Monday, August 31, 2015
What is wrong with PENTECOSTALS?
The Pentecostal Experience, the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues was promised to all those who OBEY Jesus Christ, who REPENT and are baptized in water and who seek to follow Jesus Christ. The promise is to ALL who seriously want to follow Jesus Christ. It is the BEGINNING of our walk with Christ because we need the Holy Spirit guidance to be able to follow Jesus Christ and to do what He commands us to do, to do the WORKS that He prepared for us to do in His kingdom.
The problem with most Pentecostals is that once they receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit they believe that they have a guarantee of salvation and they never become DISCIPLES of Jesus Christ, they never FOLLOW Him. They never do the works that He prepared for them to do and that is why most of them will PERISH.
The baptism in the Holy Spirit is only the START of our walk with Jesus Christ, AFTER repentance, after being baptized in water and being filled with the Holy Spirit, only then are we ready to start following Jesus Christ because through the Holy Spirit baptism we come into relationship with Jesus Christ.
Most Pentecostals do not follow after the Holy Spirit, they follow after men and their own spirit and they put up a show. They disgrace the Holy Spirit of God, they make a mockery of God because they do not do the works of God.
We read in the book of Acts that after the apostles received the baptism in the Holy Spirit they went out under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and in the POWER of the Holy Spirit and they preached the gospel of Jesus Christ with signs and wonders, those signs and wonders that He promised would follow for those who obey Him. Most Pentecostals never started following Jesus Christ. They never became DISCIPLES.
Those who are LED by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. We need to be FILLED with the Holy Spirit, baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues and we have to pray IN THE SPIRIT, be led by the Holy Spirit and follow the Holy Spirit where He guides us, not follow men. We have to follow Jesus Christ , listen, obey and do what He prepared for us to do. He called us to DUTY, to SERVICE in His kingdom and we need the guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit to be able to do those works that He called us to do, to bear fruit in His kingdom. Without Jesus Christ we can do nothing. Without His Spirit we cannot DO those things that are pleasing to Him because we have no guidance. We need the Holy Spirit INFILLING and the GUIDANCE of the Holy Spirit to bear fruit for the kingdom of God.
May Jesus bless you.
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
what is wrong
Have you received the Holy Spirit?
Jesus Christ promised the baptism in the Holy Spirit to all those who BELIEVE the gospel and who OBEY Him, who REPENT and who are BAPTIZED IN WATER. We need the Holy Spirit to be able to follow and obey Jesus Christ . The Holy Spirit is the INDWELLING PRESENCE of Jesus Christ in out lives and we have to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit and FOLLOW the GUIDANCE of the Holy Spirit to be able to DO the WORKS that Jesus Christ prepared for us to do, to be able to SERVE Him and be part of His kingdom.
The PROOF that you have received the baptism in the Holy Spirit is that you WILL speak in tongues as also the first believers did who received the baptism in the Holy Spirit on the day oi Pentecost and there after. If you have received the baptism in the Holy Spirit you will be able to pray in tongues at any time at will. It is your COMMUNICATION with God, praying mysteries in your spirit and the Spirit of God praying with your spirit to God.
If you have not received the ability to pray in tongues then you have not been baptized in the Holy Spirit yet and you need to SEEK Jesus, OBEY Him, EARNESTLY seek the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
We read in Mark 16:15,16 Jesus Christ said that for those who believed and were baptized certain signs would follow. One of those is that they would speak in other tongues. Jesus Christ never changed. Those signs WILL follow for those who BELIEVE, OBEY and FOLLOW Jesus Christ. If those signs are not following it is because we do not believe., we have not received the Holy Spirit and we are not following Jesus Christ.
Seek Jesus, seek the truth, seek the baptism, in the Holy Spirit, be filled with the Spirit, follow and OBEY Jesus Christ. Stay with Him until the very end. We need the Holy Spirit and we need the guidance of the Holy Spirit, every moment, to experience the presence and the power and the kingdom of God.
Have you received the baptism in the Holy spirit? Are you living in the presence of the living God? Do you truly KNOW and follow Jesus Christ?
May Jesus bless you.
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Why the world does not know GOD
The world believes in many Gods but it does not know the REAL God, the TRUE God, the God of the Bible. Sadly most Christians also do not know the true God of the Bible, they do not know Jesus Christ, because they do not OBEY Him. They DENY Him, they disobey His words.
If we OBEY the words of Jesus Christ He will REVEAL Himself to us as He promised. He promised the Holy Spirit, His own Spirit to those who OBEY Him and those who OBEY Him will truly get to KNOW Him as GOD. They will have revelation from Him. Jesus Christ reveals Himself in, to, and through those who obey the gospel of Jesus Christ, His words as recorded in the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Those who repent from their evil ways and who are baptized in water, who go after Jesus Christ with all their heart, He baptizes them in the Holy Spirit as first happened on the day of Pentecost that we read about in the book of Acts. Most believers have not received the Holy Spirit and that is why they do not KNOW Jesus Christ . He is not revealed in and through them because they refuse to obey Him.
They refuse to repent, they refuse to stop sinning, they refuse to go after Jesus Christ, they refuse to be holy, they refuse to be baptized in water. They deny and reject Jesus Christ and that is why they do not know Him.
If we obey the gospel of Jesus Christ, repent, be baptized in water and go after Jesus, seek Him with all our heart, He will FILL us with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. He will give us heavenly tongues with which to worship and praise God. that is the EVIDENCE of receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit but most Christians in their own wisdom DENY the Spirit of God. They deny Jesus Christ and that is why they do not know Him. If we obey Him and seek Him we will find Him and we will KNOW Him because He will reveal Himself to us and in us.
Do you know God? Do you KNOW Jesus Christ? Is He revealed IN and THROUGH you? Are you the LIGHT in the world, this dark world where people do not have hope because they do not know God? Do you have HOPE because you know God, because you know Jesus? Do you KNOW the living God, Jesus Christ?
May Jesus bless you.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
The world has LOST it's CONSCIENCE and CONSIOUSNESS of God
The world has lost it's conscience and also it's consciousness of God. People have no natural love or compassion, they don't care for others. They don't know what LOVE is. They are selfish and self-satisfying. Even Christians have no conscience. They have lost their awareness of God. They have no communication with God. It is because their sin separates them from God. they are totally deprived. Their minds are evil. That is why we need to be born again to be part of the kingdom of God. If we are not born again of the Spirit if God we have an EVIL MIND. Most Christians have an evil mind, sinful mind. They justify their sinful minds with psychological arguments and back it up with Bible verses. They do not have the Spirit of God. They are filled with malice and hatred, self-pity, murder, immorality, everything that is wicked. We need a NEW HEART to be able to communicate with God, to come into His presence and to be part of the kingdom of God.
We can only have that NEW HEART that new attitude, that new frame of mind if we invite Jesus Christ into our lives and we turn away from wickedness, if we embrace Jesus Christ and repent of all sin, repent of selfishness and worldliness and submit ourselves to Jesus Christ. He will change us, He will make us NEW inside. We have to OBEY Him and turn our back on the world, on that which is wicked and sinful and invite Jesus Christ into our lives, live holy and righteous, be baptized in water and invite His Spirit, the Holy Spirit into us, into our hearts. Say:"Lord fill me with Your Spirit, with Your love, with Your knowledge, with Your truth so that I can be different, so that I can be part of the kingdom of God."
Without Jesus Christ we cannot do it. But Jesus will not force us. We have to SEEK Him, we have to SEEK LIFE and we have to reject evil. We have to reject the corruption that is in us and embrace Jesus Christ by our own will. We have to go after Him and keep ourselves pure and holy so that His Spirit can dwell in us. If we embrace wickedness the Spirit of God will leave us and we will be in darkness. Seek Jesus with all your heart. Invite Him into your life, reject evil, obey Jesus Christ, repent, be baptized, seek the INFILLING with the Holy Spirit and preserve yourself for Jesus Christ. Keep yourself pure and holy and let Him dwell in you or else you will also perish like the rest of this world that is doomed. Seek Jesus now before it is for ever too late.
May Jesus bless you.
consciousness of God,
Friday, August 28, 2015
Religiously Decorated but Fruitless and Useless
Very few people who profess to be serious Christians are real followers of Jesus Christ. Most of them are just like Christmas trees. They are religiously decorated but they are fruitless and useless, they are DEAD. They are spiritually DEAD because they do not know Jesus Christ, neither do they follow and obey Him. They are DECORATED, they look like Christians, they have got all the trinkets, they have got Bibles and the attributes, they go to church, they participate in the religious activities and outwardly the world sees them as Christians but they are not followers of Jesus Christ. They are just for SHOW. They are not for real.
The real and true followers of Jesus Christ follow Him every day. They obey His words, they live in holiness and in righteousness. They bear fruit because they are in Christ. They are LIKE Jesus Christ. They speak the words of Christ and they go where He sends them, they do what He tells them to do and therefor they BEAR FRUIT. They bring others to Jesus Christ. They are ALIVE. They are ALIVE and fruitful for the kingdom of God.
Most professing Christians are just for show and they are deceived. They believe that they are saved because they conform to a FORM OF GODLINESS, a PICTURE of Christianity that they themselves have created but they have no relationship with Jesus Christ. They are not led by the Holy Spirit and they do not DO the works of Christ. They do the works of the flesh and they run after the IMAGE of a Christian, that has been created in the minds of those who are deceived and who are PERISHING.
Have we met the REAL Jesus Christ? Are we conformed to His likeness? Have we been changed from dead fake trees to LIVE fruit bearing trees in the kingdom of God. Do we bear the fruits of righteousness, holiness and obedience to Jesus Christ? Are we IN relationship with Him and DOING the works that He prepared for us to do? Or are we just decorative trees, Christmas trees, false,fake Christians like the majority of those who profess to be children of God but they are children of satan because they do the works of the devil?
Let us not deceive ourselves but follow the REAL Jesus and become like Him. Seek to be pleasing to Him and not conform to the world, not to be like the worldly Christmas tree Christians that are doomed and that will perish, that will be burned up like discarded Christmas tree.
Follow Jesus, obey Him and DO what He requires of you. Come ALIVE and be REAL, be a child of God.
May Jesus bless you.
Christmas tree,
Jesus Christ
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Why the Savior of the World is not SAVING it
Jesus Christ is the only Savior of the world but the world rejects Jesus Christ and that is why it is in the state that it is in. Even Christians reject Jesus Christ. They disobey Him, they refuse Him, they deny Him and that is why they will perish. Jesus Christ is the SOLE SOLUTION, He can fix every problem but the world does not want Him and the world does not obey Him.
Embrace Jesus, seek Him with all your heart, obey Him and become part of His kingdom or else you have no hope, you have no future and you will perish. Without Jesus Christ we can do nothing.
Many people think that can pray things right. Many Christians see what is happening in the world and they say:"Let us pray." But they are still living in sin. They disobey Jesus Christ, He is not hearing their prayers.
If we come to Jesus, we come on His terms. We repent, are baptized in water, we commit to obey Him and then He will answer our prayers, He will reveal Himself to us but if we disobey Him and we disregard Him, He will also disregard us. Jesus Christ answers the prayers of those who earnestly seek Him, who humble themselves before Him because He is the GREAT KING, He is LORD, He is GOD ALMIGHTY. Give Him the honor that is due to Him, RESPECT Him, FEAR Him, OBEY Him, let Him be your LORD and He will take care of you. But if you reject Him and deny Him He will ignore you and deny you also. Jesus Christ IS the SOLE SOLUTION but we have to bow down before Him and serve Him, respect Him as Lord. Obey Jesus and you will LIVE, disregard Him and you will perish.
May Jesus bless you.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
What to do to be SAVED
Sin separates us from God. We have all sinned and we come short of the glory of God and that is why the world is separated from God and doomed to eternal damnation. The only way to be saved is to be delivered of the guilt of our sin and to then come into the presence of God and stay with Him for eternity.
The only way that we can get rid of the guilt of our sin and come into the presence of God is through Jesus Christ, through OBEYING Jesus. We must REPENT, turn away from sin, turn away from going our own ways, TURN to Jesus, plead Him forgiveness for our past sin and He will cleanse us of all unrighteousness. Then we have to further OBEY Him and be baptized in water as a confession of our faith in Jesus Christ and our commitment to follow and obey Him. And then a wonderful thing will happen, He will make us NEW inside. We will be BORN AGAIN to be children of God. He will give His Spirit to come and dwell in us. He promised to baptize us in the Holy Spirit so that the Spirit of Christ will dwell in us and connect us with God, with Jesus Christ Himself and we can be in communion, in relationship with Jesus Christ, but we have to STAY with Him, LISTEN to the Holy Spirit, OBEY Him, FOLLOW Him, be pure and holy and He will guide us into all truth. He will teach us all things because we will live in the presence of God. That is the only way to be saved.
The world believes lies. They have been told that if they only believe in Jesus Christ they will be saved. We have to BELIEVE and OBEY His words, the gospel of Jesus Christ, that which He commanded, that which was also recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and it was fulfilled in the book of Acts when the Holy Spirit was given to those who OBEYED the gospel of Jesus Christ. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and went on to follow Jesus Christ under guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Are you being SAVED? Did you OBEY the gospel of Jesus Christ? Did you repent? Were you baptized in water and did you receive the Holy Spirit as also the first believers did? Do you LISTEN to the Holy Spirit? Do you OBEY and FOLLOW Him? Do you live in the presence of God? Are you BEING SAVED?
Stay with Jesus. Endure with Him until the very end. Listen, obey and follow Him and you will be saved.
May Jesus bless you.
eternal life,
how to be saved,
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Receiving Knowledge of God from God
The only knowledge that most believers
have of Jesus Christ and God is from that which they read in the
Bible, from that which they heard from other people. many believers
love to read books, watch videos, study the Bible, attend conferences
to listen to eloquent speakers. Many love to go to church and listen
to a pastor or a preacher who is an inspired speaker and that is the
only knowledge that they have of Jesus Christ. It is from what they
have HEARD from other people, they don't know Jesus, they don't know
have of Jesus Christ and God is from that which they read in the
Bible, from that which they heard from other people. many believers
love to read books, watch videos, study the Bible, attend conferences
to listen to eloquent speakers. Many love to go to church and listen
to a pastor or a preacher who is an inspired speaker and that is the
only knowledge that they have of Jesus Christ. It is from what they
have HEARD from other people, they don't know Jesus, they don't know
It is to those believers that Jesus
will one day say:"Go away, I never knew you, you workers of
wickedness." They knew all about God, they knew the Bible but
they did not know Jesus Christ. The never heard FROM HIM. They never
walked WITH HIM. They were never in relationship with Him, in His
communion, in His company, they don't know God. They don't know Jesus
Christ and they are LOST.
will one day say:"Go away, I never knew you, you workers of
wickedness." They knew all about God, they knew the Bible but
they did not know Jesus Christ. The never heard FROM HIM. They never
walked WITH HIM. They were never in relationship with Him, in His
communion, in His company, they don't know God. They don't know Jesus
Christ and they are LOST.
Most Christians are like that. They go
to church and they say they worship but they hear ABOUT God, they
never hear FROM God because they don't know God.
to church and they say they worship but they hear ABOUT God, they
never hear FROM God because they don't know God.
Have you come to know Jesus Christ
since you have heard about Him? Did you seek Him with all your heart?
Did you OBEY the gospel of Jesus Christ? Did you REPENT and have you
been BAPTIZED? Have you received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and
has Jesus Christ REVEALED Himself to you? Do you live in the
KNOWLEDGE of God? Does He speak to you? Are you one of His sheep? Do
you LISTEN to Him and OBEY Him or do you only know ABOUT Him? Are you
just a listener who hears about God and learns ABOUT God but you are
deceiving yourself because you do not know God at all?
since you have heard about Him? Did you seek Him with all your heart?
Did you OBEY the gospel of Jesus Christ? Did you REPENT and have you
been BAPTIZED? Have you received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and
has Jesus Christ REVEALED Himself to you? Do you live in the
KNOWLEDGE of God? Does He speak to you? Are you one of His sheep? Do
you LISTEN to Him and OBEY Him or do you only know ABOUT Him? Are you
just a listener who hears about God and learns ABOUT God but you are
deceiving yourself because you do not know God at all?
Do you know Jesus Christ? Do you hear
about Him from HIM or just from other people?
about Him from HIM or just from other people?
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Monday, August 24, 2015
Prosperity Gospel Attracts Worldly Christians
We came into this world with nothing and when we leave this world we will take nothing with us. If we love this world and the things of the world then the love of Christ cannot be in us. If we love the things of this world then we will not follow Jesus Christ, we will cling to these things of the world.
The prosperity gospel appeals to worldly Christians, those who love the world and the things of the world. They do not have the love of Christ in them and they think that Jesus Christ came to make them rich and prosperous.
The prosperity gospel is not the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel of Jesus Christ requires of us that we deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow Him every day, that we be willing to leave everything behind and GO where He sends us, that we love Him more than the things of the world.
If we love this world and the things of the world then we cannot be of the kingdom of God. Nobody can serve two masters, either we love Jesus Christ and we go after Him or we go after prosperity, riches and the pleasures of this world.
Do we love Jesus Christ or are the things of this world precious to us?
May Jesus bless you.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Why Christians are UNFRUITFUL
Most Christians are unfruitful and they
will perish if they do not repent and bear fruit for the kingdom of
God. I was such a Christian and then I had a heart attack, I died and
I found myself on my way to hell because I was UNFRUITFUL.
will perish if they do not repent and bear fruit for the kingdom of
God. I was such a Christian and then I had a heart attack, I died and
I found myself on my way to hell because I was UNFRUITFUL.
Most Christians are focused on
themselves, on other people, on church activities, on the Bible, on
end time prophecies, but they are not focused on Jesus Christ.
Without Jesus we can do nothing. Jesus said:"I am the true vine.
Everyone who remains in Me bears much fruit because without Me you
can do nothing."
themselves, on other people, on church activities, on the Bible, on
end time prophecies, but they are not focused on Jesus Christ.
Without Jesus we can do nothing. Jesus said:"I am the true vine.
Everyone who remains in Me bears much fruit because without Me you
can do nothing."
If we focus on ourselves and on other
things we will perish because without Jesus we can do nothing. We
must get our focus on Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God. If we
focus on Jesus and we obey Him, we seek to be pleasing to Him then He
will reveal Himself to us, He will guide us and He will teach us and
we will bear fruit for His kingdom.
things we will perish because without Jesus we can do nothing. We
must get our focus on Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God. If we
focus on Jesus and we obey Him, we seek to be pleasing to Him then He
will reveal Himself to us, He will guide us and He will teach us and
we will bear fruit for His kingdom.
Most Christians are worried about what
other people think of them, they are worried about their future, what
they will eat, what they will drink, where they will live, with whom
they will marry but they are not worried about Jesus Christ and their
relationship with Him . If we are not concerned about Jesus Christ
Himself we will not get to KNOW Him, we will not FOLLOW nor OBEY
Him. If we do not seek His approval and WORK to achieve it we will
never have it and we will perish because Jesus Christ is LORD, He is
KING, He is MASTER. We have to be pleasing to Him. He called us for
His purpose to do those things which He prepared for us to do and if
we are not led by the Holy Spirit we cannot do what He purposed for
us to do. It is all about Jesus Christ, our relationship with Him,
nothing else.
other people think of them, they are worried about their future, what
they will eat, what they will drink, where they will live, with whom
they will marry but they are not worried about Jesus Christ and their
relationship with Him . If we are not concerned about Jesus Christ
Himself we will not get to KNOW Him, we will not FOLLOW nor OBEY
Him. If we do not seek His approval and WORK to achieve it we will
never have it and we will perish because Jesus Christ is LORD, He is
KING, He is MASTER. We have to be pleasing to Him. He called us for
His purpose to do those things which He prepared for us to do and if
we are not led by the Holy Spirit we cannot do what He purposed for
us to do. It is all about Jesus Christ, our relationship with Him,
nothing else.
Jesus Christ ALONE is the WAY. Do you
know Him? Are you focused on Him? Do you hear His voice? Are you
seeking to please Him? Or are you busy with other things?
know Him? Are you focused on Him? Do you hear His voice? Are you
seeking to please Him? Or are you busy with other things?
Get your focus on Jesus. Seek Him with
all your heart and He will guide you into all truth . He will make
you FRUITFUL and you will bring glory to God. We have to bear fruit
for His kingdom or we will get CUT OFF and BURNED.
all your heart and He will guide you into all truth . He will make
you FRUITFUL and you will bring glory to God. We have to bear fruit
for His kingdom or we will get CUT OFF and BURNED.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Serve HIS Purpose
Jesus Christ calls us for His purpose to SERVE in His Kingdom and to DO the WORKS that He has prepared for us to do. Most believers only want salvation, they don't want to end up in HELL. They don't want Jesus, neither do they want to serve Him, nor the kingdom of God.
If we are not willing to serve His purpose and do HIS WILL then we are worthless for the Kingdom of God and He will DISPOSE of us if we do not REPENT and SERVE HIM. Jesus Christ said that every branch in Me that does not bear fruit will get cut off and burned. John the Baptist warned that when Jesus comes He will CUT OF all unfruitful trees. He warned that the ax is already lying at the root of the trees, ever tree that does not bear good fruit will get cut off.
If we do not SERVE our PURPOSE for which Jesus called us, every day, until the very end then we will get cut off and burned. Many people falsely believe that if their works are burned that they will be saved, but that is not what Jesus said. Jesus said that the unfruitful branch will get cut off and burned.
Are we fruitful in the kingdom of God? Are we serving His purpose? Are we LIGHT in darkness? Are we the salt of the earth? Are we ambassadors for Jesus Christ or are we sinful, wicked, worldly like everybody else and just hope for salvation because we believe in Jesus Christ?
If we are not living for the kingdom of God and not serving His purpose we will get cut off and burned, we will end up in hell. Are we serving the purpose that Jesus called us for?
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
kingdom of God,
Friday, August 21, 2015
Living for the Kingdom
What are we living for? Are we living for the kingdom of God or for ourselves? Jesus Christ said:"Seek FIRST the kingdom of God and all the other things will be added unto you." Most professing Christians do not even know what the kingdom of God is or what it is about. They do not know and they do not understand it because they are not BORN AGAIN. The are not of the kingdom of God, they are not of Jesus Christ.
Jesus said that unless you are BORN AGAIN you cannot SEE the kingdom of God. The reason why most professing Christians cannot SEE the kingdom of God and are not living for the kingdom of God is: THEY ARE NOT BORN AGAIN. They do not know Jesus Christ. They live for themselves, for their own desires and their own ambitions, they love the things of the world. They participate in the world, they are exactly like everybody else. They live in sin and they approve of all those things that God hates. They are living in disobedience to Jesus Christ . He is not their KING, He is not their Lord. It is because they are not BORN AGAIN. They are not children of God and they will PERISH if the do not REPENT and OBEY the gospel of Jesus Christ which is the only way to be saved.
You have to REPENT and turn away from going after your own desires, going after SIN and the things of the world and you have to go after Jesus Christ. You have to be baptized in water and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Then you will SEE the kingdom of God but if you still love the things of the world then you are of the world, you are not of the kingdom of God.
Are you of the kingdom of God or are you one of those who will PERISH like the rest of the world?
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
kingdom of God,
living for,
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Knowing and Doing the WILL OF GOD
Most believers do not know what the will of God is for them, what His purpose is with them. Others have their own idea of what God requires of them, what their calling is, what God wants them to do, how He wants them to act. We can only KNOW what God requires of us when we FOCUS on Jesus Christ and we SEEK to do HIS WILL, when we walk with Him, when our mind is on Him and He fills us with His mind. We need to have the MIND OF CHRIST to do the works of Christ.
If we follow our own mind we cannot please God and that is why most believers cannot please God. They are not LED by the Holy Spirit, they have no relationship with Jesus Christ, they please themselves and other people but they are not seeking the kingdom of God, they are not seeking to be pleasing to Jesus Christ, they do not have the MIND OF CHRIST and they cannot be pleasing to God.
If our focus is not on Jesus Christ and if we do not have the mind of Christ, if we are not led by the Holy Spirit because we are in close relationship with Jesus Christ, then we cannot do the will of God and we cannot be pleasing to Him, we cannot bear fruit. We can only be fruitful in the kingdom of God if we are led by the Spirit of God because we have the MIND OF CHRIST, because we WALK WITH HIM. Without Jesus Christ we can do nothing. We need to have the MIND OF CHRIST, be led by the Holy Spirit and then we can do the will of God.
Are you walking in the Spirit? Are you being led by the Holy Spirit of God? Do you SEEK His guidance? Are you doing the will of God?
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
will of God
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Sinning Christians Sons of satan
Most professing Christians are no different from the world or from other religious people. They have an insatiable thirst for wickedness, they have a thirst for the filth that is presented in the media. They are evil in their minds and in their deeds, they are religious , they have Bibles and they believe that they have salvation because they know some Bible verses and belong to a church but in their deeds and in their manner, in their speech, in their way of living, they are wicked like the rest of the world.
The difference between a child of God and the rest of the world is, the CHILDREN OF GOD ARE SAINTS. They do NOT SIN. They are holy in all their manner, in everything that they do in their speech, in their way of living, in their way of dealing with other people. They care for the kingdom of God, they care for other people and they mind their walk. They live in holiness and in righteousness.
The majority of Christians today approve of immorality, homosexuality, everything that is filthy and wicked. They lust after the desires of the flesh and they participate in the same things as the rest of the world, they will perish, because they are sons of the devil.
From the fullness of the heart speaks the mouth. Our deeds show what is inside. If our deeds are unrighteous and filthy then that is what we are, we are sons of the devil. if we are children of God we WILL NOT SIN, we will be PURE, HOLY and RIGHTEOUS like Jesus Christ. Most professing Christians do not know Jesus Christ at all. They are doomed, they are like the rest of the world, they are wicked and they are on their way to HELL.
Have you been changed by Jesus Christ? Is that which comes forth from you pure, holy and inspired by God? Can the world see that you are a child of God or are you exactly the same as the rest? Are you the same as all of those who are on their way to destruction? Are you a child of God, a follower of Jesus Christ, or are you DOOMED to ETERNAL DESTRUCTION?
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
True Repentance What It Means
You cannot follow Jesus Christ and have salvation, eternal life, without true repentance. Most people do not know what true repentance means.
True repentance does not just mean turning from sin. It means to turn from the world, from your own ambitions, from yourself, your own desires and to submit yourself to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, to go after Him and to live your life to please Him. True repentance is about leaving behind your old life and living a new life in and for Christ Jesus. It means that you turn away from sin, you turn away from your previous lifestyle, you don't love the world any more, you love Jesus Christ and you obey Him. You are baptized in water for the washing off of your sin and then He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit so that you can follow Him, so that you can be guided by Him.
Very few believers ever repent. Of those who are baptized and receive the Holy Spirit, very very few have ever truly repented, very few of them ever follow Jesus Christ. That is why most believers are hell bound, they are not following Jesus Christ. They are following after the world and they are following after their own lusts, they have no relationship with Jesus Christ and when they die they will stand in front of Him and He will say to them:"Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness." Most Christian believers do not know the meaning of repentance, they have never repented. They live for themselves and for their own pleasure. They are conformed to the world, they are just like everybody else, just like every other person in this world, they only believe that they are saved, they believe in Jesus Christ but they believe a LIE because they do not know Jesus Christ. They never repented. They never started going after Jesus, they do not know His voice and they do not follow Him. His sheep HEAR His voice. They LISTEN to Him and they FOLLOW Him every day. They live to please Him not themselves.
Did you ever truly repent? Have you truly started following Jesus Christ? Or are you just deceived like the rest of the believers?
May Jesus bless you.
Monday, August 17, 2015
A slice of the Religious PIE
The man made religious organizations and churches of this world are all of this world and they are happy to have a slice of the RELIGIOUS PIE. They all build their own little kingdoms on earth but they are not part of the kingdom of God. They are of the world,
If we belong to Jesus Christ and His kingdom then we do not fit into these religious organizations and churches, we are of a different kingdom, the kingdom of God. We are not of the world, we are of Jesus Christ. We follow and obey Him and we do what is pleasing to Him . If you still fit into the worldly churches and you are part of the RELIGIOUS PIE then you cannot be part of the kingdom of God.
We cannot serve two masters, we are either of Jesus and we are rejected by the world or we are of this world.
who do you belong to? To Jesus Christ or to a church? Who do you follow? Jesus Christ or men?
May Jesus bless you.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
The fault lies with YOU
It is easy to criticize other people for what is wrong in our lives and for what is wrong in the world. It is easy to blame others and want to correct them but there is only one person who can correct all of us and who can fix this world and that is Jesus Christ.
We can have an influence, we can have an IMPACT, we can affect change if we submit ourselves to Jesus Christ and firstly allow Him to change us and then He can use us to do His will.
Submit to Jesus, follow and obey Him and let Him use YOU to make a positive impact, to change this world. Without Jesus Christ we can do nothing.
May Jesus bless you.
Saturday, August 15, 2015
You need a NEW MIND to follow Jesus Christ
You need to be BORN AGAIN to follow Jesus Christ and to SEE the kingdom of God, you cannot just CHANGE YOUR MIND. You need a NEW MIND. Most believers were not born again, they still have a SINFUL MIND, a WORLDLY MIND and that is why they keep on sinning and they love the things of the world. We need a NEW MIND. We need the MIND OF CHRIST and we must ask Jesus to give us that NEW MIND, to RENEW our mind, not just to change it because that which is CORRUPT cannot be changed to be acceptable to God.
We read in Romans chapter 12:1 The apostle Paul writes: "I urge you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and a holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and PERFECT."
That is why believers say that they cannot stop sinning, they have a sinful mind, they have a corrupt mind, the mind of the world. We need that NEW MIND, the MIND OF CHRIST. I f we still love the world and think like the world then we have a corrupt mind and we cannot do different because our mind is rotten, we need a NEW MIND, the MIND OF CHRIST.
We need to REPENT, TURN AWAY from what we were and what we did. We have got to hate it and ask Jesus for a new mind, we must embrace that NEW MIND, the MIND OF CHRIST and present ourselves, our MIND SOUL AND BODY to Jesus Christ as a Holy sacrifice to serve Him in PERFECTION. We have to be PERFECT like He is PERFECT. Jesus Christ gives us a PERFECT MIND, the MIND OF CHRIST and therefor if we follow Him we will be PERFECT as He commanded us to be.
May Jesus bless you.
Friday, August 14, 2015
You HAVE TO BE BAPTIZED in Water to be Saved
HAVE TO be baptized in water AFTER BELIEVING in Jesus Christ and
repenting or else you WILL NOT enter the kingdom of heave, you will
not have salvation.
HAVE TO be baptized in water AFTER BELIEVING in Jesus Christ and
repenting or else you WILL NOT enter the kingdom of heave, you will
not have salvation.
baptism is a doctrine from satan that will take many people to hell.
If you were baptized as a baby you were never baptized. You FIRST
have to believe in Jesus Christ, repent and OBEY Him, be baptized in
water or else you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
baptism is a doctrine from satan that will take many people to hell.
If you were baptized as a baby you were never baptized. You FIRST
have to believe in Jesus Christ, repent and OBEY Him, be baptized in
water or else you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
Christ gave me a dream, a revelation about the importance of being
baptized in water. I made a video about it in September 2013 and I
attach it to this video:
Christ gave me a dream, a revelation about the importance of being
baptized in water. I made a video about it in September 2013 and I
attach it to this video:
dreamed of a long bridge over a large body of water but then somebody
came and they built a new layer on top of this bridge. This layer was
narrower than the original bridge. It was so wide that one car could
just about fit on top of it (originally two cars), but the layer did
not cover the entire length of the bridge. It was too short. As I
walked on this layer I saw that parts of it was crumbling. This
bridge was now useless. Somebody said to me:"This bridge is
still good." I said to him:"Have you seen what happens when
a car drives into the water?"
dreamed of a long bridge over a large body of water but then somebody
came and they built a new layer on top of this bridge. This layer was
narrower than the original bridge. It was so wide that one car could
just about fit on top of it (originally two cars), but the layer did
not cover the entire length of the bridge. It was too short. As I
walked on this layer I saw that parts of it was crumbling. This
bridge was now useless. Somebody said to me:"This bridge is
still good." I said to him:"Have you seen what happens when
a car drives into the water?"
I woke
up and I prayed about the dream. I said:"Lord what is the
meaning of this dream?" I clearly heard these words:"They
REFUSE to be baptized in water." I clearly understood the
up and I prayed about the dream. I said:"Lord what is the
meaning of this dream?" I clearly heard these words:"They
REFUSE to be baptized in water." I clearly understood the
people refuse to be baptized in water. They are using a bridge that
will not take them to the other side. If you disobey Jesus and you
refuse to be baptized in water you will not progress any further in
your relationship with Jesus and you will not have eternal life. You
will not enter the kingdom of Heaven.
people refuse to be baptized in water. They are using a bridge that
will not take them to the other side. If you disobey Jesus and you
refuse to be baptized in water you will not progress any further in
your relationship with Jesus and you will not have eternal life. You
will not enter the kingdom of Heaven.
Jesus bless you.
Jesus bless you.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Christians just want GOOD NEWS
Most Christians just want to hear GOOD
NEWS but the gospel of Jesus Christ is bad news for those who love
sin. If you sin you will burn. To follow Jesus Christ means death to
SELF and death to the desires of the flesh. It means that you have to
live your life to please Jesus.
NEWS but the gospel of Jesus Christ is bad news for those who love
sin. If you sin you will burn. To follow Jesus Christ means death to
SELF and death to the desires of the flesh. It means that you have to
live your life to please Jesus.
Christians want a NICE CHURCH. They
want to hear that they are SAVED because they BELIEVE.
want to hear that they are SAVED because they BELIEVE.
You are only BEING SAVED if you obey
the gospel of Jesus Christ, if you turn away from sin and the desires
of the flesh and the things of the world and you go after Jesus
Christ, you stop sinning, you live your life to please Him, you obey
HIM, you are baptized in water. You live in holiness and
righteousness and you follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. That is
not good news for those who love sin, who love the things of the
world, who love their TV and who love the desires of the flesh
because if you follow Jesus Christ this world will hate you. You will
not participate in the things of the world, you will not love the
things of the world. This is BAD NEWS for most Christians because
they want a a NICE CHURCH and a NICE PREACHER and they want to hear
NICE THINGS, or else they leave the church.
the gospel of Jesus Christ, if you turn away from sin and the desires
of the flesh and the things of the world and you go after Jesus
Christ, you stop sinning, you live your life to please Him, you obey
HIM, you are baptized in water. You live in holiness and
righteousness and you follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. That is
not good news for those who love sin, who love the things of the
world, who love their TV and who love the desires of the flesh
because if you follow Jesus Christ this world will hate you. You will
not participate in the things of the world, you will not love the
things of the world. This is BAD NEWS for most Christians because
they want a a NICE CHURCH and a NICE PREACHER and they want to hear
NICE THINGS, or else they leave the church.
Dear friend, leave your nice church and
go after Jesus Christ or you will perish. The gospel of Jesus Christ
is GRUESOME. If you love Him this world will HATE you , will
persecute you . Seek Jesus and seek to please Him and you will have
LIFE. If you go after good news you are going after LIES and you will
perish with those lies.
go after Jesus Christ or you will perish. The gospel of Jesus Christ
is GRUESOME. If you love Him this world will HATE you , will
persecute you . Seek Jesus and seek to please Him and you will have
LIFE. If you go after good news you are going after LIES and you will
perish with those lies.
May Jesus bless you.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Jesus does not always forgive sins
Many people believe that they can sin
every day and then just go on their knees at night and ask Jesus
forgiveness and He will forgive them. They also believe that they can
live as they please, they can sin as much as they like and then just
before they die, if they ask Jesus forgiveness He will forgive them,
they call that a DEATH BED REPENTANCE. That is not repentance. That
person never had sorrow for his sin, he was never sorry that he did
wrong, he loved his sin.
every day and then just go on their knees at night and ask Jesus
forgiveness and He will forgive them. They also believe that they can
live as they please, they can sin as much as they like and then just
before they die, if they ask Jesus forgiveness He will forgive them,
they call that a DEATH BED REPENTANCE. That is not repentance. That
person never had sorrow for his sin, he was never sorry that he did
wrong, he loved his sin.
People who keep on sinning every day
and want forgiveness every night, they are not serious. They love
their sin, they don't love God. Jesus will not forgive them. God is
not fooled and Jesus does not forgive willful sin. He will not
forgive us unless we seriously and honestly repent and turn away from
that sin.
and want forgiveness every night, they are not serious. They love
their sin, they don't love God. Jesus will not forgive them. God is
not fooled and Jesus does not forgive willful sin. He will not
forgive us unless we seriously and honestly repent and turn away from
that sin.
May Jesus bless you.
death bed repentance,
not always,
Discipleship TODAY Ep 8 The PROOF of Faith
Discipleship requires FAITH. Without
faith it is impossible to please God, without faith it is impossible
to follow Jesus Christ. If you do not really believe in Him you will
not OBEY Him and you will not get to know Him.
faith it is impossible to please God, without faith it is impossible
to follow Jesus Christ. If you do not really believe in Him you will
not OBEY Him and you will not get to know Him.
Many people say that they believe in
Jesus Christ for their salvation but they do not know Him because
they do not OBEY Him and you will not get to know Jesus Christ if you
do not OBEY Him. You have to ACT on your faith. You have to OBEY Him
because you BELIEVE in Him. If you believe and obey Him, if you
REPENT, turn from your wicked ways and from serving yourself, turn
away from sin and accept Jesus as your Lord and Master and you are
BAPTIZED IN WATER then He REWARDS you with the baptism in the Holy
Spirit, His very own presence IN you, WITH you, you will get to KNOW
Him for REAL. But if you do not ACT on your faith, if you do not OBEY
Him, if you do not REPENT and STOP SINNING He will not come into your
life, you will not get to know Him. Your FAITH has to be PROVEN by
your ACTIONS, your DEEDS. Faith without works is DEAD. If you do not
follow and obey Jesus Christ, you DO NOT BELIEVE in Him, you do not
know Him, you do not belong to Him and you do not have salvation.
Jesus Christ for their salvation but they do not know Him because
they do not OBEY Him and you will not get to know Jesus Christ if you
do not OBEY Him. You have to ACT on your faith. You have to OBEY Him
because you BELIEVE in Him. If you believe and obey Him, if you
REPENT, turn from your wicked ways and from serving yourself, turn
away from sin and accept Jesus as your Lord and Master and you are
BAPTIZED IN WATER then He REWARDS you with the baptism in the Holy
Spirit, His very own presence IN you, WITH you, you will get to KNOW
Him for REAL. But if you do not ACT on your faith, if you do not OBEY
Him, if you do not REPENT and STOP SINNING He will not come into your
life, you will not get to know Him. Your FAITH has to be PROVEN by
your ACTIONS, your DEEDS. Faith without works is DEAD. If you do not
follow and obey Jesus Christ, you DO NOT BELIEVE in Him, you do not
know Him, you do not belong to Him and you do not have salvation.
If you do not FOLLOW Jesus then you
prove that you do not believe in Him because Jesus said:”Whoever
wishes to come after Me must DENY himself, pick up his cross every
day and come here follow Me. You can only follow Jesus Christ if you
have obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ, if you have REPENTED, been
BAPTIZED IN WATER, been filled with the Holy Spirit because then only
can you HEAR HIS VOICE and then only can you follow Him.
prove that you do not believe in Him because Jesus said:”Whoever
wishes to come after Me must DENY himself, pick up his cross every
day and come here follow Me. You can only follow Jesus Christ if you
have obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ, if you have REPENTED, been
BAPTIZED IN WATER, been filled with the Holy Spirit because then only
can you HEAR HIS VOICE and then only can you follow Him.
Many people accept Jesus, they are
baptize in water, some of them receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit
but they never start following Jesus Christ because they did not
really BELIEVE. If you BELIEVE you will GO AFTER Him, you will OBEY
Him, you will LISTEN to Him, you will HEAR Him. He will SEND you, you
will GO where He sends you, you will leave everything behind on HIS
WORD, on what He has SPOKEN to you – faith comes by the HEARING of
the WORD OF GOD, it is when Jesus SPEAKS to you, when He CALLS you,
when He SENDS you that you BELIEVE and you ACT and you DO and you GO
where He sends you and you are REWARDED by His INTERVENTION. You SEE
the hand of God moving miraculously, you see lives being changed, you
see people get to know Jesus Christ for REAL, you see how God
provides when He sends you, because He is God ALMIGHTY. He does not
work by human methods, He is GOD! When He sends you He goes with you
but you have to OBEY Him, you have to FOLLOW Him and if you are not
willing to go by His WORD, that which He TELLS you, which He COMMANDS
you to do then you did not BELIEVE or you were UNWILLING but you
PROVE that you do not really BELIEVE Jesus Christ .
baptize in water, some of them receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit
but they never start following Jesus Christ because they did not
really BELIEVE. If you BELIEVE you will GO AFTER Him, you will OBEY
Him, you will LISTEN to Him, you will HEAR Him. He will SEND you, you
will GO where He sends you, you will leave everything behind on HIS
WORD, on what He has SPOKEN to you – faith comes by the HEARING of
the WORD OF GOD, it is when Jesus SPEAKS to you, when He CALLS you,
when He SENDS you that you BELIEVE and you ACT and you DO and you GO
where He sends you and you are REWARDED by His INTERVENTION. You SEE
the hand of God moving miraculously, you see lives being changed, you
see people get to know Jesus Christ for REAL, you see how God
provides when He sends you, because He is God ALMIGHTY. He does not
work by human methods, He is GOD! When He sends you He goes with you
but you have to OBEY Him, you have to FOLLOW Him and if you are not
willing to go by His WORD, that which He TELLS you, which He COMMANDS
you to do then you did not BELIEVE or you were UNWILLING but you
PROVE that you do not really BELIEVE Jesus Christ .
The world will know that we are His
disciples because we BEAR THE FRUIT, we are LIKE Jesus, we do HIS
WORKS, we GO where He sends us and Jesus Christ reveals Himself TO
us, IN us THROUGH us and to those who truly BELIEVE!
disciples because we BEAR THE FRUIT, we are LIKE Jesus, we do HIS
WORKS, we GO where He sends us and Jesus Christ reveals Himself TO
us, IN us THROUGH us and to those who truly BELIEVE!
Do you truly BELIEVE? Are you bearing
fruit? Without Jesus we can do nothing. We can only do the works of
God if we BELIEVE, LISTEN, HEAR, FOLLOW and OBEY Jesus Christ because
then we do HIS WORKS, not natural works, not that which the "church"
does. We are not building churches, we are building the kingdom of
God because we truly bring people to the knowledge of Jesus Christ!
They KNOW Him for REAL, they FOLLOW Him and they OBEY Him and thereby
they PROVE that they BELIEVE, they PROVE that they are disciples of
Jesus Christ.
fruit? Without Jesus we can do nothing. We can only do the works of
God if we BELIEVE, LISTEN, HEAR, FOLLOW and OBEY Jesus Christ because
then we do HIS WORKS, not natural works, not that which the "church"
does. We are not building churches, we are building the kingdom of
God because we truly bring people to the knowledge of Jesus Christ!
They KNOW Him for REAL, they FOLLOW Him and they OBEY Him and thereby
they PROVE that they BELIEVE, they PROVE that they are disciples of
Jesus Christ.
Is your faith proven? Can the world SEE
that you are a FOLLOWER an OBEDIENT disciple of Jesus Christ? Or are
you a FAKE? Are you just a church goer and a person who confesses
Jesus but does not really know Him? Do you KNOW and follow Jesus? Do
you truly BELIEVE?
that you are a FOLLOWER an OBEDIENT disciple of Jesus Christ? Or are
you a FAKE? Are you just a church goer and a person who confesses
Jesus but does not really know Him? Do you KNOW and follow Jesus? Do
you truly BELIEVE?
May Jesus bless you.
Monday, August 10, 2015
Polluted Minds Muddled Perceptions
From the fullness of the heart speaks the mouth. we have to be purified and cleansed of all wickedness, of all unrighteousness, of all the things that we have learned through time. Our minds have to be renewed, we must have the MIND OF CHRIST to do what is pleasing to Him. We have to be very careful what we absorb into our minds, what we listen to, what we allow in front of our eyes. The apostle Paul wrote: "Be transformed by the RENEWAL of your mind."
We must cleanse ourselves of all unrighteousness and wickedness and receive the MIND OF CHRIST. We must absorb that which God wants to plant into us and we must make sure that we do not allow ourselves to be polluted by this world and by friends, by influences around us every day. If we allow our minds to be polluted then that is what we will become.
We have to let the Holy Spirit of Christ FILL us, FORM us and MAKE us, TRANSFORM us into His likeness to do His will. We have to ask Jesus Christ to fill us with His mind, with His thoughts, His inspiration so that we can do the will of God and that the LIGHT OF CHRIST can shine from us.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Why most Christians do not know the VOICE of God
Believers have many questions and they seek for guidance everywhere but when you tell them to ask Jesus then they say to you, how would they know if it is Jesus who replies to them? How would they test the spirit?
The reason why believers do not know whether it is Jesus that answered them is because they don't know Him. Jesus said,:"My sheep HEAR My voice and they FOLLOW Me." If we do not know His voice then we don't know Him, we haven't met Him.
If we seek Him we will find Him and then we will never doubt His voice again. The reason why believers doubt the voice of Jesus is, they never met Him, they are not of His sheep.
Are you of His sheep? Do you know His voice and do you follow Him? Have you met Jesus Christ?
Seek Him and you will find Him. Obey His words as recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John , repent and be baptized and ask Him for the baptism in the Holy Spirit and He will guide you into all truth , but you have to SEEK HIM a d you have to FOLLOW Him every day. Are you one of His sheep? Do you know His voice and do you follow Him?
May Jesus bless you.
do not know,
Jesus Christ,
voice of God
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Discipleship Today Ep 7 The Disciple's Dilemma
Jesus Christ calls us to discipleship,
to FOLLOW Him. He said:"My sheep LISTEN to My VOICE and they
follow Me." Many believers have come to know the voice of the
Lord. He has warned them, He has spoken to them in dreams and they
recognized His voice and they obeyed Him, but not all the time. At
times they understood when the Lord spoke to them, when He gave them
a message, a prompt, when He turned them form their wicked ways or
when He gave them direction and then at other times they decided to
follow their common sense or some other people's advice or maybe
applied some Bible verse. At other times they decided to rather go
with the wife or with the children when they KNEW that is was
against the will of God.
to FOLLOW Him. He said:"My sheep LISTEN to My VOICE and they
follow Me." Many believers have come to know the voice of the
Lord. He has warned them, He has spoken to them in dreams and they
recognized His voice and they obeyed Him, but not all the time. At
times they understood when the Lord spoke to them, when He gave them
a message, a prompt, when He turned them form their wicked ways or
when He gave them direction and then at other times they decided to
follow their common sense or some other people's advice or maybe
applied some Bible verse. At other times they decided to rather go
with the wife or with the children when they KNEW that is was
against the will of God.
Jesus requires of us to go with Him all
the way. Believers often say:"I will die for Jesus, I will give
up my life for Jesus" but when the spouse or the girlfriend or a
friend invites them or takes them along to some place where they know
they shouldn't go then they deny Jesus.
the way. Believers often say:"I will die for Jesus, I will give
up my life for Jesus" but when the spouse or the girlfriend or a
friend invites them or takes them along to some place where they know
they shouldn't go then they deny Jesus.
The disciple's dilemma is that we must
follow Jesus Christ ALL THE WAY every day and not turn away from
Him. We must STAY WITH HIM. It is easy to say:"Lord Jesus I will
die for You," like so many do but when it comes to the smallest
things then they compromise, then they go with the world for the
acceptance of people, they deny Christ.
follow Jesus Christ ALL THE WAY every day and not turn away from
Him. We must STAY WITH HIM. It is easy to say:"Lord Jesus I will
die for You," like so many do but when it comes to the smallest
things then they compromise, then they go with the world for the
acceptance of people, they deny Christ.
The disciple Peter did the same thing.
In the night that the Lord Jesus was betrayed He spoke to His
disciples, I read from John 13:33 “Little children, I am with you a
little while longer. You will seek Me; and as I said to the Jews, now
I also say to you, ‘Where I am going, you cannot come.’
In the night that the Lord Jesus was betrayed He spoke to His
disciples, I read from John 13:33 “Little children, I am with you a
little while longer. You will seek Me; and as I said to the Jews, now
I also say to you, ‘Where I am going, you cannot come.’
36Simon Peter said to Him, “Lord,
where are You going?” Jesus answered, “Where I go, you cannot
follow Me now; but you will follow later.” 37Peter said to
Him, “Lord, why can I not follow You right now? I will lay down my
life for You.”38Jesus answered, “Will you lay down your life for
Me? Truly, truly, I say to you, a rooster will not crow until you
deny Me three times."
where are You going?” Jesus answered, “Where I go, you cannot
follow Me now; but you will follow later.” 37Peter said to
Him, “Lord, why can I not follow You right now? I will lay down my
life for You.”38Jesus answered, “Will you lay down your life for
Me? Truly, truly, I say to you, a rooster will not crow until you
deny Me three times."
We know what happened then. Jesus was
betrayed and His disciples were scattered, they ran away and in that
night Peter denied Jesus Christ three times. Then the cock crowed,
the rooster crowed and Peter cried bitterly because he knew that he
had betrayed his Lord.
betrayed and His disciples were scattered, they ran away and in that
night Peter denied Jesus Christ three times. Then the cock crowed,
the rooster crowed and Peter cried bitterly because he knew that he
had betrayed his Lord.
So many believers betray Jesus every
day. They compromise for things that are worth nothing but that will
cost them eternity and those same people often say:"I will die
for Jesus, I will be a martyr" but they cannot even go with Him
in the smallest of things.
day. They compromise for things that are worth nothing but that will
cost them eternity and those same people often say:"I will die
for Jesus, I will be a martyr" but they cannot even go with Him
in the smallest of things.
The disciple's dilemma is that we have
to choose every day. Are we doing with Jesus or are we going with
friends? Do I go with my boss, my wife, my friends, my children or do
I stay with Jesus? Many people compromise about the truth. many
refuse to be baptized in water. Many accept immorality, they live
like the rest of the world. we have to draw a line, we have to choose
and obey Jesus Christ every time. We have to STAY WITH HIM or else we
cannot follow Him. Jesus said that those who overcome will sit with
Him on His throne, those who endure with Him until the end will be
saved. It is required of us to choose Jesus EVERY TIME, many times a
day. Jesus must be FIRST in everything.
to choose every day. Are we doing with Jesus or are we going with
friends? Do I go with my boss, my wife, my friends, my children or do
I stay with Jesus? Many people compromise about the truth. many
refuse to be baptized in water. Many accept immorality, they live
like the rest of the world. we have to draw a line, we have to choose
and obey Jesus Christ every time. We have to STAY WITH HIM or else we
cannot follow Him. Jesus said that those who overcome will sit with
Him on His throne, those who endure with Him until the end will be
saved. It is required of us to choose Jesus EVERY TIME, many times a
day. Jesus must be FIRST in everything.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Friday, August 7, 2015
Churches take you AWAY from Jesus Christ
All churches are man made
organizations. They do not take you to Jesus Christ neither do they
lead you to salvation. They are only concerned about themselves and
about building their organization or their group, their fellowship.
If you follow Jesus Christ you will not have much fellowship because
there are not many people who follow Jesus Christ.
organizations. They do not take you to Jesus Christ neither do they
lead you to salvation. They are only concerned about themselves and
about building their organization or their group, their fellowship.
If you follow Jesus Christ you will not have much fellowship because
there are not many people who follow Jesus Christ.
If you follow Jesus Christ churches
will reject you, they will persecute you like they do to all the true
followers of Jesus Christ. If you follow Jesus you will be on the
lonely road most of the time. There are only very few people in the
world that truly follow Jesus Christ. There are many churches, many
ministries but very few disciples of Jesus Christ.
will reject you, they will persecute you like they do to all the true
followers of Jesus Christ. If you follow Jesus you will be on the
lonely road most of the time. There are only very few people in the
world that truly follow Jesus Christ. There are many churches, many
ministries but very few disciples of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ calls us to discipleship
not to church attendance. If you go to church you will not have
fellowship with the saints, you will have fellowship and friendship
with the church members. Their loyalty is to the church and to the
organization. They don't know Jesus Christ. If you follow Jesus you
be rejected and persecuted in this world. You will even be rejected
and hated by your own family. If you walk in truth and in
righteousness you will be persecuted because this world loves lies
and churches are LIES. The church cannot save you, the church does
not know Jesus Christ. If they did they would fear Him but they
don't. They only use His Name and the gospel of Jesus Christ to
benefit themselves. They build their own little kingdoms here on
earth. If you follow Jesus Christ then you ARE the CHURCH, you ARE
the TEMPLE of the Holy Spirit, He dwells IN YOU. He guides you and He
might connect you to some other true followers, disciples but your
RELATIONSHIP is with Jesus Christ, not with other people. Jesus said
that when He returns two will be working in the field, one will be
taken, one will be left, two will be sleeping in one bed. One will be
taken the other will be left. It is only those who truly love him,
obey Him and follow Him who are of His kingdom.
not to church attendance. If you go to church you will not have
fellowship with the saints, you will have fellowship and friendship
with the church members. Their loyalty is to the church and to the
organization. They don't know Jesus Christ. If you follow Jesus you
be rejected and persecuted in this world. You will even be rejected
and hated by your own family. If you walk in truth and in
righteousness you will be persecuted because this world loves lies
and churches are LIES. The church cannot save you, the church does
not know Jesus Christ. If they did they would fear Him but they
don't. They only use His Name and the gospel of Jesus Christ to
benefit themselves. They build their own little kingdoms here on
earth. If you follow Jesus Christ then you ARE the CHURCH, you ARE
the TEMPLE of the Holy Spirit, He dwells IN YOU. He guides you and He
might connect you to some other true followers, disciples but your
RELATIONSHIP is with Jesus Christ, not with other people. Jesus said
that when He returns two will be working in the field, one will be
taken, one will be left, two will be sleeping in one bed. One will be
taken the other will be left. It is only those who truly love him,
obey Him and follow Him who are of His kingdom.
Don't look to church or to other
people, look to Jesus, follow Him, work your relationship with Jesus
Christ and make sure that HE is pleased with you, today and every day
until the very end. Don't go to church, follow Jesus Christ every
day until the very end.
people, look to Jesus, follow Him, work your relationship with Jesus
Christ and make sure that HE is pleased with you, today and every day
until the very end. Don't go to church, follow Jesus Christ every
day until the very end.
May Jesus bless you.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
The mind of Christ
If we have met Jesus
Christ and we truly know Him and we have received His Spirit the
Spirit of Christ and we go after Him, we follow Him, then He puts his
wisdom, His mind into us. He reveals Himself to us and we KNOW the
will of God. We become ONE with Him, we have the MIND OF CHRIST.
Christ and we truly know Him and we have received His Spirit the
Spirit of Christ and we go after Him, we follow Him, then He puts his
wisdom, His mind into us. He reveals Himself to us and we KNOW the
will of God. We become ONE with Him, we have the MIND OF CHRIST.
There are not many people
like that but there was a man who had a meeting with Jesus Christ and
he was transformed. He wrote about this transformation, this MIND OF
CHRIST in him, the Spirit of Christ guiding and leading him. This man
was the apostle Paul. I read his words from 1 Corinthians 2:1
like that but there was a man who had a meeting with Jesus Christ and
he was transformed. He wrote about this transformation, this MIND OF
CHRIST in him, the Spirit of Christ guiding and leading him. This man
was the apostle Paul. I read his words from 1 Corinthians 2:1
“1And when I came to
you, brethren, I did not come with superiority of speech or of
wisdom, proclaiming to you the testimony of God. 2For I
determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him
crucified. 3I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much
trembling, 4and my message and my preaching were not in
persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of
power, 5so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men,
but on the power of God.
6Yet we do speakyou, brethren, I did not come with superiority of speech or of
wisdom, proclaiming to you the testimony of God. 2For I
determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him
crucified. 3I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much
trembling, 4and my message and my preaching were not in
persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of
power, 5so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men,
but on the power of God.
wisdom among those who are mature; a wisdom, however, not of this age
nor of the rulers of this age, who are passing away; 7but we
speak God’s wisdom in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which
God predestined before the ages to our glory; 8the wisdom which
none of the rulers of this age has understood; for if they had
understood it they would not have crucified the Lord of glory;
9but just as it is written,
AND which HAVE
10For to us God revealed them through the
Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of
God. 11For who among men knows the thoughts of a man
except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so the thoughts of
God no one knows except the Spirit of God. 12Now we have
received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from
God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by
God, 13which things we also speak, not in words taught by human
wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining
spiritual thoughts with spiritual words.
14But a natural
man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are
foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are
spiritually appraised. 15But he who is spiritual appraises all
things, yet he himself is appraised by no one. 16For WHO
But we have the mind of Christ.”
Dear friend, can we say that about ourselves? Do we
have the mind of Christ? Or do we follow our own mind? Many people
are just educated. Many just know the Bible. Many just know what
other people have told them. Very few are taught by the Spirit of
God, instructed by Jesus Christ Himself. Very few have the mind of
Christ. We can fool others but we cannot fool God. Do we have the
MIND OF CHRIST? Are we led by the Spirit of God? Are we truly sons of
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
mind of Christ,
Sinning Disobedient Christians will PERISH
Jesus Christ calls us to obedience,
righteousness and holiness. He calls us to follow and obey Him, to be
children of God. He does forgive our past sins if we repent and if we
are baptized in water, but if we keep on sinning we will perish.
righteousness and holiness. He calls us to follow and obey Him, to be
children of God. He does forgive our past sins if we repent and if we
are baptized in water, but if we keep on sinning we will perish.
If we follow Jesus Christ we must OBEY
Him, we must be holy and righteous as he is holy and righteous. We
must TURN from going after our own desires, our own plans and our own
ambitions and we must seek the kingdom of God. Jesus Christ is King,
He is Lord and He is Master. If we seek His kingdom we seek to DO His
will and we have to OBEY Him to be pleasing to Him and to be part of
His kingdom. If we stumble and sin and then truly repent He forgives
our sins but if we deliberately sin then He will PUNISH us, He will
chastise us to correct us so that we can share in His holiness. If we
refuse to accept His correction, His chastisement, then we will GET
CUT OFF AND BURNED. Jesus warned that ever branch in Him that does
not bear good fruit will get cut off and burned. Because He loves
and cares for us He chastises us if we do wrong and if we stray, to
bring us back, to teach us obedience but if we refuse to accept His
correction we will perish.
Him, we must be holy and righteous as he is holy and righteous. We
must TURN from going after our own desires, our own plans and our own
ambitions and we must seek the kingdom of God. Jesus Christ is King,
He is Lord and He is Master. If we seek His kingdom we seek to DO His
will and we have to OBEY Him to be pleasing to Him and to be part of
His kingdom. If we stumble and sin and then truly repent He forgives
our sins but if we deliberately sin then He will PUNISH us, He will
chastise us to correct us so that we can share in His holiness. If we
refuse to accept His correction, His chastisement, then we will GET
CUT OFF AND BURNED. Jesus warned that ever branch in Him that does
not bear good fruit will get cut off and burned. Because He loves
and cares for us He chastises us if we do wrong and if we stray, to
bring us back, to teach us obedience but if we refuse to accept His
correction we will perish.
Jesus corrects us and disciplines us in
many ways. He might speak to us through sickness, through
circumstances to turn us from our wicked ways and to bring us back to
Him. He requires of us, not only that we live holy and righteous but
that we bear fruit, that we do the works that He prepared for us. If
we are not living for Jesus and if we love the world and the things
of the world then we cannot be of His kingdom. He will discipline us
and He will draw us back unto Himself but if we refuse, if we persist
in our wicked ways and if we persist in going after our own
endeavors, our own ambitions, He will cut us off because if we do not
submit to Him and do not seek to please Him then we cannot be part of
His kingdom. We have to SERVE Him as Lord and Master.
many ways. He might speak to us through sickness, through
circumstances to turn us from our wicked ways and to bring us back to
Him. He requires of us, not only that we live holy and righteous but
that we bear fruit, that we do the works that He prepared for us. If
we are not living for Jesus and if we love the world and the things
of the world then we cannot be of His kingdom. He will discipline us
and He will draw us back unto Himself but if we refuse, if we persist
in our wicked ways and if we persist in going after our own
endeavors, our own ambitions, He will cut us off because if we do not
submit to Him and do not seek to please Him then we cannot be part of
His kingdom. We have to SERVE Him as Lord and Master.
There is not such thing as just
believing in Jesus for salvation. That is a LIE. We have to OBEY Him.
Jesus said:"If you love Me, keep My commandments." He
said:"Why do you call Me Lord, Lord and do not what I say?"
believing in Jesus for salvation. That is a LIE. We have to OBEY Him.
Jesus said:"If you love Me, keep My commandments." He
said:"Why do you call Me Lord, Lord and do not what I say?"
Many believers refuse to OBEY Jesus.
They refuse to be baptized in water. They refuse to FOLLOW Jesus.
They refuse to go where He sends them. They refuse to do what He
tells them to do. They are not fit for the kingdom of God and if
they continue in their wicked ways they will get cut off.
They refuse to be baptized in water. They refuse to FOLLOW Jesus.
They refuse to go where He sends them. They refuse to do what He
tells them to do. They are not fit for the kingdom of God and if
they continue in their wicked ways they will get cut off.
Many Christians who have professed to
have followed Jesus all their life are very sick, terminally ill at
old age. They have cancers, incurable diseases, they are bed ridden
because Jesus wants them to repent of their wrongful ways. Many who
know the way did not teach their children the WAY. There and many
parents who know Jesus Christ and they know that to live in
immorality is WRONG but they do not reprimand their children. They
APPROVE of wrong things to have the favor of their children. The
whole world is IMMORAL. So if their children are immoral and if they
live in fornication and in adultery then the parents approve of it.
They go along with it. They do not reprimand their children and then
the wrath of God comes on them because they do not only approve of
wrong, but they allow those children, who are often grown to do their
sinful deeds in THEIR OWN homes, in the parent's house. The CURSE of
God is on the house of the WICKED.
have followed Jesus all their life are very sick, terminally ill at
old age. They have cancers, incurable diseases, they are bed ridden
because Jesus wants them to repent of their wrongful ways. Many who
know the way did not teach their children the WAY. There and many
parents who know Jesus Christ and they know that to live in
immorality is WRONG but they do not reprimand their children. They
APPROVE of wrong things to have the favor of their children. The
whole world is IMMORAL. So if their children are immoral and if they
live in fornication and in adultery then the parents approve of it.
They go along with it. They do not reprimand their children and then
the wrath of God comes on them because they do not only approve of
wrong, but they allow those children, who are often grown to do their
sinful deeds in THEIR OWN homes, in the parent's house. The CURSE of
God is on the house of the WICKED.
If we call ourselves followers of Jesus
Christ and Christians, we have to be HOLY and RIGHTEOUS. If we put
shame on the name of Jesus through our deeds He will judge us and
many people are being judged because although they know the truth
they do not obey it. The judgment of God is coming on them so that
they can repent but many do not understand it and they do not repent,
they DIE and they PERISH, they go INTO HELL.
Christ and Christians, we have to be HOLY and RIGHTEOUS. If we put
shame on the name of Jesus through our deeds He will judge us and
many people are being judged because although they know the truth
they do not obey it. The judgment of God is coming on them so that
they can repent but many do not understand it and they do not repent,
they DIE and they PERISH, they go INTO HELL.
We are required to live holy and
righteous and in obedience to Jesus Christ or else we are not fit for
His kingdom. We cannot live our lives to please ourselves, we have to
DIE to self and LIVE FOR CHRIST or else we are not fit for His
kingdom and we will perish, we will get CUT OFF.
righteous and in obedience to Jesus Christ or else we are not fit for
His kingdom. We cannot live our lives to please ourselves, we have to
DIE to self and LIVE FOR CHRIST or else we are not fit for His
kingdom and we will perish, we will get CUT OFF.
Follow Jesus, OBEY Him, be righteous,
be holy and DO what is pleasing to Him until the very end or you
might get cut off, you will perish. Obey Jesus Christ and LIVE.
be holy and DO what is pleasing to Him until the very end or you
might get cut off, you will perish. Obey Jesus Christ and LIVE.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
False Security False Peace False Gospel
Most professing Christians are living
under false security, they have a false peace because they believe a
false gospel. There is only one gospel that saves and that is the
gospel of Jesus Christ The gospel of Jesus Christ does not give
security of salvation. It does not give anybody an ASSURANCE of
salvation. It does not give sinners false peace. It commands us to
DENY ourselves, pick up our cross every day and follow Jesus Christ.
under false security, they have a false peace because they believe a
false gospel. There is only one gospel that saves and that is the
gospel of Jesus Christ The gospel of Jesus Christ does not give
security of salvation. It does not give anybody an ASSURANCE of
salvation. It does not give sinners false peace. It commands us to
DENY ourselves, pick up our cross every day and follow Jesus Christ.
Not many people are being saved. Jesus
warned that we have to strive hard to enter the narrow gate because
many will try very hard and not be able to find that gate into the
kingdom of heaven.
warned that we have to strive hard to enter the narrow gate because
many will try very hard and not be able to find that gate into the
kingdom of heaven.
The reason why most believers have that
FALSE PEACE, FALSE SECURITY, is because they do not know where they
are heading.
FALSE PEACE, FALSE SECURITY, is because they do not know where they
are heading.
Pray and ask Jesus Christ to show you
where you will end up if you continue along the way that you are
going right now. You might just have a TERRIBLE AWAKENING. Don't
believe what other people tell you. Don't become a victim of false
peace because in the end you might be TERRIBLY DISAPPOINTED.
where you will end up if you continue along the way that you are
going right now. You might just have a TERRIBLE AWAKENING. Don't
believe what other people tell you. Don't become a victim of false
peace because in the end you might be TERRIBLY DISAPPOINTED.
Ask Jesus TODAY, ask Him NOW and He
will show you how you stand with Him. Now is the day of salvation.
Now is the time to mend our ways. Tomorrow might be for ever TOO
LATE. Jesus Christ will say to many people who had false peace and
false security, He will say:”Go away I never knew you, you workers
of wickedness.” What will Jesus Christ say to you and to me if we
should die today?
will show you how you stand with Him. Now is the day of salvation.
Now is the time to mend our ways. Tomorrow might be for ever TOO
LATE. Jesus Christ will say to many people who had false peace and
false security, He will say:”Go away I never knew you, you workers
of wickedness.” What will Jesus Christ say to you and to me if we
should die today?
May Jesus bless you.
false peace,
false security,
Jesus Christ,
Monday, August 3, 2015
Discipleship TODAY Ep 6 BE SEPARATE
A born again child of God has a
different mindset. His mind is on God, on Jesus Christ and on what is
pleasing to Him. Those who are not born again, who do not know Jesus
Christ, they cannot understand nor see the kingdom of God, it does
not make sense to them. They are on a different course, they are
going a different direction.
pleasing to Him. Those who are not born again, who do not know Jesus
Christ, they cannot understand nor see the kingdom of God, it does
not make sense to them. They are on a different course, they are
going a different direction.
If we follow Jesus Christ we have to
SEPARATE ourselves
SEPARATE ourselves
from the world. We have to run that
race, following Jesus every day, we have to run that race with
endurance and stay focused on Jesus or else we will be distracted and
we will not make it into the kingdom of heaven.
race, following Jesus every day, we have to run that race with
endurance and stay focused on Jesus or else we will be distracted and
we will not make it into the kingdom of heaven.
The apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians
6:14 "Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what
partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship
has light with darkness? 15Or what harmony has Christ with
Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever?
6:14 "Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what
partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship
has light with darkness? 15Or what harmony has Christ with
Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever?
16Or what agreement has the temple of
God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; just as God
God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; just as God
17“Therefore, COME OUT FROM
And I will welcome you.
18“And I will be a father to
And you shall be sons
and daughters to Me,”
and daughters to Me,”
Says the Lord Almighty."
If we follow Jesus Christ we have no
business with the things of the world. We do not watch TV with the
rest of the world. We do not play video games. We are not competing
in the same race. We are not interested in the same things. those
things will distract us, they will take our minds off Jesus Christ
and we will become like the rest of of the world.
business with the things of the world. We do not watch TV with the
rest of the world. We do not play video games. We are not competing
in the same race. We are not interested in the same things. those
things will distract us, they will take our minds off Jesus Christ
and we will become like the rest of of the world.
The apostle John wrote in 1 John 2:15
"Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone
loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.16For all that
is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and
the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the
world. 17The world is passing away, and also its
lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever."
"Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone
loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.16For all that
is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and
the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the
world. 17The world is passing away, and also its
lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever."
We have to SEPARATE ourselves unto God
and not go along with the rest of the world. If we go along with the
rest of the world then we expose ourselves to those influences and we
lose the reality of Jesus Christ. We become like them who are
and not go along with the rest of the world. If we go along with the
rest of the world then we expose ourselves to those influences and we
lose the reality of Jesus Christ. We become like them who are
We read in 1 Peter 4:1 "Therefore,
since Christ has suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the
same purpose, because he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased
from sin,"
since Christ has suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the
same purpose, because he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased
from sin,"
Believers do not stop sinning because
they go along with the world, they are not willing to stop sinning.
They are not willing to SUFFER rejection. They are not willing to
suffer for following Jesus Christ. they rather go along in the same
lasciviousness, unbridled lust, going after the things of the world
and they are carried away by their desires. They go along with the
world and they sin and they will perish.
they go along with the world, they are not willing to stop sinning.
They are not willing to SUFFER rejection. They are not willing to
suffer for following Jesus Christ. they rather go along in the same
lasciviousness, unbridled lust, going after the things of the world
and they are carried away by their desires. They go along with the
world and they sin and they will perish.
Peter writes in verse 2 "so as to
live the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for the lusts of
men, but for the will of God. 3For the time already past is
sufficient for you to have carried out the desire of
the Gentiles, having pursued a course of sensuality, lusts,
drunkenness, carousing, drinking parties and abominable
idolatries. 4In all this, they are surprised that you
do not run with them into the same excesses of dissipation,
and they malign you; 5but they will give account to Him who
is ready to judge the living and the dead."
live the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for the lusts of
men, but for the will of God. 3For the time already past is
sufficient for you to have carried out the desire of
the Gentiles, having pursued a course of sensuality, lusts,
drunkenness, carousing, drinking parties and abominable
idolatries. 4In all this, they are surprised that you
do not run with them into the same excesses of dissipation,
and they malign you; 5but they will give account to Him who
is ready to judge the living and the dead."
If we follow Jesus Christ we have
Christ on out mind. We have the kingdom of God on our mind and we are
seeking the will of God.We seek to be pleasing to Jesus Christ. Our
treasure, that which we accumulate in our mind, in our heart, is to
do the will of God, to hear the voice of our Master, to LISTEN to
Him, to OBEY Him and to FOLLOW Him. We have no conversation with the
world. We are not interested in the same things because that which
they talk about will perish. Our interest is in the kingdom of God
and therefor we do not keep company with those who do not follow
Jesus Christ.
Christ on out mind. We have the kingdom of God on our mind and we are
seeking the will of God.We seek to be pleasing to Jesus Christ. Our
treasure, that which we accumulate in our mind, in our heart, is to
do the will of God, to hear the voice of our Master, to LISTEN to
Him, to OBEY Him and to FOLLOW Him. We have no conversation with the
world. We are not interested in the same things because that which
they talk about will perish. Our interest is in the kingdom of God
and therefor we do not keep company with those who do not follow
Jesus Christ.
I read the words of Jesus in Matthew
12:35 "The good man brings out of his good treasure what is
good; and the evil man brings out of his evil treasure what is evil.
36"But I tell you that every careless word that people speak,
they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment. 37"For
by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be
12:35 "The good man brings out of his good treasure what is
good; and the evil man brings out of his evil treasure what is evil.
36"But I tell you that every careless word that people speak,
they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment. 37"For
by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be
We have no conversation with the world,
our treasure, that which is in our heart, that must be Jesus Christ.
People talk about many things, they talk about themselves, they talk
about their church, about their religion, they talk about their
ambitions, the things that they occupy themselves with. They talk
about TV programs, about video games, about their sports, that is
their TREASURE. That is what is in their heart. If we follow Jesus
Christ then we talk about Jesus Christ, that is our conversation and
those who are not interested in Jesus will avoid us. They will stay
away from us because we have to be careful what we talk about. We
will be judged for every idle word. we have to speak the words of
God. We have to be LIGHT in this world. If we are not LIGHT then we
are darkness, then we are like the rest of the world and we will
our treasure, that which is in our heart, that must be Jesus Christ.
People talk about many things, they talk about themselves, they talk
about their church, about their religion, they talk about their
ambitions, the things that they occupy themselves with. They talk
about TV programs, about video games, about their sports, that is
their TREASURE. That is what is in their heart. If we follow Jesus
Christ then we talk about Jesus Christ, that is our conversation and
those who are not interested in Jesus will avoid us. They will stay
away from us because we have to be careful what we talk about. We
will be judged for every idle word. we have to speak the words of
God. We have to be LIGHT in this world. If we are not LIGHT then we
are darkness, then we are like the rest of the world and we will
We have to be SEPARATE unto God. Our
mind must be on Jesus Christ. He must fill us and from our mouth must
flow the words of Christ, or else we are not of the kingdom of God.
We have to be SEPARATE, we have to be LIKE Jesus.
mind must be on Jesus Christ. He must fill us and from our mouth must
flow the words of Christ, or else we are not of the kingdom of God.
We have to be SEPARATE, we have to be LIKE Jesus.
May Jesus bless you.
How to,
Jesus Christ,
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Salvation is not just believing in
Jesus Christ, it is about discipleship , a new way of living,
following and obeying Jesus Christ. It is about a constant awareness
of Jesus Christ, being tuned in to His Holy Spirit who will guide and
teach you every step of the way. It is about living in obedience to
Jesus, firstly to REPENT and to turn away from sin and from the
things of the world, even turning away from myself, my own plans, my
own ambitions, and to go after Jesus Christ, to DIE to myself, to
that which I want to do, that which is important for ME because
Jesus Christ has become the center of my life. The old man of sin and
selfishness is buried under water in baptism because he died, he is
mortified, and therefor in obedience to Jesus Christ, after
repentance, we are BAPTIZED IN WATER to bury the old man and from
that water emerges a new man, born again in Christ to live as a
disciple and as a member, a child of the kingdom of God, to be LED by
the Spirit of God, to LIVE IN OBEDIENCE to the Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ, it is about discipleship , a new way of living,
following and obeying Jesus Christ. It is about a constant awareness
of Jesus Christ, being tuned in to His Holy Spirit who will guide and
teach you every step of the way. It is about living in obedience to
Jesus, firstly to REPENT and to turn away from sin and from the
things of the world, even turning away from myself, my own plans, my
own ambitions, and to go after Jesus Christ, to DIE to myself, to
that which I want to do, that which is important for ME because
Jesus Christ has become the center of my life. The old man of sin and
selfishness is buried under water in baptism because he died, he is
mortified, and therefor in obedience to Jesus Christ, after
repentance, we are BAPTIZED IN WATER to bury the old man and from
that water emerges a new man, born again in Christ to live as a
disciple and as a member, a child of the kingdom of God, to be LED by
the Spirit of God, to LIVE IN OBEDIENCE to the Holy Spirit.
Once we are baptized in water we seek
the baptism in the Holy Spirit, we constantly make ourselves aware of
Jesus Christ, we keep His words in our mind, we keep Him in our mind
and we make sure that we do not sin against Him. We ask His guidance
in everything. Our whole life belongs to Jesus Christ and we live
our life to please Him.
the baptism in the Holy Spirit, we constantly make ourselves aware of
Jesus Christ, we keep His words in our mind, we keep Him in our mind
and we make sure that we do not sin against Him. We ask His guidance
in everything. Our whole life belongs to Jesus Christ and we live
our life to please Him.
Our life is about the Lord's
prayer:”Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done...” We ask His
guidance in everything, in our job, where to work, where to live, our
relationships; how to handle our relationships with other people,
with our spouse, with our children, with our family. In everything,
Jesus Christ comes FIRST. We ask His wisdom in all decisions, we pray
and we wait on the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We seek to do the
will of God, we seek to SERVE in the kingdom of God and we can only
achieve that if we go after Jesus, if we constantly seek Him in
prayer, keep our mind on Him wherever we are, whatever we do, during
our day, while working, while going to school, while seeing to the
normal things of life where God put us.
prayer:”Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done...” We ask His
guidance in everything, in our job, where to work, where to live, our
relationships; how to handle our relationships with other people,
with our spouse, with our children, with our family. In everything,
Jesus Christ comes FIRST. We ask His wisdom in all decisions, we pray
and we wait on the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We seek to do the
will of God, we seek to SERVE in the kingdom of God and we can only
achieve that if we go after Jesus, if we constantly seek Him in
prayer, keep our mind on Him wherever we are, whatever we do, during
our day, while working, while going to school, while seeing to the
normal things of life where God put us.
Our mind is on Christ. We submit every
thought to Christ so that the words that the words that come from our
mouth will be pleasing to Him and the things that we do will bring
glory to Him because our mind is on Christ. It is the NEW WAY OF
LIVING. It is not about ME any more and my selfish desires, about
satisfying my WANTS and WISHES but it is about being pleasing to my
thought to Christ so that the words that the words that come from our
mouth will be pleasing to Him and the things that we do will bring
glory to Him because our mind is on Christ. It is the NEW WAY OF
LIVING. It is not about ME any more and my selfish desires, about
satisfying my WANTS and WISHES but it is about being pleasing to my
That is the NEW WAY OF LIVING the way a
disciple lives. His mind is on Jesus Christ all the time, even when
he wakes up at night he prays and he says:”Lord please fill me with
Your mind, please fill with Your wisdom, please fill me with Your
guidance, please SHOW me the WAY because I want to walk in YOUR
WAYS.” It is the WAY of following Jesus Christ, of seeking His
approval, of seeking to do HIS WILL of being a disciple of the
kingdom of God. We seek to please our Master. We become part of the
kingdom of God. Why? Because our mind is on our Master, our mind is
on Jesus Christ and He will fill our mind with his thoughts, with His
wisdom, with His guidance because we seek HIM.
disciple lives. His mind is on Jesus Christ all the time, even when
he wakes up at night he prays and he says:”Lord please fill me with
Your mind, please fill with Your wisdom, please fill me with Your
guidance, please SHOW me the WAY because I want to walk in YOUR
WAYS.” It is the WAY of following Jesus Christ, of seeking His
approval, of seeking to do HIS WILL of being a disciple of the
kingdom of God. We seek to please our Master. We become part of the
kingdom of God. Why? Because our mind is on our Master, our mind is
on Jesus Christ and He will fill our mind with his thoughts, with His
wisdom, with His guidance because we seek HIM.
If we are not living that NEW WAY OF
LIVING then we do not have salvation, we are not BEING SAVED, we are
not FOLLOWING Jesus Christ. We have to follow Him HIS WAY and the
only way that we can know His way is if our mind is on Him, if we
direct our life towards Him to please Him. If we open our mind and
our spirit to Jesus Christ, He FILLS us with His wisdom and His
guidance. He teaches us and He guides us, He gives us UNDERSTANDING
of all things because He makes us part of His kingdom, because we
WANT to, because we are LIVING THE NEW WAY.
LIVING then we do not have salvation, we are not BEING SAVED, we are
not FOLLOWING Jesus Christ. We have to follow Him HIS WAY and the
only way that we can know His way is if our mind is on Him, if we
direct our life towards Him to please Him. If we open our mind and
our spirit to Jesus Christ, He FILLS us with His wisdom and His
guidance. He teaches us and He guides us, He gives us UNDERSTANDING
of all things because He makes us part of His kingdom, because we
WANT to, because we are LIVING THE NEW WAY.
Have you made up your mind to follow
Jesus Christ and live the NEW WAY? There is only ONE WAY to have
eternal life and that is Jesus Christ, living the NEW WAY until the
very end, to LOVE Him, to FOLLOW Him and to live our lives to please
Him. We have to LIVE THE NEW WAY. Are you living the NEW WAY in
Jesus Christ and live the NEW WAY? There is only ONE WAY to have
eternal life and that is Jesus Christ, living the NEW WAY until the
very end, to LOVE Him, to FOLLOW Him and to live our lives to please
Him. We have to LIVE THE NEW WAY. Are you living the NEW WAY in
May Jesus bless you.
How to,
new way of living
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Follow the NEW WAY Don't Look Back
Jesus Christ calls us to LIFE in Him.
He calls us to a NEW WAY of living, HIS WAY. He calls us to FOLLOW
Him and live ACCORDING TO HIS COMMANDS and IF we STAY with Him, OBEY
Him and ENDURE with Him until the very end He promises us ETERNAL
LIFE. In the Revelation of John Jesus promises those who OVERCOME
that they will sit with Him on His throne just like He sits on His
Father's throne because He overcame. (Revelation 3:21) The PRIZE of
eternal life is only for those who OVERCOME. New Life is only IN
He calls us to a NEW WAY of living, HIS WAY. He calls us to FOLLOW
Him and live ACCORDING TO HIS COMMANDS and IF we STAY with Him, OBEY
Him and ENDURE with Him until the very end He promises us ETERNAL
LIFE. In the Revelation of John Jesus promises those who OVERCOME
that they will sit with Him on His throne just like He sits on His
Father's throne because He overcame. (Revelation 3:21) The PRIZE of
eternal life is only for those who OVERCOME. New Life is only IN
Many people believe that they will have
eternal life just because they BELIEVE IN Jesus Christ but they are
not willing to follow Him on the NEW WAY, HIS WAY. They are not
willing to OBEY Him, they don't love Him, they don't care for Him.
They just care for eternal life, salvation, but they won't have it.
Most believers never met Jesus Christ, they never started following
Him, they never OBEYED Him. Many believers just repeated a “sinners
prayer” after somebody else and then they believed that they had
salvation, and they still believe it until they die but they will
eternal life just because they BELIEVE IN Jesus Christ but they are
not willing to follow Him on the NEW WAY, HIS WAY. They are not
willing to OBEY Him, they don't love Him, they don't care for Him.
They just care for eternal life, salvation, but they won't have it.
Most believers never met Jesus Christ, they never started following
Him, they never OBEYED Him. Many believers just repeated a “sinners
prayer” after somebody else and then they believed that they had
salvation, and they still believe it until they die but they will
We have to FOLLOW Jesus Christ, be IN
HIM, IN HIS WILL to have eternal life. Eternal life is IN Jesus
Christ ALONE. Very few ever start following Jesus Christ and of those
who do start following Him, most of them LOOK BACK. They go back to
the world, they go back to their own ways, they go back to living
like the rest of the world. They are not following the commands of
Jesus Christ, they are not IN HIS WAY, they are not IN HIM and they
will perish.
HIM, IN HIS WILL to have eternal life. Eternal life is IN Jesus
Christ ALONE. Very few ever start following Jesus Christ and of those
who do start following Him, most of them LOOK BACK. They go back to
the world, they go back to their own ways, they go back to living
like the rest of the world. They are not following the commands of
Jesus Christ, they are not IN HIS WAY, they are not IN HIM and they
will perish.
NEW LIFE is IN CHRIST for those who
CONTINUE, who ENDURE until the end but those who look back and go
back to their former lifestyle, to sin, to living like the rest of
the world, they will perish. If we LOOK BACK we are not worthy of
Jesus Christ. There is only ONE WAY and that is: KEEP YOUR EYES ON
JESUS, OBEY His words. FOLLOW HIM every day and live to please Him,
stay with Him until the very end or you will not have eternal life.
There is only ONE WAY and that is IN CHRIST.
CONTINUE, who ENDURE until the end but those who look back and go
back to their former lifestyle, to sin, to living like the rest of
the world, they will perish. If we LOOK BACK we are not worthy of
Jesus Christ. There is only ONE WAY and that is: KEEP YOUR EYES ON
JESUS, OBEY His words. FOLLOW HIM every day and live to please Him,
stay with Him until the very end or you will not have eternal life.
There is only ONE WAY and that is IN CHRIST.
Are you IN CHRIST DOING His will every
day? Did you ever START following Jesus Christ or are you just
deceived like most believers who hope for eternal life but they are
not on THE WAY? They are not following Jesus Christ. Only those who
endure with Jesus until the end will overcome and will have the PRIZE
of eternal life.
day? Did you ever START following Jesus Christ or are you just
deceived like most believers who hope for eternal life but they are
not on THE WAY? They are not following Jesus Christ. Only those who
endure with Jesus until the end will overcome and will have the PRIZE
of eternal life.
May Jesus bless you.
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