Sunday, July 31, 2016
Your Teacher
Salvation is not just about believing in Jesus Christ, that is half the story. If we believe that Jesus Christ is whom He said that He is, that He is the Son of God, that He is God in the flesh, then we must OBEY Him, we must accept Him as our Lord , our Master, our King and we must submit ourselves to Him. We have to follow and obey Him or else our faith was in vain.
If we truly follow Jesus Christ we will take His words seriously. He said to His disciples:"One is your Teacher, even the Christ," Jesus Christ Himself. He gives His Holy Spirit in those who ACCEPT Him, who repent of sin and who OBEY Him, who seek His will, who seek His guidance, and the Holy Spirit will teach them and will guide them into the whole truth. They do not run after other teachers. They go after Jesus Christ. They LISTEN to the Holy Spirit. They are led by the Holy Spirit.
Those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. If we truly follow Jesus Christ we do not listen to other teachers, we do not listen to Bible teachers. We listen to the Holy Spirit because we KNOW Him and we have received Him and the Spirit of Christ dwells in us. We cannot follow Jesus Christ if He is not our Teacher.
Have you received the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ? Does He teach and guide you? Are you a child of God? Are you truly a follower of Jesus Christ? If you do not follow Jesus Christ you will perish because Jesus Himself, is the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE. His Spirit, the Holy spirit IN you is Emmanuel, God IN you, God WITH you, God guiding and teaching you.
Who is your teacher? Who are you following? Are you following after men or are you led by the Holy Spirit? Is Jesus Christ your Teacher?
May Jesus bless you.
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Do not stumble
In our walk with Jesus Christ it is important that we do not stumble, because if we stumble we might not get up and follow Him again. Many have stumbled and they never recovered.
We cannot afford to stumble and therefor we must stay focused on Jesus, keep our eyes on Him, follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, trust in Him only.
Many believers get drawn away when they look to other people, they look to other saints and they stumble, they fall, they fall away from Jesus Christ and the are lost.
We cannot afford to stumble. We cannot afford to look to other people. Jesus Christ is the only way. We must guard our relationship with Him and go with Him even though we are on our own. It is rather better to be on our own with Jesus and to do what He tells us to do, than to be with other people, than to trust in people because people fail.
Only Jesus Christ cannot fail. Only the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth.
You cannot afford to stumble. Stay focused on Jesus, trust Him, obey Him and He will keep you from stumbling.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Friday, July 29, 2016
My 18th Birthday of my Second Life
Today, this day was my 18th birthday of my second life.
18 years ago on July 28th, 1998 I had a heart
attack and I died.
I found myself on my way to hell, but Jesus Christ had mercy on me and He gave me a second chance.
He sent me back to this world to be a witness
for Him, to tell the world that HELL IS REAL and Jesus Christ is ALIVE. Many people have asked me why I, having been a Christian, being baptized in water and baptized in the Holy Spirit, died on July 28th 1998 and found myself on my way to hell.
Jesus Christ made me understand that every branch in Him that does not bear fruit will get cut off and burned. I was not fruitful. I was a Christian, a believer, Holy Spirit filled but I was unfruitful and Jesus made me understand that if we do not bear fruit we will get cut off and burned.
I thank Jesus that He gave me a chance to come back to life and to be a witness for Him, to be fruitful and to bring others to Him, to testify, for Him and warn other people to bear fruit, to KNOW Jesus Christ, to LISTEN to His voice and to follow Him and not just be religious but to be disciples of Jesus Christ, not just to be believers but to bear fruit for His kingdom.
Without Jesus Christ we can do nothing, but He gives us the power and the ability, He gives us the opportunity to be children of God and to bear fruit for His kingdom, to bring others unto Him, so that they can also know Him and be part of His kingdom.
I thank Jesus for 18 years of fruitfulness, by His grace and by His mercy, not because of me but because of His mercy. I would have been in hell right now. I intend, by His grace and His mercy to carry on and to bear fruit as long as He wants to use me and I wish to encourage you, dear friend, to bear fruit for the kingdom of God. If you don't know Jesus, get to know Him because He is the only Way. If you call yourself a believer but you are unfruitful, you are not holy, you are not witnessing for Jesus, you are not following the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you are rebellious and disobedient, I encourage you to get serious with Jesus. Seek Him with all your heart and bear fruit or else you will get cut off and burned.
There is not security for any unfruitful believer, any unfruitful disciple of Jesus Christ. We need to bear fruit for His kingdom and endure with Him until the very end to be saved.
Seek Jesus with all your heart, follow Him and bear fruit for His kingdom. Be lead by the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ will use you for His kingdom. If we do not bear fruit for Jesus we will get cut off and burned. We will perish with the unbelievers. Seek Jesus while you can.
May Jesus bless you.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Jesus Christ SPEAKS LOUD and CLEAR in Plain Language
Jesus Christ is God. He made the voice and He made the ear and He SPEAKS. He speaks in PLAIN LANGUAGE and His sheep HEAR His VOICE. They LISTEN to Him.
Jesus Christ speaks to me in plain English. I understand what He says. Many people claim that God has spoken to them, through the Bible, through some fuzzy feeling, through somebody's prophecy. They have NOT heard from God. If you have not heard from God, then do not say that you have heard from Him. Do not LIE about it. God does not excuse LIARS, much less does He excuse those who lie in His Name, those who say that God has spoken to them and He has not spoken to them. If God has not spoken to you DO NOT say that He has spoken to you, like so many preachers do. They are LIARS and God will judge them.
God speaks. His sheep HEAR His VOICE. All those who are lead by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. They HEAR His VOICE. They LISTEN to Him. They FOLLOW Him. But if you do not hear the voice of God, SEEK HIM! Seek Him with all your heart and you will find Him. Ask Him and He will speak to you, but don't lie about it.
Don't go after your own feelings. Don't assume things. Don't take Bible scripture and then assume, come to some conclusions. You are only deceiving yourself and those whom you are lying to.
God does not tolerate liars. We have to walk in truth. If you did not hear His voice DO NOT say that you did. Wait on Him, seek Him with all your heart and you will find Him. Do not mock God. Do not lie in the Name of God. You will be judged. God is a Consuming Fire.
Those who know Him FEAR Him. They LISTEN to Him and they FOLLOW Him. They DO what He tells them to do.
I hear the voice of God. I follow Jesus Christ. That is why you see me hear and I warn you today: YOU WILL SEE PREACHERS FALLING OVER DEAD IN THEIR PULPITS BECAUSE THEY HAVE LIED IN THE NAME OF GOD.
God is not mocked. Seek Him with all your heart. Follow Him with all your power and He will reveal Himself to you as REAL. Jesus Christ is ALIVE, He is GOD. Seek Him and you will find Him. Listen to Him and He will speak to you.
May Jesus bless you.
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
The church is not church It is a whore house
What is commonly known as the church is not the real church, it’s not
the body of Christ. If you drive past these churches on a Sunday
morning, and people come out of it, it looks more like a strip joint,
when you look at the women that come out of there half clothed, when you
listen to the music that they play, it sounds like a rock concert.
church of today is a whorehouse, it’s not the body of Christ. It is
fornicating with the world. They love money, they love the things of
this world, they are conformed to this world. They love sin. All the
pleasures of this world are in there. Everything that God hates is
acceptable in that whorehouse. It’s not the church, my friends.
one big thing that is lacking in church today is the qualities that
Jesus talked about. He said that you will be hated on the account of My
name. The churches today are loved, they are respected, it’s part of the
system, part of society. My friend, that is not the body of Christ,
that is the whorehouse that calls itself church. That is the fornicating
organization that is totally devoid of Jesus. They might use the Bible,
they might quote you scriptures, and they might dress up like clowns,
like many of these clergy do, the suits they put on.
Friends, the
body of Christ is invisible, but the Body of Christ is holy. The Body of
Christ is not of this world, and does not build temples in this world.
The temple of God is those people who are part of the Body of Christ.
They themselves are a temple of the Holy Spirit, and Christ lives in
them. They are holy, and they are not conformed to this world. They do
not sin, they live in holiness, they live in a relationship with Jesus
Christ. They are only concerned about what Jesus thinks. They hear the
voice of the Master, and they listen to Him. They teach other people the
fear of God. And they bring them into a relationship with Jesus Christ.
you know as church has got nothing to do with God, my friend. The
preachers in those churches don’t hear the voice of God, and if they
have, they are not interested in it. They cannot teach you the Word of
God, which is Jesus Christ. They cannot teach you to listen to the voice
of God, because they don’t listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. They
themselves are the gods of the whorehouse, of the church.
My dear
friend, if you are serious about eternal life, if you want to go into
the kingdom of heaven, then you’ve got to get to know Jesus Christ, now!
Those who are pure in heart, they shall see God ,now already. They will
experience the voice of the Holy Spirit, they will know Jesus, they
will be guided by the Holy Spirit, they are not part of that whorehouse
that calls itself “church”.
My friends, do not become part of the
fornicators. Do not sit in the circle of the mockers and the scoffers,
but come out from amongst them, and follow Jesus Christ, worship Him and
serve Him. Worship Him in spirit and in truth, and make your own body
the temple of the Holy Spirit, make yourself available for the Spirit of
God to come and live in you.
And then you will be persecuted, you
will be rejected, you will not be welcome in that fornicating
whorehouse, neither will you feel welcome when you sit there among the
hookers. Because they dress like hookers, if you dress like a hooker,
you are a hooker. My dear ladies, if you make men stumble, then you will
end up in hell. My dear brother, if you look at a woman and desire her,
you have already committed adultery in your heart.
Dear friends,
do not conform to this world. Do not become part of this worldly system.
Either you are part of the Body of Christ, which is holy and you are
focused on Jesus and you do the will of the Father, or you are a
fornicator yourself, and you have fornicated yourself into a worldly
system. Either you have never known Jesus Christ, or you’ve turned your
back on Him.
Dear friend, are you the Body of Christ, are you part
of the Church of Christ. Does Christ live in you? Are you holy, are you
separated unto God? Are you rejected and persecuted by this world and
by false church? If not, my friend, then you are part of the
Come out my friend, and follow Jesus Christ. Serve
Him with all your heart and seek to please Him only, because “narrow is
the gate, and few there be that find it.” Either you are part of the
Body of Christ, which will enter through that very very narrow door, or
you are one of the fornicators who will never see Christ. It is for us
to decide, to make up our minds, whom we will serve. Whether we will
serve Jesus and be part of the Body of Christ, or whether we are amongst
the fornicators.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Enabled by Jesus Christ
Without Jesus Christ we can do nothing. Jesus Christ created all things and He holds all things together by His power. The POWER and the LIFE that we have in us is from Jesus Christ. If He takes that POWER and LIFE back then we die, we are no more. The power that we have to do whatever we do, comes from Him, even if we use that power to do evil, but Jesus Christ enables us to everything that He requires of us.
Many believers say that they cannot stop sinning. Jesus Christ enables us to stop sinning, to overcome the desires of the flesh, to resist the devil, to do His will and to endure with Him until the end. He gives us the POWER to do whatever we need to be pleasing to Him. He gives us the POWER to do the will of God.
If we are not doing His will and if we cannot stop sinning, if we cannot do the will of God then it is because we are using His POWER wrongly. We will reap what we sow. The wages of sin is death. If we want to enter the kingdom of heaven we have to obey Jesus and DO with His power whatever He requires of us to do. Either we serve Jesus Christ and we LIVE or we use His power to satisfy our own lusts and to serve satan and then we will perish.
Jesus Christ enables us. Are we using that POWER for His glory or are we using it for our own destruction. The apostle Paul said:"I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me."
If we need more power we need to ask Jesus and He will give us the POWER to OVERCOME, to do His will and to be pleasing to Him. We will have no excuse, we just need to ask and He will enable us to do His will and enter the kingdom of heaven.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Be Holy and you will HEAR Jesus
Jesus Christ said:"My sheep hear My voice, they listen to Me and they follow Me." Very few professing Christians do hear His voice. Very few of them are His sheep.
Why is it that believers that profess to be Christians do not know His voice and do not hear His voice? It is because they are not separated unto Him. Without holiness no man shall see God. Jesus does not live in an unclean temple. Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and if we are full of other things, worldliness, sin, then He will not have communion with us. We will not hear Him speaking to us. Without holiness no man shall see God.
If we want to be with Jesus and Jesus in us and have communion with Him, we have to be pure and holy. He does not have communion with sinners. He calls sinners unto Him but those who accept Him purify themselves, they purge themselves of all unrighteousness and worldliness. They separate themselves unto Him. They preserve themselves for Him as a temple of the Holy Spirit for Him to dwell in.
Most professing Christians are unholy, worldly, sinful, wicked, they are no different from the world and that is why they do not hear His voice. Jesus said:"Draw closer to Me and I will draw closer to you." Purify yourselves, cleanse yourself of all iniquity and Jesus will come and dwell in you. Seek Him with all your heart and prepare yourself, purge yourself of unrighteousness and He will come dwell in you. He will walk with you and He will talk to you. He will guide you. He will teach you. You will know Him for real.
But if you keep sin in your life, if you run after the things of the world and you are conformed to the world Jesus will not have anything to do with you.
His flock is a small, pure and holy flock that is set apart for Him. They are holy, they are pure. Purify yourself, sanctify yourself unto Him and you will have communion with Him.
May Jesus bless you.
Monday, July 25, 2016
False Assurances of Salvation
Many believers are living under a false assurance of salvation. Nobody can give you any assurance of salvation. Only Jesus Christ can tell you whether He is pleased with you or not.
Jesus said that those who endure until the end will be saved. If we follow Jesus, obey Him and stay with Him until the end we will be saved. Someone asked Jesus whether those who are being saved are few and Jesus said:"Strive hard to enter through the narrow gate because mane, I tell you, will try hard and not be able."
We have to endure with Jesus. We have to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling every day. We need to stay faithful to Jesus, follow Him and obey Him, every day until the very end.
If we stray from Him we are in the danger of hell fire. We have to be faithful to Him until the very end. Jesus said He will never leave us and He will not forsake us but if we deny Him He will certainly also deny us. We have to endure with Him and be faithful to Him until the very end.
There is not assurance of salvation. We have to struggle, strive and endure with Jesus until the very end.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Someone asked Jesus Christ where to worship. We read in John 4:23 Jesus said: “But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. 24“God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
God is SPIRIT. He is not limited to space or location. God is everywhere and He knows all things and He gives His Spirit, the Holy Spirit, in those who are born again and who seek to obey Him, to do His will.
They do not worship in a special place, like a church or on special times or on special days only, like on a Sunday. They worship Him all the time. They live their lives to please Him.
Many people go to church on a Sunday, they go to praise and worship but afterwards they give no thought to Jesus Christ.
God seeks people who worship Him in SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH all the time, people whose mind is always on Jesus, always on seeking, His will, people who are filled with the Holy Spirit and who follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, people who are lead by the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit prays with them and in them and guides them into what to pray and how to live, how to serve Him. They worship Him in SPIRIT and in TRUTH. Those are the TRUE WORSHIPERS, the ones that God seeks.
If we are not TRUE WORSHIPERS we are only fooling ourselves and we are not pleasing to Jesus Christ.
Are we TRUE WORSHIPERS or are we only occasional worshipers? We have to worship, follow and obey Him, live our lives to please Him all the time, every day, deny ourselves, pick up our cross follow Him, worship Him in SPIRIT and in TRUTH.
Are we TRUE WORSHIPERS that are pleasing to God?
May Jesus bless you.
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Saturday, July 23, 2016
What I wish I knew when I first believed
I want to share with you what I wish I knew when I first believed in Jesus Christ, when I first repented and was baptized in water. It is not about church, it is not about Bible knowledge, it is not about fellowship with other Christians. It is all about Jesus Christ and Him alone.
Jesus Christ is the WAY. Jesus Christ is LORD. He is ALIVE. He is not far away. He is CLOSE to us and He wants to live IN us. He wants to give His Spirit to be IN and WITH us. He wants to guide us and teach us. His sheep hear His voice. They LISTEN to Him and they FOLLOW Him. All that matters is our RELATIONSHIP with Jesus Christ. Knowing Him, following Him every day, waiting on Him, seeking Him in prayer, expecting Him, trusting Him and seeing Him in our lives. He guides our footsteps. He directs our paths, He supplies in all our needs. He keeps us from stumbling, He cares for us but we fail to see Him in our lives. We have never learned to LISTEN to Him. We have never learned to look out for Him. We have never learned to seek Him with all our heart, wait on Him in prayer UNTIL He speaks to us. He is ALIVE. I did not know those things and many believers do not know it. To them Jesus Christ is far away. To them being a Christian is knowing the Bible, debating the Bible, going to church. It is not about that. It is about being lead by the Holy Spirit of God, about knowing Jesus Christ intimately and following Him every day, asking His wisdom in everything, waiting on Him, going to Him with everything, all our needs, all our desires, all our fears, all those things that we do not understand.
Jesus Christ is ALL we need. We must first seek HIM, seek His righteousness, seek to be pleasing to Him, seek to hear His voice. If we draw closer to Him, He will draw closer to us and He will reveal Himself to us, the Living God IN us, WITH us, every moment.
Have you met Jesus Christ, the Living God? Have you come to know His voice? Do you listen to Him? Do you follow Him? Do you experience Him, every moment of your life, knowing that He cares. He is with you, He sees, He knows everything. Do you know Him for REAL? Have you come to KNOW Jesus Christ for REAL? He is ALIVE. Seek Him with all your heart and you will find Him.
May Jesus bless you.
Friday, July 22, 2016
Be careful what you believe
The whole world is in the power of darkness and many people are being destroyed because they believe lies. Most professing Christians will end up in hell because they believed lies. Many of them believe that they are saved but they are believing a lie. There is only one source of truth and that is the Holy Spirit of God that He gives in those who seek Him and who obey Him.
Jesus Christ promised the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, to those who repent and who accept Him, who seek Him with all their heart and are baptized in water, who stop sinning, sin no more and SEEK the Holy Spirit. He gives the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth IN THEM to guide them into all truth. But if we do not want the Holy Spirit, if we do not trust Him, if we trust in ourselves and in other people then we will perish, we will be deceived. It is written:"Cursed is the man who puts his trust in mankind and his heart turns away from the Lord his God" (Jeremiah 17:5). If we do not trust in Jesus, we are cursed. If we trust in ourselves we will perish. We will be deceived and we will end up in hell.
Only the Holy Spirit of God in us can guide us into all truth, but then we have to follow and obey Him.
The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:14 "Those who are being lead by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God," they are the ones who will overcome, who will not be deceived. But if we do not have the Holy Spirit and we do not follow and obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will perish, we will be destroyed, we will be cheated and in the end we will only have ourselves to blame because Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to all who seek the truth, to all who want LIFE.
Have you received the Holy Spirit and are you following the guidance of the Holy Spirit? Seek Jesus, seek His Holy Spirit in you. Follow and obey Him every day until the very end and you will have LIFE. Jesus Christ alone is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE.
May Jesus bless you.
Thursday, July 21, 2016
I follow Jesus not the Bible
I follow Jesus Christ. He is my King, my Lord, my Master. I hear His voice every day and I follow Him.There are many people who believe in the Bible, they don't believe in Jesus.
My friends, I believe what is written in the Bible because the people
that wrote the scriptures, they knew God Almighty. They knew my Jesus.
Those people who wrote the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, they
followed Jesus,. They listened to Him. They saw what He did, they heard
His words and they wrote it down. Not Luke, He heard it from those who
did walk with Jesus. Luke followed the apostles and he wrote the book of
Acts. He wrote about what happened on the day of Pentecost. He wrote
about Peter, about Stephen. He carefully recorded those things that
Jesus did through these people. He recorded how the Holy Spirit was
poured out on the day of Pentecost and he recorded what Paul did (some
of it), what Paul and the other apostles did. He followed them around
and he recorded some of it, which is wonderful, and I love it and I read
it. I read the words of Jesus that these people wrote because they were
interested in hearing what Jesus said, and I believe what they say, and
I believe their testimony, but you know what, my friend? I have found
Jesus myself because I believed their testimony and now it is so
wonderful, I follow Jesus. Because I have FOUND Him, He is ALIVE, He is
the LIVING GOD, and I have found their testimony was true, because what
Jesus said is true. He said that if we keep His words then He will come
and He will live inside of us. He will reveal Himself to us. He said:"Me
and My Father will come and live in you and I will reveal Myself to
you." Isn't that wonderful? And I took it by the testimony of those
people that wrote it down. John wrote that. Go read the book of John. He
said that Jesus said:"If you love Me, keep My commandments and Me and
My Father will come and live with you and I will reveal Myself to you.
He says:"and the Spirit of Truth that the Father will send will guide
you into all truth and He will tell you things to come."
It's TRUE. I
am experiencing it every day, that that is true, my friend. If we obey
Jesus then He reveals Himself to us. He puts His words in our hearts, in
our minds, in our being. When we focus on Christ, His Spirit comes an
lives in us and quickens us and guides us into all truth and we have
that relationship with Jesus where we are busy with the King all day,
where we hear His voice. You wake up at night and He has put it into
your heart, into your mind, into your soul. God has SPOKEN to you. He
has shown you things. He reveals Himself to you.
I don't believe any
more on what was written (in the Bible), I believe now, because I found
Him. It is like that woman at the well, the Samaritan woman. She went
to the city and she called the people and she said:"I found the
Messiah." and they said to her:"Listen, we do not believe any more what
you said to us, on grounds of that, but we ourselves have also seen Him,
now we believe.
Many people believe in the Bible, They don't
believe Jesus. They haven't found Jesus yet. They will quote you
scriptures but they don't know what Jesus says because they are not
talking to Him. They are not hearing Him, they haven't found Him. Jesus
said to the pharisees:"You seek the scriptures in there to find eternal
life but you won't come to Me and have Life" and that is exactly what is
happening today. People are into the scriptures and they haven't found
Jesus, because Jesus is not there, my friend.
The scriptures testify
of Christ, that He is God Almighty and you have to get to know Him, and
you have got to walk with God every moment of your life. He is God, my
friend, He is ALIVE, He is not dead. He is ALIVE. The scriptures were
written by people who had a relationship with God and with Christ,.
Their testimony is true but if you don't get to know Jesus yourself, my
friend, you have got a problem! Because He is going to say to many of
those people, all these Bible believing Christians, they are idolators,
they believe in the Bible, they follow the Bible, they don't follow
Chris, they have never met Him. They think that if they carry the black
Book under their arm, they are ok, they are going to heaven! They don't
know Jesus, my friend!
The only way you know Jesus is if you have a
testimony every day that Christ has talked to you, He has revealed
himself to you. But if Jesus did not speak to you today, my friend, you
have got a problem, because we will live, not from bread alone but from
every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
His sheep know His
voice and they follow Him, and if you do not hear His voice, then maybe
you are not His sheep. Maybe you are just a Bible believer. maybe you
believe in Jesus but you never found Jesus. You don't believe Jesus
ether, because if Jesus speaks to many people they go look for it in the
Bible. "Did Jesus say the same to Paul? No Jesus did not say the same
to Paul, so it can;t be Jesus speaking to me!." My friend, you don't
know Jesus. I am telling you that. You need to hear from Jesus for
Paul was a man of God because he heard from Jesus. He
didn't receive the gospel by hearing from other people. He received it
in a revelation from Christ Himself! He went to Arabia for three and a
half years and there Jesus revealed Himself to him and He gave Him the
whole gospel that Paul preached, Bur now people want to listen to the
gospel of Paul and they don't want to know the Jesus of the gospel.
friends, I follow Jesus Christ. I accept the testimony of these people
that wrote in the Bible but I follow the God of the Bible. I know Jesus
of the Bible, He lives in my heart and that is why I am on fire for Him
and I am testifying for Him , because my relationship with Him is real.
He talks to me every day. He guides my life. He guides my footsteps. He
is ALIVE, He is the Living God. Do you KNOW Him? Because He is going to
say to many people in that day:"Go away I never knew you because they
don't know Him. Do you know Him? Does He speak to you? He will! But you
have got to find Him, my friend. You have got to get down on your knees
and get serious.Say:"LORD, I NEED YOU! CRY OUT with a loud voices,
scream. Say :"Lord I need You!"
He will come to you. You are not
going to find Him in the Bible. You are not going to find Him in the
church. You are not going to find Him with clever people because He does
not speak to clever people, they are too clever themselves. they are
not interested in what God is saying. God reveals Himself to the humble
and to those who seek Him.
My friend, I know Jesus and He knows me and I follow Him. What about you? Do you know Jesus?
Doctor Jesus
Jesus Christ said that:"When the Son of Man returns, will He find faith on the earth?"
Today there are many people who profess to be Christians, who say that they believe in Jesus Christ but when something happens they are the first to run to the doctor, to call 911, to go for counseling, to call the lawyer, to go to the bank manager, to run to friends, but they don't go to Jesus. Do they really believe in Jesus? There is no difference between them and the rest of the world because they are like the world. If we are born again and we know the Master, the King, Jesus Christ, then we run to Him. He is our Teacher. He is our Provider. He is our Guide. He is our Doctor. He is our Counselor. He is our EVERYTHING.
When I woke up one morning with a huge pain in my chest and I knew that I was about to have a heart attack I woke my wife and I said to her she must pray. Many people have asked me why I did not call 911, because if I had called 911 I would have been dead right now. Jesus Christ is my Lord. He determines my life. He knows what I need and I have learned to trust in Jesus. I have learned to go to Him with all my troubles. He guides my footsteps. He has a purpose with everything and He determines my life. He determines how long I will live. I do not have a doctor. I do not have a lawyer. I do not have a psychologist. I do not have any need for them because I have Doctor Jesus.
Who is your doctor? Who is your teacher, your provider? Are you a child of God? Do you have a father , or are you an orphan? Do you have substitutes? Do you know Jesus? Do you trust Him or do you not have faith in Jesus? Do you rather run to other resources?
Jesus supplies in all my needs. Jesus Christ is more than enough. He is ALIVE. He is my God. He keeps me and He guides me. I belong to Him and He looks after me.
Do you know Doctor Jesus?
May Jesus bless you.
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Wednesday, July 20, 2016
In the footsteps of Men or of Jesus
Many children are born into Christian homes and they are brought up in Christian customs with Christian values. They go to a church with their parents but that does not make them children of God.
You need to be born again to be a child of God. You need to have your own relationship with Jesus Christ and you need to follow Him.
I would not want my children to follow into my footsteps. I would want them to follow into the footsteps of Jesus Christ, be lead by His Holy Spirit and for them to do His will.
Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY. We have to KNOW Him, FOLLOW Him and OBEY Him.
Many have the name Christian but they are not children of God. They do not know Jesus Christ. Many know the Bible, they quote the Bible, they belong to Christian communities, go to Christian churches but they don't know Jesus Christ.
Without Jesus we are lost. Without Jesus Christ we can do nothing. If we are not born again we cannot enter the kingdom of God. We need to be born again of the Spirit of God to enter the Kingdom of God. We need to be lead by the Holy Spirit and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit until the very end to enter into the kingdom of God.
Are you a born again DISCIPLE of Jesus Christ?
May Jesus bless you.
Bear Good Fruit or Get Cut Off And BURNED
Those who believe in Jesus Christ and who accept Him as their Lord and Master, who obey Him, who repent and are baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit, they are BORN AGAIN of the Spirit of God, they become CHILDREN of God, they become SONS OF GOD like Jesus Christ Himself.
Jesus Christ is the True Vine and those who are born again are grafted into the vine, they become branches of the Tue Vine and they bear fruit, like Jesus Himself bears fruit. Jesus Christ produces other Sons of God, Children of God who follow and obey Him. Every branch in Him that does not bear good fruit will get cut off and burned. Every born again son of God, child of God who has become part of the kingdom of God, who has been grafted into the Vine must bear fruit.They must also produce more sons of God, more born again followers of Jesus Christ, sons of the kingdom of God.
If we do not bear fruit we will get cut off and burned. If we do not bear good fruit, disciples, followers of Jesus Christ, then we will get cut off and burned, then we are not worthy of Him.
Are we ourselves good fruit? Are we disciples of Jesus Christ, who are lead by the Spirit of God, who are lead by the Holy Spirit? Do we follow and obey Him and do we bear fruit? Do we make other disciples that are born again, and become children of God, sons of God, like Jesus Christ, replicas of our Lord and Master? Are we bearing good fruit, or are we making believers who still remain in their sin? Are we making bad fruit? Or are we making true children of God, sons of God? Are we bringing others to Jesus? Are we bringing them to the truth? Are they truly born again and do they themselves also produce fruit, more sons of God? Are we building the kingdom of God? Is the kingdom of God growing because we ourselves are fruitful branches in the true vine? Or are we unfruitful? Because if we are unfruitful and we ourselves do not produce good fruit, produce other disciples, born again children of God who follow and obey Jesus Christ, then we will get cut off and burned.
Are we bearing good fruit?
May Jesus bless you.
To Know The TRUTH
To know the TRUTH is to know Jesus Christ, the Living God, not to just
know about Him but to know Him for REAL. To walk in truth is to follow
and obey Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is the WAY, the LIFE and the
TRUTH and He gives His Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of TRUTH to
dwell in those who are born again of the Spirit of God, to those who
accept Jesus Christ and submit to Him, to obey Him and to follow Him and
to have eternal life. He gives His Spirit, the Holy Spirit in them to
guide them into all truth.
This whole world is in the power of
darkness through lies and deception and you can only be free from
deception and know the truth if you listen to the Holy Spirit and if you
follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. If you do not trust Him, listen
to Him and follow Him you will be in darkness, you will perish.
Jesus Christ with all your heart. Seek His indwelling Holy Spirit. He
will guide you into all truth. Without Jesus we can do nothing. Without
Jesus Christ we are LOST.
Do you know the TRUTH and are you walking in TRUTH? Are you following Jesus Christ?
May Jesus bless you.
Imaginary Christians Churchgoers Bible Believers
The world is full of imaginary Christians, people who believe in the
Bible. They imagine that they are Christians but they are not followers
of Jesus Christ. They are not DISCIPLES of Jesus Christ. They do not
know Him. They read the Bible. They repeat a few lines of prayer after
somebody else, they say they believe in Jesus Christ. They say they are
Christians, they believe they are saved but they never knew Jesus
Christ. They never repented of sin. they never obeyed Him, they were
never BORN AGAIN. They never changed, they never became followers of
Jesus Christ but they imagine that they are Christians. They never
followed Jesus Christ one day. They are SINNERS. They never gave up
anything for Jesus. They live for themselves but they imagine that they
are going to heaven. They are deceiving themselves. They are in for a
rude awakening, a very bad surprise. The day that they die they will
stand before Jesus and He will say to them:"Go away from Me, I never
knew you, you workers of unrighteousness." They imagined that they were
saved. They imagined that they were Christians.
They went to church,
they read the Bible, they went to conferences and read the books of
"inspired" preachers, but they never knew Jesus Christ. They are
imaginary Christians.
The majority of professing Christians imagine
that they are followers of Jesus Christ. They do not know Him. They have
no relationship with Him. His sheep HEAR His VOICE. They LISTEN to Him.
They FOLLOW Him. They Do as He commands. These imaginary Christians
just read the Bible and quote you verses. They go to church and they go
to worship. They belong to a church but they do not belong to Jesus
Christ. They are not born again. They are SINNERS.
If you are a BORN
AGAIN child of God then you have turned your back to the world and to
yourself and you follow after Jesus Christ. You sin no more. You do the
will of God. You will be persecuted. You will be hated. You will go
where Jesus sends you, not where you think. You will not live by
IMAGINATION, you will walk by the truth because you will know Him for
real. You will give up everything and do what He tells you to do. You
will sacrifice yourself and your life because you know the King, because
you have seen Him Kingdom and you know Him for real.
Are you an
imaginary Christian, or do you know Jesus Christ? Are you a DISCIPLE of
Jesus Christ? Are you born again of the Spirit of God and have you
turned away from your own ways? Have you received the baptism in the
Holy Spirit and are you lead by the Spirit of God? Do you do the will of
God or do you run after your imagination?
Dear friend, have you met
Jesus Christ for real? Do you truly follow and obey Him? Or are you
playing religion, church, Bible games, debates, your own opinion? If you
follow Jesus Christ all that matters is to HEAR His VOICE and to DO His
will. If you do not hear His voice and if you do not go after Him every
day, then you are not one of His sheep. Then you are just an imaginary
deluded believer and you will end up in hell.
Wake up and seek Jesus
Christ. Wake up before it is too late. Seek Jesus Christ with all your
heart and you will find Him. Follow Him and obey Him until the end or
you will perish.
May Jesus bless you.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
My Mission and Purpose
People have different motivations, reasons for being on social media. My only mission and objective is to take your hand and put it in the hand of Jesus Christ, to bring you to Jesus so that you can know Him and have eternal life.
Jesus said:"My sheep hear My voice, they listen and they follow Me." Jesus Christ wants to speak to you. He wants to guide you and teach you. Jesus Christ is the Living God and on the day that they day Jesus Christ will say to most people:"Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness."
Jesus Christ is the Living God. He is ALIVE. If we seek Him, we will find Him. If we draw closer to Him, He will draw closer to us. He wants each and every one of us to know Him, to become part of His kingdom and to have eternal life.
I am not here to explain the Bible to you. I am not here for any other reason than to introduce you to Jesus Christ so that you can follow Him and have eternal life.
Our time here on earth is short. Soon our life will be over but then eternity waits. If we do not know Jesus Christ and if we have rejected Him all our lives then we will spend eternity away from Him in damnation, in hell.
We have a choice to seek Jesus and live or reject Him and spend eternity away from Him in HELL.
Have you met Jesus Christ? Do you know Him? Does He know you? Do you know His voice and do you follow Him?
Where will you spend eternity?
Seek Jesus now while you can.
May Jesus bless you.
Visit me at:
Jan Boshoff,
Jesus Christ,
you to
Monday, July 11, 2016
Your Preferred Fellowship
If you have met Jesus Christ, the Living God and you have been born again by the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Christ dwells in you then your preferred fellowship will be with Him.
Many profess to be Christians, they say they believe in Jesus but they have no fellowship with Him. They seek the fellowship, the friendship and the acceptance of people, of other so-called believers but they do not seek Jesus Christ. They are concerned about Bible study and church attendance but they have no desire for Jesus Christ. They have no relationship with Him, they have no fellowship with Him because they do not know Him.
If you know Jesus Christ and the Spirit of Christ is in you and you are a child of God then your preferred fellowship is with Him.
Our fellowship is with Jesus Christ, our God and we bring others into fellowship with Him. Have you met Jesus Christ and is your preferred fellowship with Him?
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Discipleship not just Salvation
The kingdom of God is not just about salvation, about believing in Jesus Christ. It is about being reconciled with God Himself. Jesus Christ is God.
Jesus Christ is God who came in the flesh to draw man unto Himself, to reconcile man with Himself, but few believe in Jesus Christ. Few believed when Jesus came and few believe today.
If we believe that Jesus Christ is indeed God and we OBEY Him, we turn away from our sinful wicked ways, from our selfishness and we follow and obey Him, we live our lives to please Him then we become part of the kingdom of God.
Jesus Christ did not command His disciples to save the world. He commanded them to go into all the world and make DISCIPLES like they were, disciples who would turn away from their own ways, be reconciled with God, follow an OBEY Him, become part of His kingdom. Merely believing in Jesus Christ cannot save you. That is a deception, a lie from satan. Being part of a church cannot save you. Doing Bible study cannot save you. You need to be reconciled with God. You need to come on your knees before the living God JESUS CHRIST, believe in Him, accept Him as GOD, as your King, your Lord, your Master and SERVE Him, live a life that pleases Him, in obedience to Him. Be holy, be righteous. Without holiness no man shall see God. We cannot be part of the kingdom of God if we do not obey and serve Him. We cannot be part of His kingdom if we do not have His Spirit living in us. If we do not have the Spirit of Christ we do not belong to Him. Jesus Christ calls us to be reconciled with Him, to become part of His kingdom, but we have to abandon all else, abandon our own ways, turn away from the ways of the world, deny ourselves, turn away from our own pleasures and our own desires and do His will. We need to become ONE with Him, be lead by His Spirit, be disciples of the kingdom of God or else we cannot be saved, we cannot be saved from the corruption that is in the world through lust and through sin. we need to be reconciled with God and do the will of God, become part of His kingdom or else we will perish.
Repent from your own ways. Turn away from sin. Turn away from doing your own desires and do the will of God. Seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all the other things will be added unto you, and He will give you LIFE, eternal life.
Do you believe that Jesus Christ is indeed God? Do you follow and obey Him? Or are you also deceived? If you do not follow and obey Him, become part of His kingdom, you will perish. Not everyone who says to Jesus Lord, Lord, will enter into His kingdom, but those who DO His will, who follow Him every day, who are lead by His Spirit and who DO His will, they become part of the kingdom of God and they will have LIFE. Those who refuse and who reject Him will PERISH.
Are you part of the kingdom of God or are you still going your own way and will you end up in destruction? Turn or BURN. Follow Jesus Christ or you will perish.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Resist Not the Holy Spirit of God
God is SPIRIT. God is ONE. God manifested Himself in Jesus Christ in the flesh. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. There is only ONE GOD. People are looking for a physical manifestation of God. They want to see God. They want to see a physical person but God is SPIRIT, the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, righteousness and judgment. The Spirit of God pleads with man to change from his evil ways and to seek God Himself.
God has planted His laws in our hearts and the Holy Spirit speaks to each and every person. He calls us and He warns us and He draws us unto Himself. But most people resist the Holy Spirit. They resist God and that is why they will perish.
If we open our hearts to God, if we seek the truth then He will reveal Himself to us and in us. Jesus Christ is Lord. He is the WAY, He is the TRUTH, He is the LIFE, He is GOD. If you seek the truth Jesus Christ will reveal Himself to you and in you, but if you keep on resisting the Holy Spirit you will perish.
The grace of God has appeared to all men and it is not the will of God that any person perish but that all be saved. Therefor He calls each and everybody unto Himself. But if you do not listen, if you resist Him then you will perish in your sin.
Do not keep on resisting the Holy Spirit. If any man needs wisdom, let him ask of God Who gives to all men freely and it will be given to him.
Seek the truth, seek Jesus Christ and He will reveal Himself to you. God has given His Spirit, the Holy Spirit, to guide us into the whole truth, to teach us all things. God is WITH US by His SPIRIT, the Holy Spirit. Do not reject Him. Do not resist Him, but embrace Him and you will LIVE.
May Jesus bless you.
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Friday, July 8, 2016
Born of the SPIRIT and Lead by the SPIRIT
You do not become a child of God by education or indoctrination. You become a child of God by being born again of the Spirit of God. That happens when you humble yourself before Jesus Christ and accept Him as your Lord and Master.
The Spirit of God makes you NEW INSIDE. You are BORN AGAIN. You become a child of God and you HEAR His VOICE. His sheep HEAR His VOICE, they LISTEN to Him and they FOLLOW Him. They are LEAD by His SPIRIT. God is SPIRIT and those who are lead by the Spirit of God, they are the children of God.
Have you been born again of the Spirit of God and are you lead by the Holy Spirit of God? Do you know the Master's voice and do you follow and obey Him? Are you a child of God?
May Jesus bless you.
Visit me at:
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Do Not Associate With Sinners Be Pure Be Holy
If you are a born again child of God then you will cringe at sin. You will run away , you will hurt, it will offend you when people use the Lord's Name in vain, when you see how people defile themselves with tattoos, when they sit and watch TV. You will cringe when you see nakedness, how women expose themselves. You will not feel at home among the sinners, the hypocrites, the false Christians. It will cause you pain to see how people live as though God does not exist and you know that they are on their way to hell.
If you are a child of God you will not feel at home in this world. We are called to be separate, to be holy, not to participate in the same things, not to go to the same places.
If you are a child of God you will not watch TV with the sinners. You will not listen to their jokes. You will not appreciate their parties.
You cannot change a sinner. You cannot change a person who loves sin. You cannot change a worldly person by associating with him, by watching TV with him, by going to the game with him. You will just become like him. You cannot change them.
We have to come out from among them. Be separate. They have to know that we do not appreciate those things. we do not fit in there. They will slander you. They will hate you but they will see Jesus Christ in you. Come out from among the sinners.
Be pure and be holy, follow Jesus Christ and be LIGHT in this world. because if we have become like the world, if we are conformed to them, if we love the same things and appreciate the same vulgarity, immorality, sinfulness, then we have fallen away and we are not suitable for the kingdom of God. If we find ourselves in the company of the sinners, the mockers, the false Christians, then we are not of Jesus any more.
Be pure and be holy. Follow Jesus Christ. Separate yourself unto Him. Lift up Jesus and you will draw others unto Him.
May Jesus bless you
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
The POWER of Jesus Christ
The power of Jesus Christ works mightily in and through those who believe in Him and who obey Him. It transforms them from sinners to saints, from children of wrath to children of God.
The power of Christ also works through them to touch others, to transform others from sinners to saints. The power of Christ living in a child of God bears fruit.
Jesus Christ said that every branch in Him that does not pear fruit will get cut off and burned.
Is the power of Jesus Christ transforming you and me and is Christ in us transforming others around us? Or are we unfruitful? Are we in the danger of hell fire?
May Jesus bless you.
Visit me at:
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Holiness and Righteousness NOT Church Money Fellowship and Bible Study
The kingdom of God is about holiness, righteousness and humbly walking with God. It is not about church, fellowship and money, Bible study. The religious pharisees were concerned about the Law, they were covetous, they were concerned about money, about the temple. That is why when Jesus Christ said to them:"Break down this temple and I will build it up in three days," they thought He was talking about their idol, the temple. But He was talking about His body. Jesus Christ is concerned about the Body of Christ, those in whom He dwells, that the Body of Christ would be holy, righteous and consecrated unto Him. He is not concerned about money and about Bible study and about building churches , having fellowship with other people. He is concerned about our fellowship with Him.
Jesus Christ said if we wish to come after Him we must deny ourselves, give away our money, get rid of our earthly possessions that hold us back.
Those who preach about money are covetous, they are lovers of money and haters of God. Those who wish to build churches are building their own little kingdoms on earth, the churches. They are not building the kingdom of God. they are not busy with the kingdom of God. They are concerned about having people in their churches that can contribute, give money. They are not concerned about their souls and about holiness. They invite and accept anybody and everybody into church that has money. It doesn't matter whether he is unholy, unrighteous and persists in his sin. They are concerned about the money.
Ministries that ask you for money so that they can build the kingdom of God, they are not concerned about the kingdom of God. They are concerned about money.
From the fullness of the heart speaks the mouth. If we follow Jesus Christ we are concerned about the Body of Christ, about holiness, righteousness and humbly walking with God, bringing people to Jesus so that they can know Him and follow Him. We are not concerned about money.
Jesus said:"Do not work for bread that perishes, but work for the bread that I will give you," the Bread of Life, to hear from Him, to walk with Him , to be fed by His Spirit for our soul to be fed with the fullness, the knowledge and the fellowship with Jesus Christ himself.
The things of this earth will quickly perish but without holiness no man shall see God.
Are we pure and holy, serving Jesus Christ in humility, walking with Him day by day? Or are we concerned about the things of this world, money, buildings, the acceptance and fellowship of people? We have to be concerned about the fellowship and approval of Jesus Christ, about being pure and holy, acceptable unto Him or else we will perish with the lovers of money and the lovers of this world that profess to be Christians but they are haters of God.
Where is our priority? With Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God, or with the things of this world?
May Jesus bless you.
Bible study,
Jesus Christ,
Monday, July 4, 2016
Why CHURCH has problems with Jesus Christ
All churches have problems with Jesus Christ because Jesus interferes
with their business. The words of Jesus Christ do not line up with their
theology and therefor they reject Him.
Jesus Christ destroys their
business and that is why they do not want Him in their church. If Jesus
Christ would physically walk into their church he would turn over all
the tables and He would clean out the robber's nest like He did when He
walked this earth.
Churches are operated for their own gain. They
are not part of the kingdom of God and therefor they reject the King,
Jesus Christ.
You cannot be part of a church and also be part of the
kingdom of God. You have to GET OUT OF CHURCH and follow after Jesus
Christ. Obey His words. REPENT, be baptized in water for the washing off
of your sin, seek the baptism in the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ
and then FOLLOW the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You cannot serve two
masters. You cannot serve church and Jesus Christ.
do you follow? CHURCH, people, preachers or Jesus Christ? Whom do you
serve? Do you serve CHURCH or do you serve Jesus Christ?
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Believing in Jesus Christ is not a gate pass to heaven
The gospel of Jesus Christ has been perverted. Many people wrongly believe that merely believing in Jesus Christ gives you a gate pass into heaven. Jesus Christ is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE and we have to follow and obey Him to enter the kingdom of heaven, but first we must be born again. We must be born of water, through baptism, and be born of the Spirit of God through the Spirit of God that indwells us, the Spirit of Christ.
You cannot follow Jesus Christ if you are not born again because if you do not have the Spirit of Christ dwelling in you. then you do not belong to Him and you cannot see the kingdom of heaven, you cannot hear the voice of the Master and you cannot follow Him.
Jesus' sheep listen to His voice and they follow Him. They do not just believe in Him, they KNOW Him. They know His voice. The serve Him and they follow Him. They go after Him every day.
You need to KNOW Jesus Christ for REAL. You need to become a child of God. Those who follow and obey Jesus Christ become part of the kingdom of heaven. The Holy Spirit dwells in them and they serve the King, Jesus Christ.
Just believing in Jesus Christ cannot save you. You have to know Him, He has to know you and you must follow Him through the guidance of His Spirit dwelling in you.
Have you been born again? Have you received the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit and do you follow and obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit? Do you serve the King, Jesus Christ?
May Jesus bless you.
Saturday, July 2, 2016
You are being brainwashed and controlled
Since the day that you were born you were deceived and mislead. You came into this world an innocent child, unconditionally believing everything what you heard and learned accepting it for truth. As you grew up you were shocked by reality, and you were often disillusioned when you discovered the truth, that your parents lied to you about Santa Claus and the tooth fairy. You soon learned that this world is full of deception, yet you kept on trusting and believing, LIES. You kept on being betrayed and being hurt by people that you trusted.
Deception is everywhere and sadly the most serious deception is where you least expect it. It is in the home, churches, the Bible, schools, government, the media, the news. The foundations of society are all lies and they crumble when the lies are discovered and exposed. The sad truth is that you cannot trust anybody or anything. All men are liars, not always deliberately but often because they do not know the truth, because of ignorance and lack of knowledge of the truth. Everything that man has handled is imperfect, faulty, prone to failure and will be destroyed in the end. Most of the things that we accept for truth have been perverted, twisted and corrupted by misunderstanding, ignorance, false presentation and even deliberate lies. Even those things held most sacred, like the Bible, have been perverted by men.
Because of your disillusionment you started doubting everything and often rejected the truth when it was presented to you because the truth is seldom pleasant. All men choose to believe that which is acceptable, beneficial and pleasant to them and that is why they are brainwashed, deceived controlled by evil and being lead to destruction.
How then shall we find the truth and escape being brainwashed, deceived and destroyed?
By being honest, by seeking the truth, because then we will find it. If we seek the truth, Jesus Christ, the Living God will reveal it to us. He will reveal Himself to us. If we trust Him He will teach us and guide us. He will give us understanding. He will guide us into the whole truth because He is the Living God. Jesus Christ is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE.
The apostle James wrote in James 1:5 “But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. 6But he must ask IN FAITH WITHOUT ANY DOUBTING, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. 7For THAT MAN OUGHT NOT TO EXPECT THAT HE WILL RECEIVE ANYTHING FROM THE LORD, 8being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.”
Have you found the truth? Are you walking in truth? Do you know the truth? Do you know Jesus Christ? Do you trust Him? Do you ask wisdom and guidance of Him? Do you wait on Him until He answers you and do you accept that which He tells you? Do you get your understanding from Him, or do you doubt Him?
As long as you run after people and follow your own mind you will always be deceived, you will always be in darkness. But if you set your mind on Christ, trust Him and seek Him with all your heart, He will guide you into all truth. He promised His Holy Spirit IN YOU, to teach you and to guide you, to be with you, for ever, IF you would just TRUST Him, IF you would OBEY Jesus, IF you would seek Him with all your heart.
Jesus Christ will not disappoint you. He is the WAY, the LIFE and the TRUTH. If you seek Him you will find Him. If you follow Him He will guide you into all truth. Seek Jesus with all your heart and you will find the TRUTH, you will find ETERNAL LIFE.
May Jesus bless you.
Visit me at:
Jesus Christ,
Friday, July 1, 2016
The Reprobate Church
The reprobate church organizations of this world is the gathering place of unrepentant, sinful, believers. There is no holiness, no righteousness, they are not separate from the world. They are of the world. They tolerate all unrighteousness and wickedness that God hates.
The world "church" is of pagan origin and it has been incorporated also into the Bible translations.
The body of Christ is pure and holy. It is the CALLED OUT ONES. It is not the "church" as commonly known in this world. The Body of Christ is separate. It is holy. It is not an organization. It is those individuals who are separated unto Jesus Christ, disciples who follow Him and who live according to His words, who are lead by His Spirit. They do not fit in to the reprobate church system of this world.
The churches of this world are the synagogue of satan, they are NOT the Body of Christ. they are deceived organizations and filled with individuals who follow after men. They have no relationship with Jesus Christ. they serve the organization. They do not know Jesus Christ, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. They will come under the wrath of God because they impersonate the Body of Christ, the CALLED OUT ASSEMBLY, those who are the true children of God.
A true child of God will not find himself in any of the reprobate churches of this world. Those who follow Jesus Christ are pure and holy, separated unto Him, lead by the Holy Spirit and doing the will of God.
The reprobate churches are unholy, unrighteous. There is no quest for holiness. They are the dwelling place of demons.
The true Body of Christ, the CALLED OUT ONES, they are the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit.
Are you part of the reprobate church or are you the temple of the Holy Spirit in which Jesus Christ dwells? If you do not belong to Jesus Christ you are not of Him and you will perish under the judgment of God. Follow Jesus Christ in purity and in holiness and BE the Body of Christ in which He dwells. Come out from among them or else the wrath of God will also come on you. Be pure and holy, be the Body of Christ.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
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