Sunday, May 31, 2015

You cannot go without Jesus Christ

Most Christian believers do not
experience Jesus Christ as real and alive. To most believers their
Bible is real, the stories of Jesus are real, their church is real,
their fellowship with other like-minded believers is real, their
pastor, their religion is real but Jesus Christ is not real because
they do not know Him. They have never met Him.
Jesus said that:”without Me you can
do nothing.” Without Jesus there is no life, there is no eternal
life. Jesus Christ is ALIVE. God is SPIRIT. We cannot see Him
physically but He is ALIVE. He holds all things together by His
power. He gives us life. He directs our footsteps, He loves us, He
cares for us, He looks after us. We do not see Him but HE IS THERE.
We do not know Him because we haven't met Him, we do not seek Him, we
seek our own ways. We believe in religion, we believe in Bible verses
but we do not know the ONE that the Bible talks about, we do not know
Jesus Christ and that is why most believers will perish, THEY NEVER
Without Jesus we can do nothing. God is
SPIRIT, Jesus Christ is SPIRIT and He promised His SPIRIT in those
who seek Him, who OBEY Him, who LOVE Him. His presence will be with
them to guide them, to strengthen them, to help them because without
Jesus Christ we can do nothing. Without Jesus we are LOST but we have
to SEEK Him. If we seek Him we find Him and He will reveal Himself to
us, we will know Him for real, but if we do not know Him we cannot
follow Him and we do not have eternal life. We need Jesus Christ,
without Jesus we cannot do anything, we cannot enter the kingdom of
Heaven, without Jesus we are LOST.
If we seek Him with all our heart we
will find Him and we will realize that He has been with us all along,
since we were born but we were not even aware of it. Seek Jesus and
you will find Him because without Jesus Christ we can do nothing.
Seek Jesus TODAY and you will find Him.

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, May 30, 2015


God cares for all of us and He SPEAKS to all of us, to warn us and to turn us from our wicked ways, but very few of us LISTEN when God speaks to us.

I read from Job 33:14

“Indeed God speaks once,

Or twice, yet no one notices it.

“In a dream, a vision of the night,

When sound sleep falls on men,

 While they slumber in their beds,

 Then He opens the ears of men,

 And seals their instruction,

 That He may turn man aside from his conduct,

  And keep man from pride;

 He keeps back his soul from the pit,

 And his life from passing over into Sheol.

 “Man is also chastened with pain on his bed,

 And with unceasing complaint in his bones;

 So that his life loathes bread,

 And his soul favorite food.

 “His flesh wastes away from sight,

  And his bones which were not seen stick out.

 “Then his soul draws near to the pit,

 And his life to those who bring death.

 “If there is an angel as mediator for him,

One out of a thousand,

To remind a man what is right for him,

 Then let him be gracious to him, and say,

‘Deliver him from going down to the pit,

 I have found a ransom’;

Let his flesh become fresher than in youth,

Let him return to the days of his youthful vigor;

Then he will pray to God, and He will accept him,

That he may see His face with joy,

      And He may restore His righteousness to man.

     “He will sing to men and say,

     ‘I have sinned and perverted what is right,

      And it is not proper for me.

     "He has redeemed my soul from going to the pit,

      And my life shall see the light.’

     “Behold, God does all these oftentimes with men,

      To bring back his soul from the pit,

      That he may be enlightened with the light of life."

Dear friends, God speaks to us many times to turn us from our wickedness. He warns us in dreams, through misfortune, through accidents, through sickness. It is not the will of God that we perish but that we turn from our wicked ways and that we OBEY Jesus Christ.  But if we persist in our wickedness then the swift judgment of God will come on the disobedient. They will perish and spend eternity in damnation. God cares for us. He warns us many times, often but very few take notice and listen. Very few repent and turn from their wicked ways and that is why most people will perish.

God has spoken to me many times for which I am extremely thankful. He warned me, He chastised me and He turned me from my error. Now I walk in His ways and I am careful to listen and to obey Him to do what is pleasing to Him, because if we do not love him and do not obey Him  we will end up in damnation.

God speaks many times because He cares for us. Do we take note and listen or do we persist in our wicked ways. In the end we will only have ourselves to blame.

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Like the Wind

Only those who are born again of the Spirit of God can enter into the kingdom of God. They are the sons of God, the children of God, who are led by the Spirit of God. Those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

I read the words of Jesus from John 3:5.'Jesus answered:“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a man is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. “Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ “The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”''

People want to plan and control their own lives but if you are born of the Spirit of God then you are led and controlled by the Holy Spirit, you DO what the Spirit of God guides you into doing. You are not in control any more, you follow Jesus Christ wherever He sends you. You do the will of God because you belong to the kingdom of God. And if you are not born again of water and of the Spirit of God you cannot SEE the kingdom of God, you cannot hear the Spirit of God speaking, guiding you.

Most believers are not born again of the Spirit of God. They do not know His voice, they do not follow Him, they are not led by the Holy Spirit. Those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Are you led by the Spirit of God or do you follow after your own desires? Do you plan your own life or do you follow Jesus Christ? Are you truly born again and do you belong to the kingdom of God? Do you serve the King and go where He sends you, do what He tells you to do? Do you serve the kingdom of God?

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Do Not Rush God

The kingdom of God is about the WILL of God. God is perfect in all His ways. Jesus Christ brings us into the will of God, He brings us into the kingdom of God if we submit to Him and we follow Him. Jesus taught us to pray:"Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven..."

When we come into the kingdom of God and we follow Jesus Christ, then we submit our lives to God. We TRUST Him, we WAIT on Him, we FOLLOW Him and we OBEY Him. We cannot push God or rush God, we WAIT on Him so that His will be done in His time.

God is in control of His kingdom and we have to submit ourselves to Him, trusting that He will work out all things according to His will, in His time in His own way according to His own method.

God knows what He is doing. He never asked our opinion. We have to TRUST Him, commit our lives to Him and WAIT on Him and then we will enter the PEACE of God because we KNOW that He makes all things work together for good for those who love Him and who trust Him, those who OBEY Him and entrust their lives to Him, the Father of all spirits, who cares for us. The reason why people are anxious is because they want their own way. They don't trust God, but we must entrust ourselves to Him and fully trust Him, lean on Him and let God have His own way.

We cannot push Him, we cannot change Him. We must submit to Him and enter His peace. Wait on the Lord. He knows what He is doing.

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

You Cannot Use or Manipulate God

Jesus Christ is Lord. All authority and all power belongs to Him. The kingdom of heaven is HIS and He reigns. If we want eternal life we have to FOLLOW and OBEY Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the only WAY. All other ways lead to damnation. Jesus will not follow us around, He will not give in to our desires and our ambitions. We have to give up our ambitions, we have to give up our desires and deny ourselves, go after Jesus. We cannot manipulate Him. He is God, He does not change.

Many believers think that they can manipulate God like they manipulate their pastor and their church with money and tithes and things that they do for the church. God is not interested in what we want to give Him. Jesus Christ calls us to follow HIM on His conditions. He does not change, He is Lord. Jesus does not need us, we need Him.

If we want eternal life we have to give up everything that He requires of us and go where He sends us, do what He tells us to do. If Jesus Christ is not your LORD and MASTER, not the center of your life, then you will not have eternal life. If you do not serve Him NOW as Lord then you will not enter His kingdom. Do not be deceived, Jesus Christ is not manipulated, you cannot use Him, you cannot abuse Him. If you want LIFE you have to humble yourself before Him, seek Him, seek His ways and DO His will, yield to Him because Jesus Christ is Lord. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is LORD. Serve Him as Lord and Master or you will perish.

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Make every effort to obey Jesus Christ

Many people profess to
be Christians and they believe that they have salvation because they
believe in Jesus Christ. Very few people will be saved. Very few
people will have eternal life.
Somebody asked Jesus
whether those who are being saved are few. I read His words from Luke
And someone said to
Him, “Lord, are there just a few who are being saved?”
And He said to them, “Strive to enter through the narrow door; for
many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able.”
Not everybody will be
saved. It is only those who OBEY the gospel of Jesus Christ. What is
the gospel of Jesus Christ? The gospel of Jesus Christ is His words,
the words He taught as they are also recorded in the gospels,
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Those are the words of eternal life and
Jesus also commanded his disciples to go and teach those words. We
read in Mark 16:15,16.
'And He said to them,
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. “He
who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has
disbelieved shall be condemned.”'
Those who believe the
gospel of Jesus Christ are the ones who will OBEY the gospel of Jesus
Christ, who will OBEY His words, who will repent and will be baptized
in water and Jesus Christ will reveal Himself to them, He will
disclose Him self to them. He will give His Holy Spirit in them to
teach them and guide them and be with them every step of the way.
They will know Jesus Christ as He also promised.
I also read from the
gospels John 14:21. "He who has My commandments and KEEPS THEM
IS THE ONE WHO LOVES Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My
Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him."
If we have the
commandments of Jesus, the gospel of Jesus Christ, as recorded in the
gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and we OBEY His words, we
REPENT, are baptized in water and we seek Jesus with all out heart,
we OBEY His words, then He will reveal himself to us. He will give
His Holy Spirit in us and we will become ONE with Him. We must make
every effort to obey Jesus Christ. To obey Jesus Christ is extremely
difficult. We have to be absolutely determined and be willing to give
up everything else for the sake of obeying Jesus Christ and doing
what He commanded.
If we do not pick up
our cross every day and follow Jesus, then we will not have eternal
life. We will not find the narrow door. To pick up your cross means
to take up those commandments of Jesus Christ and to obey them, to
MAKE EVERY EFFORT to OBEY His words. And then He will REVEAL Himself
to you. You will get to KNOW Jesus Christ Himself for REAL. He will
guide you and He will teach you and He will give you eternal life IF
you make it through the narrow door.
Jesus Christ will say
to many who believed that they were saved, He will say to them:"Go
away I never knew you you workers of wickedness." They did not
OBEY His words, they did not REPENT, were not baptized in water,
never followed Jesus, never got to KNOW Him. They believed they were
saved. They were religious, they read their Bibles, they prayed, they
went to church, but they never stopped sinning, they never obeyed
Jesus Christ, they never truly got to know Him.
We must make EVERY
EFFORT to obey Jesus Christ or else we will not enter His kingdom.

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, May 25, 2015

In Tune With God

God gives LIFE to everything. The LIFE that is in us comes from God. When we were born He gave of His Spirit in us, the spirit of LIFE. When we die that spirit leaves this body and returns to God to either stay with Him for eternity or to be discarded of in eternal damnation if we were not IN TUNE with God during our life.

We have the choice to seek to be IN TUNE with our Creator who made us who gives us LIFE every moment, or to reject Him and to go our own way, to follow our own mind. If we seek God, our Creator, He reveals Himself  to us in Jesus Christ. We come into close UNITY with Him, our spirit unites with Him IN Jesus Christ, If we seek Him. But if we reject Him  we reject eternal life. If we seek TRUTH, if we seek our Creator, then Jesus Christ reveals Himself to and in us, and His Spirit, the Holy Spirit , will guide us into all truth.

The choice is with us. It is not about what we believe IN, it is about KNOWING our Creator, about knowing His voice, about being in tune with Him. If we seek Him we find Him. If we reject Him .we will be discarded of. the choice is ours.

Are you in tune with your Creator? Do you KNOW Jesus Christ? Are you one of His sheep? Do you LISTEN to His voice and do you FOLLOW Him? Is He your Lord and Master? Do you serve Him as KING? Are you part of His kingdom? Or are you living your life to please yourself, going after the pleasures of sin and sensuality? Whatever we sow we will reap. If we seek TRUTH and come into tune with our Creator, Jesus Christ, He will guide us by His Spirit, we will do what is pleasing to Him and we will inherit His kingdom. We will be with Him for eternity.

Are you IN TUNE with your Creator and are you staying in tune with Him every day? Is Jesus Christ your Lord and Master? Do you KNOW Him for REAL?

May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

How difficult is Salvation?

Jesus Christ never promised salvation
to those who just believe in Him. If we believe in Him and we believe
His words then we must follow and obey Him. It is easy to pull out a
few verses from the Bible and to base your hope of salvation on those
few verses but you need to read the WHOLE GOSPEL, ALL THE WORDS OF
Luke and John, and live according to those words that Jesus spoke
because those are the WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE, there are no other.
Salvation is not easy. Jesus said that
if we believe in Him we must follow Him and obey Him. We must go
after Him. We read in Matthew 16:24 “Jesus said to His
disciples:”If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself
and take up his cross and follow Me, for whoever wishes to save his
life shall lose it but whoever loses his life for My sake shall find
it. For what will a man be profited if he gains the whole world and
forfeits his soul, or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?”
We have to FOLLOW and OBEY Jesus
Christ. We read the words of Jesus in Matthew 10:37 “He who loves
father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me and he who loves
son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me and he who does not
take his cross and follow after Me IS NOT WORTHY OF ME. He who has
found his life shall lose it and he who has lost his life for My sake
shall find it.” If we want to go after Jesus we will pay a price.
People will reject us. We will have to deny ourselves earthly
pleasures. We will have to go with Jesus where He guides us. We will
have to UTTERLY OBEY Him and PROVE that we love Him. If we do not
obey Him then we do not love Him. If we do not forsake everything
else and follow Him then we are not worthy of Him. Jesus said that
those who endure with Him until the END, only they will be saved.
There is no such thing as easy
salvation. All relationships are difficult. Your relationship with
Jesus Christ is the most difficult because He must take preference
over everything else. Jesus must be first in everything or else we
are not worthy of Him. Do not believe what people tell you that if
you just believe in Jesus then you will be saved. Go and read His
words and obey Him. Repent, turn away from sin. get your focus on
Jesus, obey Him, be baptized in water. Seek the infilling with His
holy Spirit so that His Spirit will dwell in you and be with you. Be
sensitive, listen to Him and follow His guidance every day. Do not
forsake Him. Do not go away from Him. He will not leave you but if
you leave Him then you are LOST. If you deny Him then He will deny
We have to PROVE that we are worthy of
Jesus. We have to stay with Him, follow Him and obey Him every day
until the very, very end of our lives. If we put our hand to the
plow and look back, if we love the things of the world and turn away
from Jesus, then we are not worthy of Him. We have to STAY WITH Jesus
until the very end.
Go and read the words of Jesus in the
gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and see how you match up. Are
you worthy of Jesus Christ? Why must He allow you into the kingdom of
heaven? Have you done and are you doing what He commanded. Have you
received His Holy Spirit and do you obey Him? Do you love Jesus
Christ more than anything else? Jesus knows and you know.
Are we worthy Jesus Christ? Salvation
is not easy. Only those who endure until the very end will be saved.
Seek Jesus and follow Him with all your heart, all your power . Many
will try hard to enter the kingdom of heaven and will not be able,
they will be disappointed. Follow Jesus with all your power, dedicate
your life to Him or else we are not worthy of Him.

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Sensual Christians Spiritually Dull

Most Christian believers are carnal
people, they go after sensuality, the desires of the flesh. They do
not know Jesus Christ. They believe in an ideology, a Jesus Christ
that will satisfy their carnal needs, their temporal needs. Their
Christianity is all about themselves.
The kingdom of God is about Jesus
Christ. Most Christian believers are not spiritual people, they are
in to the pleasures of life, to their own pleasures, to their own
satisfaction and not into the will of God. Jesus Christ came to do
the will of God. He gave up all earthly pleasure. He gave up Himself,
He sacrificed Himself to DO THE WILL OF GOD. He said:”I have come
to do Thy will oh God.” If we follow Jesus Christ then we will seek
to do the will of God. We will seek the kingdom of God and His
righteousness. But if we go after earthly pleasures, satisfying
ourselves, sensuality, the pleasures of the flesh, then we will not
seek Jesus Christ, we will not follow Him and we will refuse to obey
That is why most Christian believers
are destined for hell. They do not know Jesus Christ, they do not
follow Him, they do not seek the will of God. They have not received
the Holy Spirit because they are SPIRITUALLY DEAD, DULL AND
DYSFUNCTIONAL. They are not interested in the kingdom of God.
Everything is about themselves and satisfying their own carnal
desires. They are sensual people.
Have you been born again of the Spirit
of God? Are you seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness, at
all cost? Or are you SPIRITUALLY DULL, DEAD? Are you going after your
own sensual desires? Because then you will perish, dear friend.
If we want eternal life we need to SEEK
the kingdom of God and His righteousness. We must seek and DO the
will of God. We must become SPIRITUAL PEOPLE who deny fleshly
pleasures and DO the will of God. We must become followers of Jesus
Christ. We must follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit and then we
will be LIKE Jesus, a son of God.

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Why some believers cannot receive the Holy Spirit

We cannot see, hear, nor perceive Jesus
Christ with our physical senses because God is spirit, but Jesus
Christ sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in those who accept Him and who
obey Him. Those who REPENT of their former lifestyle of sin,
sensuality and going after their own desires and OBEY Jesus, go after
Him, are baptized in water, He promised the Holy Spirit to DWELL IN
THEM, for them to be FILLED with the Holy Spirit, to be BAPTIZSED in
the Holy Spirit so that they can have SPIRITUAL PERCEPTION.
The Holy Spirit will GUIDE them into
all truth, will TEACH them all things and that is why some believers
cannot follow Jesus Christ. The world cannot receive the Holy Spirit.
Unbelievers cannot receive the Holy Spirit. Some believers do not
really believe and that is why they cannot receive the Holy Spirit.
Some believers only believe in the Bible, they are only religious but
they do not obey Jesus Christ, they have not accepted Him and
therefor they cannot receive the Holy Spirit, they are not of Him and
they cannot follow Him.
We need the Holy Spirit to be able to
follow Jesus, to hear His voice, because He does not speak with a
physical voice, He speaks in our spirit, He teaches us in our spirit.
If we have the Holy Spirit we can communicate SPIRITUALLY with Jesus
Christ and He reveals Himself to us IN OUR SPIRIT. Those who are not
born again of the Spirit of God CANNOT PERCEIVE Jesus Christ. But we
can only receive the Holy Spirit if we ACCEPT Jesus with our whole
heart, everything that is in us and if we OBEY Him and we MUST BE
The Holy Spirit is promised to those
who OBEY Jesus Christ. They are baptized in the Holy Spirit and they
Jesus. They must LISTEN to Him in their spirit. If we do not have the
Holy Spirit then we cannot KNOW the will of God, we cannot follow
Jesus Christ and we cannot DO the will of God. We NEED the Holy
Spirit to guide us into all truth, to show us all things, to tell us
that which is to come. That is what Jesus promised to those who love
Him and who OBEY Him.
Those who are led by the Spirit of God
they are the sons of God. You cannot follow Jesus Christ by being
religious, by reading your Bible, you have to be led by the Holy
Spirit. You need that SPIRITUAL CONNECTION and that SPIRITUAL
PERCEPTION that you can only get from Jesus Christ. Nobody else can
give it to you. Nobody else can fill you with the Holy Spirit, only
Jesus Christ. Seek Him with all your heart. Ask Him to fill you with
the Holy Spirit and then to guide you by His Spirit. Stay with Jesus,
stay tuned in, LISTEN, OBEY and FOLLOW Him and He will guide you. If
you do not have the Holy Spirit you cannot SEE the kingdom of God and
you cannot serve the King, Jesus Christ, and you are not part of Him
nor of His kingdom.
Seek Jesus and He will give you the
Holy Spirit so that you can become ONE with Him if you obey Him.

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Walking IN Revelation

Believers read the words of Jesus
Christ as they are recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and
John but they do not understand what Jesus said because they do not
obey Him. Jesus Christ said that the one who loves Me is the one who
OBEYS My words and Me and My Father will come and live with him and I
will DISCLOSE Myself to him, I will REVEAL Myself to him. If you love
Jesus and you OBEY Him, TURN FROM SIN and from going after your own
desires, seek His will, be baptized in water and seek His guidance,
the guidance of the Holy Spirit, seek the INFILLING of His Spirit,
then Jesus Christ will come and live IN you. He will give His Spirit
in you and with you to guide you and to teach you. He will REVEAL
Himself to you, day by day, moment by moment.
We cannot follow Jesus Christ, we
cannot do His will, we cannot bear His fruit if we do not WALK BY
REVELATION, if He does not constantly reveal His will to us. But if
we do not go after Him and seek His will, if we do not seek His
kingdom and if we do not seek to be pleasing to Him we will not know
His will, we will not know Him, we will not know His will for us in
His kingdom. We will not be able to do the works that He prepared for
us to do. We will not have any relationship with Jesus if we do not
receive REVELATION from Him every day, if He does not DISCLOSE it to
Jesus Christ is the WAY, He is the
TRUTH, He is the LIFE. He goes ahead of us, He opens the road. He
shows us the WAY but if we do not follow Him we cannot see the WAY,
we cannot do the will of God! A disciple of Jesus Christ WALKS IN
REVELATION because he follows his Master. There is only one way to be
pleasing to God and that is to WALK IN REVELATION.
Many people are IN THE WORD, they are
in the books, they are in the teachings of other people but they are
NOT IN THE SPIRIT because they do not know Jesus Christ, they do not
have the Holy Spirit and they are not WALKING IN REVELATION. If Jesus
Christ does not reveal the way to us we cannot know the way. Are you
WALKING IN REVELATION of Jesus Christ every day? Do you really KNOW
Jesus Christ or are you in darkness, walking in BLIND FAITH, destined
for destruction? You can only follow Jesus Christ if you walk in His
REVELATION. Seek Jesus and He will guide you every step of the way.
If you do not follow Him you are LOST!

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Revelation never ended

Most professing Christians believe that
revelation from God and of God ended when the last book of the Bible
was written, the Revelation of John, but that is not true. Jesus
Christ said that those who obey His words are the ones who love Him,
and Him and the Father will come and dwell with them and He will
REVEAL HIMSELF to them. Jesus Christ promised the Holy Spirit who
will teach us and who will guide us into all truth and who will take
from Him and who will reveal to those who follow Him, NEW and UNKNOWN
Revelation never ended. But believers
stopped listening to Jesus Christ, they stopped seeking the Holy
Spirit. They are satisfied to read the Bible and to interpret what is
written in the Bible and they believe that is the complete revelation
of God. That is not true. Revelation never ended.
Those who follow Jesus Christ and who
God. He reveals unknown and hidden things to them. Do not run after
the revelations of other people, what they claim to have received
from God, but GO AFTER Jesus, follow Him, LISTEN to Him. Seek the
guidance of the Holy Spirit and you will receive revelation all the
time as long as you follow Jesus Christ. You can only know Jesus
Christ and know the kingdom of God through revelation.
Has Jesus Christ revealed Himself and
His kingdom to you? Are you seeking revelation from God?

May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Stop guessing Ask Jesus He gives wisdom

Jesus Christ is the answer to all life's problems. All knowledge all wisdom and all power belongs to Him. Nothing happens without His knowledge. He holds all things together by His power and nothing is unknown to Him. Many believers are in despair, they have many questions but if they would ask of Jesus He will explain to them, He will give them knowledge, wisdom and understanding.

The apostle James wrote (James 1:5) that if any man needs wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men freely, without reproach, and it will be given him. If we need wisdom or guidance, or understanding all we need to do is GO TO Jesus. Ask of Him and He will give you wisdom.

He will guide you into all truth. He will explain all things to you, if you would only GO TO Jesus. Jesus Christ IS the answer to all the questions of life.Just ASK Him and He will give you wisdom.

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

What I have learned from God

If you follow Jesus Christ, He ALONE is
your guide, your Teacher and your Master. You follow Him ALONE. You
do not take counsel from other people neither do you give counsel to
others. You only refer them to Jesus Christ Himself because He ALONE
is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE. Each of us has to follow Jesus. He
takes us all on different paths but we have to individually FOLLOW
Jesus Christ, we cannot go after other people or take the advice of
others, their counsel, their prophecies. If you follow Jesus Christ
then you listen to HIM.
If you follow Jesus Christ you listen
to HIM and you follow Him ALONE. Without faith it is impossible to
please God. If you do not believe and TRUST Him enough to follow and
OBEY Him then you are not worthy of Him and you will not follow Him.
You need to COMMIT to Jesus Christ and follow Him ALONE. you will not
follow Him. You need to COMMIT to Jesus Christ and follow Him ALONE.
Do you follow Jesus Christ or do you follow after men? If you follow
after men you will fall into the ditch.

May Jesus bless you.

At Peace With God

Sin separates man from God and brings the wrath of God on mankind. If the guilt of our sin is removed and we stop sinning then we are at peace with God. Jesus Christ came to take away the sins of the world for those who accept Him, who believe in Him and who OBEY Him. He brings us into the presence of God so that we can experience the peace of God. Have you accepted Jesus Christ? Has He removed the guilt of your sin and are you living in holiness and obedience to Jesus Christ? Are you at peace with God? Many people have accepted Jesus and then He forgave their sin but they went back to sin and they are back in darkness. If they stay in that darkness they will perish. We need to be at peace with God always.

There is only one safe place to be and that is WITH Jesus Christ, following the guidance of His Holy Spirit, bearing fruit of righteousness and holiness, doing the will of God because we OBEY Jesus Christ.

Are you living in the peace of God? Do you experience that peace that passes all understanding even though the whole world is falling to pieces around you. Are you living at peace with God because you follow and obey Jesus Christ? May Jesus bless you.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Your Reference Jesus Christ or the Bible

What is your reference? Where do you go to for guidance and understanding? Do you go to the Bible? Or do you go to Jesus Christ? Those who are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God, they do not lean on their own understanding neither do they go to other people, they go DIRECTLY to Jesus Christ.

Many people believe that they are SAVED because they apply certain Bible verses and they PRESUME that because they believe in Jesus Christ that they are saved. If we believe in Jesus Christ after we have heard the gospel, we will fall on our knees and call on Him and He will reveal Himself to us, we will KNOW Him for REAL and He will guide us, He will teach us, He will come and live in us by His Spirit. Our reference, our guidance, our understanding will come form our relationship with Jesus Christ.

Many believers have no relationship with Jesus Christ. They don't know Him. They have never met Him. They just have a Bible, they know Bible verses and they apply Bible verses according to their own understanding but they have no knowledge of God. God is ALIVE. Jesus Christ is ALIVE! He speaks, He guides His sheep. His sheep LISTEN to His voice and they FOLLOW Him. If we do not KNOW Jesus Christ we cannot have salvation. If Jesus Christ is not our guide, the center of our lives then we do not KNOW Him. we do not have LIFE.

Go on your knees and call our to Jesus. Seek Him with all your heart until He reveals Himself to you. and the you will KNOW Him and He will GUIDE you, He will TEACH you and you will have LIFE if you stay with Him. Without Jesus Christ  we can do nothing. Have you met Jesus Christ? Is He your guide and reference?

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Alien and Foreign in Your Own Country

Jesus Christ calls us out to become
children of God and citizens of the kingdom of Heaven, and if we
answer the call we become aliens and foreigners in our own country,
our birth country, and in this world. If we follow Jesus and obey
Him then we do not fit into this world any more. Friends and family
and loved ones reject us because we are not the same any more, we are
not interested in the same things any more. We do not do the same
things, we do not go the same places because we are following Jesus
Christ. We don't do as they do, we don't do as we used to do. We do
the works of God.
Jesus said that those who believe in
Him and who follow Him will do the works that He did and greater
works. They will speak His words and do His deeds, that which He
commands them to do. If we follow and obey Jesus Christ and do as He
commands us and as His Spirit guides us then we are not of this world
but if we do fit into this world then we do not fit into the kingdom
of heaven, then we are not of Jesus Christ.
We have to change, we have to obey
Jesus Christ and do His works and thus we will prove that we are
children of God. If we are loved and accepted in this world then we
are not fit for the kingdom of God. Jesus said of those who follow
Him that we will be hated by all men because of Him. If we fit into
this world we fit out of the kingdom of God, then we are not really
following Jesus Christ and we are not of Him.
Have you become a foreigner and alien
in your own country because you follow Jesus Christ? Or are you
fooling yourself and do you think that you are a child of God just
because you believe in Jesus Christ? We have to FOLLOW and OBEY Jesus
Christ and become aliens and foreigners in this world to be children
of God and inheritors of the Kingdom of Heaven.

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Playing Bible Word Games is Not a Walk with God

Jesus Christ is not interested in which
version of the Bible you read or which church you belong to or with
which Christian friends you fellowship. Jesus Christ is only
interested in one thing and that is whether you KNOW Him. Jesus
Christ said that He will say to many people in that day that they
die:"Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness."
He was talking about professing Christians, not about people who do
not believe.
So, how do we get to know Jesus Christ?
Jesus said:"The one who loves Me is the the one who keeps My
words, the one who obeys My commands, and Me and My father will come
and live with him and I will disclose Myself to him." If we seek
Jesus, we find Him. If we obey His words as also recorded in the
gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, then we prove that we love
Him, that we are interested in Him. if we repent from our wicked ways
and seek Him with all our heart, OBEY Him, are baptized in water for
the washing off of our sins as He commanded, then He will reveal
Himself to us , He will give His Holy Spirit to teach us and to guide
us and we will truly get to know Him.
Many believers think that true religion
is playing word games with Bible scripture. Jesus said to the
pharisees, the Bible believers of the time:"You search the
scriptures in there to find eternal life but you REFUSE to come to Me
to have LIFE." Jesus Christ is the Way the Truth and the Life
and He gives eternal life to those who come to Him, who seek Him. He
reveals Himself to them and they get to KNOW Him. They walk with Him
day by day. His Spirit dwells in them and He guides them. He teaches
them His ways. They know Him for real. They don't play Bible games,
scripture games. They walk with God because they KNOW Him. Do you
know Jesus Christ for real? Or are you also just religious? Do you
belong to a church and study your bible, say your prayers and believe
that you have salvation? If you do not know Jesus Christ for real and
have a TRUE real relationship with Him then He will turn you away. He
will say to you:"Go away I never knew you.' Do you really KNOW
Jesus Christ or are you playing scripture games?

May Jesus bless you

New Life Begins

Water baptism is a public confession that a person has been born again by the power of God. If a person has not accepted Jesus Christ and been supernaturally changed, made new inside, then water baptism is senseless. Water baptism is the start of a NEW LIFE, the burial of the old person that I used to be and from that water proceeds a new man who does the will of God, who has no desire for the things of the world or for serving himself but only for serving the kingdom of God. If we have not been changed inside and been born again, become children of God who have a desire for the kingdom of God, then it is senseless to be baptized.

Many people are baptized because they believe that they will have eternal life if they are baptized and if they confess that they believe in Jesus Christ. Jesus said that unless a man is born of the Spirit and of water he cannot enter the kingdom of God. We have to be born of the Spirit of God, become a child of God, become NEW INSIDE and then water baptism is the outward demonstration of a new birth inside. If you have not had that experience with Jesus Christ where He has made you NEW INSIDE, where you have become a child of God with a desire for the kingdom of God then it is senseless to be baptized. Paul wrote that the old things have passed away, everything has become new.  If we have not been renewed with a passionate desire for Jesus Christ and His kingdom to live for Him, to serve Him, to die for Him, to DIE TO SIN and to live for Jesus Christ, then our baptism is senseless.

Many people go into the water a dry sinner and come out of the water a wet sinner and they just continue sinning because they are sinners. The have not been regenerated by the power of God , they have not been set free from the power of sin, they have not been born again, they have no desire for Jesus Christ, they just believe they have salvation but new life has not begun in them, they are still DEAD IN THEIR SINS.

If we have not DIED TO SIN , to our own desires and your old life of selfishness and not been born again by the Spirit of God, so that we have a desire for that which is righteous and holy and pleasing to God, to seek and to build His kingdom, then baptism is senseless, then new life has not begun, we are still dead in our sins.

Have you been born again by the power of God and have you therefor publicly demonstrated through water baptism that you are  A NEW MAN, you are BORN AGAIN of the Spirit of God and of water, you are a child of God? Or are you still dead in your sins?  If you are not born again you cannot enter the kingdom of God. Has new life begun for you? Are you living a life that is pleasing to God? Are you IN Christ, a new man? Or are you still dead in your sins?

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Enemies of God

Whoever wants to be friends with the
world makes himself an enemy of God. If we do in the slightest seek
the approval and acceptance of people, even our own family, our
spouse, our parents, our children then we will deny Jesus Christ. If
Jesus Christ is not FIRST in all things then we will reject Him and
go after people and the things of the world rather than follow Jesus
If we want to have eternal life we have
to be a disciples of Jesus Christ and He must be EVERYTHING in our
lives. If we deny Jesus Christ He will deny us. People seek the
approval and acceptance of other people, of employers, and therefor
they deny Jesus, they do things that they shouldn't do. They
compromise and they turn away from Jesus and walk with friends. They
walk with family, they walk with their employer for the temporal
favor of people, for their acceptance. If we turn away from Jesus, we
turn away from LIFE. We cannot follow Jesus Christ AND be acceptable
to the world, we have to choose and we have to choose every day in
every circumstance. We have to choose many times in one day, rather
to LISTEN to the voice of the Holy Spirit guiding us into truth or
to go after our own mind and seek the favor of other people. If we
turn away from Jesus, then we make ourselves and enemy of God and we
will perish. If our heart is with Jesus then we will stay with Him
all the time, but if we turn away from Jesus and seek the favor of
people then we prove that we are haters of God, haters of
righteousness, haters of holiness and we are compromisers, lovers of
the world.
Jesus Christ will turn many people away
when they stand before Him. He will say to them:”You loved your
friends more than Me, rather than going with Me you went with
friends.” If you follow Jesus you have to follow Him EVERY DAY, all
of the time, day and night, your mind must be on Christ. You must be
seeking to please Him. Are we followers and lovers of Jesus Christ,
obedient to Him? Or are we haters of God that compromise when it
suites us and when we think that we can gain some benefit from
yielding and from going with friends and with the world?
Friendship with the world is enmity
with God. Are we friends of God, lovers of Jesus Christ or are we
enemies of God?

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Those who LOVE Lies and LIVE Lies

People love lies, they LIVE lies and
they defend their lies because they are not of the truth. They love
deception and they defend their deception, they defend their false
doctrines. The truth does not need any defense, it just needs to be
spoken and lived.
If you seek the truth you will find it.
You will find it in Jesus Christ and the truth will set you free. If
you keep on living lies and defending your lies you will perish in
your lies. Seek Jesus and He will guide you into all truth and He
will give you eternal life.

May Jesus bless you.

No Commitment No Benefits

Many people want the benefits of being married but they are not willing to make a commitment to a marriage partner and therefor they co-habit, they live together in sin. There are many people who call themselves believers in Jesus Christ who also want His benefits but they are not willing to make a commitment to Jesus Christ - THEY WILL NOT HAVE HIS BENEFITS
The benefits of Jesus Christ, eternal life and the gifts of the Holy Spirit are for those who COMMIT to Jesus Christ, who LOVE Him, who FOLLOW Him and who OBEY Him. If you do not turn away from sin, if you do not REPENT and follow Jesus Christ with all your heart then you will not have His benefits. he said:"Why do you call Me Lord, Lord and you do not what I say?" Without Jesus we can do nothing, but Jesus does not accept half measures. You cannot have His benefits if you do not totally commit to follow Him, to OBEY Him and to SERVE Him as Lord and Master.
Don't ASSUME that you will have salvation because you confess to believe in Jesus Christ and because you can recite some Bible verses to "prove" your salvation. It will all be to no avail because you will not have the benefits of Jesus Christ if you do not utterly commit to Him, obey Him, follow Him and serve Him. You cannot have it both ways. It's either Jesus Christ or DAMNATION.
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Prayer that God Answers

God loves us and He cares for us and His ear is inclined to each and every child who earnestly and seriously seeks Him. He listens to our prayers and He will answer. He gives to us what we need often before we ask, but our expectation and our hope must be in Him alone.

If we humble ourselves and come before Him like little children, coming to their father trusting and believing then we will receive an answer to our prayer. We might not always get what we asked for but we will get what is best for us because God knows what is good for us and He cares for us. If we need wisdom and understanding, we must ask Him. If we need guidance we must ASK Him and He will guide us. He will teach us  because He cares for us more than anybody else but we must humble ourselves before Him and come to Him like children, trusting and believing. Then He will answer our prayers and our joy, our peace and our happiness will be IN HIM, knowing that God our Father cares for us.

Do you TRUST in Jesus Christ like a father?

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Conformed to Churchianity not to Jesus Christ

Many people claim to be Christians and
they belong to different churches, different denominations.
Christians that belong to different denominations are LIKE the others
of that denomination. They have become Catholics and Baptists and
Presbyterians and Pentecostals but they have not become disciples of
Jesus Christ and thus they do not belong to Him.
If we belong top Jesus Christ and we
truly follow Him then we will become like Him, not like another group
of people, not like another church. We will take on the nature of
Christ, not the nature of a denomination. Have you become like Jesus
Christ since you believed? Are you a “church man” or a “God
man”? Do you belong to a church to Jesus Christ? His sheep listen
to His voice and they follow Him and they become LIKE HIM.
Are you truly following Jesus Christ
and have you become LIKE HIM?

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Salvation is Not a Game

Salvation is not a game like Monopoly
or like playing church. It is a REAL relationship with the LIVING
God. Many people think that you need to have a church, a Bible and a
lot of Christian paraphernalia in order to have a relationship with
Jesus Christ. They think you need to study the Bible and go to church
and fellowship with other like-minded people.
It is not about church or fellowship
with like-minded people, a church club. It is about KNOWING Jesus
Christ for REAL, about having His Spirit in you, Who guides you and
teaches you, a CONSTANT COMPANION, having the Spirit of the Living
God guiding you teaching you and directing you in every aspect of
your life. Jesus Christ becomes your LIFE. If you do not have the
Spirit of Christ IN YOU, if you do not hear His voice and do not
OBEY Him then you do not belong to Jesus Christ. His sheep LISTEN to
His voice and they follow Him.
Jesus Christ is ALIVE, He is God. He
made everything, He made you and me. He made the ears, He made the
mouth, He can talk! He holds everything together by His mighty
power. People reduce Jesus Christ and God to a book, to an ideology.
They don't know Him. If you know Jesus Christ you don't need any
books, you don't need any pep-talks from other people, all you need
is Jesus Christ. Salvation is KNOWING Jesus, walking with Him,
FOLLOWING Him , LISTENING to His voice and OBEYING Him, DOING those
things that are pleasing to Him. It is a moment by moment
relationship with the Living God. It is NOT A GAME!
Do you KNOW Jesus Christ for real? Do
you know His VOICE? Do you LISTEN to Him and do you FOLLOW Him? If
you don't, SEEK HIM and you will find Him. Draw closer to Him and He
will draw closer to you. If you seek Him with all your heart you will
find Him. If you don't you will PERISH. Salvation IS Jesus Christ.
Get to know Him and follow Him until the very end.

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Peace and Comfort in Uncertain Times

Man lives in a permanent state of
uncertainty, anxiety and insecurity until we find Jesus Christ. Only
Jesus Christ can give us peace that passes all understanding even
though the whole world is falling to pieces around you.
If you KNOW Jesus Christ and you STAY
WITH HIM and in harmony with Him, then He gives you peace that passes
all understanding AS LONG AS you are WITH HIM. Without Jesus we can
do nothing, without Jesus we have no hope, no future and no
security. People want security of salvation, they seek security in
many things, in riches, education and in developing their own
abilities but in the end we are insecure. If our security is in
Christ and our relationship with Him then we always have peace. It
doesn't matter what happens around us or what happens to us, because
our peace is IN Jesus Christ.
Have you found that PEACE that passes
all understanding and are you staying in that peace? Are you staying
WITH Jesus? Or are you still running around? Are you living in
anxiety and uncertainty, fear about tomorrow and about the future?
Seek Jesus Christ. He will give you
PEACE that passes all understanding. Stay WITH HIM and stay IN HIS
WILL and you will have PEACE while the whole world is in turmoil.
Without Jesus Christ we can do nothing.

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Reprobate Christians

Most professing Christians are
reprobates, castaways, they are just as evil and sinful as the rest
of the world. They cannot see the difference between right and wrong
because they have been blinded. They did not love the truth and
therefor God gave them over to their wicked desires, He blinded their
eyes and they cannot see right from wrong.
I read the words of the prophet Isaiah
as also quoted by Jesus Christ in Matthew 13:14 “In their case the
prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says,
Most professing Christians also profess
to be SINNERS. Many of them confess:”We are all sinners.” If we
follow Jesus Christ we are pure and holy like Him, we SIN NO MORE but
because Christians go after their own desires God has given them over
to a reprobate mind.
The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 1:28
”And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer,
God gave them over to a DEPRAVED MIND, to do those things which are
not proper, being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed,
malice; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are
gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful,
inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding,
untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; and although they know the
ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of
death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to
those who practice them.”
Modern theology preaches that if you
just BELIEVE in Jesus Christ you are saved. You have to OBEY Jesus
Christ and become LIKE HIM but these people do not see it, nor do
they understand it because they have been given over to a depraved
mind, they are reprobates and they will perish. May God have mercy on
this generation.
If you have also fallen prey to the
doctrine of ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED and just BELIEVING to be saved,
WAKE UP dear friend because you have been blinded to the truth and
your destruction is near. REPENT, obey Jesus Christ, be pure, holy
and righteous, be ready, because Jesus is coming and if you are not
ready you will perish.
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Proof of Salvation

Jesus Christ came to take away the sins
of the world and if a person is born again then he is not a sinner
any more, he SINS NO MORE because he OBEYS Jesus Christ, he is free
from the power of sin because he has become a child of God. The sins
that he used to do, he doesn't do them any more, he doesn't
fornicate, he doesn't cheat, he doesn't go the same places any more
because he has been born again, he is NEW INSIDE, he is a child of
Glad day, when I was born again
Glad, day, when I was born again
Glad day, when I was born again
It was a glad day when I was born again
The sins I used to do
I do them no more
The sins I used to do
I do them no more
It was a glad day when I was born again
Glad day, when I was born again
Glad, day, when I was born again
Glad day, when I was born again
It was a glad day when I was born again
The sins I used to do
I do them no more
The sins I used to do
I do them no more
It was a glad day when I was born again
The proof of your salvation is in HOW
YOU LIVE, the fruit you bear. If you are BORN AGAIN and SAVED, you
SIN NO MORE because you are a NEW CREATURE. The old things have
passed away. Everything has become NEW, you are a CHILD OF GOD and
you live to please your Father.

May Jesus bless you.