Thursday, October 31, 2013

Pleasure or Jesus

The whole world is running after pleasure. They just want to have a good time but they don't want God, they don't want His interference. They want eternal life but they don't want to obey God and that is why they they are going to hell. They are more lovers of pleasure than lovers of God.
If we do not love Jesus NOW and if we do not want to live to please Him, why would we want to spend eternity with Him? GOD WILL GIVE US THE DESIRES OF OUR HEARTS. He will remove us from His face and we will go into UTTER DARKNESS. We will lose all the blessings and all the pleasures that he freely gives us every day and we don't thank Him or recognize Him for it. We will go into utter darkness and desolation AWAY FROM THE PRESENCE OF GOD into the depths of HELL, because where God is not, there is darkness and misery and death, no life, no hope at all.
If we do not want Jesus now we will spend eternity AWAY for His presence. Do you want Jesus or do you want pleasure? We cannot have both.

May Jesus bless you.

The Stolen Sheep

Jesus Christ only has one flock of sheep and He Himself is their ONLY SHEPHERD. His sheep LISTEN to His VOICE and they follow HIM. They do not listen to strangers. The work of the preacher is to take people TO Jesus, to TEACH them to LISTEN TO Jesus, to KNOW HIS VOICE and to FOLLOW HIM, not to follow them.
Many preachers gather the sheep unto themselves and the sheep listen to them. The sheep run after the preachers and they become dependent on the preachers instead of following Jesus Christ and knowing HIM. Those are the ROBBERS and the THIEVES IN THE PULPITS WHO LOOK AFTER THEMSELVES and not after the sheep.
Jesus commanded His disciples, He said to Peter:”Tend MY sheep.” He said:”Feed MY sheep.” He never said:”Lead my sheep.” Jesus Himself will guide His own sheep.

Are you following after the hirelings in the pulpits? Are you seeking your guidance from men? Or are you following the TRUE SHEPHERD, Jesus Christ? Do you LISTEN to HIS VOICE and follow HIM?
May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Those who DO NOT HEAR

Jesus said:”My sheep LISTEN to My voice and they follow Me. They will not listen to strangers because they do not know the voice of the strangers. They will run away from them.”(John 10) Many people believe that they are saved but they DO NOT KNOW THE VOICE OF JESUS. They have never met Jesus! They just believe they are saved based on what other people told them but they have no relationship with Jesus Christ. They don't know Him and that is why he will say to many who believed they were saved:”Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness.”
YOU CANNOT FOLLOW JESUS IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HIS VOICE, then you are not His sheep! You cannot follow Him if you have not received His Spirit. You need to KNOW Jesus. You KNOW HIS VOICE!
Many people say to me: How do you distinguish between the Holy Spirit and evil spirits? They DON'T KNOW Jesus! If you have met Him YOU WILL KNOW HIS VOICE! After Jesus appeared to the apostle Paul on the Damascus road Paul followed Him, He KNEW Him, He KNEW HIS VOICE, HE NEVER DOUBTED AGAIN after that. He went on to die for Jesus. He KNEW His VOICE. The gospel that he preached he did not receive from other people, he got it from Jesus in revelation. He LISTENED TO JESUS! He was led by the Holy Spirit. If we do not know His voice we cannot follow Him and we are not HIS.
You can read your Bible as much as you like. You can listen to all the little tapes and videos and read all the books that other people write but IF YOU DO NOT KNOW THE VOICE OF JESUS THEN YOU DO NOT KNOW HIM, and YOU ARE LOST!
Have you met Jesus Christ? Do you know His voice? If you don't, GO ON YOUR KNEES! PRAY! SEEK HIM until He reveals Himself to you and then YOU WILL KNOW HIS VOICE. You will not doubt any more. Once you know His voice, you can follow Him and then you know the One in whom you have believed.
Do YOU know HIS VOICE and do you FOLLOW and OBEY Him, every day? Are you REALLY one of His sheep?

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, October 28, 2013

How to FOLLOW Jesus and have ETERNAL LIFE

You cannot follow Jesus Christ if you do not have the Holy Spirit. We read in Romans 8:14 Paul says that those who are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God. You can only be a son of God, a child of God, if you have the Spirit of God. Jesus Christ gives His Holy Spirit IN those who decide to FOLLOW HIM, who turn from following after their own mind, their own flesh, the desires of their flesh and after sin, who REPENT, turn away from those things, are baptized in water; He gives then the NEW BIRTH and He puts his Holy Spirit IN them and they LISTEN to the Holy Spirit and they follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. But not all of them!
Most believers DO NOT HAVE THE HOLY SPIRIT and they DO NOT FOLLOW THE GUIDANCE of the Holy Spirit. We can only be pleasing to God if we LISTEN to the Holy Spirit and if we are guided by the Holy Spirit, IF our life is determined by the Holy Spirit. You need to LISTEN to the Holy Spirit and OBEY, FOLLOW Him to be pleasing to God. If we live according to our flesh, that which I WANT, MY reactions, MY ambitions, My desires, then we must die! But if we IGNORE and DENY our own desires, our own reactions and lusts and we follow after the Spirit of God, we LISTEN to Jesus and we DO what is pleasing to HIM then we will live. THAT IS WHAT IT MEANS TO FOLLOW JESUS. We must be led by the Holy Spirit.
It is not about reciting scriptures, about knowing the Bible. It is about KNOWING JESUS, having the Holy Spirit in you, LISTENING, OBEYING and FOLLOWING Him, or else we cannot please God and we are not part of His kingdom. We can only follow and serve Jesus Christ IF we are LED BY the Holy Spirit.
Are you FOLLOWING Jesus Christ and are you LED by the Holy Spirit?

May Jesus bless you.

Sugar Coated Lies and Pulpit Gospel

The gospel of Jesus Christ is HARD, TOUGH, GUT WRENCHING truth that CUTS you to pieces and exposes you, and only Jesus Christ can PIECE you together again IF you follow and OBEY Him. The gospel that is preached in churches is SUGAR COATED LIES, movies about Jesus Christ, nice little stories to entertain half hearted pleasure seeking so called “Christians” who DO NOT KNOW Jesus Christ.
The gospel of Jesus Christ was written in blood, His blood, and in the blood of the martyrs, those who died FOR Jesus and for truth. There is nothing funny, amusing or pleasurable about the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you follow Jesus you go onto the STRAIGHT and NARROW ROAD and you speak the words of Jesus. Jesus Christ is not glorified by lies. He is not part of the doctrines that are preached in churches. All that matters is the truth of His words in the mouths of those who FOLLOW Him and who OBEY Him.
The sooth sayers and liars that stand in the pulpits of churches are not preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. They are preaching a lie and they are making proselytes for their own benefit. They themselves do not know Jesus Christ and neither can they bring anybody to Jesus. They are as lost as those who sit in their churches. If you KNOW and FOLLOW Jesus Christ you will be on the NARROW ROAD, LISTENING to His VOICE, DOING His will, GOING where He sends you and DOING what He tells you to do.
Many people have become Christians in name and in confession but they do not know the ONE in whom they believe. If they KNEW Him they would be like Him. They would live like Him. They would speak like Him but the majority of professing “Christians” are not like Jesus because they do not know Him.
Have YOU met Jesus Christ, the King of kings and the Lord of lords? Are you LIKE HIM? Or are you like the FAKES that sit in churches and that listen to the sugar coated gospel that is preached from the pulpits of this world? Are you following Jesus Christ on the STRAIGHT and NARROW road or are you also deceived and LOST on your way to eternal damnation? If you were truly following Jesus you would be LIKE HIM seeking and doing the will of God the Father, not looking for fun and pleasure and an easy back door into the kingdom of heaven. THERE IS NO BACK DOOR!
There is only ONE WAY and that is: Deny yourself, pick up your cross every day and follow Jesus Christ – OBEY HIM, obey HIS WORDS and become LIKE HIM. If you are not like Him you are not OF Him.

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, October 25, 2013


True wisdom and understanding is not gained from studies. We only gain true wisdom and understanding IF we live in CLOSE RELATIONSHIP with Jesus Christ and He reveals Himself to us and He Himself TEACHES us about ALL THINGS.
The apostle John was the closest to Jesus and he also wrote the gospel of John and the Epistles of John. We read in 1 John 5:20 :“And we know that the Son of God has come, and HE HAS GIVEN US UNDERSTANDING so that we can KNOW THE TRUE GOD. And now we live in fellowship with the true God because we live in fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ. HE IS THE ONLY TRUE GOD, AND HE IS ETERNAL LIFE.”
Have you gained UNDERSTANDING from your FELLOWSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST? Only those who follow Him closely, who LISTEN to Him and who are TAUGHT BY HIM, only they gain TRUE UNDERSTANDING.

May Jesus Bless you.

Where He leads

Jesus Christ Himself, is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE and He gives ETERNAL LIFE to those who FOLLOW HIM. Jesus IS ALIVE and He guides VERY FOLLOWER by His Spirit that dwells inside of them.
There is an old gospel song that says:”Where he leads me, I will follow. I go with Him all the way.”
Are YOU following Jesus Christ? His sheep LISTEN to His VOICE and they FOLLOW Him. They do not listen to strangers or to other people, they listen to HIM and they follow HIM.
Are YOU following Jesus Christ where He leads you? Are you DOING what He tells you to do? Do you REALLY KNOW HIM?

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Why believers stray stumble and fall

The reason why believers stray and stumble is because they do not follow Jesus Christ. Most of them never started following Jesus, they do not get their guidance from Him but from other people and from their own interpretation of the Bible.
The words of Jesus are the words of eternal life. Those words are recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. If we obey those words then we will have eternal life. If we do not understand or if we are not sure we have to PRAY and ASK Jesus and the Holy Spirit will explain the words of Jesus to us. He will give us INSIGHT, WISDOM, He will guide us into all truth. But if we keep on asking other people, reading little books, listening to others, seeking our wisdom from others then we are not following Jesus and that is when people fall into the ditch. A true man of God will send you to Jesus, tell you to go and pray and wait on the Lord and THE LORD WILL SPEAK TO YOU.
The apostle James wrote in James 1:5 “If any man needs wisdom let him ask of God who gives to all men freely.” If you need understanding, ASK JESUS. If you need guidance and insight, PRAY and ASK JESUS and HE WILL GIVE YOU UNDERSTANDING! But you need to ASK HIM, you need to FOLLOW HIM, not people, not the pastor, not other people. Go on your knees and cry out to the living God, WAIT on Him and He will guide you.
If you are not following Jesus you are following strangers and you will PERISH. Jesus Christ ALONE is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE. Follow HIM. Who do you go to? To Jesus or to other people? Who are you following? Are you REALLY following Jesus Christ?

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Too Many LOVERS Too Much L-O-V-E

A woman who has many lovers does not love any one of them, she only loves the pleasure of sin and that which she can benefit from them, that which she can have from them. She might say that she loves them but she doesn't, she loves herself, SHE IS A WHORE. That is how most Christians are. They say they love Jesus but they also love the world, they love the pleasures of the world and they GO AFTER THE PLEASURES of the world. They DO NOT LOVE JESUS – THEY LOVE PLEASURE! And they love SIN. That is why they never stop sinning.
They will never get to know Jesus because they are NOT INTERESTED in Him and that s why He will say to them one day:”Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness,” because when you go after sin and the pleasures of the flesh then you compromise yourself, and you are unfaithful, YOU ARE A WHORE, and you are unsuitable for the kingdom of heaven.
Do you REALLY love Jesus or do you have many lovers, do you love many things? And then you say that you also love Jesus? You cannot serve God and mammon, you will either love the one and despise the other! Whom do you love? Who are you really interested in? Who are you chasing after? Are you going after Jesus and do you seek to please Him? Or do you seek to please yourself?

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Most Christians follow satan NOT Jesus Christ

Most professing Christians do not KNOW Jesus Christ. If they knew Him they would be LIKE Him. If you believe in Jesus Christ and you follow Him, He gives you the power to become a son of God like Himself. If you follow Jesus Christ you will be LIKE HIM. You will live like He lived and you will live in total utter obedience to His words. You will be PERFECT in your OBEDIENCE to God the Father. You will not conform to the world.
Most professing Christians are EXACTLY LIKE THE WORLD in every respect they are of the world. They are just deceived. They think that they are saved because they believe it. But they do not know Jesus Christ. A tree is known by its fruit. If we are not like Jesus Christ in every respect then we are NOT OF HIM. If we do not obey His words as also recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John then we are FAKE! Most Christians are fake, they do not know Jesus! They are on their way to hell. True Christians are extinct, you don't see them. You don't find them! If the Light of Christ is IN you THEN YOU WILL BE LIGHT wherever you go! You will be SALT. You will have an effect wherever you go because Jesus Christ is IN YOU and you are a son of God!
Are YOU as son of God? Do you truly follow Jesus Christ, or do you serve YOURSELF, the lusts of your flesh and satan? Are you TRULY a child of God? That is why Jesus will say to most professing Christians, who quote the bible and who go to church and think they are saved, Jesus will say to them:”go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness,” because they are wicked! Most of them profess to be SINNERS. IF they were children of God and followers of Jesus they would be PERFECT, RIGHTEOUS and HOLY, UTTERLY OBEDIENT to God the Father.
Are you a child of God or are you just a FAKE?

May Jesus bless you.


A born again child of God who has been born again of WATER and of the SPIRIT of God, such a person is LED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD and not by anything else. The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:14, he said that:”those who are led by the Spirit of God, THEY are the sons of God.” They are the BODY OF CHRIST, He is their Head and He guides each and every individual member BY HIS HOLY SPIRIT that they have RECEIVED and that they FOLLOW.
They LISTEN TO THE SPIRIT. What is important to them is WHAT THE SPIRIT SAYS. Now many believers will say:”What the Bible says.” What is important for a child of God is not what the Bible says but WHAT THE SPIRIT SAYS because you can pick and choose from the Bible what YOU please and you can ignore the rest BUT if you ignore the SPIRIT OF GOD you cannot be LED by the Spirit of God. Therefor he says:”Those who ware led by the Spirit of God THEY ARE THE SONS OF GOD.”
You need to be born of the Spirit of God. You need to have that CONNECTION, be ONE IN SPIRIT with the Almighty God and BE LED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD. You need to get your guidance from Him.
PRAY, LISTEN and He will guide you STEP BY STEP. That is why Jesus said:”Follow ME.” We follow Him by LISTENING TO HIS SPIRIT. “Those who do not have the Spirit of Christ DO NOT BELONG TO HIM.” (Romans 8:9) If you are born again you will have the Spirit of Christ.
If YOU do not have the Spirit of Christ you need to get down on your knees and REPENT of all sin, COMMIT YOURSELF to Jesus, be holy, be righteous, SEEK HIM, CONNECT with Him in your spirit, BE BAPTIZED IN WATER for the washing off of your sin and then He promised you the Holy Spirit to FILL YOU IN with the Holy Spirit so that you can be GUIDED by the Spirit of God. You have to FOLLOW that guidance.
Very few people follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Most people follow the advice of other people, their own OPINION and they do what THEY like but they are not led by the Spirit of God.
Do you LISTEN TO WHAT THE SPIRIT SAYS and are you guided by the Spirit of God?

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

No Works Grace Gospel for Lazy Cowards

The NO WORKS GRACE GOSPEL DECEPTION appeals to selfish, lazy cowards who are not fit for the kingdom of heaven. Such people WILL NOT follow Jesus Christ. They do not meet the requirements to be a servant of the kingdom of heaven. They WILL NOT follow Jesus Christ and they WILL NOT have ETERNAL LIFE.
Jesus Christ calls us to be SERVANTS of the kingdom of heaven, to deny ourselves of earthly pleasures and to GO AFTER the kingdom of heaven; to live godly lives, to be righteous and holy and to SERVE Jesus Christ, our King and Master, to be available and ready, to go where He sends us and to DO what He tell us to do WHENEVER He sends us and WHEREVER He sends us to do WHATEVER He requires of us. A servant of God does not have a time schedule or his own plans and agenda. He is at the disposal of his Master 24 hours a day, he does not have a TIME OUT or SABBATICALS. He does not RETIRE. He follows his Master and does His pleasure until the very end. That is what discipleship is about. That is what Jesus Christ requires of those who follow Him. That is what is required of YOU if you want eternal life.
Jesus Christ said:”Whoever WISHES to come after Me must deny himself, pick up his cross daily and come hear, follow Me.” Are you WILLING to follow Jesus Christ and DO what He requires of you?

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Never stop working

Those who FOLLOW Jesus Christ are the Body of Christ. His Spirit dwells in them and He guides them every day. They DO the works that He did and even greater works. Many believers have been deceived by the devil. They believe and they say that they are saved by grace and not by works so they refuse to WORK. They refuse to OBEY Jesus Christ and the devil knows that if they do not WORK they will get cut off and burned because Jesus said that every branch in in Him that does not bear fruit will get cut off and burned.
We are called to bear fruit. We are called to WORK for the kingdom of God and if we do not WORK for the kingdom of God it is because we are not led by the Spirit of God and we do not belong to Him. Some just refuse to work for Him but they work for the devil and they work for their own pleasures. They go after the lusts of the flesh. They build their own little kingdoms on earth, kingdoms that will perish but they do not submit themselves to the King of kings and the Lord of lords, they REFUSE to SERVE Jesus Christ as King, Master and Lord. They themselves are their own God and they will PERISH! Their faith is in vain.
Are you WORKING for the kingdom of God? Are you following the guidance of the Holy Spirit every day? Or do you DO what YOU please? Do you go after your own lusts and your own desires? Who is your God? Jesus Christ, or do you serve your own lusts? Those who refuse to SERVE and OBEY Jesus, who refuse to WORK for His kingdom will PERISH!

May Jesus bless you.

Cheap and shallow WORTHLESS Christianity

The vast majority of professing Christians subscribe to a cheap, shallow gospel. They are happy-go-lucky and they are conformed to the world. They have no likeness to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was despised by men, He was a man of sorrow. If we follow Jesus Christ we will be TRANSFORMED INTO HIS LIKENESS through SUFFERING AND PERSECUTION.
The only way that you become like Jesus is IF you follow Him. Jesus will take you take you along a road of rejection, suffering and persecution, and you will be CHANGED through that WHICH YOU SUFFER. If you do not go through the mill, through difficulty, you cannot be transformed to the likeness of Jesus Christ, you cannot become a CHILD OF GOD.
IF you look like the world, if you are happy-go-lucky, if you are having a good time then you are not of Christ, YOU ARE OF THIS WORLD! If you truly follow Jesus Christ you will be like Him in all respects.
Are you like Jesus Christ? Are you being transformed through suffering? If you are not suffering then you are NOT on the straight and narrow road, you are not following Jesus Christ and you do not have any hope of salvation. If you want eternal life then you have to deny yourself, pick up your cross every day and follow Jesus Christ and you will become LIKE HIM.

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Don't LISTEN to him he will destroy you

The whole world is in the power of the evil one, the devil, because they LISTEN to him and they OBEY him. The devil is a liar and a thief from the beginning and he wants to DESTROY you and USE you to destroy other people. He is very successful at that because people LISTEN to him and they OBEY him. If you want eternal life you have to LISTEN TO JESUS not to the devil. You have to OBEY JESUS, turn away from sin and unrighteousness, from following your own mind and listening to the devil. Be holy, be righteous, obey Jesus Christ, follow Him, be baptized in water and He will reveal Himself to you, He will speak to you, He will guide you but you will have to LISTEN TO HIM.
If you keep on listening to the devil, he will destroy you. The devil will try to deceive you in any possible way. He will send you lies, even symptoms, symptoms of pain in your body and then you believe the symptom and you run to the doctor and you end up in ICU or a hospital because they discover some “peculiar” sickness in you. They don't even know what they are talking about but they discover some virus, that is unknown, that is SATAN. You belief it, you take medication, and you get destroyed, you get killed because you believed the lie that satan presented to you. You believed the symptom, you didn't believe in Jesus Christ. The whole world is in FEAR, uncertainty, anxiety because they believe satan. If you want life, now and for eternity, listen to Jesus and obey Him. If you open the door to the devil he will destroy you and he will use you to destroy all those around you.
Are you in the power of satan because you listen to him and you obey him, you follow him. Or have you turned to Jesus? Do you obey Him and follow Him. Is He your keeper, your provider and your protector? Who are you listening to? To Jesus or to your enemy who is about to totally and utterly destroy you? Don't listen to him. Listen to Jesus and follow Him and you will LIVE, both NOW and for ETERNITY.

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


God JUSTIFIES those who OBEY Him. He takes away the guilt of their sin and He brings them into His presence, into His kingdom. Jesus Christ came to give us the example and the Words of God, the Words of Eternal life.
Jesus Himself was baptized in water. When He came to John the Baptist to be baptized John, who knew who He was, at first did not want to baptize Him. (Matthew 3:14,15) He said:”Lord, I have need to be baptized by You and now You come to me to be baptized.” But Jesus insisted and said:”Allow it TO FULFILL ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS.”
To be baptized in water AFTER REPENTANCE is an INSTRUCTION from God, a COMMAND. If we do not OBEY the words of Jesus, which are the WORDS OF GOD, and are baptized in water for the washing off of our sin AFTER REPENTANCE then we will not have eternal life, we will not be justified. We have to FULFILL ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS to be JUSTIFIED by God.
Have you obeyed the words of God? Have you REPENTED and been BAPTIZED IN WATER? Or are you REBELLING against God? Are you in DISOBEDIENCE because then you will perish. Obey Jesus and LIVE! If you do not OBEY His words YOU WILL PERISH.

May Jesus bless you.


God will forgive your past sins and cleanse you of unrighteousness IF you REPENT, STOP SINNING. PLEAD JESUS FORGIVENESS and then BE BAPTIZED for the WASHING OFF OF YOUR SIN. After that you are clean but then you must SIN NO MORE. You must not go back to sin. You must follow Jesus Christ and OBEY God in the newness of Spirit and STAY CLEAN. No sinners will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Have you COME CLEAN? Have you had your past sins forgiven? Have you had your sins WASHED OFF? Are you CLEAN? Are you now following Jesus Christ in a NEW, HOLY, RIGHTEOUS LIFESTYLE?
Without holiness no man shall see God. No sinners will enter the kingdom of heaven.

May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, October 13, 2013


God is SPIRIT and God was manifested IN THE FLESH in Jesus Christ. We read in John 14:8 the apostle Philip said to Jesus:”Lord show us the Father and that will be enough for us.” And Jesus said to him:”I have been so long with you and have you not known Me?” He who has seen Jesus, has seen the Father because Jesus Himself IS GOD.
Those who follow and obey Jesus Christ, they are the Body of Christ. God is not physically present on this earth but by His Spirit HE DWELLS IN THOSE WHO FOLLOW AND OBEY JESUS CHRIST because they ARE the Body of Christ. They are the likeness of Jesus Christ and the likeness of God. God is manifested IN the Body of Christ on this earth. Those who follow Jesus Christ are the LIGHT OF THE WORLD. That is the FUNCTIONING BODY OF GOD on this earth.
Those who are grafted into the True Vine, Jesus Christ, they bear much fruit because they are the FUNCTIONING BODY OF CHRIST. The branch that does not bear fruit will get cut off and burned. Many profess to be followers of Jesus Christ, they say they are of the Body of Christ but they are NOT FUNCTIONING as the Body of Christ, they are NOT the Light of the World, they are NOT bearing fruit and they WILL get CUT OFF AND BURNED. Many believers were never grafted into the Vine. They never became part of the FUNCTIONING BODY OF CHRIST.
If we truly believe and follow and obey Jesus Christ we will be the FUNCTIONING BODY OF CHRIST, the Light of the World that brings LIGHT into this world. Is our light shining? Can the world see Jesus Christ in us? Can the world see that God is alive because of OUR functioning presence?
May Jesus bless you.

The CONFUSION around the BIBLE

There is a lot of confusion about the Bible. What is important for us to know to have eternal life? Eternal life is about KNOWING, FOLLOWING and OBEYING Jesus Christ. The WORDS THAT JESUS SPOKE were recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and THOSE ARE THE WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE.
IF we OBEY the WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST then Him and His Father will come and LIVE WITH US, He will give His Holy Spirit to be WITH us to guide us every step of the way. He will reveal Himself to us and then we KNOW Jesus, we KNOW God and He guides us into eternal life. Eternal life is about KNOWING JESUS CHRIST. It is not about knowing the Bible. It is about being a child of God. You become a child of God when you OBEY Jesus and you DO what He commanded, then you become a part of the Body of Christ. It is not about going to church. It is not about fellowshipping with other believers. It is about our fellowship with Jesus Christ the living God. If you do not have that real relationship of Father/son where you DO the will of your Father God then you are not a child of God. You might know the Bible, you might go to church, you might associate with other believers but if you don't know Jesus and He doesn't know you and if you are not living a life that is pleasing to Him, in OBEDIENCE to Him, then He will say to you when you die:”Go away from Me I never knew you, you worker of wickedness.” You need to KNOW JESUS CHRIST!
It is not about the Bible, it is not about anything else. It is about KNOWING our Lord and Master and SERVING Him and OBEYING Him. TRUE REPENTANCE is to TURN AWAY from SIN and from doing the desires of my flesh and to seek the living God, to OBEY Him and to become a SERVANT OF HIS KINGDOM. STOP SINNING, BE RIGHTEOUS, BE HOLY, SEEK JESUS for forgiveness of your past sins, be BAPTIZED IN WATER for the WASHING OFF OF YOUR SINS and then SEEK JESUS for His HOLY SPIRIT to come and dwell with you, to GUIDE you every step of the way.
Jesus said:”My sheep LISTEN to My voice and they FOLLOW Me.” How do you follow Jesus if you cannot see Him? You follow Him when you OBEY His words and He gives His Holy Spirit to come and dwell WITH you and you LISTEN to the Holy Spirit. You stay focused on His Spirit that He gives IN YOU. You LISTEN and you OBEY, you SERVE Him every day. You do not run after your own ideas, your own desires, the things that YOU want to do but you serve your Master. You LISTEN to His VOICE and you FOLLOW Him.
Its not about the Bible. It is about KNOWING, FOLLOWING AND OBEYING Jesus Christ from NOW until ETERNITY. That is ETERNAL LIFE!

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

It is NOT a GAME

To many people life is a game, and they play it according to their rules. They think it's a drama where they themselves are the main player and they do things THEIR WAY. They manipulate other people and they do anything to achieve their goals, their desires and their lusts. They think that they can also manipulate God and they conduct their religion in exactly the same way.
They interpret the Bible in THEIR WAY according to THEIR insight and THEIR preference and they think that God will play along with them. To them life is a joke because they control everything and they are always the winners!
Life is NOT a game and WE are not in control. God is in control and if we do not submit to God and do things HIS WAY we will perish. It doesn't matter how YOU “understand” the Bible or how YOU in YOUR wisdom interpret the scriptures. What matters is WHAT GOD SAYS and whether we OBEY HIM and DO what is pleasing to HIM. If we do not please Him we will perish.
We cannot do things our way. It is either GOD'S WAY or it is NO WAY. Therefor we have to humble ourselves before Jesus Christ, SEEK Him, OBEY Him and DO what He commands us to do. We need to seek HIS WISDOM and HIS GUIDANCE and DO what He tells us to do. If we lean on our own understanding we will perish. It is NOT a GAME, it is SERIOUS.
It is time to stop playing games and to realize that eternity depends on whether we OBEY Jesus Christ and DO what He commanded us to do. If we do not SEEK Him and OBEY HIM we will perish. Jesus Christ is LORD. None of us are MAIN PLAYERS, we are either servants of the kingdom of God or we are servants of sin and slaves of the lusts of our flesh.
If we live according to our desires and our flesh we will perish but if we SEEK Jesus Christ OBEY HIM and are led by His Spirit we will LIVE. Are you still playing religious games or have you stopped playing and got serious with Jesus Christ?

May Jesus bless you.

Most THINK they are SAVED but are LOST

Most people who profess to be Christians believe that they will have eternal life when they die but they are only deceived because MOST BELIEVERS WILL PERISH. It is only those believers who FOLLOW and OBEY Jesus Christ, who OBEY His words as also written in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, it is only they who who will have eternal life.
Very FEW of those who believe will be saved. When asked whether those who are being saved are few Jesus Christ replied:”STRIVE to enter the straight gate because many I tell you, will strive hard and NOT BE ABLE.” (Luke 13:23,24) Not everyone who says to Jesus Christ “Lord, Lord” will enter into the kingdom of heaven but only those who OBEY Him, who DO His will.
Most church going and believing Christians are IMMUNE to the truth. They are living in FALSE SECURITY because they believe lies. They do not have a relationship with Jesus. They do not OBEY Him. They are not living in holiness and in righteousness. Most of them have never been baptized in water but still they believe they are saved because they believe the lies that people have told them. If you do not DAILY follow Jesus Christ, DAILY live to please Him and SEEK Him all the time you DON'T HAVE A CHANCE of entering into the kingdom of heaven, you don't have a chance of eternal life.
Eternal life is KNOWING, FOLLOWING and OBEYING Jesus Christ, living a life that is pleasing to Him, having HIS confirmation EVERY DAY that He is pleased with you. Do you REALLY KNOW and FOLLOW Jesus Christ? Or are you also deceived? Do you also THINK that you are saved?
NOBODY IS SAVED YET. We have to endure until the very end. Only those who STAY WITH Jesus and who are pleasing to Him UNTIL THE END, only they will have eternal life. Are you striving hard to find the narrow gate?

May Jesus bless you.  

Friday, October 11, 2013

Are you SERIOUS?

Many believers want Jesus Christ to speak to them, to guide them as He promised but they never started following Him, they are not serious! They never repented from their evil ways, they never stopped sinning. They never committed to follow Jesus Christ. They never obeyed Him and were not baptized in water. They are not going after Him. They do not deny themselves, turn their back on the pleasures of the world and on their own desires and they do not GO AFTER Jesus every day. THEY ARE JUST NOT SERIOUS!
You need to SHOW Jesus that you are serious about following Him. You need to TURN AWAY from sin and from serving yourself, going after the lusts of your flesh, you need to STOP SINNING, BE HOLY and righteous. Be baptized for the washing off of your sin and then SIN NO MORE. If we draw closer to Him, He draws closer to us. If we seriously go after Him, He will guide us, every day. He will give His Spirit IN US to guide us every step of the way, but WE NEED TO BE SERIOUS or else we will perish!
Are you serious? Are you seriously going after Jesus? Is He on your mind all day? Are you praying, seeking Him? If you are not showing by your deeds that you are serious about following Jesus Christ, you will never know Him and never enter the kingdom of Heaven.
Be serious, seek Him with all your heart. Go after Him every day UNTIL THE END OF YOUR LIFE. Follow Him and obey Him until the end if you want eternal life.

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Who can baptize new believers?

Every true follower of Jesus Christ is not only qualified but also COMMANDED to baptize those who believe in Jesus Christ and have ACCEPTED Him and decided to follow Him. Jesus commanded His disciples to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Every follower, true disciple, of Jesus Christ is COMMANDED to fulfill the great commission.
Attending a Bible college and becoming an “ordained minister” does NOT qualify a person to baptize others. You need to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Many clergy, pastors, priests, preachers DO NOT KNOW Jesus Christ, neither do they follow Him. They are not qualified to baptize other people.
Any fellow follower of Jesus Christ can baptize a new believer in water, either in a dam, a pool, a stream or any water that is sufficient to fully immerse a person for the washing off of their sins so that out of that water can emerge a NEW MAN, born of water and of the Spirit of the living God.
If you want eternal life you HAVE TO follow and OBEY Jesus Christ. You HAVE TO repent, stop sinning, obey Jesus, show fruit of repentance, holiness and righteousness AND THEN be BAPTIZED IN WATER for the washing off of your sin so that you can be born of water, a NEW CREATURE IN CHRIST and then after that you have to follow Jesus Christ in utter holiness and righteousness, OBEY Him, seek the baptism in the Holy Spirit and He will baptize you in His Spirit. He will guide you and teach you His ways, he will show you the way.
If you refuse to be baptized in water you WILL NOT PROGRESS in your relationship with Jesus Christ. The disobedient will perish. Obey Jesus Christ and FOLLOW Him if you want eternal life.

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

BE Perfect BE Holy BE Righteous

To BE perfect, to BE holy, to BE righteous, to BE baptized in water are requirements for entry into the kingdom of Heaven. If you want eternal life you HAVE to OBEY Jesus Christ. You HAVE TO obey His words. You HAVE TO deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Jesus Christ EVERY DAY.
Jesus commanded us to BE HOLY. To be holy means to separate yourself UNTO GOD, to KEEP yourself UNSTAINED from the world, to stay away from sin and unrighteousness. That is what Jesus requires of us IF we want eternal life.
When asked whether only few are being saved Jesus Christ answered:”Straight is the gate and narrow is the door that leads to eternal life and FEW there be that find it. Strive HARD because many, I tell you, will try very hard and not be able.”(Luke 13:23)
Are YOU perfect, holy, righteous, obedient to Jesus Christ and striving hard to enter the narrow door? Because FEW will find it.

May Jesus bless you.

You are NOT forgiven just because you believe

Many people wrongly believe that they have been forgiven all their sins, past, present and future, because they have confessed that they believe in Jesus Christ. They have NOT been FORGIVEN! You are only forgiven and Jesus only blots out your sins of the past IF you truly REPENT and turn away from following after sin, the lust of your flesh, and you FOLLOW and OBEY Jesus Christ. He only forgives you if you take on the NEW LIFE, if you are BORN AGAIN of the Spirit of God and of WATER, if you are baptized in water for the washing off of your sin in OBEDIENCE to Jesus; only then does He forgive you and blot out your sin.
You need to STAY with Jesus and OBEY Him, to have eternal life. If you turn back to your sin and if you do not obey Jesus Christ, if you refuse to follow Him but you go after your own mind and after your own lusts YOU WILL PERISH! You are NOT FORGIVEN! Your sins will be held against you, past, present and future IF you do not REPENT, TURN AWAY from your evil ways and follow Jesus Christ.
If you WANT eternal life you have to DENY YOURSELF, stop doing what YOU want to do, pick up your cross and follow Jesus Christ. You WILL bear a cross, you WILL encounter difficulties, you WILL have to deny your flesh, you WILL suffer persecution, you might get killed, you WILL have to give up friends and the things that you like, the pleasures of sin and of this world, and FOLLOW Jesus Christ IF you want eternal life.
You will only have forgiveness, pardon of your sins, if you STOP SINNING, OBEY Jesus and FOLLOW Him. Do not be deceived, OBEY Jesus and you will live. If you refuse to follow Him and obey Him you will perish.

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Set the captives free

It is no use fighting darkness or cursing darkness because then you are darkness yourself! Many people wake up to the deception in church and then they look for the “right” church. They look for fellowship with people who truly love Jesus but they themselves don't have fellowship with Jesus.
It is only when YOU yourself come into the right relationship with Jesus Christ and walk with Him every day, that YOU can SEE THE LIGHT because then you WALK IN THE LIGHT. And then you can take others to the LIGHT because Jesus Christ Himself IS THE LIGHT.
Only Jesus sets us FREE. “Those whom the Son of God has set free will be FREE and FREE INDEED.” And we need to STAY WITH HIM to STAY FREE but people run back to some group or some church, they run back to bondage and back to darkness!
Freedom is only in Jesus Christ when you walk with Him, when you live in close relationship with Him, then He guides you because He IS the LIGHT and then YOU YOURSELF are the LIGHT OF THE WORLD because you take others to the LIGHT, to Jesus Christ, and when they follow Him then they WALK IN THE LIGHT and then they are free!
Are YOU free? Are YOU walking IN THE LIGHT? Do YOU follow Jesus Christ every day and do you take others TO Jesus Christ so that they can also be free?

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Will YOU follow?

Jesus Christ said:”My sheep LISTEN to MY VOICE and they follow ME.” If you follow after Jesus Christ you GO where and WHEN He guides you because you live to please Him. You don't go after your own ambitions, your own plans and your own desires because in everything you seek to be pleasing to Jesus. You live your life as a living sacrifice unto Him to DO His will because you live IN His kingdom.
His kingdom has come IN YOU. He sits on the throne of your heart. He is the CENTER of your life. You GO where He guides you. Many believers have never even stopped sinning and they DO NOT follow after Jesus. Jesus said:”Whoever WISHES to come after Me must DENY himself, pick up his cross daily and come here, follow Me.” Whoever goes after Jesus MUST abandon their own plans and DO what Jesus GUIDES them to do. They get their guidance and their wisdom from Him. He guides and they FOLLOW because they LISTEN to HIS VOICE and they FOLLOW HIM.
Do YOU listen to His voice and do YOU follow Him? Do you KNOW His voice and ARE YOU really one of His sheep?

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Believer's Protection

Many believers are fearful and anxious because of what is happening in the world. They are concerned about the future, about persecution and hardship. If we follow Jesus Christ we have nothing to worry about because He goes ahead of us. The reason why these people are so worried is because they are NOT FOLLOWING Jesus Christ and they DO NOT TRUST HIM.
We read in Revelation 12:11 “They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives until death.” Those are the ones who FOLLOWED Jesus Christ and who OVERCAME.
You overcome by your TESTIMONY. Your testimony is the result of your relationship with Jesus Christ. It is the PROOF that you are following Jesus because you only have a testimony IF you follow Jesus Christ.
Are YOU overcoming because YOU are following Jesus Christ and He is going ahead of you? Are YOU overcoming because of the blood of the Lamb and the word of YOUR testimony?

May Jesus bless you.

You have the POWER

You and I have the power to do everything that God expects of us. Without Jesus Christ we can do nothing. He gives us life. All the power that we have comes from Him, but we have the choice to use that power in the way that we please, the way that we choose. We can either use that POWER for ourselves, to run after the desires of our flesh and to realize OUR ambitions or we can seek the kingdom of God and do HIS WILL. How we use that power will determine where we spend eternity.
If we use that power on ourselves and on our lusts and on sin we will perish but is we expend ourselves for the kingdom of God, if we present ourselves to God as a living sacrifice to DO the will of God and we OBEY Him, then we will inherit the kingdom of heaven.
God gives us the POWER to do whatever WE WANT TO DO and if we do the will of God, if we go after Jesus, we will do the works that Jesus did and even GREATER WORKS because if we follow Jesus He goes ahead of us and it is not us doing those works any more but it is Christ living in us doing the works. It is not our wisdom but God's wisdom because we DRAW ON HIS POWER!
We have all the power that we need to do what God wants us to do, to be children of God and to inherit His kingdom. Nobody will have any excuse. Nobody will be able to say that:”I could not stop sinning. I could not do this... I could not do that...” YOU DID NOT WANT TO! You did not want to follow Jesus. You did not want to obey God and therefor you WILL PERISH!
God gives us the POWER to do whatever we want to do. As you sow, so shall you reap! Do you WANT to follow Jesus? How are you using the POWER that God is giving you?

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Most Christians are FAKE and will PERISH in HELL

Most Christians do not KNOW, FOLLOW or OBEY Jesus Christ. Most Christians will perish in hell. Most Christians have never denied themselves, have never picked up their cross and have never started following Jesus Christ. Most Christians are not even baptized in water. Jesus Christ will say to Most Christians:”Go away I never knew you.”
Most Christians have taken on a belief, a religion, based on the truth while they themselves are denying the truth. The truth IS Jesus Christ and OBEDIENCE to Him, a close relationship with Him; obeying His words, following Him every day, that is the truth.
Most Christians never stopped sinning. Most Christians never gave up their own desires, they are running after their own desires, fulfilling themselves. They are slaves to their own lusts, it is all about THEM not about the kingdom of God. It is all about what they can get out of it. Jesus called us to serve HIM. If you are running after your desires you are a SLAVE TO SIN. If we live according to the FLESH we will DIE but if we live according to the Spirit of God then we will LIVE. The only way that the Spirit of God will guide you is if you DENY YOURSELF and GO AFTER Jesus, SEEK Him and OBEY Him. Obey His words, REPENT, STOP SINNING, be righteous and holy, be BAPTIZED IN WATER for the washing off of your sin, SIN NO MORE, open yourself to the Holy Spirit of God, invite Him in and SEEK Him EVERY DAY. Go after Him and He will reveal Himself to you. But if you go after the lusts of your flesh you will reap destruction. You have to GO AFTER Jesus and DO the will of God, then you will have eternal life.
Most Christians are going after their flesh. They are not going after Jesus nor are they seeking the kingdom of God and they will reap destruction. Are YOU going after Jesus, denying yourself, picking up your cross every day and following Him? Or are you doing what YOU please, what YOU want to do? If you live according to your flesh you will perish but if by the Spirit of God dwelling in you, you mortify, KILL the deeds of the flesh and DO the works of God then you will live. Are you DOING the works of God? Are you OBEYING Jesus Christ or are you also a deceived, lost Christian on his way to hell?

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

No works gospel is a lie

You don't need to DO anything to end up in hell, the whole world is on its way to hell. If you want eternal life you HAVE TO deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Jesus Christ EVERY DAY.
What does that mean? That means that you have to GO AFTER Jesus every day and not go after the desires of your flesh, not do what YOU want to do, not do what YOU feel like doing, but seek the will of God and DO it every day.
Jesus came to DO THE WILL OF THE FATHER and He did the will of His Father every day. If you follow Jesus Christ and you are born again you become a child of God and you DO the will of God EVERY DAY. You turn your back on your SELF, your own desires and you seek the will of God, you GO AFTER Jesus, you are led by the Holy Spirit. You seek HIS guidance, not for your own benefit but to be pleasing to God, not for what YOU want to achieve but, the will of God and you DO His will.
You don't need to do anything to end up in hell but you need to DO the will of God to be pleasing to God and to have eternal life. You need to GO AFTER Jesus Christ EVERY DAY. Repent of sin and of serving yourself. Turn away, turn to Jesus, live holy and righteously, be baptized in water for the washing off of your sins, seek the will of God and He will reveal Himself to you. FOLLOW Him, OBEY Him and DO His will or else you WILL NOT enter the kingdom of heaven, you WILL end up in hell. You don't need to do anything to end up in hell.
Jesus said:”Strive hard to enter the narrow door because many, I tell you, will try hard and not be able.” It is hard work to enter the kingdom of heaven. You don't need to do anything to go into hell.

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Why churches take you to hell

Jesus Christ never commanded His disciples to build churches. He commanded them to MAKE DISCIPLES, to go into all the world and preach the Gospel, the Words of Jesus Christ, to baptize those who believe and repent, to teach them to obey the Words of Jesus and then Jesus Christ Himself will reveal Himself to those who believe and obey. He Himself will guide His sheep.
The disciples did not gather people unto themselves, they took believers to Jesus, so that they can know and follow Jesus Christ. Churches are taking people to hell. Their preachers are working for the church. Their preachers are hirelings that preach the teachings, the doctrines of the church not the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are not taking people to JESUS they are drawing people unto themselves, they are gathering sheep that they themselves are leading to the slaughter.
Your church is leading you to hell, not to Jesus. If they were taking you to Jesus, you would not attend church, you would not belong to a church, you would become a DISCIPLE of JESUS CHRIST. You would listen to His voice and follow Him and you in turn would be making other disciples of Jesus, NOT members of a clique or an organization but members of the Body of Christ, the TRUE CHURCH, those who belong to Jesus. He Himself builds His Church, His Body, those in whom He lives, those who follow and obey Him.
Become a disciple of Jesus Christ and follow Him every day and get out of church or else you will perish. You cannot serve two god's. You will either love the one and hate the other. As long as you serve CHURCH, you will NOT follow Jesus Christ. Get to know Jesus and follow Him if you want life.

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Off the beaten track into the wilderness

If you follow Jesus Christ then He will take you off the beaten track. He will take you on the straight and narrow road where it is HIM and YOU alone, where your dependence is on HIM and without Him you won't make it. He will take you on the road of RIGHTEOUSNESS, HOLINESS, OBEDIENCE, PURIFICATION and He will teach you His ways.
If you TRUST Him and keep following Him, He will take you deeper and deeper into that wilderness where nobody can survive without Him. You will not be part of this world or of it's systems. Your dependence will be on Jesus alone because without Jesus Christ you cannot walk that road. You WILL NOT walk that road if you do not fully TRUST and OBEY Him, and IF you withdraw then His soul will have no pleasure in you. That journey in the wilderness, off the beaten track will never end until the very last day of your life because the road through the wilderness is the road to eternal life.
Jesus Christ ALONE is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE. If we want eternal life we have to follow Him and Him ALONE. You will not find many fellow pilgrims on that road. There are many who claim to be Christians but there are very few who follow Jesus Christ and who will endure until the very end. Only those who endure until the end and STAY with Jesus, only they will have the PRIZE of eternal life. Only they will inherit the kingdom of heaven.
Are you following Jesus Christ OFF THE BEATEN TRACK? Are you following Him into uncertainty, into impossibility? Are you staying WITH Him, LISTENING, OBEYING or do you follow your own mind, lean on your own understanding, listen to other people? Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to LIFE. If you want eternal life you have to deny yourself and deny everything else, even your common sense, put your trust in HIM, listen, obey and follow Him EVERY DAY and He will lead you and guide you into His kingdom.

May Jesus bless you.

The Road to FREEDOM

You can be free from the fear of death, from anxiety, tension and fear of other people, the daily drudgery of uncertainty in this world. Jesus Christ came to set the captives free but we only remain in that freedom as long as we STAY WITH Jesus and we OBEY Him, as long as we TRUST Him and FOLLOW His guidance.
God led the children of Israel out of Egypt, out of bondage and slavery, through the Red Sea but He took them into the Wilderness where nobody can survive. But because God was with them He made them survive. But they never learned to trust Him and therefor He struck them down, they perished in the wilderness because they never OBEYED Him and they never got to know His ways.
If you start following Jesus, He will guide you but you will have to FOLLOW Him into the WILDERNESS and you will only be SAFE as long as you stay WITH Him and IN Him, in obedience to Him, TRUSTING Him, OBEYING Him and FOLLOWING Him. That is the ONLY SAFE PLACE, is to BE WITH Jesus, to LISTEN to His voice and to FOLLOW Him. Then He guides you and He makes you FREE from bondage and from fear, and you have LIFE because you are WITH Jesus all the time; you are living in the presence of the living God.
Have you decided to FOLLOW Jesus? Are you going with Him EVERY STEP OF THE WAY? Are you remaining IN that FREEDOM with Jesus? Or have you strayed? Have you gone your own way? Are you following Jesus Christ and living under the shelter of His arms?

May Jesus bless you.