Monday, November 30, 2015

Jesus living WITH YOU

Jesus Christ is Emmanuel, God with us. He came to be with us for ever and He will never forsake us. He will never leave us. Jesus promised those who OBEY His commands that He will come and be with them for ever.

We read in John 14:21, the words that Jesus spoke to His disciples. He said:

“He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.” 22Judas (not Iscariot) said to Him, “Lord, what then has happened that You are going to disclose Yourself to us and not to the world?” 23Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him."

Jesus promised that He will come and LIVE with each and every person who OBEYS His commands. Him and the Father will come and make their dwelling place with such a person. Jesus Christ promised His Holy Spirit to those who accept Him and who OBEY Him.

Have you accepted Jesus Christ? Do you OBEY His commandments, His teachings, His words as recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Did you REPENT? Were you baptized in water and have you received the Holy Spirit that Jesus promised to those who love Him and who obey Him?

Does Jesus Christ dwell with you and me? Have we invited Him in? Do we obey His words and does He dwell with us?

May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Be taught by Jesus you need no other teacher

If you follow Jesus Christ you only have ONE TEACHER  and that is Jesus Christ Himself. His sheep listen to His VOICE and they follow HIM. The words that Jesus Christ spoke were recorded in the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Those are the words of eternal life for those who OBEY them.  Those who disobey the words of Jesus Christ will perish.

You do not need any other words, you do not need any other teachings. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and your Master, why do you want to listen to others? If Jesus Christ is your Lord, why do you not listen to HIM? If you read the words of Jesus Christ as recorded in the gospels and you OBEY them, you REPENT and you are baptized in water then He will give the Holy Spirit, His Spirit, in you, to teach you and to guide you. You need no other teacher. The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth.

Many believers do not trust the Holy Spirit, they trust in themselves and they trust in the Bible, in scriptures written by other people but they do not trust Jesus, they do not trust the Holy Spirit and that is why they are in darkness.

If you want eternal life, FOLLOW Jesus Christ. If you want the truth, be taught by the Holy Spirit. Ask Jesus Christ and He will teach you. He will guide you into all truth. You do not need any other teacher.

Many believers are always looking for scriptures. Why don't they read and OBEY the words of Jesus Christ. It is because they do not KNOW Him and they do not follow Him. They want to find their own way into heaven. There is not other way.

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way. Go and read the words of Jesus Christ as recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and the Holy Spirit will explain the words of Jesus Christ to you.

You only need ONE TEACHER and that is Jesus Christ, Himself. Follow Jesus and you will never be in darkness.

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, November 28, 2015


Salvation is FREE but there are certain conditions to have eternal life. Jesus Christ said that: "If you love Me, keep My commandments." If we want eternal life we have to OBEY the commands of Jesus Christ. We cannot buy eternal life, we cannot work our way into heaven by good deeds but it is required of us to become SERVANTS of the kingdom of God, to ACCEPT Jesus Christ as our Lord and Master and to SERVE Him as KING, to OBEY His words, to REPENT, turn away from sin, to be baptized in water, to SIN NO MORE, to be led by the Holy Spirit and to DO what Jesus guides us to do, through His Holy Spirit.

There are certain WORKS that Jesus prepared for every one of us whom He has called into His kingdom and we have to perform those works. The only way that we can perform those works is if we follow and obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit, if we SERVE the kingdom of God. Tat is the condition.

It s for FREE. There is no PRECONDITION to salvation but if you want salvation you have to SUBMIT yourself to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and accept Him as your King and Master and SERVE Him until the very end.

If we do not comply with those requirements we will not have eternal life. You can believe in Jesus. You can believe you are saved but if you do not OBEY Him and if you do not meet His requirements He will turn you away. He will say to you:"Go away I never knew you, you worker of wickedness."

Are we complying wit the requirements of the KING, Jesus Christ? Are we SERVING Him as LORD, as MASTER? Is He the KING of our lives? Are we part of His kingdom? If not we will not enter and we will not have eternal life.

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, November 27, 2015

The born again experience

Sinners will not inherit the kingdom of God. That is why Jesus said to Nicodemus:"You must be born again to enter the kingdom of God." The apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 5:17 "He who is IN CHRIST is a NEW CREATION, the old things have past away and the new have come."

If you have accepted Jesus Christ and have been born again of the Spirit of God you are a NEW CREATION, you are not interested in the same things any more, you don't go the same places any more, you HATE SIN. You want to be PURE AND HOLY and you seek to be pleasing to Jesus because you have experience HIM, He has made you NEW INSIDE, He has made you a child of God and you want to obey Him, you want to do what is pleasing to Him. You want to be baptized in water for washing off of your sin, you want to be pure and holy and acceptable to Jesus, you WANT the Holy Spirit, you want more of Jesus Christ because you seek the kingdom of God.

If you have experienced Jesus Christ you will not be the same person any more. You will be a different person, you will be a child of God.

Have you experienced Jesus Christ? Have you been changed? Are you as new creation? Are you IN CHRIST? If you do not desire to be baptized in water, to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to follow Jesus, to SERVE Him and to do everything for Him then you are not IN CHRIST, you are still in your sin and you have no hope of entering the kingdom of heaven.

Repent of your sin, CALL on Jesus Christ. Ask Him to make you NEW INSIDE so that you can be a child of God and have a desire for Jesus and for His kingdom.

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Your purpose

We were made for a purpose, that purpose is to glorify God. We can only glorify God if we obey Jesus Christ and do what He commanded. Without Jesus Christ we can do nothing. We can use the power that Jesus Christ gives us to either  do GOOD or do BAD. Jesus Christ said that every branch in Him that does not bear good fruit will get cut off and burned.

The question is: Are we bearing good fruit? Is Jesus Christ pleased with us or are we about to get cut off and burned?

The only way that we can bear good fruit is if we LISTEN to Jesus Christ  and OBEY Him, and DO the works that He has prepared for us to do.

Are we bearing good fruit or are we about to get cut off and burned? If you are not bearing good fruit it is time to WAKE UP, REPENT, STOP SINNING, SEEK Jesus Christ, OBEY Him  and DO what is pleasing to Him or else you will get cut off and BURNED.

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Jesus Christ is not an Evangelical

Jesus Christ is not an Evangelical. Neither is He a Catholic nor of any of the other denominations. Jesus Christ is not a non-denominational. All of these denominations and groups have their own Jesus. They have created an IMAGE of Jesus that they preach. They have made up doctrines to their own liking and they promise a salvation which they themselves do not have, because they do not know Jesus Christ.

Salvation is through Jesus Christ alone, not through a denomination or a group or a person. Jesus Christ is LORD. He is GOD. He is ABOVE and BEYOND description, but His words are clear. The gospel of Jesus Christ as recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are CLEAR. We have to obey HIM to have eternal life. Those who disobey Him will PERISH.

Repent and be baptized in water. STOP SINNING, be HOLY, ACCEPT Jesus Christ as your MASTER and live to please Him and He will give the Holy Spirit to teach you and to guide you every step of the way. Without Jesus Christ and His indwelling Holy Spirit you cannot KNOW Him and you cannot please Him.

You need to be a DISCIPLE of Jesus Christ, one of His SHEEP, who LISTEN to His VOICE and who FOLLOW Him and who DO what He commands them to do.

Your denomination, your church affiliation and your Bible knowledge cannot save you. Jesus Christ saves those who KNOW Him who OBEY Him and who FOLLOW Him. You need to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and to be led by His Holy Spirit, to have eternal life.

Do you have a denomination? Do you belong to a church or do you have Jesus Christ and do you belong to HIM? Do you have LIFE, eternal life?

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Jesus Christ is not a Jew

Jesus Christ is not a Jew, the Jews crucified Him. Neither is Jesus Christ an American. Jesus Christ is not an African, He is not an Australian, neither is He an European. No single country in this world will offer Jesus Christ citizenship because the world hates Him, they despise Him, they reject Him

Jesus Christ is LORD but His kingdom is of a different realm and if you belong to Jesus Christ and you follow Him you will also not fit into this world. Jesus Christ said that those who follow Him will be hated by all men, they will be persecuted.

If you are accepted by this world and by the religious people of this world then you cannot be of the kingdom of God, you cannot be of Jesus Christ because if you were of Jesus and followed Him, this world would hate and despise you.

Are you friends with the world? Do you fit into this world or do you belong to the kingdom of Jesus Christ? Is Jesus Christ your LORD?

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Let Jesus navigate your ship

We all need guidance, direction in our lives. Very often we listen to the wrong people or we follow our own mind. Jesus Christ knew that we are like sheep without a shepherd, we are like a ship without a rudder and therefor He promised His Holy Spirit to guide us and to teach us, to lead us in every aspect of our lives, to ensure that we make it into His heavenly kingdom.

But very few people trust Jesus Christ. Very few people are willing to follow Him and that is why they end up in destruction. If we accept Jesus Christ and submit ourselves to Him then He promised to give us His Holy Spirit who will guide us and teach us, He will lead us, He is the Good Shepherd. His sheep LISTEN to His VOICE and they follow Him and He guides them safely home.

The only way that we can end up in life's harbor safely is if we allow Jesus Christ to navigate our ship, if we TRUST Him and follow His guidance.

Is Jesus Christ OUR navigator? Do we LISTEN to His Holy Spirit? Do we FOLLOW Him and do we OBEY Him or are we heading for disaster?

Seek Jesus, TRUST Him with all your heart and He is ready to guide you into His kingdom.

May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Getting to KNOW Jesus Christ

Most people who call themselves Christians do not know what it means to be a Christian. A Christian is a follower of Jesus Christ. You cannot follow Jesus Christ if you do not KNOW Him. His sheep HEAR His VOICE, they LISTEN to Him and they FOLLOW Him.

Most professing Christians do not know Jesus Christ, they have never met Him. They do not know His VOICE. How can they follow Him?

Most of those who call themselves Christians are just religious or they belong to a church, or they grew up in Christianity. Maybe they know some Bible verses but they do not know Jesus Christ. They CANNOT be followers of Jesus Christ, they do not KNOW Him.

When you tell Christians that they have to know the voice of Jesus Christ  and be led by the Holy Spirit they want a QUICK FIX, they want an instruction book and they go and look for answers in the Bible or from other people. There are not answers in the Bible, other people don't have the answer. It is about KNOWING Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is GOD. He made us. He knows us. He has always been with us from the beginning but we do not SENSE Him, we do not KNOW Him because we have never met Him, but if we seek Him we will find Him. We have to be serious about knowing Jesus Christ. We have to seek Him with all our heart, humble ourselves before Him, speak to Him, pray and ASK Him to reveal Himself to us.

There is no EASY FIX, there is no METHOD. It is about crying out to Jesus, seeking Him, being obsessed with knowing Jesus Christ. If we draw closer to Him and we yearn for Him, we focus on Him and seek Him with all our heart, then He will reveal Himself to us and we will get to know Him. But we have to SEEK Him and SEEK HIM always, not just seek Him until you have one experience, or until Jesus reveals Himself to you once. We have to  WALK with Jesus, STAY with Him and be close to Him every day and we have to follow Him until the very end to have salvation. Those who endure with Jesus until the very end, they are the ones who will be saved.

You have to seek Him with all your heart, and never give up. You have to EXPECT Him and WAIT on Him and He will OPEN your spiritual eyes and spiritual ears, you will hear Him, you will see Him, you will sense Him, you will become aware of Him every moment of your day. But if you turn your back on Him and you ignore Him then you will lose sight of Him, you will be separated from Him.

Seek Jesus with all your heart and He will reveal Himself to you.

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Follow Jesus not ideologies and revelations from other people

Many believers live miserable lives because they believe lies. Lies that they have been told by other people or sometimes people have read something in the Bible and they have come to certain assumptions. Many churches make people believe that if they do not belong to a church and if they do not go to church and if they do not pay tithes then they will end up in hell. That is a LIE. Others are led to believe that if they were once married and divorced and they got married a second time then they have to divorce the second spouse and go back to the first spouse. There are many such lies that people believe and it is all because they listen to people, they don't listen to Jesus Christ. Many people mean very well. Others enforce their beliefs on other people, on their families, on their spouses, on their children but those things do not bring us closer to Jesus. They do not please Jesus. The reason why people are living under such false beliefs and lies and they are so miserable, separated from God, is because they do not hear from Jesus Christ Himself. They go by what others say, they lean on their own understanding and they believe that if they do certain things that they will be pleasing to God.

Some people believe that they should not get married, they should stay unmarried to be pleasing to God. We cannot please Jesus Christ if we do not hear from Him. If we have no relationship with Jesus Christ all these other things that we do have no meaning, no sense. They just make people miserable. We have to HEAR from Jesus Christ Himself. If we have no relationship with Jesus Christ then nothing else matters. We first have to be right with Jesus. We have to seek Him and hear from Him. It doesn't matter what other people say.

Many churches will quote you Bible verses and pile guilt on you, force you to do certain things which God does not require of you. We can only know what Jesus Christ requires of us if we HEAR from Jesus Christ Himself. If we need wisdom we must ASK from Jesus. He gives to all men freely. We have to be led by the Holy Spirit, not by our thoughts, what we think and what other people say, or by our interpretation of certain scriptures.

We have to PRAY and ask Jesus to guide us and He will clearly show us His will. Seek the will of God, seek Jesus and He will tell you the truth, He will give you  UNDERSTANDING. Don't look to other people, look to Jesus. Seek Him with all your heart and He will reveal Himself to you. Obey Him and He will give you PEACE. There is only one way to be pleasing to Jesus and that is to hear from Him and to obey Him.

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Fallen from Grace

If we humble ourselves before Jesus Christ and repent of out sins, plead Him for forgiveness for our past sins and accept Him as our Lord and Master, then He immediately accepts us into His household. He gives us the new birth, we are born again to be children of God, we are SAVED by His GRACE, we are ELEVATED from being sinners to being saints. We become children of God because He adopts us. If we then go on to obey Him and live in obedience to Him we stay IN HIS HOUSEHOLD, we become part of the Kingdom of God. But most believers go away from Jesus, they go back to their sin. they FALL FROM GRACE. The GRACE of Jesus Christ LIFTED them from their sin and their addictions  and their bondage and set them FREE, made them children of God, saints, but they despised His grace and then they fall from grace and they go away from Jesus. They allow sin and disobedience to come in between them and Jesus Christ - they have FALLEN FROM HIS GRACE and they will perish if they do not turn around, repent and  go back to the Father's house, go back to Jesus Christ before it is too late.

If we want to stay in the Father's house we have to be pleasing to Him, we have to obey Him, be baptized in water, and ask Him for His Holy Spirit to dwell in us, to guide us every step of the way. Some believers have been baptized. they have received the baptism in the Holy Spirit like the first believers, they speak in tongues and they have experienced miracles but then they turn around, the FALL FROM GRACE. They go back into the world, they get entangled in sin and they are separated from God and most of them perish in that state, they die away from God.

Very few endure with Jesus until the very end. Most believers fall from grace.

Are you still in the Father's house? Are you living in obedience to Jesus Christ? Do you follow Him every day? Are you led by the Holy Spirit? Do you DO His will?  Is Jesus Christ pleased with you or did you never start following Him? Are you part of His household or have you fallen from grace?

Get back to Jesus before it is too late and you perish outside of His kingdom.

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

You CAN do it

People often say that it is impossible to obey the commandments of Jesus Christ, to obey His words as they are also recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Those words are the words of eternal life for those who OBEY them, for those who DO what Jesus commanded.

Those are not easy commandments. Jesus said that we must SIN NO MORE. We must be PERFECT like our Father in heaven is perfect. Jesus said that if we love father or mother or brother or sister more than Him, if we even love our own life more than Him then we are not worthy of Him  and we cannot be His disciples and thus we cannot have eternal life. BUT, we can do what Jesus requires of us. Jesus will not require of us what we cannot do. He will not require of us what is impossible.

Many things that Jesus asks us to do seem impossible but if we obey Jesus and we TRUST Him then He makes it possible.  Jesus said:"My yoke is soft and my burden is not heavy" because He ENABLES us. He bears the yoke with us He gives us the POWER to do what seems impossible because He is the God of the impossible. He enables us to do the will of God. He enables us to be obedient children of God, to be HOLY, PURE and RIGHTEOUS, to be LIGHT in darkness.

If we really TRUST Jesus and OBEY Him then nothing is impossible because with Jesus Christ all things are possible. But if we are not willing to go with Him, to TRUST Him and to OBEY Him  we will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus warned that narrow is the gate and straight is the door that leads to eternal life and few there be that find it. He warned that many will try very hard and not be able but if we TRUST Him and we OBEY Him and we FOLLOW Him He will GUIDE us and those things which seemed to be impossible He will make possible. If we only TRUST Him and OBEY Him.

You CAN DO IT if you TRUST and OBEY Jesus Christ. He goes with you every step of the way . He will never leave you and He will never forsake you. He is with you all the way.Do you trust Him and will you obey Him?

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Church people are not Jesus' people

It is acceptable to call yourself a Christian and then to say to which church you belong, but as soon as you tell people that you belong to Jesus Christ and you are not affiliated to a church, then they get suspicious of you. They reject you because they do not know Jesus Christ. To them Jesus Christ is not real. They can understand the concept of Christianity and of church and of Bible believing but not of being a disciple, being a follower of Jesus Christ.

We cannot serve two masters. We will either love the one and despise the other. We cannot belong to a church, to a group AND to Jesus Christ. We either belong to the one or to the other.

If you belong to Jesus Christ and you follow Him you will be rejected and persecuted. People will disassociate with you. Do you belong to a church, or a group, or a ministry OR do you belong to Jesus Christ? Who are you following? People or Jesus Christ?

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Alive from Death

Sinners are dead men walking. The wages of sin is death. All sinners will perish unless they repent and their sins are forgiven and they STOP SINNING.

Most believers say that they cannot stop sinning. They are slaves to sin, but as long as you keep on sinning you are condemned to eternal damnation.  Jesus Christ came to set the captives free, to make us FREE from the bondage of sin. He who sins is s slave to sin but if Jesus Christ sets you free you will be FREE from the bondage of sin.

If you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Master and you repent, you turn away from your wicked ways and you plead Jesus forgiveness, He forgives your past sin and He sets you FREE from the bondage of sin so that you can live in holiness and righteousness. Jesus Christ removes the death penalty for those who accept Him and who OBEY Him, who SIN NO MORE.

If you are still sinning you are a dead man walking, you are DEAD in your sins. The wages of sin is death and you will perish if you keep on sinning.

Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Master. REPENT from sin, plead Him forgiveness and He will set you FREE from  the bondage of sin. Be baptized in water for the washing off of your sin and Jesus Christ promised the Holy Spirit who will guide you into all truth so that you can bear fruit for the kingdom of God.

If the Son of God has set you free, you will be FREE and free indeed. You will SIN NO MORE but you will FOLLOW the guidance of the Holy Spirit  and DO that which is pleasing to Jesus Christ.

Are you truly SAVED from the death penalty and are you staying saved because you follow Jesus Christ, you SIN NO MORE and you DO what is pleasing to Him?

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Trade Autonomy for Holy Spirit Direction

The kingdom of God is about God, it is not about you and me. The popular gospel that is being preached in churches today talks about YOUR SALVATION as though everything is about YOU, about YOUR life, about YOUR pleasure, YOUR prosperity, YOUR welfare. The kingdom of God  is about GOD, about HIS WILL. It is not about OUR plans and OUR ambitions, OUR opinion. Most believers are terribly opinionated. They are so sure of THEIR SALVATION based on THEIR Bible knowledge and they quote you scriptures to prove their salvation. they ARE SAVED. It is not about YOU or ME, it is about Jesus Christ, His kingdom, HE is LORD, HE is KING, HE is MASTER.

If we want LIFE, eternal life we have to trade our autonomy, our independence, our ambitions, our opinion for the will of  God. We must submit ourselves to Jesus Christ and we must DENY ourselves. Forget about yourself. Forget about your talents, your ambitions, your wisdom, your knowledge, your opinion, it DOESN'T MATTER. All that matters is Jesus Christ, His wisdom, His plan, His kingdom. If you want LIFE, eternal life, you have to pray the Lords Prayer meaning it:"THY will be done, THY Kingdom come..." Not MY WILL be done, it is not about ME. It is about Jesus Christ. It is not about how I understand it, how I read the Bible, about MY doctrine and MY opinion, It is about the GUIDANCE  of the Holy Spirit, HOW HE DIRECTS me into doing the will of God, how He teaches me, not how I understand it; how HE gives me wisdom and understanding of of the kingdom of God, of the WILL of GOD, of how I fit into God's plan, not my plan. Not how I want to serve God and what I want to do for Jesus and for the kingdom of God.

Without Jesus we can do nothing. He is not interested in our ambitions and our plans. we have to SUBMIT all of that, DENY all of that, FORGET about it and go after Jesus. Submit yourself to Him and say:"Lord Jesus, please guide me, please teach me, Thy will be done, not what I want, not where I want to go, not what I think I deserve" because I deserve nothing. It is all about Jesus Christ., His kingdom, because He gives me life. I deserve NOTHING, I deserve HELL but because He gave His life for me and He called me to be His servant, He will give me LIFE if I live my life to please Him.

Without Jesus Christ we can do nothing. It is not about us, about OUR life, about OUR salvation, it is about the kingdom of God. we have to submit ourselves to Jesus and live to please Him.

Are we pleasing to Jesus? Are we doing His will? The only way we can know  that is IF we HEAR from Him, and that is why we need the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You can go and put your Bible away because your Bible will not tell you whether Jesus is pleased with you. YES, if you OBEY the words of Jesus as recorded in your Bible,  you will KNOW that you have to be led by the Holy Spirit, DIRECTED by the Holy Spirit to be able to do the will of God and to bear fruit.

If we do not bear fruit we will get CUT OFF and BURNED. It is not about US. It is about Jesus Christ, His kingdom and doing HIS will. That is SALVATION. That is LIFE.

May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Foolish Generation DEFIES God

This is a foolish generation, a generation that defies and challenges God. They challenge what they do not know and in the end they will perish. Even people who call themselves Christians, challenge God. Many even blaspheme the Holy Spirit because they have no fear of God.  They are like animals without reason, without common sense, and they will perish like animals.

Many Christians think that they know more than God because they have Bibles. They think that they can define and predict God, put Him in a box. They will tell you what God can and what He will do and what He cannot do. They just do not know Him and they will perish in their ignorance. Many Christians want to prove their salvation by quoting Bible verses but they do not know Jesus Christ. They search the scriptures and they quote scriptures to prove their position and to prove their salvation but they live in sin. They DISOBEY Jesus Christ. They have no respect for Jesus Christ. They do not obey Him, they defy Him, they disregard Him, they challenge Him because they do not know Him.

If this generation had any wisdom it would rather seek the truth, humble itself before Jesus Christ and ASK Him to reveal the truth to them. He loves and cares for us and He will reveal the truth to every soul who seeks the truth, but those who arrogantly defy Him and challenge Him, He will also defy them. If you truly KNOW Jesus Christ you will FEAR Him and you will RESPECT Him because you know whom He is, you know He is GOD and you know that without Him you can do nothing.

This foolish generation will perish if it does not humble itself before Jesus and SEEK the truth. Seek Jesus and He will reveal the truth to you. Humble yourself before Him and He will reveal Himself to you. He will reveal the TRUTH to you because He Himself is the WAY the LIFE and the TRUTH.

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Back from DEATH to WARN you REPENT or PERISH

I believed I was saved but on the
morning of July 28th 1998 I had a heart attack. I died and I found
myself on my way to HELL. I thought I was saved but instead of going
to heaven I was going to hell. There was no way that I was coming
back. While I was being drawn down into a deep black hole and I knew
I was not coming back, I was going to hell, I pleaded with Jesus. I
said :"Lord, please let me come back. Let me go back and warn
the world that Jesus Christ is alive and that hell is real."
Jesus had mercy on me. He allowed me to
go back and I am here to warn you and to tell you that Jesus is ALIVE
and HELL is REAL. But before that time I did not really know Jesus.
It was only after that experience that I truly got to know Jesus
Christ and because I KNOW Him I want to WARN you, I want to tell you
that Jesus Christ loves us, immensely. He paid the ultimate price for
our salvation but He requires absolute obedience, holiness,
righteousness .
The unrighteous will NOT inherit the
kingdom of God. You might believe you are saved, you might know the
Bible, you might belong to a church, you might have been baptized in
water, you might be speaking tongues, you might be healing the sick,
you might be preaching the gospel but if you SIN and you DISOBEY
Jesus Christ you will end up in HELL.
EVERY branch in Him that does not bear
good fruit will get cut off and burned. Jesus Christ does not
tolerate disobedience, He does not tolerate sin. The grace of God
does not cover willful sin. Those who follow Jesus Christ must follow
Him with all their heart until the very end and if we are not willing
to give up everything for Jesus and to follow Him until the very end
we are not worthy of Him and we will NOT enter His kingdom. He will
say to MOST believers:"Go away i never knew you."
There are very FEW people who truly
know Jesus Christ. There are many who know the Bible, there are many
who are religious but there are very FEW who are led by the Holy
Spirit, who have a REAL relationship with Jesus Christ and I want to
WARN you: GET RIGHT WITH JESUS because you will stand before Him and
He will say to you:"Go away i never knew you, you worker of
Jesus Christ does not tolerate sin or
disobedience. The judgment of God is coming on the believers, it is
coming on the churches and God will weed out the chaff, He will cut
off every branch that does not bear fruit. You will see preachers DIE
in their churches. God is not mocked. He is about to clean His
threshing floor through and through and He will CUT OFF those
preachers who are deceiving His people. He will judge the believers
who love sin and love the world and love unrighteousness and who hate
Him. God is not mocked.
I am warning you because I KNOW God. I
KNOW Jesus Christ and I know that He does not accept half measures.
Are you READY to meet your God? Prepare, REPENT, be HOLY, be
RIGHTEOUS or else you will PERISH. God is holy and without holiness
no man shall see God. No sinners, nor sinning Christians will enter
into the kingdom of God.I am WARNING YOU because I know Jesus Christ.
Are you READY?

May Jesus bless you.  

Things will get WORSE

The world is in turmoil and things are about to get much worse. Darkness is increasing because those who call themselves Christians are not LIGHT, they are darkness, themselves.

John the Baptist warned that the kingdom of God is at hand and that the King is Coming. Jesus Christ is coming. He preached REPENTANCE. He prepared the way so that Jesus would not come and utterly destroy.

We read the words of John the Baptist in Matthew 3:10.

“The axe is already laid at the root of the trees; therefore every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

      11“As for me, I baptize you with water for repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, and I am not fit to remove His sandals; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. 12“His winnowing fork is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clear His threshing floor; and He will gather His wheat into the barn, but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”

Many profess to be Christians, to be children of God, to be WHEAT, to be LIGHT in this world, but they are not WHEAT they are CHAFF, they are not LIGHT, they are darkness. Jesus Christ is coming to clear His threshing floor and He will clear out the chaff, He will blot out the darkness, He will cut off those trees that do not bear good fruit. Terrible times are coming but those who truly KNOW and FOLLOW Jesus Christ, they will not run away. They will SHINE in darkness because Jesus Christ called us to shine. Many Christians are cowering, they are running away, they fear conspiracy theories, they fear the things that are coming on the world. What they do not realize is that those things are coming at the hand of God.  God is in control and He will clear His threshing floor, the chaff He will burn with unquenchable fire.

If we are truly of Jesus Christ we will SHINE in this time but many so-called believers will not overcome. They will RUN, they will COWER, they will HIDE. They are not suitable for the kingdom of heaven. They will not fit into the new heavens and the new earth that Jesus Christ is creating in which righteousness will prevail.

We read in Revelation 21:7

“He who overcomes will inherit these things(the new earth and the new heaven), and I will be his God and he will be My son. 8“But for the COWARDLY and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

Will we shine or will we hide? Will we overcome or will we run away? Are we standing for Jesus or are we running from His face? Because the judgment of God is coming. Are we LIGHT or are we darkness? Will we stand in the day of the Lord?

Those who are not truly WITH Jesus Christ will run away. They will run away from his face. They will run away from the things that are happening in this world because they are CHAFF, they are not wheat, they are darkness, they are not LIGHT.

Only those who overcome are worthy to enter into His rest, are worthy to enter into His kingdom. Will we STAND, will we SHINE? Are we worthy of Jesus Christ and His


May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

What is wrong with the world

The big problem in the world today is that Christians do not know nor fear God. They have no respect for God. There is no difference between professing Christians and the rest of the world. The Christians do exactly as the others do. They lie, they cheat, they fornicate, they participate in the same sins. They are homosexuals. they go along with the world, they are part of the world. There is no difference between them and the rest of the world. The Christians confess to be sinners. They  are not children of God, they are children of the devil, that are sons of the devil.

If we follow Jesus Christ we will be like Him. We will FEAR Him and we will OBEY His words. We will respect Him.

But I want to warn you dear friends that judgment is about to start in the house of God, because God is not mocked.

I heared of a pastor who confessed to to his church that he had been in a extramarital relationship (affair) with one of the woman in the church and he fell down dead in his church. His church members were shouting at to him:"We forgive you, we understand you." But the judgment of God of God came on him.

If we wear the badge of Jesus, if we call ourselves children of God, Christians, then we have to OBEY Him, we have to be WORTHY of Him or else His judgment will come on us. If you call yourself a Christian you have to be a Christian, you have to be holy, you have to be righteous, you have to stop sinning, you have to be worthy of the NAME of Jesus Christ or else His judgment will come on you. Jesus Christ will judge this world but the judgment of God will FIRST come on those who call themselves children of God. And that is what is wrong with this world today. There is no difference between Christians and the rest of the world but the DIFFERENCE WILL SOON BE SEEN because GOD IS DRAWING A LINE. Those who are on His side will have to show it by their DEEDS or else they will come under the judgment of God, they will PERISH.

Every branch in Him that does not bear good fruit will get CUT OFF AND BURNED. God is not mocked.

Are you WORTHY of being a child of God? Are you like Jesus, dear friend?

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

What most Christians DO NOT UNDERSTAND

It is extremely sad but very true that most people who call themselves Christians do not really know a Christian is. Most professing Christians do not really know Jesus Christ. Most professing Christians think that to be a Christian is to practice the Christian religion, to read the Bible, to go to church and to do religious things. What they do not realize is that being a Christian means that you are a follower of Jesus Christ, that you KNOW Jesus Christ for REAL, that you are filled with the Holy Spirit and that you LISTEN to His VOICE, that you PRAY and communicate with Jesus Christ, that He speaks to you and guides you, that He teaches you.

Most professing Christians do not know Jesus Christ. They know about Him because they have read in the Bible about Him. Some say they believe IN Him and they have had an experience where they believe that they are saved, but they don't know Jesus Christ. They have no communication with Him, they only practice religion, and they think they are saved. They think they will have eternal life but when they die they will have a very bad surprise because when they stand in front of Jesus He will say to them:"Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness." They had no relationship with Him. The were just like the rest of the world. They were interested in the same things, they did the same things. they ran after the same ambitions and pleasure. The only difference was that they said they believe in Jesus, but they were not different.

If we KNOW Jesus Christ and we follow Him we will be different. We will be LIKE HIM. we will not just read about Him in the Bible, do Bible study and practice religion. We will BE LIKE Jesus Christ. We will be TRANSFORMED, we will not be sinners any more. We will be sons of God, children of God, like Jesus Christ showed us how to be.

Are you a child of God? Have you been born again of the Spirit of God  and are you led by the Holy Spirit, or are you just religious? Do you profess to be a Christian  but you do not know Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ is ALIVE and REAL. Do you KNOW Him? Do you know His VOICE? Do you FOLLOW Him? Are you like Jesus? Have you changed? Have you stopped sinning? Are you a child of God? Or are you just a Christian that does not know Jesus Christ? Are you a Christian that does not understand what it really means to be a Christian, to be a CHILD OF GOD?

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

What Jesus told me about CHURCH

Last night I had a dream about a woman who had three babies. These three babies were born like three months apart but this woman did not care for the babies. They were not fed, they were not looked after. The one baby was bullying the other babies. I took these three babies and I cuddled them. I wanted to take them home with me to feed them and to take care of them.

Then I woke up and I prayed about this dream. I said:"Lord what does this mean?" It is not natural for babies to be born three months apart. It is also impossible for a baby that small to bully his brothers and sisters. I said:"Lord. what does this mean? What is this all about?" And Jesus gave me revelation.

This is the churches. They preach Jesus Christ. People believe in Jesus and  they are born again but instead of being cared for and nurtured so that they grow up to be mature children of God, these babies are not cared for, they are not taken care of. I took these and I wanted to look after them, to take care of them and I was reminded of the words of Jesus to Peter, when He said to him:"Feed My sheep" Churches do not look after the flock they do not look after the new born babies. They do not lead them into a relationship with Jesus Christ, they just turn them into slaves of the organization.

Many people start out very seriously. They seek the truth, they go to church, they believe in Jesus Christ, they have an experience. Some of them are baptized in water, some even receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit but they become involved in church business. Most believers in churches never grow spiritually, very few of them survive. Most of them DIE as spiritual babies. The new-born baby needs to LEARN to LISTEN to the Master's VOICE, His Shepherd. He needs to learn to TRUST in Jesus, to FOLLOW Jesus Christ and not people  because people will disappoint you, churches will exploit you because it is their business. They are not concerned about the kingdom of God , neither are they concerned about the souls that are being lost. They don't care about the babies.

Take care of yourself, dear friend. Go to the Good Shepherd, seek Jesus Christ yourself. ask Him and He will guide you, listen to Him and He will teach you. Jesus Christ Himself is the GOOD SHEPHERD and He called many to look after His sheep. to tend them, to feed them and to teach them to follow HIM, to make disciples, not to make church members,  Church organizations look after themselves, they do not care for the flock. They are hirelings, thieves and robbers. Get your focus on Jesus Christ, seek Him with all your heart. Follow Him and He will guide you. He cares for you. Follow Jesus.

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Finding Good Christian Fellowship

Many believers who have accepted Jesus Christ and who are serious about following Him have a problem with fellowship because they cannot find other believers who truly follow Jesus Christ.

Many go to churches and they find out that most of those in churches are not interested in Jesus. They are just religious. The best fellowship is with Jesus Christ Himself. If we follow Him we are never alone because we LIVE in His presence BUT we also bring others into fellowship with Him. We witness for Jesus.

If we witness for Jesus wherever we go and if we tell others  about Him then we will never be alone. We will always be talking to people, we will always have fellowship.

It is those who go hide in a corner and do not let their light shine, it is those who are without fellowship.

If you witness for Jesus every day you will have lots of fellowship, you will have persecution, you will have people rejecting you, attacking you, but you will never be lonely, you will never be alone. You will always have fellowship.

If you need fellowship, walk with Jesus! Let your light shine. Be a witness for Jesus, talk about Jesus wherever you go and you will never be lonely.

Let your light shine for Jesus Christ and you will always have fellowship.

May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Are you SAVED?

Those who break the law are in the danger of being caught out, but those who SIN are already GUILTY because God does not need to catch us out. He knows what we are doing. Even our thoughts are known to Him.

The wages of sin is death. As long as you go on sinning you are assured of spending eternity in damnation. The only way to be SAVED is to STOP SINNING. The only way to have salvation is to have your sins forgiven and then to live in HOLINESS  and RIGHTEOUSNESS. The only one who can forgive our sins is Jesus Christ. The only one who can set us free from sin is Jesus Christ. Jesus said that he who sins is a slave to sin.

As long as you go on sinning you are already condemned and assured of damnation. Many claim to have been SAVED because they believe in Jesus Christ. If you believe in Jesus and you ACCEPT Him He forgives your past sins and He sets you FREE from the bondage of sin so that you can live in holiness and in righteousness. If you are still a slave to sin you are still doomed. If you go on sinning you will perish.  If you are truly saved then you have STOPPED SINNING  and you live in obedience to Jesus Christ, in holiness and in righteousness.

Have you been SAVED? Are you a child of God? Do you OBEY your Father? Are you living in holiness and righteousness in obedience to Jesus? Do you SIN NO MORE? Are you really SAVED?

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

New Revelation

Many people believe and even preach that the Bible is the complete revealed word of God and that everything that wanted to say was recorded in the Bible. That is not the truth!

God never stopped speaking and Jesus Christ promised us the Holy Spirit who will guide us into all truth.

We read on John 16:12 Jesus said:“I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. 13“But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. 14“He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you. 15“All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said that He takes of Mine and will disclose it to you."

Jesus was talking about the Holy Spirit that He promised to all those who believe in Him, who OBEY His words, who REPENT and are baptized in water, they would receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit as also happened on the day of Pentecost. and thereafter. Those who do not have the Holy Spirit and do not follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit are in darkness.

Many think that because they know the Bible they can predict the future. Many study the prophecies and they think that they can say what will happen next but they don't know, they are in darkness. They do not even know Jesus Christ. His sheep LISTEN to His VOICE and they FOLLOW Him . Those who are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God and they receive NEW REVELATION every day.

Jesus Christ REVEALS Himself to those who OBEY Him, who SEEK Him who WAIT on Him and who seek His kingdom.

Are you receiving NEW REVELATION from Jesus Christ? Are you being led by the Holy Spirit or are you also in darkness?

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Speak to Jesus

Believers do not seem to understand that Jesus Christ is ALIVE, He is God. People have been taught that salvation is about going through a series of actions, steps you take and if you do those things then you have salvation.

Jesus Christ is ALIVE, He is God Almighty. He made us, He made the voice, He made the ears. People ask me what they must do about their relationship with Jesus Christ. Go speak to Jesus, go and PRAY.

Praying is talking to Jesus, listening to Him, communicating with Him. There is an old gospel song that says:"Just a little talk with Jesus makes it right." If you don't know what to do, don't run to other people. Go on your knees and go and talk to Jesus in your own words, from your heart. Say:"Lord I don't understand. Lord Jesus help me please." Many people say they cannot find someone to baptize them. Tell it to Jesus!. Say:"Lord Jesus, I want to obey Thee but I don't know what to do, I don't know where to go to be baptized. Please help me!" Jesus is ALIVE. He wants to help us. Our relationship with Him is that of a child with his father, a bond-servant with his Master. we are totally dependent on Him. Without Jesus Christ we can do nothing. He loves us. He cares for us. He is not far away. He is not up in heaven on a throne somewhere. He is right here with us. His Holy Spirit is with us, to guide us, to teach us, to comfort us.

Have a little talk with Jesus. Go and pray. Cry before Him. Tell Him what is in your heart. People say they can't stop sinning, they are in bondage. They have got problems. Tell it to Jesus! Tell Him:"Lord help me, Lord Jesus I want to follow You but I am stuck. Please help me, please set me free. Lord please show me what to do, and He will SHOW you what to do. He loves you. He cares for you. He will put His mind in you. He will tell you which way to go, TURN LEFT or TURN RIGHT or He will stop you from doing something that is not right to Him or not pleasing in His sight.

Jesus is God. He is closer to you that anybody else. He is closer to you than even your own thoughts, like your own breath. He is with you all the time. He is watching you. He cares for you. Go have a little talk with Jesus. Go cry before Him. Say:"Lord help me please. And don't let sin come in between you and Jesus because sin separates us from God. Don't let disobedience separate you from Jesus. Repent of your sin. Get rid of those things that are between you and Jesus. Ask Him to show you what there is that separates you from Him. He will show you, then get rid of it. Get serious. Get on your knees, have a little talk with Jesus. Cry out to Him from your heart and He will answer you. He is God, He is ALIVE, He loves you, He is closer to you than anything or anybody. He understands you. Go have a little talk with Jesus Christ, He is waiting for you.

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Do Not Isolate Yourself Do Not Hide

If we accept Jesus Christ and are born again we will not fit into the world any more. We will be rejected and persecuted. Friends and family will turn their back on us and we might feel ourselves ALONE. Many who come to Jesus feel that they must isolate themselves, go into hiding like in a monastery. But Jesus Christ did not call us to hide away. He called us to be LIGHT in darkness, our light must SHINE in this world.

Others might run away from us but we have no reason to run away from them. They are in bondage of sin. They are in bondage of satan and Jesus Christ has set us free. We are the free men and women among those in bondage, the captives. We are called to set them free. We are called to bring them to Jesus Christ so that He can set them free from their bondage to sin.

He who sins is a slave, a slave to sin. If we follow Jesus Christ we are FREE. We are free to do the will of God. we do not need the acceptance of men. All we need is Jesus Christ. He knows to look after His children.

Jesus Christ said that we must seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all the other things will be added unto us. We don't need to seek friends or the acceptance of men, or their favors.

All we need is Jesus Christ  because we are free and they are in bondage. We must bring them to the freedom of the sons of God. We are the light of the world, we are the salt of the earth. If we go into hiding we are worthless for the kingdom of God. Our light must shine for Jesus. We must LIVE and DO and BE that which He called us for. We must serve His purpose and we must build the kingdom of God and we cannot do that if we withdraw, isolate ourselves, run away, go into hiding.

We have to STAND in the Name of Jesus Christ, STAND for righteousness, holiness and the devil will run from you.

If we STAND in the Name of the Lord then we will conquer because Jesus Christ has overcome the world and if Jesus Christ is in us then we ourselves are overcomers, because we trust in HIM and not on ourselves. He has set us free for a purpose.

Are we serving that purpose or are we running away? Are we going into hiding, into isolation?  Let your light SHINE for Jesus.

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

You need to have a PASSION

You need to have a passion for holiness, for righteousness, for the kingdom of God. You need to have a passion for Jesus Christ, to be pleasing to Him, to be acceptable to Him.

Most believers just want salvation. They want to do the minimum and still get into heaven. They still want to serve the world, serve themselves and also be children of God. That is impossible.

Jesus said that we must strive hard to find the narrow door because many will try very hard and not be able. Most Christians are slaves to sin. They say they cannot stop sinning. It is because they do not care for sin, they do not care for holiness. They do not care for the kingdom of God. They have no passion for Jesus Christ.

Do you have a passion for Jesus Christ. Is it driving you to do His will, to seek His will, to be pleasing to Him. Are you really serious about the kingdom of God.

Do you have a passion for Jesus Christ?

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

I received a New Heart

Thirty years ago I was a backslider, a prodigal son. I was a very religious person. Whenever my wife managed to get me to church I could put up a very good performance, I was a very good pretender. At work I was one person, with my friends I was another person and when I went to church I was yet another person. But then the Holy Spirit convicted me, I got sick and tired of my sin and of being a prodigal son. I went on my knees and I said:"Lord Jesus, if you want me back, I want to come back." and Jesus Christ poured out His love in my heart, He gave me a NEW HEART, He changed me, in a moment.

I did not fit in with my friends any more, I did not fit in at work any more.I was not the same person any more. My boss called me in and He said to me:"I want your resignation. You don't fit in here any more." I was fired, I was dismissed because I had changed. Jesus gave me a NEW HEART. I was not interested in sin any more, I was not interested in the way I used to be any more. I had the fear of God in me but I had love for Jesus in my heart and since then I have been following Jesus because He gave me a NEW HEART.

If you have met Jesus Christ and you are SERIOUS, He gives you a NEW HEART, you cannot go on sinning. You cannot be the same person that you used to be if you have met Jesus Christ.

Have you received a NEW HEART? Or have you just taken on religion? Unless you get a NEW HEART you cannot be a child of God. If you are born again you get a NEW HEART..

Ask Jesus to give you a NEW HEART and you will be a different person from that very moment. You will hate sin, you will fear God and you will love Jesus Christ.

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, November 2, 2015

The POWER of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ sets the captives free. Those who believe in Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Lord and Master are IMMEDIATELY, INSTANTANEOUSLY set free from the bondage of sin. They are not slaves to sin any more, they are BORN AGAIN and they are CHILDREN OF GOD. The children of God are FREE, they are FREE from the bondage of sin. That is the POWER of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The MOMENT you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and your Master He sets you free and you are FREE to SIN NO MORE. You are free from the damnation, you are free from the bondage of sin.

If you are still a sinner and you practice sin then you are separated from God. Many people confess to be Christians  but they also confess to be sinners, they say: We are all sinners. As long as you are still a sinner you are not a child of God. A child of God is FREE from the bondage of sin. The sons of God are FREE from sin and they SIN NO MORE, they serve the Master, they serve Jesus Christ. That is the POWER OF THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST. He immediately sets you free, sin has no power over you any more UNLESS you go back to sin and you get entangled into sin again. Then you have turned away from Jesus, you have despised His grace and you have become a slave to sin again.

If you have become a slave to sin after accepting Jesus then you need to turn back to Jesus and ask him to set you free because as long as you are a sinner you are DOOMED and destined for DAMNATION.

Jesus Christ sets the captives FREE. That is the POWER of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Are you FREE? Are you a child of God or are you as slave to sin?

May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Those whom God calls

Those people whom God chooses to be His servants are most often rejected by the world because God chooses those who are not regarded by the world. God does not call people for their natural abilities or for their talents. He calls them in spite of their background, their talents or their lack of talents. God often uses those who are disregarded and rejected by the world. Most of God's servants will not be allowed to speak or preach or deliver their message in any of the modern day churches. God often uses those whom the world despise. He will use children, women, He even spoke through Balaam's donkey. God uses those whom He chooses.

Moses, the man of God was a murderer. He murdered an Egyptian. He was also a stutterer but God used him to deliver His people.

David was a slightly built young man but he rescued his father's sheep from the claws and the mouths of lions and bears and he killed the giant Goliath in the name of the Lord. David was a man after God's heart because he did not trust in himself, he trusted in the Lord God.

The prophet Amos was not called to be a prophet. We read in  Amos 7:14 "Then Amos replied to Amaziah, "I am not a prophet, nor am I the son of a prophet; for I am a herdsman and a grower of sycamore figs. 15"But the LORD took me from following the flock and the LORD said to me, 'Go prophesy to My people Israel.' Amos 7:14,15.

The disciples of Jesus were fishermen, ordinary men, not educated men.

The apostle Paul was not a great speaker but God chose him and he called him and the apostle Paul wrote in

1 Corinthians 1:17

"17For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not in cleverness of speech, so that the cross of Christ would not be made void.

     18For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

19For it is written,



20Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 21For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not come to know God, God was well-pleased through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. 22For indeed Jews ask for signs and Greeks search for wisdom; 23but we preach Christ crucified, to Jews a stumbling block and to Gentiles foolishness, 24but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

      26For consider your calling, brethren, that there were not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble; 27but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong, 28and the base things of the world and the despised God has chosen, the things that are not, so that He may nullify the things that are, 29so that no man may boast before God. 30But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption, 31so that, just as it is written, “LET HIM WHO BOASTS, BOAST IN THE LORD.”

Nobody will be able to boast when they stand before the throne of Jesus Christ. He does not use the wise and the strong. He uses those who answer to the call, those whom He has chosen who are willing to follow and obey Him IN SPITE OF THEIR DISPOSITION. You don't need to go to Bible school. You don't need to be taught by men. You don't need to be a great speaker. all that you need to do is OBEY Jesus Christ. we cannot bear fruit if we are no IN CHRIST. We cannot be of value for His kingdom if we do not follow and obey Him. God is not interested in the wisdom of the world or in the opinions of men.

Jesus Christ is LORD. He is GOD and He will bring to naught all human wisdom and that is why the true servants of God are not accepted nor acceptable to the churches of this age. They go after the wisdom of men and the teachings of men, not after Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ IS the wisdom of God and no-one  and nobody will boast but Jesus Christ. All the wisdom , the power and the glory belongs to Jesus.

All that Jesus Christ requires is OBEDIENCE. LISTEN, FOLLOW and OBEY Him, DO what He commands you to do and SPEAK what He TELLS you to speak, not your own wisdom but speak the wisdom that comes from God. His sheep LISTEN to His VOICE, they FOLLOW Him, they DO His WORKS and they speak HIS WORDS. Those who are chosen, follow and obey Jesus Christ. Those who ignore Him and who reject His calling are not suitable for His kingdom and they will perish.

Are you willing to ANSWER to the CALL? Many are chosen but very few are willing. Are YOU willing?

May Jesus bless you.