Tuesday, May 31, 2016
You must follow Jesus not just believe
It is senseless to believe in Jesus Christ for salvation if we do not follow and obey Him. Jesus said:"Why do you call Me Lord, Lord and you do not what I say."
Jesus Christ gives eternal life to those who follow and obey Him because they believe in Him. If we truly believe in Jesus we will obey His words, the words that He spoke as they are also recorded in the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John). We will turn away from sin, we will repent and be baptized in water, live holy and righteous and we will seek His Holy Spirit that He promised to those who obey Him, so that the Holy Spirit can guide us every day. The Spirit of Christ will be with us every moment, we will experience Him, if we follow and obey Him. He will guide us and He will teach us, we will know Jesus Christ because He will reveal Himself to us.
Jesus Christ will say to most people who believed in Him for salvation, but they did not obey Him, He will say to them:"Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness." They will not have salvation, they will end up in damnation, because they chose to disobey Him, they believed the lie. They did not follow Him, they did not obey Him, they just confessed Him with their lips but their hearts were far away from Him.
Do you know Jesus Christ? Do you follow and obey Him or are you heading for destruction?
May Jesus bless you.
Monday, May 30, 2016
Jesus Christ Gives POWER To Overcome
Jesus Christ does not only save us but He gives us VICTORY. he gives us VICTORY over temptation, over sin, over the wiles of the devil and He makes us VICTORIOUS. He gives us the POWER to do all things godly, to do His will.
Many believers say that they cannot stop sinning. It is because they don't know Jesus Christ. They don't have the Spirit of God in them. The apostle Paul wrote that if that same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwell in you, He will quicken your mortal body.
He gives me the POWER to do His will. He gives me the wisdom to destroy the lies of the devil. In the Name of Jesus we cast down speculations and we expose the works of darkness because the Spirit of Christ dwells in us. He gives us the POWER. If you do not have the POWER of Jesus Christ in you then you do not have Him. Then you are not of Jesus Christ. You have to be filled with the Holy Spirit and have the power of God working in and through you to be able to do the will of God. If Jesus is in you, you are VICTORIOUS. He gives you the POWER.
It does not matter how old you are, neither how educated you are because God gives you the POWER and He gives you the WISDOM to do the works of Christ.
Do you have the POWER to OVERCOME. Do you have Jesus Christ?
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Sunday, May 29, 2016
FREE to SERVE Jesus Not Bound By Sin And Vices
The one whom you serve is your boss, he is your master. If you serve Jesus Christ you become part of His kingdom, the kingdom of heaven and your reward is with Him in heaven. But if you are a sinner and you are a slave to sin and you serve sin and the lusts of the flesh, then you will perish because the wages of sin is death.
Jesus Christ came to set the captives free, those who were in bondage of sin. Many believers are captives of sin. they cannot stop sinning. They are not free. They are in bondage and they will end up in hell, in damnation if they keep on sinning. No sinners will enter into the kingdom of heaven. Jesus Christ can set you free. Those whom the Son of God has set free will be FREE and FREE INDEED. They will not be slaves to sin any more. they will be free to serve Jesus Christ and become part of His kingdom.
If you want to be free Jesus Christ will set you free but then you have to submit to Him, accept Him as you Lord. Repent of sin, turn away from sin, stop sinning, be baptized in water for the washing off of your sin and Jesus Christ will set you free. If you accept Jesus and become part of His kingdom you have authority over satan. Submit yourself to Him, resist the devil and he will flee from you. But if you give in to sin and invite the devil in again you will become ensnared. satan will always try to lure you back into captivity, therefor you have to resist him, stand against him in the Name of Jesus, fight him off and you will overcome as long as you stay with Jesus, but if you go away from Jesus you will lose the battle and you will end up in hell.
Are you free from sin? Are you free to serve the Master? Who are you serving? Are you serving Jesus Christ as Lord and Master or are you a slave to sin that will lead to destruction?
Submit to Jesus with all your heart, fight the battle and you will overcome as long as you stay with Jesus.
May Jesus bless you.
Saturday, May 28, 2016
The Tragic Christian Dilemma
The vast majority of Christian believers are totally LOST. They have no direction. That is because they do not know Jesus Christ . They run after people theology, theories, their own mind. They are like the world. There is no difference between them and the world but they are brainwashed and deceived because they even think that they have salvation. They try to teach and instruct other people, they refer them to other Bible teachers and spiritual people while they themselves have no direction. And that is because they don't know Jesus Christ. They have no testimony of Jesus. They have not met Him, they do not follow Him, they do not know Him. They are sinners but yet they think that they have salvation.
If you have met Jesus Christ all you talk about is Jesus. You don't talk about the Bible, you don't talk about other people. You talk about Jesus Christ because then He is your reality. You follow Him every day. You listen to Him. You are in awe about Him. He is your Lord and your Master. If you do not know Jesus then you are clueless, you are LOST. You have no direction, you have no hope because Jesus will say to most of these poor deceived souls:"Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness."
If you are a SLAVE TO SIN and if you are conformed to the world, if you love the world and the things of the world, if you want to be like the world and if you want to compete in this world, excel, do good at the things of the world then you do not know Jesus, you don't have a vision of the kingdom of God, you don't know what is important, you do not have the hope of salvation.
The sad truth is that most Christians believe they have some form of security of salvation but they don't even know Jesus Christ and therefor they are not following Him. How can they follow the Lord that they do not know? How can they serve Him if they do not even know Him nor know His voice? His sheep LISTEN to His VOICE and they follow Him.
Have you met Jesus Christ? Is He your reality? Is He your LIFE or are you also like most Christians just DECEIVED? If you know Jesus Christ you do not have to prove your salvation by quoting Bible verses. You KNOW the One in whom you believe. You KNOW the One who is your reality. You KNOW the One whom you are following but if you don't know Jesus Christ you are LOST and DOOMED.
Seek Jesus. Get to know Him for real and you will not be in darkness any more. You will know the WAY. Jesus Christ is the WAY, He is the TRUTH, He is the LIFE. Get a LIFE , get Jesus Christ.
May Jesus bless you.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
When you will HEAR Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is ALIVE. He is GOD. He speaks. He is the One who made the ears. He made the voice. He speaks and His sheep HEAR His VOICE. They LISTEN and they follow Him.
Very few Christian believers experience the voice of Jesus Christ. Very few truly know Jesus Christ. You will HEAR Him speaking to you when you get SERIOUS with Him. Most Christian believers are not serious. They do not believe in Jesus Christ. They do not believe that He is alive, that He is God WITH us, that He can speak. The have not really met Him and that is because they are not serious.
When you seriously seek Him you will find Him and you will HEAR Him speaking to you.
I realized that I did not really know Jesus Christ when I remembered His words where He said:"My sheep hear My voice and they follow Me." And I said: "Lord I do not know Your voice and therefor I do not follow You but I WANT to and I am SERIOUS" and I started seeking. I started praying, I started pleading Him to speak to me, to reveal himself to me. And He did!.
If we are serious and we earnestly seek Jesus with all our heart we will find Him but if we are not serious about Him, about knowing Him, about following Him, we will never know Him and He will say to us one day:"Go away I never knew you, you worker of wickedness." Why? Because we never knew Him, we were never serious about knowing Him. We were not serious about doing His will, about learning from Him. If we are SERIOUS about knowing Jesus Christ and following Him then we will seek Him with all that is in us and He will reveal himself to us. He will speak to us, all the time, when it pleases Him.
He might speak to you in a dream. He might speak to you in your heart but you will get the message. You will KNOW Jesus is speaking to you because His sheep KNOW His VOICE. I know when Jesus is speaking to me. I know His voice. I listen and I follow Him
Do you know His voice? Do you follow Him? Are you SERIOUS about knowing and following Jesus Christ? If you truly want salvation you need to know His voice. You need to follow Him. You need to obey Him. You need to be pleasing to Him. Seek Him and you will find Him. Seek Him with all your heart and He will reveal Himself to you.
May Jesus bless you.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Why people cannot receive the Holy Spirit
Unbelievers cannot receive the Holy Spirit and many believers also do not receive the Holy Spirit. The reason is that they do not really believe. They have not accepted Jesus Christ and they do not OBEY Him. Jesus Christ promised the Holy Spirit to all those who believe in Him and who OBEY Him.
I read from John 14:12 Jesus said:“I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; 17that is the Spirit of truth, WHOM THE WORLD CANNOT RECEIVE, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you."
Jesus Christ Himself is the SPIRIT and those who have accepted Him and who have received the Holy Spirit have the Spirit of Christ in them. Jesus was speaking to His disciples and He was explaining to them that He was there with them and that He would be IN them once He had departed, ascended to heaven and sent the Holy Spirit to be IN them. That happened on the day of Pentecost (Acts 1,2) when the Holy Spirit was given.
I read further from verse 18“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. 19“After a little while the world will no longer see Me, but you will see Me; because I live, you will live also. 20“In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you."
Those who have received the Holy Spirit know that Jesus Christ and the Father are ONE. They can SEE Him. They are of the same Spirit because He is also IN them. Those who have not received the Holy Spirit neither hear Him nor do they see Him. They cannot receive Him because they do not believe Him and they do not obey Him, they have not accepted Him.
We read from verse 21:“He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.”
Those who have accepted Jesus Christ OBEY Him and He gives His Holy Spirit IN them. He reveals Himself IN them and TO them, He DISCLOSES Himself to them and that is why they KNOW Him. That is why the world does not know Him, because they reject Him, they have not accepted Him. They do not OBEY Him. Many believers also do not obey Him and that is why they do not KNOW Him. They do not know His VOICE and they do not follow Him.
22Judas (not Iscariot) said to Him, “Lord, what then has happened that You are going to disclose Yourself to us and not to the world?”
23Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him. 24“He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father’s who sent Me."
Those who love Jesus Christ OBEY His words, the words that He taught, that He spoke, the gospel of Jesus Christ that which was recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Those who truly believe in Him and who have accepted Him live according to those words and Jesus Christ reveals Himself to them. Him and the Father come and abide with them. His Spirit comes and lives IN them, the Holy Spirit. God is with them and God is IN them, His Spirit dwells IN them.
We read from verse 25“These things I have spoken to you while abiding with you. 26“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He WILL TEACH YOU ALL THINGS, AND BRING TO YOUR REMEMBRANCE ALL THAT I SAID TO YOU."
Jesus Christ was physically leaving His disciples. He would be crucified, resurrected and leave their presence when He ascended to heaven but He promised His Holy Spirit to be IN and with them, His very own presence, not only to them but to all those who would believe after hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Those who would accept Him and obey Him, He would give His Spirit IN them . He would reveal Himself to them, disclose Himself to them. The would HEAR Him, they would SEE Him and they would be able to FOLLOW Him, they would be His DISCIPLES, His BODY, the Body of Christ who are ONE with Jesus Christ. They would be lead by the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ IN them.
Those who do not have the Spirit of Christ do not belong to Him, even though they have a Bible, even though they belong to a church, even though they believe that they are saved, even though they believe they have eternal life. If you do not have the Spirit of Christ and if you are not lead by the Spirit of Christ then you are not one of His sheep, you do not belong to Him. The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:14 "those who are being lead by the Spirit of God they are the children of God" they are the sons of God. Not just those who believe but those who HAVE the Spirit and who are LEAD by the Spirit, they are the Body of Christ, they are of the kingdom of God. The obey Jesus Christ and they follow Him every day. They are in communion, in relationship with Him.
Do you have the Spirit of Christ? Have you received the Holy Spirit? Do you follow and obey Him? Are you of Him? Are you a child of God?
May Jesus bless you.
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Christians out of touch with God
Most professing Christians are totally out of touch with God. They do
not know Jesus Christ. They do not know what is happening in the kingdom
of heaven. The do not know what God is doing. The are up to date with
the newest technology, they have got the newest cell phones and they
think they know what is happening in the world but they do not know
what is happening in the spirit world. They are spiritually,
dysfunctional, they are spiritually deaf, blind and dead. They have no
relationship with God.
Those who are being lead by the Spirit of
god, THEY are children of God. They follow Jesus Christ every day and
they do what is pleasing to Him. The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth
teaches them and guides them , He guides them into all truth. He tells
them things to come, He tells them what is happening in the spirit
world. He informs them of what is happening in the kingdom of Heaven.
They are not ignorant to what God is doing because they listen to the
Master. His sheep HEAR His voice, they LISTEN to Him and they follow
Are you in touch with God? Do you hear His voice? Do you follow
Him? Or are you just deceiving yourself? If we are not following Jesus
Christ every day then we are not His disciples, we are not His sheep.
Religious people only deceive themselves, they play church, they play
religion, they study the Bible, they go to church and they have
fellowship with other deceived souls but they have no fellowship with
the Living God. The are LOST and DOOMED and they call themselves
If you are not following Jesus Christ, if you are not in
touch with Him and if you do not stay in touch with Him you are lost and
doomed and destined for destruction.
Get to know Jesus Christ for real. Listen to Him and follow Him or else you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Monday, May 23, 2016
Resting in Christ
Those who are in Christ rest from their own works. They have died to self and to sin and they do the will of God. They follow Jesus Christ.
His sheep hear His voice, they listen to Him and they follow Him. They do not run after the things of the world, the desires of the flesh, their own plans and ambitions. Their only desire is to do the will of God.
Are you IN CHRIST? Are you resting from your own works and are you doing the will of God? Are you in Christ?
May Jesus bless you.
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Free from Sin Guilt Fear and Anxiety
Jesus Christ makes you absolutely free IF you follow Him. He makes you free from sin because He forgives your past sin, you follow Him and you SIN NO MORE.
He makes you free from fear and anxiety because you follow Him, you have no plans of your own, you do not know about the future, you are not concerned about the future, neither are you anxious about the future because Jesus Christ is your future. In faith you listen to Him, you follow Him and you do His will and you KNOW that nothing can happen to you that Jesus Christ does not allow and that He did not plan because He is Lord, He is King and He is Master, He is Almighty. Jesus Christ makes you ABSOLUTELY FREE.
Are you FREE? Have you been set free by the Son of God and are you following Him?
May Jesus bless you.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
The Foolish Mind - Word from the Lord May 20, 2016
The Word of the Lord came to me while I was praying. I wrote it down and share it with those who have ears:
“The Foolish Mind trusts in himself and in other people, the wisdom of men and the lies of satan. The foolish mind rejects God and the wisdom that comes from above. He trusts in what he sees and hears with his natural senses but he rejects the Spirit of God.
What eyes have not seen and ears have not heard, that which is planned in secret is not hidden to God and He reveals it to the wise, those who trust in Him and wait on Him, those who listen and believe when He speaks to them.
The foolish mind thinks that he can protect and preserve himself through his own plans and schemes but his plans are in vain because he does not know nor believe the truth.
Purify your heart, cleanse your mind and your heart, your deeds, from wickedness. Repent from your own plans and foolish wisdom and trust fully in Me. Set your mind on Me and My kingdom and I will reveal the truth to you. I will guide and teach you. I will instruct you on the way that you must go. I will teach you My ways and guide you in My truth. Trust in Me only. Stay with Me and you will find the way to Life. Endure with Me and you will enter My kingdom.
Calamity, disaster and horror will come on those who rejected Me and followed their own foolish minds.
Warn them to come to Me and be taught by Me.”
May Jesus bless you.
Friday, May 20, 2016
Extreme Endurance - Few Survivors
Following Jesus is never easy because God puts you on the spot. God will test you. God will try you. So if you want to follow Jesus, my friend, don't expect any shortcuts. Don't expect Him to go it easy on you ether because God Himself never went easy on His Son, Jesus Christ. God will never take you the short road, He won't take you the easy way. He won't give things to you easily. He won't spoil you. God is not like earthly fathers who spoil their kids and then they grow up rotten, because God knows what is inside of us. He forces us to do it the difficult way, to do it the proper way, not to take shortcuts. In that way He works character in us. God does not tolerate laziness. Revelation always brings blood, sweat and tears because God will reveal things to you that are maybe wrong in your life. He will reveal to you things that stand between you and Him and you might have to go and do correction, you have got to go back on your tracks, go and ask people for forgiveness.
My friend, God will never make it easy on you . People who say that they live in revelation from God, they live in pain. They live in suffering. Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God learned through what He suffered, even though He was perfect. God made it extremely difficult on Him but that is the way that God will treat all those whom He loves. If anybody tells you that God will play it soft on you and make it easy on you they don't know God. They just don't know God because God knows man. God knows the wickedness in us and He knows if He makes it easy on us then we will start becoming smart, we will become hypocrites, we will think it is ME, I did this, I am the smart guy. That is why God took Israel through the desert to the promised land and they didn't make it because they could not take the chastisement of God. They could not take getting to know His ways and they whined and they complained and they longed to go back to the flesh pots of Egypt. The majority of Christians won't make it. They will long for their TV and their programs and their idols and their creature comforts and their lusts, they won't make it. They won't make the test.
My friend, when you walk with God, God will make it tough on you because you will have to prove your mettle, you will have to be proven as a worthy son of God. It's for free to enroll, my friend, but then the hard work starts. God won't make it easy on you. He hasn't made it easy on anybody. Why should He? It is the biggest prize, eternal life in Christ Jesus and if we want to go through that narrow door we will suffer.
It will not be easy. It is a narrow door. It is a lonely road. It is a road that you traverse alone with God, not with many friends. Not many people want to go along with you. They say you are crazy. But God will prove you, my friend. He will prove that you are a son of God, that you have endured until the end, that you have guts, that you have determination, that you truly love Him. You have got to obey God under the worst of circumstances. It's easy to be a fair weather Christian. There are many of them but the moment that things go wrong they go back to the world, they turn their back on God. It's not easy, my friend. God will not make it easy on anybody.
God will give you revelations but that revelation will tax you. It will make you work hard. It will bring you pain, it will bring you suffering. It will bring you discomfort. It will take you out of your comfort zone so that you can learn to trust God and not in in your own means, not in your own resources. He will take you where you know nobody, where you have got no resources, where you have no crutches and then you will know God is GOD, He is REAL. He will never let you down, my friend. God will never ever let you down but if we put our hand to the plow and we look back we are not worthy of the kingdom of God and then God will have no pleasure in us, my friend.
Most Christians have never even started walking the walk. They are not following Jesus. they think they are saved but they are not following Him.
My friend if you have got an easy time you are not following Jesus because He will tax you. Every step of the way will be tough. Many days you will not know which way to go, it will be pure darkness around you . You will need God. You will cry out to Him, you will say "LORD HELP ME" and He will say:"I AM HERE, I WILL HELP YOU." He will not take you the easy way, my friend. God will take you the difficult road so that you can learn to trust Him. He knows our wicked nature. He knows that we trust in the flesh. He will give us things to do that are too difficult and really impossible for our own resources. He will tell you to do it. He told Moses to speak to the rock, to produce water. Since when do you speak to a rock to produce water? But God told him to do it. He said to Peter:"Come walk on the water." Since when does a man walk on water? But he obeyed Jesus. You have got to learn to trust God and to obey Him, my friend, and if you are not willing to trust God and obey Him you cannot follow Him. That is the narrow road. That is the road of discipleship. That is the road of obedience, my friend. and that is why Jesus said that very few, very few will find that narrow door. Very few, my friend. It's not just about believing in Jesus. Do you believe in Jesus? Do you? Well, then follow Him. Prove that you trust Him. Prove that you trust Jesus. Just follow Him wherever He tells you to go and He knows whether He sent you or whether you just withdraw and say:"I am not going there. I am not doing that! testifying ? Talk about Jesus in front of my boss? You have got to be crazy. I will lose my job." You lost out, my friend. You denied Christ. You did not pass the test. Ask the Lord to give you another opportunity to prove that you truly love Him.
My friend, you will be tested. You will be tried and you will have to pass those tests and don't think they are going to get easier. They are going to get more and more difficult the further you go. the road will get narrower and steeper and the company will become less because not many are on that road. They are very few, my friend but there is One who will never leave you and that is Jesus Christ. are you willing to walk with Him? He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, my friend, there is only ONE WAY, Jesus Christ.
May Jesus bless you.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Saving the Lost Generation
We live in a world where the truth has been perverted through lies. People do not know to do right any more. Wickedness and sinfulness has become the standard. To live in sin and immorality has become normal. Homosexuality and abortion is common place.
Many children are born from fornication and adultery. They are born out of wedlock. They grow up in households where parents are divorced. They have no example of godliness. Even the churches that should be the standard of morality and decency are immoral, wicked. Instead of preaching repentance and obedience to Jesus Christ they say:"We are all sinners" and people believe that they cannot stop sinning. They do not believe the truth, they believe lies.
This generation is LOST because the truth is that the wages of sin is death. The soul that sins will perish. Without holiness no man shall see God. This generation is DOOMED and destined to hell if they do not repent, if they do not turn from wickedness, stop sinning and obey God.
It is not the will of God that any man perish but that all repent from their wickedness and that they LIVE. Jesus Christ came to take away the sins of the world. He came to set the world free from the bondage of sin and if the Son of God has set you free you will be free and free indeed, you will not be a slave to sin any more, because if you sin you will perish. But if you accept Jesus Christ then He makes you new inside, you are born again of the Spirit of God and sin, filth and wickedness is not normal to you any more. You hate sin, you WANT to be CLEAN. You run from wickedness and you seek to be pleasing to God.
The only One who can save you is Jesus Christ but if you do not want to be saved He cannot save you. If you do not realize how LOST you are and if you do not call out to Him with everything that is in you and go after Him, turn away from sin and cling to Jesus, stay with Him until the end then you will perish because if you sin you will BURN.
Jesus Christ is the only One who can save you if you WANT to be saved, if you WANT eternal life. But if you want to stay in your sin and immorality and filth then you will perish. The choice is ours, the door is still open. We can call on Jesus, we can go to Him, we can ask Him to make us NEW, to forgive our sins, to make us children of God OR we can stay as we are and then we will perish.
If you want to be saved you have to RUN to Jesus before it is too late because the door will close and then you will knock and He will not open because it will be for ever too late.
Jesus WANTS to save you from SIN if you WANT to be saved. RUN to Him while you still can. REPENT of your sin, ACCEPT Jesus Christ as your Lord and Master, be baptized in water for the washing off of your sins, SIN NO MORE, be HOLY, be RIGHTEOUS. Ask Jesus for His Holy Spirit to be with you and in you and to guide you into all truth so that you can be saved from eternal damnation.
Do you WANT to be saved? Go on your knees right where you are and cry out to Jesus. Go after Him before it is for ever too late.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
You will die - The end is near
You will die, my friend, and I will also die. It is appointed for man to die once and thereafter comes judgment. We are not going to live for ever, that is for sure. Neither is this world going to last for ever. This world with all it's pleasures is passing away. It is being depleted. They are talking about global warming. The resources of this world are being depleted. This world is being polluted, used up, destroyed. It is not going to last. It is coming to an end. But before this world comes to an end we might just come to an end. We might just die before that happens and my friend, then eternity waits, but eternity is reality because it is appointed for man to die once and thereafter comes judgment. But the wonderful news is that the Creator of all this, God Almighty, is inviting us to become immortal, like He is immortal, so that we can be united with Him and live for ever.
It is written:"This world and it's pleasures are passing away but those who do the will of God will live forever." My friend, the only way that we can escape death, eternal death, is by accepting Jesus Christ as our King and our Lord and our Master because we are perishable, but through Christ this perishable can be exchanged for that which cannot perish, for eternal life in Christ Jesus and that is REALITY. What we see and feel, our flesh, that can perish and it will perish, that is for certain, but what is not perishable is SPIRIT. God is SPIRIT. He is the Father of all spirits and He has given us a spirit and our spirit is separated from the Spirit of God by sin, because God hates sin. He is pure. We can be united with God and live for ever but we have got to get rid of sin. We can come back into the presence of God like Adam was separated from the presence of God because of sin.
Jesus Christ came to take away the sins of the world, my friend and He will take away your sin and mine IF we OBEY Him, if we accept Him as our Lord, as our KING , as our utmost absolute Master and we serve Him then He will unite us with God the Father. He is the LINK. He died on a cross on Calvary to take away our sins and He will decide who will cross that barrier from death unto life.
If we accept Him as our Lord and Master He pulls us from death unto life BUT we have got to stay with Him. Many people have accepted Jesus and now they believe they are SAVED, they are NOT. We are saved if we ENDURE in that relationship with Him until the end, but if that relationship dies then we die with it and we are eternally DAMNED.
My friend, there is only ONE WAY to escape eternal death and damnation and that is Jesus Christ but you don't only need to believe in Him you have got to OBEY Him and you have got to form a SPIRITUAL UNION because when you invite Jesus to be your Lord and Master, when you accept Him as God and King, then you SUBMIT yourself to Him and you start listening to Him. He, His Spirit unites with your spirit, His spirit comes and lives in you with your spirit but then you have got to OBEY Him and just as you have been and you are born with a conscience His Spirit comes and lives in you more and more as you obey Him more and more and you grow into unity with Him. The majority of people do not grow into a unity with Christ. They connect with Christ and then they sever again, then they divorce and they are for ever lost and the majority of Christians are going to have a very sad surprise when one day Jesus will say to them:"Go away I never knew you," because they met Him, maybe. they heard about Him, they believed in Him, they asked Him for forgiveness of sins and then they believed they were saved and they went back into their former lifestyle, they did not follow Him.
Jesus calls us into that relationship with Him where we get to KNOW Him, we become spiritual people and where we override our natural urges and our natural nature which is SINFUL, we override it, we deny it, we say I WILL NOT SIN, I WILL NOT DO WHAT I WANT TO DO, I WILL OBEY CHRIST. Then my spirit becomes alive and I grow spiritually. I grow into that relationship with Jesus Christ where I HEAR His VOICE and I LISTEN to Him every moment of my life, UNTIL I am finally united with Him at death, because then this body falls away, it dies but my spirit is alive because I have connected with Jesus Christ.
Now the question I want to ask you, my friend is: Did you connect with Jesus Christ? Did you find the King? Did you find LIFE? Did you find the Master? And then , did you STAY with Him and has that relationship grown? Have you grown into Christ? Or do you just believe that you are saved but you don't know Him
He says:"My sheep know My voice and they LISTEN to Me." Do you know His voice and listen to Him? Are you actively in a close relationship with Jesus where you are following Him, where you are utterly focused on Him every moment of your life? Is Jesus Christ your LIFE? If He is not than you are spiritually dying or dead, my friend.
Jesus is LIFE. You have got to get into that close relationship with Him and STAY with Him and that relationship must GROW until you are utterly LOST into Christ, where His mind permeates you, where his Spirit permeates you, where your spirit becomes ALIVE and you deny your flesh.You are not interested in your natural urges and lusts and desires any more.
This body is useless but the spirit is life and God puts life in us when we connect with Him through Jesus Christ and we grow that relationship with Him where we get to know Him better and better every day.
My friend, to have friends is of little benefit but to know God is of eternal benefit and to take your friends to Jesus, to be united with Him into eternal existence. Have you got the hope of eternal existence or are you still spiritually severed and dead, destined for eternal extinction and damnation in hell? There is only one way, my friend, and that is ACCEPT Jesus as your Lord and Master, turn away from sin and from self, your own selfish nature and become UNITED with Him in SPIRITUAL UNISON where you hear His voice and you follow Him every moment of your life. Jesus Christ is LIFE. Get to know Him, my friend, before it is for ever too late, before that silver thread is cut and you die and you are LOST into eternal damnation.
May Jesus bless you.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Salvation Package
Salvation is a package and the name of that package is Jesus Christ. If you want to have salvation you have to accept the package, which means that if you believe in Jesus Christ and accept Him then you have to OBEY Him. You have to do everything that He commanded and that He commands you to do. You cannot exclude anything.
Jesus said:"If you love Me, obey My commands." You cannot have salvation without Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is Lord and He is Master and if you accept Him you have to submit yourself to Him, you have to die to self, die to sin and live for Jesus Christ in utter obedience to Him.
You cannot select part of the package. You cannot take what you like and discard of the rest. You have to accept Jesus Christ and all of His words, all of His commands IN TOTAL to have eternal life.
Jesus said:"Whoever WISHES to come after Me must deny himself, every day pick up his cross and come here, follow Me." Jesus Christ commands us to turn away from sin, to be baptized in water and to RECEIVE the baptism in the Holy Spirit, to be lead by the Holy Spirit. Our life must be governed by the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of Christ. We must UTTERLY submit to Him and live for Him. He will say to many believers who thought that they were saved:"Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness."
If we do not utterly obey Him and endure with Him until the very end we will not enter His kingdom. We have to persevere and endure until the very end and do the will of God. We must accept the WHOLE PACKAGE, submit to the King, Jesus Christ and SERVE Him as Lord for now and for ever.
Have you accepted the PACKAGE? Are you following Jesus Christ and doing His will?
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Monday, May 16, 2016
God is not HIDING
God does not hide, neither is He far away that people cannot see Him. It is because of sin that the world cannot see God, because sin separates man from God. Those who are pure in heart will see God.
The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 1:18 "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, HIS ETERNAL POWER AND DIVINE NATURE, HAVE BEEN CLEARLY SEEN, BEING UNDERSTOOD THROUGH WHAT HAS BEEN MADE, SO THAT THEY ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE. 21For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.
24Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. 25For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
26For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. (HOMOSEXUALITY)
28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, 29being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, 30slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; 32and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them."
That is what has become of the world today. That is what happened to churches today who are TOLERANT to sin and unrighteousness, who are worldly, who have turned their back on God. They have a form of godliness but they have denied the power thereof. They deny God.
God is HOLY and He is PURE, and if we cleanse our hearts of all unrighteousness and if we are pure in heart we will SEE God, we will experience Him, we will KNOW Him but the world does not know God because of SIN. God is not hiding Himself. Our sins and our iniquities have come between us and God and that is why we do not see God neither do we see His hand.
If you want to see God, get rid of your sin. Repent, turn away from sin, ask Jesus Christ for forgiveness, be baptized in water for the washing off of your sin and SIN NO MORE. Be HOLY, be RIGHTEOUS and you will EXPERIENCE God. Ask Jesus to give you His Holy Spirit to dwell in you because He only dwells in clean and holy temples, and you will walk with God, you will KNOW Him, you will SEE Him and He will not be hidden from you.
May Jesus bless you.
Sunday, May 15, 2016
What it means to ACCEPT Jesus Christ
Most Christian believers have a total misconception of what it means to
ACCEPT Jesus Christ. We read in John 1:12 that all those who have
accepted Jesus Christ, or received Him, have the authority, or the power
to become sons of God, to become children of God. It just depends on
which version of the the Bible you read what you make yourself
understand from those words. But to accept Jesus Christ means to totally
submit yourself to Him as Lord and Master. If you believe that Jesus
Christ is indeed whom He said that He is, that He is the Son of God,
that He is God Almighty, that all power and all authority belongs to
Him, that His words are the words of eternal life, accepting Jesus
Christ means to ACCEPT Him in TOTAL, COMPLETELY, to accept His words,
His commands, to accept Him as your MASTER and your LORD, your KING,
your everything and to serve Him, to OBEY Him and to do as He commanded.
people have been told that if they just accept the Lord Jesus Christ,
just believe in Him and say a simple prayer, say:"Lord Jesus I accept
You as my Lord and Master" then their name is written in the Book of
Life and they will have eternal life, they will go to heaven. THAT IS A
LIE! That is not what Jesus said.
If we believe in Him then we
accept Him as MASTER, we deny ourselves, turn away from sin, do not live
for ourselves any more but then we live for Jesus and the Kingdom of
God, we live our lives to please Him, for the rest of our life. He gave
His life to save us so if we want LIFE we have to lay down our lives for
Him, we have to live to please Him, live in obedience to Him, SERVE Him
as Lord and Master. If we have not done that, if we have not submitted
our own will, our own desires, our own plans, our own life to Jesus
Christ and if we are not living to please Him and doing what He
commanded and what He guides us into doing every day , if we do not
serve Him , then we have not accepted Him. Then we have no part in Him
and we do not have any hope of eternal life. If we do not know Him for
real and serve Him as our Lord and Master we are not children of God.
Then we have never become children of God. If we are not born again of
the Spirit of God and we have not become like Jesus then we are none of
Most Christian believers are totally deceived because they do not know Jesus Christ, they believe LIES.
you found the truth? Have you found Jesus Christ and have you truly
ACCEPTED Him? Are you SERVING Him as your Lord and Master?
May Jesus bless you.
Saturday, May 14, 2016
The dangerous useless gospel preached in churches
The lies that are being preached in churches inoculate people against
the truth. It makes them resistant against the gospel of Jesus Christ
and it takes them to hell. People believe that if they follow the
teachings and preachings that they learn in churches that they have
salvation but they do not even know Jesus Christ. They have never
repented, they never stopped sinning, they do not obey Jesus Christ,
they were not baptized in water, did not receive the Holy Spirit, they
do not know the Master's voice but they believe that they are saved and
the have salvation, yet they reject Jesus Christ, they reject the truth,
they reject the words of Jesus Christ and they believe that when they
die they are going to heaven. They believe in Jesus for salvation but
they don't know Him. They resist Him, they don't have His Spirit, they
don't want Him, they are LOST.
If you are not a disciple of Jesus
Christ and you do not hear His voice, you do not follow Him, then you do
not belong to Him and you do not have the hope of salvation. His sheep
HEAR His voice. The LISTEN to Him and they follow Him.
Are you one
of His sheep? Or do you belong to a church? Do you believe you have
salvation even though you do not even know Jesus Christ?
Unless you KNOW Jesus Christ for REAL, follow and obey Him until the very end, you will not enter His kingdom.
May Jesus bless you
in churches,
Jesus Christ,
Friday, May 13, 2016
Working in vain
The world works and strives for things that will not last, things that will perish. The day that we die everything that we have attained and gathered will stay behind, it will all perish. Man will not live from bread alone but from every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. We have to work for the kingdom of God. We have to gather our treasures in heaven or else the day that we die we will be bankrupt.
We gather treasures in heaven through doing the will of God, through HEARING the Word of God, that which He tells us to do and doing that. In that way we build up our treasure in heaven but if our treasure is on earth we will have nothing when we die and stand before Jesus Christ. If we had no interest in the kingdom of God, if we did not care for Jesus Christ to obey Him, to live for Him and to build His kingdom then we will have no place with Him the day that we die. All profit that we gained in this world will stay behind, it will perish. all credit, all attainments, all qualifications, everything that this world treasures, money, riches, property, fame, all of it will perish. Only that which we have done in obedience to Jesus Christ, under guidance of His Holy Spirit, only that will stand. Everything that we have done will be tested by fire and if we have no treasure in heaven we will have no inheritance with Jesus Christ.
Are we working for things that will perish or are we working for the kingdom of God? Will we lose everything that we have worked for or do we have a treasure in the kingdom of heaven?
May Jesus bless you.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
One Way Only to Heaven
There is only one way to have eternal life and that is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ alone is the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE. His words are the words of eternal life. Those who disobey Jesus Christ will perish. Those who have the hope of salvation live according to His words. They obey Jesus, they are DISCIPLES. There is not other way to enter the kingdom of heaven. There is no other way to have eternal life.
Going to church, reading your bible, being religious, those things will not save you. You have to obey the gospel of Jesus Christ, His words, the words that He spoke and that He commanded us to do, the way that He commanded us to live. You have to repent, turn away from sin, turn away from living a life to please yourself and submit yourself to Jesus. Be baptized in water for the washing off of your sin , SIN NO MORE and then seek Jesus with all your heart. He promised the Holy Spirit in those who earnestly seek Him, the Spirit of Christ will be in them and will guide them into all truth IF the LISTEN and OBEY. There is no other way to be pleasing to Jesus Christ. There is no other way to enter the kingdom of God. We have to deny ourselves, turn away from those things that we wish to do and follow Jesus Christ every day, live His way every day, be guided by the Holy Spirit and follow Him every day until the very end.
If we do not obey Him we do not love Him and we have nothing to do with Him and He will turn us away. He will say to you:"Go away I never knew you, you worker of wickedness. You had other things that were more important to you." Don't think you can spend your life with your hobbies, and sitting in front of the TV, playing video games, fornicating and living in sin and still enter the kingdom of heaven because you believe. You believe a LIE!
There is only one way: OBEY JESUS CHRIST or you will perish. Follow Him until the end or you will not enter His kingdom.
May Jesus bless you.
eternal life,
Jesus Christ,
one way,
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
The Believers Comfort
Believers find comfort in many things. Many professing Christians find comfort in Scripture (the Bible), in reading the writings of others, in listening to the testimony of others, in listening to preachers. But a true disciple, a follower of Jesus Christ does not find comfort in what he believes, his comfort comes from his relationship with Jesus Christ. His comfort comes from the guidance and discipline of the Holy Spirit.
In the 23rd psalm David writes:"Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me." The discipline and guidance of the Holy Spirit comforts the disciple because the Holy Spirit guides us, teaches us, corrects us and tells us all things that we need to know and need to do to be pleasing to our Master Jesus Christ.
If we find comfort from anything but the guidance of the Holy Spirit then we do not truly know Jesus Christ. Then we do not have the Holy Spirit. He gives His Holy Spirit in those who obey Him and who seek Him, who are serious about the kingdom of God. Do you receive your comfort from the Master's voice, the Holy Spirit speaking to you, disciplining and guiding you or do you take comfort form other things? If your relationship with Jesus Christ is not REAL you are only fooling yourself.
Seek Jesus, KNOW His voice, FOLLOW Him and OBEY Him and you will have the comfort of the Holy Spirit.
May Jesus bless you.
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Unselfish Love
Selfish, self-centered people are the most unhappy unfulfilled people in the world. Jesus Christ said that it is more blessed to give than to receive. People always want something in return for their efforts, for what they give, but if we learn to obey the words of Jesus and to give unselfishly without expecting anything in return then we will be happy, fulfilled and blessed.
Jesus Christ came to give Himself as a ransom for those who were without hope, for those who were lost in the bondage of sin, destined to eternal damnation. He gave Himself freely. He came to serve, to give, to set the captives free. If Jesus Christ lives in us we will have that same Spirit that was in Jesus . It is more blessed to give than to receive. If we start giving freely and living for others then we ourselves will be satisfied. We will have the peace of Christ in us and we will want nothing because Jesus will fulfill us.
It is more blessed to give unselfishly, of ourselves, not just money but to give to this world what we have received from Jesus Christ. Jesus said:"Give and it will be given to you. With the same measure that you give it will be given to you also." We must unselfishly give of ourselves also without expecting anything in return and we will be blessed by God.
May Jesus bless you.
Monday, May 9, 2016
There are no shortcuts into Heaven
There are no shortcuts or easy ways to get into heaven. There is only one way, Jesus Christ is the WAY. We have to follow and obey Him. We have to KNOW Him. We have to obey His words. REPENT, turn away from sin and from serving yourself and the lusts of the flesh, die to sin, deny yourself, and pick up your cross, follow Jesus Christ. Be baptized in water and seek the baptism in the Holy Spirit that He promised to those who seek Him, who love Him, who obey Him and who want to enter into the kingdom of heaven.
There are no easy special ways of getting into heaven, no quick formulas, no clever schemes. There is only One Way and that is Jesus Christ. We have to truly KNOW Him, HEAR His voice and follow Him. Jesus Christ will say to many people who believed that they were saved:"Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness."
Do you KNOW Jesus Christ? Do you know His voice? Do you obey His words? Have you been baptized in water ? Have you received the Holy Spirit and do you follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit? Are you following the WAY, Jesus Christ? Or will you be disappointed in the end when you do not find the entrance to the kingdom of heaven?
There are no shortcuts. Seek Jesus and follow Him until the very end. Jesus Christ is ALIVE. He speaks, He is the only WAY. Follow Him until the very end.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
to heaven
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Saved from the raging FIRE by Jesus Christ
We have been watching the reports of the terrible fires in Alberta, Canada and it brought to mind years ago when we were caught in such a fire.
We were clearing some land and burned some grass and weeds that we had taken out. It was a calm day and it was a small fire but suddenly the wind picked up and we had a raging fire going. We tried to put out the fire but the wind turned around and the fire was in our face. We were suddenly surrounded by flames. There was no way out. I called to the Lord and immediately the direction of the wind changed and the fire was pushed into the land that was already burned and there the fire died.
It was the hand of God that not only saved us but prevented the whole estate from burning down.
Many times I have called on Jesus and He immediately heard and answered my prayers. He is always with us. We must just call out to Him and He will help us but we must honor Him and tell the world that Jesus Christ is alive. He saved us from the raging fire and He saved me many times when there was no other hope.
Jesus Christ is ALIVE!
May Jesus bless you.
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Missing Family Traits
Many people profess to be Christians, children of God, but there is no resemblance between them and Jesus Christ. There are no family traits. If we are born again of the Spirit of God and have become children of God then we will be like Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ came to take away the sins of the world. In Him there was no sin and therefor if we have become children of God we will also be like Him and WILL NOT SIN.
Most professing believers are not like Jesus Christ, they are sinners. They are like the world and they love the things of the world. They follow after people, they idolize people but they are not like Jesus Christ. There are no family traits, they are not of the household of God. If we are born again of the Spirit if God we will be like Jesus. We will SIN NO MORE and we will follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We will not be of this world, we will be of the kingdom of God. We will not love the things of the world but we will do what is pleasing to our Father, we will do the will of God.
Do we have the family traits of the sons of God? Are we pure, holy and righteous like Jesus Christ or are we like the world?
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Sons of God,
Friday, May 6, 2016
No last minute salvation before death
Many professing Christians believe that they can live their lives in sin and disobedience to God, they can keep on backsliding and live for their own pleasures and for the lusts of their flesh and at the end of their lives when they have wasted their lives on themselves, then they think that they can ask Jesus forgiveness and enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Salvation is not just about believing in Jesus Christ. If we believe that He is Whom He said He is, that He is LORD, God Almighty, then we will obey Him. He said :"If you wish to come after Me, deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Me." Jesus Christ gave His life as ransom for those who were without hope, who were in bondage of sin, who were destined for hell. If we believe in Him then we turn away from sin and we repent, we obey Him and we live our lives to please Him. we do not waste our lives on the pleasures of sin and on the lusts of the flesh and then hope to enter His kingdom.
When He calls we must answer because if we want to come to Him when it suits us it will be TOO LATE. He will say to us:"When I called you would not listen, When the door was open you would not enter. Now you will call and I will not hear you. I will not listen to you." We cannot live our lives to please ourselves and then hope to repent and be saved at the end of a life that was wasted on the pleasures of sin. God is not mocked. He is not fooled. He knows whether we love Him or whether we don't.
If we love Him and we want eternal life then we will live our lives to please Him. We will obey Him. Do not be foolish like so many believers who think that they can enjoy the pleasures of sin and still enter the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus will say to those who knew the truth and who disobeyed the truth, those who hated Him and who do not love Him, He will say to them:"Go away i never knew you, you workers of wickedness."
Are we living for Jesus now? Because if we don't we will not spend eternity with Him in the kingdom of heaven. Serve Jesus now, until the end or else you will not enter His kingdom.
May Jesus bless you.
death bed,
Jesus Christ,
last minute,
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Learn to LISTEN to Jesus Christ
Christian believers like to listen to other people. They listen to preachers, they watch videos and Christian TV programs, they like to read Christian literature but very few of them have learned to listen to Jesus Christ.
His sheep hear His voice, they listen to Him and they follow Him. You can only follow Jesus Christ and DO what is pleasing to Him if you have learned to listen to Him.
Have you learned to wait on the Lord in prayer and to listen to Him, to be tuned in and attentive, to HEAR when He speaks to you and then to OBEY Him, to do His will?
We have to learn to LISTEN to Jesus Christ. Turn off the TV. Stop listening to all the other voices and start LISTENING to Jesus. If you listen your soul will LIVE. If you do not hear Him you are not one of His sheep. Learn to LISTEN to Jesus Christ.
May Jesus bless you.
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
To KNOW Jesus Christ
Knowledge of the truth cannot save us unless we apply that knowledge, unless we walk in that truth. Many people know the gospel of Jesus Christ, they know the Bible, they know what is pleasing to God but they do not walk in that truth. They keep on studying the Bible but they never come to the part of executing what Jesus commanded. It is of no benefit to keep on studying and learning that which you do not apply. You are only fooling yourself. It is only when we apply what Jesus commanded, when we obey Him, that we will truly get to know Him and then He will reveal Himself to us. We will truly get to know Him.
We need revelation from Him every day to know what His perfect will is for us. We need to know Jesus Christ for real. and walk with Him daily. We have to apply that which we have learned and then He will teach us more. He will give his Holy Spirit in us to be with us, to teach us and to guide us. Many people have much knowledge of the Bible but they never get to truly know and follow Jesus Christ. Their knowledge will not save them. They will perish in their knowledge and in their disobedience.
If we are not in Christ and doing His perfect will every day we will not have salvation. Jesus Christ will say to many people in that day that they die:"Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness." Many of those people knew the truth but they never applied it. You cannot educate yourself into heaven. You have to walk in the truth and DO the will of God.
May Jesus bless you.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Christians in DARKNESS
Most Christian believers are in darkness because they do not know nor follow Jesus Christ. They do not believe that He is Lord.
If they did believe that Jesus Christ is Whom He said He is they would OBEY HIM. They would repent of all sin, be baptized in water, they would seek Jesus with all their heart and He would give His Holy Spirit in them, Who would guide them into all truth. But they do not believe and therefor they are in darkness. They do not have the Holy Spirit, they do not follow the truth because they do not seek the truth.
Those who follow Jesus Christ will not be in darkness because He is the Light of the World and He lights up the WAY for those who follow Him.
Are you in darkness or do you indeed believe, follow and obey Jesus Christ?
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Monday, May 2, 2016
God of Expedience
The world wants a God that serves their needs, a God that serves them in a way that is expedient to them, a way that fits them, fits into their plans and desires. That is why people choose a church or a religion that suits them. We cannot use and abuse God for our own purpose. God is GOD and we come to Him on His terms. We have to obey the words of Jesus Christ and serve Him as Lord every moment of our lives or else when we look for Him, when we seek Him He will not be there for us.
There is an old gospel song that says:"I need Thee every hour." If we do not need Jesus Christ every hour, if we do not regard Him every moment and live our lives to please Him then He will not be there for us when we need Him.
He will say to most Christian believers:"Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness." If we do not follow Him every moment of our lives we are LOST and we will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
You can go to church, and pray, or read your Bible whenever it suits you but that does not bring you closer to Jesus. Either we serve Him every moment or He is not part of our lives. We have to follow Him every step of the way until the end or else we will not enter His kingdom.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Walking in Truth
The whole world is in the power of darkness because people believe lies. We are being lied to. The world economy operates on lies. The media operates on lies. People believe things that are palatable to them, things that they like and they avoid the truth.
Jesus Christ is the Light of the world and He gives light and truth to those who know Him, who listen to Him and who follow Him. He gives His Holy Spirit to those and in those who seek the truth, who seek Him. Those who follow Jesus Christ will never be in darkness because He is the WAY and the LIFE and the TRUTH and His Holy Spirit is the SPIRIT OF TRUTH that will guide us into all TRUTH if we trust Him and LISTEN to Him, if we OBEY Him. Those who disregard and reject Jesus Christ will be in darkness, they will be brainwashed, they will perish. But those who follow Jesus Christ every day, will walk in TRUTH.
Are we walking in TRUTH or are we in darkness?
May Jesus bless you.
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
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