Wednesday, May 31, 2017

You are not what you BELIEVE

You are not what you
believe that you are. You are what you were born and you are what you
do. If you were born a man or a woman that is what you will be. You
can mutilate yourself to try and change your outward appearance, or
your physical, but you will not change what you are. Many people
believe that they are saved because they believe in Jesus, but they
do not follow nor obey Jesus Christ.
If you sin, you are a
sinner. If you lie, you are a liar. if you steal you are a thief. If
you follow Jesus Christ and you do what He commands you to do and
then you are a saint, you're a child of God. You are what you. If you
sin you are not a child of God, you're a child of the devil. A child
of God does not sin. A person who is saved from sin stays away from
sin, he does not practice sin, he obeys Jesus Christ. If you believe
that Jesus Christ is Lord then you will obey Him, you will do as He
commanded; you will repent and be baptized in water, you will go
after Jesus and you will live according to His words, in obedience to
His commands, as recorded in the Gospels also, Matthew, Mark Luke and
John. But if you disregard and disobey Jesus Christ then you do not
believe in Him. You might just believe that you are saved and that
you're going to heaven but you believe a lie, because you're on your
way to hell.
If you want to enter the
kingdom of God and have eternal life you have to obey and follow
Jesus Christ. If you do not follow Jesus you will end up in hell,
then you are not a Christian, you are not a child of God. You are
what you do, and if you do not live the truth and you're only
deceiving yourself and the truth will catch up with you sooner or
later. Those who love and live lies will end up in hell. If you
believe the truth, the truth will set you free, because you will walk
in truth, you will live in truth; but if you love lies and you live
lies your will perish. Do you love the truth? Do you love Jesus
Christ? Do you follow and obey Him? Do you do as He commanded, or do
you just believe a lie.
Obey Jesus Christ and
thereby prove that you truly believe in Him. Faith without works is
dead, it cannot save you. Believe in Jesus and do as He commanded,
follow Him and obey Him until the very end and you will live.
May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Do Not Run After Prophets And Preachers

Religious cults and cliques are formed when people run after prophets and preachers, people. We have to follow and obey Jesus Christ or else we will be led astray. Do not trust in people. Trust no man. Jesus did not appoint any person as a leader for His followers. Jesus said that we are all just His servants. We must listen to His voice and follow after Him. His sheep listen to His voice and they follow Him. Follow no man. Jesus Christ Himself, alone, is the way, the truth, and the life.

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Rapture Hoax Warning

There have been, and there
will be many rapture hoaxes. People make predictions of the imminent
return of Jesus Christ and they normally give a date on which Jesus
will return and meet His people in the air, they will be raptured out
of this world and will be with Jesus forever. Obviously these things
never happen, as people are disillusioned and they lose faith, they
lose faith in Jesus, but they never blame the person who made the
false prediction.
Some of these false
prophets then prophesy a new date based on some scripture or visions
that they had and many people still go after them and they believe
these people's lies. These are hoaxes, they are lies. Jesus Christ
said that nobody knows when He will return. Jesus can come any moment
for any one of us, we can die any moment. We must always be ready.
The kingdom of heaven is
not just about making a quick repentance, a quick commitment to
Jesus, before we think that He will return. The kingdom of heaven is
about being disciples of Jesus Christ, obeying His words, repenting
of sin, repenting of following our own ways, obeying Jesus, being
baptized in water, living the life of a disciple in utter obedience
to Jesus Christ. There is no quick fix for a backslidden Christian
that does not want to miss the rapture.
You cannot go on living
your life for your own pleasures and then quickly make a turn around,
make a quick repentance and then expect to spend eternity in heaven
with Jesus Christ. God is not fooled. If we do not totally commit to
follow and obey Jesus, we will not enter His kingdom.
Many believers are
deceived by these rapture hoaxes, but they never truly repent, they
never truly get to know Jesus Christ. They never truly become His
followers, His disciples. Do not be deceived by these hoaxes. Get
serious with Jesus. Live your life to please Him. Become His
disciple, obey Him, follow Him and He will guide you into all truth.
Jesus determines our life. Only He knows when our last day will be on
this earth. Do not believe what other people tell you, fix your hope
on Jesus, hear from Him. Follow Him, listen to Him and you will
never be disappointed.
May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Deny Yourself - What It Means

Jesus said that whoever wishes to come after Him must deny himself, pick up his cross every day and follow Him. Many believers want to know what it means to deny yourself. The most important person in the life of every human is himself, his own preservation, his own comfort, his own ambitions, his own opinion, everything about himself; and Jesus says that if we wish to come after Him we must say no to self. We must deny our self our own rights, our own pleasures, our own opinion and we must submit ourselves to Jesus. We must live for Him for His kingdom, for His approval.

The most important person in your life is then no longer you, but Jesus and that is why he taught us to pray:"Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done." It is no longer my will be done, but it is God's will to be done. Unless we are willing to deny our self, to say no to our self, and live to please Jesus, to make Him the most important person in our life, then we cannot be His disciple, we cannot follow Him, we cannot please Him and we cannot enter his kingdom. That is the price, the cost of discipleship. We must say no to ourselves and yes to Jesus. We must deny ourselves and serve Jesus Christ.

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Your Purpose

A child of God has one
purpose, and that is to give glory to God. Jesus Christ said to His
disciples:"You will be My witnesses." We are called to be
witnesses for Jesus Christ, that He is alive, that He is God. But how
can we be witnesses, how can we talk about something or someone that
we do not know? Most Christians have no testimony. They cannot tell
you about Jesus. They can tell you about the Bible, about their
church, about their pastor, but they cannot tell you anything about
Jesus Christ because they don't know Him.
We can only talk about
Jesus and be His witness if we know Him, and we only get to know Him
if we believe in Him and we obey Him. Jesus said that if we believe
in Him we must follow and obey Him. We must repent repent of sin,
repent of our senseless existence, going after our own desires, and
we have to go after Him. We have to be baptized in water. That is
what He commanded, and He promised to reveal Himself to those who
obey Him, and they get to know Him. He promised His Holy Spirit in
them. The Spirit of Christ will come and dwell in them and He will
teach and guide them, and they will know Him for real.
Why is it that most
Christians have no testimony of Jesus? They are taught that they must
witness, but all that they talk about is the Bible and the church
because they do not know Jesus Christ. I am a witness for Jesus.
Jesus Christ saved me from myself. I was on my way to hell. I was
living a life of sin and of self gratification. I was ambitious, I
ran after my own desires, but then the Holy Spirit of Christ
convicted me and I came on my knees before Jesus, and I said:"Lord
if you want me, then I want to follow You" and Jesus Christ
changed me. I have no desire for the things of the world. I hate sin
and I love Jesus and I want to follow Him. Jesus gave me His Holy
Spirit and He guides me. He teaches me, He provides in all my needs.
He is my life, He gives me everything that I need. Jesus Christ is
alive. I am a witness for Jesus Christ because I know Him for real.
He speaks to me. He answers my prayers. Jesus Christ is my father, He
chastises me, He teaches me His ways, He corrects me when I go wrong.
All His ways are loving kindness and I want to stay with Him until
the very end because He is God, He is Almighty. He has given me life.
Jesus Christ is alive. He is God, He is Almighty and that is why I am
here to testify. Jesus Christ guides me every day because I stay with
Him. I live for Him, I love for His kingdom. He reveals Himself to
me. Jesus Christ is my Lord, my God, my Master. Do you know Jesus
Christ for real? Can you witness about Jesus? Can you serve your
purpose? Our only purpose is to be witnesses for Jesus Christ and if
we do not serve that purpose, we will not enter His
Many Christians deny
Jesus, they pretend they do not know about Him. They just do not talk
about Him. Jesus said if we deny Him in front of this wicked
generation then He will also deny us before His holy angels. Are you
a witness for Jesus ? Do you know Him? Are you serving your purpose
that Jesus called you for? Are you bringing glory to Him?
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Building Your Treasure

We all have treasures, things that are important to us. We read in Matthew 6:19 Jesus said:"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal; for where your treasure is there will your heart be also."

Where is our treasure? What is important to us? What are we working ? Do we care for the kingdom of God? Do we serve the Master, Jesus Christ, or are we not interested in the kingdom of God, and do we refuse to serve the Master, Jesus Christ? Do we have any treasure in heaven? Because the day that you die you leave everything behind and all that will matter is that which we have accumulated in heaven, those things that are important to Jesus. The souls that are being lost, do we care for those who do not know Jesus Christ? Are we pointing the lost to Jesus? Are we building the kingdom of God or are we building earthly treasures, working for things that cannot satisfy, working for things that have no eternal value?

If we do not have a treasure in heaven we will not have an inheritance in heaven either. Where is our treasure? Here on earth or in a kingdom of God? What is our expectation? What makes Christians think that they will have any inheritance in the kingdom of God if they have no treasures in heaven, if they do not care for Jesus and they do not care for the kingdom of God? Where is our treasure? Do we have a treasure in heaven? Because where our treasure is there our heart will be also.

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Through the FIRE

If you follow Jesus Christ
He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and with Fire. Jesus calls us
and not just to believe in Him but to obey Him. If we obey the gospel
of Jesus Christ and do what He commanded, which means to repent, turn
away from sin, turn away from following after our own desires, our
own plans, and go after Him, be baptized in water, then He will
baptize us with the Holy Spirit; and if we keep on following Him He
will baptize us with fire.
If you follow Jesus
Christ, you obey His words, then you will immediately experience
fire. If you turn away from sin and from your worldly friends to
follow Jesus, you will experience persecution, rejection. If you do
what Jesus requires of you, you will suddenly find yourself alone.
Those who once loved you will hate you. If you go after Jesus and you
abandon your own ways, you will have to trust in Him. You will have
to pray ask Him for His guidance, and you will find yourself in the
wilderness; because you will not know what to do. But if you trust
Him, He will guide you, He will teach you. You will go through the
fire of anxiety, depression, rejection, and you will have to decide
whether you will abandon Jesus and go back to your own ways, or
whether you will endure through your tribulation.
You will go through
suffering because your faith will be tested. You might not just lose
your friends, you might lose your job and much more. Your family
might reject you. Will you choose your family? Will you deny Jesus
and go back to your church friends that no longer accept you, because
you've become a disciple of Jesus, and you're not just playing
church, being part of the club, but suddenly you've become serious.
Will you choose to go to church and associate with sinful Christians
that have a no desire to follow Jesus or will you stay with Jesus.
When Jesus speaks to you,
when the Holy Spirit convicts you of sins in your life, things that
separate you from Him, sinful attitudes, worldly things, your idols,
will you get rid of those idols? Will you repent of those sins when
the fire starts burning you? Will you give up? Will you turn back or
will you follow Jesus Christ through that fire.
Jesus will use the fire of
persecution, rejection, suffering, to purify you, to test your faith,
because our faith has to be tested and only those who endure with
Jesus and stay with Him until the very end; only they are worthy of
Him and only they will enter His kingdom. Will you endure the fire
and go with Jesus or will you give up and go back to your sin, go
back to your worldly friends? Will you give up? Jesus said, the one
who endures until the end will be saved. Those who give up are not
worthy of Him. He said that the one who puts his hand to the plow and
looks back is not worthy of Him. Many believers never started
following Jesus. Some started and when the fire started burning them
they withdrew. They gave up. To them it is all in vain.
We have to endure with
Jesus until the very end. It will be a lonely road. It will be a
harsh road, but Jesus will be with us if we stay with Him. We can
only win the prize of eternal life if we endure and stay with Jesus
until the very end. Will we endure the fire baptism of Jesus Christ?
Will we prove our faith through our endurance, our obedience to Him,
when we go through the fire?
May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Severity of God

Many people say that God is a loving father and he will never throw his own children into hell. They do not know God. The Apostle Paul wrote about the kindness and the severity of God as we read in Romans 11: 20. Paul writes: "Do not be conceited but fear for if God did not spare the natural branches, He will not spare you either. Behold then the kindness and severity of God; to those who fell, severity, but to you, God's kindness, if you continue in His kindness; otherwise you will also be cut off."

Paul was talking about the children of Israel that were led out of Egypt by Moses, and of all those that went out of Egypt through the Red Sea into the wilderness, only two entered into the Promised Land together with the children of all those thousands that left Egypt. They fell, they were killed in the wilderness by God, because they never believed, they never knew His ways. They never trusted Him. They kept on looking back to Egypt, to the fleshpots. The very same, many people are saved, they are grafted into the Vine, Jesus Christ, but if they do not bear fruit they will get cut off and burned, and that is the severity of God.

We read in John 15:1 Jesus says:"I am the true vine My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes so that it may bear more fruit." Verse 6 "If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire and they are burned." Most believers will end up in hell because they do not really believe, they do not obey Jesus Christ, and God will cut them off. Those who do not bear fruit will get cut off. That is how severe God is. He requires absolute obedience to the words of Jesus. If we do not obey Him we will get cut off.

We must not despise the goodness of God, we must obey Jesus Christ and we will live. If we don't we will get cut off and burned.

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Jesus will never reject a backslider that truly repents

Jesus will never reject a
backslider that repents, that wants to come back to Him. Jesus paid
the price for each and every soul to redeem them from damnation, to
bring them into His kingdom to be children of God, to be with Him for
eternity. Jesus never changes. He is the same, yesterday, today and
forever. You might have strayed from Jesus.
You might have
backslidden, you might have gone back to your old life of sin, but
Jesus never changed. He is waiting for you to come back to Him. He is
calling you back. Do not let anything stop you from going back to
Jesus. Let us read from Isaiah 1:16. "Wash yourselves, make
yourselves clean. Remove the evil of your deeds from My sight, cease
to do evil, learn to do good. Seek justice, reprove the ruthless.
Defend the orphan, plead for the widow. Come now and let us reason
together says the Lord, though your sins are like scarlet they will
be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson they will be like
It does not matter where
you went, it does not matter how far you have fallen. Jesus will pick
you up. He will take you back, if you just come back to Him. satan
does not want you to go back to Jesus, he will quote your Bible
verses, he will tell you that Jesus will not accept you back, but
satan is a liar. Jesus never changed. He is waiting for you to come
back to Him, but you have to repent, you have to clean up your life.
Like we read in verse 16: "Wash yourselves, make yourselves
clean. Remove the evil of your deeds from My sight. Cease to do
If we truly repent and go
back to Jesus, He will accept us. There is only one way to have life
and that is to be with Jesus and to follow Jesus until the very end.
Do not delay, do not let anything stop you. Go back to Jesus. Serve
Him, follow Him, stay with Him, until the very end.
May Jesus bless you.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Seek the Lord He will answer

Jesus Christ is Lord, He
is mighty. He is almighty. There is nothing that He cannot do, but He
will not force Himself on us. Without Jesus we can do nothing, but if
we ask Jesus to involve Himself in our lives, He will do the
impossible. He will do mighty things, because all power and all
authority belongs to Jesus Christ, and He wants to reveal Himself in
and through us. He wants to show Himself to us as Lord, as God
Almighty. We just need to seek Him. We just need to ask Him and He
will demonstrate Himself in a mighty way.
We cannot change the
world, but if we start praying and we ask Jesus then He can and He
will. We cannot change ourselves, we cannot change other people, but
Jesus can if we ask Him. Jesus Christ answers the prayers of those
who diligently seek Him. Those who seek Him find Him. If you need
wisdom, ask of Jesus and He will give it to you. Whatever you need,
go to Jesus, but if you do not ask Him you will not receive.
This world is in terrible
darkness it is falling to pieces, but if we do not invite Jesus if we
do not ask him to help us to come down and change this world then He
will not. If we as his children seek Him, if we plead Him, if we ask
Him He will come down and He will change this world. He will change
us, but we have to submit ourselves to Him. Pray according to His
will. It is not His will that anyone perish. It is not his will that
this world be destroyed. It is not his will that anybody ends up in
hell, but if we do not ask Jesus to come down, to bring a Spirit of
Conviction on this world, for the Holy Spirit to convict the world of
sin, righteousness and judgment, then many will perish.
We have to pray, ask Jesus
to send His Spirit to convict the world. If we pray Jesus will
answer. If we pray Jesus will lift us up. If we seek Jesus then He
will reveal Himself to us, but if we don't we will perish, many will
perish. Without Jesus we can do nothing. Seek Jesus, pray, seek Him
with all your heart. If we hunger and thirst for Him He will satisfy
us. If we call on Him He will answer us. If we reach out to Him, He
will be quick to answer our prayers. Seek Jesus. He is waiting for us
to call on Him.
May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Salvation Delusion

Most Christian believers
are living under a delusion of salvation, but their lifestyle proves
that they are no different from the unbelievers. They are still
sinners. If you have been saved then you will not be a slave to sin
Jesus Christ came to set
the captives free, to take away the sins of the world. He whom the
Son of God has set free will be free indeed. He will be free from
sin. He who sins is a slave to sin. If you are still lost in your sin
you are not saved you are doomed and on your way to hell. If you are
saved you will sin no more. You will not be part of this world. You
will not go after the things of the world but you will live a life
that is dedicated to Jesus Christ. You will live in holiness and
righteousness and you will not go after the things of the world. You
will go after Jesus Christ. You will be His disciple and you will be
led by the Holy Spirit. Most Christian believers are just delusional.
They believe they are saved but they are damned and on their way to
hell. Have you been born again? Have you repented of sin? Are you
following Jesus Christ and are you living a life that is pleasing to
Him or are you under salvation delusion? If you are truly saved you
will be a disciple of Jesus Christ. You will be light in this world,
you will be despised and rejected by this world. You will not be part
of this world, you will not be a sinner anymore, you will be a saint.
Are you saved? Are you
following Jesus Christ everyday and are you living a life that is
pleasing to Him.
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Salvation ONLY by REAL Faith in Jesus

The only way to have salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ. Sadly, most Christians do not really believe in Jesus Christ. If we really believe in Jesus we will become His disciples, we will obey His words, we will embrace Him, we will obey His commands as they are also recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

If we really believe in Jesus we will repent and turn away from all sin. we will forsake our own ways and we will go after Jesus Christ. We will seek him with all our heart. We will be baptized in water as he commanded. We will seek His  Holy Spirit to dwell in us, to guide us and to teach us. We will produce the works that Jesus requires of us, those works that He has prepared for us to do. we will serve Him as Lord and Master.

Most Christian believers only confess Jesus Christ. they say they believe but their faith is worthless because it does not produce works. Faith without works is dead and it cannot save a person. Our faith has to be real. Our faith has to be proven by our obedience and our dedication to Jesus Christ. We must be transformed and become like Him. We must not love the things of this world. we must not love ourselves. We must love Jesus Christ more than anything else and go after Him, every day of our lives. We must live to please Jesus or else our faith is not real.

Many say that they believe in Jesus Christ but they are no different from the unbelievers. They are only fooling themselves. Jesus said:"Why do you call Me Lord, Lord and do not what I say?" Jesus said:"The one who loves Me is the one who keeps My commands."

If we do not keep His commands and if we do not follow and obey Him, then we do not love Him, we do not really obey Him. If we do not fear Him and serve Him then our faith is not real.

Is your faith real? Do you truly believe in Jesus Christ and has your faith produced action? Are you following Jesus? Do you obey His commands? Do you live every day to please Him? Or are you only fooling yourself?

Is your faith in Jesus Christ REAL? Can it save you?

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Embrace Jesus

It is not enough just to believe in Jesus Christ. We have to embrace Him. We have to open our
arms and accept Him. In order for us to embrace Jesus Christ and hold
on to Him we have to let go of everything else. We cannot embrace
Jesus and hold on to Him if we are still holding on to other things.
We have to embrace Jesus Christ and His teachings, everything about
Jesus, and we have to go after Him, follow Him. We have to embrace
His words, obey His words.
We have to repent, turn
away from everything else, let go of it, and go after Jesus. Be
baptized in water. Seek His Spirit, embrace Him, invite Him into our
lives Seek Him with all our power, with everything that is in us.
Embrace Him and Jesus Christ will show himself to you as real. Jesus
Christ has no pleasure in a half-hearted believer, a person who just
wants to believe in Him for salvation.
Jesus requires of us that
we embrace Him with all our heart, with all our power, that we serve
Him. If we truly love Him, if we love Him we will obey His words and
he will reveal Himself to us. We will get to know Him for real. Most
people only want the things of Jesus. They want salvation, they want
His blessings, they want His healing, they want His forgiveness, but
they don't want Him. They don't want His words, they don't want His
commands. They don't want His discipline, and that is why He will say
to them:"Go away, I never knew you." They never embraced
Him. Many just want His gifts. Many just want his Holy Spirit gifts,
they want to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, they want gift of
healing and they want to spiritual gifts for themselves for their own
glory. Many churches, many pastors just want the gifts of God to
glorify themselves, to profit for themselves, but they don't want
Jesus Christ. If we do not embrace Jesus and go after Him with all
our power, then it is all in vain. He knows the heart of every
person. We cannot fool Him. If we do not want Jesus and we do not
embrace Him with all our heart, we will not have life.
Have you embraced Jesus?
Do you go after Him with all your power? Have you given up everything
for Jesus and do you truly love Him? There is only one way to follow
and obey Jesus and to have eternal life, and that is to embrace Him
with all our power, to love Him and to stay with Him go after Him
until the very end. Embrace Jesus and you will live.
May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Beware of Christian prophets preachers mediums witches and warlocks

Many Christian believers
run after the words of men, of prophets, preachers, seers, mediums;
people who profess to hear from God, people that produce their own
words their own ideologies and prophecies to the liking of men. They
make people feel good.
Believers like to listen
to these prophets and preachers, motivational speakers, because they
feel good when they listen to them, but the words of Jesus are the
words of eternal life, not the words of people. The words of Jesus
are despised, rejected, just like Jesus Christ Himself was and is
rejected. The words of Jesus Christ are terrible to sinners. They cut
through you, they are a two edged sword, and that is why people avoid
the words of Jesus. They would rather listen to and quote the words
of other people. The words of Jesus are the words of eternal life.
The gospel of Jesus Christ
saves those who obey Him. Those who run after the words of people
will perish with those people. A preacher or a prophet that speaks
the words of God will never be popular because the words of God, the
words of Jesus, are not popular. A preacher that speaks the words of
God will be rejected, he will not be famous. All these famous
preachers and prophets and so-called men of God are not of God they
are of satan. They are deceivers, because if Jesus Christ is in you
then you will be rejected, persecuted and hated by this world. What
they did to Jesus they will do to you. Go and read
the words of Jesus Christ
as recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and ask
Jesus, pray that the Holy Spirit engrave those words in your heart,
in your mind, and obey them; because those words will save you if you
obey them. The words of men will lead to destruction.
There is only one way to
have eternal life and that is to obey the words of Jesus Christ
because the words of Jesus are Spirit and LIFE The words of man are
death. Obey Jesus and you will live.
May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Repentance is not just words

Repentance is not just
words, you need to take action. Repentance does not mean just to
change your mind, and to make a statement. It does not mean to say or
recite a sinner's prayer after somebody else. Repentance means to
change your ways to turn away from your evil ways. To turn from the
direction which you were going, and to go after Jesus Christ. If you
repent and obey the gospel of Jesus Christ you will experience Jesus
Christ for real, but if you don't, nothing will happen and you will certainly end up in hell.
To repent means to turn away from the way that you used to live, the sins that you used to
do, to stop sinning, to stop going to the same places of evil, to
stop doing the same sins; to stop cursing, stop stealing, stop
fornicating, stop watching pornography, stop going after your idols,
watching TV all day, playing with your cell phone. It means to turn
away from living your life to please yourself, to go after your own
desires and your own pleasure, and to go after Jesus Christ, to obey
His words. You have to take action, clean up your life, get rid of
your idols. You have to take action, you have to show Jesus Christ
that you are serious or else your repentance is just idle words,
empty words, meaningless. He will not take you seriously because you
are not serious. If you do repent you will experience Jesus Christ,
you will experience resistance from the friends that you used to have
when you do not go to the same places anymore, when you do not take
pleasure in the same sins anymore, when you do not participate in the
same things anymore, and people will say that you are crazy. They
will reject you, they will persecute you. You might even lose your
job if you stop lying and stop cheating, stop doing the things
that you used to do you will lose your sinful friends you will find
yourself all on your own, but you will experience Jesus Christ.
You have to fully obey the
gospel of Jesus Christ, turn away from the way that you used to live,
turn away from sin turn away from your own desires seek the will of
God. You have to be baptized in water because that is a public
confession that you have died to sin, and now you are going to follow
Jesus Christ. You have to take that action. You have to demonstrate
by your deeds that you love Jesus and that you are going after Him.
Then He will manifest Himself to you. You will experience the
presence and the peace of Jesus Christ as you go after Him, but when
you turn your back on Him and you might go back to sin, then you will
know that you are not with Jesus anymore. You have to go after Jesus
all the time to experience Him. You have to totally repent and
dedicate yourself to Jesus.
You cannot repent every
day, do the same sins every day and just say you are sorry. You never
repented, you never turned from your sin and you never started
following Jesus Christ; but once you have repented, you have to stay
with Jesus. Keep on going after Him. Keep on living in obedience to
Him, and He will reveal Himself to you, you will experience Him. You
will hear a voice in your ear saying to you: Turn right, or turn
left, or don't do this, don't do that, or ,go the other direction. He
will tell you what to do. He will guide you, He will teach you. But
you first have to repent, you have to demonstrate to Jesus and to the
whole world, then Jesus will be manifested in you. The world will see
Jesus in you, they will hate you, they will persecute you; but you
have to choose whether you go with your friends to hell, or whether
you follow Jesus Christ and have eternal life. Without true
repentance no man will enter the kingdom of heaven, without holiness
no man shall see God. You have to repent, stop sinning stop, doing
your own things, be holy, seek the will of God, do the will of God,
go after Jesus Christ every day until the very end to enter the
kingdom of heaven. Have you truly repented? Do you experience Jesus
Christ as real? Do you hear His voice? Do you follow Him every day?
Do you experience Jesus Christ as real?
May Jesus bless you.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Do not keep on looking back

Many believers cannot make any progress in their walk with Jesus because they keep on looking back. They keep on looking back to the failures of the past.
We must not forget where we come from but we must not keep on looking back. We must fix our sight on Jesus Christ, stay focused on Him, start every day fresh and follow Him. Take one day at a time and follow Jesus Christ with all our power.
Do not keep on looking back. Look up to Jesus because He goes ahead of you. He will guide you and He will teach you if you stay focused on Him.
May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Knowing Jesus Christ from EXPERIENCE

You can only know Jesus Christ if you know Him from experience. Most
Christian believers do not know Jesus because they only know about Him,
what they have read in the Bible about Him and what other people have
told them. You need to experience Jesus Christ to truly get to know Him.

It is only when you experience Jesus, when He answers your prayer, when
He teaches you, when He guides you and when He disciplines you, that you
truly get to know Him. Some believers have a testimony of an experience
that they had with Jesus, of a prayer that was answered, or something
that happened in their lives that made them realize that Jesus Christ is
alive. and He is real, but it is not sufficient to have one or two
experiences, or had an experience many years ago. We only get to know
Jesus if we experience Him every day, and you only experience Jesus if
you truly follow Him, if you trust Him and you obey Him, and you go
after Him. Then you will hear His voice, you will experience Jesus all
the time.
I know Jesus Christ from experience, not just from hearsay, from what
other people said to me. Jesus Christ is alive, He is real, because I
experience Him every day. Many believers will stand before Jesus one day
and He will say to them:"Go away I never knew you." They will say:"Lord
we believed in You." But they never experienced Him. We only experience
Jesus if we go after Him, if we seek Him. We only get to know Jesus
Christ if we experience Him everyday, and we only have that experience
if we go after Him; if we diligently seek Him, because those who seek
Him find Him. If we draw closer to Him, He draws closer to us. You have
to experience Jesus Christ to truly know Him. Do you know Jesus Christ?
Do you experience Him? Or do you only know about Him? Have you come to
know Jesus Christ for real?
May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Experience Jesus Christ

You have to experience
Jesus Christ to be able to know Him. You will only experience Jesus
Christ if you truly believe in Him and if you obey His words. You
will only experience Jesus Christ if you obey the gospel of Jesus
Christ, if you repent and turn away from sin and are baptized in
water, because then Jesus will reveal Himself to you. He promised His
Holy Spirit in those who obey Him.
Most professing Christians
have not experienced Jesus Christ and therefor they do not know Him.
It is only if you trust in Him and if you pray and He answers your
prayer in such a way that you know beyond any doubt that it was Him
that answered, that you will truly get to know Him. It is only if you
keep on trusting in Him and keep on obeying Him that you will
experience the hand of God in your life. Most believers do not
believe. They pray without faith they do not receive. Most believers
do not repent of their sin, they do not obey Jesus, they do not get
baptized in water, they are not committed to following Him. They are
not committed to obeying His words and therefore they never
experience Him and they never get to know Him. It is to those that
Jesus Christ will say when they die:"Go away I never knew you,
you workers of wickedness." Many of them are preachers, many of
them are Bible scholars, many of them are devout church people,
religious people, but they have never experienced Jesus Christ. They
will tell you that He does not speak but Jesus Christ speaks, His
sheep hear His voice and they follow Him. They experience him every
day, because they obey His words, they trust Him and they follow Him.
Have you experienced Jesus
Christ and do you experience Him every day? Do you truly believe and
have you come to know Jesus Christ for real?
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Do Not Stray From Jesus

There is only One person that we must follow to have eternal life, and that is Jesus Christ. He alone is the Good Shepherd. Jesus Christ alone is the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE.

Do not follow after anybody else. Do not follow after your own mind. If you want LIFE you have to follow Jesus Christ. Ask Him for guidance, ask Him to show you the way. Ask Him what He wants you to do for Him. Without Jesus Christ we can do nothing. If we stray form Him we are  in darkness and we are in danger of hell fire.

Are you following Jesus? Do you know His voice? Do you listen to Him every day? Do you seek His guidance and do you obey what He commands you to do?

Do not stray from Jesus because then you will not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

If you do not know Jesus, seek Him with all your heart. Go on your knees, pray. Cry out to Him with all your heart, repent of your sin. Keep on praying until He answers you.

If we draw closer to Him, He draws closer to us. If we seek Him, we find Him.

Have you found Jesus? He is waiting for you. Find Him, follow Him and stay with Him until the very end. Do not stray from Jesus.

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Faith Alone CANNOT Save You

Faith alone cannot
save you. Just believing something does not mean that you have
attained it. You might believe that you can be a doctor or a pilot
but unless you fulfill the requirements, go through the training and
prove through your performance that you are capable of doing those
things then you are a failure. Then your faith is worthless, it has
failed you. It was just a hope. It was just an expectation. The very
same with salvation.
Faith alone without
action, without performance, cannot save you. Your faith must go into
action and you have to prove through your performance that you are a
child of God, that you are worthy of the kingdom of heaven. You have
to comply with the requirements. Jesus Christ said:"Why do you
call Me Lord, Lord and you do not what I say?" He said:"Not
everyone who says to Me Lord, Lord will enter into heaven, but those
who do the will of My Father." What is the will of the Father?
It is that we obey the words of Jesus Christ, not just believe in
Him. Jesus said:"Whoever wishes to come after me must deny
himself, pick up his cross every day and come here follow me."
Unless we obey the words of Jesus we prove ourselves to be failures,
our faith is worthless. Faith without works is dead.
You can believe and
imagine yourself to be a child of God. You can imagine yourself to be
saved but if you do not obey Jesus, if you do not repent and are
baptized in water, if you do not follow and obey Him and serve Him as
Lord and Master, then your faith is useless. If you are living in sin
you prove yourself to be the son of the devil. If we follow Jesus we
will obey His words and sin no more. We will be led by the Holy
Spirit and we will bear fruit of repentance. We will do the works
that He prepared for us to do, but if we do not produce the fruit
then we will get cut off and burned, then we will fail.
Many people start out in
life to do certain things. Many want to become doctors. They drop out
of school. Many want to become pilots but they never fly and never
become a pilot. You can believe you are saved but if you do not
follow and obey Jesus Christ, if you do not live according to His
words then you are just fooling yourself. You can quote Bible verses,
you can know the Bible, you can even have your own church, but if you
do not comply with the requirements of Jesus Christ, His words as
recorded in the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, then you will
not enter His kingdom. Jesus said that many will say to Him on that
day:"Lord, Lord did we not do many works in Your name? We cast
out demons, we healed the sick and He was a to them:"Go away I
never knew you." They never had a real relationship with Jesus
Christ, because they never obeyed Him. They never got to know Him,
they never received Him, they never heard His voice, they never
followed Him. They believed they were saved, but they were just
Most Christians are
deceived. They believe they are saved, but they are on their way to
hell because they don't know Jesus Christ. Do you know Jesus? Do you
know His voice? Are you following Him or do you just believe in vain
that you are saved while you are on your way to hell? Do not be
deceived. Faith alone cannot save you. You have to fulfill the
requirements of Jesus Christ, you have to obey His words. You have to
follow Him and serve Him until the very end or else you will not
enter His kingdom.
May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Salvation Is FREE Few Are Willing To Pay The COST

Salvation is free but the cost of following Jesus Christ is so high that very few people will follow Jesus and very few people will be saved.
It is not just a matter of believing in Jesus Christ, it is a matter of following and obeying Him because we believe in Him. It is a matter of living up to His requirements.
I read the words of Jesus from Luke 14:25 "Now large crowds were going along with Him; and He turned and said to them, 26 “If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple. 27 Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. 28 For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it? 29 Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who observe it begin to ridicule him, 30 saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’ 31 Or what king, when he sets out to meet another king in battle, will not first sit down and consider whether he is strong enough with ten thousand men to encounter the one coming against him with twenty thousand? 32 Or else, while the other is still far away, he sends a delegation and asks for terms of peace. 33 So then, none of you can be My disciple who does not give up all his own possessions."
That is the cost of salvation. That is the cost of following Jesus Christ. We have to be willing to give up everything to follow Jesus, to obey Him. we have to be faithful to Him until the very end. Very few people are willing to do that.
Jesus invites everybody to follow Him. He offers salvation to all people who will come after Him, who will deny themselves and become His disciple, follow Him until the very end.
The cost of salvation is discipleship. It is to follow Jesus Christ and to endure with Him until the very end.
Many people will be disappointed when they die and they learn that they did not have salvation , because they never became disciples of Jesus Christ. They were not willing to pay the cost.
Are we willing to pay the cost? Are we willing to endure with Jesus Christ until the end? We have to count the cost of following Jesus Christ and we have to endure with Him until the very end to have eternal life.
May Jesus bless you.

Monday, May 8, 2017

We all have problems

Some people think that
only they have problems in life, but we all have problems and if we
follow Jesus Christ we will each have to bear our own cross and
follow Jesus. Without Jesus we can do nothing. Without Jesus we
cannot bear that cross. We all have to overcome in order to enter the
kingdom of heaven but without Jesus we cannot do it.
Jesus said: "Take my
yoke on you for my yoke is soft and my burden is not heavy." If
we carry that burden on our own then we will not be able to do it,
but if we submit ourselves to Jesus then He helps us to carry that
burden, He helps us to overcome. Do not look to other people and
think that they have it easier than you do, because we each have a
cross to bear.
We each have problems to
overcome. We each have to run the race with endurance until the end
if we want to win the prize of eternal life. Fix your sight on Jesus,
focus on Him and follow Him. Go with Him every step of the way until
the end. It is only with Jesus that you will overcome.
May Jesus bless you.

What To Say When You Pray

We often do not know what to say when we pray., but Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to guide us in all things. We must just ask Him to guide us in the words to say, what we need to pray.

Ask Jesus to put in your mind that which is according to the will of God, His will, His purpose, and He will put into your mind the words that are pleasing to Him, that which you require, that which you really need, so that you can pray according to the will of God and that your prayers may be answered.

Without Jesus we can do nothing, but we need to submit ourselves to Him, humble ourselves before Him and ask, and He will help us. He will help us in all things, if we just ask Him.

If we need wisdom, if we need words to pray, if we need direction, all we need to do is ask Jesus and He will freely give it to us.

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

You Cannot FIX Church

When believers become
serious about following Jesus Christ then they quickly realize that
there are many things in their church that are not right. The truth
is that you cannot fix church because church is an organization that
is run by people on the basis of doctrines of men. You cannot fix the
church organization because the church organization belongs to people
it, does not belong to Jesus Christ. Neither is Jesus Christ welcome
in there.
If you meet Jesus Christ
and become serious about following Him you have to get out, you have
to turn away. You have to repent from other doctrines and the
practices of church and you have to follow Jesus Christ as his
disciple. You have to be led by the Holy Spirit and you have to be
taught by Jesus Himself because the doctrines of the church only
support the church, they are not of the kingdom of God. The words of
Jesus, the gospel of Jesus Christ, as recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke
and John, those are the words of the kingdom of God. Those are the
words by which we must live, those are the commands that we have to
follow every day. We have to obey Jesus, repent and be baptized in
water, be filled with the Holy Spirit and then be led by the Holy
Spirit. We have to follow Jesus. The kingdom of God is not about
going to church or fixing the church. You cannot fix the church. The
kingdom of God is about denying yourself, pick up your cross every
day, turn your back on the world, turn your back on church
institutions, and follow Jesus Christ. Become the church, the body of
Christ, of which He Himself is the head. Jesus Christ is the Head of
the True Church, the Body of Christ and each and every member of that
body listens to the Head. They are led by the Holy Spirit. You cannot
fix church. Get out of church and follow Jesus Christ or you will
perish with your church.
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Building Your DESTINY

The Christian world has been deceived about the requirements for salvation. Most believers will not make it into the kingdom of heaven. Most believers are not willing to live up to the requirements of Jesus Christ, His words as also recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

We read the words of Jesus in Matthew 16:24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. 25“For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. 26“For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? 27“For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and WILL THEN REPAY EVERY MAN ACCORDING TO HIS DEEDS."

Many claim to be saved because they believe in Jesus, but faith without works is dead. We will not be judged and rewarded by our faith, but by our DEEDS. Our deeds will show whether did really believe in Jesus, because if we believe we will OBEY Him.

Our eternal destiny will be decided by Jesus, HE WILL REPAY EVERY MAN ACCORDING TO THEIR DEEDS.

We read in Matthew 7:19 Jesus said:“Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20“So then, you will know them by their fruits.

21“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. 22“Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ 23“And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’

24“Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25“And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock. 26“Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 27“The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell—and great was its fall.”

What will be our destiny, when we stand before Jesus? Do we OBEY the words of Jesus, the gospel of Jesus Christ? Are we acting on His words? Do we OBEY the words? Do we live according to them, because if we don't, our house will come tumbling down. It is only those who live according to the words of Jesus, those who obey His commands, they are the only ones who will enter His kingdom. Are we working on our destiny? Are we living according to the words of Jesus Christ? Or do we just believe in Jesus for salvation?

Most people believe lies. Most believers do not obey the words of Jesus, they do not live by the words of Jesus, they do not act by the words of Jesus, and those are the ones that will hear those terrible words:"Go away from Me, I never knew you." Those are the ones whose expectation will fail. Their destiny will be hell.

What will our destiny be? Are we working on that destiny? Will our deeds ensure that we enter the kingdom of heaven? Will we be worthy of Jesus, because He will reward every man according to their deeds. Will Jesus be pleased with our deeds?

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

I CAN Do ALL Things

The world is full of
CANNOT Christians, LOSERS. They cannot stop sinning, they cannot do
anything. But the true followers of Jesus CAN DO ALL THINGS. The
Apostle Paul wrote: "I can do all things through Christ who
strengthens me." If we follow Jesus we can do all things.
Jesus enabled me. He gave
me the strength to do many things that I could not do. He gave me the
strength to stop smoking. He gave me the strength to finish a
university degree that I could not. After 20 years he sent me back to
university and I finished the degree. He also sent me to university
to do an MBA degree and I completed it with straight A's in all my
subjects. I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens
me. I can stop sinning. I can do everything that He requires of me.
The reason why believers cannot do anything is because they are not
following Jesus, they do not believe and they do not trust Him.
We read in Isaiah 40:28
"Do you not know? Have you not heard the Everlasting God, the
Lord the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or
tired. His understanding is inscrutable. He gives strength to the
weary and to him who lacks might he increases power. Though youths
grow weary and tired, and vigorous young men stumble badly, yet those
who wait for the Lord will gain new strength. They will mount up with
wings like eagles. They will run and not get tired they will walk and
will not become weary."
That is the inheritance of
the children of God. Jesus said:"Lo I am with you always."
He said:"Take my yoke upon you because of My yoke is soft and my
burden is not heavy," because Jesus helps and sustains us. Those
who walk with Jesus can do all things. They can overcome and they
will overcome. The kingdom of heaven is for overcomers. Are we
overcoming? Are we trusting in Jesus? Is He giving us the strength to
The reason why believers
can do nothing is because they are not committed, they are not
following Jesus Christ. They are not serious and therefore they can
do nothing. If you follow Jesus and you are filled with the Holy
Spirit, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

What Christians Fear

The true born again followers of Jesus Christ avoid sin at all cost, because they know that sin separates them from Jesus Christ. The false Christians avoid the true followers of Jesus because they are shown off as fakes, because they are not walking in the Light, they live in sin; they all confess to be sinners. The false Christians say they are all sinners, they cannot stop sinning.
We read the words of Jesus in John 3:19“This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil. 20“For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. 21“But he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God.”
The fake Christians are always defending their sinfulness, their sinful nature. They hate holiness, they hate the true followers of Jesus who follow Him in truth and righteousness, because they hate the Light. They will not come to the Light, they defend their darkness, because they are compromisers, they are part of this world. They are walking in darkness.
If we follow Jesus Christ we will avoid sin at all cost. We will obey Jesus Christ at all cost and we will be perfect as He commanded us to be perfect in obedience to Him.
Are we true followers of Jesus Christ? Do we walk in holiness? are we concerned about our relationship with Jesus? Do we stay in the Light? Or are we like those fake Christians who quote Bible verses to justify their sinfulness?
A fake false sinning Christian can be walking around quoting Bible verses but he cannot be following Jesus, because if you follow Jesus you will SIN NO MORE. Are we following Jesus and are we walking in the Light?
May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Words of Jesus Give LIFE

The words of Jesus give LIFE to those who BELIEVE them. We read on John 6:63 Jesus said:
“It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. 64“But there are some of you who do not believe.”
The words of Jesus bring life. a person who hears the words of Jesus and who believes is immediately changed. The power of God changes him, he is born again, he becomes a new person; he is not a sinner any more, because he believed.
There is POWER in the words of Jesus because as Jesus said, His words are Spirit and LIFE.  But very few believe and that is why the they are not changed. That is why the words of Jesus have no effect on them. Many say that they believe in Jesus, but they have not changed. There is no change in their lives, they are still sinners, they are like the rest of the world. They never believed and that is why the words of Jesus never had any effect on them.
If you believe the words of Jesus you will be changed and if you keep on obeying, you will constantly be changed, you will be transformed into His likeness.
Jesus said:"Repent and be baptized" and He will give His Holy Spirit in those who believe and who obey Him, and they will be changed. They will be changed through their relationship with Him. They will be changed through the words that He speaks to them and because they believe, they will obey Him. They will change and they will change the world.
If there is no change in you after you have read or heard the words of Jesus, then you have never believed. Most people never believe. Most believers never changed because they never believed.
Have you believed in Jesus Christ? Do you believe His words? Have you read His words in the gospel, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John? Did you believe and have you changed? Were you changed? Are you changing the world around you because the words of Jesus are alive in you? Do you believe?
May Jesus bless you.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Knowing the will of God for YOU

If we are born again
children of God and God is our Father, then we will know the will of
our Father for us. We will know what He requires of us, and as
obedient children of God we will obey Him, we will do what He
requires of us. How can we become children of God? The only way that
we can become children of God is that we must obey Jesus Christ.
We must obey the gospel of
Jesus Christ, the words that he spoke as they were also recorded in
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. If we obey the words of Jesus then He
will reveal Himself to us. If we truly believe in Jesus then we will
obey Him and He will reveal Himself to us. Jesus said:"The one
who loves Me, is the one who obeys My commands, and Me and My Father
will come and dwell with him, and I will reveal Myself to him, I will
disclose Myself to him. Jesus also said:"If you love Me, keep my
Commandments." He said:"Why do you call me Lord, Lord and
do not what I say? If we do not obey the gospel of Jesus then we do
not love Him and He will not reveal Himself to us we will not know
Him for real; we will not be born again and we will not be children
of God. We will not know the will of God, we will be a fumbling in
darkness. Those who are being led by the Spirit of God, they are the
children of God. God gives His Spirit in those who obey Jesus
Christ, those who repent of their sin, and of going after their own
mind and obey the commands of Jesus Christ. If we do not turn away
from following our own mind, listening to other people, how can we
trust and follow Jesus? How can we be led by the Holy Spirit?
The words of Jesus his
commands are recorded in the Bible, in the scriptures, (the gospels)
but we must obey them in order to get to know Jesus. Many believe
that they will have salvation by studying the Bible and applying
biblical principles, that is not what Jesus said. Jesus said:"Follow
Me." He said:"Obey my words and I will reveal Myself to
you." You will be born again of the Spirit of God and you will
hear from God. If we do not hear from God and He is not our Father,
or either we are not interested in what He is saying, or we are
disobedient children. We cannot be pleasing to God if we do not know
and do His will. Jesus explained to us how God wants us to live.
That is His commands, His words as recorded in the Gospels, but we
can only do the will of God if we hear from Him. He is the Living God
and He speaks.
Jesus said:"My sheep
hear My voice, they listen and they follow Me." The question is:
Do we love Jesus? Do we trust Him? Do we obey His words? Do we live
according to His commands? Have we repented of sin and repented of
our own ideas our own mind, and are we seeking the mind of Christ?
Are we seeking the will of God? Are we seeking to hear from Jesus?
Are we seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit or do we follow our
own mind? Do we follow after our own desires? Have we designed our
own religion? Do we go to the church of our choice and do we just
practice religion, or have we become children of God? Do we know our
Father? Do we know His voice? Do we do that which is pleasing to Him?
If we don't it is in vain that we call ourselves children of God,
because we are in darkness, we don't know Jesus, we don't know God.
Most believers don't know God. They just believe what they do not
God did not send us a
Bible, He sent us the Holy Spirit, His Holy Spirit He gives in those
who obey the words of Jesus, who repent and are baptized and who seek
to follow Him. Do we know the will of God for our life, his purpose
for me or for you? Do we seek His will every day and do we do it, or
are we following after our own desires, our own mind, the wisdom of
other people? Are we truly seeking the will of our Father and are we
doing it. We can only be pleasing to our Heavenly Father to Jesus
Christ, if we know His will and do His will. Are we doing that which
is pleasing to Him.
May Jesus bless you.