Very few believers know what it means
to live by faith. To live by faith does not mean to stop working, to
quit your job and become homeless and then to trust God to supply in
your needs. To live by faith means to live by the WORD OF GOD. Faith
comes by the hearing of the WORD OF GOD. You can only BELIEVE and ACT
on what you believed IF you HEAR FROM GOD.
It is irresponsible to quit your job
and then expect God to run after you and look after you and your
responsibilities. To live by faith means to FOLLOW Jesus Christ every
day, to LISTEN to His VOICE and to DO what He tells you to do because
you BELIEVE what you have HEARD and you TRUST Him.
If you have not heard from God you are
living by PRESUMPTION. The clergy and the church do not live by
faith, they live by MANIPULATION. They have set up an organization
for themselves and they manipulate people, they OBLIGE ignorant,
simple people to pay tithes to support their livelihood. They use the
Bible, scriptures, to oblige, to force people to support them. They
are not living by faith, they are living by witchcraft, they are
stealing from the people.
If you live by faith, you live by every
WORD that proceeds from the MOUTH of God because you follow Jesus.
Jesus will guide you step by step every day. He will guide you into
which job to take, He will guide your footsteps and when things do
not go or work out the way that you expected, you TRUST and you
BELIEVE that Jesus will never leave you, He will never forsake you
and He will make all things work together for good because you go
after Him, because you trust Him, because you follow Him. To live by
faith means to WORK HARD at whatever you do, whether you go to
school, whether you study, whether you work for a boss, it means that
you work as though you are working for God because God guides your
If Jesus TELLS you to quit your job and
He SENDS you somewhere then He will provide for you but if He has not
told you to do something you are not acting by faith, you are on your
own and He will not support your plans. You need to LISTEN to Jesus,
GO AFTER Him, FOLLOW Him, live in close relationship with Him and He
will supply in all your needs. He will go ahead of you and open
doors, He knows what you need, but SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD.
Seek to HEAR from Jesus every day. PRAY until He speaks to you but
DON'T GO unless He has sent you, because then you are on your own.
“The righteous one will live by
faith, but if he withdraws My soul will have no pleasure in him,”
that is what God says. If you follow Jesus, you LIVE BY FAITH and you
TRUST Him, you LISTEN, you OBEY and you GO where He sends you but you
MAKE SURE that you are hearing from Him or else you have no basis, NO
FOUNDATION for your faith. Then your faith is just PRESUMPTION.
Are you walking by faith? Do you HEAR
from Jesus? Do you WAIT ON Him, LISTEN to Him, FOLLOW and OBEY Him?
Are you WITH Him every day?
May Jesus bless you.