harm and the snares of the devil. I stay with Jesus Christ because He is my everything. Al my help comes from Him. Is Jesus Christ your Lord?

Have you been born again? Are you a child of God and does your

help come from Jesus Christ? Without Jesus we can do nothing. Without Jesus Christ we have no hope and no future, no expectation. Does your help come from Jesus Christ?

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Why all the Disaster, Pain, Suffering, War in the World?

People ask why is there so much disaster, sickness, war, pain and suffering in this world? Why does God not take all these things away, if He cares about us? The truth is that God cares about us, but this world does not care about God.

This world has turned it's back on God. They reject God. God loves us and He cares for us and He is speaking . He is calling mankind back to Him. God makes His sun shine on all people, good and bad, but when God takes His hand away from us then things go bad.

God also speaks through natural disaster, through things that happen to us, because He cares for us. God speaks and those with ears, hear Him. God also speaks to His children. He disciplines them and He punishes them when they do wrong. Those with ears, those who hear, they repent of their evil ways and they turn back to God, but those who persist in their evil, in their wickedness, they will perish in their sin and they will end up in damnation.  God is speaking to you and to me, because He cares, and He wants to give us the very best , but if we keep on rejecting Him we will bear the consequences. The wages of sin is death. Without Jesus there is no hope, there is no life, there is no expectation.

If you do not repent you will also perish, disaster will also come on you. Seek Jesus while you can. He is the only way. You must be born again to enter the kingdom of God. You must be a child of God, a saint, not a sinner.

Repent and be baptized. Be filled with the Holy Spirit of God. Seek Jesus and ask Him to save you from your sin. Seek Him while He can be found. Seek Him before it will be for ever too late.

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

You need a total makeover to enter heaven

You need a total makeover to be suitable to enter the kingdom of God. You need to be renewed, made over, born again to be a child of God. You need to be born of the Spirit of God and you need to have the Holy Spirit of God in you in order to be a child of God and enter the kingdom of God. The world unbelievers and unborn-again believers cannot receive the Holy Spirit. You need to be born again of water and of the Spirit of God to have the Holy Spirit of God dwelling in you, so that you can be in communion with Him, so that you can see the kingdom of God, can hear His voice, and be part of His kingdom.

You need to be made over, renewed, born again, First you need to be cleaned up, purified, cleansed of all unrighteousness,  through repentance with sorrow and contrition, you need to regret your past life style of sin and self centeredness, and you need to ask Jesus Christ to pardon you of your sin. But you

must turn away from that sin, repent clean up your life, clean up your closet, clean up your house. Get rid of all  unrighteousness and cleanse your body, so that your body can be a temple of the Holy Spirit. Your body must be cleansed through  water baptism.

After you have repented you need to be baptized in water for the washing off of your previous sin, and for your old man of sin to be buried, in a grave of water so that out of that Baptismal water can arise a new man, born again of water, a new creature, that will follow and obey Jesus Christ; a creature that will be suitable and receptive for the Holy Spirit of God, so that you  can be born again of the Spirit of God. You need to be filled with the Holy Spirit that Jesus promised to those who obey Him. If you have repented and been baptized in water, you must ask Jesus Christ to fill you with the Holy Spirit, so that the  Spirit of Christ can dwell in you, and that you can be in  communion with Hm,so that you can be filled with a Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of God, and be able to serve His kingdom, be in communion with Him. If you do not have the Holy Spirit and  you do not follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit you cannot be part of the kingdom of God.

You need a total makeover, you need to be born again of water and of the Spirit of God, like Jesus Christ commanded. You need to be filled with the Holy Spirit and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to be able to serve in the kingdom of God. Have you been born again of water and of the Spirit of God?

Have you received the Holy Spirit of Christ? Is He dwelling in you and do you follow His guidance? Those who are being led by the Spirit of God, they are the children of God; not those who just believe in Jesus. We need to be filled with the Holy Spirit and be led by the Holy Spirit to be part of and to be able to enter into the kingdom of heaven. Have you been born again of water and of the Spirit of God? Are you part of the kingdom of God?

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Winners Overcomers Sons of God

The Holy Spirit is leading and guiding many children of God, sons of God, to victory. They have victory over the flesh, over sin, over temptation, they are led by the Holy Spirit and that is why they are overcoming, that is why they will win.
Those are the born again children of God, those who are born again of water and of the Holy Spirit of God. They have the Holy Spirit of Christ in them, and they follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit every day. He is guiding them, He is teaching them, He is leading them to victory. They are the army of God, they are the warriors of God, they are the children of God, they are overcomers. They are not of this world, they are of the kingdom of God; they are the true followers of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ was the first born Son of God and those who truly follow Him , they are the sons of God; they are being led by the Spirit of God. They are doing His will, following Him every day, listening to His voice and they will enter His kingdom.
Are you one of those children of God, winners, overcomers, that are focused on Jesus, doing His will and following Him every day? Are you one of them?
May Jesus bless you.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Jesus Christ is not far away

Jesus Christ is not far away. He is close to us, by us, but many people do not know that, because they do not see, Him because they never met Him.

Jesus spoke to His disciples, as we read in John 16:18, He said:"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. 19“After a little while the world will no longer see Me, but you will see Me; because I live, you will live also. 20“In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. 21“He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.”

That is why those who love and obey Jesus Christ, they know Him. They will SEE Him. They will know that He is in the Father, and the Father is in Him, and He is in them, because they are a temple of the Holy Spirit.

We read further in verse 22 "Judas (not Iscariot) said to Him, “Lord, what then has happened that You are going to disclose Yourself to us and not to the world?” 23Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him. 24“He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father’s who sent Me."

If we love Jesus, we will obey His words, His commands, the words He spoke, as also recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John; and then Jesus will come and live in us. We are a temple of the Holy Spirit. He will disclose Himself to us and we will SEE Him. We will HEAR Him. His sheep HEAR His voice, they listen to Him and they follow Him, they know Him. They know He is not far away. He is near , even IN them.

If you love Jesus and you obey Him, He will come and dwell in you and you will know Him for real. Many professing Christians believe that Jesus is far away. It is because they do not know Him, they are just religious.

If you obey Jesus, repent and be baptized in water, and be filled with the Holy Spirit, then Christ will dwell in you. You will HEAR His voice and you will know Him for real. You will know that He is not far away, because He will be living in you.

Do you know Jesus Christ? Does He dwell in you?

May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Requirement to Enter Heaven

There is one essential requirement to enter the kingdom of heaven. I
have written this down in the form of a tract  and I posted it on my
website. You are free to download and print it and distribute it as you
please. I post the link to this download at the bottom of this video. I
am reading this tract because I cannot say it better than I have written
it down.

You MUST be Born Again

You cannot educate a slave into royalty because he was born a slave and even if you put him
in a palace he will still be a slave because in his heart he is a slave.
You cannot educate a sinner and make him a child of God because he was
born into the slavery of sin. Jesus said that he who sins is a slave of

You need to be BORN AGAIN, you need to be BORN INTO
YOU WILL ALWAYS REMAIN A SLAVE OF SIN.  You cannot educate a person to
be a child of God, he needs to be born again and that is what Jesus
meant when He said to Nicodemus, as it is written in John 3:3-8 “Jesus
answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, UNLESS ONE IS
“How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time
into his mother’s womb and be born, can he?” 5Jesus answered, “Truly,
CANNOT ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD. 6“That which is born of the flesh
is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7“Do not be
amazed that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ 8“The wind blows
where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it
comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the

A person who is born again of the Spirit of God IS A
NEW MAN. The world does not understand him and that is why Jesus said he
is like the wind, you don't know where it comes from and where it is
going next because that person is led by the Spirit of God. He can see
the kingdom of God.

If you are not born again you cannot
visualize, you cannot understand the kingdom of God, you are not of the
kingdom of God, you are not royalty, YOU ARE A SINNER. You need to be

He who is in Christ is a NEW MAN, the old things
have passed away, HE IS NOT A SLAVE OF SIN ANYMORE, he is royalty, he is
a child of God, HE IS A SAINT.

Have you been born again? Do you
want to be born again and become a child of God? Then you must REPENT,
you must FALL ON YOUR KNEES AND CRY OUT TO JESUS. Say:”Lord, I want You
to be my Lord and Master. I don't want to be a slave of sin any more!
Please set me free from the bondage of sin! I don't want to live the
life of a sinner any more! I want to be a child of God!” Jesus will set
you free. He will forgive your past sins and He will set you free from
the bondage of sin and addiction. He will make you royalty, He will make
you born again! He will make you a child of God, and then you have to
go and bury the old man, you must go and BE BAPTIZED IN WATER so that
the old man of sin can be buried under the water and out of it comes a
new man, a new creature in Christ and then you ask Him to baptize you in
have the Spirit of Christ, you do not belong to Him.

If you are in Christ you are NEW! You are not of the world anymore, you are a
different person. You cannot help but be a witness for Jesus because you
are filled with the Spirit of God and you desire to do the will of God!

A born again child of God follows the guidance of the Holy
Spirit. "Those who are being led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons
of God." They listen to God and do His will.

Have you been born again? Or have you just been educated into religion? It is not
about education, it is about REGENERATION. Have you been regenerated?
Are you NEW INSIDE? Ask Jesus for the NEW BIRTH and He will change you
inside, HE WILL MAKE YOU ROYALTY, He will make you a child of God. Then
OBEY Him. Follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit that He will give in
you UNTIL the end. Follow no man, follow Jesus Christ.

YOU must be born again to enter the kingdom of Heaven!

May Jesus bless you.

You are welcome to download this tract and distribute it as you wish.

May we all be born again and serve Jesus as children of God until the very end.

May Jesus bless you.

Downloadable Tracts:

Saturday, October 15, 2016

There is No Easy Way to Heaven

There is no easy way into the kingdom of heaven. There is no  shortcut, no manual, no road map. There's only one way and that is Jesus Christ; knowing Him, following Him, and obeying Him until the very end.
Jesus Christ is the Way. He is the narrow door, and Jesus Christ Himself will decide who will enter Heaven and who not. To those who do not know Him, those who rejected Him, those who did not follow Him, He will say:"Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness." There is only one way to enter the kingdom of heaven and that is to believe in Jesus, and to obey Him. Obey the gospel of Jesus Christ; to repent of sin and serving yourself, doing your own will, going after your own desires, and to commit yourself to Jesus Christ; to be pure and holy, sin no more. Then be baptized in water for the washing off of your sin, and as a confession of your commitment to follow Jesus Christ.

When you come up out of that water of baptism you are born again of water, and then you need to be born again of the Spirit of God. You need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit so that you can be born again of water and of Spirit; then you can follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, Jesus Christ in you, because He comes and dwells in you. You need to follow and obey Him, serve Him go after Him; learn from him and do His will, endure with Him until the very end of your life, to enter the kingdom of heaven.
There is no other way. Jesus Christ is the only WAY. Follow Him
and obey Him, to have eternal life.
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, October 14, 2016

I always get an answer from Jesus

I always get an answer when I go on my knees before Jesus Christ and I pray. Jesus Christ is my Lord, my King, my Master. He cares for me and He cares for everybody.

Jesus Christ will never reject anyone who comes humbly before Him, who prays and trusts Him. Jesus Christ always answers my prayers. Jesus Christ is the answer. He is the WAY, He is the TRUTH, He is the LIFE. Jesus Christ is the only solution. If you

humble yourself before Jesus, go on your knees, cry out to Him, He will answer you.

Trust Him, and wait on Him. He is faithful. He will answer your prayers.

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Royal Behavior

Born again children of God, are different from the rest of the world because they are ROYALTY, they belong to the kingdom of God and therefor they behave themselves as royalty. They behave themselves as children of God.

The apostle Peter wrote in 1 Peter 2:9 "But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God’s OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 10for you once were NOT A PEOPLE, but now you are THE PEOPLE OF GOD; you had NOT RECEIVED MERCY, but now you have RECEIVED MERCY.

11Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers to abstain from fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul. 12Keep your behavior excellent among the Gentiles, so that in the thing in which they slander you as evildoers, they may because of your good deeds, as they observe them, glorify God in the day of visitation."

Having been born again we have become children of God, and we follow after Jesus Christ. We follow His example and we do as He commanded, we live as He did.

We read in verse 21, Peter writes:"For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps, 22WHO COMMITTED NO SIN, NOR WAS ANY DECEIT FOUND IN HIS MOUTH; 23and while being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously; 24and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed. 25For you were continually straying like sheep, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls."

We must be worthy of Jesus Christ. We must be worthy of the kingdom of God. We must conduct ourselves in a way worthy of royalty, worthy of being sons and daughters of God. We must live and act in such a way that Jesus will be pleased with us, so that we can enter His rest and inherit His Kingdom.

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Born into Royalty

You can only become part of loyalty by birth. The very same you can only
become part of the kingdom of God if you are born again, into the
kingdom of God, if you are a child of God. You cannot educate yourself
into becoming a child of God.

You have to be born again as Jesus
Christ also said. We read in John chapter 3 verse 3 the words of Jesus
Christ" Jesus answered and said to him:"Truly, truly, I say to you
unless one is born

again he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
Nicodemus said to  Him:"How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot
enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born again, can he?
Jesus answered:"Truly, truly, I say to you unless one is born of water
and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.  That which is
born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is
spirit. Do not be amazed that I say to you 'You

must be born again.'
The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it but do not
know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is
born of the Spirit." You need to be born again of the Spirit of God to
become a child of God. The only way to enter the kingdom of God is to be
born again. We read in John 1:12, "but as many as received Him, (Jesus

to then He gave the right, (the power) to become children of
God, even to those who believe in His name, those who were born, not of
blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of  man, but of
God." You need to be born of God to enter into the kingdom of God, and
the only way that you can be born of God

is to believe in Jesus
Christ and to accept Him because Jesus Christ is the WAY and like he was
the Son of God. We have to become sons of God, we have to follow Him,
follow His commands, obey Him, and do as he commanded us, to become
children of God, to be born again. We have to accept Jesus Christ,
accept His way

and obey Him, repent and be baptized in water, be born
of water and then you will be born of the Spirit, because God will give
the Holy Spirit in you to be with you so that you can be born again of
the Spirit of God. Jesus Christ promised the Holy Spirit to those who
obey Him; to those who truly believe in Him and because they believe
they obey Him, repent and arel baptized in water and they seek the
in-filling with the Holy Spirit, to be born again of the Spirit of God,
so that they can enter the kingdom of God so that they can know the
voice of God, because they have become children of God. It is not a
matter of  education. You can study the Bible as much as you

you can apply biblical principles, you can become religious and go to
church, but if you are not born again of the Spirit of God and of water
you cannot enter the kingdom of God, because God will not give you the
Holy Spirit if you do not obey Him. If you do not repent and be baptized
you will not receive the Holy Spirit and you will not inherit the
kingdom of God, if you do not obey Him, if you do not follow the
guidance of the Holy Spirit. We are accepted and born into the kingdom
of God, into the household of God, and then we have to submit ourselves
to the discipline of God, to the rules of God, to the will of God. If we
do not submit to Him, if we do not love Him and obey Him, and stay in
His will, until the very end then we will not inherit His kingdom. The
kingdom of heaven is the inheritance of those who have been born again
of water and of the Spirit of God, and who obey the Spirit of God, those
who obey Him, those who stay with Him, with Jesus Christ until the very
end of their lives.

Those who serve Him as Lord, only they will
inherit the kingdom of God. Only they will become heirs. Only they will
have eternal life. We have to be born again into royalty, into the
household of God, and then we have to submit ourselves to Him and live
as sons of God, in the house of God, to be part of the kingdom of God.
Have you accepted Jesus Christ and obeyed Him? Did you  repent? Were you
baptized? Are you living by His words?

Have you received the Holy
Spirit? Are you born of the Spirit and being led by the Spirit of God?
Are you serving the kingdom of God, and do you have the hope and the
expectation of  inheriting the kingdom of God? Are you truly born again?

My Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The FATAL LIE that most Christians believe

The vast majority of Christian believers believe a LIE that will cause them to end up in hell. They believe that they will have salvation if they only believe in Jesus Christ and accept His free gift of eternal life. That is a LIE from satan.

The only way to enter the kingdom of heaven is to be born again. You need to be born again to become a child of God. The only way that you can be born again is if you believe in Jesus Christ and

accept Him as your Lord and Master and you obey Him. Jesus  requires of us that we repent, that we turn away from wickedness, that we turn away from self-gratification and from serving our selves, and that we serve and obey Him, serve Him as Lord. We need to repent and be baptized in water for the washing off of our sin and Jesus Christ will reveal Himself to us. He will give His Holy Spirit in us to guide us and to teach us so that we can be children of God. You need to be born again of water through baptism, of the Spirit of God through the Holy Spirit of Christ indwelling you, making you knew inside.

It is not enough just to believe in Jesus Christ. You will be terribly disappointed because Jesus Christ will say to most believers:" Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness," because they never repented they never turned away from their wicked ways, they never followed Jesus Christ, they never obeyed Him. They were never born again they never became children of God.

Do not be deceived, like so many Christian believers, who think that they have salvation but they are heading for destruction.

Seek Jesus while you can. He is alive. He will reveal Himself to you is real, if you ask Him, if you bow down before Him and cry out to Him. Jesus Christ will answer your prayers. Seek Jesus Christ with all your heart and get to know Him before it is forever too late.

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Many sons of God

Jesus Christ is the firstborn of many sons of God. Jesus said that we cannot enter the kingdom of heaven unless we are born again of water and of the Spirit of God. We have to be born again to become children of God, sons of God.
If we accept Jesus Christ and we obey His words, if we repent and are baptized in water, and we follow Him, then we will
become like Him. Jesus Christ proved that it is possible for flesh-and-blood, what we are, to do the will of God, to be perfect to become sons of God. Jesus came to redeem many,
those who would accept Him, those who would be born again and become sons of God, that inherit the kingdom of God. If we follow Jesus Christ then we become like Him. We do as He commanded, we are holy like He is holy, and we obey the
Father like He obeyed the Father. The apostle Paul wrote in Romans chapter 8 verse 14, "those who are being led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God," they are the children of God. Jesus Christ did not come to call believers, He came to call sons, to be born again into the kingdom of God, to bear fruit for the kingdom of God, to follow Jesus Christ, the firstborn, and be sons of God like He Himself is  Son of God. Have you been born again of the Spirit of God and of water? Have you become a son of God? Are you a child of God?
May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Discipline of God Reflection of Jesus

If we follow Jesus Christ
we will become like Him. If we call ourselves Christians and
followers of Jesus Christ we will be associated with Him and we have
to reflect Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ disciplines every child that He
receives. Everyone who accepts Him as their Lord and Master becomes a
child of God and He treats them as children. He teaches us, He cares
for us and He disciplines us.
The Holy Spirit will not
always treat us nicely. If we refuse to listen and obey and change
our ways to become like Jesus Christ and reflect Him, then He will
discipline us. He will chastise us. If we continue in our wicked ways
He will severely chastise us, He will punish us and in the end, if we
do not listen, if we do not obey, if we do not change to become like
Jesus Christ, He will cut us off and we will end up in hell with the
children of disobedience. Every branch in Christ that does not bear
good fruit will get cut off and burned. But first He will prune us,
He will correct us and then if we do not bear fruit, He will cut us
Jesus Christ cares for us.
He is long-suffering with us but there comes a day when the Holy
Spirit will no longer plead with us. He will discipline us, severely
discipline us, and then if we refuse to obey, refused to walk in His
ways, we will get cut off and burned. Not everyone who is a child of
God will enter into His kingdom. Not everyone who believes will
inherit the kingdom of God. It is only those who become like Jesus
because they walk with Him, it is only those who reflect Jesus Christ
who are worthy of Him that will enter His kingdom.
Are we becoming like
Jesus? Do we reflect Jesus Christ? Are we children of God, or are we
sons of the devil and children of disobedience? Do not regard it
lightly when the Holy Spirit convicts you. Do not reject or despise
the discipline of the Holy Spirit when He chastises, you when He
touches you in your body, when the works of your hands are destroyed
because God is trying to get your attention, to change to bring you
back to the truth, to bring you back to the narrow way, because if
you disregard the discipline of God you will end in destruction.
Follow Jesus, become like
Him, be the Light of the world and let the world see Jesus Christ in
you. You are the Bible that the world reads; you are the Jesus that
this world sees. Are we the light of the world? Are we worthy of
Jesus Christ?
May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Stay in the Boat

Many believers vow to remain faithful to Jesus Christ but when the storms of life come against them they get into doubt and they want to leave Jesus.
We read in Luke 8:22 "Jesus and His disciples got into a boat, and He said to them, “Let us go over to the other side of the lake.” So they launched out. 23But as they were sailing along He fell asleep; and a fierce gale of wind descended on the lake, and they began to be swamped and to be in danger. 24They came to Jesus and woke Him up, saying, “Master, Master, we are perishing!” And He got up and rebuked the wind and the surging waves, and they stopped, and it became calm. 25And He said to them, “Where is your faith?” They were fearful and amazed, saying to one another, “Who then is this, that He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey Him?”
The disciples were following Jesus Christ, the Messiah, and they believed in Him. They were in the boat with Him, but when the storm came up, and the winds picked up, and they looked at the waves, they got fearful; and He was sleeping inside the boat. They said:"Master, we are perishing," even though they were in the boat with Jesus Christ. And what did he say to them? He said:"Where is your faith?"
If we commit to follow Jesus Christ, if we get in the boat with Him, then the storms of life will come against us. In those times we have to decide whether we will stay with Him, obey Him and do as He commands. When friends and family leave us and reject us, when we are persecuted and rejected, then people get fearful, and they want to get out of the boat, they want to do things their way, not God's way. Jesus commanded us to turn the other cheek, not to defend ourselves. Jesus commanded us to love our enemies. Jesus commanded us to be faithful in all circumstances, not to deny Him. But when the storms of life come against people, then they are tempted to do things their own way, to defend themselves, to avenge themselves, to deny Jesus Christ, to get out of the boat, because they doubt whether Jesus is able to take them through that storm, to keep them safe. If we follow Jesus Christ we will encounter many storms, many trials, much tribulation, but the only safe place is to stay in the boat, stay with Jesus, because He is master of the storm. even though things look hopeless, even though it looks like the world is upside down, Jesus Christ is still the King of kings, He is still the Lord of lords and He is in control.
The only safe place is in the boat, with Jesus Christ. If you climb out of the boat you will perish. Stay with Jesus, trust Him, follow Him, obey Him and stay with Him and He will carry you through, He will keep you safe until the very end. Stay in the boat with Jesus.
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Something Good is Going to Happen to You

Something good is going to happen to you today, and every day of your life, if you put your focus on Jesus Christ and stay focused on Him until the very end. If you don't, you are heading for disaster.
Jesus Christ alone is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. If we do not have Jesus Christ, we have no hope, we have no life, we have no expectation.
Do you know Jesus Christ? Have you met Him? If you seek Him, you will find Him. Draw closer to Jesus and He will draw closer to you, and He will reveal Himself to you as REAL.
Jesus Christ is GOD.
Seek Him with all your heart. Get your focus on Him and He will change your life.
Something GOOD is going to happen to you today, IF you keep your focus on Jesus Christ.
May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Praying for a Breakthrough

You will sometimes hear believers say that they are praying for a breakthrough, a breakthrough in their finances, a breakthrough in the things that they want from God. The truth is that Jesus Christ will supply in all our needs if we seek His will, His kingdom.

The kingdom of God is not about a breakthrough in your and my desires. It is about submitting ourselves to the will of God and praying like Jesus commanded, "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done." It is a about denying ourselves, our own plans, and our own ambitions and our own visions, and going after Jesus, picking up our cross and following Him every day.

The kingdom of God is not about us and our desires. It is about doing the will of God. You do not need a breakthrough. You need to follow Jesus Christ. You need to submit yourself to Him, ask His guidance and follow Him.

Without Jesus Christ we can do nothing. We need to perform His will, His works. We need to submit ourselves to Him, obey Him and receive from Him, His guidance. We need to seek His guidance, follow Him and do His will.

When Jesus goes ahead of you and you follow Him, then He makes all things work together for good, because you are seeking to do His will, you are seeking the kingdom of God.

Stop praying for a breakthrough and submit yourself to Jesus. Seek His will, seek His kingdom and He will guide you. He will use you for His kingdom. While you are still seeking your own desires, you are selfish and self-centered, you are in rebellion against God.

Submit yourself to Jesus, seek His will and follow Him.

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Dead Eyes Empty Inside

The eyes of a man is the window to his soul. Many people are empty inside. Others are dead inside, without hope, without expectation. Only Jesus Christ, who made us, can fill that void.
If you do not have Jesus Christ inside of you, you are without hope; you are incomplete. You are damned and doomed.
Jesus Christ gives streams of LIVING WATER in those who seek Him, who obey Him and who follow Him.Without Jesus we are LOST. Without Jesus Christ, we have no hope!
Have you received Jesus Christ? Has He filled you with streams of Living Water? Does the Holy Spirit of Christ dwell in you and flow through you? Has He given you HOPE and PEACE beyond all understanding?
Do you have the LIFE of Jesus Christ in you?
May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Why Infant baptism is invalid deception

Infant baptism is an invalid, deceptive practice that does not lead to salvation.
This is what Jesus Christ commanded in Matthew 28:19,20 Jesus commanded: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. "
Jesus Christ commanded his disciples to first MAKE DISCIPLES, before they BAPTIZE them. A baby cannot be a disciple.
Jesus also commanded in Mark 16:15,16 "And He said to them “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16“He who has believed and has been baptized will be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned. "
A baby cannot BELIEVE and even if a person is baptized and he does not BELIEVE the gospel of Jesus Christ, His WORDS, as recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, then that baptism is useless, it cannot save him. You must first believe in Jesus Christ and become a disciple, you must obey Him. First repent and then be baptized to be saved.
To baptize infants is a COMMANDMENT OF MEN  and not a commandment of Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior.
This is what Jesus said about  the COMMANDMENTS OF MEN.
Matthew 15:7-9 “You hypocrites, rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you:
It is in vain and invalid to follow the commandments of men. we have to obey the gospel of Jesus Christ, obey His words, His commandments in order to have salvation.
Salvation is Jesus Christ. If we believe in Him and we obey Him He will give us eternal life, but if we disobey Him we will perish.
An infant cannot believe, neither can he become a disciple. An infant does not have sin.
Infant baptism is a COMMANDMENT OF MEN, it is a deception, it is a LIE.
May Jesus bless you.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Perfect Illusion

Most professing Christians
are living under a perfect illusion. They believe that they have
salvation security because they belong to a church and because they
were christened or baptized in their church when they were babies.
These people are utterly
deceived because they do not have salvation, they do not know Jesus
Christ, and when they die they will end up in hell. There is only one
way to have salvation and that is to know and to follow Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is alive. He is God and He reveals Himself to all those
who seek Him. His sheep hear His voice and they follow Him. I we do
not have a real relationship with Jesus Christ then we are doomed, we
will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
Your church membership and
being baptized by your church means absolutely nothing. Baby baptism
is invalid. It is a lie. It is a deception that was a born in other
Catholic Church. It is a lie from Satan. It is absolutely useless and
futile to be christened or baptized as a baby. Baptism is only valid
if you have accepted Jesus Christ, if you have committed to follow
and obey Him and to live your life to please Him, only thereafter can
you be baptized in water as a confession of your faith and your
commitment to die to sin and to live for Jesus Christ. A baby cannot
believe, a baby does not have any appreciation of sin, a baby cannot
repent. Infant baptism is an utter illusion it is a lie from Satan.
If you do not know Jesus Christ then you have no hope of salvation.
If we've heard the gospel of Jesus Christ and we believe in Him and
we obey His words, repent seek Him with all our heart, He will reveal
Himself to us. Then only must we be baptized in water. Jesus will
give His Holy Spirit in us to guide us and to teach us, to be with us
so that we can experience Him for real.
Dear friend, do you know
Jesus Christ for real? Or are you living under an illusion, a perfect
illusion of salvation but you are lost, you are doomed, you will end
up in hell? Seek the truth, seek Jesus Christ, get to know Jesus
Christ before it is too late.
May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

At what point does Jesus save you?

At what point does Jesus Christ save a person? Jesus Christ saves you the moment that you humble yourself before Him and cry out to Him and ask Him to save you, to forgive your sins, and to accept you as a child of God. He immediately accepts you. He immediately saves you, He immediately sets you free from the bondage of sin and of addictions. Jesus Christ makes you absolutely free, the moment that you call on Him.
The problem is that many people do not stay with Jesus, they go away from Him. They go back to their sin and they get entangled again and then they are in a worse situation than then they were before they came to Jesus. We only remain saved as long as we stay with Jesus, as long as we obey Him, and as long as we follow Him. If we do not stay with Jesus we do not stay saved anymore. He has accepted us as His own as His children but if we stray from Him and refuse to obey Him, we will get cut off and burned. Jesus said that:" every branch in M that does not bear fruit, will get cut off and burned." If we come to Jesus for salvation we have to obey Him. We have to immediately turn away from sin, immediately turn away from our previous lifestyle of self-gratification, doing what we wanted to do, and we have to go after Him.
We must immediately be baptized in water and we must seek the infilling of the Holy Spirit. We must seek Jesus in us and we must stay with Him. We must obey the guidance of His Holy Spirit. If we go away from Jesus we are in danger of Hell fire. If we backslide and no away from Jesus the Holy Spirit will convict us, He will discipline us,  He will draw us back to Him but if we continue in following our own mind, turning away from Him, eventually we will get cut off and burned.
Jesus loves us and He cares for us, but He will not force us to stay with Him. He said that if we deny Him, He will certainly also deny us. He is faithful, and nothing and nobody can snatch us out of His hand but if we turn our back on Him, if we go away from Him He will not hold us back. If we deny Him He will deny us. We are only safe and saved as long as we stay with Jesus, as long as we obey Him, as long as we obey His words; the words that He spoke as they are also recorded in the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The Holy Spirit that He will give in us will remind us of those very same words.  Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever. What He commanded when He walked on this earth He still requires of every disciple.
There is only one way to have eternal life and that is to serve the King, Jesus Christ; to follow and obey Him, to follow his commands as also recorded in the Gospels and to follow the guidance of His Spirit living in us, so that we can serve Him and do His will. If we turn away from Jesus we will be thrown out of His kingdom, we will be rejected.
We have to follow Him and serve Him until the very end, to enter His kingdom.
May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Come to Jesus while you are young

Jesus Christ said:"Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them because unto
such belongs the kingdom of heaven." We must have unconditional
childlike faith to follow Jesus Christ and inherit His kingdom.
Many claim to believe in Jesus Christ but they do not trust Him, they do not follow Him and
they do not obey Him, and that is why they will not inherit His
kingdom. Sadly the same people that profess to believe in Jesus but
do not follow Him, are the religious leaders of the world. They do
not know Jesus Christ. They just use His Name and they use religion
for their own benefits. They have made salvation a commodity that
they use to enrich themselves. They promised salvation to those who
follow and support them and who adhere to their teachings, but they
demonize and wage war against those who oppose them. Their religion
and their faith is selfish. It is all about themselves they are the
religious leaders of this world, the church leaders. The truth is
that these people do not know Jesus Christ. You must run away from
them, run to Jesus.
Trust Him with childlike, unconditional faith. Go on your knees, humble yourself before Him.
Pray and speak to Him from your eart, that which is in your heart.
Seek Him with all your heart and He will reveal Himself to you and
you will know Him for real, and if you obey Him you will inherit His
kingdom, you will have eternal life. Trust Him, expect Him, wait on
Him, listen to Him and He will speak to you. He will reveal Himself
to you. Jesus Christ is not far away. He is real, He is not hidden
from us, like those religious people would want to tell you. They
have made it impossible for the normal person to reach Jesus Christ,
but they themselves do not know Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God. He
cares for us, He is not far away. He is only a prayer away. Go on
your knees where you are. Speak to Him, call out to Him. He will
answer you, if you come to Him with unconditional childlike faith.
May Jesus bless you.