Saturday, May 31, 2014

No Easy Way to Heaven

There is no easy way into the Kingdom of Heaven, there is only ONE WAY and that is Jesus Christ Himself. There is no road map, there is not friend or person who can take you there (no preacher, no church), you cannot find your way to heaven through the Bible. The only way to get into the Kingdom of Heaven is by following Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE and if He does not guide you every step of the way until the very end you will come to that door and you will knock and He will not open to you. He will say to you:”Friend, where are you from? I don't know you, go away!”
Do you know Jesus Christ for REAL? Do you follow Him every day on the straight and narrow unknown road that only He knows? Be cause only Jesus can take you through that very narrow door that so very few will find.
Are you following Jesus Christ? Do you know His voice? Do you LISTEN to Him? Do you OBEY Him every day? Will you find that narrow door and be allowed to enter?

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, May 30, 2014

False Hope in the BIBLE

Vast numbers of Christian believers base their faith and the security of their salvation on words written on paper, their Bibles, dead words, but they do not know Jesus Christ. The words written in the Bible cannot save us, it is Jesus Christ who saves those who OBEY Him. Man will not live from bread alone but from every word that proceeds from the MOUTH of God.
If we have not heard from Jesus Christ Himself then those words do not apply to us. We cannot take words from the Bible and apply it to us and then believe that those words can save us, they cannot. Jesus Christ is ALIVE, He is GOD. We must HEAR FROM HIM and we must live to please Him, we must have a LIVING RELATIONSHIP with Him.
If we do not KNOW Jesus Christ and we do not HEAR from Him we have NO GUARANTEE, we have NO HOPE! We need to HEAR FROM JESUS, WORDS OF LIFE every day. We need to HEAR from Jesus Christ and FOLLOW and OBEY Him until the very end. If we do not know Jesus and He does not know us He will say to us:”Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness.”
Do you HEAR from Jesus or do you just apply words written in the Bible to yourself? Is your hope in a Book or in the Living God, Jesus Christ? Do you KNOW Him for REAL?

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Why Calvinists and Catholics end up in HELL

Only those who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Master and who OBEY Him, who SERVE Him and who FOLLOW Him, only they will enter His Kingdom and have eternal life (no groups, churches or denominations.) There is only ONE WAY into the Kingdom of Heaven and that is Jesus Christ ALONE. He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, all other ways lead to destruction.
If you want eternal life, OBEY the words of Jesus Christ: REPENT and be BAPTIZED in water, seek the INFILLING WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT and His Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth. There is only ONE WAY and that is Jesus Christ ALONE.

May Jesus bless you.

FACE the TRUTH or you will PERISH

Most people are living a lie, they live in a dream world. They like to hear and believe nice things about themselves. They avoid the truth because the truth hurts us, its painful. We rather live in a dream world where we are the winners and everything is about us but sooner or later we will have to FACE REALITY, we will have to face Jesus Christ.
The moment that you die you face Jesus and He either invites you in or He will say to you:”Go away I never knew you, you worker of wickedness.” The moment you die your FATE IS SEALED. Then you cannot change anything, then it is a DONE DEAL and if Jesus does not know us, and He is not pleased with us He will not accept us into His Kingdom. He will reject us and refuse us like we rejected and refused Him.
Sooner or later you and I will face Jesus, the sooner we face Him, the better. It is better to face Jesus NOW while we still have the opportunity to REPENT, to MEND OUR WAYS and to SEEK HIM before it is TOO LATE.
You find Jesus if you seek Him on your knees, humbling yourself before Him, crying out to Him and saying:”Lord, I want to MAKE RIGHT, I want to know where I stand and I want to secure my eternal destiny.” Go on your knees TODAY and speak to Jesus, FACE JESUS TODAY. Tomorrow might be for ever TOO LATE!

May Jesus bless you.  

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

We all know the truth, we all know what is right and what is wrong but we do not all OBEY the TRUTH. Jesus Christ sent the SPIRIT OF TRUTH the HOLY SPIRIT to convict the world of SIN, RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUDGMENT and for those who LOVE THE TRUTH He gives the Holy Spirit to DWELL IN THEM to GUIDE THEM INTO ALL TRUTH. But very few people want the truth, most people serve lies, they love lies and they do what is wrong for their own pleasure because it pleases them, but in the end we reap what we sow. If we LOVE the truth and we SEEK the truth and we DO the truth then Jesus Christ will reveal Himself to us, we will GET TO KNOW HIM and if we FOLLOW Him He will give us ETERNAL LIFE because He is the WAY, the LIFE and the TRUTH. We must go after the truth, seek Jesus with all our power and we will truly get to know Him. He will guide us and He will teach us, He will supply in all our needs and He will give us ETERNAL LIFE.
Are we going after the TRUTH?

May Jesus bless you.


We all know the truth, we all know what is right and what is wrong but we do not all OBEY the TRUTH. Jesus Christ sent the SPIRIT OF TRUTH the HOLY SPIRIT to convict the world of SIN, RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUDGMENT and for those who LOVE THE TRUTH He gives the Holy Spirit to DWELL IN THEM to GUIDE THEM INTO ALL TRUTH. But very few people want the truth, most people serve lies, they love lies and they do what is wrong for their own pleasure because it pleases them, but in the end we reap what we sow. If we LOVE the truth and we SEEK the truth and we DO the truth then Jesus Christ will reveal Himself to us, we will GET TO KNOW HIM and if we FOLLOW Him He will give us ETERNAL LIFE because He is the WAY, the LIFE and the TRUTH. We must go after the truth, seek Jesus with all our power and we will truly get to know Him. He will guide us and He will teach us, He will supply in all our needs and He will give us ETERNAL LIFE.
Are we going after the TRUTH?

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Every person who ACCEPTS Jesus Christ as his Lord and Master and who OBEYS Him has the POTENTIAL to become a son of God and will do the same things that Jesus did and even greater. But very few people accept Jesus Christ as LORD, very few OBEY Him. Very few go after Him, very few SERVE Him as KING, LORD and MASTER.
God has prepared works for each of us to do but we can only achieve that potential, we can only do those works IF we OBEY Christ, if we STAY IN Jesus Christ because without Him we can do NOTHING, without Jesus we are LOST, without Jesus we are DOOMED. Jesus Christ alone is the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE, without Him we are nothing.
Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your LORD and MASTER? Do you FOLLOW and OBEY Him? Are you on the way of achieving that POTENTIAL, that PLAN, that PURPOSE for which God called you? There is only ONE WAY and that is to FOLLOW and OBEY Jesus Christ.

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, May 26, 2014


Church organizations are SATANICALLY INSPIRED INSTITUTIONS that manipulate and control people. They put heavy loads on them, they make them feel guilty if they do not attend church and if they do not give money to the church. They use Bible scriptures to manipulate people. They use Hebrews 10:25 to oblige people to attend church. People believe that if they do not attend church then they will go to hell and if they do not support the church with money, then they will go to hell.
Those who do not support the church, attend the church, or who leave the church are penalized, excommunicated, punished, guilt is piled onto them, they have this CHURCH GUILT SYNDROME. In many communities those who do not belong to the church or who leave the church do not find a job, they are punished by the community, that is SATANIC, that is not from God! It is not from Jesus! Jesus NEVER forces anybody to follow Him. He says:”Whoever WISHES to come after Me must deny himself, pick up his cross every day and come here follow Me.” He does not force us to follow Him, God does not force us to obey Him but CHURCHES OBLIGE PEOPLE for THEIR OWN BENEFIT. The church is not worried about your soul, it is not worried about your relationship with Jesus, about holiness and righteousness, it is concerned about MONEY, about the CHURCH EMPIRE, not about the souls. They don't care for you, they care for your contribution. They want to control you, they want your MONEY, and they ROB THE POOR, they take from poor people and enrich the church. Churches are SATANICALLY INSPIRED ORGANIZATIONS.
We need to FOLLOW JESUS, not go to church. WAKE UP and follow Jesus. Be concerned about your relationship with Jesus. You have to know this that if you LEAVE CHURCH and follow Jesus the devil will come after you. They (church people) will make you feel guilty, they will want you to hide from them but, STAND UP FOR JESUS go after Him, SHAKE OFF the CHURCH GUILT SYNDROME, REBUKE the devil and he will flee from you. Follow Jesus and take souls to Jesus. Seek to be pleasing to Jesus. DON'T GO TO CHURCH, don't belong to church, BELONG TO JESUS.
FOLLOW JESUS, don't feel guilty. Be FREE IN CHRIST, follow and obey Him in righteousness and holiness, be a child of God NOT a slave of church.

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Greater than WORDS

There are no words that can DEFINE, DESCRIBE or LIMIT God. God is GOD and He does what He pleases. Many Bible scholars and teachers will tell you that:”God cannot do this...” and “God cannot do that...” and “God will not do the other...” all based on what they have read in the Bible but THEY DO NOT KNOW GOD and therefor they also do not FEAR God. They have put Him in a box in their MIND.
Get to know Jesus and walk with Him, FOLLOW Him, He will reveal Himself to you and you will ALWAYS BE in the AWE and the FEAR of God. Get to know Jesus Christ for REAL.

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Most Christians never ACCEPT Jesus

Most Christians never accept Jesus Christ as LORD. They accept Him as SAVIOR, HEALER, PROVIDER, GIVER of all the good things but they do not accept Him as LORD and MASTER, as the FINAL AUTHORITY over every aspect of their lives.
They do not accept His words, the words that He spoke, His commandments as also recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They say it is IMPRACTICLE.
Many refuse to obey Jesus and be baptized in water after accepting Him.
Many REJECT the Holy Spirit that He sent to guide us into all truth. They rather prefer to stay with their Bible and choose scriptures that suit them but they will not accept the guidance of the Holy Spirit, they want to TEST the Holy Spirit against their own insight of THEIR own version of the Bible.
They WILL NOT serve or obey Jesus Christ, they call that a WORKS GOSPEL.
They will never KNOW Jesus Christ because they would never GO WITH Him and they will be eternally disappointed when they die and they stand before Him and Jesus says to them:”Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness.”
Have YOU accepted Jesus Christ as LORD, dear friend?

May Jesus bless you.

Kingdom of God NOW HERE

The Kingdom of God is NOW and RIGHT HERE and if you cannot SEE it then you do not know Jesus Christ and you are not born again. We read in John 3:3, Jesus spoke to a Jewish pharisee, Nicodemus, and He said to him:  “Truly, truly, I say to you, UNLESS ONE IS BORN AGAIN HE CANNOT SEE THE KINGDOM OF GOD.” 4Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born, can he?” 5Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 6“That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7“Do not be amazed that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’”
Most Christians ARE NOT BORN AGAIN and that is why they cannot see the Kingdom of God. They do not KNOW Jesus Christ. They do not have the Holy Spirit because if you are born of the Spirit of God then you can SEE the Kingdom of God, you can HEAR the VOICE of Jesus, you LISTEN to Him, you FOLLOW Him, He GUIDES you and He REVEALS HIMSELF TO YOU.
We read in John 14:21, Jesus said:”He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I WILL LOVE HIM AND WILL DISCLOSE MYSELF TO HIM.” He will REVEAL Himself to you IF you FOLLOW and OBEY Him but you must FIRST BE BORN AGAIN. You must have the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ IN YOU or else you CANNOT SEE THE Kingdom of God, you cannot be part of the Kingdom of God, you CANNOT ENTER the Kingdom of God, you CANNOT EXPERIENCE the Kingdom of God RIGHT NOW.
The Kingdom of God is NOW, not somewhere into the future, not somewhere when you die, then it is TOO LATE. If you are not part of the Kingdom of God right now then you are not born again, you do not know Jesus, YOU ARE LOST! You are still in your sins, you are not a child of God, YOU NEED TO BE BORN AGAIN and then you will SEE the Kingdom of God.
We read in John 14:23“If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him.” He is not talking about the Bible (word), He is talking about His WORD IN YOU AND ME, His Spirit IN US and us OBEYING Him. If we OBEY Him and FOLLOW Him then He will REVEAL HIMSELF TO US and Jesus and the Father will come and make their abode with us, will COME AND LIVE IN US. We will EXPERIENCE the Kingdom of God, but FIRST, Jesus Christ must be your LORD and MASTER on the THRONE of your life because Jesus Christ is KING, He is LORD. If He is not your LORD you cannot be part of His Kingdom. If you refuse to SERVE and OBEY Him then you are not of Him.
Most believers just want salvation, they don't want Jesus. They don't want to be part of the Kingdom of God and they are not, they are LOST! Have you become part of the Kingdom of God? Are you living IN His Kingdom? Are you doing His will every day? Are you serving the KING, Jesus Christ? Do you EXPERIENCE the Kingdom of God right HERE AND NOW? Has Jesus and the Father come and made their abode, their living place IN YOU? Are you part of the Kingdom of God RIGHT NOW?

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, May 22, 2014


All church organizations are inspired by satan to empower greedy self-serving individuals to control, rob and exploit simpleminded people. The tool that all church organizations most effectively use to bewitch the sheeple (sheep people), is the Bible. All churches, denominational and non-denominational, build their teachings from scriptures that they twist to suite their purpose. Many church organizations produce their own version of the Bible, with their own commentaries and interpretations – it is THEIR twisted version of the TRUTH, that they also SELL to PROFIT their church. (TAX FREE)
All registered churches are TAX FREE, government approved and controlled organizations. What makes right minded people think that satan will not tax the children of God? He will and he does. Satan rules the church through his servants, the preachers who tax the sheeple at least 10% of their earnings and they justify their robbery with verses from the Bible.
Church organizations are driven by GREED. It is all about MONEY for the benefit of the leadership.
In return for their MONEY and SERVICES all churches promise the sheeple FALSE HOPE, salvation which they themselves do not have and cannot offer. They are all SINNERS by confession and by their DEEDS, sons of the devil who take after their father.
Salvation is in Jesus Christ ALONE. NOT in a church or in a Bible. Jesus Christ MANIFESTS HIMSELF as REAL to those who SEEK HIM. He SHOWS Himself to them and they will KNOW HIM for REAL. Those who ACCEPT Jesus and OBEY Him are TRANSFORMED into HIS LIKENESS and they DEMONSTRATE that they are sons of God by their WORKS.
Through their MANIFESTATION by TESIMONY and WORKS, the sons of God bring LIGHT into the world to guide the pure in heart to SALVATION in Jesus Christ. They are LED by the Holy Spirit and do the works of God, the GREATER WORKS that Jesus prepared for those who FOLLOW Him.
Do not be deceived by empty words, fables, motivational speeches, lies from the pulpits of the enemy. SEEK the TRUTH, seek Jesus and He will MANIFEST Himself to you for REAL so that your FAITH will be BASED on KNOWING Jesus, or else you will be eternally disappointed when you die and stand before Jesus and He says to you:”Go away I never knew you, you worker of wickedness.”
Get out of CHURCH and get to KNOW Jesus for REAL, follow HIM under guidance of His Spirit not by various versions of the Bible and the teachings of men.

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Special Assignment

All God's works are unique, there are no duplicates, there are no two people who are the same. Whatever God creates is special and unique. When Jesus calls us to follow Him, to be His disciples, He calls us for a UNIQUE ASSIGNMENT. All those who have responded to that call, who have accepted Jesus Christ, who OBEY Him, who HAVE REPENTED and who are BORN AGAIN, WHO have been FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, they are LED by the Holy Spirit on a UNIQUE PATH, a UNIQUE ASSIGNMENT that Jesus has prepared for them. They do not walk according to a plan or a Book or a pattern, they are SPECIFICALLY, UNIQUELY led, guided, prepared used and assigned by Him TO His Kingdom for a specific purpose.
We cannot fulfill the assignment unless we follow Jesus Christ, listen and obey Him, unless we are led by the Holy Spirit because everything that God does is UNIQUE. What God does cannot be predicted. He does what He pleases. As Jesus said that those who are born of the Spirit of God are like the wind, you don't know where it is coming from and where it is going. It is only those who are led by the Holy Spirit and who follow Jesus daily, who deny themselves, who pick up their cross and go after Jesus, it is only they that will perform and complete the special assignment that Jesus has prepared for them.
Are you on assignment of the Kingdom of God? Do you truly KNOW and FOLLOW Jesus Christ?

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


The holy scriptures that were inspired by the Holy Spirit, some of which were included in the collection of writings that make up the Bible WERE WRITTEN BY FALLIBLE MEN. Those writings were translated from the original languages and INTERPRETED, once again by FALLIBLE MEN, that WERE NOT INSPIRED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT but by various other motives. If those translations and versions of the scriptures were inspired and guided by the the Holy Spirit there would only be ONE SINGLE VERSION because the Holy Spirit ONLY SPEAKS THE TRUTH.
The power of deception lies in various interpretations and applications of the scriptures and that is why there are so many church denominations, each with their own TWISTED version of the “TRUTH,” their OWN interpretation and application of the Bible.
Jesus did not send us a Book or a collection of scriptures to guide us. The scriptures only TESTIFY OF Jesus. Jesus sent us the SPIRIT OF TRUTH, the HOLY SPIRIT, to GUIDE us INTO ALL TRUTH.
The Holy Spirit IS the FINAL AUTHORITY – not ANY version of the Bible. The Holy Spirit IS the SPIRIT OF CHRIST. The Holy Spirit CANNOT FAIL but the various versions of the scriptures are UTTERLY FALLIBLE because they were PRODUCED by FALLIBLE MEN.
The TRUE FOLLOWERS of Jesus, the SONS OF GOD, do not subscribe to any version of the Bible, neither do they belong to any ORGANIZATION that calls itself a “church, ” they are LED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT and they belong to Jesus Christ, their association is with HIM alone. Jesus Christ is their FINAL AUTHORITY, they SUBMIT to Him, they FOLLOW and OBEY HIM in front of whom every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD.
Who is YOUR FINAL AUTHORITY? Your Bible or Jesus Christ?

May Jesus bless you.


We cannot be “man of the world” and man or woman of God. If we want to follow Jesus Christ we have to separate ourselves unto Him. We cannot do the same things as other people do, we cannot go the same places, we cannot run after the same attractions, watch TV like they do, go to sports games like they do.
We cannot aspire for the same achievements because we are in a different race (contest). If we follow Jesus then we seek to be pleasing to Him, we seek His approval and that will make us hated and rejected by this world. Jesus said:”You will be hated by all men,” even by the “Christians,” the hypocrites, those who do not follow Jesus but who have a form of godliness but they have denied Jesus Christ. They call themselves Christians but they do not follow Jesus Christ neither do they know Him. Maybe they study the Bible and they know a lot of scripture. Maybe they go to church, maybe they even have a church, maybe they are a preacher or a pastor but they don't know Jesus because they are not conformed to Him, they are like the world.
If we follow Jesus we are like Him and if we are like Jesus we are like nobody else because He made us uniquely wonderful for His purpose. Those who are led by the Spirit of God they are like the wind, they don't know where he comes from and where he is going. You don't know what he is going to do next because he goes after Jesus and he does the will of God, he is DIFFERENT FROM THE REST. He is separated unto God.
Jesus said we must first seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and then all the other things will be added unto us. We need to first seek Jesus, not fellowship with other people, not Bible knowledge, not what other people seek, not the popularity and acceptance of others but the approval of God. We need to seek to HEAR the VOICE of God, we need to seek to KNOW HIM as He knows us. We will be TAUGHT BY GOD and we will know all things because God teaches us and He guides us.
If you want eternal life, if you want to be part of the Kingdom of God you have to SEPARATE YOURSELF and SEEK the Kingdom of God, SEEK JESUS, follow Him, be a SON OF GOD, led by the Spirit of God.

May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Beware Personal Prophecies and Curses

Do not let your life be destroyed and ruined by WORDS, your own words and the words that other people speak. Many people are destroyed through personal prophecies, when they allow people to prophesy over their lives, they believe those things, they go ahead and do it and they are destroyed. I have seen people's lives destroyed after they believed and acted on personal prophecies. Let Jesus Christ alone, speak over your life, submit yourself to Him and let Him determine your life. Let Him determine your footsteps, where you will go, what you will do and where you will end up.
I was personally affected by the words of a person that I worked for. He was a college dropout and when I started studying part time, he said to me:”You will never finish a University degree, you can't do it.” It took me 20 years to finish my first University degree. It was only after I submitted my life to Jesus that Jesus sent me back to University and I finished the degree. I finished another degree and I also finished a Masters degree with A's in all my subjects. We can do all things through Jesus Christ who gives us the POWER.
Many people accept a death sentence when they go to the doctor and the doctor diagnoses them with some terminal disease. They believe the doctor, he says:”You have got three months to live,” and they believe him. The doctor says:”You have got to be operated on or else you will die,” they are operated on and they die. Many people go to the psychologist, they believe his diagnoses and he puts them on medication, they become addicted and they are destroyed.
It is because people listen to other people and the words of those people destroy them. Many parents say to their children:”You will never achieve this,” or “you will never achieve that, you are a failure.” Many people say:”I cannot stop sinning,” and they don't stop sinning and they end up in hell because they have SPOKEN DEATH over themselves.
Do not let your own words of the words of others rule your life. Let Jesus Christ rule because WITH JESUS we can DO ALL THINGS. With Jesus NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Paul said:”I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me.” LISTEN to Jesus, FOLLOW Him and OBEY Him! Ask HIS OPINION, not the opinion of people AND YOU WILL LIVE!
I will live as long as I am useful for the Kingdom of God. I will LIVE as long as I serve the purpose of my Master, Jesus Christ. HE determines my life. HIS WORDS rule my life. Submit to Jesus and let HIS WORDS rule your life.

May Jesus bless you.


Jesus Christ came into this world on SERIOUS BUSINESS. He came to save the world from sin, He came to save the lost, He came to DIE, He came to SUFFER. He came to GIVE HIS LIFE so that those who ACCEPT HIM can have life. But He was rejected, persecuted, slandered, they spat on Him, they tortured Him, they hung Him on a cross and they killed Him, for you and for me. The world did not accept Jesus, the world rejected Jesus.
They accepted what He gave to them. They accepted the healings, they accepted the bread and the fish when He fed the multitudes but THEY WOULD NOT GO WITH HIM. They would not stay with Him. THEY REJECTED HIM.
This world does not accept Jesus. Many so called Christians accept Jesus by their confession but they do not walk with Jesus. They are not associated with Jesus. They are associated with their church and their pastor and their Bible (KJV, NIV, NAS...) but not with Jesus. They will not follow after Jesus. If we are not willing to go after Jesus, follow and obey Him, be associated with Him, be rejected and persecuted because of Him and if we do not remain faithful to Him until the end then we will not spend eternity with Him, WE WILL NOT BE SAVED.
We cannot just accept the good things, want eternal life but reject Jesus. If we are not serious about our relationship with Jesus Christ He will also turn us away. If we deny Him He will certainly deny us. If we reject Him He will say to us:”Go away I never knew you, you worker of wickedness.” How serious are we about our relationship with Jesus? How SERIOUS are we about OBEYING Him and DOING what He commands?
Many believers will not obey Him and be baptized in water. Others will not accept the Holy Spirit which He sent to guide and teach us, they rather stick to their Bibles and reject Jesus, exactly like the pharisees did, they stuck to their Bibles (Torah) and they crucified Jesus Christ.

How SERIOUS ARE WE about our relationship with Jesus Christ? Will we FOLLOW and OBEY Him and endure with Him until the very end? May Jesus bless you.  

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Antichrist Bible Believers

Many people who call themselves Christians believe in the Bible but they do not follow Jesus Christ. They are Antichrist because they think that they can find their salvation in the Bible. The Jewish pharisees also stuck to the scriptures and they refused to follow Jesus Christ, they were ANTICHRIST. They were also the ones who had Him crucified because they rejected Him, they would not follow Jesus Christ. Jesus said to them:”You diligently search the scriptures, in their to find eternal life but you refuse to come to Me to have life.” They would not accept Jesus Christ.
Exactly the same, there are many who profess to be Christians but they are not followers of Jesus. They cling to their Bibles, they believe IN their Bibles but they do not believe what the Bible says. The Bible tells us to BELIEVE IN JESUS and to FOLLOW Him, to be led by the Holy Spirit but these people do not trust Jesus, they do not want Jesus, they reject the Holy Spirit, they blaspheme the Holy Spirit, they are ANTICHRIST and they will perish just like the Jewish pharisees. They will die in their sins because they were Antichrist.
Do you follow Jesus? Do you trust Him above everything? Do you PRACTICE what your Bible tells you to do? Do you FOLLOW Jesus and LISTEN to the Holy Spirit? Do you TRUST Jesus more than your own insight and interpretation of your Bible or do you also believe that your Bible is the final authority?
Are you an ANTICHRIST BIBLE BELIEVER or are you a disciple of Jesus Christ who is led by the Holy Spirit?

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, May 16, 2014

My BIG Mistake

When I was young I was eager for Jesus. I was witnessing, praying for the sick, street preaching and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. But then I met up with a group of people who were casting out demons and prophesying (personal prophecies), and I got involved with these people. They were also following after the teachings of some American prophet. They influenced me to leave my job and join them to evangelize. While I was with this group I became attracted to a girl but they prophesied to this girl that she should marry some other young man in the group and they tried to influence me to marry another girl in the group. This girl that I was attracted to immediately responded to their prophecy and became affectionate to the other person whom they prophesied about.
I was mad. But I was mad at God not mad at the people that I had wrongly followed. The mistake I made was that I was following Jesus until I became part of a group and followed after people. Then I left Jesus and for many years I did not serve the Lord.
That is the mistake that many people make, they take their eyes off Jesus and they follow people. After many years away from the Lord Jesus, with much suffering, because of my own foolishness, the Lord Jesus brought me back to Him. But the lesson that I learned was to NEVER TRUST ANY PERSON again, to put my trust in Jesus ALONE, to LISTEN to HIM and to FOLLOW HIM, because Jesus Christ ALONE is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE.
I learned a very tough lesson but today I can WARN other people NOT TO GO AFTER ANY PREACHER, NOT TO JOIN ANY GROUP but to FOLLOW JESUS CHRIST ALONE! Do not take the advice of people, PRAY and ASK JESUS and He will guide you, He will give you wisdom and you will get to KNOW HIM. After some forty years I learned this girl that also listened to the prophecy had a disastrous marriage, she was divorced after five years and her life was wrecked.
If you follow after people you will be destroyed. You need to follow after Jesus Christ. Serve Him and TRUST HIM ALONE. Trust no man. Get your focus on Jesus. He will guide your footsteps and He will never forsake you, He will never let you down. But when you take your eyes off Jesus YOU ARE DOOMED!
Follow Jesus Christ ALONE. Follow no man.

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

GO FOR IT Follow Jesus

Many people are afraid to follow Jesus Christ, especially young people. They think that if they go after Jesus and follow Him that they will not HAVE A LIFE. They first want to LIVE and enjoy life and they think that then later on, once they have enjoyed life and enjoyed the pleasures of sin and of achieving their ambitions then they will turn and follow Jesus. The problem is that they DO NOT TRUST JESUS.
They think that they know what is best, they think that they will lose out and they will not HAVE A LIFE and that is where they make the mistake. Because without Jesus THERE IS NO LIFE! It is not about WHAT YOU ARE GIVING UP, it is about what you are GOING AFTER, you are going after ETERNAL LIFE and if you go after Jesus the other things become less important. They make no sense to you any more, they have no meaning. Jesus Christ IS the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, and His WAY is the BEST WAY but people DON'T TRUST HIM.
I regret making the same mistake, I went away from Jesus when I was young but by His mercy and grace and through much tribulation and sorrows, and many mistakes that I made, and the price that I paid for my foolishness, Jesus never left me, but He brought me back. I only have one regret and that is that I did not TRUST Jesus all along, right from the start. It would have saved me a lot of pain and hardship but I have learned valuable lessons which I can share with other people. The advice that I am giving to any person, especially young people is: GO AFTER JESUS! You cannot lose if you follow Jesus.
I must be the happiest man in the world because Jesus had mercy on me. He treated me harshly at times but He turned me and He brought me back, and I thank Him that I was willing to turn when He brought me to the cross roads, I made the right decision and I started following Him with all my power. I must be the happiest man in the world because I walk with the KING of kings and the LORD of lords and I WANT TO stay with him until the very end. I WANT TO ENDURE because His WAY is the BEST WAY.
GO FOR IT! Follow Jesus with ALL your power and you will NEVER BE DISAPPOINTED!

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Holy Spirit will leave you

The most dangerous thing that can happen to a born again child of God is for the Holy Spirit to leave you. If we keep on willfully sinning and keep on disobeying the Holy Spirit then He will leave us. If we do not feel the Spirit of God all the time then we are in grave trouble and we need to find out why the presence of God has left us.
Sin and disobedience separates us from God and then we grieve His Holy Spirit. If we keep grieving the Holy Spirit, keep on disobeying Him then He will leave us and we will be in darkness, we will be away from the presence of God.
If the presence of God has left you, if you do not sense the Holy Spirit in you any more, then RUN BACK TO Jesus, fall on your knees, cry out in repentance, ask Him to show you what there is between Him and you, whatever sin, whatever disobedience, unwillingness, He will show you. And then REPENT of it, plead for forgiveness and STOP DOING IT! Plead for His presence to return to you.
We have to ALWAYS FELL THE PRESENCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT with us, that is God WITH US, Jesus IN US, a river of life flowing from our inner being. If that river stops flowing and you do not feel the presence of God you are IN GRAVE DANGER OF HELL FIRE! Make sure that you ALWAYS feel that presence of Jesus Christ IN you.

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

From WITHIN not from a BOOK

Those who have met and accepted Jesus Christ and have received the Holy Spirit, the Living Water inside of them speak from WITHIN. Jesus Christ LIVES IN THEM, they are TAUGHT BY HIM. Their words and their experience, their testimony comes from their relationship with HIM, a Stream of Living Water that flows from within UNTO Eternal Life.
The Kingdom of God is IN THEM. They do not speak from a Book or from what other people say, they are not taught by men, they are TAUGHT BY GOD because they WALK WITH GOD. They are truly the SONS OF GOD who follow Jesus Christ and are led by the Holy Spirit that lives in them, because they are GUIDED and TAUGHT and MOTIVATED from WITHIN.
Have you received the Living Water? Does Jesus LIVE in you? Are you part of the Kingdom of God and do you speak from what is WITHIN, inside of you? Do you truly KNOW and FOLLOW Jesus Christ?

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, May 12, 2014


To those who believe in Him Jesus promised that STREAMS OF LIVING WATER will flow from their innermost being and they will never thirst again. Jesus Christ Himself will come and dwell in them. Jesus offered this living water to the woman at the well, STREAMS OF LIVING WATER that spring up into ETERNAL LIFE.
He was talking about the Holy Spirit that He gives in those who follow and obey Him. Those who have received the Holy Spirit never thirst again, they do not need anybody to teach them about Jesus. They do not need to read what others write, they have the Spirit of God living IN THEM, guiding them, teaching them. They are FULFILLED because the Spirit of God FEEDS them every day. STREAMS OF LIVING WATER flow from their innermost being, they are SATISFIED. They need nothing because they have Jesus Christ.
Have you received the Holy Spirit? Are STREAMS OF LIVING WATER flowing from your innermost, are you satisfied or are you still seeking, direction, peace? Those who have received the Holy Spirit, through whom STREAMS OF LIVING WATER flow, need nothing more, they have everything, they have Jesus Christ.
Seek Jesus with all your heart, obey Him and ask Him to give you some of that LIVING WATER and you will never thirst again.

May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, May 11, 2014


A Samaritan woman once asked Jesus where we should worship, in Jerusalem or where? Jesus said to her that a time has come and now is that the true worshipers will worship God in SPIRIT and in TRUTH. It is not a matter of WHERE you worship but HOW you worship, whether you are SERIOUS with Jesus, and that is why Jesus gave us a NO NONSENSE STATEMENT. He said:”Whoever WISHES to come after Me must deny himself, pick up his cross every day and come here follow Me.”
Eternal life is about those people who worship God in SPIRIT and in TRUTH, those people who are not interested in playing games, in religion but who are serious about Jesus, who WANT eternal life, who are willing to GIVE IT ALL UP and go after Jesus Christ. Those are the ones who will have eternal life, those are the ones who will seek the Kingdom of God and FIND IT, those are the ones who will press on in and ENTER the Kingdom of God.
Do you desire to worship God in SPIRIT and in TRUTH? Are you serious? Then go after Jesus, seek Him with all your heart and you will find Him. OBEY His commands, His words that He spoke and Him and the Father will come and LIVE WITH YOU and He will REVEAL HIMSELF TO YOU, you will KNOW HIM and HE WILL GUIDE YOU and He will GIVE YOU ETERNAL LIFE! Do you want REALITY? Do you want Jesus Christ? Then GO AFTER HIM!

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, May 10, 2014


The world has been deceived and perverted by the American Fake Grace Gospel. I once heard an American weatherman say this truth:”America rewards mediocrity. Everybody gets a first prize even if they are stone last.” And that is also true of the American Fake Grace Gospel.:”Everybody who believes in Jesus HAS eternal life.” - They HAVE already won the prize and now they want to have a PARTY. And that is what they do in their churches, they have a party, fellowship, dough nuts and coffee, and they celebrate their prize, eternal life, but THEY HAVE NEVER ENTERED THE RACE. That is NOT the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The gospel that saves is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus said:”Whoever WISHES to come after Me MUST deny himself, pick up his cross and come here, follow Me.” Jesus said that those who ENDURE UNTIL THE END will be saved. If you do not endure with Jesus Christ, OBEY Him and FOLLOW Him until the very end then you will not win the prize. You need to ENTER THE MARATHON and you need to run the race with endurance until the very end. Very, very FEW will make it. They once asked Jesus:”Lord are those who are being saved FEW?” and He said:”Strive hard to enter the narrow gate because many, I am telling you, will try and NOT BE ABLE.” Do not become a victim of the American Fake Grace Gospel. You cannot have the party unless you have endured and won the prize. The prize is only for those overcomers who endure with Jesus until the very, very end, those who OBEY Him, who TURN from wickedness and sin and from going after their own desires, who deny themselves, who DIE TO SIN, who are BAPTIZED IN WATER and who walk in NEWNESS OF SPIRIT being led by the Holy Spirit and DO the will of God.
Are you running the race in such a way that you ave the HOPE of winning the prize in the end?

May Jesus bless you.


The world has been deceived and perverted by the American Fake Grace Gospel. I once heard an American weatherman say this truth:”America rewards mediocrity. Everybody gets a first prize even if they are stone last.” And that is also true of the American Fake Grace Gospel.:”Everybody who believes in Jesus HAS eternal life.” - They HAVE already won the prize and now they want to have a PARTY. And that is what they do in their churches, they have a party, fellowship, dough nuts and coffee, and they celebrate their prize, eternal life, but THEY HAVE NEVER ENTERED THE RACE. That is NOT the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The gospel that saves is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus said:”Whoever WISHES to come after Me MUST deny himself, pick up his cross and come here, follow Me.” Jesus said that those who ENDURE UNTIL THE END will be saved. If you do not endure with Jesus Christ, OBEY Him and FOLLOW Him until the very end then you will not win the prize. You need to ENTER THE MARATHON and you need to run the race with endurance until the very end. Very, very FEW will make it. They once asked Jesus:”Lord are those who are being saved FEW?” and He said:”Strive hard to enter the narrow gate because many, I am telling you, will try and NOT BE ABLE.” Do not become a victim of the American Fake Grace Gospel. You cannot have the party unless you have endured and won the prize. The prize is only for those overcomers who endure with Jesus until the very, very end, those who OBEY Him, who TURN from wickedness and sin and from going after their own desires, who deny themselves, who DIE TO SIN, who are BAPTIZED IN WATER and who walk in NEWNESS OF SPIRIT being led by the Holy Spirit and DO the will of God.
Are you running the race in such a way that you ave the HOPE of winning the prize in the end?

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Famous American Preachers SONS OF HELL

The popular, famous, big name, big church, big money AMERICAN PREACHERS have bewitched the world with their sorceries. They build fame and riches, a kingdom for themselves on this world but they do not bring people to Jesus Christ. With their Hollywood style books, teachings and lies they deceive people into false security and generate a following for themselves, enriching themselves while they take these poor people to hell. The moment that man becomes popular, loved and wanted you have to know that he is of this world and of satan and not of the kingdom of God.
Jesus Christ said of His disciples, those who follow Him, He said THEY WILL BE HATED BY ALL MEN, what they did to Jesus they will do to those who follow Him. If you follow Jesus Christ you will be HATED, REJECTED AND PERSECUTED, you will not be popular. You will not become rich! You will have to DENY YOURSELF, pick up your cross and follow Jesus. You will have to be holy and righteous and therefor you will be rejected by this world.
This world has been POLLUTED, PERVERTED by the AMERICAN FALSE GOSPEL. A tree is known by its fruit. If you follow Jesus Christ YOU WILL BE LIKE HIM, not like the famous preachers. Jesus spoke of those people, He said that they go over land and sea to make one proselyte and when they have found him they make him twice a SON OF HELL THAT THEY ARE THEMSELVES.
If you want eternal life you have to follow Jesus Christ, not man. You have to be led by the Holy Spirit, not by Hollywood style teachings and videos and the ideas of men, their “interpretation” of the Bible. You need to be led by the Holy Spirit. You must SIN NO MORE and you must FOLLOW THE GUIDANCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. You must be APPROVED BY GOD and then you will be REJECTED BY THIS WORLD.
If you are NOT LIKE JESUS then you are NOT OF JESUS, then you are of this world. Do not listen to their sorceries, get on your knees and get to know Jesus Christ, SEEK HIM and FOLLOW HIM and you will be LIKE HIM.

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Your TESTIMONY will save you

Jesus Christ called us to be His witnesses in this world, to be the Light of the world. But if we are ashamed of Him and we deny Him in this world then He will also deny us. Jesus said that: “whoever is ashamed of Me and My words amongst this wicked generation, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when He comes in His glory with His Holy angels.”
We are the Light of the world and our light must shine. Jesus said that :”if the light that is in you is darkness, how great is not the darkness.” If Jesus cannot be seen in us, if we are not light in this world, if we are not witnesses for Jesus then He will DENY US and he will REJECT us. He will say before His Father:”I do not know this person,” and we will end up in eternal damnation. What will save us is our TESTIMONY OF Jesus Christ.
Are we proclaiming the Kingdom of God? Are we telling the world that Jesus Christ is KING, He is MY KING and His WORDS are the WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE? If we are ashamed of Him He will also be ashamed of us. What will save you is your testimony of Jesus Christ, not merely saying:”I am a Christian,” but your testimony of your daily walk with Him, your relationship with Him. Does the world KNOW that you are a man or a woman of God, that you walk with God? Do you stand out for Jesus?

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

YOU have to change

Jesus Christ will not fit into our plans and our ambitions for our lives. If we want eternal life we have to abandon our own plans, we have to sacrifice our own ambitions for the benefit of becoming a child of God. We have to FOLLOW Jesus, GO AFTER Him and live our lives IN OBEDIENCE to Him to PLEASE HIM.
We will have to FIT INTO the Kingdom of God. Jesus will not come after us, support our plans and do what we want. If we want ETERNAL LIFE we must seek what Jesus wants and we can only know that if we KNOW HIM, if we SEEK HIM every day, GO AFTER Him every day and DO what is pleasing to Him. If we SEEK HIM we FIND Him. He reveals Himself to those who are serious, who EARNESTLY SEEK HIM. Jesus is not interested in our plans, our ambitions, it is all about Him and the Kingdom of God. We have to SEEK and FURTHER, PROGRESS the Kingdom of God. We can only do that if we are led by the Holy Spirit, if Jesus LIVES IN US, if we GO AFTER HIM and His Spirit and we deny ourselves our own desires, our own plans, our own ambitions and we pray “Lord, THY WILL BE DONE.” meaning it!
Jesus will not fit into our plans or into OUR LIFE or OUR lifestyle or into OUR situation. He will not fit in with our friends. He will not conform to OUR standards. WE have to FIT IN WITH HIM, with His Kingdom and DO what is pleasing to HIM. If we are not willing to ABANDON EVERYTHING, friends, family, country, our own lives and GO AFTER Jesus then we are not worthy of Him and His Kingdom and we will not get to know Him and He will say to us, when we die:”Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness.”
The religious will not enter the Kingdom of God, it is only those who follow and obey Jesus Christ. He requires UTTER devotion. We need to be DISCIPLES if we want eternal life. There is only ONE WAY and that is Jesus Christ. If Jesus is not our life then we do not have LIFE.

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Will you serve?

All those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Master have the POTENTIAL to become children of God and to become part of the Kingdom of God. They have the POTENTIAL to become heirs of the Kingdom of God but very few people are interested in Jesus Christ, in serving Him and in the Kingdom of God.
Most people go after their own affairs, they seek their own advancement. Jesus said that if we wish to follow Him and become part of His Kingdom then we need to deny ourselves, pick up our cross every day and follow Him. We need to ABANDON our own desires, our own ambitions and the Kingdom of God needs to become our ambition. We need to seek to advance the Kingdom of God. If you are not born again you cannot SEE the Kingdom of God, you cannot UNDERSTAND IT. You first need to be born again of the Spirit of God and of water (baptism) and then you can SEE the Kingdom of God, it becomes real to you. Jesus said:”Seek ye first the ADVANCEMENT OF THE Kingdom of God and His RIGHTEOUSNESS and then all the other things will be added unto you, you will become and heir of the Kingdom of God. Jesus calls us to SERVE the Kingdom of God but very few people are interested in serving, they want to serve themselves, their own lusts, their own desires, their own ambitions. If we do not take ownership, possession, interest in the Kingdom of God, then we will not have an inheritance!
Believers want eternal life, they don't want to go to hell but they don't want Jesus ether, neither are they interested in the Kingdom of God. They don't want to SERVE, they call it a WORKS GOSPEL. They don't want to work for the Kingdom of God. They don't seek the ADVANCEMENT of the Kingdom of God. They are not seeking the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God, His STANDARD and therefor they do not become part of the Kingdom of God. We cannot serve and advance the Kingdom of God if we are not led by the Holy Spirit. We cannot work ON the Kingdom and FOR the Kingdom unless we serve the King, Jesus Christ. We need to KNOW Him, LOVE Him, FOLLOW Him and OBEY Him every day and DO what He tells us to do, GO where He sends us. Whatever the cost, we have to INVEST ourselves, sacrifice our own desires for the benefit of the Kingdom of God.
We must WILLINGLY serve Jesus. Jesus will MIGHTILY use those who make themselves available, who come and sit at His feet and WAIT on Him and say:”Lord, please use me as YOU please. YOU are my KING and my MASTER and I want to serve YOUR Kingdom.”
Few will serve, few will inherit that kingdom. Are you willing to SERVE the Kingdom of God? If you are not willing you will have no part in it! You wont have eternal life, you will not have Jesus! ARE YOU WILLING TO SERVE?

May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Missing Link

Religiously indoctrinated people get excited about THEIR church, THEIR pastor, THEIR version of the Bible, THEIR salvation, THEIR new Christian book or videos or some preacher BUT they don't get excited about Jesus Christ because they haven't met Him!
If you have met Jesus Christ you get excited about Jesus and you talk about Jesus, you have a testimony that flows from your relationship with Jesus. You have INSIGHT and UNDERSTANDING of the Kingdom of God and you are continuously learning more and more FROM Jesus through your intimate relationship with Him.
Religious people keep on leaning and learning, keep on reading the Bible, keep on listening to videos, running after new teachings and they never come to the knowledge of the truth because they haven't found the truth yet, THEY HAVE A LINK MISSING! You cannot talk to them about Jesus, about the kingdom of God because they don't know Jesus. THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND.
If you have met Jesus Christ then Jesus is your LIFE, then you see His hand in everything that happens around you, your focus is on Jesus. You don't need to defend your salvation because Jesus Christ IS your salvation, He is you LIFE. The Kingdom of God IS your reality because you are SERVING and FOLLOWING your King and Master, Jesus Christ.
Have you met Jesus. Have you been LINKED to Him? Does He give you INSIGHT, WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING? Have you found the TRUTH? Have you found PEACE? Is your life HIDDEN in Jesus Christ?
Get to know Jesus? Go on your knees, SEEK Him with all your heart. Repent of all wickedness, find Jesus, get attached to Him and you will HAVE LIFE in you and you will have LIFE to share with other people. Jesus Christ IS LIFE! Have you LINKED with Jesus?

May Jesus bless you.

Entering Heaven is not easy FEW WILL MAKE IT

Many Christian believers are living godless, reckless lives and they still believe that they have eternal life, that they have salvation. They are living under false security. They have been deceived by the devil. They base their faith and their belief that they are saved on what other people have told them, on some Bible verses that they quote but these people do not know Jesus Christ. Jesus warned that very few people will be saved. Narrow is the door that leads to LIFE and FEW there be that find it. Entering the Kingdom of heaven is NOT EASY. The requirements to be a child of God are extremely strict. It is like running a marathon.
Many people enroll for the marathon and many start running. Many people think that they will be able to complete it but very few make it in time. Following Jesus Christ is the same. Many start following Jesus but very very FEW ENDURE with Him until the end.
Many have FALSE SECURITY because they belong to a church, or because they have said a SINNER'S PRAYER, they have been baptized in water, some have received the gift of tongues and they speak in tongues and because they speak in tongues they think that they have security of salvation. THERE IS NO SECURITY! The only security is Jesus Christ. We have to follow Him every day. Jesus said:”Whoever WISHES to come after Me must DENY himself, pick up his cross EVERY DAY and come here FOLLOW ME.”
If we do not go after Jesus every day and follow Him until the very end then we will not have eternal life. Many people make marriage vows. Very few of those people stay together until the end, they are unfaithful. Jesus is faithful to us but if we are unfaithful to Him, if we deny Him, HE WILL REJECT US! Then we are not suitable. The Grace of God is NO A LICENSE TO SIN. If we keep on turning away from Jesus there will come a day that we die away from Him and when we stand in front of Him, He will say to us:”Go away I never knew you.”
Entering the Kingdom of Heaven is NOT EASY. Very few people will make it, only those who endure with Jesus UNTIL THE VERY END, those who do His will, who LISTEN to His VOICE, who FOLLOW Him, You need confirmation EVERY DAY from Jesus that He is pleased with you. You need to look after your relationship with Jesus above everything else. If Jesus is not pleased with you, you WILL NOT ENTER the Kingdom of HEAVEN. Are you pleasing to the Master?

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Fantasy Faith

Many people in the western world are living a fantasy life. To them their life is a reality show. They follow their imagination and they believe certain things to be true. They also do this with their faith. Many call themselves Christians, but they seek themselves a church and a Bible version and teachings, doctrines that suit them. They believe that they have salvation, they believe that they are saved, they believe that they are children of God but in reality they are sons of the devil and they do not know Jesus Christ.
If you do not take the words of Jesus seriously, those words written in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and if you do not turn away form sin and OBEY the words of Jesus Christ, stop sinning, live holy, be baptized for the washing off of your sin, deny yourself and GO AFTER Jesus, you will not get to know Jesus and you will continue living in a fantasy world but you will wake up to reality the day that you die because then Jesus will say to you:”Go away I never knew you, you worker of wickedness.”
If you take the words of Jesus seriously and OBEY them, repent and be baptized, go after Jesus, be holy, righteous, then Jesus will reveal Himself to you and you will GET TO KNOW Him. Are you living a fantasy or do you TRULY know Jesus Christ? What will Jesus say to you the day that you die? Will He know you or will He turn you away?

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Get your focus on Jesus

There is a way that seems right to man but the end of that road leads to destruction. You can plan your life and make provision for all circumstances, you can save money for old age, you can build yourself an empire and buy securities but if your security is not in Jesus Christ it will all crumble the day that you die. There is only one way that leads to eternal life and that is Jesus Christ.
If we do not KNOW Jesus, FOLLOW Him and OBEY Him and if our treasure is not IN HIM then we are LOST. If Jesus does not KNOW us and we are not intimately in close relationship with Him all the time, DOING His will then He will say to us:”Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness.”
You might think that you have found the way by THE WAY that you interpret the Bible or the church that you attend, or the friends that you have, the plans that you have made, but if your plan is not Jesus Christ and following Him then it will all disintegrate, it will fall to pieces the moment that you die.
Do you KNOW Jesus Christ and does He know YOU? Without Jesus we can do NOTHING. Without Jesus we are LOST and we have NO HOPE, NO FUTURE. Get your focus on Jesus, SEEK Him, and you will find Him. Get to know Him and He will guide you, He will teach you His ways and HE will give you eternal life, because Jesus Christ ALONE is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE.
If Jesus Christ is not YOUR LIFE then you do not have life.

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, May 1, 2014


God gives LIFE to us. Everything that we have and enjoy comes from God. He cares for us and He loves us and His love never changes. Sin separates us from God but God loved us so much that He showed His love by sending Jesus to die in our place on Calvary to pay the price for our sin, THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH.
If we turn away from sin and wickedness and follow Jesus Christ, OBEY His words, we can have eternal life and LIVE in the presence of God RIGHT NOW. God is SPIRIT and He gives us new life IF we accept Jesus. Our spirit becomes ALIVE and we can experience the presence of God. We can WALK WITH GOD, we can LISTEN to Him, we can TALK to Him, we can KNOW Him IF we accept Jesus Christ and OBEY Him.
God loves us. He has not rejected us but if we keep on rejecting Him and we keep on rejecting Him, then when we come to the end of our lives, then He will reject us also. Then He will honor our choice. Jesus will say to many people in that day, the day that they die, He will say to them:”Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness.” Very few people are interested in knowing Jesus, in being in CLOSE RELATIONSHIP with Him, doing His will, OBEYING Him, getting to KNOW Him for REAL.
Very few people are interested in Jesus and the Kingdom of God. They REJECT HIM. If we reject and the Kingdom of God right now, then He will also reject us when our time comes. The CHOICE is ours, right now but the moment we die, then God will honor our decision, our choice. Do you choose LIFE? Do you choose Jesus Christ or do you reject Him?

May Jesus bless you.