three divine revelations from Jesus Christ. Three times during that
month He came to me and spoke to me. The one time the same night I
heard these words three times, a
voice said to me: "Jesus
is coming, Are you ready." I went back to sleep and I was awoken
by the same words three times after each other.
I also had two other
revelations. One night, three times I heard these words: "There
comes the bridegroom, go out to meet Him," and then one night
three times these words came to me: "Heaven to hell, Baxter"
which led me to the testimony of Mary K. Baxter, who spent thirty
consecutive nights with Jesus in hell, and she delivered her
testimony, which is on the Internet.
It was because of these
revelations of Jesus that I was woken up, and that started me on this
path, and the reason why you see me here on YouTube and on the
internet, Jesus woke me up when He said: "Jesus is coming! Are
you ready?" I warned everybody. My wife and I went out and we
warned people in the streets. I preached in the streets and they
stopped me from preaching in the streets, and then the Lord told me
to go onto YouTube and start preaching the gospel on YouTube. Now
Jesus said, as we read in Matthew chapter 24 verse 14: "This
gospel of the kingdom must be preached in the whole world and then
the end will come."
Well, the truth of the
matter is that the gospel of the kingdom has been preached since John
the Baptist, but it is not the gospel that is being preached in the
world today, and I was also deceived, I was also a victim of the
false Gospels that are preached in this world and Jesus woke me up
and He revealed to me the truth, the true gospel the true gospel is
the gospel that John the Baptist preached. He came to prepare the way
for Jesus because the King is coming, He is coming to establish His
kingdom. All power and all authority has been given to Jesus and He
will judge all men. God Himself will not judge anybody. Jesus will
judge. John the Baptist said that He will come and He will clear His
threshing floor through and through. He said that every branch, that
every tree that does not bear fruit will get cut down and that the
axe was already laying at the root of the trees. He preached a
repentance and baptism and many came to be baptized and he showed
away the Pharisees that did not really repent. He said to them: "Go
and first bear fruit in keeping with repentance." The gospel of
the kingdom was preached by John the Baptist to prepare the way for
the coming of Jesus so that people would be prepared and not just be
cast into hell and damnation because they did not bear fruit of
repentance. The same message, the gospel of the kingdom must be
preached until the end of the earth.
Many false Gospels are
being preached. They say you miss just believe in Jesus and you're
saved, you must just believe in the Cross death and resurrection of
Jesus. That's a lie, my friend. The truth is: If you do not repent
you will perish, you'll end up in hell. I've been preaching this
gospel since 2008. I've been warning the world to repent, to be
baptized, to get to know Jesus, to come into relationship with Him,
to receive the Holy Spirit and be led by the Holy Spirit, not be led
by men and churches. When Jesus comes, many will not be prepared. I
was not prepared when Jesus woke me up in 2008, but I thank Him that
He woke me up He taught me the true gospel, which I could share with
the world. Jesus is coming and many people are not ready. If you go
and read Matthew chapter 24 Jesus warned that there will be many
false prophets, many will come in His name and claim that they are
Him. That is the time that we're living in now. We do not know when
Jesus is coming. We do not know when the bridegroom will come . There
are many virgins that are ready but they are fast asleep. The warning
to the foolish virgins was that they did not have extra oil in their
lamps.What is that extra is that extra oil? Is it extra Bible
knowledge? No, it is your relationship with Jesus Christ. Do you have
the Holy Spirit in you? Do you hear His voice? Do you follow Him
every day? Are you awake in Jesus? Are you doing His will? Does He
know you intimately and do you know Him because you walk with Him
daily? Just to believe in Jesus is not sufficient. It is not enough.
We have to walk with Him daily. We have to follow Him. We have to
bear fruit, fruit of holiness, of repentance. We have to warn the
world, bring others to Jesus. We have to be working for the kingdom,
be active in the kingdom of God or else He will say to us: "I do
not know you. Go away you worker of wickedness. Many Christians are
living in sin and they think it's acceptable. They're deceived by
satan. Without holiness no man will see God. If you do not walk with
Jesus daily, then He will deny you. He will show you away. You have
to follow Jesus every day. Seek His kingdom, seek His righteousness
and work for His kingdom, if you want to inherit that kingdom. That
is the warning, that is the message, the gospel of the kingdom.
Become part of the kingdom of God now or you will miss it. There is
no other way to go in there, but to follow and obey Jesus and to be
in close relationship with Him. Do you know Jesus? Do you follow and
obey Him every day, or are you busy with dead religion? Are you fast
asleep? Have you got oil in your lamp? Do you hear His voice and
follow Him? Do you go after Him every day? Are you close with Jesus?
Jesus is coming! Are you ready? He might be coming today, tomorrow,
we don't know. We must be ready. The end is near. We just do not know
how near. May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ is alive and
hell is real I am here to introduce you to Jesus Christ so that you
can know Him and follow Him and have eternal life. Subscribe to my
channel to learn more about Jesus. May Jesus bless you.
Jesus taught us to be persistent in prayer. We often read the words of Jesus in the gospels and then we do not take it seriously, we just don't do what He said and then we do not receive anything. It is the doers of the Word that are rewarded. Jesus commanded us to be persistent when we pray. I read from Luke 11:5-13.
5 Then He said to them, “Suppose one of you has a friend, and goes to him at midnight and says to him, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves; 6for a friend of mine has come to me from a journey, and I have nothing to set before him’; 7and from inside he answers and says, ‘Do not bother me; the door has already been shut and my children and I are in bed; I cannot get up and give you anything.’ 8“I tell you, even though he will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will get up and give him as much as he needs.
9“So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 10“For everyone who asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, it will be opened. 11“Now suppose one of you fathers is asked by his son for a fish; he will not give him a snake instead of a fish, will he? 12“Or if he is asked for an egg, he will not give him a scorpion, will he? 13“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to . He your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?”
So many Christians, so many believers have not received the baptism in the Holy Spirit. They say it is not for everyone, they are just not persistent. When we go to the Lord in prayer We must be persistent. We must keep on knocking. He takes pleasure in it that we trust Him and keep on knocking. Obey Jesus. Be persistent in prayer.
Ask and keep on asking and we will receive.
That is why so many do not believe that Jesus will never leave them or never forsake them, even though He said so, so many times. They say that :"God has left me. Jesus will not take me back'" That is a lie from satan. You must believe what Jesus said. Jesus said:"Lo I am with you always. I will never leave you, I will never forsake you." Jesus loves you. He cares for you. He will not change. He does not change. He's not a man. Believe what He said and do what He tells you to do. Trust Him. Obey Him and you will receive. Be persistent in your walk with Jesus. Be persistent in our prayer life. and we will receive. Ask and we will receive. Knock and it will be opened unto us.
Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and for ever, and He never changes, May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ is alive and hell is real. I am here to introduce you to Jesus Christ, so that you can know Him, follow him and have eternal life. Subscribe to my channel to learn more about Jesus.
God has been good to me all my life, since I can remember, but I have been bad, wicked, unfaithful. Jesus called me to follow Him since I was young but I always strayed. By His mercy He went after me and brought me back to Him many times, forgave me, took me back. Instead of being thankful I became a hypocrite, proud and arrogant, unloving, selfish, self-righteous. Many times Jesus chastised me and humbled me but I kept on being proud at heart. Once more He has struck me down with severe sickness, but I thank Him that He had mercy on me and did not just cut me off and throw me into hell, what I deserve. He has shown me how He sees me and I have repented. I thank Him that I can repent before the whole world of my wickedness. I want you to know I m not good, but I want to endure with Jesus until the end. Please pray for me. All the glory to Jesus. He alone is worthy.
only and that is to save the world. He sacrificed Himself, suffered
and died, paid the highest price to redeem us from the wages of our
sins, which is death in eternal damnation. He was resurrected from
the dead. All power and all authority belongs to Him. Every knee will
bow before Him and every tongue will confess that He is Lord. He will
judge the living and the dead. Those who received Him, turned from
sin, obeyed and followed Him until the end, will have eternal life.
Those who rejected Him will go into eternal damnation.
Everything Jesus did, and what He is
doing right now is for man, for you and for me, it is all out of
love. He paid the price to save us. He cares for us. He is calling us
to come to Him, to be in communion with Him. He promises us
everything, gives His Holy Spirit to be with us, to speak to us,
teach and guide us, comfort us. He promises us eternal life, if we
stay with Him, but man does not want Jesus. They reject Him, mock
Him, curse Him. Most Christians do not want to obey Him. They want
His benefits, but they don’t want to stop sinning. They love the
pleasures of sin. They don’t want to hear Jesus. They do not want
to listen to Him, to His Holy Spirit. They rather want to read the
Bible, seek salvation in the Scriptures. They rather listen to
preachers and other people. They do not obey His teachings and
commandments, as recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They
rather follow the doctrines of men. They don’t want to pray and be
with Jesus, they rather want to be with other people, Christian
fellowship. They rather go to church and socialize with other people,
than to spend time with Jesus in prayer. They love the world and the
things of the world. They are so busy with entertainment, TV and the
pleasures of the world, that they have no time for Jesus. They just
want to believe in Jesus for salvation, but apart from that they
don’t want to have anything to do with Him. They keep straying from
Him. He calls them back, sets them free from the bondage of sin, but
they go back to sin, back to their vices.
Without Jesus we
can do nothing. He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. We have to
follow Him know find the way, walk His way, and find the straight
gate, the narrow door. He is freely offering us everything that we
need to gain eternal life. He is sending His messengers to call out
warn and draw men to Him, but they do not want Him.
If you obey the words of Jesus, repent
and are baptized and seek Him with all your heart, He will reveal
Himself to you. He will speak to you. You will experience Him for
real, as He wishes us to know Him, but very few are interested. Very
few seek Jesus. Very few love and follow Him. That is why very few
are being saved. Most Christian believers will end up in hell because
they only believe in Jesus and they refuse to become disciples and
follow Him until the end.
Have you come to know Jesus for real?
Do you experience Him? Have you become a disciple and are you
following Jesus every day?
in abundance. He gives Living Water to those who come to Him. We read
in John 4:13 Jesus said to the woman at the well: “whoever drinks
of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water
that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up
to eternal life.” Jesus was speaking of the Holy Spirit, that was
given on the day of Pentecost.
The Apostle Peter explained this is
what was spoken of through the prophet Joel:
they shall prophesy.
WILL BE SAVED.’ Acts 2:17-21.
Jesus is inviting everybody to come and
drink of the Living Water, not only to drink once but it becomes in
him a well of water springing up to eternal life. Jesus never changed
and His Holy Spirit never changes. It is not just a once off
experience. It grows and flows in and through those who keep on
drinking, keeping yearning for Jesus and keep on seeking Him, walking
with Him, following Him, praising Him.
How do you receive that Living Water?
The very same as those on the day of Pentecost. They asked Peter what
they should do to receive it, and he replied: ““Repent, and each
of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of
your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39“For
the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off,
as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself.” Acts 2:38,39.
Are you thirsty and dry? Do you yearn
for the Living Water? Then do as Peter instructed, repent and be
baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your
sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
The biggest problem in the world is that it does not know Jesus. Most
Christians do not know Jesus, the Living God. Most professing
Christians just believe in an image of Jesus that they have in
their minds. To most He is instrumental to a salvation that can be
had if they believe in Him and confess to do so. They believe in the
Bible and in doctrines that they have made up, sometimes using Bible
scripture to support it. They are merely religious and have no fear
of God, because they do not know Him. They do not fear Jesus, because
they do not know Him as God, and that is why they scorn, reject, mock
and despise Him. 99% of churches preach a FALSE GOSPEL. They do not preach the words and
commandments of Jesus that He personally spoke and delivered as they
were also recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The words and
teachings of Jesus are the requirements for eternal life. Those who
disobey Jesus will not have eternal life. Religious people, and especially churches, and church leaders have no regard
nor fear for Jesus. They are merely using the Bible and the name of
Jesus to make followers for themselves and build their church empires
by which to control and manipulate believers for their own benefit.
Many have been deceived to do so, and they believe they are doing God
a service, but if they knew Jesus, they themselves would fear and
follow Him and teach believers the same. Jesus is God. All power and all authority, in heaven and on earth has been
given to Him. He is the final judge of all mankind and He will decide
who will have eternal life and who will be cast into eternal
damnation. For it is written, "AS I LIVE, SAYS THE LORD, EVERY
Romans 14:11. If you believe that, you will take Jesus seriously and DO as He
commanded, you will FEAR and OBEY Him. Obviously the world and the
churches DO NOT BELIEVE who Jesus is and WHAT HE CAN DO. They do not
OBEY His words and teachings, but rather follow their own doctrines
and teachings. They do not believe that JESUS IS ALIVE and HELL IS
REAL. Denying
the truth or ignoring it will not make it go away. WE WILL ALL DIE
and will all stand before the judgment throne of Jesus. Then it will
be too late to make any ammends. We will be judged by the words and
commandments of Jesus, the words that He spoke, nothing else. Those
who believed the lies that they preach in churches and did not obey
Jesus will perish, they will not have eternal life. Jesus warned: "
24“Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on
them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock.
25“And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and
slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been
founded on the rock. 26“Everyone who hears these words of Mine and
does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house
on the sand. 27“The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds
blew and slammed against that house; and it fell—and great was its
fall.” Matthew 7:24-27. If
you do receive the gospel of Jesus, His words and commandments and
you ACT ON THEM, Jesus will REVEAL Himself to you as REAL, and you
will KNOW HIM, the Living God. Then you will know Him from personal
experience, not from hearsay or from that which you read in the
Bible. Do
not take any chances. Seek the truth for yourself. Go on your knees
and pray. Call out to Jesus and He will answer you. He will reveal
Himself to you. He is the ONLY LIVING GOD. He will answer you and you
will know Him for real. May
Jesus bless you.
different nations and cultures have different perspectives of Jesus
and the kingdom of God. Their points of view and the pictures they
have in their minds are influenced by their culture, background, race
and other factors. Different groups also like to create images of
Jesus and the kingdom of God that fit their desires and ambitions
like the Black Hebrew movement that say that the original Jews were
black people and Jesus came into the world as a black man. All these
different perspectives are based on assumptions and imagination of
men. Americans have visions of massive mansions and streets of gold
where the redeemed will live in heaven, whereas the scripture
describes the New Jerusalem, not the kingdom of heaven. These images
and perceptions are used as selling points to influence people to
take on Christianity, and many are deceived. The sad truth is that
many worship an image of Jesus. They do not know Him because they
never met Him.
It is not sufficient just to believe in
Jesus. Jesus said that unless a man be born again he cannot see the
kingdom of God, neither can he enter. You must be born again of water
and of the Spirit of God. Jesus reveals Himself to those who RECEIVE
Him, OBEY Him, who REPENT, are baptized in water and who observe His
words, His teachings and commandments as recorded in Matthew, Mark,
Luke and John. He gives His Holy Spirit in them to teach and guide
them and be with them. He Himself comes and dwells in them.
He reveals Himself and the kingdom of
heaven to them, so that they know Him and His kingdom from divine
revelation, not from hear say. They hear His voice and they follow
Him. They do not run after people with cleverly crafted stories and
Have you received Jesus, obeyed Him,
been born again of water and Spirit? Has He revealed Himself to you
and do you know Him for real?
inherit the kingdom of God is through FOLLOWING Jesus. It is not just
a matter of BELIEVING in Jesus, like so many foolishly believe. You
must firstly believe that Jesus is whom He said He is and that He is
ALIVE, that He can give eternal life and that the kingdom of God
Jesus Himself, came into the world as a
mortal man, preached the kingdom of God and performed many signs and
wonders, but the Jews, who expected His coming did not believe that
He was the One that was prophesied about. They rejected Him and had
Him crucified. Only a few believed in Him and followed Him until He
was killed.
They were devastated. They thought it
was all over, but then the resurrected Jesus appeared to them, as He
promised that He would. He was ALIVE, never to die again, and even
today, He LIVES. He then ascended to heaven, from where He will come
to judge the living and the dead, but He did not leave His disciples
as orphans with no one to take care of them. He gave His Holy Spirit
to be with them and guide them. He also promised to give His Spirit
in those who would receive Him, so that they can also FOLLOW Him.
Jesus commanded His disciples to “Go therefore and MAKE DISCIPLES
of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the
Son and the Holy Spirit, 20teaching
them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you
always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19,20.
The ONLY way to have eternal life and
inherit the kingdom of God is through becoming a DISCIPLE of Jesus
and to FOLLOW Him until the end of your life. There are two questions
to be answered, the first: How do you become a DISCIPLE of Jesus? The
second is: How do you follow Jesus?
Jesus said:”
unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John
3:3. Jesus gives the New Birth in those who believe in Him and
receive Him, those who ACCEPT Him and OBEY Him. The first commands of
Jesus is to repent, turn from sin and unrighteousness and be baptized
in water. Jesus promised the baptism in the Holy Spirit to those who
receive Him, the very same as was given on the day of Pentecost.
The very same instruction was given by Peter on the day of Pentecost.
Acts 2:38.”Peter said to them, “Repent, and each of you
be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your
sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. “For the
promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off, as
many as the Lord our God will call to Himself.”
The baptism in the Holy Spirit is
essential because the Born Again child of God is led by the Holy
Spirit, Jesus comes and dwells in him by His Spirit. He follows Jesus
by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. That is why Jesus also said: “I
say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot
enter into the kingdom of God.” John 3:5.
The apostles,
were led by the Holy Spirit, and the disciples that they made, also
followed Jesus, under guidance of the Holy Spirit. We are called to
BE DISCIPLES that FOLLOW Jesus under guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Very few professing Christians are
disciples of Jesus. Very few are born again of water and of the
Spirit, and of those few FOLLOW Jesus under guidance of the Holy
Spirit. Therefore FEW will enter into the kingdom of God.
Have we become disciples of Jesus and
are we following Him?
and the kingdom of God and that is to be led by His Spirit and to do
as He instructs us, but we have to be trained, taught and disciplined
by Him before He can use us as He wills. It is a life long calling
and we will have to bear that until the end. Just like any tree
planted in the Master’s vineyard, we will be pruned, corrected and
adapted to be able to bear more fruit. Every tree that does not bear
fruit will get cut down and burned.
We must be like clay in the hands of
the potter, moldable so that He can form and make us into whatever
shape and form is useful to Him.
Jesus calls us for His plan and
purpose. Either we answer to the call, follow Him and yield to Him or
He will discard of us. If we do not want to serve Him, we have no
place in His kingdom.
Jesus called Paul to serve Him. Paul
testified: 14“And
when we had all fallen to the ground, I heard a voice saying to me in
the Hebrew dialect, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me? It is
hard for you to kick against the goads.’ 15“And
I said, ‘Who are You, Lord?’ And the Lord said, ‘I am Jesus
whom you are persecuting. 16‘But
get up and stand on your feet; for this purpose I have appeared to
you, to appoint you a minister and a witness not only to the things
which you have seen, but also to the things in which I will appear to
you; 17rescuing
you from the Jewish people
and from the Gentiles, to whom I am sending you, 18to
open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from
the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of
sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith
in Me.’ Acts 24:14-18.
then still Saul was persecuting the followers of Jesus. He was
kicking against the goads, the prongs that Jesus had laid in his way,
but he answered to the call and followed Jesus. He was taught by
Jesus Himself through revelation.
will take you along a very narrow specific path where you do His will
to achieve His purpose. His instruments are precise and His goals are
exact. You will be led by Him and do that which He tells you to do,
no deviation. He will break you before He makes you into a suitable
instrument to be used by Him.
will break your will. He will destroy your plans, your
self-confidence, your illusions and show you the bare truth that
without Him you can do nothing. Without Him we are nothing.
is Lord. He reigns. All His servants serve Him but they will first
learn obedience through what they suffer, just like Jesus Himself
learned obedience through what He suffered.
came to do the will of the Father, and like Him, those who become His
disciples, those who were called by Him and who answered the call,
will do His will, not their own. They will speak his words, not their
own. They will glorify Him, because He lives in them and they do His
we become clay in the hands of the Potter? Can He form and make us as
He pleases, or are we stubborn, unyielding, ready to be discarded?
to have Eternal Life. Jesus said. “He who endures until the end
will be saved. The prize of eternal life is for overcomers who stayed
with Jesus and obeyed Him, and who endured with Him until the end.
The road of discipleship is the road
less travelled. It is a lonely road but it is the only road that
leads to Life. “And
someone said to Him, “Lord, are there just a
few who are being saved?” And He said to them, 24“Strive
to enter through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to
enter and will not be able.” Luke 13:23,24. Few find it because few
follow Jesus.
Christian Believers follow dead religious practices. They do not know
nor follow Jesus. To follow Jesus requires knowing Jesus, knowing His
voice, listening, in complete TRUST and obedience in all
circumstances. We have to stay with Jesus every step of the way, all
the way, until the end.
is not the message preached in churches, because they are not leading
people to Jesus. and to Life, but to damnation.
kingdom of God is for WINNERS, OVERCOMERS, CHAMPIONS, those who have
resisted temptation, overcome sin, overcome their own flesh, denied
themselves,, picked up their own cross and followed Jesus through all
trials, temptations, hardship, pain, good times and bad times, until
the end.
is humanly impossible to do what Jesus requires of us and inherit the
kingdom of God IF we do not know Him, and utterly trust and obey Him,
until the end. Without Jesus we can do nothing. The KEY is our
relationship with Jesus, nothing else. No other person, preacher,
prophet, Christian fellowship, no Bible study, other than the words
of Jesus as recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Through
obedience to the words of Jesus we will get to know Him and be able
to follow Him.
the words of Jesus, get to know Him. Completely TRUST Him, FOLLOW and
OBEY Him, UNTIL THE END, and you will have LIFE.