Friday, March 30, 2018

Only Jesus Can Help You

We will all die and we will all appear
before the judgment throne of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ alone will
decide who will go into heaven and who will go into hell.
Jesus warned that on that day, He will
say to many people:"Go away I never knew you, you workers of
wickedness." Many of them will be believers, because they
believed in Jesus but they never followed Him and nor obeyed Him.
They never got to know Him for real. The only person who can help us,
the only person who can give us eternal life, is Jesus Christ. He is
alive. All power and all authority belongs to Him and the final
judgment belongs to Him. We need to seek Jesus while He may be found.
The moment we die it is too late, but if we call on Jesus and seek
Him with all our heart He will give us life. We have to obey His
words; repent be baptized in water and go after Him. Follow Him. He
will give his Holy Spirit in us to teach and guide us. The Holy
Spirit will guide us into all truth and will tell us all things. We
will get to know Jesus Christ for real.
Do you know Jesus and does He know you?
What will Jesus say to you when you stand before Him in judgment.
Will He know you, or will He say to you:"Go away I never knew
you."? Get to know Jesus now before it is for ever too late.
Only Jesus can help you.
May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Are You Conquering?

Jesus calls us to triumph over evil, to destroy the works of the devil and to build His kingdom. Jesus calls us to victory, not to defeat. If we follow Jesus and we remain in Him we are more than conquerers, because He goes ahead of us and He is in us.

Most professing Christians are losers. They cannot even stop sinning. They say we are all sinners. They are slaves to sin. They have no selfcontrol, they cannot contain the lusts of their flesh. They are compromisers. They are fearful, giving in to satan without resistance. They say they believe in Jesus and they believe they are saved but they are no different from the world. They search the scriptures and study the end time prophecies, predicting the sudden return of Jesus. They hope for a rapture, for Jesus to pick them up and fly them to heaven before the great tribulation starts. They are deceived and lost. lovers of pleasure, rather than lovers of God. They just believe in Jesus, but they do not follow and obey Him. That is why they are powerless against the devil. They are not conquering. They are not building the kingdom of God and they will have no inheritance in the kingdom of God.

We have to follow Jesus, then  we will conquer, overcome and win.

We read in Revelation 21:7 “He who overcomes will inherit these things, and I will be his God and he will be My son. 8“But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

Are we conquering? Are we overcoming? Are we following Jesus?

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

His Ways Are Not Our Ways - A Testimony

Not one day in our Lives works out the
way that we expected to do and to me today was one of those days, but
Jesus determines our footsteps and we just have to be sensitive to
the Holy Spirit to be able to do what He wants us to do.
This morning I went for radiation
treatment at the hospital as I've been doing for the last month and
as I arrived they informed me that the radiation machine was out of
order. They were fixing it and I would have to be waiting for a while
before I could have treatment. I sat down in the waiting room to wait
for my treatment. There was a lady that is scheduled to be treated
before me every day. We always see each other in passing, she leaves
and I come in. We started talking. We first talked about our cancer,
and the treatment and the effects of the treatment. She was quite
down, despondent, and we talked about recovery, and hope of the
future, and I say to her that I'm in God's hand. Whatever happens is
in His hand and He determines our lives.
I had the opportunity of sharing my
testimony with her, of how Jesus called me, of how I died of a heart
attack 20 years ago and I was on my way to hell, and Jesus let me
come back to be His witness, to witness to the world that Jesus
Christ is alive and hell is real. I could share with my testimony and
the hope that I have in Jesus. She asked me many questions and we had
a long and fruitful discussion, which would not have happened if that
radiation machine did not break down. Jesus directs our footsteps. If
I was not there for treatment, and if that machine did not break down
I would not have been able to share my testimony with that specific
person. If that person was not also in the same boat, afflicted by
the same fearful sickness, cancer, that everybody fears, if it was
not that we had the same infirmity then she would most probably not
have even listen to me, but Jesus prepares the way, and her heart
was prepared to receive the message of Jesus Christ. There was hope.
I could speak to her. She was receptive. I could share my testimony.
I was so glad that I had the opportunity to speak to her to share
Jesus Christ. They called her for her treatment and she said to
me:"To be continued...", meaning our discussion. Before she
left the facility she stopped by my wife who was sitting in the
waiting room in front, and she said to as she was so glad that she
could have the discussion with her husband.
Dear friends, we do not understand why
we have got to go through certain things in life. It is not nice to
be diagnosed with cancer. It is not nice to be hospitalized. I've
gone through a lot of things in the past few months. While I was
hospital, I died twice. I have been in much pain but I have had the
opportunity to witness to so many people that otherwise I would never
have met, people who would otherwise never even have listened to me,
because the circumstances brought us together. Jesus Christ brought
us together so that I could fulfill His purpose and witness to
specific people that He put in my way.
We have the choice, when we meet other
people, to either talk about things that are not important; we can
talk about ourselves, we can talk about the weather, and politics,
but to us as followers of Jesus, we must see every opportunity as
directed by Jesus for us to be able to witness for Him. We must be
sensitive and wait for the opportunity to share our testimony. What a
wonderful privilege to be a witness for Jesus. What a privilege to
live for Jesus. What a privilege to suffer for the kingdom of God,
even if we've got to go through difficult times, through pain,
through hospitalization, through cancer, through the shadow of death,
in order to fulfill God's will.
We must use every opportunity to
witness for Jesus. We must be sensitive and recognize the opportunity
when it comes, so that we can tell other people about Jesus, give
them hope, put their hand in His hand and build the kingdom of God.
His ways are not our ways, but if we walk in His ways we can bear
fruit for His kingdom. Jesus makes the way. Just follow Him. He will
guide you. He will give you the words and He will make you bear fruit
for His kingdom, if you stay focused on Him.
May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The Churches are Not On Board

Church organizations are not part of
the kingdom of God. Churches are compromising with the world for
acceptability and acceptance. They have sold their soul to the devil.
They ordain homosexuals, fornicators and adulterers as pastors. They
do not only approve of abortions but many of them, themselves, kill
their unborn babies.
The kingdom of God is not about money,
tithing and church building. It is about holiness, righteousness and
obedience to Jesus. It is not about being politically correct and
conforming with the world, it is about about being led by the Holy
Spirit and doing the will of God.

The organized church leaders don't know
God. They do not know His voice. You don't hear from God because you
have a church and you read the Bible.You hear from God because you
obey Him and walk with Him

The organized churches are against the
kingdom of God. They are of the kingdom of satan. They lead the
people astray. If you belong to and support the worldly church
organizations, you are on the wrong side. You are on the side of
satan. The judgment of God is coming on the worldly churches and if
He finds you there you will suffer His wrath and punishment. It is a
terrible thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.

The true Body of Christ, the called out
ones, the Ekklesia, are not part of the church organizations. They
are led by the Holy Spirit and they follow Jesus. They do not follow
men. Each of them listens to the Head, Jesus Christ, and they do what
He commands. He is their Commander.
Get out of church and get on your knees
before Jesus. Obey Him, submit to Him and He will use you to
accomplish His will. He uses everyone who is willing and who wishes
to follow Him. He will guide and equip you, if you stay with Him and
listen to Him, but if you stay in church you will perish.

Nobody can serve two masters. Who will
you serve? Church or Jesus Christ?

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Jesus' Forgiveness is NOT Unlimited

Christian believers that do not stop sinning will not be forgiven and they will not enter heaven. God does not forgive those who repeat the same sins every day and pray for forgiveness, unless they truly repent of those sins, turn away from them, sin no more, and live holy and righteously.  Repeat offenders and sinners will perish.

We read in Hebrews 10”26For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27but a terrifying expectation of judgment and THE FURY OF A FIRE WHICH WILL CONSUME THE ADVERSARIES.28Anyone who has set aside the Law of Moses dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses.29How much severer punishment do you think he will deserve who has trampled under foot the Son of God, and has regarded as unclean the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has insulted the Spirit of grace? 30For we know Him who said, “VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY.” And again, “THE LORD WILL JUDGE HIS PEOPLE.” 31It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Repent and be baptized in water. Sin no more. Be righteous and holy. Follow Jesus until the end or you will end up in hell.

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Controlled by your cell phone?

This generation is controlled by the internet and the media. People walk around with cell phones and they have an app for everything. Christians are no different. They have  Bible app. They have a Church app. They have an app for everything and all they are interested in is their cell phone.

They do not trust in Jesus. They do not believe in Jesus. They rather trust and believe what their App tells them. That is why they are separated from Jesus. They do not have the Holy Spirit and they do not trust the Holy Spirit.

Those who are being led by the Spirit of God, they are the children of God. If we want to follow Jesus we have to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, not be dictated by a cell phone and an App and the media. We need to be led by the Spirit of God. We need to trust and follow Jesus Christ.

If we do not trust Jesus Christ more than anything and if we allow the media, the internet and our cell phone to come in between us and Jesus then we will not enter the kingdom of heaven.  We have to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit to be pleasing to Jesus.

Jesus gives His Holy Spirit in those  who believe in Him and who obey Him, and they follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Are we following the guidance of the Holy Spirit, or are we controlled by the media, the internet and out cell phones?

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, March 23, 2018

His Name is Jesus

The name most hated, feared and
rejected even by many professing Christians is Jesus. Many reject His
name and want others to call Him by His Hebrew name, Yeshua. These
people do not know Jesus. If they did they would know that His Name
is Jesus.
Jesus Christ has revealed Himself to me
as Jesus. I have fought and overcome the devil in the Name of Jesus.
There is no other name by which men shall be saved. There is power
and victory in the Name of Jesus and that is why satan will do
anything to prevent you from using the name Jesus, other than to use
it as a curse word.
Do not let anyone deceive you into
using any other name for our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.
May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Captives of Church CANNOT Follow Jesus

There are many serious believers in
churches who truly want to serve the kingdom of God but they are
trapped in churches. What they do not realize is that as long as they
are bound to the church organization and subject themselves to the
church leadership, they cannot follow Jesus and be pleasing to Him.
The only way that we can be part of the kingdom of God is when we
follow and serve the King, Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.
Church organizations brainwash
believers to believe that the church is part of the kingdom of God
and that by supporting and working for the church, that they are
indeed serving the kingdom of God. The leadership. preachers,
pastors and clergy teach believers to submit themselves to the rule,
discipline and control of the church leadership. Believers are
taught the doctrines of the church, which are supported by verses
from the Bible. The Bible is used to mesmerize believers and keep
them spellbound.
The Bible has been translated and
twisted in such a way as to support worldly church organizations.
That is why the Bible is effectively used as a tool to control and
keep believers captive. The Bible is regarded as the infallible word
of God, by the churches, and they thus use their interpretation or
twisted application of the Bible verses to rule over and thus to bind
and control the believers. They become captives of the church because
they believe that their eternal salvation depends on their church
membership and their dedication to the church doctrines and
leadership. They are burdened by rules and regulations, bound to
tithe, pay 10% of their gross income, and more, to the church and to
support church projects. They are led to believe that if they do not
pay these taxes to the church, they will end up in hell. Guilt is
piled on them if they do not attend church meetings, at which
occasions they are further brainwashed and indoctrinated into bondage
of the church. All along Bible verses are twisted and used to
chastise and subdue believers into submission.

The whole concept of a church
organization is worldly, satanic and antichrist. It is totally
opposed to the teachings of Jesus. It is satan's version of the Body
of Christ, the true Church, the Ekklesia. Members of the ekklesia,
the true church, have been literally "called out" of the
world (in Greek ekklesia is related to kaleo, "to call")
in order to live free of its dictates and to belong fully, at every
moment, to Jesus and to one another. You cannot belong to the
Ekklesia and to a worldly church organization.

Many of those believers who are trapped
in the churches read the Bible for themselves and realize that the
church teachings and practices do not comply with what they read in
the Bible. They compare different Bible translations and soon learn
about the lies and deception, the twisted meaning of many translated
verses. Some of them question and object to these differences but
they are quickly reminded not to be rebellious but to submit to the
church leadership or else to face exclusion, discipline, rejection,
even persecution, by church leadership and the other members. They
give in to the pressure. For fear of rejection by friends, family and
their brainwashed community, they do not follow the truth but remain
captives of the church.

The gospel of Jesus Christ, which is
the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, leads those who believe and thus
follow and obey Him, to eternal life. It calls them out, to become
the Ekklesia, "called out" of the world in order to live
free of its dictates and to belong fully, at every moment, to Jesus
and to follow Him.
The rules of the Kingdom of God were
delivered by Jesus Himself and were recorded in the gospels, Matthew,
Mark, Luke and John. Those are the teachings of Jesus, the words of
eternal life, for those who obey them and live by them. We are called
to turn from sin and from following after worldly desires,
achievements and pleasures, to deny ourselves and follow Jesus. Jesus
promised to give His Spirit, the Holy Spirit, in those who obey His
teachings, who repent and are baptized in water and who come after
Him. The Hoy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, will guide them into all
truth if they stay with Him until the end of their life. They are
the true church, the Ekklesia, the called out ones, that do not
follow after men, are not part of church organizations. They follow
Jesus, under guidance of the Holy Spirit because they are FREE from
the bondage of the worldly church system.

You cannot follow Jesus and be part of
the Kingdom of God if you stay in the bondage of church. You must
serve the Master, Jesus Christ, not the pastor. Turn to Jesus, seek
Him with all your heart. Read and obey His teachings as recorded in
the gospels, Matthew, Mark Luke and John. Repent and be baptized
(baby baptism is not valid), go after Jesus, pray, ask Him to baptize
you in the Holy Spirit, then stay with Him and follow the guidance of
the Holy Spirit, until the end.

Get out of church, follow Jesus and
become part of the Kingdom of God.

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Goats in the Church

Jesus refers to His followers as sheep, a flock of sheep. We read in John 10:16, Jesus said:."I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will hear My voice; and they will become one flock with one shepherd." We read in John 10:27, Jesus said:“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; 28and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand."

Jesus is the good Shepherd. He calls His own sheep by name and leads them to green pastures. They feed on His words. It is written that:"Man shall not live from bread alone but from every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."

We read in John 6:63 Jesus said:"It is the Spirit that gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I speak to you are spirit and are life." Jesus is the Word of God and His sheep live from what He speaks to them.

Sheep eat grass, but goats eat anything. Goats eat weeds, leaves, twigs, branches of trees, cardboard, wood, cloth, rags, plastic bags, anything. They even eat poisonous plants like poison ivy, things that sheep will not touch. That is why you will not find any of Jesus' sheep in church, they follow Him, but what you will find in church is goats and lost sheep, sheep that do not belong to Jesus.

The goats in church eat anything. They listen to any trash, any lying doctrine. The organized churches and denominations are controlled by goat herders and hirelings that exploit both the goats and the lost sheep.

Followers of Jesus, His disciples, His sheep, do not listen to the hirelings in the pulpits. They only listen to Jesus, the Good Shepherd, they listen to His Words. They run from the hirelings and goats in church. They are rejected and persecuted by the goats in church.

If you are one of Jesus" sheep, you will hunger and thirst for the purity of His words, the words that He spoke, as they were also recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. You will also seek for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You will not listen to the doctrines of men that are preached in churches.

Are you one of Jesus' sheep, do you follow Him, or are you a lost sheep among the goats in church? Are you feeding on trash, lies and false doctrines? Are you being deceived and abused by the hirelings in the pulpits? Then get out of church. Run to the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, listen to His voice, follow Him and let Him feed you with bread from heaven. Repent and be baptized, be filled with the Holy Spirit and follow the guidance of the Spirit of Christ. Stay separate from the goats and follow Jesus until the end.

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Where He Leads Me, Do I Follow?

Most believers have their own vision
and their own idea of what they want to do for Jesus, what they want
to do for the kingdom of God. Many of them are very ambitious but
Jesus is not interested in our vision, neither in our ideas, because
Jesus has one simple commission, He says:"Follow Me." It is
not where I want to go, what I want to do for Jesus that is important
to Him. That is like little children building sand castles to try and
impress their parents. It means nothing to the kingdom of God. What
is important to Jesus is for Me to follow Him. To go where He sends
me, to be available for Him and His kingdom, to listen to Him and to
do what He tells me to do. If Jesus did not send us we are not
following Him.
Many believers are on their own mission
and they say its for Jesus, and they want Jesus to bless their
mission, but Jesus is not running after you or me. Jesus says:"Follow
Me." We can only please Him and be of value for His kingdom if
we follow Him where He sends us, if we go where he takes us. Jesus
has sent me and taken me far away from where I ever thought I would
go. He is making me do and say things that I've never thought of, but
I've learned that if I did not receive it from Jesus then it is not
pleasing to Him. There's only one person that we need to please and
that is Jesus and if we are still seeking to please ourselves, our
own ambitions, our own visions and other people, then we are not busy
with the kingdom of God. What is important to Jesus is that we follow
Him. That is the only way that we can please Him.
There's an old song that says:"Where
He leads me, I will follow." How many of us have learned to wait
on Jesus, to follow him very few practicing Christians know the voice
of Jesus very few of following Him. Very few are pleasing to Him.
Jesus Christ is the way, He is the truth and the life, but we have to
follow Him. We have to go where He sends us. We have to live His way.
We have to seek to please Him, if we don't and if we do not live in
communion with Him, in fellowship with him in obedience to Him
following Him, step by step, then we are lost, we are in darkness.
The question is: Am I following Jesus?
Am where He wants me to be? Am I doing what He wants me to do? Do I
receive guidance from Him? Do I follow and obey and do I receive
confirmation from Him that I am pleasing to Him? How real is my
relationship with Jesus? Am I really following Him or am I following
rules and doctrines of men, my own ideas that I've put together from
my own understanding of the Bible, or am I indeed being led by the
Holy Spirit? Am I walking with a Master? If I'm not walking with the
Master I am in grave danger of ending up in damnation.
We have to follow the Master and do
what is pleasing to Him. Are we following where Jesus guides us? May
Jesus bless you.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

I Saw And Fought satan And his demons

In December 2017 I was very sick in hospital. I was in ICU for 4 weeks during which time I died twice and had to be resuscitated. satan tried to kill me. I had many visions in this time. I also fought satan and his demons.

At one time I was brought into a huge hall.

There was a huge throne at the top of which was a dark wooden door. To the one side of the throne there was a gallery filled with evil creatures that looked like frogs, snakes and other reptiles. they were demons.

Along the sides of the hall there were there were arches.

satan would suddenly appear out of one of the arches and the evil creatures in the gallery would rise up and cheer.

Then I started to rebuke satan in the name of Jesus and he would shrink and disappear. At the same time the evil creatures would also shrink and disappear.

satan was black, half man, half reptile, he had a tail.

Soon satan would be back coming through another arch, slipping out from the shadows and I would rebuke him in the name of Jesus.  Again he would shrink and vanish. The same with the evil creatures, demons.

This happened a number of times.  I kept on rebuking him in the Name of Jesus and every time he would shrink and vanish.

Eventually he did not come back.

There is power in the Name of Jesus. The only way that we can overcome satan is if we stand against him and keep on resisting him in the name of Jesus. Without Jesus we can do nothing. Without Jesus we will be destroyed but we have to stay with Jesus and resist the devil all the way until the end.

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Finding the Right Gospel

There are many gospels are being
preached in the world today. Every church and a denomination has its
own teachings, its own gospel, and those people that belong to that
church or group all believe that they are right and everybody else
is wrong. They believe that they are saved and everybody else is
lost, but there's only one gospel that can save and that is the
gospel of Jesus Christ. That is not the gospel that is being preached
in churches today.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is His words
as they are also recorded in the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and
John, the red letter words, the words of Jesus Christ. It is only
through obedience to the words of Jesus that we can be saved, that we
can have eternal life, and in short it is this: Repent, turn away
from sin, turn away from our going after your own desires. Turn to
Jesus be righteous and be holy. Obey the teachings of Jesus Christ,
be baptized in water and Jesus Christ will give His Spirit, His Holy
Spirit in you, to teach you and guide you.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is about
discipleship, about following Him, not about being part of a church
or a group, but it means to become a child of God, to accept Jesus as
your Lord, your Master and your God, to serve and to obey Him and to
follow Him every day of your life. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the
only gospel that can save.
Many people believe that they are saved
that they have eternal life, but they don't know Jesus, and they do
not obey the gospel of Jesus Christ. They are lost and they are
deceived and they will perish if they do not get to know Jesus and
follow Him.
There's only one way to have eternal
life and that is to obey the gospel of Jesus Christ. Have you met
Jesus? Do you follow and obey Him every day? Is Jesus Christ your
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, March 16, 2018


The wages of sin is death. The soul
that sins will die, it will perish in damnation, in hell. The
unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God. To sin is a
decision. We sin because we choose to sin. To stop sinning is also a
If we keep on sinning and if we keep on
following after our own desires we will perish, we will end up in
hell. The only way to have salvation is to obey Jesus Christ, to
stop sinning, to sin no more, to be righteous and holy, to be
baptized in water and to live according to the words of Jesus, in
obedience to Him but if we keep on sinning we will perish.
We have to decide to stop sinning. Many
Christian believers confess to be sinners and they say we are all
sinners. We are not all sinners. Maybe those believers are sinners
but those who follow Jesus Christ are not sinners. They have decided
to turn away from sin, to obey Jesus, to live according to His words
and they make that decision each and every day, a hundred times. They
have to choose, either to do what is right, or to sin, to do what
they know Jesus requires of them or to follow after their own
desires. We have to choose. We have to choose to follow Jesus, to
obey Him, if we want eternal life, but if we follow after our own
desires and if we keep on sinning we will perish.
We ourselves must make that decision to
stop sinning. We must make that decision every day to deny ourselves,
in other words, not do what I want to do but to pick up my cross and
follow Jesus, in other words: to take up that burden of obedience to
Jesus, and I have to carry that cross every day. I have to follow
Him. I have to obey what I know what is right. The Holy Spirit
convicts each and every one of us, of sin and righteousness and
judgment. God has given us a conscience. His laws are written in our
hearts. We all know right from wrong, but we choose. We choose to do
right or to do wrong. If we choose wrong, in other words: if we
choose to sin, if we choose to disobey Jesus, to disregard Him, we
will perish. To sin is a choice. It's a decision. To follow Jesus
Christ and obey Him is a choice, it is a decision. We've got to make
that choice. If we choose wrong we will perish. We have to keep on
choosing right every day for the rest of our lives, we have to keep
on following Jesus every day of our lives until the very end if we
want to find the entrance into the kingdom of heaven, but if we
choose to go our own way, if we choose to sin, we will perish.
Many people have been deceived to
believe that if you only believe in Jesus Christ you will have
salvation. That is a lie from satan. If you believe in Jesus you will
believe His words, you will believe His warnings and you will live
according to His words as they are also recorded in the Gospels
Matthew Mark Luke and John. Nobody will have any excuse when we stand
before Him in judgment. If we sin, if we disobey Jesus we are already
judged, we are already condemned. Those who stop sinning, who follow
and obey Jesus do not get into judgment because they do not sin.
The only way to be pleasing to Jesus
and to enter the kingdom of heaven is to stop sinning and to obey
Jesus. The wages of sin is death. If you sin you will certainly
perish, but you must decide. What is your choice today? Do you want
to keep on being a sinner? Because, if you lie you're a liar, if you
sin you the sinner, if you fornicate you are a fornicator, you are a
sinner. If you don't stop sinning you will perish.
What is your choice today? Will you
choose to stop sinning, choose to stop being a sinner and choose to
follow and obey Jesus, and follow and obey Him until the very end?
That is the only way to have eternal life.
We have to choose before it is too
late, because if we stay on the wrong road we will end up at the
wrong place. If we want to enter the kingdom of heaven we've got to
choose to obey Jesus, stop sinning, obey Jesus; repent and be
baptized, live holy and righteous, follow the guidance of the Holy
Spirit that Jesus will give in you if you choose to follow Him, and
then you will have eternal life, but you must endure until the very
Will you choose today to stop being a
sinner and start being a follower and a disciple of Jesus Christ?
The choice is yours.
May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Not An Easy Way Into Heaven

There is no easy way to get into
heaven. Neither can you get into heaven by reading a book, by reading
the Bible, if that was true then you would have no need for Jesus.
Many people think they only need to
believe in Jesus to have salvation and go into heaven if they die.
They are deceived. Jesus Christ is the only way. His words are the
way to eternal life, the words that He spoke, the gospel of Jesus
Christ as also recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. But even if
you just read the gospel of Jesus Christ it cannot save you if you do
not obey His words.
If you truly believe in Jesus and you
obey His words, repent and be baptized in water and live according to
His words, then He promised the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the
Guide, the Coach, His Spirit will come and dwell with us to teach us
and to guide us, to lead us step-by-step. Without Jesus, without His
Holy Spirit, we cannot find the way, because the Holy Spirit is given
by Jesus to teach and guide every believer who truly wants to follow
Him, but if you do not obey the words of Jesus and if you do not
receive and obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit you will not find
the way.
There is only one way and that is Jesus
Christ. There's only one way that leads to life and that is the way
that the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, will guide you, If you
listen and if you follow Him, and while you are listening and while
you were following Jesus you've got to live according to His words.
You've got to live in obedience to His words; sin no more, live in
holiness and righteousness, listen to His voice, obey Him, do what He
tells you to do. Follow him step-by-step, every day. If you don't,
you won't find the way, because without Jesus you will not find the
entrance to heaven. Jesus Christ is the only way. We need to know
Him, listen to Him, follow Him and obey Him, every step of the way
until the very end.
You cannot make it on your own. There
is no easy way. There's only one way and that is Jesus, and the
guidance of His Spirit, the Holy Spirit. Have you received the Holy
Spirit and do you follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit every day?
Are you on the way, are you following Jesus?
May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

We All Struggle

We all have struggles trials and
temptations, and if we follow Jesus Christ, we have a cross to bear.
We need to pick up our cross and follow Jesus Christ every day. What
is important, is that we overcome. We can only overcome trials and
temptations and struggles and be pleasing to Jesus if we stay with
Him,if we follow Him. Without Jesus we can do nothing but with Jesus
all things are possible, if we are committed to stay with Him.
We need to stay focused on Jesus and
when trials and temptations come our way, we need to turn to Jesus
first. He is with us. He will never leave us and He will never
forsake us, but if we take our eyes off Jesus we are bound to fail.
We all have struggles, we all have trials, we all have temptations,
we all have a cross to bear, we will all be tested, and we will all
be tried, but it is important that we overcome.
Only those who overcome will inherit
the kingdom of heaven and win the prize of eternal life. Don't give
up. Deny yourself, pick up your cross every day, stay focused on
Jesus and follow Him, and He will guide you every step of the way.
May Jesus bless you.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Getting Answers From Jesus Christ

A follower of Jesus and gets his
guidance and direction from Jesus, because he is following Jesus.
Most professing Christians do not receive their guidance or wisdom
from Jesus Christ. They follow their own mind or they follow the
advice of other people. Some of them ask the pastor and others go
look for direction in the Bible, but they are not following Jesus.
If we are truly Christians and
followers of Jesus we will seek our guidance from Him. We will pray
and wait on Him and He will guide us. If we are truly serious about
following Jesus Christ we will ask Him for guidance and we will do
what He commands us to do. We have to be serious about following
Jesus Christ and He will answer us. Pray and wait on Him. Trust Him
and He will answer you, but if you're not serious you will not get an
answer, or you will not accept the answer when He does speak to you,
because you do not trust Him. First make up your mind whether you
truly trust in Jesus, whether you really want to follow Him and then
you can ask Him for guidance and for wisdom, and He will give it to
you, but if you don't trust Him you will not receive anything from
His sheep hear His voice and they
follow Him. Are we His sheep? Do we hear Him and do we follow Him?
May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Fellowship With Jesus Separates From The World

Fellowship with Jesus will separate you
from the world. Christian Believers are always looking for Christian
fellowship but few of them have any fellowship with Jesus Christ
If we live in fellowship with Jesus and
we follow Him, we will be rejected by the world we, will be rejected
by the religious people, we will be rejected by the churches, because
a fellowship with Jesus causes you to be hated by those who do not
follow Jesus. Jesus said that those who follow Him will be hated by
all men. We have to choose whether we prefer the fellowship of Jesus
or the fellowship of men.
To follow Jesus Christ is a lonely
road, but it is the only road that leads to life. Are we seeking the
approval of people and the fellowship of men or are we seeking the
fellowship of Jesus and do we seek his approval?
May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Always Pray For God's Will To Be Done

God's way is the best way. We must
always pray for God's will to be done in all circumstances. If we
pray for God's will to be done, we will never be disappointed.
Jesus taught us to pray:"Thy
kingdom come, Thy will be done." if we do not know what to pray
we can ask Jesus for wisdom and He will give us the words to pray. He
will give us words and thoughts according to His wisdom and according
to His plan. We must just tune in to Him and His Spirit and He will
guide us, He will guide us into His will.
If we seek and do His will, and pray
according to His will we will always be pleasing to Him.
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Knowing the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God

Most professing Christians do not know
what it even means to be a Christian. To be a Christian is to be a
follower of Jesus Christ, a person who listens to Jesus and who
follows Him. Most professing Christians are just busy with dead
religious practices, or they are Bible students. They listen to other
people. They are busy with religion but they do not know Jesus and
that is why Jesus will say to many of them:"Go away, I never
knew you."
Jesus Christ reveals the mysteries of
the kingdom of heaven to those who follow Him, to His disciples.
Jesus did not call believers. He called disciples. The disciples of
Jesus asked Him about the meaning of the parable of the sower and we
read in Luke chapter 8 verse 10, He said to them:"To you it has
been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to the
rest it is in parables, so that seeing they may not see, and hearing
they may not understand." Why is it that the disciples were
given to understand the meaning of the kingdom of God while to the
others Jesus spoke in parables? They could not understand what He was
talking about. It is because the disciples had committed to follow
Jesus and they obeyed Him. They were following Him. They repented
from their own ways. They turned away from going after their own
desires, they were following Jesus. They were baptized in water. They
were taught by the Master, and He opened their understanding. He gave
them understanding of the kingdom of God.
Most professing Christians do not have
understanding of the kingdom of God because they don't know Jesus.
They have no real relationship with Him because they have never
obeyed Him. They have never obeyed the gospel of Jesus; they never
repented, when ever baptized in water, and they are not living
according to the words of Jesus. They are not His followers. They are
not Christians. Most professing Christians are not His sheep. They
are goats, they follow their own mind. They study the Bible and they
think that they know everything that there is to be known about God
and the kingdom of God and about salvation, but they know nothing
because they don't know Jesus. They are blind and they don't have any
We only get understanding of the
kingdom of God when we listen to Jesus, when we follow Him, and that
starts with obeying His commands. That starts with obeying the gospel
of Jesus Christ. You have to obey His words. Turn from your own ways,
turn from sin turn, to Jesus. Repent, be baptized, seek Jesus and
listen to Him. If you listen to Him He will teach you. He was the
teacher of His disciples, and He is the teacher of all those who
follow Him, of those who are disciples. He teaches His own sheep. He
guides His own sheep.
Most professing Christians don't know
Jesus. They don't follow Him. They practice religion. They go to
church, they study the Bible, (nothing wrong with a Bible) but you
cannot understand the Bible, you cannot understand the mysteries of
the kingdom of God, if you do not listen to Jesus, because Jesus
gives understanding. We read in 1st John chapter 9 verse
20, the Apostle John wrote:"And we know that the Son of God has
come and He has given us understanding, so that we can know the true
God, and now we live in fellowship with the true God, because we live
in fellowship with His son Jesus Christ. He is the only true God and
He is eternal life." That is Jesus Christ. If we do not live in
fellowship with Him then we cannot have understanding we cannot
understand the mysteries of the kingdom of God.
Most professing Christians do not
understand the mysteries of the kingdom of God, they do not have any
relationship with Jesus Christ. They are practicing religion. They
have false security. They think they are saved and they think they
are going to heaven but they are not disciples, and they are not
following Jesus Christ. They are only fooling themselves.
Have we come to know Jesus Christ
through our relationship with Him, because we have become obedient to
Him; because He reveals Himself to those who obey His words to those
who obey the gospel of Jesus Christ, who repent and are baptized and
who listened to Him, whose seek Him. You cannot follow Jesus if you
do not hear His voice. You cannot know the mysteries of the kingdom
of God if you are not taught by God. You can read the Bible, you can
listen to other believers; you will not understand because it is
given to those who follow Jesus Christ.
Are we following Jesus? Do we truly
know Him and are we living on revelation from Jesus Christ Himself?
Those who are being led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of
God. Are we sons of God, children of God, or are we only fooling
ourselves. We need to get serious with Jesus. We need to follow Him
and be disciples, if we want to enter the kingdom of heaven.
May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

False Christians

Many people confess Jesus with their lips, they profess to be Christians, but they do not obey Jesus Christ. They are false Christians and their faith cannot save them. They believe they are saved, but they are not followers of Jesus.
Jesus said:"Why do you call Me Lord, Lord and you do not what I say?" If we believe in Jesus we must obey Him. We must repent, turn away from all sin, turn to Jesus and live according to His words: SIN NO MORE. Then, be baptized in water for the washing off of our sin.
If we refuse to repent and stop sinning, and if we refuse to live according tot the words of Jesus, and if we refuse to be baptized in water in obedience to Jesus, then our faith cannot save us and we are false Christians. If we are not faithful in the least, then we cannot follow Jesus Christ in the greater things, then we cannot be His disciples.
Are we true Christians? Are we true followers of Jesus, or are we false Christians? Do we obey and follow Jesus Christ?
May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Through Cancer Pain Sickness and Suffering

Today I went for my ninth radiation
therapy 19 more to go. As the radiation therapist was preparing me
for radiation the one therapist asked me about South Africa and then
the other one asked me why I came to America. Why did I come here?
And I said, because God sent me. I shared my testimony with them, how
20 years ago I had a heart attack and I died. Even though I was a
Christian I found myself on my way to hell, but I pleaded with Jesus
and He allowed me to come back to come and warn the world that Jesus
is alive and hell is real, and also that not long after the heart
attack Jesus gave me a vision of a place called Baltimore on the east
coast of the US and He told me to go there, which I did.
And that is why I came here, to come
and witness for Jesus, to come and tell the world that Jesus is alive
and hell is real. It was also here that I was diagnosed with cancer.
The one therapist was very quick to remark that the purpose for me
getting cancer was so that I could share my testimony with them. They
thanked me for sharing my testimony with them. That was my experience
with so many doctors, nurses and hospital personnel with whom I
shared my testimony since I was diagnosed with cancer. Jesus has a
purpose with us and He uses us for His purpose so that we can witness
for Him. I thank Jesus that even through my cancer, pain and
suffering I can be a witness for Him because that is what He called
us to do, is to be a witness for Him to bring light in darkness.
We have to be willing to be a witness
for Jesus and then we will see the opportunity when Jesus opens the
door for us to witness for Him. When people ask us about our
situation or where we come from it is easy to talk about our country
our own things but what really matters is our relationship with
Jesus, our testimony of Jesus Christ. That is what we need to talk
about. We need to share our testimony of Jesus so that they can also
believe in Him, get to know Him, follow Him, obey Him and have
eternal life.
It is a privilege to be a witness for
Jesus Christ in all circumstances.
May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Total Obedience to Jesus

Jesus Christ requires absolute obedience from those who wish to follow Him, even in the smallest of things. Many believers will never get on with their relationship with Jesus because they refuse to obey Him.

Jesus requires of us that we repent, turn away from all sin and be baptized in water. Many believers refuse to be baptized in water. They think that they can only believe in Jesus and then have salvation. They will not get on in their relationship with Jesus.

If we do not obey Him, we cannot follow Him. Jesus promised the baptism in the Holy Spirit to those who repent and are baptized in water. Most believers never receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit because they refuse to be baptized in water.

If we are not willing to obey Jesus even in the smallest things, we will not obey nor follow Him in the greater things.

If we wish to follow Jesus and have eternal life, we have to obey Him in all things, or else we will not enter His kingdom.

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, March 5, 2018

God's Ways

God's ways are different from our ways. His thoughts are different from our thoughts, His thoughts are higher than our thoughts, and the only way that we get to know God's ways is if we follow Jesus Christ, if we submit ourselves to Him and do what He requires of us.

The only way that we will enter the kingdom of heaven is if we follow God's way.  God will take us where we did not expect. He will take us through circumstances, He will teach us His ways. He will teach us faith, we will be tested and we will be tried. Our faith will be tested, whether we are faithful to Him, but we have to stay on His way and endure with Jesus until the very end, to have Life.

We have to stay with Him  to know His ways. Nobody can understand God, but the only what that we will get to know and understand His ways is if we follow and obey Him. Obey the words of Jesus; repent and be baptized in water, seek Jesus with all your heart and He promised to fill you with the Holy Spirit who will guide you into His ways, will teach you His ways and you will know Him for real. The only way to know Jesus is to walk in His ways, to be led by His Spirit, and to stay with Him, day by day, until the very end.

We have to make a choice to forsake our own ways and the ways of the world and to follow His ways, to have Life.

I want to sing you an old gospel song. We have got to make a choice. I have made my choice and I want God's way to be my way.

"I want God's way to be be my way

as I journey here below,

For there is no other high way that a child of God should go.

Though the road seams steep and rough,

If He leads me that's enough.

I want God's way to be be my way every day.

I want God's way to be be my way

as I journey here below,

For there is no other high way that a child of God should go.

Though the road seams steep and rough,

If He leads me that's enough.

I want God's way to be be my way every day."

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Can you wonder why it is I love Him so?

"Can you wonder,

Can you wonder,

Can you wonder why It is I love Him so?

When I think of all He's done

For me, the guilty one,

can you wonder why it is I love Him so?

Can you wonder,

Can you wonder,

Can you wonder why It is I love Him so?

When I think of all He's done

For me, the guilty one,

can you wonder why it is I love Him so?"

"Standing somewhere in the shadows you will find Him

He's the only One who cares and understands.

Standing somewhere in the shadows you will find Him

And you'll know Him by the nail prints in His hands".

Standing somewhere in the shadows you will find Him

He's the only One who cares and understands.

Standing somewhere in the shadows you will find Him

And you'll know Him by the nail prints in His hands."

"Standing somewhere in the shadows you will find Him

He's the only One who cares and understands.

Standing somewhere in the shadows you will find Him

And you'll know Him by the nail prints in His hands."


I had this song in my mind today:

Can you wonder? Can you wonder why it is I love Him so. I went on the internet and looked for a rendering of the song and I could not find one, so I decided to sing it because it is dear to my heart.

Can you wonder why it is I love Him so?

Dear friends, we need to maintain an awareness of Jesus, in our mind, in our heart, all day long. We need to fill our hearts with Jesus , and we can do that by praying as we go along or by singing, but our mind must be on Jesus. we must be tuned in to Him. We must be focused on Him. We must make ourselves aware of Jesus all the time. If we are not tuned in then we will not recognize Him when He speaks to us. When He calls you, will you answer?

What will we be doing when Jesus calls us, when He speaks to us?  Will we be so preoccupied with other things

 that we do not even hear Him speaking to us? Are we truly following Jesus? We have to have Jesus on our mind all the time. If we are serious about following Jesus, we must stay tuned in. we must stay tuned in to His Spirit and He will fill us, and as we sing glory to Him, as we praise Him, streams of living water will flow through us, as Jesus promised, but we have to start praising Jesus.

Many people desire the baptism in the Holy Spirit, but we first got to start praising Jesus. we must make ourselves aware of Him. We must thank Him and praise Him, and then those streams of living water can flow through us and into this world, we can be light in darkness.

When He calls me, I will answer. I'll be somewhere working for my Lord.

"When He calls me, I will answer,

When He calls me, I will answer,

When He calls me, I will answer,

I'll be somewhere waiting for my Lord.

I'll be somewhere waiting,

I'll be somewhere waiting,

I'll be somewhere waiting for my Lord."


Where will Jesus find us? Will He find us waiting on Him, listening to do His will?

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Who are you following?

The only way to get into heaven is to follow Jesus. There are old gospel songs that speak that truth, like: "Follow, I will follow Thee my Lord, every passing day. My tomorrows are all known to Thee, Thou will lead me all the way." Another song is:"I am following, Jesus each step of the way."

Many people sang these songs with feeling. The question is:"Are we really following Jesus?"

Nowadays the gospel that is preached says that you've only got to believe in Jesus to have salvation, which is not true. that is a lie. We have got to follow Jesus.

Many believers are following after men. Others are following after their own desires. Others are following after the world. If we want to end up in heaven, we have to follow Jesus every day.

His sheep hear His voice. They listen to Him and they follow Him. Are we following Jesus?

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

True Disciples are Taught By God

Truly born again children of God are
followers of Jesus Christ. They are disciples of Jesus. They follow
Jesus Christ. They do not follow after anybody else.
Jesus is their teacher. They are not
taught by other people. They belong to Jesus they do not belong to
other groups, or to churches. They belong to Jesus Christ. Most
believers are taught by a church, a pastor, a teacher; they are
proselytes of that religious organization. They are not followers of
Jesus Christ. If we are truly born again we will be taught by God, we
will be taught by Jesus, we will not follow after other people. We
will not seek advice and wisdom from others. We will ask Jesus, we
will follow Him. We will be taught by Him. He will be our teacher,
just like the disciples of Jesus Christ. They followed Him. They did
not belong to some or other organization or a church. They did not
listen to the teachings of other people. They followed Jesus. They
listened to His teachings. He taught them. He guided them, and after
Jesus was crucified and resurrected and ascended to heaven, He did
not leave them as orphans. He gave His Holy Spirit. He sent His Holy
Spirit to be with them, to teach them, and to guide them, the
Comforter. the Comforter guided them into all truth, and that very
same Comforter, the Holy Spirit, Jesus also promised to all those who
would believe in Him, to us who profess to believe in Jesus Christ.
If we obey His words, repent and be baptized, and live according to
His instructions, then He will give his Holy Spirit to be with us, to
be in us, Christ in us. He Himself will teach us and will guide us.
Those who are being led by the Spirit of God they are the children of
God. They are taught by God.
Now the question to you and to me is:
Who are we following? Who is our teacher? Who do we belong to? Is
Jesus our Teacher, our Leader? Do we belong to Him or are we
religious? Do we belong to some church or organization? Are we taught
by other people? Have we become followers of men instead of
followers of Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ Himself alone is the way and
the truth and the life. If we do not follow Him, we are in darkness.
His sheep hear His voice. They listen to Him, they follow Him.
Are we His sheep? Are we being taught
by Jesus or are we being taught by somebody else? Are we following
Jesus or are we following after men? Are we truly followers of Jesus
Christ? Are we His disciples?
May Jesus bless you.