Saturday, August 30, 2014
ONE SMALL SIN can take you to HELL
Sin destroys our relationship with Jesus Christ. ONE SINGLE SIN separates us from God. If we have one stone in our shoe, just a small pebble, we cannot walk, we have got to stop walking and take it out. Committing ONE SIN prevents us from walking with Jesus and it separates us from Him because sin forms a barrier between us and Jesus Christ.
We cannot afford to tolerate even ONE SINGLE SIN IN OUR LIVES, NOT ONE LIE, not even what they call a WHITE LIE, all lies are BLACK (sin), because ONE SIN CAN SEPARATE YOU FROM GOD AND CAUSE YOU TO END UP IN HELL.
Jesus said:”Be PERFECT as your Father in Heaven is PERFECT.” He requires of us a PERFECT relationship with Him, PERFECT OBEDIENCE, UTTER HOLINESS because without holiness no man shall see God. If we are not pure and utterly holy we cannot walk with Jesus and we will not enter the Kingdom of God.
Be SERIOUS, be PURE, be HOLY, guard your relationship with Jesus Christ and DO NOT SIN AT ALL.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
white lies
Speaking with AUTHORITY
You can only speak with AUTHORITY when
you speak from EXPERIENCE. The world is full of educated, brainwashed
zombies who think that they know everything but they know nothing
because they don't have practical experience. They just speak from
what they have heard and read, hear-say, they have NO AUTHORITY. And
so there are many Christians who profess that they are disciples of
Jesus Christ but they have no authority because they don't know Jesus
Christ. They have NO TESTIMONY.
It is only if you have met Jesus, if
you follow Him, obey Him, walk with Him and HEAR FROM HIM that you
have AUTHORITY because you can only DO what Jesus commands you to do
with authority IF YOU HAVE HEARD FROM HIM, not from ASSUMPTION.
Many Christians ASSUME that certain
promises that they read in the Bible are theirs, that it is their
INHERITANCE. They live by ASSUMPTION, they ASSUME things but they do
not know Jesus, they have not heard from Him, they live in a dream
world, MAKE BELIEF. They believe certain things that they have read
and heard but they have not experienced the power of God. They have
not experienced a relationship with Jesus Christ. They have not
experienced miracles happening in their lives. They have not seen the
hand of God moving, they cannot speak with AUTHORITY because they
don't know Jesus Christ.
If you don't know Jesus and do not hear
from HIM you cannot speak with authority, Many Christians ASSUME and
PROCLAIM, CONFESS that they are SAVED but they don't know Jesus, they
HAVE NOT HEARD FROM HIM whether He is pleased with THEM, they just
ASSUME and they cannot speak with authority. It is only when you have
been at the throne of God (in prayer), when you have been with Jesus,
when you have heard from Him, when you walk with Him that you know
where you stand, that you know your Lord and Master and that you can
SPEAK WITH AUTHORITY because you have heard from the King.
Do you WALK WITH the King? Do you HEAR
FROM the King? And can you speak with AUTHORITY from your TESTIMONY,
from your EXPERIENCE, from your WALK with Jesus Christ or are you
just ASSUMING things? Get to know Jesus for REAL, walk with Him, HEAR
from Him and then you will speak with authority.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Whiners complainers Procrastinators GOD HATES
If we are not eager to go after Jesus
every day to follow Him and obey Him and do all the things that He
commands, all those things that are pleasing to Him then we ARE NOT
WORTHY OF HIM. Jesus will not beg us to follow Him. Jesus is LORD, He
is KING and if we want eternal life we must SERVE Him as King and
joyfully do what He requires of us.
Many Christians cannot stop sinning,
they cannot do what Jesus wants them to do, THEY ARE NOT WORTHY, they
are NOT SERIOUS. Others procrastinate, they say:”One day I will
follow Jesus, one day I will go after Him.” Many are hoping for a
DEATH BED REPENTANCE, they want to enjoy the pleasures of sin for as
long as they possibly can and then they want to slip into the back
door of heaven – there is no back door! If we are not willing to
JOYFULLY go after Jesus and give everything that He requires without
complaining, without moaning and whining then we are not worthy of
Him. Luke warm Christians Jesus will VOMIT OUT OF HIS MOUTH. We have
to be on FIRE for Jesus.
Many Christians think they do Jesus a
favor if they testify or as they say EVANGELIZE. Jesus said:”Whoever
denies Me and is ashamed of Me among this wicked generation, I will
also deny him before My Father and His holy angels.” If we are not
eager to represent Jesus Christ, be witnesses for Him, follow Him and
obey Him, DO whatever He requires, then we are not worthy of Him and
we will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Many so called Christians
even refuse to START following Jesus, they refuse to be baptized in
water and then they think they are saved, they are LOST and DOOMED!
Jesus requires wholehearted devotion
and obedience or else HE WILL VOMIT US OUT!
May Jesus bless you.
eternal life,
Jesus Christ,
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
What is on your MIND?
People talk about those things that are
on their mind, those things that are dear to them. If we are truly
born again and we love Jesus then we talk about Jesus, we tell
everybody about Jesus and about what He has done in our lives, what
Jesus is to us. We don't talk about “church” and recite Bible
verses, we talk about Jesus Christ whom we FOLLOW and KNOW, the ONE
who has revealed Himself to us, the One who is REAL. If Jesus is our
life than we talk about HIM.
People profess to be Christians but
they talk about all kinds of nonsense. They are interested in the
things of the world but they don't talk about Jesus. They talk about
the soccer and TV and the movies and what is happening in the world
but they don't talk about what is happening in the kingdom of God,
they don't talk about Jesus.
If we are truly born again and we walk
with God, we are children of God, then we will be talking about Jesus
Christ. We will be telling others about Jesus, we will be taking
others to Jesus. All that will be on our mind is Jesus Christ. We
will share our TESTIMONY with everybody so that they can also know
I carry my testimony and I give it to
people so that they can read it, so that they can know why Jesus is
real to me. I believed I was saved but then I died and went to hell.
That is what has happened to me! And I don't want others to go to
hell. That is why I talk about Jesus. Jesus is my LORD, He is my KING
and I SERVE HIM. If we truly love Jesus that is all that we will
really want to talk about.
What is on your mind? Jesus or other
things? We have to KEEP Him ON OUR MIND then we WILL NOT SIN against
May Jesus bless you
important things,
Jesus Christ,
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Guidance from ABOVE
God is everywhere and God knows
everything about every one of us. God CARES FOR US and He is watching
us. God KNOWS about tomorrow. He knows what we need and He is ready
to supply in all our needs. He is ready to guide us into the future
but people ignore Him, they pretend that He doesn't exist and so they
go through life and in the end they are LOST.
If we need WISDOM we must ask it from
God, He gives to all men freely. If we need guidance we must PRAY AND
ASK HIM. God has not abandoned us, He cares for us. If we go on our
knees and humble ourselves before Him, He will guide us into all
truth. Jesus Christ will reveal Himself to us and He will guide us
and He will teach us because He cares for us. Jesus Christ is GOD
and He will reveal Himself to every person who is SERIOUS. He will
guide you, He will teach you and He will give you ETERNAL LIFE.
Jesus Christ is the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE.
Go on your knees and PRAY with a
SERIOUS HEART, ask HIM for guidance and He will reveal Himself to
you, He will give you GUIDANCE but you have to BE SERIOUS.
Jesus cares for you and me and He will
answer our prayers if we go to Him with a SERIOUS HEART. Call out to
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Most professing Christians heard the
message of Jesus Christ or some twisted version of it preached in a
church. Many of them grew up in churches and these people believe
that if they become part of a church and serve the church, that they
are serving God and that they will have eternal life. They get SUCKED
UP by churches and church organizations. They become members, slaves
and servants of church organizations. Many of them are serious about
their religion, they spend vast amounts of money and effort to build
the church. Some go to Bible schools, they become clergy and they
serve the church.
These people think that they are doing
God a favor but THEY DON'T KNOW JESUS CHRIST, they have not met
Jesus. They believe that they have salvation but they are deceived
because you can only have salvation if you have Jesus Christ, if you
follow Him, if you LISTEN to His voice, you OBEY Him and you FOLLOW
Him, not when you serve a church organization or a ministry.
Many people want to serve God and then
they become part of a MINISTRY, they become MISSIONARIES but the vast
majority of those don't even know Jesus Christ so how can they bring
others to Jesus? They themselves are deceived and they deceive other
people. There is only one way and that is Jesus Christ, the LIVING
GOD, to KNOW Him, to FOLLOW Him and to OBEY Him, to be LED by the
Holy Spirit. If you do not follow Jesus then you are not part of Him
or of His Kingdom. You might belong to a church and be a pastor or a
priest, you might serve the church but if you do not KNOW and FOLLOW
Jesus Christ you are DOOMED!
There is only ONE WAY to know Jesus and
that is to REPENT from sin, to ACCEPT Jesus Christ as your Lord and
your MASTER, to OBEY Him, to live holy and righteous, to be baptized
in water for the washing off of your sin and then Jesus will give His
Holy Spirit to live in you, to GUIDE you, to TEACH you, to SEND you,
to USE you, only then do you become part of His Kingdom.
Some people have met Jesus, they have
been baptized, some have been baptized in the Holy Spirit and then
they were SUCKED UP by a church or a ministry, they became servants
of the church and the ministry, they are not led by the Holy Spirit,
they serve the church and THE CHURCH DOES NOT SERVE GOD!
Are you following Jesus Christ? Have
you received the Holy Spirit? Are you LED by the Holy Spirit? Do you
have a TRUE and REAL RELATIONSHIP with the Living God? Or are you
involved in CHURCH? Many of those who were called by Jesus to preach
the gospel, have been SUCKED UP BY A CHURCH and they have been made
useless for the Kingdom of God because now they serve CHURCH and they
don't serve Jesus, they are LOST!
Are you serving and following Jesus
Christ or are you involved in CHURCH, in a MINISTRY? Are you being
led by the Holy Spirit and DOING the WILL OF GOD or are you playing
church? Get to know Jesus Christ for REAL , be led by the Holy
Spirit, serve Him and do HIS WILL and you will have eternal life.
There is only ONE WAY to have ETERNAL LIFE and that is to KNOW Jesus
Christ for REAL and to SERVE HIM with all your power. Don't get
sucked up by CHURCH, FOLLOW Jesus.
May Jesus bless you.
Monday, August 25, 2014
You HAVE TO go through the water
If you want to have eternal life and
NOT perish in hell when you die then you HAVE TO follow and OBEY
Jesus Christ. Once you have made up your mind to follow Jesus Christ
and you have turned away from your futile lifestyle, the FIRST STEP
that you take in obeying Jesus is to FOLLOW HIM through the WATERS OF
BAPTISM for the washing off of your sins.
Most professing Christians have never
taken that FIRST STEP, they have never gone through the water. If you
refuse to follow Jesus through the water, you cannot follow Him, you
will not receive the Holy Spirit. Jesus gives His Holy Spirit in
those who HAVE BEEN BAPTIZED so that they can FOLLOW Him and so that
they can HEAR HIS VOICE and be led by the Holy Spirit.
Attending a church, studying a Bible,
associating with other Christians will not save you, you HAVE TO BE
STEP that you take is to FOLLOW HIM THROUGH THE WATER. You have to be
baptized for the WASHING OFF OF YOUR SIN. If you are not willing to
follow Him through the water you cannot follow Him and you will not
receive the Holy Spirit.
Nobody else can do it for you, parents
cannot baptize their babies for salvation. You have to follow Jesus
FOLLOW JESUS CHRIST THROUGH THE WATER. Be baptized in water and then
HE will BAPTIZE YOU IN THE HOLY SPIRIT and He will give you the POWER
the GUIDANCE to DO what He has called to you do. If you refuse to
follow Him through the water you will not receive the Holy Spirit and
you will not be guided by His Spirit because you refused to follow
Him THROUGH THE WATER in the first place.
Have you started following Jesus? Have
May Jesus bless you.
eternal life,
first step,
Jesus Christ,
no exception,
Water baptism
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Get SERIOUS about Jesus or get CUT OFF
If we receive the gospel of Jesus
Christ and accept Jesus as our SAVIOR, Lord and Master, like so many
do, by praying a SINNERS PRAYER then Jesus Christ takes us seriously.
He ACCEPTS us, He takes us in as children of God, we get grafted into
the VINE, the TRUE VINE, Jesus Christ Himself, He forgives our past
sins, He makes us Children of God but then we have to KEEP OUR
PROMISE to Him. We must OBEY Him and SERVE Him.
If we neglect to keep our PROMISE to
Him and we refuse to OBEY Him, be BAPTIZED IN WATER, live HOLY and
RIGHTEOUS, and FOLLOW Him, then the Holy Spirit will CONVICT us, He
will DISCIPLINE us. He will not just leave us but if we keep on
refusing to KEEP OUR PROMISE, if we keep on refusing to FOLLOW and
OBEY Jesus then eventually we will get CUT OFF.
He says that:”Every branch in Me that
does not bear GOOD FRUIT will get CUT OFF AND BURNED but every branch
that bears good fruit WILL BE PRUNED by the Master.” He will
CORRECT such a branch so that they can bear more fruit through their
OBEDIENCE to Jesus, through REMAINING IN Christ.
If you are SERIOUS about following
Jesus and about OBEYING Him you will immediately ELIMINATE SIN,
temptation and TURN AWAY from those things that separate you from
Him. You will not love the things of the world any more, you will not
go to the same places, you will not participate in the same things
any more, you will not FIT IN WITH THE SAME FRIENDS and immediately
you will be REJECTED, they will start PERSECUTING you because of
Jesus and you will NEED Jesus, HIS PRESENCE, His HELP, TO STAY with
Him but you will have to HANG ON TO HIM. He will give you the power
to STOP SINNING, to RESIST TEMPTATION. Your love for Him and your
DETERMINATION to follow Him will cause you to CHOOSE between friends,
loved ones, the tings that you used to do and Jesus. You will
immediately get into a STRUGGLE, but Jesus will be with you. He will
never forsake you and He will never leave you but IF YOU LEAVE HIM He
will coach you, the Holy Spirit will CALL you, DISCIPLINE you, stand
in your way, He will prune you and ATTEMPT to bring you back, call
you back to being totally dedicated to Jesus but if you KEEP ON
REFUSING and turn away from Jesus eventually YOU WILL GET CUT OFF AND
BURNED, you will end up in damnation!
Jesus will not force us to follow Him,
He will respect our free will. If we persist in our evil ways and
refuse to submit to Him He will respect our desires to separate
ourselves from Him and we will get cut off from Him, from the Kingdom
of God and we will end up in HELL. Jesus will accept us IF WE ARE
SERIOUS and He will be with us always but if we are not serious about
following and obeying Him, eventually WE WILL GET CUT OFF AND BURNED.
The Spirit of God will not strive with man for ever. Jesus does not
tolerate sin or disobedience. If we STUMBLE He will CORRECT us,
DISCIPLINE us and bring us back to the right road, the NARROW WAY,
but if we persist on the wrong way, the BROAD WAY, if we go OUR OWN
WAY we will get CUT OFF AND BURNED, because NARROW is the DOOR that
leads to life and FEW there be that find it. We have to STRIVE HARD,
get into the STRUGGLE, deny ourselves every day, pick up our cross
and follow Jesus. He will give us the strength to endure until the
end IF WE ARE SERIOUS but if we are not serious we will get cut off.
How serious are we about our
relationship with Jesus Christ? Will we endure until the end or will
we give up and eventually be cut off and burned and end up in HELL
with the children of disobedience? Be SERIOUS with Jesus!
May Jesus bless you.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
It is always difficult to follow Jesus
Christ. It is a STRUGGLE and you have to apply yourself to it every
HIM. It is a narrow and difficult road. In the eyes of the world it
is INSANE but that is the WAY.
The WAY that Jesus takes you, WHERE He
guides you, WHAT He tells you to DO is IMPOSSIBLE in the eyes of the
world. It is humanly IMPOSSIBLE if you you do not DENY yourself and
TRUST in Jesus FULLY. Without Jesus you cannot do it. Without Jesus
you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. There is no road map to
heaven, you cannot walk by a Book and think that you will end up in
heaven, you have to go WITH Jesus EVERY STEP of the way or else you
will not make it.
It is often DANGEROUS, you will be
LONELY, you will be REJECTED, you will be PERSECUTED, you might GET
KILLED if you follow Jesus. Don't expect it to be an easy road. It is
IMPOSSIBLE without Jesus and that is why so very FEW are willing to
follow Jesus Christ. Most people quit, they stop following Jesus.
Very few endure until the very end.
The only way that you will enter the
Kingdom of Heaven is if you LISTEN to Jesus, FOLLOW Him, OBEY Him and
ENDURE until the very end. You need to LFOE, LISTEN, FOLLOW, OBEY and
ENDURE every day until the very end. Stay with Jesus, hang on to Him
because without Him you will not make it into the Kingdom of Heaven.
May Jesus bless you.
Friday, August 22, 2014
Follow Jesus NOT the Bible
We have to KNOW, FOLLOW and OBEY Jesus
Christ to have eternal life. People who saw, heard, knew and some who
followed Jesus wrote down the words that Jesus spoke in the gospels,
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Some of the apostles like Paul and John
who had revelations of Jesus wrote down their TESTIMONIES in the
epistles in the New Testament. We can read those TESTIMONIES but we
have to KNOW Jesus for ourselves.
Jesus Christ is ALIVE, He is not in a
book! He AROSE from the dead. Jesus Christ is LORD, He is God
Almighty and He REVEALS Himself to those who seek Him. We have to
KNOW Jesus of the Bible. If we SEEK Him and OBEY His words, REPENT of
sin, ACCEPT Him as our Lord and Master, CRY OUT to Him with all out
Jesus with all our heart, and REPENT of sin He will forgive us our
past sins and He will give us a NEW BEGINNING, He will make us PURE
and HOLY, but then we have to OBEY Him, BE HOLY, BE RIGHTEOUS, be
purified ourselves of unrighteousness He will allow His Spirit, the
Holy Spirit to DWELL IN US, to be WITH US, to guide us every step of
the way. We cannot go by the testimonies or the writings of other
people, we have to get to KNOW Jesus Christ for ourselves, we need
His Holy Spirit to GUIDE us. If we do not have the Spirit of Christ
WE DO NOT BELONG TO HIM. Those who are led by the Spirit of God, THEY
ARE THE SONS OF GOD! Not those who read the Bible and are religious.
It is those who OBEY Jesus, who GO AFTER Him, who have received His
Spirit and who OBEY the Holy Spirit, who follow His guidance, THEY
GET TO KNOW Jesus, they WALK WITH HIM. They live in communion with
We have to FOLLOW Jesus Christ the
LIVING God. You cannot follow a book. You cannot follow the Bible.
You have to KNOW Jesus and FOLLOW HIM. Call out to Him TODAY! Repent
of sin, accept Him as your Lord and Master, be righteous, be holy, be
baptized in water, SEEK the infilling with the Holy Spirit and the
Holy Spirit WILL GUIDE YOU INTO ALL TRUTH. We need the Spirit of God
to guide us or else we will NOT have eternal life. We have to KNOW
Jesus Christ and FOLLOW Him every day, LIVE WITH HIM to have eternal
life. You cannot follow the Bible, you have to follow Jesus Christ.
May Jesus bless you.
eternal life,
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Bible knowledge cannot save you
Many people think that knowing the
Bible, quoting scriptures and believing in Jesus will save them from
eternal damnation. The only thing that will save you is your
what you have DONE since you read your Bible, whether you have found
Jesus Christ and whether you OBEY Him, FOLLOW Him every day, live in
HOLINESS and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Does Jesus KNOW YOU? Do you follow Jesus
every day? Have you received the Holy Spirit? Are you LED by the
Spirit of God and can you TESTIFY of your relationship with Jesus
If you do not have a testimony then you
don't know Jesus and He does not know you and when you die He will
say to you:”Go away I never knew you, you worker of wickedness.”
It is not your knowledge of the Bible, how many scriptures you can
quote, and how you can defend YOUR SALVATION, that is not what
matters. What will count in the end is your TESTIMONY. DO YOU KNOW
JESUS? Do you walk every day with Him? Can you tell the world that
Jesus Christ is real? Can you testify of Jesus in your life today,
what He has done, how He has changed you and what you are doing to
serve Him in His Kingdom? Are you following Jesus Christ or do you
just study the Bible and believe that is enough to save you?
Seek Jesus, get to know Him, follow
Him, obey Him and you will have a testimony of Jesus Christ when you
stand before Him. May Jesus bless you.
Bible study,
eternal life,
Jesus Christ,
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
You have to be PURE and HOLY, without
SPOT or BLEMISH to fit into the Kingdom of God. You have to be
PERFECT. Jesus said:”Be ye PERFECT like your Father in heaven is
To be HOLY means to be SET APART for
the EXPLICIT USE OF Jesus Christ. We have to be OF THE kingdom of God
RESERVED FOR the use of the Master or else we are not suitable for
the Kingdom of Heaven. If we FIT INTO this world and if we CONFORM to
this world then we are not suitable for the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus
Christ requires UTTER PERFECTION for His bride.
Are we going after Jesus Christ and
being transformed into His likeness. If we don't we will not be
suitable for the Kingdom of Heaven.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Dangerous Beliefs the Wrong Mindset
Most people are stuck in their own ways
and their own beliefs, those things that they have grown up with,
that they believe to be true and valid and right and they are not
easily convinced or convicted, they do not easily change their mind.
They stay with those things which they believe to be right, those
things that work for them and they reject everything else. Generally
people are opinionated, unteachable, and that is why they are stuck
in their ways. They defend their own deficiencies. Many Christians
say they CANNOT STOP SINNING because they believe the lies and the
brainwashing of the devil.
We need to be CHANGED by the RENEWAL OF
OUR MINDS and therefor we need to OPEN OUR MIND to Jesus Christ and
let Him TEACH US. Let Him work His way in us, to transform us into
His likeness and He will refute many of the beliefs that we had. He
will PROVE THEM WRONG if we open our mind and say:”Lord, please
teach me.” But if we run to other people and read all their little
books and the OPINIONS OF MEN we will be confused and deceived. There
is only one way to be pleasing to God, there is only one way to have
eternal life, there is only one way to become a child of God and to
have the mindset of a child of God and that is to be TAUGHT BY JESUS
We need to OPEN OUR MIND, our heart to
Jesus and say:”Lord, teach me please.” He will teach us things
that go against our beliefs but we HAVE TO TRUST HIM ABOVE
EVERYTHING. If we do not trust Jesus above everything, above our own
insight of the Bible and those things that we have been taught and
that we believe to be fixed, true and valid then we will perish. We
have to trust Jesus above everything and He will reveal Himself to
We have to repent of, turn away from
our OWN OPINIONS and beliefs, we must SACRIFICE them. We must open
our minds and say Lord and say:”Lord, I believed this and that and
the other but PLEASE SHOW ME THE WAY,” and then Jesus will teach
Most Christians are LIKE EACH OTHER or
like other Christians, like another group of believers, many are like
HIM. They don't open their mind and their heart to Jesus. Most of
them are SINNERS, they are like satan but THEY BELIEVE that THEY ARE
SAVED! They are DECEIVED, they are LOST and they are DOOMED!
Open your mind and your heart and let
Jesus CHANGE you. Be RENEWED, made absolutely NEW by the renewal of
your mind! For those who believe in Jesus ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.
Many believers have an “impossible mindset” because they don't
know Jesus. To them it is IMPOSSIBLE to obey Jesus, IMPOSSIBLE to
STOP SINNING but for those who have been changed, renewed, who have
become sons of God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE because they walk with the
King! They are children of God.
May Jesus bless you.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Your church is ROBBING you
Churches employ preachers who have been
trained to control, brainwash and manipulate poor people, unassuming
people to EXPLOIT them for the benefit of the church, to make them
CAPTIVES, SLAVES of the church. They ROB the people and they TAKE
THEM TO HELL because those preachers themselves DO NOT KNOW GOD, they
DO NOT KNOW JESUS. They are trained in the teachings of the church,
they use the Bible to manipulate and control the poor people.
Your church is ROBBING YOU and your
church is TAKING YOU TO HELL. Your preacher does not know God, he
does not know Jesus. He is a HIRELING, hired by your church to
control you, to take money from you and to take you to hell. If you
should wake up and find Jesus, and turn against them, then they will
brand you as a HERETIC, they will PERSECUTE YOU, EXCLUDE YOU,
EXCOMMUNICATE YOU because then you become and enemy of the church. If
you start following Jesus Christ you will not be welcome in the
church because Jesus is not welcome in the church ether. Those who
follow and obey Jesus Christ are HATED AND REJECTED by this world.
They will also be hated and persecuted by the INSTITUTIONS that call
themselves CHURCH.
The churches use poor brainwashed
people to achieve their objectives. They are WICKED OPERATORS, SONS
OF THE DEVIL, DOUBLE DEAD, deceiving the world. They are not bringing
the world to Jesus Christ and to righteousness. Look at the world
around you, look at all the churches, they are AS WICKED AS the rest
of the world, they are PART OF THIS WORLD and that is also why they
are not persecuted. They are SONS OF THE DEVIL and the devil does not
persecute his own.
Do not be deceived by the CHURCH, do
not be controlled by the trained brainwashers and manipulators in the
pulpits, they are sons of the devil, they do not know God and they do
not know Jesus Christ. GET OUT OF CHURCH! Get on your knees before
Jesus, seek Him and He will reveal Himself to you. Do not put your
eternal destination in the hands of RUTHLESS OPERATORS that are
trained to rob you.
GET OUT OF CHURCH and get to know Jesus
Christ. He will set you free, he will guide you and He will give you
eternal life. May Jesus bless you.
eternal hell,
Jesus Christ.,
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Those who truly SEEK Jesus Christ FIND
HIM, but many people are like little children, they WANT and WANT and
WANT. They are always CRYING because their life is about THEMSELVES.
They never look up to Jesus and say:”Thank You Lord for this
wonderful day! Thank You Lord for giving me everything that I have!
Thank You Lord Jesus for giving me LIFE!” They are just focused on
themselves, they are SELFISH and that is why they don't receive!
Because they are not thankful for that which they already have. They
do not SEE the hand of God in their lives.
Jesus said that:”Those who are PURE
IN HEART will SEE God.” They will see God in everything that they
get, that they receive so freely, that they enjoy. If we want more of
Jesus in our lives WE MUST START THANKING HIM, praising Him for that
BREATHE, the opportunity to KNOW HIM! If you want to be FILLED with
the Holy Spirit, purify your heart, get rid of the sin in you, the
unthankfulness, the wickedness and you will be pure of heart and you
will SEE GOD. If you start praising Jesus and start thanking Him for
that which He has given to you already then He will fill you with
even MORE.
Get your focus on Jesus. Forget about
yourself. Stop being like a spoiled brat, like a child that just
always WANTS MORE AND MORE AND MORE. They are never satisfied, they
are always crying for MORE. You will get nothing. Start thanking
Jesus and live to PLEASE HIM. It is not about what YOU can get out of
Jesus, how He must speak to YOU to gratify YOU. It is about you and I
living FOR Jesus and being pleasing to HIM. Then He will reveal
Himself to us. Jesus has already done it all for us, He paid the
price, now it is our turn to GIVE BACK TO HIM.
We need to GIVE UP OUR RIGHT to
ourselves, we need to LIVE TO PLEASE HIM and then we will become part
of HIS KINGDOM. It is not about you, not about me. Start praising
Jesus, seek HIM for the sake of KNOWING HIM, being thankful to HIM
and you will find Him. He will reveal Himself to you and you will
WALK WITH GOD. If you truly seek Him with all your heart you will
find Him, you will SEE HIM in everything around you.
May Jesus bless you.
find Jesus,
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
sincere. Pure in heart,
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Security of Salvation Delusion
The vast majority of Christian
believers are under a strong delusion that will cause them to end up
in eternal hell. Jesus only promised salvation to one single person
and that was the thief hanging on the cross next to Him, a dying man
who cried out to Jesus. Jesus did not promise salvation to any other
Jesus said that “he who endures until
the end will be saved.” Most Christian believers are deluded, they
think that they have security of salvation because they believe in
Jesus and maybe they repented, were baptized and now they think they
have a TICKET TO HEAVEN. They live in sin, they are like the rest of
the world but yet they believe that they are saved and they are doing
nothing to follow Jesus Christ. They have been deluded into
PASSIVITY, they are not following nor obeying nor serving Jesus
Christ yet they are confident of “their salvation.”
I was also like that, I also thought
that as long as you pray every night and you ask Jesus forgiveness
then you are OK and then I died of a heart attack and I found myself
on my way to hell. I was also deluded, but Jesus woke me up and I am
here to WAKE YOU UP, to WARN you that only those who TRULY follow
Jesus Christ, who live in holiness and righteousness, and who follow
the guidance of the Holy Spirit UNTIL THE END, only they have the
HOPE of eternal life. Jesus said:”Narrow is the door that leads to
life and few there be that find it.” Many will try hard and not be
able. Most Christian believers are not even trying! They believe that
they are SAVED, safe and sound, they have a ticket to heaven but they
ARE ON THEIR WAY TO HELL because they are not following Jesus. They
are not living in holiness, righteousness and obedience to Jesus
Christ, they don't know His VOICE, they DON'T KNOW Jesus! They will
end up in hell! They are deluded.
Are you also deluded or do you PRESS ON
IN EVERY DAY? Do you follow Jesus Christ? Do you seek to HEAR HIS
VOICE? Is your focus on Him? Or do you love the things of the world?
Are you also deluded?
Get serious with Jesus before it is too
late. Seek Him, obey Him, REPENT, be BAPTIZED IN WATER, ask Him for
His Holy Spirit who will guide you into all truth IF YOU GO AFTER
HIM! But if you don't you will PERISH. Only those who endure WITH
JESUS until the VERY END have the HOPE of eternal life.
Do you have a LIVING HOPE in Jesus
Christ because you are FOLLOWING HIM EVERY DAY? Or are you also
DELUDED? Do you also think that you have security of salvation? Find
your security IN JESUS, follow Him and endure until the very end.
May Jesus bless you.
Friday, August 15, 2014
PRECIOUS BIBLE Not So Precious Jesus
The Bible is the most precious
possession of most people who call themselves Christians. There are
thousands of DIFFERENT churches, denominations and teachings but they
all come from the SAME Bible. These people love the Bible but they do
not know nor love Jesus of the Bible. To them their Bible is
PRECIOUS. Most of the study, quote and know the Bible but they do not
know Jesus Christ.
They will take their Bible with them
wherever they go. If they travel their Bible is their first
possession that they pack but they will not go with Jesus. To them
their Bible is more important than anything. It is their most prized
If Jesus Christ is not your treasure
and HEARING His VOICE, following Him, is not the most important thing
in your life then you are LOST and you will PERISH with your Bible.
All we need is Jesus Christ. We need to KNOW Him, HEAR Him, FOLLOW
Him, GO WITH HIM every day. Jesus will say to most Bible lovers and
Bible believers, He will say to them:”Go away I never knew you, you
workers of wickedness.” Most of them cannot stop sinning, they
DON'T WANT TO STOP SINNING because they use their Bibles to justify
their sin. They say:”We are all sinners.” They will all perish.
If you follow Jesus you will OBEY Him and you will not sin, you will
do those things that are pleasing to Him.
Do you love your Bible? Is your Bible
your most precious possession? Or do you love Jesus and do you OBEY
and FOLLOW Him?
May Jesus bless you.
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
valuable possession
Thursday, August 14, 2014
CHEAP CHRISTIANITY will leave you ETERNALLY disappointed
Jesus Christ paid a dear price for the
salvation of the world and those who follow Him will also pay the
price. Jesus said of those who follow Him that:”You will be hated
by all men.” He also said that :”Narrow is the door that lead to
life and few there be that find it.” Jesus said that:”Whoever
wishes to come after Me, must deny Himself, pick up his cross and
follow Me every day.”
IF we follow Jesus Christ we WILL BE
persecuted and hated. We will be rejected by the world. We will pay a
price, a very dear price. If we are not rejected and persecuted, if
we are not hated by the world then we are not following Jesus. There
is no cheap Christianity. Those who follow Jesus, in whom Jesus lives
are hated by the world. If you are not persecuted and rejected for
Jesus then it shows that Jesus is not in you and you are not
following Him and in the end you will be dearly disappointed because
you don't know Jesus and He will say to you:”Go away I never knew
you, you worker of wickedness.”
Those who follow Jesus will pay the
price. It will cost you EVERYTHING, it might even cost you your life.
Are you following Jesus or are you part of CHEAP CHRISTIANITY
because in the end you will be the loser. You will end up in
damnation with the hypocrites. Are you following Jesus? Are you
paying the price?
May Jesus bless you.
cheap Christianity,
dear price,
easy salvation,
Jesus Christ,
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
God is not LIMITED to or RESTRICTED by the Bible
Many professing Christians have been
brainwashed to believe that the Bible is the word of God and
everything that God said and will say is recorded in the Bible. God
never stopped existing, God never stopped speaking. God is not
contained in a book! God is greater than everything. God DOES what He
pleases. All the books in the world cannot contain God. God is
People who think and believe that the
Bible can contain God, can PREDICT God and that the Bible is the
Word of God, they DO NOT KNOW GOD. God never stopped speaking and
revealing Himself to man. God never stopped creating. Those people
who believe God is limited do not know God at all. Seek Jesus, turn
away from sin, REPENT, be baptized in water, seek the baptism, the
infilling with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God and Jesus Christ
will reveal Himself to you and you will always be in AWE of God
because He will show you things that are UNTHINKABLE.
Jesus said to the disciples:”If I
tell you earthly things and you do not believe Me, how would you
believe Me if I tell you heavenly things?” We know NOTHING but if
we draw closer to Jesus, trust Him and stop reading BOOKS, if we
LISTEN to Jesus, He will give us UNDERSTANDING. God is greater than
your imagination and your Bible!
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
You need the FIRE
John the Baptist prepared the way for
the coming of Jesus Christ. He preached REPENTANCE and he baptized
those who repented in water for the washing off of their sins. He
also said that:”After me comes One that is greater than me, He will
baptize you in the Holy Spirit and with FIRE.”
Jesus Christ promised the baptism in
the Holy Spirit to those who HAVE REPENTED and HAVE BEEN BAPTIZED IN
WATER. He Himself will baptize them in the Holy Spirit and with FIRE.
The FIRE of the Holy Spirit will CLEAN YOU OUT, will burn out all the
dross in you, He will purify and cleanse you. You will be PURE and
HOLY, you will SIN NO MORE and you will be ON FIRE for the Kingdom of
If you are not ON FIRE for Jesus and
for the Kingdom of God then you are DEAD IN YOUR SINS. Have you
received the baptism in the Holy Spirit with FIRE? Has Jesus burned
all the dross, the sin, the love for the world OUT OF YOU? Has He
cleansed you and purified you? Have you been through the FIRE and are
you ON FIRE for the Kingdom of God?
God is a CONSUMING FIRE and if you live
in sin He will CONSUME YOU, you will PERISH IN HELL! You have to go
through the FIRE to be cleansed and purified and you have to stay
WITH THE FIRE to stay clean or else you will be CONSUMED by the FIRE
in the end.
Have you been through the FIRE? Are you
ON FIRE for Jesus or are you about to be consumed by the FIRES OF
HELL? REPENT, be BAPTIZED IN WATER for the washing off of your sins
and then ask Jesus for the FIRE so that He can cleanse and purify you
so that you will not PERISH IN THE FIRES OF HELL.
May Jesus bless you.
consuming fire,
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Monday, August 11, 2014
The Bible IDOL of Many Christians
Christians have been brainwashed to
believe in the Bible MORE than in Jesus Christ. The Bible, the
scriptures, were written by PEOPLE for PEOPLE and they were
translated by PEOPLE for the benefit of the clergy so that churches
can use the Bible to manipulate the people.
Jesus Christ is GOD ALMIGHTY and He
SPEAKS, and He sent us the Holy Spirit to GUIDE us into all TRUTH but
people have been brainwashed to not accept anything that is not
written in their Bible. They are Bible Idolaters, they regard their
Bible higher than God! They regard their Bible more than the voice of
the Holy Spirit and because they disregard the Holy Spirit, Jesus
will disregard them!
If your Bible is your idol then you
have a problem because then Jesus Christ is not your Lord and you do
not know Him and Jesus will say to you:”Go away I never knew you,
you worker so wickedness.” Because to trust in anything else, even
your Bible, MORE than in Jesus Christ is WITCHCRAFT. You have been
Jesus Christ is LORD, He is GOD. If
you don't know Jesus Christ for REAL then you are LOST, you are not
of Him and you will not enter the Kingdom of God. Seek Jesus OF THE
BIBLE, get to know Him, trust HIM more than anything else and He will
give His Spirit in you, the Holy Spirit, to guide you into all truth.
Jesus Christ IS THE FINAL AUTHORITY! He is the final judge of mankind
and you and I will stand in front of Him. Do you regard your Bible
higher than Jesus Christ? Get to know the KING, the FINAL AUTHORITY,
JESUS CHRIST before it is too late. Regard HIM, serve HIM, follow HIM
or you will perish. Get to know Jesus Christ before it is too late.
May Jesus bless you.
final authority,
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Sunday, August 10, 2014
I believed I was SAVED but then I died and went to HELL!
This is the TESTIMONY of
Jan Boshoff who died of a heart attack on 28th July 1998.
I died and left my body. I could see my body lying on my bed where I had collapsed. Next thing I was drawn down a deep dark hole into a bottomless pit. I tried to grab onto the walls but there was nothing to grab onto. I KNEW that I was going to HELL and would NEVER come back.
I saw visions of my life flashing before me. I also saw my youngest son, then 11 years old, standing at a pile of red soil in a cemetery, my grave. I started pleading with Jesus to let me go back, all to no avail. Then I asked Jesus to let me go back and warn the world that HELL IS REAL.
It was only then that I stopped sinking down the hole. I was lifted to the surface and I could see my dead body lying on my bed. I went back into my body. (My full testimony is on my website
It was a terrible shock because I BELIEVED I WAS SAVED. To my understanding I was living a GOOD CHRISTIAN life, was baptized in water, was baptized in the Holy Spirit with speaking in tongues. Obviously I WAS MISTAKEN.
I asked Jesus WHY I WAS ON MY WAY TO HELL and not to heaven as I believed. I had a DREAM about a friend of mine who died ( I did not know at the time that he died). My friend got to heaven's door and he said:”Lord Jesus I am here.” A voice said:”Go away, I never knew you.” I woke up in a cold sweat and wondered what Jesus would say to me. I remembered that Jesus said:”My sheep HEAR my voice and they FOLLOW Me.” Immediately I said:”Lord I want to HEAR Your VOICE. I want to KNOW that You know me and that I am truly SAVED.”
I sought Jesus EARNESTLY. I had to KNOW HIS VOICE and HEAR FROM HIM. Jesus REVEALED Himself to me in DREAMS and VISIONS. I also received REVELATION, knowledge and understanding that I KNEW was not from me and I had not heard it from anybody else.
I read WORDS OF JESUS, that He spoke as they were also recorded in the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
I learned that THERE IS NO SECURITY OF SALVATION. Jesus said we must FOLLOW and OBEY Him to have ETERNAL LIFE. Only those who ENDURE UNTIL THE END will be SAVED.
Jesus said that IF WE OBEY His WORDS, Him and the Father will come and LIVE WITH US and HE WILL REVEAL HIMSELF TO US, as He did also reveal Himself to me.
Jesus IS ALIVE and HE SPEAKS but few know Him and that is why they will END UP IN HELL like I almost did. If we do not get to KNOW Jesus NOW during this life and do not OBEY HIM we will not be with Him when we die.
How do we get to KNOW Jesus? Through REVELATION, when He REVEALS HIMSELF TO US.
Jesus will reveal Himself to us IF we SEEK Him, PRAY EARNESTLY, REPENT OF ALL SIN, PLEAD Jesus for FORGIVENESS. Be SERIOUS about NOT RETURNING TO SIN. Pray, cry, seek UNTIL Jesus gives you peace and joy in your heart. (Do not waste your time praying if you are not SERIOUS – Jesus will NOT HEAR YOU.)
Then OBEY Jesus. Keep your mind on Jesus, SEEK Him in prayer. OBEY His conviction inside of you to be HOLY and NOT SIN. OBEY His words as recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. If you stumble and do something wrong IMMEDIATELY REPENT, PLEAD FORGIVENESS and DON”T DO IT AGAIN!
Be baptized in water for the WASHING OFF OF YOUR SIN, as Jesus commanded. (Any fellow follower of Jesus can do it, not just a church.)
Seek the BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT that Jesus PROMISED to those who OBEY Him. The Holy Spirit, (The Spirit of Jesus IN YOU) will GUIDE you into ALL TRUTH, but YOU HAVE TO GO AFTER HIM.
SEEK Him, as I sought Him and still do, EVERY DAY UNTIL THE END. He will REVEAL HIMSELF TO YOU. He will GUIDE you and TEACH you and give you UNDERSTANDING.
May Jesus bless you.
Jan Boshoff who died of a heart attack on 28th July 1998.
I died and left my body. I could see my body lying on my bed where I had collapsed. Next thing I was drawn down a deep dark hole into a bottomless pit. I tried to grab onto the walls but there was nothing to grab onto. I KNEW that I was going to HELL and would NEVER come back.
I saw visions of my life flashing before me. I also saw my youngest son, then 11 years old, standing at a pile of red soil in a cemetery, my grave. I started pleading with Jesus to let me go back, all to no avail. Then I asked Jesus to let me go back and warn the world that HELL IS REAL.
It was only then that I stopped sinking down the hole. I was lifted to the surface and I could see my dead body lying on my bed. I went back into my body. (My full testimony is on my website
It was a terrible shock because I BELIEVED I WAS SAVED. To my understanding I was living a GOOD CHRISTIAN life, was baptized in water, was baptized in the Holy Spirit with speaking in tongues. Obviously I WAS MISTAKEN.
I asked Jesus WHY I WAS ON MY WAY TO HELL and not to heaven as I believed. I had a DREAM about a friend of mine who died ( I did not know at the time that he died). My friend got to heaven's door and he said:”Lord Jesus I am here.” A voice said:”Go away, I never knew you.” I woke up in a cold sweat and wondered what Jesus would say to me. I remembered that Jesus said:”My sheep HEAR my voice and they FOLLOW Me.” Immediately I said:”Lord I want to HEAR Your VOICE. I want to KNOW that You know me and that I am truly SAVED.”
I sought Jesus EARNESTLY. I had to KNOW HIS VOICE and HEAR FROM HIM. Jesus REVEALED Himself to me in DREAMS and VISIONS. I also received REVELATION, knowledge and understanding that I KNEW was not from me and I had not heard it from anybody else.
I read WORDS OF JESUS, that He spoke as they were also recorded in the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
I learned that THERE IS NO SECURITY OF SALVATION. Jesus said we must FOLLOW and OBEY Him to have ETERNAL LIFE. Only those who ENDURE UNTIL THE END will be SAVED.
Jesus said that IF WE OBEY His WORDS, Him and the Father will come and LIVE WITH US and HE WILL REVEAL HIMSELF TO US, as He did also reveal Himself to me.
Jesus IS ALIVE and HE SPEAKS but few know Him and that is why they will END UP IN HELL like I almost did. If we do not get to KNOW Jesus NOW during this life and do not OBEY HIM we will not be with Him when we die.
How do we get to KNOW Jesus? Through REVELATION, when He REVEALS HIMSELF TO US.
Jesus will reveal Himself to us IF we SEEK Him, PRAY EARNESTLY, REPENT OF ALL SIN, PLEAD Jesus for FORGIVENESS. Be SERIOUS about NOT RETURNING TO SIN. Pray, cry, seek UNTIL Jesus gives you peace and joy in your heart. (Do not waste your time praying if you are not SERIOUS – Jesus will NOT HEAR YOU.)
Then OBEY Jesus. Keep your mind on Jesus, SEEK Him in prayer. OBEY His conviction inside of you to be HOLY and NOT SIN. OBEY His words as recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. If you stumble and do something wrong IMMEDIATELY REPENT, PLEAD FORGIVENESS and DON”T DO IT AGAIN!
Be baptized in water for the WASHING OFF OF YOUR SIN, as Jesus commanded. (Any fellow follower of Jesus can do it, not just a church.)
Seek the BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT that Jesus PROMISED to those who OBEY Him. The Holy Spirit, (The Spirit of Jesus IN YOU) will GUIDE you into ALL TRUTH, but YOU HAVE TO GO AFTER HIM.
SEEK Him, as I sought Him and still do, EVERY DAY UNTIL THE END. He will REVEAL HIMSELF TO YOU. He will GUIDE you and TEACH you and give you UNDERSTANDING.
May Jesus bless you.
Christian in hell,
heart attack,
Jesus Christ,
Saturday, August 9, 2014
LOST without a Bible
Most professing Christians will be lost
without a Bible. If they do not have a Bible they do not have faith
and they have nothing to stand on, they have no proof for their faith
because their faith is based on a book written by men who knew God.
Most Christians do not know Jesus, they
do not know His voice, they do not follow Him, they have no
relationship with Him whatsoever. They base their faith on scriptures
and they “prove” their salvation with scripture but they have no
testimony of meeting Jesus Christ. They do not walk with Him, they do
not know Him at all. They would be LOST without their Bible but what
JESUS. They do not follow Him and they do not obey Him and they will
perish in their sins because if they were following Jesus and OBEYING
Him they would SIN NO MORE. They would do His will and Jesus would be
seen in them, they would be the Light of the World, they would be the
Body of Christ if they KNEW and FOLLOWED Jesus but now they are LOST
because they believe in a book. They do not know Jesus Christ whom
the Book talks about.
Are you LOST without Jesus because you
cling to a Bible or have you met Jesus and do you KNOW His VOICE? Do
you follow him and do you SERVE Him as Lord and Master?
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Without Bible
We read in the book of Samuel in the
Bible that Samuel was a little boy and God spoke to him, God called
him. He did not know that it was God calling him. Then Eli, the
priest, told him to go and WAIT and LISTEN, and when God speaks to
him again he must say:”Speak Lord, Thy servant is LISTENING.”
God is calling many people, He is
speaking to them but they do not know that it is God speaking to
them. Are you LISTENING? Do you HEAR His VOICE? Do you take time to
LISTEN? Are you tuned in? If you go and WAIT on the Lord and LISTEN,
He will speak to you because He cares for you. Are you taking time to
wait on the Lord? Do you care to hear His voice? If we do not care to
hear His voice and if we do not SEEK Him, if we do not LISTEN, we
will not get to KNOW HIM.
Most people have no relationship with
God, they do not HEAR FROM GOD. Maybe they say a quick prayer or they
practice religion but THEY HAVE NO INTERACTION FROM GOD because they
If we LISTEN God will speak to us. If
we WAIT on Him PATIENTLY He will reveal Himself to us but we HAVE TO
BE SERIOUS. Take time, and LISTEN and you will HEAR the Lord SPEAKING
to you.
May Jesus bless you.
God speaks,
hear God,
Jesus Christ,
Friday, August 8, 2014
Church is a SCAM
Organized church is a SCAM, it is utter
deception. God made man to live in close relationship with HIM, to be
ONE with Him but disobedience, sin, separated man from God. God came
in the flesh, Jesus Christ, to RECONCILE man with Himself , to DRAW
man unto Him, to call man to follow Him, to OBEY Him, to turn away
from sin and to come into His presence and to LIVE in His presence,
to WORSHIP Him in Spirit and in truth, to WALK WITH HIM.
You only know God when you walk with
God, not when you go to a church. Church is a man made convention it
is a MAN MADE SCAM. You cannot come closer to God by attending or
being part of a church organization. God is also not in knowledge. He
is not in a book, He is not in the Bible. Men who knew God, who had
dealings with God, who got to know God wrote down their experiences,
their testimony in the scriptures from which the Bible was put
together. People who saw Jesus, who heard Him, who walked with Him,
the disciples, such people wrote the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and
John in which the words of Jesus, the words of God, were recorded.
Jesus never told anybody to go to
church or to read the scriptures. He only said:”Follow Me.” God
is drawing us unto Himself , not unto a church or a church
organization. CHURCH IS A SCAM. If you read the scriptures you will
know that you have to BOW DOWN and SEEK GOD, you have to REPENT OF
SIN and be BAPTIZED IN WATER for the washing off of your sin and then
Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to guide you, to teach you, to unite
you with God so that you can WALK WITH GOD.
Church is a SCAM! Are you walking with
God? Are you ONE with God? Have you REPENTED and OBEYED Jesus? Have
you received the Holy Spirit? Are you walking with God? Are you LED
by the Holy Spirit? Are you ONE with God? You have to UNITE WITH GOD
IN THIS LIFE or else you will never know Him. Jesus will say to many
church goers:”Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness”
because in this life they never got to know Him, they were TOO BUSY
WITH CHURCH, and with their OWN LIFE. They never got ONE with God!
Are you ONE with God? Have you got the
Spirit of the Living God in you? Do you walk with God every day, HEAR
His voice, LISTEN to Him, FOLLOW Him and OBEY Him? Or are you also
deceived by the multi-billion dollar SCAM, CHURCH?
GET OUT OF CHURCH! Get on your knees
and seek the living God, seek Jesus Christ. OBEY Him, repent, be
baptized in water and He will give His Spirit in you that will UNITE
you with God so that you can WALK WITH GOD and have eternal life.
Eternal life is in Jesus, NOT in church, it's a SCAM. Get to know
Jesus Christ TODAY before it is TOO LATE!
May Jesus bless you.
eternal life,
false promised,
Jesus Christ,
walk with God
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Jesus will not YIELD to you
Jesus Christ ALONE is the way the truth
and the life, and He gives eternal life to those who OBEY Him. His
words are the words of eternal life, those words are also recorded in
the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Jesus will not YIELD to
anybody. Those who disobey Him will perish. Jesus will not conform to
the doctrines and teachings of any church or to the opinion of any
Bible scholar.
Jesus Christ is LORD. Jesus said:”Go
into all the world and preach the gospel to all nations,”(His
words), those who have believed and who OBEY Him and have been
baptized, will be saved but those who have disbelieved, and who
disobey Him WILL PERISH. For those who have believed certain signs
will follow. They will speak in new tongues, they will cast out
demons, they will lay their hands on the sick and they will recover.
The words of Jesus are the words of
LIFE, ETERNAL LIFE, to those who OBEY Him but those who DISOBEY Him
WILL PERISH. If you want eternal life you have to obey the words of
Jesus and He promised to give the Holy Spirit, His Spirit, in those
who OBEY Him and the Holy Spirit will guide them into all truth.
Those who refuse to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit will
perish because they refuse to follow Jesus.
Many go after their own OPINIONS and
their own interpretation of the Bible, they will perish! Obey Jesus,
REPENT, and be baptized in water, and ask Him for His Spirit to dwell
in you. Yield to His Spirit and you will have LIFE. If you disobey
Jesus and His Spirit living in you, you will certainly perish. Jesus
is the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE, there is no other. Without
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Why most Christians will end up in hell
Salvation is being ONE with God through
His Spirit, the HOLY SPIRIT dwelling in us and bringing us into UNITY
WITHE HIM so that we can KNOW HIM and SERVE HIM and DO His will,
being part of HIS KINGDOM.
Jesus Christ brings us into the
presence of God IF we OBEY Him. Sin separates us from God and Jesus
takes away the GUILT of our sin IF we REPENT, turn away from sin and
accept Him as our Lord and Master, which means that we must obey Him,
repenting of sin and being baptized in water for the washing off of
our sins and then in holiness and righteousness WAITING on the
baptism in the Holy Spirit, the INFILLING, the CONNECTION with God,
making us part of His Kingdom. Then we have to OBEY the Holy Spirit,
live in holiness and obedience to Him to be part of the Kingdom of
God. If we disobey Him then we separate ourselves from Him just like
Adam separated himself from God through his disobedience.
God does not tolerate disobedience or
sin. No sinners come into the presence of God. Most Christians do not
know Jesus and therefor they do not know God. Most Christians have
never repented, not been baptized in water, have not received that
connection, the baptism in the Holy Spirit, the infilling with God's
Spirit and they are not led by the Spirit of God, they are PRACTICING
RELIGION. They DO NOT KNOW GOD and that is why Jesus will say to
them:”Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness.”
Have you got that CONNECTION with God?
Are you led by the Holy Spirit? Jesus said:”My sheep LISTEN to My
VOICE and they FOLLOW Me.” That is the REQUIREMENT of being a CHILD
OF GOD. You must KNOW His VOICE, you must be connected by His Spirit
that dwells in you. If you do not bow down before Jesus and REPENT of
sin, stop sinning, be holy, accept Jesus as your Master and OBEY Him,
follow Him every step of the way, then you will NOT COME INTO THE
PRESENCE OF GOD. You will not become part of the Kingdom of God. You
can read and know your Bible as much as you want, you can believe
what you want, you can quote as many verses from the scriptures as
you please but if you are not led by the Spirit of God YOU ARE NOT A
CHILD OF GOD! If you are not connected to Him and not obeying Him,
following Him every day, then you are not HIS, then you are LOST. And
that is why most Christians will end up in hell. They never repented,
they never obeyed Jesus, they were never baptized in water, they
never received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, they never became one
with God and therefor they WILL PERISH.
Are you ONE with God? Are you a child
of God being led by the Spirit of God that indwells you? Are you part
of the Kingdom of God?
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Once Saved Always Saved IS A LIE
Once Saved Always Saved is a LIE that
people like to believe because it gives them FALSE SECURITY. Many
people say a SINNERS PRAYER and they promise Jesus that they will
follow and obey Him for the rest of their lives and then they believe
they are saved but they never follow Him and they never obey Him,
they turn away from Him, because they believe that they are saved.
Nobody is SAVED until the very end.
Jesus said:”he who endures until the END will be saved.” If we
keep on following Jesus and we keep on obeying Him until the very end
of our lives then we will be saved. Someone asked Jesus whether those
who are BEING SAVED are FEW and He said:”Strive HARD to enter the
narrow door because many, I tell you, will try and not be able.”
Very few people will endure until the end. Very few people will
follow Jesus Christ. We have to follow Jesus UNTIL THE END.
Jesus said that whoever puts his hand
to the plow and looks back is not worthy of Him. If we start
following Jesus and we long to go back to our previous life of
self-satisfaction, of self-service and sin, if we love the things of
the world , then we are not worthy of Jesus and we will not enter the
Kingdom of Heaven.
There is not such thing as ONCE SAVED
ALWAYS SAVED. That is a LIE! Many people make marriage vows and they
say:”Until death do us part.” But very few of those people
nowadays stay together until the end. If we do not follow Jesus and
stay with Him until the end then we will not be with Him for
Our salvation depends on our
relationship with Jesus. The day we meet Him that relationship starts
and the quality of that relationship will determine whether we will
be with Him for eternity. If we have not come to know Jesus
INTIMATELY because we have not CLOSELY FOLLOWED Him then He will say
to us:”Go away I never KNEW you, you worker of wickedness.” We
can only KNOW Jesus when we WALK WITH HIM every day and STAY WITH HIM
Jesus will never leave us nor will He
forsake us because He is FAITHFUL but if we leave Him, if we deny Him
and turn away from Him He will not hold us back, He will let us go
but when we come to the end of our lives and we stand before Him He
will say to us:”Go away I never knew you, you worker of
wickedness.” We have to ENDURE and STAY WITH Jesus until the very
When we stand before His judgment
throne the books will be opened and we will be judged by what is
written inside of those books. What will OUR BOOK look like? What
will our book say about our relationship with Jesus? Will our works
testify of our relationship with Jesus, our love for Him and our
OBEDIENCE to Him, because we have ENDURED with Him until the very
May Jesus bless you.
Monday, August 4, 2014
Supposed Jesus-followers
If we call ourselves Christians and we
hope in Jesus for eternal life then we will be LIKE HIM. We will
FOLLOW Him and OBEY Him, we will KNOW His VOICE, we will do what He
commands us to do. We will be holy and righteous and the world will
see Jesus Christ in us.
But most people who call themselves
Christians do not obey Jesus, they do not know Him. They have no
relationship with Him. Many are religious church goers, Bible
readers, debaters, hypocrites, they love the world and the things of
the world. They are no different from anybody else that does not
believe but these “Christians” believe that they will have
eternal life. They are fakes, they are cheats, they are liars, they
are fornicators. They hate God.
You cannot serve two masters. You will
either love the one and hate the other. You cannot follow Jesus and
go after your own desires. If you follow Jesus you have to OBEY HIM,
you have to live to please Him. You must deny yourself, turn away
from your own desires and go after Jesus, listen to Him, SERVE Him
and DO what he tells you to do. You will be like HIM, you will not be
like the rest of the world.
Most Christians are fakes, they are
deceived, they are deceiving themselves because they do not know
Jesus. They have false security because they are like the other
supposed Christians. Are you a true Jesus-follower or are you also
fooling yourself.
In the end they will end up in hell.
Jesus will say to them:”Go away I never knew you, you workers of
wickedness.” What will Jesus say to YOU and ME? Do we TRULY love
and follow Jesus Christ?
May Jesus bless you.
false security,
Jesus Christ,
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Why Jesus calls me Justice
A few years ago Jesus spoke to me and
He said:”I have given you a new name.” I said:”Lord what is
that name?” and He said:”Justice.” Last night Jesus spoke to me
again and He told me why He gave me the name JUSTICE. He said to
me:”If I put My words in your mouth and I send you to speak those
words to people and on video and those people reject you and the
words that I gave you then they are already judged and judgment will
come on them because they are not rejecting you, they are rejecting
Dear friends, we have to take Jesus
SERIOUSLY. I have seen the judgment of God come on many people to
whom He sent me. He cares for us and that is why He sends His
servants out to bring Light into this world but if people reject the
Light and they love the darkness more than Light then the judgment of
God will come on them.
Do not play with God lest His judgment
fall on you, dear friend.
Seek Jesus, take Him seriously, follow
and obey Him. Life is short. Before we know we will stand before His
throne and if we had no business with Jesus He will also deny us, He
will reject us. If we are not interested in Him and His Kingdom then
He will not have any place for us.
Take Jesus seriously. Judgment is
May Jesus bless you.
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