Thursday, December 31, 2015

Your COMMITMENT to Jesus Christ

Many people confess Jesus Christ. Many people say they believe in Him, many say that they love Him but the question is: Are we COMMITTED to Jesus Christ? Do we truly love Him? Do we OBEY Him  and do we FOLLOW  Him?

Our love and our commitment to Jesus Christ will be tested. Jesus said to Peter:"Do you love Me?" And he said:"Yes Lord, You know that I love You." And He said to him:"Do you love Me MORE than these here?" Peter became disheartened, but Jesus TESTED him.

Jesus said that if we love anything or anybody more than Him we are not worthy of Him. Are we COMMITTED to Jesus to the extent that we will follow Him until the end? Are we so committed to Him that even if the whole world turns against us, our family, our spouse, our children, our loved ones, that we will still stay with Jesus Christ? What is our commitment to Jesus? Are we more committed to our job, our colleagues, our country, our patriotism or do we love Jesus Christ more? Is Jesus REAL to us?

Many people can talk about the Bible, about their church and they become enthusiastic about those things, but can they talk about Jesus? Do they love Jesus that much? Are we committed to Jesus? Will we follow Him regardless of anything and everything?

Not many will stay with Jesus. Not many are being saved. Somebody asked Jesus whether those who are being saved are few and Jesus said:"Strive hard to enter the straight gate because many will try hard and not be able." Not many will follow Jesus all the way. Not many are even willing to OBEY Jesus by being baptized. Not many are willing to stop sinning. Not many are willing to give up their TV or their friends or their holidays or their own ambitions, their comforts. They are more committed to other things than to Jesus Christ. What is our commitment? How committed are we to Jesus Christ? If we are not committed to Him then we are not worthy of Him. If we deny Him He will certainly deny us. If we are more committed to other things than to Jesus Christ then we will not enter His kingdom.

What is our commitment to Jesus Christ? Do we care for His approval ? Do we care to hear His voice? Do we care for the guidance of the Holy Spirit? How committed are we to get an answer from Jesus when we pray?

Many people just give up easily. They are not committed. They are more committed to their pleasures and to holidays, the lusts of the flesh, than to Jesus. They are not willing to pray, they are not willing to give up anything for Jesus. They just want salvation. They want assurance of salvation but they don't want Jesus Christ.  They are not committed to Him.

Jesus said:"Why do you call Me Lord, Lord and you do not what I say?" If we are truly committed to Him we will OBEY His words and we will seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We will seek His approval all the time. We will be truly committed to the kingdom of God. We will be serving the King. How is our commitment to Jesus Christ? Are we worthy of Him? Or are other things more important to us?

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Lost

The world is LOST because it is running after people, it is running after celebrities, it is running after it's own desires and not following Jesus Christ. Most Christians are LOST because they are not following Jesus Christ. They follow after their own desires and they live according to their own interpretation of the Bible.

Jesus Christ alone is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE and the only way that we can follow Him is if we follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. If we do not have the Holy Spirit then we are not of Him. Those who are led by the Spirit of God they are the children of God. Many have received the Holy Spirit but they are not following the guidance of the Holy Spirit and they are LOST. They follow after their own mind and their own opinion. Are you LOST or are you following Jesus Christ? Are you being led by the Holy Spirit? Are you doing what Jesus commands you to do every day? Are you following Him? Or are you following your own way and your own mind? Are you LOST?

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Striving for the Kingdom

Salvation is about serving the King of the kingdom of Heaven, Jesus Christ, about knowing Him and serving His kingdom, right now and for the rest of our lives until we die.

If we do not accept Jesus Christ NOW and do not serve Him right now, then the day that we die He will say to us:"Go away i never knew you." If we are not interested in the kingdom of God right now then we will not be welcome in heaven the day that we die.

We have to STRIVE for the kingdom of God, we have to SERVE the King right now, that is what Jesus Christ calls us to do, to FOLLOW Him, to SERVE Him and to OBEY Him and to BUILD His kingdom. If we are not for Him  we are against Him. If we do not love Him we hate Him and we will spend eternity away from Him in HELL.

Jesus Christ will say to many people, the day that they die:"Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness." Many of those will be preachers, believers, people who knew the Bible, people who thought they were saved. But they were living for themselves, they were living for the pleasures of life. They were not interested in Jesus Christ, they only wanted salvation. For them there will be no place in Heaven.

If we do not FIT INTO the kingdom of Heaven right now we will FIT OUT of it for eternity.

Jesus said:"My sheep HEAR My VOICE and they FOLLOW Me." Do we HEAR His VOICE? Do we LISTEN to Him? Do we FOLLOW Him? Do we STRIVE for His kingdom? Are we building His kingdom or are we busy with our own affairs? Where will we spend eternity? Where our treasure is there our heart will be also. Where is our heart? With ourselves and the things of this world or with Jesus Christ and His kingdom?

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, December 28, 2015

He keeps me from STUMBLING

Jesus Christ came to take away the sins of the world and He delivers us from the power of sin. He makes us FREE FROM SIN. If we repent and follow Him, He forgives our past sin and He sent His Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth, NOT to guide us into sin.

Believers who sin are NOT following the guidance of the Holy Spirit. They are NOT following Jesus Christ. Further, Jesus keeps us from sin. The psalmist wrote in Psalm 121

"2My help comes from the LORD,

Who made heaven and earth.

3He will not allow your foot to slip;

He who keeps you will not slumber."

If we stay focused on Jesus Christ He will keep us from stumbling. Many believers are looking for an excuse to sin. There is no excuse. Many believers confess to be sinners, They say: we are all sinners. They are sons of satan, they are following satan  and they are following after their own lusts. They are not following after Jesus Christ. If they had their hand in His hand then He would not allow them to slip, He would not allow them to stumble.

Are we following Jesus Christ? Is our hand in His hand? If you keep on stumbling you will perish.

Stay with Jesus and He will keep you from wrong.

May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Unsettling Words from God

Man shall not live from bread alone but from every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. The words that Jesus speaks to us are not easy words, they are often alarming, unsettling, frightening. If we listen to the Holy Spirit we will always be on our toes. We will be tuned in and attentive to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Many believers are settled in their ways because they have grown numb, they ignore the voice of the Holy Spirit, they have become self-content, lazy, blunt and they do not respond to the Holy spirit. They are disrespectful and thus they are in danger of hell fire. If we listen to the Holy Spirit He will keep us on our toes so that we can bear fruit for the kingdom of God. If you are lukewarm Jesus Christ will spew you out. If you are not ON FIRE for Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God you are in danger of hell fire. If you have become settled in your ways then it is time to ask Jesus to light a fire under you, to wake you up so that you can be worthy of Him.

If we are not eagerly working for the kingdom of God  then we are tearing it down. If we are not bearing good fruit then we are taking up space and we are in danger of being cut down and burned.

The five foolish maidens did not have extra oil in their lamps and therefor when the bridegroom came they were left outside in the cold.

Wake up and get some extra oil. Be attentive to the Holy Spirit. Listen , OBEY and follow Jesus Christ  every day and do not allow yourself to settle down . Be alert , watchful, listening, willing and eager to do the will of God and He will use you for His kingdom.

If we are not available and are not useful we will get cut off and burned. Wake up before it is too late.

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Zombie Christians without the Holy Spirit Dead Fish

Most Christians are spiritually DEAD because they do not have the Holy Spirit. They are DEAD MEN WALKING, they are DEAD FISH going with the flow. They are DARKNESS, they are not the Light of the World.

To them the Holy Spirit is speaking right now as is also written in Revelation 3:  ‘I know your deeds, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead. 2‘Wake up, and strengthen the things that remain, which were about to die; for I have not found your DEEDS completed in the sight of My God. 3‘So remember what you have received and heard; and keep it, and REPENT. Therefore if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come to you.4‘But you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their garments; and they will walk with Me in white, for they are WORTHY. 5‘He who OVERCOMES will thus be clothed in white garments; and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels. 6‘He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says."

Are we ALIVE? Do our DEEDS show that we are alive? Or are we going with the flow? Or are we like the rest of the world, like the rest of those Zombie Christians who are conformed to the world, who are going with the flow into HELL?  Are we living in holiness? Are we clothed in white? Or do we also confess like most Christians, that "we are all sinners"?

If we are sinners we are not worthy of Jesus Christ and our names will be removed from the Book of Life. Is our name still in the Book of Life? Are we walking with Jesus Christ? Are we ALIVE? Are we led by the Holy Spirit or are we Zombie Christians, dead fish going with the flow?

He who has an ear. let him HEAR and ACT, COME ALIVE before it is too late.

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Unity of the Body

Jesus Christ and the Father are One. They are of the same Spirit. Those who are IN CHRIST are also ONE because they are of the same Spirit, no matter what their nationality is, their language or their color, they are of the same SPIRIT, they love each other and they understand each other, because they are led by the same SPIRIT.

Those who are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God. The Body of Christ has ONE Head and that Head is Jesus Christ and if a person does not have the Spirit of Christ then that person does not belong to Him.

Churches have different spirits and they are not the Spirit of God, they are religious demons, spirits of division and faction. Churches, denominations and groups are driven by different spirits, they are not the Spirit of Christ, they are DEMONS, religious spirits. There are Catholic spirits, Methodist, Lutheran, Evangelical, Pentecostal and even Non-denominational spirits that drive and combine those groups but they are all against the Spirit of God. They are not of the kingdom of God. They are opposed to the Kingdom of God.

If you have received the Spirit of Christ then you are of the kingdom of God and you LISTEN to Jesus, you are led by the Holy Spirit and you follow Him, you do not run after people , you do not belong to denominations, you belong to Jesus Christ, you are of the kingdom of God. Many people run after their own spirit, they are also opposed to the  kingdom of God.S They are not submitted to Jesus Christ.

Do you have the Spirit of Christ? Are you led by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God? Or do you belong to a group, a denomination or do you follow your own mind? Are you working out your own salvation from your own interpretation of the Bible or from what other people say? Are you a follower of men or are you a follower of a God? Are you of the Spirit of Christ? Are you part of the kingdom of God? Do you LISTEN to the Holy Spirit? Do you LISTEN to the Holy Spirit, serve and follow the King Jesus Christ? Are you ONE with God, with Jesus Christ or are you separated from God?

There is only one way to receive the Spirit of Christ and that is to accept Him as your Lord , your Master and your King, to REPENT and turn away from sin and from serving your self, to submit yourself to Him, to be baptized in water  to live in holiness and righteousness and to then ask Him for the baptism in the Holy Spirit so that the Spirit of Christ will dwell in you and you can then follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, but you have to DENY yourself, pick up your cross every day, stay tuned in to the Holy spirit every moment and follow His guidance, submit to the Holy Spirit, be led by the Spirit of God until the very end. Only then are you ONE with God, ONE with Jesus Christ and part of the kingdom of God. Are you ONE with Jesus Christ?

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Living in COMMUNION with God

Sinful man has no communication with
God. Sin separates us from God and we have to get rid of that sin
before we can come into the presence of God and we have to be pure
and holy to maintain that relationship with God.
If we go on our knees before Jesus and
we repent of sin, if we have true remorse over our sin and we ask
Jesus Christ for forgiveness then He removes the guilt of that sin,
He takes away that sin that is between us and Him and we come into
communion with Him, we experience His peace. But if we turn around
and go back to sin then that sin separates us from God. That is why
most Christian believers have no communication with God. They are
living in sin, they willfully sin.
The wages of sin is death. To be out of
communion with Jesus Christ is DEATH, death to our soul, eternal
damnation. That is why we must remain pure and holy and not allow
anything to come between us and Jesus Christ. If we stumble and sin
we have to immediately repent to remove the sin that now separates us
from God. If we willfully sin Jesus will not forgive our sin and we
will remain separated from Him, we will be in darkness. We must keep
ourselves pure and holy and in utter obedience to Him. If we purify
ourselves and live in holiness before Jesus we will be in constant
communion, constant communication with Him.
Those who are led by the Spirit of God
they are the sons of God. If we do not have that spiritual
communication wit God, with the Holy Spirit that speaks in our spirit
then we are separated from God, we are cut off from Him. It is our
own sin and our own wrongdoing that separates us from God. Without
Jesus we are LOST. Without that communication we are DOOMED.
Man shall not live from bread alone but
from every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. If we are not in
communion with Jesus, if we do not hear Him speaking in our spirit
and giving us peace then we are separated from Him and we are in
danger of HELL FIRE. The only way that we can WALK WITH GOD, HEAR
His VOICE, LISTEN to Him and FOLLOW Him is if we walk in holiness,
purity and OBEDIENCE to the Holy Spirit. Without holiness no man
shall see God. If you are not living holy you will not HEAR the Holy
Spirit of God speaking to you because your sin separates you from
Repent form the heart and ask Jesus to
take away that sin and then live pure and holy every moment and you
will come into communication, COMMUNION with God.

May Jesus bless you.  

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Don't look back

Many Christians keep on looking back, they keep on seeking for direction in the past. They keep on listening to preachers of the past, reading the books and revelations of those who went before, those who followed Jesus Christ before us.

If we follow Jesus Christ  we must look ahead. We must stay focused on Jesus Christ who guides us and we must LISTEN to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ reveals NEW and HIDDEN things to those who FOLLOW Him.

You cannot keep on looking back and and still follow Jesus Christ, you have to look up, look ahead of you. Jesus Christ is going ahead of us. We must LISTEN to Him and FOLLOW Him and He will guide us into all truth. He will show us the way.

Do not go and look for direction in the messages and  the preachings of the past. Get your focus on Jesus Christ. He goes ahead of you. Follow Him and He will show you the way.

Do you KNOW Him? Do you hear His voice? Do you LISTEN to Him and do you follow Him? Or do you look for direction in the writings of the past?

May Jesus bless you.

Trust in the Lord

When the storms of life come against us it is easy to be like the rest of the world, to run to a lawyer or to defend ourselves with everything that is in our power. But as children of God we need to run to Jesus first. We need to ask Him, call on Him, pray and TRUST Him and He will see us through. That is the only way that we will learn to trust in Jesus. That is the only way that we will have a testimony of the power of God, in uncertain circumstances, in impossible times.

There is an old song that says: "Trust in the Lord and don't despair. He is a friend so true. No matter what your problems are, Jesus will see you through." Jesus Christ will never let us down but we have to go to Him first, TRUST Him and stay with Him, then we will see His hand moving on our behalf. Then only can we shine for the kingdom of God.

Trust in Jesus and you will never be disappointed.

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Overcome Obstacles and Stumbling Blocks

If we follow Jesus Christ we will encounter many obstacles and stumbling blocks. It is important we be very careful that we do not stumble and that we do not sin.

Many of those who want to follow Jesus have a spouse that does not want to follow Jesus and then they divorce, they leave the other person, they sin, they do what is wrong in the sight of God. Many justify their sin with scripture or they say they had special revelation. Jesus Christ does not lead us into sin, He does not lead us into compromise. He leads us to OVERCOME.

Many of the things that we come across will be impossible, like mountains, like walls that we cannot get over but if we stay focused on Jesus He will guide us through. He will remove the stumbling blocks if He so wishes, but in everything we must remain blameless, we must NOT SIN. We must do the will of God.

If we endure with Jesus Christ until the very end then we will look back and confess, testify, that without Jesus we could not do it, because if you walk with Jesus you do not compromise, you do not sin, you OVERCOME because you follow Him. Jesus Christ leads us to the VICTORY if we follow Him.

Only those who overcome, who endure with Jesus, only they will have eternal life. Without Jesus Christ we can do nothing but with Jesus we overcome all obstacles.

Stay focused on Jesus and He will keep your feet from stumbling.

May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Believing in the CROSS does not save

Many people wrongly believe that the cross of Jesus Christ will save them. There are also songs like "The Old Rugged Cross" that make people believe that they have to cling to the cross to be saved, but that is not true.

We have to pick up our own cross and follow Jesus Christ to be saved. Jesus Christ carried His cross and He said that whoever wishes to come after Him, must deny himself, pick up his cross and and follow Jesus. The cross that Jesus Christ talks about that we have to bear is all the trials, the tribulation, and the suffering that we will have to endure if we follow Jesus Christ, if we obey His words, if we turn away from sin and from self-gratification, going after the pleasures of the flesh, going along with the world. We will be rejected, we will be persecuted, we will pay a price for following Jesus Christ. That is the cross that we have to bear and if we bear that cross right until the end, then we will be saved.

Jesus said that those who endure until the end will be saved. Wearing a cross or a crucifix around your neck, believing in the cross of Christ and clinging to the cross of Christ will not save us. It is bearing our own cross to follow Jesus Christ, in spite of all difficulty and tribulation, enduring with Jesus until the very end, that is what will save us.

We have to pick up our cross, deny ourselves every day and follow Jesus Christ in spite of what may come against us. If we endure until the end, with Jesus, we will be saved.

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, December 18, 2015


God has written His laws in the heart of every person. The Word of God is IN US. It is not far from us, it is WITH us but most people do not LISTEN to the voice of the Holy Spirit that  speaks in their heart. They have closed their ears and they have hardened their hearts and they refuse to LISTEN and OBEY the voice of God and therefor they are separated from God.

Jesus Christ IS the Word of God. If we LISTEN and we OBEY the Word of God SPEAKING in us, turning us from wickedness, guiding us into truth then we are IN CHRIST, we are IN the will of God and the more we LISTEN the more we OBEY, the more He will guide us.

Most professing Christians say they are IN THE WORD, they are in their own understanding and application of the scriptures, the Bible, but they are not IN CHRIST.  They ignore the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to them and in them and therefor they are separated from God. If we are not IN CHRIST,  we are in disobedience, we are in sin and if we do not repent and OBEY Jesus Christ we will perish.

If we need wisdom and if we need guidance, all we have to do is pray and ask Jesus for guidance. He will SPEAK, He will speak IN US but we must learn to LISTEN and learn to OBEY. We must stay TUNED in to the Holy Spirit of God that speaks to each and every person.

Are we IN CHRIST or are we in sin? Are we following our own desires and our own understanding or do we seek the wisdom of God?

We have to stay IN CHRIST, LISTEN and your soul will live.

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Holy Spirit DIFFERS from your Interpretation of the Bible

There are thousands of different churches with different doctrines that they all support from the same Bible. There is only ONE TRUTH and Jesus Christ sent the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth.

The Holy Spirit will not support your church doctrine or your interpretation of the Bible. The Holy Spirit will explain and confirm the words of Jesus Christ because the words of Jesus are the words of eternal life to those who OBEY them.

OBEY the gospel of Jesus Christ, repent, turn away from sin, be baptized in water  and ask Jesus Christ for the Holy Spirit that He promised to those who obey Him, and the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth. He will teach you all things. You do not need to be taught by men and you cannot trust in your own interpretation of the Bible.  You can only trust in Jesus.

Follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit and He will guide you into all truth.

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Word of God is IN YOU

People go looking for a WORD FROM GOD from other people and in the Bible but the Word of God is IN US. The Bible confirms that the Word of God is IN US.

We read in  Deuteronomy  30:14 “ the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart SO YOU MAY OBEY IT. “

Let us go back to Deuteronomy  30:11 “For this commandment which I command you today is not too difficult for you, nor is it out of reach. 12“It is not in heaven, that you should say, ‘Who will go up to heaven for us to get it for us and make us hear it, that we may observe it?’ 13“Nor is it beyond the sea, that you should say, ‘Who will cross the sea for us to get it for us and make us hear it, that we may observe it?’ 14“But the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, THAT YOU MAY OBEY IT."

The Word of God has bee PLANTED inside of every person. We don't need to go and look for it somewhere else. The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 10:8 "But what does it say? "THE WORD IS NEAR YOU, IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART "-- that is, the word of faith which we are preaching, 9that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;"

God has planted His Word IN US. we all KNOW right from wrong but we have to OBEY it. It is no good knowing the truth, knowing what is right and not doing it. We have to obey it.

The apostle Paul further writes in Romans 1:18 "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. 21For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures."

We all know the truth but people have created for themselves a god a Jesus Christ to their own liking. They interpret the scriptures to their own liking. they are not LISTENING to that implanted Word of God that He has placed inside of us.

Nobody will have any excuse when we stand before God. We all know right from wrong. The apostle Paul writes in Romans 2:14 “For when Gentiles who do not have the Law do instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having the Law, are a law to themselves, 15in that THEY SHOW THE WORK OF THE LAW WRITTEN IN THEIR HEARTS, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them, 16on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus.”

What was the gospel that Paul preached? It was the TRUTH, that which is already written in our hearts and which Jesus Christ came to confirm. He said we have to SIN NO MORE. We have to turn from wickedness and DO that which we know inside, is right before God or else we will be judged by our conscience, by the LAW of God written in our hearts. We will have no excuse.

The prophet Jeremiah wrote in Jeremiah 31:33 "But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days," declares the LORD, "I will put My law within them and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. 34"They will not teach again, each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,' for they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them," declares the LORD, "for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more."

If we LISTEN to the Law of God, the Word of God written in our hearts and we repent of evil, God will forgive us but if we disobey Him we will perish.

The word of God is not written in a book, it is not on the other side of the sea, as we have read in the Bible, it is written in our hearts and we have to LISTEN and then our soul will live. We have to OBEY that which God speaks inside of us; live holiness, lives righteousness, turn away from wickedness and we will CLEARLY HEAR THE WORD OF GOD guiding us, because God is with us, Jesus Christ Emmanuel is WITH us, IN us, if we would just LISTEN and OBEY.

Can you hear the Word of God speaking in you? Repent of sin and listen and you will hear the voice of Jesus Christ speaking IN you and guiding you into righteousness.

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Christians that SIN will burn in HELL

There is a modern satanic teaching that is preached in most churches that a Christian can go on sinning, that we are all sinners. If we keep on sinning we will perish.

These churches justify their teachings from Bible scripture. They call themselves Bible believing churches. Their problem is that they do not know Jesus Christ and they do not have the Holy Spirit of Christ.

If we do not have the Holy Spirit of Christ and we are not led by the Holy Spirit we cannot be pleasing to Jesus. If we obey the Holy Spirit we will NOT SIN. We will do what is pleasing to God.

As the apostle Paul also wrote in Romans 8:12 "So then, brethren, we are under obligation, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh— for if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God."

We have to be led by the Spirit of God, by the Holy Spirit. Many go by their own interpretation of the scriptures and they come to the conclusion that they can go on sinning.

The Holy Spirit of God will not allow you to sin, He will lead you into righteousness and to holiness, to utter perfect obedience to Jesus Christ. If you live according to your own interpretation of the Bible you will perish. You have to be led by the Holy Spirit of God. Only the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth.

That is why Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to guide us, to teach us in His ways and to bring us into His presence. Christians that sin will perish in HELL.

Follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit and He will guide you into perfect obedience to Jesus Christ. You will SIN NO MORE and you will do the will of God.

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Why most Christian Suffer

The curse of God is on the house of the wicked. Those who live in sin and who practice sin attract the wrath and the punishment of God. That is also the reason why most Christians are under the discipline and the punishment of God. They are in sin. They are like the rest of the world. they live in sin, they fornicate, they do exactly as the rest of the world does and therefor the wrath of God is coming on them.

Many Christians profess to be sinners. They say:"We are all sinners." If we are a child of God we live godly and righteously. that is why God said as we read in 2 Chronicles 7:14 "If My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

Most Christians just want to believe and they want to pray but they don't want to turn from their wicked ways and that is why the wrath of God is on them and they will perish if they persist in their sins. We have to turn form our wicked ways, obey Jesus Christ and live holy and righteously in obedience to Him. Then we will have the blessings of God and not the curses and the punishment of God.

That is why most Christians are under the punishment of God. they call themselves children of God but they live like the devil.

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, December 11, 2015

The Gruesome TRUTH

The truth is not pleasant and that is why people do not want to know the truth. They do not want to know the truth, about life, about what is happening in the world. They do not want to know the truth about their salvation. People love to listen to lies. That is why they read story books, they watch movies, and they play video games, they live in a fantasy world. They look for a nice church where the preacher tells them nice stories, that tells them that Jesus loves them and they can continue sinning and they will not go into hell. Those are all LIES.

I also believed LIES. I also believed at one stage that I was saved because I believed in Jesus Christ. I also believed that because I was baptized and baptized in the Holy Spirit  that I had eternal life and then I died of  heart attack and I found myself on my way to hell. Jesus Christ gave me a second chance. He let me come back to warn the world that hell is REAL and that Jesus Christ is ALIVE. When I learned the TRUTH it was gruesome, it was awful. I was on my way to HELL.

If we love the truth and we seek the truth then we can act upon the truth but if we love lies and we avoid the truth , deny the truth, then the truth will catch up with us at a time that we can do nothing about it.

If you die in your sins you will PERISH. The wages of sin is DEATH. That is the TRUTH. That is the truth that churches will not tell you. If you do not obey Jesus Christ and you do not REPENT and are not baptized in water and you do not obey the words of Jesus Christ you will PERISH. You will end up in HELL. That is the TRUTH.

You don't want to hear that. People don't want to hear the truth but that truth will catch up with you. Find Jesus before it is too late. Repent and mend your ways, obey Jesus Christ or you will end up in HELL. That is the gruesome TRUTH, whether you want to hear it or not.

Go and read the words of Jesus Christ in the gospels, Matthew, mark, Luke and John and take them seriously - that is the gruesome truth. If you disobey Jesus Christ you will PERISH, you will end up in HELL. That is GRUESOME, that is the TRUTH, whether you believe it or not, it will catch up with you.

Are you ready to face the truth or do you want to keep on living a lie and end up in eternal damnation? Repent and seek Jesus NOW while you still have the opportunity.

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Only Jesus Christ gives LIFE

Jesus Christ gives LIFE to everything and to everybody. The LIFE that we have in us, we were given by Jesus Christ. The wages of sin is death and sin separates us from Jesus Christ. Sin results in DEATH. If we live in sin and if we practice sin then we will PERISH, but if we turn away from sin and we obey Jesus Christ He promises us ETERNAL LIFE.

Those who believe in Jesus Christ and who OBEY Him, will never die. Even though their body might die, their soul will LIVE.

Jesus Christ gives eternal life to those who OBEY Him. Do you OBEY Jesus Christ. Have you turned away from sin? Have you REPENTED? Have you been baptized in water and has Jesus Christ given you His Spirit of Life, the Holy Spirit, to be in you and to be with you for eternity? Do you have LIFE, ETERNAL LIFE in Jesus  Christ?

Without Jesus Christ we have no life. Those who turn their back on Jesus, those who ignore Him, those who reject Him, will PERISH. Have you ACCEPTED Jesus Christ? Do you OBEY Him and do you have His Spirit of Eternal Life in you? Do you have LIFE, ETERNAL LIFE in Jesus  Christ?

May Jesus bless you?

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

My God is Good

I want to tell you about My God. My God is GOOD to me. My God is good to everybody. My God has been with me even before I was born. My God speaks to me. He guides me. He guides my footsteps. He supplies in all my needs. He knows my thoughts. He knows what I need and He supplies even before I ask. He knows me better than I know myself. My God is the Living God, His name is Jesus Christ.

Many other people talk about their religion and their church, their Bible, their religious books, but I don't need any of that because I know My God. My God is Jesus Christ. His sheep hear His voice and they follow Him.

Do you know My God? If you start looking around you and start being thankful for everything that you freely receive every day then you will realize that He is there. He cares for you. His Name is Jesus Christ.

Bow your knees before Him and thank Him for His goodness and mercy and He will reveal Himself to you. He has been with you all along. He has always taken care of you although you might not have been thankful, although you might not have known Him. I know Him and therefor I tell you HE IS THE ONLY LIVING GOD ` HIS NAME IS JESUS CHRIST.

Do you know My God, Jesus Christ?

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Why most believers do not receive the Holy Spirit

Most professing Christians do not have the Holy Spirit. They never receive the Holy Spirit baptism. The reason is that they do not realize that in order to follow Jesus Christ and be in relationship with Him, we need the Holy Spirit.

The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:14 "those who are being led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God," they are the children of God.

Most professing Christians believe that they only need to believe in Jesus Christ. They believe that if they belong to a church and they confess Jesus Christ and they have a Bible and they quote scriptures, then they will be saved. But they are deceived.

If we do not have the Holy Spirit and we do not follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit then we have no communion with God and Jesus Christ will say yo us:"Go away I never knew you, you worker of wickedness."

If we have not received the Holy Spirit and we do not follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit we cannot be IN Christ, we cannot be in His WILL. We cannot do the works that He has prepared for us to do. We cannot be part of His kingdom, we cannot serve Him as Lord and King if we have no communication with Him. We need the Holy Spirit to be children of God. Jesus Christ promised His Holy Spirit to be  IN and WITH those who OBEY Him, who SEEK Him.

Most professing Christians are not willing to obey the words of Jesus Christ. You have to REPENT, turn away form sin, submit yourself to Jesus Christ, be baptized in water, be pure and holy and live in obedience to His words and then He promised to baptize you in the Holy Spirit so that the presence of God, of Jesus Christ Himself, the Holy Spirit, will be IN and WITH us to teach and guide us.

Most professing believers do not have the Holy Spirit. they do not want the Holy Spirit because they think they do not need the Holy Spirit. They think they are saved but they are deceived.

Have you received the Holy Spirit? If you do not OBEY Jesus Christ, REPENT and be BAPTIZED in water, you WILL NOT receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit because the baptism in the Holy Spirit and the presence of the Holy Spirit in you, is only for those who truly WANT to follow Him and who OBEY Him. If we do not OBEY Him then we cannot  serve Him and we will not receive the Holy Spirit.

Many have received the Holy Spirit but they disobey the Holy Spirit. They grieve the Holy Spirit. they do not bear fruit and they are cut off and they are burned, yet many believe that they are saved because they once had an encounter with Jesus Christ. We need to experience Jesus Christ every day. We need to follow Him every step of the way. We need the presence of the Holy Spirit in and with us every moment and we need to follow Him until the very end, or else we will perish.

Have you received the Holy Spirit and do you follow the guidance of the holy Spirit?

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, December 7, 2015

How to be FREE from SIN and ADDICTIONS

The wages of sin is death. The soul that sins will DIE, will PERISH. Therefor if we keep on sinning we must die, that is God's law. Jesus Christ came to make us FREE FROM SIN, to TAKE AWAY THE SINS OF THE WORLD and if we accept Jesus Christ then He forgives our past sin but He also makes us free from the bondage of sin.

Sinners cannot stop sinning because they are in the bondage of sin. Jesus Christ makes us FREE from the bondage of sin. He who sins is a slave to sin and therefor if the Son of God has set you free you will be free and free indeed.

Jesus Christ set me free from addiction to tobacco about thirty years ago. On my own I tried to stop smoking but I could not. I tried many times without success, but when I submitted myself to Jesus and I said:"Lord I cannot stop smoking. I am a slave to this addiction" then Jesus Christ set me free. If we submit ourselves to Jesus and take a stand against sin then He empowers us. I could not stop smoking but the day that I submitted myself to Jesus Christ and I spoke to that demon, that smoke demon, and I said to him:"You are not my boss any more, I do not want you any more," he left me and I was free.

If we submit ourselves to Jesus Christ and we obey Him, we repent and are baptized in water and filled with the Holy Spirit then Jesus gives us POWER over sin. He sets us free and we can bind satan. The power of the Holy Spirit works in and through us.

The day that I bound that smoke demon, when I told it to go, it left and I did not have a craving for smoking after that . It just left me. I had the authority of Jesus in me because I submitted to Jesus and I took a stand against the addiction. I did not want it any more.

People keep on sinning because they love their sin but if you take a stand on the side of Jesus Christ against sin and you rebuke that desire for sin in you then Jesus sets you free, but you have to submit to Jesus. You have to OBEY Him  You have to REPENT and be BAPTIZED IN WATER  then you will have authority over satan because satan knows that if you are disobedient to Jesus then you have no authority over him. If you submit to Jesus you can rebuke the desire for sin and you can be free from sin because if you keep on sinning you will PERISH. You have to take a STAND against sin. You have to renounce sin and you have to stand for Jesus and go after Him. You have to seek holiness and righteousness and the power of Christ will work in you.

If you do not take a stand against sin and if you look for an excuse to sin then you are still on satan's side and you will never stop sinning because you are still a sinner.

Have you taken a stand on the side of Jesus Christ, on the side of righteousness? Do you hate sin because you realize that if you keep on sinning you will perish. Take your stand for Jesus, repent , turn from your evil ways, submit to Jesus, be baptized in water for the washing off of your sin and you will have authority over satan. you will have authority over addictions. you will have authority over demons and you will cast them out in the name of Jesus Christ.

On which side are you? On Jesus' side, or on the side of the enemy? Take your stand and Jesus Christ will set you free.

May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

You cannot fake the Holy Spirit Guidance

There is one requirement that makes you a son of God, a child of God and that is, that you must be led by the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ said:"My sheep LISTEN to My VOICE and they FOLLOW Me." The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:14 "Those who are being led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."

In order to be a child of God you must FOLLOW the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Many believers claim to have the Holy Spirit. Many claim to have been baptized in the Holy Spirit but very few FOLLOW the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Many will tell you that "God told me this" and "God told me that," and they want to influence other people to support what they claim God told them but if you follow Jesus Christ then YOU yourself have to be very sure that you have heard from Him, that you are being led by the Holy Spirit, because YOU have to OBEY, you have to FOLLOW, you have to DO what the Holy Spirit tells YOU to do regardless of what other people think or say; regardless of the OPINIONS of other believers. If you DO what the Holy Spirit guides you into doing, what God tells you to do then the world would call you CRAZY. Most believers will run away from you, they will call you a heretic, they will hate you. They will fear you, they will despise you like they did with Jesus Christ. They did not believe that He was the Son of God, they did not believe that He was Messiah, they crucified Him! The religious people crucified Him.

If you are indeed led by the Holy Spirit, the religious people will reject you, they will hate you, they will persecute you. You cannot FAKE the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You have to be very sure that you have heard from God and you must make sure that you OBEY Him when He speaks to you because if you do not obey Him you cannot be following Him.

The righteous man will live by faith and if he withdraws God will have no pleasure in him. If you follow Jesus Christ you HAVE to FOLLOW and OBEY the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is not worthy of the kingdom of God.

Are you truly a son of God? Have you received the Holy Spirit? Are you following the guidance of the Holy Spirit regardless of what other people say, whether they support you or not? If you follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit you will find yourself on your own, alone, most of the time because very few people are willing to TRUST and GO WITH Jesus Christ. You cannot fake the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You have to gird your loins and GO where Jesus sends you and DO what He tells you to do, when He sends you. that is what makes you a son of God.

Are you a son of God? May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Stand your Ground

Jesus Christ commanded us to rather turn the other cheek and not resist an evil man, but most believers will not hesitate to strike back or use severe force when they are threatened. However, those same believers say that they cannot stop sinning.

When satan attacks them and they are tempted they immediately cower and they give in to temptation, they give in  to sin. We must not give in to sin because if we sin we will BURN, we will end up in HELL. We have to submit ourselves to God., OBEY Jesus Christ, RESIST the devil in the Name of Jesus Christ, REBUKE him in the Name of Jesus and he will flee from us.

Be vigilant, always on guard and stand your ground against satan or he will destroy you.  Do not give in to the devil. Do not give him a foothold or else you will perish.

Obey Jesus Christ and SIN NO MORE. Do not allow satan to defeat you because then you will perish. Jesus said: BE HOLY as your Father in heaven is holy". He said:"Go sin no more." The wages of sin is death. If you sin you will perish.  Stand your ground against satan and Jesus Christ will give you the power to overcome.

may Jesus bless you.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

God's Timing

God does things in His own way and in His own time. Sometimes we hear from God, either in dreams or in visions and we think that things will turn out in a certain way, but God is not predicted, even from His own revelations.

In 2008 I woke up one night and I heard three times:"Jesus is coming. Are you ready?" I was very sure that Jesus was about to come immediately, any time and I started warning people, everybody. That was the time that I also started working on Youtube and on the internet. I am glad that Jesus Christ did not come in 2008 as I thought it would happen because since 2008 I have learned many more things from Jesus Christ, I have had many more revelations, I have come to know Him better and I have been able to share those things with others.

We must not think that we can predict God, even from His prophecies or revelations. We must remain close to Jesus and hear from Him every day. We must DO that which He called us for. We must remain IN Christ and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit until the very end. We must not assume things. When things do not work out as people expected then they lose hope and they lose heart and they lose faith .

We must stay with Jesus Christ and DO what He requires of us to do. He is GOD, He is in control and He does things as He pleases. Trust Him, follow Him and OBEY Him. Do not assume and do not lean on your own understanding. Do not go by your own interpretation of scripture but remain faithful to Jesus and follow Him every day until the very end.

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Most believe in a FALSE IMAGE of Jesus Christ

Most Christians believe in a false image of Jesus Christ, an image that they have created in their own minds. If we OBEY the gospel of Jesus Christ, if we REPENT and are baptized in water and we live according to Jesus' words, then He will reveal Himself to us and we will know Him for REAL.

Those who have taken the words of Jesus Christ seriously and who are OBEYING His commands, KNOW that JESUS CHRIST IS GOD. He is the FINAL AUTHORITY.  They do not worship a false image of Jesus Christ, they KNOW He is GOD. They FEAR Him, they RESPECT Him and they SERVE Him as GOD.

Do you KNOW Jesus Christ for REAL?

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Most Christians do not believe that Jesus is God

Most Christians do not believe that Jesus Christ is God. that is because they do not know Him. God is ONE. God is SPIRIT. Jesus Christ is LORD. All power and all authority belongs to Him. All things were created by Him and He is the FINAL AUTHORITY. He will decide who will have eternal life and who will go into HELL.

Jesus Christ will refuse most Christians entry into the Kingdom of Heaven. He will say to them:"Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness." He will do that because they disregarded Him, they rejected Him, they disobeyed Him.

If you believe in Jesus Christ and you know whom He is you will FEAR Him, RESPECT Him and OBEY Him. Jesus Christ reveals Himself as He wishes and to whom He wishes. He is GOD.

Do you KNOW Jesus Christ? Do you know that Jesus Christ is GOD?

May Jesus bless you.