Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Polluted Minds

Jesus Christ said that without holiness no man shall see God. Holiness is a choice. There are so many influences in this world by which the minds of people are polluted, with free access to pornography on the internet and every where, even children from a young age have free access to internet and their minds are polluted. They have free access to pornography and evil influences, but holiness is a choice. You choose to allow yourself to be polluted, your mind, by absorbing that which is wrong, or you turn away your eye from the evil. I read the words of Jesus as recorded in Matthew chapter 5:27 "You have heard that it was said you shall not commit adultery, but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If you're right eye makes you stumble, tear it out and throw it from you; for it is
better for you to lose one of the parts of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. If your right hand makes you stumble, cut it off and throw it from you, for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body than for your whole body to go into hell."
Holiness is a choice . We can choose what we look at, we can choose what we absorb into our minds, because that which goes
into your mind eventually ends up in your actions. If we think evil, if we look at evil, if we absorb evil, then by the judgment of God we have already done those things, we are polluted, unholy, and without holiness no man shall see
We have to purify ourselves of all unrighteousness, we have to be pure and holy, to live in the presence of a holy God. We have to be pure and holy to enter the kingdom of God. If we allow  ourselves to be polluted by this world, by sin, pornography, and by the filth that is presented in the media, then we will end
up in hell. Then we are not suitable for the kingdom of heaven.
Holiness is a choice. Without holiness no man shall see God.
May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

You Must Work

You must work. If you do not work, you should not eat. God has even written it in your hand. If you look at your hand. just open your right hand and look at it and you will see is an M. See that?  Man Must, turn it upside down W - Work. You must work. Every time you look in your hand you will get the message from God,you must work.
Many believers who call themselves Christians are too lazy to work. They are too lazy to work in this life, they lie around on the system, and they expect other people to take care of them, they are beggars and thieves. They think that they can enter the kingdom of heaven in the same way. They think they only need to believe in Jesus Christ to have salvation. That is a lie.
If we are not willing to work for the kingdom of God, then we are not worth of Jesus Christ, and we will have no inheritance in His kingdom. We have to expand the kingdom of God, bring others from darkness to Light. Teach them to work for and to build His kingdom but if we ourselves are too lazy to work then we will have no inheritance in the kingdom of God. Many believers are too lazy to witness for Jesus Christ, they deny Him. They are too lazy to physically work, they are too lazy to expand the kingdom of God, they just want everything for free. The kingdom of God is not for free.
Salvation is not for free. The grace of God leads us to salvation; if we follow Jesus Christ and we obey Him, we will work for His kingdom. Satan has deceived many believers and they say that it is a works gospel that I am preaching. The gospel of Jesus Christ is about working for the kingdom of God. The lazy servant will be cast out into outer darkness where there will be gnashing of teeth. If we are not willing to work for the kingdom of God,we will not enter. Just look at your hand and your friend at the message of God is written in there: Man Must Work. Work for Jesus why you can. Night is coming when nobody can work.
Only those who work for the kingdom of God will have the hope of entering.
May Jesus bless you.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Confusion is Coming

Confusion is coming. We read in the book of Genesis chapter 11 of the Tower of Babel, where the inhabitants of the earth built a tower and God caused confusion of their language, so they were scattered all over the earth. The New World Order and the Elite have their plans in order, and they think that they will rule the world, they will unite the world under one authority, their authority, but they have a surprise coming, because what God did before He will do again. There will be confusion, because God will destroy the unity of man, the works of man to prove that He alone is God. There's only one kingdom that will last forever that is the kingdom of God; there's only one Lord and Master and that is Jesus Chris. All other kingdoms will be destroyed.
Jesus Christ is Lord and He alone will reign. Confusion is coming and those who are part of the kingdoms of this world will be terribly disappointed and disillusioned. They will be scattered.
Those who belong to the kingdom of Jesus Christ, will be in the Light, because they trust Him. They are guided by His Holy Spirit, they will not be shaken.
Which Kingdom do you belong to? The kingdom of this world that will be shaken and confused, and destroyed, or do you belong to the kingdom of Jesus Christ that cannot be shaken. Confusion is coming.
May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Religious Mind Cannot Please God

The religious mind cannot please God, and that is why religious people cannot be disciples of Jesus Christ. The religious mind operates from indoctrination, from things that the person has learned,rather than from operating from the guidance of God. The difference between the carnal man, the normal man, and the child of God is that a child of God, the son of God is led by the Spirit of God. His actions and his reactions are determined by the Holy Spirit, not because he is being controlled, but because he follows the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The religious man operates along what he believes; he operates along those things that he believes are right, and he feels safe and justified when he does what he believes to be proper and right, but he has no relationship with Jesus. He is not led by the Spirit of God, and religious people reject the Holy Spirit. They reject Jesus. They are self-sufficient in themselves, they are separated from God. They are idolaters who serve themselves, their own beliefs, but they believe that they are right. They will quote you Bible scripture that they use to justify their behavior, their actions, but they are not in touch with Jesus. There are not led by the Holy Spirit. Those who are being led by the Spirit of God, they are the children of God. If we are not led by the Holy Spirit, then we cannot do the will of God, and that is what most religious people do not understand; because they are not born again. We have to be changed by the renewing of our mind. The carnal mind depends and trusts in himself, in that which he believes to be right, and proper, and justified, but the mind of the born-again child of God is focused on Christ, on Jesus. He gets his guidance from the Holy Spirit.
The born-again child of God asks his direction, his wisdom, and everything about his life, he asks from the Holy Spirit. He does not lean on his own understanding, but he trusts in the guidance of the Holy Spirit and tha is what the religious mind cannot understand, because theye are not born again; they have no relationship with God.
They do not know Jesus Christ and they do not have the Spirit of Christ dwelling in them. The reason for that is that they refuse to submit themselves to Jesus, they refuse to obey His words. They refuse to repent of sin, they refuse to repent of their carnal self sufficient attitude of their religion. They believe in their interpretation of the Bible. The Words of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit needs no interpretation; it only needs obedience, and that is what Jesus requires of us. He commands us to repent, turn away from sin, turn away from following after your own mind, and your own desires; set your mind on Jesus, stop sinning, be holy, obey His words the words of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and then be baptized in water, because He commanded it! And for those who obey Jesus Christ, He will make them new inside. He will give His Spirit in them. Those who are led by the Holy Spirit do not trust in their common sense, they do not trust in their own mind, they do not trust in the beaten paths; they trust in Jesus, because Jesus is God. He is supernatural, He is above all things, and He does things in His way.
If we do not deny ourselves, if we do not reject our religious mind and our self-centered attitude, our self-righteousness, our self-idolatry, and totally trust in Jesus, totally obey Him and do as He commanded, we will not experience the power of God we will not experience the kingdom of God. We have to reject our religious mind, reject everything that we have learned and that we believe to be true, right, and justified,and put our trust in Jesus, be taught by the Holy Spirit and be led by the Holy Spirit. Do not jump to conclusions, do not trust in your own understanding, but fully trust in Jesus Christ. Be led by the Holy Spirit, pray always, and He will put l put the mind of Christ in you. When you pray, He will put the answer, the solution,the understanding, in your mind and you will be led by the Spirit of God, and you will be pleasing to God.
If we are not led by the Holy Spirit, we cannot be pleasing to God. We cannot be fruitful for the kingdom of God, and we will not be able to do the will of God. There is only one way to please Jesus, and that is to follow the guidance of His Holy Spirit,the Spirit of Truth, that the world cannot receive, because it does not trust Him, neither does it know Him.
Seek Jesus, obey Him, trust Him and ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit and then be led by the Holy Spirit, to be pleasing to Jesus.
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, November 25, 2016

The Driving Force

Contrary to what many people have been told and what they believe salvation is not an easy matter. Not many people will be saved not many people will enter the kingdom of heaven. Somebody asked Jesus; I read from Luke chapter 13 verse 23 'Someone said to Him: "Lord are they just a few who are being saved?"  and He said to them, "Strive to enter the narrow door, for many I tell you will, seek to enter and not be able."  Dear friends to enter the kingdom of heaven is not humanly possible if we do it by ourselves, in our own power, without the guidance and the help of Jesus Christ. We cannot do it if we do not know and follow Jesus Christ we cannot find the entrance to the kingdom of heaven, and that is why Jesus sent us a Helper, someone who will help us who will guide us, and who will teach us, and that is His Holy Spirit.
That is why Jesus consoled His disciples, and He said to them, I read from John chapter 14 verse 16 "I will ask the Father and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you. He was talking about His Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, that is why He said: "but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you. Jesus Christ was physically with them and he promised them that His Spirit will be with them to help them and to guide them. I read further John 16 verse 7:"But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away for if I do not go away the Helper will not come to you; but if I go I will send Him to you, and He, when Hhe comes will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment; concerning sin, because they do not believe in Me, and concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father and you no longer see Me, and concerning judgment because the ruler of this world has a being judged." Jesus promised them that He will send His Holy Spirit to guide them and to teach them, not only to them but also to those who would believe in Him after believing the preaching of the first disciples, those whom He would send out to go and make disciples like they themselves were disciples. Jesus also said, and i read from John chapter 16 verse 12: "I have many more things to say to you but you cannot bear them now, but when He the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears. He will speak and He will disclose to you what is to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said that He takes of Mine and will disclose it to you."
We will not find the entrance to the kingdom of heaven on our own, not by our own efforts and not by our own initiative, not by reading the Bible, and applying the biblical principles. We need to be born again of the Spirit of God. We need to receive the Holy Spirit of Christ, the baptism in the Holy Spirit so that the Holy Spirit, the Helper, will come and dwell in us and be with us to guide us, to teach us, to coach us, and to bring us into fruitful work for the kingdom of God. There is no way that we will be able to do the will of God to serve His kingdom if we have not received the Holy Spirit, and if we are not guided by the Holy Spirit. Your faith alone cannot save you, your Bible knowledge cannot save you, all that will save us, is if we have the Holy Spirit of Christ in us, follow Him and obey Him. Jesus Christ promised the Holy Spirit to all those who obey Him, to those who obey the gospel of Jesus Christ, His words, those who embrace Him, who believe in Him, and who repent, who turn away from their wicked ways, who turn away from following after their own desires, following their own mind, and who open themselves to the Holy Spirit, who invite the Holy Spirit into their lives, and who asked Jesus to baptize them, to fill them with His Spirit, so that they can be led by the Holy Spirit.
Those who are being led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Dear friends, we cannot make it without the Holy Spirit; we need to have the DRIVING FORCE of the Holy Spirit working in us, the Holy Spirit will teach us, will guide us, will discipline us, will correct us, will tell us things to come. Jesus Himself said that He had many more things to tell His disciples, but they could not bear it.
Those things were not spoken, they were not written in the Bible, they were not recorded by anybody, they were not heard by human ears, those things were reserved for those who follow Jesus Christ. We each and every one of us, who follows Jesus Christ, we each have a specific task, a job, a purpose, in the kingdom of God; and the only way that we can fulfill that task, that mission, that calling, that job, that He called us for, is if we are guided by the Holy Spirit, if He dwells in us, if He motivates us, and if we follow His guidance everyday. Without Jesus Christ we cannot enter the kingdom of God; without the Holy Spirit of Christ dwelling in us, we cannot serve Him and do His will.
We need the Helper, we need the Holy Spirit, we need that DRIVING FORCE of the Holy Spirit of Christ in us, to coach us to motivate us, to enable us, to energize us, to fire us up for the kingdom of God, because our God is a consuming fire and those who walk with Him, walk with fire. They have the fire of the Holy Spirit burning in them, they have the driving force of the Holy Spirit motivating them to do the will of the Master. Have you received the Holy Spirit of God? Is that fire burning in your heart? Do you have that driving force of the Holy Spirit, that fire in you, to energize you, and to drive you into doing the will of God?
May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, November 24, 2016


God is good to all people especially to the righteous. The favor and the blessings of God are in the house of those who walk in righteousness, but the curse of God is on the house of the wicked.
Today is Thanksgiving in the U.S. and people have received many blessings from God, but not all of us express our thanks to you Him. Many have turned their back on Him, many shun Him, reject Him and mock Him.
We must give thanks to God and thank Him you for everything that we have so undeservedly received from His hand, or else He will turn His hand against us, His curse will come on us, and we might not enjoy the same privileges and the same blessings that we have received from Him in the past.
Thank Jesus, praising Him, give Him glory. If we deny Him, He will certainly also deny us. If we reject Him then He will leave us to our own devices.
The choice is ours whether we want Jesus in our lives, or not and those who reject  Him will be sorely disappointed. Thanked Him and praise Him, give Him glory and honor because Jesus Christ is King of kings and the Lord of lords. Let us mend our ways and live in righteousness and holiness. Let us seek the favor of the King, Jesus Christ so that we can have peace and prosperity, because those who reject Jesus Christ will be in suffering and in darkness.
May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Get rid of your treasures and follow Jesus

Jesus Christ said that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven. That is it because a rich man does not have any need of God, he himself supplies in all his needs therefor, why will he ask God for anything. The same applies to religious people. It is almost impossible for a religious person to enter into the kingdom of God. The same applies to people who have been born into Christianity, those who have grown up as Christians. Very few of them will ever enter the kingdom of heaven because they trust in the doctrines, their religion, their teachings that they have been brought up in. To them and that is their security.

Many trust in their Bible knowledge, their interpretation or understanding of the Bible; but they have no knowledge of Jesus Christ. Neither will they accept the guidance of the Holy Spirit. They are rich in themselves, with the knowledge, the doctrine, and the  brainwashing that they have grown into.  That is their treasure. Unless we are willing to give up everything to follow Jesus Christ, our earthly treasures, our treasures of knowledge and religious theory, teachings; unless we are willing to regard all of that as garbage, trash, and totally trust in Jesus we will never follow Him, we will never know Him.

Religious people are unteachable. They are even unteachable to God. They refuse to listen to the Holy Spirit, they refuse to be taught by Jesus Himself and that is why most professing religious Christians will end up in hell. They will never know Jesus Christ, they will never learn from Him. We have to regard everything as trash and discard of it in order to be receptive for Jesus Christ. We have to seek Him above all things, ask Him to teach and guide us. If we distrust Him, if we want to test Him, test the Holy Spirit, against our

Bible knowledge, we are not worthy of Him, we do not trust Him; and such people will

never follow Jesus Christ. There are many religious people are like that in churches today,they are sufficient in themselves and they think they have salvation, but they do not have Jesus Christ. They will perish in their own deception.

Give up all your treasures, subject yourself to Jesus stand before Him as a pauper, let Him teach you, let Him guide you and you will have wisdom and understanding, you will get to know Jesus Christ for real.

May Jesus bless you.

Under Orders

Monday, November 21, 2016

Bearing fruitful for the Kingdom of God

Jesus Christ said that every branch in Him that does not bear fruit will get cut off and burned. Now obviously, we first need to become grafted into the True Vine, into Jesus Christ, Himself before we can even be cut off, before we can be severed from Him. He is here talking about those who are born again, those who are children of God. We cannot be fruitful for the kingdom of God if we do not hear His voice, if we do not receive instruction from Him, because Jesus said:"My sheep hear My voice and
they follow Me." How can we receive instruction from Him if we do not hear His voice? Therefore we must first become born-again children of God, who hear the voice of God, before we can get cut off. Most believers are not children of God, they are just believers; they believe in what they do not know. They do not know Jesus Christ, they do not follow Him and they do not obey Him. Their hope of salvation is in vain, because they are not truly children of God. How do we become children of God?
We become children of God by obeying the gospel of Jesus Christ; that is the words of Jesus that He delivered, as also recorded in the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. If we obey the gospel of Jesus Christ, we will be born again, we will be children of God, who hear His voice and who can follow His instruction. What is the gospel of Jesus Christ? Repent and be baptized in water and you will receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God dwelling in you, to guide you, to teach you, and to instruct you, and only then can you follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, only then can you bear fruit for the kingdom of God. Most believers are not born again. Most believers do not know Jesus Christ. We first have to obey the gospel of Jesus Christ, repent and live according to His words, that which he commanded how we should live. Go and read the words of Jesus in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John; that is his commands; and if we obey His commands then we will be born again. If we repent and be baptized in water, and He will make us new inside. We will be new creatures and if we wait on Him, seek Him with all our heart, hunger and thirst for Him, He will give the Holy Spirit in us, as He did to the first believers on the day of Pentecost. You will receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit just like the disciples did on the day of Pentecost. Those who are being led by the Spirit of God, they are the children of God. If we are not born again and if we have not been baptized in water, been baptized in the Holy Spirit, then we will not hear His voice. If we do not keep on seeking and listening to Him, we will not receive instruction from Him, and we cannot bear fruit for His kingdom. How can we serve a person, how can we serve a God whom we do not now, whose voice we do not know? How can we be part of the Vine if we are not grafted in. Most believers are not grafted into the Vine, because they do not obey the gospel of Jesus Christ; they do not obey His commands.
Jesus said that "the one who has My commands and keeps them, is the one who loves me, and Me and My father will come and dwell with him and I will disclose myself to him." These words are recorded in John chapter 14, go and read it for yourself. If we obey the gospel of Jesus Christ,  His commands, He will reveal Himself to us. He will speak to us. He will instruct us. He gives the Holy Spirit in us, to guide us into all truth. Without Jesus Christ dwelling in us, without His Holy Spirit guiding us, we cannot be pleasing to Him, we cannot bear fruit for the kingdom of God, we cannot be pleasing to God. We need to be born again of the Spirit of God, and led by the Spirit of God to be children of God. Go and read Romans chapter 8 verse 14, Paul said:" those who are being led by the Spirit of God, they are the children of God. " Those who do not have the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit, they do not belong to Him. They cannot hear His voice.
Many believers say they cannot hear His voice, it is because they do not obey His commandments, they do not live according to His words, they do not live in holiness and righteousness. They have never repented their, sin they have never been baptized in water, they never sought the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. They are in disobedience to Jesus Christ, and therefore He will not reveal Himself to them. Most believers are not born again.
Are we born again? Do we know His voice? Do we receive instruction from Him and are we bearing fruit for the kingdom of God? Every born-again child of God must bear fruit for His kingdom or else, according to the words of Jesus, such a child, such a branch, will get cut off and burned. We must build the kingdom of God, and we can only build the kingdom of God if we follow the instructions of the Master. I'm not talking about reading your Bible, I'm not talking about being religious. I'm talking about having the Spirit of Christ dwelling in us, being guided by the Spirit and doing what Jesus instructs us to do. We have to be fruitful in the kingdom of God.
Are we born again? Have we been grafted into the Vine? Are we bearing fruit for the kingdom of God because we follow the guidance and instruction of the Holy Spirit?
May Jesus bless you.

Building the Kingdom Not the church

Live stream held on November 20th, 2016

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Answer To The Call

Jesus Christ said that many are called but few are chosen. Some of those who are chosen by Jesus to follow Him are not following the calling, they are not doing what Jesus called them to do. The calling and the gifts of God are irrevocable. If Jesus has called you, you must answer to the call because if you do not answer that is disobedience, and you will end up in hell. Every branch in Him that does not bear fruit will get cut off and

burned. You must answer to the call.

Many of those who have been called are being prevented from answering to the call by other things; it could be a spouse, a girlfriend, a boyfriend, maybe their occupation, stumbling blocks in the way of them following Jesus Christ,your friends. Jesus Christ will remove those stumbling blocks; if a wife or a spouse, or a job, or an ambition, is standing in your way of following Him and answering to the call, He will remove those  things if they persist, they keep one standing in your way.

Jesus is a jealous God, and when He calls, us we must answer. We have to answer to that call because Jesus will not turn back on His call. You either follow Him or you will perish. There's only one way to have eternal life and that is to obey the Master. He

will remove all the stumbling blocks and He will cut off all the unfruitful branches. Those who have been called must answer to that call and do the task, the job that Jesus called them for, or else they will perish. Answer to His call, follow Him with all your heart. He will guide you every step of the way. Do not let anything stand in your way. Follow the Master and follow His calling, do his work. Do not delay.

May Jesus bless you.

Spiritual Warfare

Live broadcast held on November 18, 2016.

Friday, November 18, 2016

God's Way or No Way

There is only one person
who will decide whether you and I enter into the kingdom of heaven
and that is Jesus Christ. There is only one way that we will enter
His kingdom and that is if we know Him and we obey Him. Many people
believe in Jesus but they do not obey Him. Jesus Christ said:"Why
do you call me Lord, Lord and you do not what I say?" If we call
Jesus Christ our Lord we must obey Him. Jesus Christ does not care
for your version of the Bible, for your church denomination. All that
matters to Jesus is whether we obey Him, whether we truly know Him.
Jesus Christ Himself
delivered His words, the gospel of Jesus Christ. He came to this
earth and He preached the Way; He Himself is the way. Those who
disobey Him will perish. There is only one way to be pleasing to God
and that is to obey Jesus Christ. Jesus said:"Follow Me,. obey
My words." Jesus calls us to go after Him, to live our lives in
obedience to His words, to repent of sin and unrighteousness and to
be baptized in water for the washing off of our sin. If we obey Jesus
Christ then He will reveal Himself to us, we will know Him for real.
If we disobey Him we will perish. The words of Jesus are very clear,
they are recorded in the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Go
and read those words and obey them. Many people have their own
opinions and beliefs,their own doctrines. Jesus said:"It is in
vain that you honor me teaching as doctrines the precepts of men."
Jesus is not interested in our opinion. All that matters to Him is
whether we truly love Him, and if we love Him we will obey Him. If we
disobey Him we will perish. Jesus will say to most believers:"Go
away I never knew you," because they never knew I never obeyed
Him, they never sought after Him; they believed they had salvation
but they believed a lie, they did not know Jesus.
Do you know Jesus Christ?
Do you follow and obey Him every day? There is only one way to enter
the kingdom of God, and that is Jesus Christ, to follow and obey Him.
Do you know the WAY? Are you on that way? Or will you be terribly
disappointed when Jesus refuses you and says to you: "Go away I
never knew you."? Get to know Jesus today, before it is forever
to late.
May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Finding Jesus Christ

Live stream held on 11/16/2016

Monday, November 14, 2016

The ESSENCE of Salvation

The essence of the hope of salvation is our relationship with Jesus Christ. If we do not know Jesus Christ for real and we do not have a real relationship with Him, then we have no hope of eternal life, we have no hope of salvation. It all depends on our daily relationship with Jesus Christ, our walk with Him.
How real is our relationship with Jesus? Our relationship with Jesus Christ only becomes real when we put our faith into action and our faith in Jesus comes into action when we obey His words. Jesus said: "Why do you call me Lord, Lord and you do not what I say." Jesus said:"The one who loves Me is the one who obeys My commands." If we obey the gospel of Jesus Christ, then He will reveal Himself to us, we will know Him for real, but we have to obey His words; we have to obey the gospel of Jesus Christ, the words that He preached, that He personally delivered to this world. The words that Jesus spoke are recorded in the Gospels Matthew Mark, Luke and John. Jesus commands us to repent and to be baptized in water, to obey His commands, and then we will be made new inside, we will be born again of the Spirit of God. That only happens if we obey Him. Jesus Christ promised the Holy Spirit to come and dwell in those who obey Him. They will live in communion with Jesus Christ. They will know Him for real. They will hear His voice and they will follow Him every day.
Very few people who call themselves Christians have that relationship with Jesus Christ. Many Christians keep themselves busy with the Bible; they occupy themselves with end-time prophecy, they run after preachers, they listen to the revelations of men, but it does not bring them closer to Jesus. We need to have a personal revelation of Jesus Christ every day. We need to have a real relationship with Jesus. If your relationship with Jesus is not real you have no hope of salvation, even though you believe that you are saved. The only way that we will know Jesus for real is if we truly believe in Him and therefore obey His words, seek Him with all our heart, and He will reveal Himself to us. We have to maintain that relationship every day until the very end.
How real is our relationship with Jesus Christ? It is a walk, it is a relationship, it is not a philosophy. It is all about whether Jesus Christ knows me and whether I truly know Him, whether I serve Him as Lord and as Master and whether He approves of me; and the only One who can tell me whether He is pleased with me, is Jesus Christ Himself. He can speak. Seek Jesus with all your heart and He will reveal Himself to you. It is to know avail to seek Jesus with other people, to seek Him in the Bible, or in other places. You can only hear about Him from other people, you can only read about Him in the Bible but you need to seek Jesus for yourself. If you go on your knees and you cry out to Him and you seek Him with all your heart. He will reveal Himself to you. Seek Jesus and make sure that your relationship with Him is real; today and every day until the very end. It is a walk it is a relationship. Seek Jesus now.
May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Born of the SPIRIT and taught by the SPIRIT

God is spirit and those
who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. To be a
child of God is a spiritual matter, that manifests itself in the
physical. You must be born again of the Spirit of God to be a child
of God. You must receive the Holy Spirit of God to hear the voice of
God. You must be taught by the Spirit of God to be part of His
You first have to believe
in, Jesus Christ bow down before Him, the Father of all spirits and
accept Him into your life, be spiritually reborn and then He will
teach you. He will guide you. A child of God is not taught by other
people. He is not taught by himself, he is taught by God because he
hears the voice of God; he knows God. Have you been born again? Have
you met Jesus Christ? Have you obeyed His words? Did you repent and
were you baptized in water? Have you received the Holy Spirit? Do you
hear the voice of God and are you being taught by God? Jesus Christ
will say to many people:"Go away I never knew you." It is
because they never knew Him, they were never born again, they were
never children of God they were never taught by God.
Have you been born again
of the Spirit of God and are you taught by God? Are you led by the
Holy Spirit that Jesus Christ promised to those who obey Him?
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Why you must follow Jesus and not the Bible

The Bible is the most
misused book in the history of mankind. It has been mistranslated,
misinterpreted, used to manipulate, kill destroy, deceive, mankind.
It has destroyed millions. The Bible testifies of Jesus Christ, Who
is the Way the Truth and the Life, but satan and his servants, those
who serve and follow him, have used the Bible to destroy many people,
and he is still using the Bible to destroy mankind.
That is why Jesus Christ
sent the Holy Spirit, His Spirit to guide us into all truth. He
Himself will come and dwell in those who open their hearts to Him,
who invite Him in. You either invite satan into your life, and
demons, and you are led to destruction; or you invite Jesus Christ
into your life and you listen to Him, you are guided by Him, you
follow Him.
The Prophet Jeremiah wrote
in Jeremiah 17:5 "Cursed is the man who puts his trust in
mankind and his heart turns away from the Lord his God." We have
to trust our Creator, we have to trust God Almighty. He has not
deserted us. Jesus Christ is Lord and He is not far away. If we call
out to Him, if we seek Him, He will reveal Himself to us. He will
teach us and He will guide us. If you embrace Jesus, call out to Him,
open your heart to Him, He will come in, and He will guide you. He
will give you peace. He will guide you into all truth. He gives His
Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, in those who want the truth, in
those who want life. The words of Jesus, the words of eternal life
were recorded in the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Those are
the words of life, for those who obey them. If we obey the words that
Jesus spoke, the gospel of Jesus Christ, He will reveal Himself to
us. If we embrace Him, reject evil and seek Jesus with all our heart,
if we repent of our evil and are baptized in water as Jesus
commanded, He promised His Holy Spirit to come and dwell in us,
Christ in us, not Christ far away, but Christ in us. We will know Him
for real. Jesus Christ will say to many Bible believers and religious
people, "Go away I never knew you," because they never knew
Him. Maybe they just knew the Bible. If you do not invite Jesus in
and trust Him fully; if you do not follow and obey Him and let His
peace be in you, be guided by His Spirit and truly get to know Him,
you will perish.
There's only one way to
have life, and that is Jesus Christ. Put your trust in Him, not in
the writings of men. Seek Jesus with all your heart. Ask Him, and He
will give you wisdom and understanding, because He cares for you.
Seek Jesus with all your heart, and He will reveal Himself to you,
and you will know Him for real. Follow and obey Him, and you will
have Life.
May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Jesus Christ is Lord. He is the final authority, all the power and all the authority belongs to Him.
To fear Jesus Christ and to obey Him, is wisdom. He gives wisdom understanding and guidance to those who seek Him, who fear Him, who humble themselves before Him and who serve Him. Those who disregard Jesus Christ are foolish. They have no future, they have no hope, they have no expectation.
The beginning of wisdom is to fear God, is to fear Jesus Christ and to obey Him, to live your life in submission and obedience to Him, because without Jesus Christ there is no life.
Wisdom comes from Jesus alone. He freely gives it to those who seek Him, who serve Him, and who follow Him. Wisdom is to know,
follow, and obey Jesus Christ. Are you wise? Do you fear Jesus? Do you seek Him? Do you follow Him, and do you obey Him?
May Jesus bless you.

Monday, November 7, 2016


The Christian world looks
for truth in the Bible. Modern-day Christians each have a version and
a copy of the Bible of their own preference. Some believe in King
James, others in some other versions. What they do not realize is
that the Bible that they have is corrupted.
The original scriptures
were recorded in Hebrew, translated into Greek, and then
re-translated into Latin and from there into all the other languages.
Each and every culture and translator added his own flavor, his own
point of view to that Bible, and therefore, what you have in your
hand is not the truth. But your Bible testifies of the TRUTH, and
that truth is Jesus Christ.
And I want to read from
the Bible for you today to point you to the truth, so that you can
hear the truth, and know the truth, if you seek the truth. I read
from John 18:37. Jesus Christ stands before Pilate. "Therefor
Pilate said to Him,"So You are a king?" Jesus answered, "
you say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and
for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth.
Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice."
Who are the ones that hear
the truth? They are the ones that listen to Jesus, they're the ones
that hear His voice. They are His sheep.
We read in John 10:24 "The
Jews then gathered around Him and we're saying to Him, "How long
will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us
plainly." Jesus answered them: " I told you, and you do not
believe; the works that I do in My Father's name these testify of me,
but you do not believe because you are not of My sheep. My sheep hear
My voice and I know them and they follow Me."
The ones that hear the
voice of Jesus Christ, are His sheep. If we do not hear His voice,
then we are not of the truth, then we are not His sheep; but if we
seek the truth we will hear the truth, because Jesus will reveal
Himself to us. If we obey the words of Jesus Christ, He will reveal
Himself to us.
Jesus Christ is alive, He
is God, He is spirit and He promised His Spirit to come and dwell in
and with those who seek the truth, those who believe in Him and who
obey Him; those who are born again, because they obey His words, they
repent and are baptized, and He fills them with the Holy Spirit that
he promised to those who obey Him.
We read in John 16:7, "But
I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away, for if
I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go I will
send Him to you, and He, when He comes, will convict the world
concerning sin, because they do not believe in Me, and concerning
righteousness, because I go to the Father and you no longer see Me;
and concerning judgment because the ruler of this world has been
We know that Jesus Christ
is not physically on this earth, but He is spirit and by His Spirit,
He teaches and He guides His sheep; they hear His voice.
We read in John 16:12
Jesus said to them, " I have many more things to say to you, but
you cannot bear them now, but when He, the Spirit of Truth comes. He
will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak of His own
initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak, and He will
disclose to you what is to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take
of Mine and will disclose it to you. All things that the Father has
are Mine; therefore I said that He takes of Mine and will disclose it
to you. I will ask the Father and He will give you another Helper
that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of Truth whom the
world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but
you know Him because He abides with you, and will be in you.”
John 14:18, He says, "I
will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. After a little
while the world will no longer see me but you will see Me; because I
live, you will live also. In that day you will know that I am in my
Father and you in Me, and I in you. He who has my Commandments and
keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he loves Me will be loved by
My father and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him. Judas
(not Iscariot) said to Him. "Lord, what then has happened that
you are going to disclose Yourself to us and not to the world? Jesus
answered and said to him, If anyone loves Me, he will keep my word;
and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our
abode with him. He who does not love Me does not keep My words and
the word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father's who sent Me.
These things I have spoken to you while abiding with you. But the
Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He
will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I
said to you."
After Jesus Christ was
crucified and resurrected and ascended to heaven He sent the Holy
Spirit, that was given on the day of Pentecost, and those who
believed in Jesus, the disciples, who had followed Him received the
baptism in the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ dwelling in them,
guiding them, teaching them, God with them,Emmanuel, in and with
them, and that is the presence that Jesus Christ promised to His
sheep, to each and everyone who believes in Him who obeys Him; who
obeys His words, who repents and is baptized. He will give His Holy
Spirit in him, to teach him, to guide him. His sheep hear His voice.
Jesus Christ did not send us a Bible; but the scriptures point to
Jesus. He is the way, He is the life, He is the truth. He is the Good
Shepherd and only His sheep hear His voice.
Only those who obey Him,
those who are born again, only they can receive the Holy Spirit;
because the world, the unbeliever, the Bible student, the Bible
believer, cannot receive the Holy Spirit; only those who are born
again; only those who obey the words of Jesus, they are His sheep.
They hear Him, they come to Him,they listen to Him, and they follow
Him, and they know the truth. Do you know the truth?
Do you know Jesus
Christ?Do you hear His voice? Do you come to Him,do you follow Him
every day? Are you one of His sheep? Are you of the truth? Are you of
Jesus Christ, or are you lost?
Come to the truth; come to
Jesus, seek Him with all your heart. He will reveal Himself to you.
He will speak to you, and you will hear His voice.
May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Understanding the Bible

Many people believe that knowing and understanding the Bible leads to salvation. That is not true. The Bible is just a book that was written by men, but the Bible points to the only One who has all the answers, the One who made all things and that is
Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ gives understanding to those who seek Him, but if you seek for answers in the Bible you will discover more questions than answers.
Jesus Christ is the answer. He is the WAY, He is the TRUTH, and He is the LIFE. He  is God Almighty. He was before all things, He made all things and He holds all things together by His power, but the world does not know Him.
The Bible believers do not know Jesus Christ. If they knew Him, then they would spend their time with Him; they would follow and obey Him, but they don't know Him.
Jesus Christ is not far away. He is God. He made you, and He made me. He gave us the breath in our nostrils. All we need to do is cry out to Him, humble ourselves before Him, seek Him with all our heart and He will reveal Himself to us.
Jesus Christ is alive. You don't need a magical book, or a special formula. All you need is Jesus Christ. Go on your knees and cry out to Him. Seek Him with all your heart and He will come to you. He will speak to you, He will reveal Himself to you. Jesus Christ is the only Way, there is no other.
Seek Jesus with all your heart and you will find Him. He will give you life and He will give you peace. There's only one way and that is Jesus Christ.
May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Most Christians do NOT know Jesus Christ

A Christian by definition is a person who believes in Jesus Christ and
who obeys His teachings. Most professing Christians are not Christians,
because they do not obey the teachings of Jesus Christ, and therefore
they do not know Him. Because Jesus said that if we obey His words, He
will reveal Himself to us; Him and the Father will come and live in us
and He will disclose Himself to us, we will know him for real.
professing Christians do not know Jesus Christ and He will say to
them:"Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness," because they
never obeyed Him, they never knew Him.
if you do not obey the words
of Jesus, if you do not repent, be baptized in water, and do not seek
Him with all your heart, if you do not stop sinning, and live in
obedience to His words, in holiness and righteousness, and seek to
please Him, you will never know Him. You are not a Christian, you are a
sinner and no sinners will enter into the kingdom of God. You need to be
born again to be a Christian; you need to be born again to enter the
kingdom of heaven. You have to be born again of water and of the Spirit
of God; you need to repent and turn away from sin, and from serving
yourself, following after your own mind, and you have to follow after
the commands and teachings of Jesus Christ. Be baptized in water and
Jesus Christ promised His Holy Spirit, He Himself to come and dwell in
you and you will know Him for real.
If you do not obey the teachings
of Jesus and you do not know Him for real, then you are not a
Christian, you are not a child of God; you are a sinner and you are
doomed, you will end up in hell. You need to follow and obey Jesus
Christ, you need to know Him for real. Are you a real Christian? Are you
a child of God? Are you born again? Have you stopped sinning and doing
your own pleasures? Are you following, obeying and serving Jesus Christ?
Are you a child of God?
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Dead Bible ALIVE Jesus Christ

Many people believe that the Bible is the Word of God and that God only speaks through the Bible. These people believe that Jesus Christ is dead and that He cannot speak.

Jesus Christ is alive and He speaks. His sheep hear His voice and they follow Him. If you seek Jesus and you ask Him to speak to you, He will, and you will get to know Him. But if you do not seek Jesus, if you do not know Him, you will stand before Him one day and He will say to you:" Go away I never knew you, you worker of wickedness." The Bible is a dead book.

The Spirit of Christ gives life to those who know Jesus, those who have received His Holy Spirit in them. He guides them and He teaches them. He reveals Himself to them, in them, and through them. Have you met Jesus Christ? Do you know Him for real? Do you know His voice, and you follow Him? Do you know the LIVING Jesus Christ?

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

God will SLAUGHTER disobedient believers

A born-again child of God that refuses to submit himself to the  discipline of the Holy Spirit is useless for the kingdom of God and He will be cast away,he is a reprobate. Such a person is like a beautiful thoroughbred racehorse that refuses to be trained, he is only good for one thing and that is the slaughterhouse.

Jesus Christ calls us to discipleship, to submit ourselves to the discipline of the Holy Spirit. If we refuse to obey Him,

if we refuse to serve Him, we will getcut off and burned. Many believers have accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ. Some have repented, been baptized in water and others have even received the baptism in the Holy Spirit. But they refuse to follow Jesus Christ, they refuse to serve Him.

They say it is a works gospel. If you refuse to work for the kingdom of God, if you refuse to serve Jesus and be a witness for Him, you are a reprobate. You will get cut off and burned because you are useless for the kingdom of God. Lazy, undisciplined believers, will not inherit the kingdom of God. You have to work in your Father's inheritance, you have to labor for the kingdom of God, if you have any hope of inheriting the kingdom of God. If you refuse to submit yourself to the discipline of the Holy Spirit, if you refuse to follow and obey Jesus Christ and serve Him, you are a reprobate, and you will get cut off and burned. You have no hope of eternal life. Jesus said:"every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, will get cut

off and burned." Are we bearing fruit for the kingdom of God? Are we bringing souls to Jesus? Are we like Jesus Christ? Are we

the image of Christ? Are we sons of God?

If we are not, we will not inherit His kingdom. Follow Jesus, be like Him, submit yourself to the discipline of the Holy Spirit and He will teach you, He will guide you, He will use you for

His kingdom. But if you do not make yourself available, if you do not obey Him, you will perish, you will be cast away, you will end up in the slaughter house of God, in HELL.

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Born Again and THEN

You must be born again to enter the kingdom of God, but most Christian
believers do not understand what it means to be born again. Jesus Christ
explained it in the parable of the sower, as we read in Matthew chapter
13. "And He spoke many things to them in parables saying behold the
sower went out to sow; and as he sowed some seeds fell beside the road,
and the birds came and ate them up. Others fell on the rocky places
where they did not have much soil; and immediately they spring up
because they had no depth of soil. But when the sun had risen they were
scorched; and because they had no root they withered away.

fell among the thorns, and the thorns came up and choked them out. And
others fell on the good soil and yielded a crop, some hundredfold some
sixty, and some thirty. He who has ears, let him hear."

The people
did not understand this. Even the disciples of Jesus did not understand
these words and therefore He explained it to them. I read from verse 18,
"Hear the parable of the sower. When anyone hears the word of the
kingdom and does not understand it,  the evil one comes and snatches
away what has been sown in his heart. This is the one on whom the seed
was sown beside the road. The one on whom seed was sown on rocky places,
this is the man who hears the word and immediately receives it with
joy; yet he has no firm root in himself, but is only temporary, and when
affliction and persecution arises because of the word, immediately he
falls away. And the one on whom seed was sown among thorns; this is the
man who hears the word, and the worry of the world, and the
deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. And
the one on whom seed was sown on the good soil, this is the man who
hears the word and understands it; who indeed bears fruit and brings
forth, some hundredfold, some sixty and some thirty." The seed that is

is the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Many of the seeds germinate but
not all of them grow to fruition. Many people hear the gospel of Jesus
Christ and accept His words with joy, they are born again inside, they
are made new but, they do not continue with Jesus Christ, they do not
bear fruit. As Jesus also explained: "the

one on whom seed was sown
on the rocky places, this is the man who hears the word and immediately
receives it with joy, yet he has no firm root in himself but it is only
temporary and when affliction and persecution arises because of the
world, immediately he falls away." Many people accept Jesus Christ, they
are baptized in water, some of them receive the baptism in the Holy
Spirit, but then when the persecution comes, when it becomes difficult
to follow Jesus Christ, then they are drawn away, they stop following
Him; spiritually they die. The same with the seed that fell among the
thorns, verse 22 "and the one on whom seed was sown among thorns, this
is the man who hears the word and the worry of the world and the
deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful." Many
hear the gospel and it starts growing in them, but very few endure,
very few grow to fruition.

We read in verse 23: "The one on whom the
seed was sown on the good soil; this is the man who hears the word and
understands it, who indeed bears fruit and brings forth, some
hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty."

We have to grow to fruition in Christ. Jesus said that every branch in Him that does not bear fruit, will get cut off and

It is not enough just to believe in Jesus Christ, and be baptized in
water, to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and then to go and sit
on the side. We have to bear fruit; we have to follow Jesus, we have to
be led by the Holy Spirit, and we ourselves have to bring others to
Jesus. We have to bear

fruit for the kingdom of God. We have to
multiply. If the seed does not multiply, then it was of no use. Are we
who believe in Jesus, who have been born again, are we bearing fruit?
Are we witnesses for Jesus? Are we living for the kingdom of God? Are we
being led by the Spirit of God? Or do we believe that we will have
salvation because we once met Jesus; because we believe in Him?

Do we
think that we have security of salvation? If we do not bear fruit and
do not keep on bearing fruit until the end we will get cut off and
burned because, every branch that does

not bear fruit and does not keep on bearing fruit will get cut off and burned.

are not talking about unbelievers, we are talking about those who once
met Jesus Christ, who were born again, those who knew Him but they've
become unfruitful; they will get cut off and burned, they will not enter
His kingdom if they do not bear fruit. Are we bearing fruit for the
kingdom of God or are we unfruitful? We have to follow and obey Jesus
Christ and bear fruit until the very very end.

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Only TRUE Gospel That Can SAVE

There are thousands of different Christian churches that preach different gospels from the same Bible. There is only one gospel that saves, that is the gospel of Jesus Christ, the words that He spoke,  that were also recorded in the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is the only gospel that can save, it is the only gospel that leads to a revelation of Jesus Christ Himself, to those that obey His words. If you obey the words of Jesus Christ, those words that he delivered that He spoke, then He will reveal Himself to you as real and you will know Him for real, because Hiss sheep HEAR His VOICE and they follow Him. You can only enter the kingdom of heaven if you obey the gospel of Jesus Christ, because you can only be born again if you obey the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you obey the words of Jesus; repent and are baptized in water and you live by His words, by His commands, He will give His Holy Spirit to come and dwell in you. Jesus Christ Himself will come and dwell in you, and with you, He will reveal Himself to you, and you will know Him for real.

Most professing Christians cling to the Bible, and to the doctrines of men, but they do not know Jesus Christ Himself. Their faith is in vain, and Jesus Christ will say to most of those Christian believers, He will say to them:"Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness."

We need to know Jesus, we need to hear His voice,follow Him, know Him for real. He will reveal Himself to every person who seeks Him and who obeys His words. Have you met Jesus Christ? Have you obeyed Him? Have you repented and have been baptized in water, and have you received the Holy Spirit that he promised to those who obey Him? Are you following the only true Lord and Master Jesus Christ because you know Him for real?

May Jesus bless you.