Sunday, November 30, 2014

You have to WANT TO

People will do everything in their power to get something or to achieve something if they really want that specific thing. If we really want to obey Jesus Christ then we can but we need to WANT TO. We need to desire Jesus Christ above everything else. If we do not desire Jesus and His Kingdom ENOUGH to be willing to give up absolutely everything, our reputation, our dreams, our ambitions, our desires, if we do not desire Jesus Christ above all of that and are not willing to give up everything for Jesus, even our life, then we are not worthy of Him and we will not enter His Kingdom.
People say they cannot stop sinning, THEY DON'T WANT TO. They say they cannot be holy, they don't want to be holy, they love their sin. They don't love Jesus and He knows it! Jesus said:”If you love Me, OBEY My words.” If we really love Jesus and seek the Kingdom of God, we seek to serve Jesus as Lord and Master, then nothing will stop us from doing so. We CAN serve Jesus, we CAN DO what He commanded if we really WAN TO but people don't want to.
Do you WANT Jesus Christ enough? Do you want Him that much that you are willing to give up everything for Him? If not, you will not have eternal life. We have to WANT Jesus Christ and His approval above everything and we have got to DO everything that we possible can to be pleasing to Him or else we will not have eternal life.

Do you really want Jesus Christ? May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Glad Day When I Was Born Again

It was a wonderful day when I was born again, when Jesus came into my life and He changed me. He made me NEW inside. He made me a different person. I said:”Lord, please make me ONE MAN that you are pleased with all the time.” Because I used to have so many personalities, at work I was one person, with the family I was another person, with friends I was another person, and then when my wife dragged me to church I would be another person. But Jesus changed me into ONE PERSON, that person that He can be pleased with all the time.
It was a GLAD DAY when I was born again:

(D)Glad day, when (G)I was Born A(D)gain
Glad day, when I was Born A(A)gain
(D)Glad day, when (G)I was Born A(D)gain
It was a glad day, when I(A) was Born A(D)gain

(D)The sins I used to do, I (G)do them no (D)more
The sins I used to do, I do them no (A)more
(D)The sins I used to do, I (G)do them no (D)more
It was a glad day, when I(A) was Born A(D)gain

Have you been born again? Did that glad day come to your life? Have you been changed so that you have no more desire for the things of this world? Do you have a desire and a zeal for the Kingdom of God? You can only SEE the Kingdom of God if you are BORN AGAIN. Do you SEE that Kingdom of God? Is Jesus your KING and are you SERVING HIM?
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, November 28, 2014

He lifted me up

I used to be in the bondage of fear, anxiety, uncertainty. I was in the gutter of despair but Jesus came down and he lifted me up. He set me free from the bondage of sin. I don't care what other people think any more because I am a child of God and I live to please HIM. I am on the King's High Way because I am following Jesus Christ. He made made me a child of God and a witness of his Kingdom. He put a song in my mouth and that is why I can sing to His glory!

(A)He lifted me up
From the deep miry (E)clay
and He planted my feet on the Kings High (A)Way
and this is the reason
I will sing and I will (D)shout
For Jesus came (A)down and He (E)lifted me (A)up.

(A)He lifted me up
From the deep miry (E)clay
and He planted my feet on the Kings High (A)Way
and this is the reason
I will sing and I will (D)shout
For Jesus came (A)down and He (E)lifted me (A)up.

(A)He lifted me up
From the deep miry (E)clay
and He planted my feet on the Kings High (A)Way
and this is the reason
I will sing and I will (D)shout
For Jesus came (A)down and He (E)lifted me (A)up.

Are you down and out? Are you lost? Then bow down to Jesus, seek Him with all your heart and He will lift you up, He will make you a son of the King! Stay with Jesus and He will give you LIFE in abundance.

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

STOP and let me tell you

I am a witness for Jesus and I want to tell you about Jesus Christ because He has saved me, He has changed me, He has healed me, He has filled me with His Holy Spirit and I just want to tell you about Jesus Christ.

(A)Stop and let me tell you
What the (E)good Lord has done for (A)me
(D)Stop and let me tell you
What the good Lord has done for (A)me
For He has healed my body
and He (D)saved my (A)soul
He baptized me
and He (D)made me (A)whole
So, stop and let me tell you
What the (E)good Lord has done for (A)me.

(A)Stop and let me tell you
What the (E)good Lord has done for (A)me
(D)Stop and let me tell you
What the good Lord has done for (A)me
For He has healed my body
and He (D)saved my (A)soul
He baptized me
and He (D)made me (A)whole
So, stop and let me tell you
What the (E)good Lord has done for (A)me.

(A)Stop and let me tell you
What the (E)good Lord has done for (A)me
(D)Stop and let me tell you
What the good Lord has done for (A)me
For He has healed my body
and He (D)saved my (A)soul
He baptized me
and He (D)made me (A)whole
So, stop and let me tell you
What the (E)good Lord has done for (A)me.

What He has done for me, He can do for you.

May Jesus bless you.

You are never alone

You are never alone. God cares for you, He is watching you,. God is ever present, He knows everything, He knows your thoughts, He knows your needs, He knows your anxiety and your despair, He knows your problems and He wants to help you, He wants to guide you. He is with you but people ignore God. They run away from God, they don't want Him in their lives.
God put His Spirit in us, the Spirit of Life, so that we have life, He wrote His laws in our heart. We know what is right and we know what is wrong, it is in our conscience. We just need to reach out to God, to Jesus, we just need to call on Him and He will answer us. If we draw closer to Him He will draw closer to us. We are not on our own, we are not alone, we are never alone.
Jesus said:”I will never leave you and I will never forsake you.” But we leave Him, we ignore Him. We just need to call out to Him, seek Him with all our heart and He will reveal Himself to us. Jesus Christ is alive, He is God, He is ALWAYS WITH US, to help us, to assist us but if we decide to go it on our own we will fail and we will perish in the end.

We just need to call out to Jesus and He will answer us. We just need to seek Him and we will find Him. He is not far away, he is WITH US. Just call on Him and He will be quick to answer you. May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The best friend to have

The whole world is looking for a friend, someone who will be with them who will never let them down. There is only One such friend that will always be with you. He is the only one who you can trust, He is the only one who will stay and that friend is Jesus Christ.
I woke up this morning with this song in my mind and I want to share it with you:

(A)The best friend to have is (E)Jesus
The best friend to have is Je(A)sus
He will hear you when you call
He will (D)keep you lest you fall
The (A)best friend to (E)have is Je(A)sus.

(A)The best friend to have is (E)Jesus
The best friend to have is Je(A)sus
He will hear you when you call
He will (D)keep you lest you fall
The (A)best friend to (E)have is Je(A)sus.

(A)The best friend to have is (E)Jesus
The best friend to have is Je(A)sus
He will hear you when you call
He will (D)keep you lest you fall
The (A)best friend to (E)have is Je(A)sus.

Do you know Jesus? He is the BEST friend to have.

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Bogus personal prophecies

Many people are deceived by false prophets who prophecy prosperity, good things into the lives of believers. A true servant of God will never prophecy about your well being. A true servant of God will expose the darkness in your life and will bring you on your knees before the living God in fear and in awe. The kingdom of God is not about YOU or ME or about our greatness. It is about Jesus Christ, serving HIM as Lord and Master.
The way of eternal life is the way of the cross, of denying yourself, picking up your cross daily and following Jesus. It is a road of suffering, not of glory, not of pleasure and fun and prosperity in this world. It is a road of rejection, persecution, of suffering for Jesus Christ. If you truly follow Jesus Christ you will be hated by all men, you will be rejected by this world. You will not be regarded, you will not look for fame and prosperity and acceptance of this world, you will be seeking for the glory and acceptance, the approval of the Living God. It would not matter to you what people think of you. All that will matter is to endure with Jesus and to be pleasing to Him until the very end.
Beware of the false prophets that prophecy NICE THINGS over your life, they are servants of satan. Get on your knees and serve the one and only Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, bring glory to HIM because glory is due to HIM not to you and me. Build the kingdom of God and you will have an inheritance with Jesus Christ.
Do not run after the lies of false prophets but rather stay on your knees, listen to Jesus and let His Spirit guide you. His sheep listen to HIS VOICE and they follow HIM, they don't listen to false prophets that bring them good tidings.

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Do not let Bible verses stop you

Many people are prevented from coming to Jesus by certain Bible verses that are quoted to them. Many people believe that they have sinned against the Holy Spirit, others believe that they have committed the unpardonable sin, others will quote you Hebrews 6:4. Do not let anything stop you from coming to Jesus.
It is not the will of God that any man perish. Jesus died for all the world and Jesus Christ Himself is the final authority, He will decide who will have eternal life and who not. It will not be decided upon some scripture. Jesus Christ alone is the final judge, bow down before Jesus Christ the King, humble yourself before Him, seek Him with all your heart. Jesus will never reject any person who comes humbly before Him and who seeks mercy from Him. Do not let anything or anybody stop you from going to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is LORD, He alone is the FINAL AUTHORITY. Go to His throne of mercy and He will accept you.
Humble yourself before Jesus, seek Him with all your heart, obey Him and follow Him and He will give you eternal life.

May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Understanding the WORD of God

Jesus Christ is the Word of God. He speaks every day but very few hear or understand Him. He is speaking to the world, He is speaking to individuals. He is calling the world to repentance. He is calling individuals to turn around, to come to Him, to obey Him, to have LIFE. But people do not understand Him because they are not tuned in, they are not listening.
Jesus speaks in many ways. Often He speaks through sickness, through circumstances. To farmers the rain might not come and they pray, and God does not answer, they do not understand why but if they would just go on their knees and pray, submit themselves to Jesus and say:”Lord, give me understanding of my circumstances. Why is this happening to me?” Then He will give them UNDERSTANDING. They will come to the FEAR OF GOD and they will realize that GOD IS GOD, Jesus is ALIVE and we have to honor Him, serve Him and obey Him. The Spirit of God is convicting the world of SIN, RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUDGMENT and very few are listening.
The Word of God is SPEAKING. Are you listening? Do you understand that God is speaking to YOU, every day, because He cares for you. Submit yourself to Jesus, go on your knees and PRAY. Ask Him to give you UNDERSTANDING and you will understand what God is saying to you. Do you understand what Jesus is saying to you today?

May Jesus bless you.

Understanding the WORD of God

Jesus Christ is the Word of God. He speaks every day but very few hear or understand Him. He is speaking to the world, He is speaking to individuals. He is calling the world to repentance. He is calling individuals to turn around, to come to Him, to obey Him, to have LIFE. But people do not understand Him because they are not tuned in, they are not listening.
Jesus speaks in many ways. Often He speaks through sickness, through circumstances. To farmers the rain might not come and they pray, and God does not answer, they do not understand why but if they would just go on their knees and pray, submit themselves to Jesus and say:”Lord, give me understanding of my circumstances. Why is this happening to me?” Then He will give them UNDERSTANDING. They will come to the FEAR OF GOD and they will realize that GOD IS GOD, Jesus is ALIVE and we have to honor Him, serve Him and obey Him. The Spirit of God is convicting the world of SIN, RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUDGMENT and very few are listening.
The Word of God is SPEAKING. Are you listening? Do you understand that God is speaking to YOU, every day, because He cares for you. Submit yourself to Jesus, go on your knees and PRAY. Ask Him to give you UNDERSTANDING and you will understand what God is saying to you. Do you understand what Jesus is saying to you today?

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Learn to LISTEN

If we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Master and we were born again of the Spirit of God then the Spirit of God will guide us into all truth BUT we MUST LEARN TO LISTEN. We must learn not to follow after our own desires and not to do as other people do but we must LISTEN to the IMPLANTED WORD, the Spirit of God that He puts inside of us.
Those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God, they are the children of God and they will be taught by God but they MUST LISTEN. We must learn to tune in to the Holy Spirit. The Kingdom of God is not about me, what I want and what I need, it is about Jesus Christ, serving Him and doing the will of God and if we seek to do the will of God, if we seek the Kingdom of God, to serve Him then He will supply in all our needs, He will guide our footsteps. He will teach us but we need to learn to LISTEN.
Nothing happens without purpose in the life of a child of God because He guides our footsteps. Our life is in His hands and we must accept everything as from God. Nothing can happen that He does not allow, whether good fortune or bad all comes from Him. In everything we have to turn our eyes to Jesus, wait on Him and ask Him for understanding, we have to ask Him for guidance. We have to submit to Him and be taught by Him. We have to LEARN TO LISTEN. In everything we have to ask Him for His guidance and He will teach us, He will give us understanding. We have to patiently wait on Him and keep our focus on Him and He will teach us.
Have you learned to Listen? Because if we do not LISTEN we cannot follow and we cannot do the will of God. We cannot act on our own initiative and be pleasing to God. We have to LISTEN, FOLLOW and OBEY Him. He will teach us His ways and He will give us understanding of His Kingdom. Jesus said that unless you are born again you cannot see the Kingdom of God, but you have to LISTEN and He will TEACH you, and you will SEE, HEAR and you will UNDERSTAND, you will experience the Kingdom of God here and now. Learn to LISTEN to Jesus.

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Why a child of God does not need a Bible

A child of God does not need a Bible, neither does he need anybody to teach him because the children of God are taught by God. To be a child of God is not a matter of education, it is a matter of being BORN AGAIN OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD.
When you hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Master then you are SUPERNATURALLY BORN AGAIN and the laws of God are written in your heart, immediately you KNOW the will of God, it is IMPLANTED into your heart. You receive the IMPLANTED WORD OF GOD, you KNOW the will of God and you have NO EXCUSE. You don't need to be taught. You only need to LISTEN and OBEY. You need to LISTEN and FOLLOW. His sheep LISTEN to His VOICE and they FOLLOW Him because they KNOW Him. If you need a Bible to discern the Spirit of God then you are not born again, then you are not a child of God, then God is not your Father. His sheep LISTEN to His VOICE and they FOLLOW Him.
Have you been born again of the Spirit of God? Do you KNOW your Father's voice? Do you LISTEN to Him, do you FOLLOW and do you OBEY Him? Is God your Father? Have you been born again into the Kingdom of God? Are you a child of God and does the Spirit of God live in you?
You have to be born again of the Spirit of God to be a child of God. You don't need to be educated. Go on your knees, cry out to Jesus, accept Him as your Lord and Master and His Spirit will come dwell inside of you and you will KNOW the will of God.
Do you KNOW the will of God? Do you KNOW what is pleasing to your Father? Have you truly been born again and are you a child of God?

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Come to Jesus

The only one who can give us eternal life is Jesus Christ but we have to come to Him. The thief on the cross next to Jesus CALLED ON HIM and Jesus saved him, He said to him:”Today you will be with Me in paradise.”
People do not want to come to Jesus, as Jesus said to the pharisees:”You diligently search the scriptures in there to find eternal life but you refuse to come to Me to have life.” Only Jesus can give us LIFE, IF we come to Him, if we OBEY Him and and if we stay with Him until the very end.
Jesus Christ alone is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE, come to Jesus and stay with Jesus UNTIL the very end.
May Jesus bless you.

Come to Jesus

The only one who can give us eternal life is Jesus Christ but we have to come to Him. The thief on the cross next to Jesus CALLED ON HIM and Jesus saved him, He said to him:”Today you will be with Me in paradise.”
People do not want to come to Jesus, as Jesus said to the pharisees:”You diligently search the scriptures in there to find eternal life but you refuse to come to Me to have life.” Only Jesus can give us LIFE, IF we come to Him, if we OBEY Him and and if we stay with Him until the very end.
Jesus Christ alone is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE, come to Jesus and stay with Jesus UNTIL the very end.
May Jesus bless you.

Come to Jesus

The only one who can give us eternal life is Jesus Christ but we have to come to Him. The thief on the cross next to Jesus CALLED ON HIM and Jesus saved him, He said to him:”Today you will be with Me in paradise.”
People do not want to come to Jesus, as Jesus said to the pharisees:”You diligently search the scriptures in there to find eternal life but you refuse to come to Me to have life.” Only Jesus can give us LIFE, IF we come to Him, if we OBEY Him and and if we stay with Him until the very end.
Jesus Christ alone is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE, come to Jesus and stay with Jesus UNTIL the very end.
May Jesus bless you.

Come to Jesus

The only one who can give us eternal life is Jesus Christ but we have to come to Him. The thief on the cross next to Jesus CALLED ON HIM and Jesus saved him, He said to him:”Today you will be with Me in paradise.”
People do not want to come to Jesus, as Jesus said to the pharisees:”You diligently search the scriptures in there to find eternal life but you refuse to come to Me to have life.” Only Jesus can give us LIFE, IF we come to Him, if we OBEY Him and and if we stay with Him until the very end.
Jesus Christ alone is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE, come to Jesus and stay with Jesus UNTIL the very end.
May Jesus bless you.

Come to Jesus

The only one who can give us eternal life is Jesus Christ but we have to come to Him. The thief on the cross next to Jesus CALLED ON HIM and Jesus saved him, He said to him:”Today you will be with Me in paradise.”
People do not want to come to Jesus, as Jesus said to the pharisees:”You diligently search the scriptures in there to find eternal life but you refuse to come to Me to have life.” Only Jesus can give us LIFE, IF we come to Him, if we OBEY Him and and if we stay with Him until the very end.
Jesus Christ alone is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE, come to Jesus and stay with Jesus UNTIL the very end.
May Jesus bless you.

Come to Jesus

The only one who can give us eternal life is Jesus Christ but we have to come to Him. The thief on the cross next to Jesus CALLED ON HIM and Jesus saved him, He said to him:”Today you will be with Me in paradise.”
People do not want to come to Jesus, as Jesus said to the pharisees:”You diligently search the scriptures in there to find eternal life but you refuse to come to Me to have life.” Only Jesus can give us LIFE, IF we come to Him, if we OBEY Him and and if we stay with Him until the very end.
Jesus Christ alone is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE, come to Jesus and stay with Jesus UNTIL the very end.
May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

If you have met and really know Jesus Christ the living God then you will not be reading in the Bible about Him, you will not be listening to other people who tell you about Him because you will know Him yourself. If you follow Jesus Christ you will be telling other people about Jesus, you will not be handing out Bibles, you will be taking people to Jesus because you KNOW HIM, the living God.
Most professing Christians do not know Jesus, they are just religious Bible believers, they are brainwashed into religion. They believe in a Jesus that they do not know.
If you do not know Jesus Christ you do not have a testimony, you cannot talk about Him. You can maybe talk about the Bible and quote Bible verses, you can talk about your church or your pastor or about what other people say but you cannot talk about Jesus Christ because you do not know Him. Jesus Christ will say to many so called Christians on the day that they die, He will say to them:”Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness” because they NEVER KNEW HIM!
Do you know Jesus Christ? Do you have a testimony? Do you walk with Him daily? Can you tell others what Jesus Christ is telling you? People are looking for the answers for life in the Bible and from other people, they are looking in the prophecies because they do not know Jesus Christ. They are BLIND, they are LOST because they do not know Jesus Christ, they have never found Him.
Jesus Christ alone is the WAY and the TRUTH And the LIFE. If you do not know Him and you do not follow Him you have no direction, you are LOST. Get to know Jesus Christ the living God, He is ALIVE! He SPEAKS and He GUIDES every one who follows Him. He reveals Himself to every person who seeks Him. Seek Jesus and find Him, get to know Him before it is too late.
If you know Jesus you will take others to Jesus, not to church or to the Bible, you will tell them about Jesus. Do you know Jesus Christ the living God?

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Jesus Christ is HERE

Jesus Christ is right here where you are at. Jesus Christ is God and He has always been here. His sheep HEAR His VOICE, they LISTEN to Him and they FOLLOW Him. Those who are pure in heart, they SEE God, they HEAR God. Those who seek God, find Him but most people close their ears and their eyes, they are in DENIAL. They rather read the Bible and listen to other people than listen to God. They reject God, they don't seek Him and when He speaks to them they ignore and reject Him.
Jesus Christ is right here, right now and He is speaking to you. Are you LISTENING or are you not one of His sheep? Do you not HEAR His voice? Do you not LISTEN to Him and do you not follow Him? Only those who LISTEN to Him and who OBEY Him will have LIFE. Those who reject Him will perish.
Are you LISTENING to Jesus Christ? Are you one of His sheep?

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, November 17, 2014


I know, serve and follow the LIVING God, Jesus Christ who has revealed Himself IN me and TO me. He opened my eyes and now I see Him, He opened my ears and I hear Him, He gave me understanding and now I understand His words. I understand all things, I understand His words as recorded in the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) because Jesus Christ reveals Himself in me every day.
Jesus has not revealed Himself to me in a book, not in the Bible but He revealed Himself to me in my spirit and I see His handiwork in everything around me. I can see the hand of God moving all over this world. Jesus said that those who are pure in heart will SEE GOD.
If you seek Jesus you will find Him and He will open your eyes and your ears and He will give you understanding but you must seek Him with all your heart. Turn to Jesus and seek Him, draw closer to Him and He will draw closer to you and He will reveal Himself in you and to you.
Jesus Christ IS the LIVING GOD. He is not a book, He is not an ideology, He is the LIVING GOD. I KNOW Him. Do you know Jesus Christ? Do you see Him? Do you Hear Him and do you understand when He speaks to you?

May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Unholy Bible Readers Will PERISH In HELL

Unholy people who read the Bible will perish in hell if they do not obey the words of Jesus as recorded in their Bible and they do not REPENT, STOP SINNING and OBEY Jesus Christ. Jesus said:”Be ye HOLY like your Father in Heaven is HOLY.” It is also written that WITHOUT HOLINESS NO MAN SHALL SEE GOD.
Many people believe that if they read the Bible then they will have salvation because they believe what is written in it. It is not the readers and the students and the believers, the quoters of the scriptures that will be saved, it is only those that OBEY the words of Jesus as written in the scriptures.
Jesus Christ alone is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. If we read His words as recorded in the scriptures by those who wrote the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and we DO what Jesus commanded then He will reveal Himself to us and we will get to KNOW HIM FOR REAL. Then we have to LISTEN to Him, follow Him and OBEY Him until the very end or we will perish.
Unholy readers of the Bible will perish in hell WITH THEIR Bibles. Are you HOLY? Are you set aside, set apart for Jesus Christ? Or are you conformed to this world? Are you the same as this world, a wicked sinner who just reads the Bible and believes that he is saved? Obey Jesus and you will LIVE! Read your Bible and keep on sinning and you will perish in hell.

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Give them Jesus NOT a Bible

Jesus Christ is ALL that you need. If you have Jesus you need nothing more. One night many years ago Jesus spoke to me. He said to me:”Go to whomever I send you and take their hand and put their hand in My hand and I will guide them. Jesus Christ Himself is the Good Shepherd. His sheep LISTEN to His VOICE and they FOLLOW Him.
I am here to take your hand and put it in the hand of Jesus. Follow Jesus and you need nothing more. All that you need is Jesus. I am not giving you a Bible, I am giving you ETERNAL LIFE, I am giving you Jesus Christ. If you take His hand and you follow Him He will guide you every step of the way and He will give you ETERNAL LIFE. All that you need is Jesus Christ. Have you found Jesus Christ, have you found eternal life?

May Jesus bless you.

The Bible is NOT holy

The Bible is not holy. It has been mistranslated. There are more than 300 translations and versions of the English Bible. None of them is HOLY . They all carry the interpretation of people who are/were not filled with the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit. The Bible is NOT holy.
Jesus Christ is HOLY. The Holy Spirit is HOLY. If you want the TRUTH you have to LISTEN to the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit that Jesus sent to TEACH us and to GUIDE us into all truth. If you follow your own interpretation of your choice of perversion, version or translation of the Bible then you will be deceived.
Seek Jesus and LISTEN to Him, He is the Word of God and He SPEAKS, His sheep LISTEN to His VOICE and they FOLLOW Him because He is HOLY and His words are HOLY. Don't hang on to a book perverted by unholy people but seek Jesus Christ, listen to the Holy Spirit and you will know the TRUTH and the TRUTH will set you FREE. Seek Jesus and you will know the TRUTH.

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

God is watching

God is watching each and every one of us every moment of our lives. He cares for us, He cares for every one of us. He does not discriminate. To Him all of us are His creation. He is watching our thoughts, our deeds, how we treat other people. Everything that we do is noticed by God and He will repay every man according to their deeds.
Is God pleased with your and my deeds? Will we receive reward or punishment? The psalmist wrote:”Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable unto Thee, my God and my Redeemer.”
Are we striving to be pleasing to God our Father? Because we will give account to Him for each and every thought and every deed, for what we have done on this earth to others and with that which God gave to us. Will Jesus be pleased with us when we stand before Him in final judgment?

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

What Jesus SAYS not what the Bible says

Jesus Christ IS the Word of God. His words are the words of eternal life. Jesus SPOKE the WORDS OF LIFE when He walked this earth in a human body but JESUS NEVER STOPPED SPEAKING. His sheep HEAR His VOICE, they LISTEN to Him and they FOLLOW Him. The words of Jesus are the WORDS OF LIFE. The Bible is NOT the Word of God. SOME of the words that Jesus spoke were recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, but Jesus never stopped speaking. Only those who HEAR Him, who LISTEN to Him, who FOLLOW and OBEY Him only they are His sheep, only they are children of God, only they will have eternal life.
Do you HEAR His VOICE? Do you LISTEN to Jesus? Do you FOLLOW and OBEY Him? Reading the Bible will not save you, quoting Bible verses will not give you salvation. You have to LISTEN to what Jesus SAYS to YOU and OBEY Him to have eternal life. Go and read the words that Jesus spoke as recorded in your Bible, in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, then OBEY those words, SEEK HIM and Jesus Christ the Living God will reveal Himself to you. Then FOLLOW and OBEY Him, LISTEN to what He says and you will LIVE.

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Your current situation

Many people who are serious about following Jesus Christ are in bad situations and they do not know how to get out of it. If we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Master then we belong to Him in TOTAL with our situation and we have to trust Him WITH our situation IN our situation. We must ask Him why we are in that situation. Maybe we have a sickness, maybe we are going through trials but if we follow Jesus and we are SERIOUS about doing His will, being pleasing to Him then we have to TRUST Him because He guides our footsteps and only Jesus can change the situation or maybe He is using that situation to change us, to make us useful for His Kingdom. It might be that the situation will become a testimony for Jesus but we don't know. We will only gain UNDERSTANDING if we TRUST in Jesus and we wait on Him.
We must not moan and complain. If we have accepted Jesus then we accept our situation because Jesus guides our footsteps and whatever we do, we do to the glory of God. If we complain about our situation then we are complaining against Jesus, we are dissatisfied with Him. In everything we have to submit to Him. Let Him guide us and use us for His Kingdom. We have to LIVE to glorify Jesus, not matter our situation and He will use that situation for His glory but we have to STAY with Him.
Jesus is LORD. We have to let HIM be in control and let Him have His way with us and He will use us for His Kingdom. If we do not submit to Him He cannot use us for His Kingdom and we are worthless to Him. Whatever your situation, commit it to Jesus, submit to Him, draw closer to Him and let Him use that situation for His glory. Jesus knows what He is doing. If we stay WITH HIM we will soon learn what He is doing WITH and THROUGH us.

May Jesus bless you.   

Monday, November 10, 2014

Jesus ONLY

Jesus Christ is ALL that we need for NOW and for ETERNITY. Without Jesus Christ we can do nothing. Jesus Christ alone is the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE. You don't need friends, You don't need a Bible, you don't need other people, you don't need friends, you don't need money, you don't need qualifications or associations, ALL that you need is Jesus Christ.
Seek FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness and ALL the other things will be added unto you, with MUCH PERSECUTION. Seek first for Jesus Christ and you will be in need of nothing. Without Jesus we have no future, no hope, no eternal life. ALL that we need is Jesus Christ. His sheep listen to His voice and they follow Him. Are YOU one of His sheep? Do you listen to Him and follow Him? Because then you don't need anything else, because you have Jesus Christ.
ALL that we need is Jesus Christ.

May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Look to Jesus

The world has become a terrifying place and people are dying of anxiety but there is a small flock of people that have PEACE even in all of this madness. Those are the ones who know the true Shepherd, Jesus Christ and who FOLLOW Him. They know that they have nothing to fear because their Shepherd, Jesus Christ, looks after them. Jesus said:”In this world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.” Jesus Christ is LORD, He is the UNSEEN God and He takes care of those who follow Him, who obey Him, they have nothing to fear.
When you look around you and you see everything disintegrating, falling to pieces. There is no safety just madness, people are exploiting, killing each other, destroying this world, then there is only one place to look to and that is to Jesus because He alone is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, there is no other way.
There is only ONE REFUGE, there is only one safe place and that is with Jesus. Look to Jesus, focus on Him, go after Him and He will give you peace beyond all understanding even in all of this madness.

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The unforeseen road

If you follow Jesus Christ your life will take many unforeseen turns. With time you will learn not to plan but to keep your focus on Jesus, to wait on Him, LISTEN, FOLLOW and OBEY. Your expectation will be Jesus Christ because He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE.
When you follow Jesus Christ then you go according to HIS PLAN. Are you following Jesus or do you still want to plan your own life and do your own thing? If you want to follow Jesus and be pleasing to Him then you have to put Him in control. WAIT on Him, FOLLOW and OBEY, GO where He sends you.
The only way that you can be pleasing to Jesus and achieve that for which He called you is to follow and OBEY Him and to stay in His plan on the unforeseen road. Without faith it is impossible to please God.

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Where will He find you?

If we are followers of Jesus Christ and children of God then our only concern will be our Father's Business, God our Father and looking after His affairs, His business. I read from Luke chapter 2 verse 41 in the King James Bible: ”Now his parents went to Jerusalem every year at the feast of the passover. 42And when he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast. 43And when they had fulfilled the days, as they returned, the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and Joseph and his mother knew not of it. 44But they, supposing him to have been in the company, went a day's journey; and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance. 45And when they found him not, they turned back again to Jerusalem, seeking him. 46And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions. 47And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers. 48And when they saw him, they were amazed: and his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing. 49And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business? 50And they understood not the saying which he spake unto them.”
The boy Jesus was at His Father's business. He was teaching the scribes and the pharisees. If we follow Jesus we will be at our Father's business, not busy with other things, the things of this world. We will be speaking the wisdom that God gives in us because we walk with God and we hear from Him and we will be teaching others, bringing them to Jesus, building the the Kingdom of our Lord.
The modern Bible translations have changed these words to “I have to be about my father's HOUSE,” (verse 49) because they want to take you to CHURCH, not to Jesus Christ. When I read this modern translation of the Bible I also see that they have changed the references to Jesus to small letters, they are not capital letters any more. When they talk about Him and He it is small letters. The modern translations of the Bible have been perverted to make you slaves of the church, not to take you to Jesus Christ.
We have to be about our Father's Business and if we follow Jesus He will teach us and He will guide us into all truth. The Holy Spirit will set our priorities and will highlight to us the PERVERSIONS in modern Bibles. We have to be led by the Holy Spirit and be at the Business of our Father. Jesus did not have a Bible, He was AT HIS FATHER'S BUSINESS being led by the Holy Spirit. He SPOKE what His father told Him to SAY and He DID what His Father told Him to DO.
Jesus Christ was at His Father's business being LED by His Father's Spirit. Are we being led by the Holy Spirit and are we AT our Father's Business, doing the will of God? Many people are studying the Bible and they never come to the truth because they are not at their Father's Business and they are not led by the Holy Spirit. Do we KNOW our Father's VOICE? Do we LISTEN to HIM and are we at His Business?

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

INSANE to follow Jesus

You will be regarded as insane, crazy, if you really follow and obey Jesus Christ because if you go after Jesus you will not fit into this world any more. You will be rejected, persecuted, you might even get killed because people will not want to associate with you.
Everything that Jesus commanded goes against what the flesh wants and what the world is doing. So if you are following Jesus, if you listen to His voice and you DO what He tells you to do you will be regarded as CRAZY. Jesus does not fit into this world and if you are following Jesus Christ you will be IN this world but not OF this world because you will be of the Kingdom of God and you WILL NOT FIT INTO THIS WORLD. If we are of the world we cannot be of the Kingdom of God. We either fit into the Kingdom of Heaven and fit out of this world or we are not children of God and we are not following Jesus Christ.
Do you fit into this world or are you also regarded as crazy, insane, because you are following Jesus Christ.

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

KNOW the Spirit

God is SPIRIT and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. Jesus Christ is God. Those who do not have the Spirit of Christ DO NOT BELONG TO HIM. Those who have accepted Jesus Christ have the power to become children of God. His sheep LISTEN to His VOICE and they FOLLOW Him because they KNOW THE SPIRIT. They have accepted Jesus Christ, they have the Spirit of Christ, they KNOW His VOICE, they LISTEN to Him, they FOLLOW Him, they are the TRUE CHILDREN OF GOD.
Many professing Christians claim to discern the spirits by the scriptures but they don't have the Spirit of Christ, they don't know Jesus Christ because they have not ACCEPTED Him. They do not know His voice and they do not follow Him.
Do you KNOW the Spirit? Have you received the Spirit of Christ? Are you HIS? Are you a child of God? Do you KNOW His VOICE and do you FOLLOW Him? Do you KNOW the Spirit?

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


The wages of sin is DEATH. The soul that sins must DIE. All those who sin will DIE. Sinners that do not repent will all end up in HELL. If we come to Jesus He makes us FREE FROM SIN.
Those whom the Son of God has set free they will be free indeed. Jesus said that:”He who sins is a SLAVE TO SIN.” If we follow Jesus Christ we will be FREE FROM SIN, we will be FREE INDEED. We will not be sinners any longer because if Jesus has set you free you will be FREE.
Have you come to Jesus? Has He set you free? Are you FREE FROM SIN? Or are you DOOMED to HELL and DAMNATION?

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, November 3, 2014

False Security of Salvation

Most Christian believers are living in utter false security of salvation. They believe that they are saved but at the same time they have no relationship with Jesus Christ and they have nothing to do with the Kingdom of God.
Jesus said that:”My sheep LISTEN to My voice and they FOLLOW Me.” These people do not know His voice, some know His voice but they don't LISTEN, they don't follow Him. Still, these people do not care, they live as though they will be living for ever but they can die today, and they will stand before Jesus and He will say to them:”Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness.” If we do not know, obey, follow and stay close to Jesus then we cannot KNOW Him, then we cannot do His will and we cannot bear good fruit and we WILL GET CUT OFF, because every branch in Jesus that does not bear good fruit will get cut off and burned. Many believers are being cut off and BURNED. Their family and fellow believers go to their funerals and they are told that this brother or sister is now with Jesus but they are NOT, they are in the FIRES OF HELL because they had nothing to do with Jesus. They were living in FALSE SECURITY.
The whole world is deceived. People think that because they go to church and they BELIEVE, and they have a Bible, they believe that they have salvation BUT THEY DON'T HAVE JESUS. That do not know Him at all and even if they do know Him they ignore Him, they deny Him. If we deny Him He will certainly deny us. If we do not follow and obey Him every day, if Jesus is not the center of our lives then He will turn us away. If we are not interested in Him NOW then we will not be with Him in eternity.
WAKE UP dear friend and MAKE SURE that Jesus is pleased with you. Don't believe what other people say, go talk to Jesus and make sure that He is pleased with you today and every day or else you are living in FALSE SECURITY. Get close to Jesus and stay close to Him or you will PERISH and be away from Him for eternity.

May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


God is shaking the foundations of the world. The confidence that people have and had in governments, systems, in people, in books, ideologies, all of that is being destroyed because the hand of God is shaking those things, He is exposing them as TEMPORAL, useless. There is only one Kingdom that will last and that is the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. If you trust in anything else, money, your education, your abilities, your church, your Bible, your government, your country, then your confidence will be destroyed because only Jesus Christ is the FOUNDATION THAT WILL LAST. Only those who KNOW Him, who FOLLOW Him and put their TRUST in Him, only they have HOPE, DIRECTION, the rest are SHAKEN, LOST without direction.
If you do not have Jesus Christ you do not have hope, you don't have direction. If you are not led by the Holy Spirit then you don't have a future. If you put your trust in anything else then it will be shaken because God is shaking all things and only those who KNOW Him, who TRUST Him and who follow Him, only those who KNOW Jesus Christ for real, only they WILL NOT BE SHAKEN.
Are you being shaken or are you standing on the FIRM FOUNDATION, Jesus Christ? Are you deing led by His Spirit and do you know the WAY? Jesus Christ alone is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE. Seek Him, find Him, follow Him and stay with Him or you will be shaken!.

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

WAIT on the Lord

Since Jesus called me and I started following Him He has often made me WAIT on Him. He has made me wait for long periods, sometimes years. God is in no hurry, but He wants perfect obedience. We cannot run ahead of Jesus, we have to WAIT on Him and SERVE Him, we have to do what He tells us to do. Jesus will make things work out perfectly in HIS TIME and in HIS OWN WAY but we have to WAIT on Him.
When you pray and ask Him for wisdom, guidance, WAIT on Him, TRUST Him. He will answer in His time. Jesus is God, He is LORD. If we follow Him we have to WAIT ON HIM and follow Him WHEN and WHERE and HOW He directs us, but we have to WAIT UNTIL He guides us, UNTIL He tells us what He wants us to do. We have to WAIT on the Lord.

May Jesus bless you.

Supernaturally EMPOWERED

Jesus Christ supernaturally empowers those who follow Him to do His will. They live and they walk in the SUPERNATURAL. They experience miracles all the time because they are following Jesus Christ. Jesus said that those who believe in Him, who follow Him, will do the works that He did and even greater works because they follow Him and they do his will.
If we follow Jesus Christ and do His will we will experience the SUPERNATURAL, the impossible. What is our TESTIMONY? Are we walking with Jesus and are we experiencing His hand, SUPERNATURAL INTERVENTION in our lives? Are we living by faith and EXPERIENCING THE POWER OF GOD because we are following Jesus Christ?
Are we REALLY following Jesus or are we just operating in the natural?

May Jesus bless you.