Tuesday, February 4, 2020

He Passed on to be with Jesus.

I just want to let you know that my husband/Justice/Jan/Finalcall07 passed on to be with Jesus on January 19, 2020.
He is where we also want to be for Eternity. May we continue our race set before us with Endurance so that we will also have the Hope to Receive the Prize of Eternal Life in the end.

Jesus Bless each one and keep us safe in this time. Christiena Boshoff.

Jesus gave this Brother a vision about him.

Wasfi Esperanza Hanchi
January 28 at 11:32 PM ·
While I am at computer drinking tea, I see Jesus coming. There are blue and yellow light space, stars, and earth altogether on the scene - very beautiful!

I see Jesus coming close and stands with me. I am happy to see Him. His hair is soft. His eyebrows are soft and shiny. His eyes are glow, neat, gentle and beautiful. His beard is shiny and soft! His heart is very gentle. His face is friendly. Beautiful Jesus! We hug and talk. He wears red slash. He uses stripped sandals. I see Jesus’ scars on His hands and feet.

Immediately man’s face is shown to me. I don’t know him. When the face comes up closer, I remember his face with a beard then I recognize who he is. He died of cancer. His spirit goes up. Jesus comes to him and holds his hand to enter heaven together. There I see people celebrating with joy to welcome him and everyone hugs him. What a delightful sight! He smiles, he suffers no more. Pain is gone. He lives in third heaven, top level. He continues to smile. Vision ends.

His name is Jan Boshoff (Finalcall07). He is happy interacting with brothers and sisters in Christ (saints). The Holy Spirit is with him. Jan looks young and has a neat hair. Jesus takes him home. No more suffering and pain. He smiles beautifully. He has a lovely home in heaven. Jan is happy with Jesus.

Saturday, January 18, 2020


In Matthew 22 Jesus tells a parable

about a king who prepared a feast meal

for the wedding of his son but the

invited guests had other things that

were more important, they did not want to

come to the wedding.

So he sent his servants out into the

street to go and invite whomever would

come to the feast meal.  When this King came

to see the guests He found there one who

did not have wedding clothes on and He

commanded His servants to take this

person and throw him out into outer

darkness where there would be pain and

gnashing of teeth. That is what will

happen to many of modern day Christians

they have no holiness and no

righteousness. They do not have wedding

clothes on. Dear friends, do we have

wedding clothes on? Are we prepared for

the wedding feast of the Lamb. May Jesus

bless you.

Jesus Christ is alive and hell is real

I am here to introduce you to Jesus

Christ so that you can know Him and

follow Him and have eternal life.

Subscribe to my channel to learn more

about Jesus. May Jesus bless you.

Friday, January 17, 2020


The kingdom of God is coming. Jesus is

returning for those who have received

Him who obey Him who follow Him and who

love His appearance. There are many who

hope in Jesus for salvation but they do

not love Him. they do not walk with Him

every day, they do not obey Him. They live

for their own pleasures. They have no hope

of being part of His kingdom.

Jesus knows His own. His sheep hear His

voice, they listen to Him. They follow Him,

they obey Him and they serve Him. Are we

one of His sheep? Do we love His

appearance and are we eagerly waiting

for His return? Do we expect to be part

of the kingdom of God? May Jesus bless


Jesus Christ is alive and hell is real.

I am here to introduce you to Jesus

Christ so that you can know Him and

follow Him and have eternal life.

Subscribe to my channel to learn more

about Jesus. May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


We belong to Jesus and we are here to

serve His purpose. He adopted us as

children when we accepted Him and He

gave us the power to become children of

God, so we have to submit ourselves to

Him in good times and bad whatever

circumstances we must live to give Him

glory and praise and we must never

complain. In everything we must be

fruitful for the kingdom of God.

I've been sick now for nine weeks lying

on my back. I cannot walk but I belong to

Jesus. He has a purpose, He knows what

He's doing. I'm in His hands and whatever

He does is good and right. I'm here to

give Him glory and honor and praises. It's

given unto us to have the hope of

salvation but also sometimes to suffer

for the kingdom of God if he requires

that. All glory to Jesus

May Jesus bless you.

Jesus Christ is

alive and hell is real. I am here to

introduce you to Jesus Christ so that

you can know Him and follow Him and have

eternal life.

Subscribe to my channel to learn more

about Jesus may. Jesus bless you.

Friday, January 3, 2020


When last did you read the words of
Jesus as recorded in Matthew chapters 5
to 7. Those are the words by which we
will be judged and those who do not
comply with those words will not enter
the kingdom of heaven. Dear friend go and
read the words of Jesus in Matthew
chapters 5 to 7 and repent seek Jesus
before it is too late. Live according to
those words or you have no hope of
entering the kingdom of heaven. May Jesus
bless you.
Jesus Christ is alive and hell is real.
I am here to introduce you to Jesus
Christ so that you can know Him and
follow Him and have eternal life.
Subscribe to my channel to learn more
about Jesus. May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, January 2, 2020


We must labor in prayer. We do not know

rightfully what to pray and therefore

Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit so that we

can pray in tongues and the Holy Spirit

prays through us according to the will

of God for the saints' We must always pray

and we must pray in the Spirit and then

we will be praying

according to the will of God. May Jesus

bless you.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


Jesus is coming any time. He might not be

coming for the whole world today, but He

might be coming for you or me. Our life

is not in our hand.

Jesus will reward every man according to

their deeds, good or bad. Those who love

Him and obey Him will be glad if He

comes if He fetches them.

How will we react if we have to go today?

Are we ready?Are we serving Jesus?

Are we working for His kingdom? Are we

His sheep? Do we listen to His voice and

follow Him. Do we do what is pleasing to

Him? Where is our treasure? Is our

treasure here on earth or is our

treasure in heaven with Jesus. Are you


if Jesus should come today? May Jesus

bless you.

Monday, December 30, 2019


Do not despise the blood of Jesus by

going back to sin and the things of

the world. We have to live in holiness

and righteousness and bear good fruit, we

have to built the kingdom of God and

bring souls to Jesus so that we can

glorify Him.  He is the King of kings He's

the Lord of lords, He is worthy. If we

love Him we will obey Him and do what is

pleasing to Him. May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, December 26, 2019


The kingdom of God is about Jesus Christ.

He is Lord and Master of His kingdom and

He gives eternal life to those who

receive, Him, accept Him, obey Him, follow

Him serve Him and live for Him. Jesus

came to redeem for Himself a people

who would be His people, who would come

and live in His kingdom and He invites

all the world to follow Him. Jesus came

and manifested Himself through many

miracles. The kingdom of God was first

preached by John the Baptist and then by

Jesus Christ. His message is the message

of the kingdom . He invites us to follow

Him and become part of His kingdom. Jesus

performed many miracles to prove whom He

was, that he was from God and even though

the Jews expected Him, according to the

prophecies. They did not believe in Him

they did not receive Him, they rejected

Him, they had Him crucified and therefore

they died in their sins.

Very few people received Jesus, very few

people obeyed Him and followed Him and

even today very few people are willing

to obey Jesus, to follow Him to do as He

commanded. They want the hope of

salvation but they don't want Jesus and

neither do they want His words. If we

want to have eternal life and live in

the kingdom of God for eternity we have

to receive Jesus, embrace Him and do as

He commanded.

He promised eternal life to those who

receive Him and obey Him and He

proved that He is the resurrection and

the life because He Himself after He was

crucified was resurrected and He lives'

He gives His Holy Spirit in those who

receive Him and obey His words, his

commands as recorded in Matthew, Mark,

Luke and John, those who repent and are

baptized and who seek Him with all their


He gives His Spirit in them. He comes and

lives in them and He guides them every

day. They do not become religious, they

become followers of Jesus. They live in

communion with Him, they live the kingdom

life. They follow Him every day. They live

for the kingdom, They live for the King

Jesus said: Seek first the kingdom of God

and His righteousness and all the other

things will be added unto you.

Without Jesus there is no hope there is

no eternal life, without Jesus we have no

hope without Jesus nobody will enter the

kingdom of heaven because it's only

through our relationship with Jesus that

we will inherit the kingdom of God, daily

walking with Him listening to His voice,

doing what He commands us to do. Serving

Him it's not about reading the Bible or

going to church, being religious or doing

what we think is good. It is all about

Jesus, knowing Him following Him and

obeying Him.Have you come to

know Jesus? Have you heard believed

and obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ?

Have you accepted Him as your Lord and

Master? Have you obeyed His words,

repented and been baptized? Have you

received the Holy Spirit that He

promised to those who obey Him and are

you being led by the by the Holy Spirit?

Are you living the kingdom life? Do you

know Jesus

and does he know you? His sheep hear His

voice, they listen to Him and they follow

Him. Are you one of His sheep?

Do you follow and obey Him? Do you live

in communion with Jesus Christ? May Jesus bless you.

Jesus Christ is alive and hell is real.

I am here to introduce you to Jesus

Christ so that you can know Him and

follow Him and have eternal life. Subscribe to my channel to learn more

about Jesus. May Jesus bless you.-

Wednesday, December 25, 2019


Many people believe in Jesus because

they have been brought up in a Christian

home, they've been taken to church,

they've been taught the Bible but they

do not really experience Jesus as real

and alive.

I was also brought up in a Christian

home but I experience Jesus as real and

alive. If we obey the words of Jesus,

His teachings and Commandments then He

reveals Himself to us as real and we

really get to know Him. Since I submitted

my life to Jesus and received Jesus into

my life, obeyed Him repented and was

baptized in water, He also baptized me in

the Holy Spirit like He did with the

first disciples, with the ability to

speak in other tongues. Since I've

received the baptism in the Holy Spirit

I can pray in tongues at any time. I have

many testimonies of supernatural

answers to prayer. Jesus is a real to me.

I pray and e answers me. Jesus is alive

and if we take Him seriously and we obey

His words, those words which he spoke as

they are also recorded in the Gospels, ,Matthew,

Mark, Luke and John, then we will

experience Him. We will see miracles, we

will hear His voice. He will speak to us

in dreams and visions. When we pray He

will answer us and we will know without

a doubt that Jesus is alive.

Jesus is alive and is real because I

experienced Him every day of my life.

I believe in Jesus not just based on

what's written in the Bible. I believe

that the Bible is true because Jesus

Himself has proven to me that He is

alive and He does so every day. I want to

encourage you to seek Jesus and obey His

words, repent of your sin repent and be

baptized and Jesus Christ will reveal

Himself to you as real. May Jesus bless


Jesus Christ is alive and hell is real.

I am here to introduce you to Jesus

Christ so that you can know Him and

follow Him and have eternal life.

Subscribe to my channel to learn more

about Jesus. May Jesus bless you.