Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Closer to Jesus
Jesus Christ will say to many believers:"Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness." Those believers will be pastors, priests, so-called men and women of God, church people, religious people, Bible believers, people who believed that they were saved, but they never got close to Jesus; they never came into a close relationship with Him, they never walked with Him, they never followed Him.
The only way to get closer to Jesus is through prayer. God is SPIRIT, and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. If we do not pray, we have no relationship with Jesus Christ. We have to always be praying and that is why He gave the Holy Spirit, His Spirit to be in us, with us, so that the Holy Spirit can help us in praying. If we are filled with the Holy Spirit and we have received the gift of the Holy Spirit, we can pray in tongues always, all day; while you are working, while you are driving, whatever you are doing, in your spirit you can be praying.
We need to be praying always to be close to Jesus, to get closer to Him all the time. His sheep HEAR His voice. They LISTEN to Him and they FOLLOW Him. We will only HEAR Him if we pray. If we stay connected with Him, to Him, praying in the Spirit, seeking to be close to Him. We can only build our relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer. There is no other way. You cannot build your relationship with Jesus through religious exercises, through reading the Bible, through listening to other people, going to church, attending church meetings; you have to pray always. In your spirit you have to be communicating with God. If we do not pray we will eventually die spiritually; we will be separated from Jesus Christ and He will say to us:"Go away I never knew you."
We only receive answers from Him, revelation from Him, guidance from Him, if we pray; if we stay focused on Him and tuned in to His Spirit all the time.
You cannot walk with God if you do not pray, if you do not serve Him by praying in the spirit. Our connection with Jesus Christ is through the Holy Spirit. If we do not pray in the Spirit always, then we are not connected to Him. Those who are led by the Spirit of God they are the children of God.
Are we praying in the Spirit? Are we drawing closer to Jesus all the time? Do we seek Him in prayer, hear from Him, listen, obey and stay with Him always, day and night? Are we serious about our relationship with Jesus Christ, or will He say to us:"Go away from Me, I never knew you?" How serious are we about our relationship with Jesus Christ?
May Jesus bless you.
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
False Prophets
To prophesy is to speak words that you have heard from God. To prophesy is not to speak positive words over other people's lives, like so many do. It is not to preach. To prophesy is to say what you have heard from God.
Many people speak words in the Name of God and they lie; they speak from their own mind. The only way to know if a prophecy is from God is to ask God to confirm to you whether that which the other person has spoken is from Him. Prophecy is not evaluated by the natural man. You cannot evaluate prophecy from your own feelings, your own thoughts and your own mind. Only God can tell you whether those words come from Him.
Prophecy is seldom accepted by men. People do not want the words from God, they reject the words that come from God. They want to hear nice things. Real prophecy brings you into the fear of God, causes people to repent. It wars them, reprimands them. It is not soothsaying. It is the revelation of the mind of God. It is to turn men from their wicked ways, to obedience to God.
God speaks through whom He wishes and that is why the words of God are often rejected; because He speaks through people who are disregarded by those who are religious, those in the churches, those who regard themselves as spiritual and who are accepted by men. God speaks through whom He wishes. Those with ears will listen and will hear. Those who are humble and who seek the truth will submit themselves to God and He will reveal the truth to them.
Jesus has many prophets that He uses to warn the world, to turn the world to repentance but few are listening. They listen to the false prophets. They go after the false prophets and they will perish if they do not turn to Jesus and hear from Him. He speaks. His sheep listen to His voice and they follow Him.
Whatever you hear, submit it to Jesus, ask Him and He will confirm to you whether it was His words that were spoken.
May Jesus bless you.
Monday, August 29, 2016
Functioning in the Supernatural
The gifts and the functioning of the Holy Spirit are not natural, they are supernatural. The Holy Spirit gives you abilities to function in the supernatural. That which is natural is of the FLESH but the Holy Spirit enables you to do that which is supernatural. To pray in tongues, that is not natural. To receive revelation of the unknown, that is supernatural.
Spiritual discernment is not feelings, it is not natural, not something that you can observe or feel through your physical senses; it is GIVEN to you by the Spirit of God. It is like, the light goes on and you can suddenly see and understand what you could not understand.
Those who do not know the Holy Spirit try to reduce the Holy Spirit to the natural. That which is of the Spirit of God is SPIRIT, and that which is of the flesh is flesh.
God imparts knowledge and understanding in the spirit. The gift of healing is not natural. It is not the ability that is given to a doctor who went to medical school. The gift of tongues is not when a person goes to school and learns a new language; that is natural. The Holy Spirit gifts are supernatural and they function through the power of God. That is why those who have been baptized in the Holy Spirit instantaneously have the power and the ability to do those things that God has gifted them to do. Those who are baptized in the Holy Spirit can immediately speak in tongues. Those who have the gift of healing lay their hands on the sick and they recover. they do not have natural healing powers, that is of the Spirit of God.
Those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. They are not led by their feelings, their understanding, their natural interpretation of the Bible; they are led by the Spirit of God. They do not hear in their natural ears, their spiritual ears and eyes are opened. They can hear God, and they see those things that God reveals to them. If you have not received it from the Spirit of God, then you have not received it; that which is of the Spirit, that is of the Spirit and that which is natural is natural.
When God sends you He supernaturally equips you to do His work. Very few believers have the Holy Spirit. Very few of them are supernaturally equipped by the Spirit of God. Most of them do not know Jesus Christ. They have not received the Holy Spirit, and that is why they function in the natural.
If we are children of God and we have received the Spirit of God, then we function under guidance and power of the Holy Spirit and we do so in the Spirit. We cannot do the will of God if we are not IN the Spirit, being guided by the Spirit and doing His will, in obedience to the Spirit. If we are led by the Spirit of God we will function under the guidance and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Those who are born again of the Spirit of God, they can see the kingdom of God; they can hear the voice of God, they listen, they are His sheep. They follow Him.
Are we born of the Spirit and do we function in the Spirit, or are we in the natural? Because the natural man does not accept nor understand the things of the Spirit of God.
We have to be born again of the Spirit of God to understand the things of the Spirit of God. He freely gives to those who seek Him and who obey Him. The true followers of Jesus Christ are spiritual men and women because they serve God and they worship Him in spirit and in truth.
Have you received the Spirit of God and do you function under guidance of the Holy Spirit?
May Jesus bless you.
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Sunday, August 28, 2016
He will teach you
It is not the will of God that any person perish but that all repent, be reconciled with Him and have eternal life. And that is why He sent Jesus, to reconcile man with Him. If we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Master , He accepts us. He will not reject any person who comes to Him and who accepts Him as his Lord and Master.
Jesus Christ is faithful and He will teach you, He will guide you; He will teach everything that you need to know to be a child of God. He will never leave you and He will never forsake you. He will not abandon you. If you submit to Him, you will gain understanding, but if you rebel against Him and if you disobey Him He will discipline you. If you keep on rejecting His goodness, His mercy and His discipline, His correction, then He will CUT YOU OFF!
Jesus Christ said that every branch in Him that does not bear fruit , will get cut off and burned. It is not the will of God that we perish but we cannot enter His kingdom if we have not become like Jesus Christ, if we do not obey Him Without holiness no man shall see God.
Many people have accepted Jesus and then they turned away from Him. They were not serious but He is serious; and since they have accepted Jesus, their life has become extremely difficult. Many of them have gone back to sin and they are now in a worse situation that before they knew Jesus. If we come to Jesus, He sets us free from sin. He forgives our past sin, but if we go back to sin and we turn our back on Jesus, He will come after us; He will punish us, He will discipline us, like any good father. He will not turn a blind eye to us (ignore us), He will correct us, and the discipline of God is severe because He cares for us.
We learn through what we suffer and that is why many who have once accepted Jesus and do not follow and obey Him, that is why they suffer. It is because they are under the discipline of the Holy Spirit. Jesus cares for us and that is why He wants to teach us OBEDIENCE, holiness, righteousness, but if we do not respond to His love and care, to His discipline, then He will discipline us even more severe. Eventually, if we do not turn and submit to Him He will cut us off.
If you do not repent GOD WILL CUT YOU DOWN and you will end up in HELL.
Will you LEARN or will you BURN?
May Jesus bless you.
Holly Spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Spiritual Survival Growth and Fruitfulness
Our spiritual survival, growth and fruitfulness depends on our relationship with Jesus Christ. and our relationship with Jesus Christ depends on prayer and our obedience to Him. Man shall not live from bread alone but from every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. We must be in communion with Jesus Christ all the time. That is why He gives His Holy Spirit to dwell in us.
If we obey Him, then we can be constantly connected, to you have constant communion with Him. But we have to pray, we have to work on our relationship with Jesus Christ. If we are not praying in the spirit always then we cannot bear fruit. If we are not hearing from Him we cannot do His will; if we do not seek Him all the time and go after Him then we will drift from Him, we will not hear Him and we will get occupied with other things, we will be led astray. We need to keep our focus on Jesus Christ and pray always, pray in the spirit that's why He gives us the Holy Spirit to live in us to guide, us to teach us, to be with us forever, that is Christ in us, but we must cherish His presence, we must covet His presence, look after his presence our relationship with Him and not allow anything to get in between us and Him. We must seek to serve Him, seek to be pleasing to Him, be attentive and listen.
If I do not listen to the Holy Spirit, if I do not receive a message from Jesus, I cannot be speaking to you, because I cannot pass on to you if I have not received from Jesus Christ. We cannot bear fruit if we do not abide in the Vine, if we do not stay in Christ; and we stay in Christ through prayer, obedience, doing His will. He will guide us, He will teach us, He will discipline us and He will send us. He will give us work to do, but we must listen, obey, respond and go and do it or else we cannot serve Him. We cannot serve His kingdom, we cannot be fruitful if you do not pray in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, you cannot do the will of God.
Those who are being led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth, always. The Spirit of Christ lives in them, dwells in them and they are led by the Spirit. Are you alive in Christ? Are you growing and are you fruitful? We need to be in Christ. We need to be connected, listening, attentive, obeying His commands and doing His will. We must follow Him and endure with Him until the very end or else He will say to us: "Go away I never knew you. You had no business with me, you would not come after me; you
were running after your own desires."
Are you alive in Christ, not just surviving but thriving growing and bearing fruit for His kingdom?
May Jesus bless you.
Our spiritual survival,
growth and fruitfulness depends on our relationship with Jesus
Christ. and our relationship with Jesus Christ depends on prayer and
our obedience to Him. Man shall not live from bread alone but from
every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. We must be in
communion with Jesus Christ all the time. That is why He gives His
Holy Spirit to dwell in us.
growth and fruitfulness depends on our relationship with Jesus
Christ. and our relationship with Jesus Christ depends on prayer and
our obedience to Him. Man shall not live from bread alone but from
every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. We must be in
communion with Jesus Christ all the time. That is why He gives His
Holy Spirit to dwell in us.
If we obey Him, then we
can be constantly connected, to you have constant communion with Him.
But we have to pray, we have to work on our relationship with Jesus
Christ. If we are not praying in the spirit always then we cannot
bear fruit. If we are not hearing from Him we cannot do His will; if
we do not seek Him all the time and go after Him then we will drift
from Him, we will not hear Him and we will get occupied with other
things, we will be led astray. We need to keep our focus on Jesus
Christ and pray always, pray in the spirit that's why He gives us the
Holy Spirit to live in us to guide, us to teach us, to be with us
forever, that is Christ in us, but we must cherish His presence, we
must covet His presence, look after his presence our relationship
with Him and not allow anything to get in between us and Him. We must
seek to serve Him, seek to be pleasing to Him, be attentive and
can be constantly connected, to you have constant communion with Him.
But we have to pray, we have to work on our relationship with Jesus
Christ. If we are not praying in the spirit always then we cannot
bear fruit. If we are not hearing from Him we cannot do His will; if
we do not seek Him all the time and go after Him then we will drift
from Him, we will not hear Him and we will get occupied with other
things, we will be led astray. We need to keep our focus on Jesus
Christ and pray always, pray in the spirit that's why He gives us the
Holy Spirit to live in us to guide, us to teach us, to be with us
forever, that is Christ in us, but we must cherish His presence, we
must covet His presence, look after his presence our relationship
with Him and not allow anything to get in between us and Him. We must
seek to serve Him, seek to be pleasing to Him, be attentive and
If I do not listen to the
Holy Spirit, if I do not receive a message from Jesus, I cannot be
speaking to you, because I cannot pass on to you if I have not
received from Jesus Christ. We cannot bear fruit if we do not abide
in the Vine, if we do not stay in Christ; and we stay in Christ
through prayer, obedience, doing His will. He will guide us, He will
teach us, He will discipline us and He will send us. He will give us
work to do, but we must listen, obey, respond and go and do it or
else we cannot serve Him. We cannot serve His kingdom, we cannot be
fruitful if you do not pray in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, you
cannot do the will of God.
Holy Spirit, if I do not receive a message from Jesus, I cannot be
speaking to you, because I cannot pass on to you if I have not
received from Jesus Christ. We cannot bear fruit if we do not abide
in the Vine, if we do not stay in Christ; and we stay in Christ
through prayer, obedience, doing His will. He will guide us, He will
teach us, He will discipline us and He will send us. He will give us
work to do, but we must listen, obey, respond and go and do it or
else we cannot serve Him. We cannot serve His kingdom, we cannot be
fruitful if you do not pray in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, you
cannot do the will of God.
Those who are being led by
the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. God is spirit and those
who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth, always. The
Spirit of Christ lives in them, dwells in them and they are led by
the Spirit. Are you alive in Christ? Are you growing and are you
fruitful? We need to be in Christ. We need to be connected,
listening, attentive, obeying His commands and doing His will. We
must follow Him and endure with Him until the very end or else He
will say to us: "Go away I never knew you. You had no business
with me, you would not come after me; you
the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. God is spirit and those
who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth, always. The
Spirit of Christ lives in them, dwells in them and they are led by
the Spirit. Are you alive in Christ? Are you growing and are you
fruitful? We need to be in Christ. We need to be connected,
listening, attentive, obeying His commands and doing His will. We
must follow Him and endure with Him until the very end or else He
will say to us: "Go away I never knew you. You had no business
with me, you would not come after me; you
were running after your
own desires."
own desires."
Are you alive in Christ,
not just surviving but thriving growing and bearing fruit for His
not just surviving but thriving growing and bearing fruit for His
May Jesus bless you.
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Friday, August 26, 2016
LASTING Satisfaction Joy and Contentment
Lasting satisfaction, joy
and contentment is only found in Jesus Christ. When we are in
Christ and when He is in us. If Jesus Christ is not in us we are
uncertain, insecure, anxious and filled with fear about the future,
about death. But if we come to know Jesus Christ and we accept Him
and He comes and dwells in us then He gives us peace beyond all
understanding; but we need to be in Christ and Christ needs to be in
and contentment is only found in Jesus Christ. When we are in
Christ and when He is in us. If Jesus Christ is not in us we are
uncertain, insecure, anxious and filled with fear about the future,
about death. But if we come to know Jesus Christ and we accept Him
and He comes and dwells in us then He gives us peace beyond all
understanding; but we need to be in Christ and Christ needs to be in
How does it happen that
Jesus Christ can come and dwell in a person, be in us? If we accept
Jesus Christ and obey His words, His commands, if we turn to Him
repent from sin and from going after our own ways, our own desires
and we obey Him go, after Him; stop sinning, be righteous and holy
and if we follow Him through water baptism, being baptized in water
for the washing off of our sins, and we keep on seeking Him then He
gives His Holy Spirit to dwell in us, the Comforter to be with us
Jesus Christ can come and dwell in a person, be in us? If we accept
Jesus Christ and obey His words, His commands, if we turn to Him
repent from sin and from going after our own ways, our own desires
and we obey Him go, after Him; stop sinning, be righteous and holy
and if we follow Him through water baptism, being baptized in water
for the washing off of our sins, and we keep on seeking Him then He
gives His Holy Spirit to dwell in us, the Comforter to be with us
The world, those who do
not believe in Jesus, those who do not obey Him, and do not submit to
Him, those who do not seek Him, cannot receive the Holy Spirit and
they cannot experience that comforting communion with Jesus Christ.
If we seek Him with all our heart and obey His words, He gives His
Holy Spirit in us. He baptizes us in the Holy Spirit H gives in us
streams of living water that fill us, flow through us, into eternal
life, His Spirit in us guides us, teaches us, comforts us, is always
with us, He satisfies our soul. He supplies in all that we need and
we are content because Jesus Christ lives in us.
not believe in Jesus, those who do not obey Him, and do not submit to
Him, those who do not seek Him, cannot receive the Holy Spirit and
they cannot experience that comforting communion with Jesus Christ.
If we seek Him with all our heart and obey His words, He gives His
Holy Spirit in us. He baptizes us in the Holy Spirit H gives in us
streams of living water that fill us, flow through us, into eternal
life, His Spirit in us guides us, teaches us, comforts us, is always
with us, He satisfies our soul. He supplies in all that we need and
we are content because Jesus Christ lives in us.
He even helps us to pray.
We ourselves do not know what to pray, but if His Spirit dwells in
us, He gives us a tongue, a heavenly tongue whereby we can pray; we
can speak to God, mysteries. Nobody understands what we say; we
ourselves do not even know what we are saying, but the Spirit who
dwells in us, prays with us and for us according to the will of God
and when we pray in the spirit we are edified. We are built up and
that peaceful Water of the Holy Spirit flows through us and He gives
us peace, peace beyond understanding. We do not know where it comes
from, but that peace is Jesus Christ in us. I do not even know what
I'm praying when I pray in tongues but my spirit prays to God. The
Holy Spirit prays with me. He gives me utterance and I pray according
to the will of God. I am edified, I'm satisfied, because I know that
He prays according to the will of God in and through me and He
supplies in all my needs. He gives me peace beyond understanding.
We ourselves do not know what to pray, but if His Spirit dwells in
us, He gives us a tongue, a heavenly tongue whereby we can pray; we
can speak to God, mysteries. Nobody understands what we say; we
ourselves do not even know what we are saying, but the Spirit who
dwells in us, prays with us and for us according to the will of God
and when we pray in the spirit we are edified. We are built up and
that peaceful Water of the Holy Spirit flows through us and He gives
us peace, peace beyond understanding. We do not know where it comes
from, but that peace is Jesus Christ in us. I do not even know what
I'm praying when I pray in tongues but my spirit prays to God. The
Holy Spirit prays with me. He gives me utterance and I pray according
to the will of God. I am edified, I'm satisfied, because I know that
He prays according to the will of God in and through me and He
supplies in all my needs. He gives me peace beyond understanding.
Is Jesus Christ living in
you? Has He given you of His Spirit to be with you and in you, to
comfort you? Do you pray in the spirit? Are you satisfied? Do you
have the joy and peace contentment of Jesus Christ in you, that
everlasting contentment? You only find that peace, joy and
contentment in Jesus Christ. If you want that piece, if you want that
joy, that never-ending comfort then seek Jesus with all your heart.
Go after Him. Obey Him; submit yourself to Him. His Holy Spirit will
come and dwell in you. He will guide you and He will teach you, will
tell you all things, and He will give you peace beyond all
understanding; peace and contentment that you cannot find in this
world you can only find it in Jesus. Seek Jesus and He will satisfy
your soul.
you? Has He given you of His Spirit to be with you and in you, to
comfort you? Do you pray in the spirit? Are you satisfied? Do you
have the joy and peace contentment of Jesus Christ in you, that
everlasting contentment? You only find that peace, joy and
contentment in Jesus Christ. If you want that piece, if you want that
joy, that never-ending comfort then seek Jesus with all your heart.
Go after Him. Obey Him; submit yourself to Him. His Holy Spirit will
come and dwell in you. He will guide you and He will teach you, will
tell you all things, and He will give you peace beyond all
understanding; peace and contentment that you cannot find in this
world you can only find it in Jesus. Seek Jesus and He will satisfy
your soul.
May Jesus bless you
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Thursday, August 25, 2016
How to WAIT on Jesus and RECEIVE
Most believers do not know
what it means to wait on the Lord for an answer if they have prayed
and asked Him for something. The reason why they do not know how to
wait on the Lord and to expect Him to answer their prayer is because
they do not really believe that He is alive, that He hears their
prayers and that He will answer. They do not really believe.
what it means to wait on the Lord for an answer if they have prayed
and asked Him for something. The reason why they do not know how to
wait on the Lord and to expect Him to answer their prayer is because
they do not really believe that He is alive, that He hears their
prayers and that He will answer. They do not really believe.
The apostle James wrote in
James chapter 1 verse 5, "But if any of you lacks wisdom, let
him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and
it will be given to him, But we must ask in faith without any
doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven
and tossed by the wind. For that man ought not to expect that he will
receive anything from the Lord, being a double-minded man, unstable
in all his ways." If we do not go to Jesus in prayer believing
and expecting that our prayer will be answered, we will receive
nothing. We also read in Hebrews chapter 11:6, "And without
faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must
believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him."
Many people say that they have prayed and they asked Jesus for the
Holy Spirit and they have not received it. They ask, how long must
they wait after they have prayed. We read what Jesus said to His
disciples in Acts chapter 1:4 "for He commanded them not to
leave Jerusalem but to wait for what the Father had promised, "Which
," He said "you heard from Me; for John baptized with water
but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from
now." Verse 12 "then they returned to Jerusalem from the
mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day's journey
away. When they had entered the city they went into the upper room
where they were staying; that is Peter and John and James and Andrew,
Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James son of Alphaeus,
Simon the Zealot, Judas the son of James. These all with one mind
were continually devoting themselves to prayer, along with the woman,
and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.'
James chapter 1 verse 5, "But if any of you lacks wisdom, let
him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and
it will be given to him, But we must ask in faith without any
doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven
and tossed by the wind. For that man ought not to expect that he will
receive anything from the Lord, being a double-minded man, unstable
in all his ways." If we do not go to Jesus in prayer believing
and expecting that our prayer will be answered, we will receive
nothing. We also read in Hebrews chapter 11:6, "And without
faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must
believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him."
Many people say that they have prayed and they asked Jesus for the
Holy Spirit and they have not received it. They ask, how long must
they wait after they have prayed. We read what Jesus said to His
disciples in Acts chapter 1:4 "for He commanded them not to
leave Jerusalem but to wait for what the Father had promised, "Which
," He said "you heard from Me; for John baptized with water
but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from
now." Verse 12 "then they returned to Jerusalem from the
mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day's journey
away. When they had entered the city they went into the upper room
where they were staying; that is Peter and John and James and Andrew,
Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James son of Alphaeus,
Simon the Zealot, Judas the son of James. These all with one mind
were continually devoting themselves to prayer, along with the woman,
and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.'
They were continually
devoting themselves to prayer, waiting expectantly praying, they did
not go away. They waited, they waited expectantly and then we read in
acts chapter 22 verse 1, "When the day of Pentecost had come,
they were all together in one place, and suddenly there came from
heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole
house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them tongues as
of fire distributing themselves and they rested on each one of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with
other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance." They were
expectantly waiting and praying and then they received the gift that
God had promised the infilling with the Holy Spirit. They were not
just having fellowship, sitting around having coffee, having a good
time like they would have today at church, just being with Christian
friends watching television drinking coffee, eating doughnuts, having
a good time, a good old party. No, they came together you pray to
wait on the Lord and then they received what He promised.
devoting themselves to prayer, waiting expectantly praying, they did
not go away. They waited, they waited expectantly and then we read in
acts chapter 22 verse 1, "When the day of Pentecost had come,
they were all together in one place, and suddenly there came from
heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole
house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them tongues as
of fire distributing themselves and they rested on each one of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with
other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance." They were
expectantly waiting and praying and then they received the gift that
God had promised the infilling with the Holy Spirit. They were not
just having fellowship, sitting around having coffee, having a good
time like they would have today at church, just being with Christian
friends watching television drinking coffee, eating doughnuts, having
a good time, a good old party. No, they came together you pray to
wait on the Lord and then they received what He promised.
If we go to God we must go
in faith, we must believe that He IS, we must have our focus on Him
and we must pray with a serious heart or else we will receive
nothing. When I first realized that Jesus Christ wants to speak to
us, wants to speak to me, He said:"My sheep listen to My voice
and they follow Me," I said Lord, speak to me, I want to hear
Your voice, and I set my mind on hearing from God. I went alone and I
prayed. I said lord I don't want to eat, I don't want to drink, I
don't want to read the Bible, I don't want to hear from anybody else,
I want to you from You and I waited on Him. I prayed and He answered
me, He spoke to me.
in faith, we must believe that He IS, we must have our focus on Him
and we must pray with a serious heart or else we will receive
nothing. When I first realized that Jesus Christ wants to speak to
us, wants to speak to me, He said:"My sheep listen to My voice
and they follow Me," I said Lord, speak to me, I want to hear
Your voice, and I set my mind on hearing from God. I went alone and I
prayed. I said lord I don't want to eat, I don't want to drink, I
don't want to read the Bible, I don't want to hear from anybody else,
I want to you from You and I waited on Him. I prayed and He answered
me, He spoke to me.
If we want to hear from
Jesus we have to believe that He exists; we have to go to Him in
faith expectantly and wait on Him. If we pray and we ask Him for
something we must not give up, we must go with a mind of receiving,
with a mind of believing and we must stay focused on him expectantly
and not give up, because if we do not believe, if we are not willing
to wait on Him until he gives what we asked, if we are not patiently
waiting on Him expectantly; we will receive nothing!
Jesus we have to believe that He exists; we have to go to Him in
faith expectantly and wait on Him. If we pray and we ask Him for
something we must not give up, we must go with a mind of receiving,
with a mind of believing and we must stay focused on him expectantly
and not give up, because if we do not believe, if we are not willing
to wait on Him until he gives what we asked, if we are not patiently
waiting on Him expectantly; we will receive nothing!
People ask how long do you
have to pray? How long do you have to wait? You have to wait UNTIL
you receive. You have to expectantly wait until He answers your
prayer, until he gives you what you asked for. But if you give up
then you will receive nothing, if you are not serious you will
receive nothing.
have to pray? How long do you have to wait? You have to wait UNTIL
you receive. You have to expectantly wait until He answers your
prayer, until he gives you what you asked for. But if you give up
then you will receive nothing, if you are not serious you will
receive nothing.
Do you really believe and
are you willing to wait for the answer? If you do, then go to Jesus
and He will answer you. If you want guidance and wisdom, pray and
ask, and wait until He answers. If you want the baptism in the Holy
Spirit, go and pray and wait on Him. Don't give up, He will answer
your prayer and your joy will be full. He rewards those who
diligently seek Him.
are you willing to wait for the answer? If you do, then go to Jesus
and He will answer you. If you want guidance and wisdom, pray and
ask, and wait until He answers. If you want the baptism in the Holy
Spirit, go and pray and wait on Him. Don't give up, He will answer
your prayer and your joy will be full. He rewards those who
diligently seek Him.
May Jesus bless you.
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Get REAL with Jesus Christ
Do you believe what the
Bible says about Jesus Christ? Do you believe that He is alive? Do
you believe that He is Lord, that He is King of kings and Lord of
lords? Do you believe that He speaks that is His sheep hear His
voice, they listen to Him and they follow Him? Do you believe that if
you obey the words of Jesus Christ, repent and are baptized in water
that He will give His Holy Spirit to live in you, to speak to you, to
guide you, to teach you; to guide you into all truth, to tell you
things to come? Do you believe that Jesus Christ will live in you? Do
believe what Jesus said, that those who believe in Him will lay their
hands on the sick and they will recover, that they will speak in
tongues. Do you believe that? Do you believe that if you ask Jesus He
will speak to you? If you do believe that; why do you ignore him? Why
do you not ask Him everything that you need to know? Why do you not
take Him seriously? Why do not obey Him?
Bible says about Jesus Christ? Do you believe that He is alive? Do
you believe that He is Lord, that He is King of kings and Lord of
lords? Do you believe that He speaks that is His sheep hear His
voice, they listen to Him and they follow Him? Do you believe that if
you obey the words of Jesus Christ, repent and are baptized in water
that He will give His Holy Spirit to live in you, to speak to you, to
guide you, to teach you; to guide you into all truth, to tell you
things to come? Do you believe that Jesus Christ will live in you? Do
believe what Jesus said, that those who believe in Him will lay their
hands on the sick and they will recover, that they will speak in
tongues. Do you believe that? Do you believe that if you ask Jesus He
will speak to you? If you do believe that; why do you ignore him? Why
do you not ask Him everything that you need to know? Why do you not
take Him seriously? Why do not obey Him?
Most professing Christians
have a form of godliness; they believe in the Bible, they believe
that if they confess that they believe in Jesus they have eternal
life, but they don't know Jesus Christ. They do not believe that He
is alive; they do not know Him. If you truly believe in Jesus Christ,
if you believe His words and you obey Him, then you will get to know
Him, you will be guided by His Spirit, the Spirit will live in you
every moment. But most people do not believe; they do not know Jesus
Christ and when they die they will stand before Him and He will say
to them, "Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness."
And they will say, "Lord but we went to church, we read the
Bible, I prayed every day. He will say, "I don't know you, you
never spoke to Me, you never asked Me for wisdom, you lived your life
to please yourself. You did not believe that I was alive, you did not
seek Me, you lived to please yourself; why do you want to come to Me
have a form of godliness; they believe in the Bible, they believe
that if they confess that they believe in Jesus they have eternal
life, but they don't know Jesus Christ. They do not believe that He
is alive; they do not know Him. If you truly believe in Jesus Christ,
if you believe His words and you obey Him, then you will get to know
Him, you will be guided by His Spirit, the Spirit will live in you
every moment. But most people do not believe; they do not know Jesus
Christ and when they die they will stand before Him and He will say
to them, "Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness."
And they will say, "Lord but we went to church, we read the
Bible, I prayed every day. He will say, "I don't know you, you
never spoke to Me, you never asked Me for wisdom, you lived your life
to please yourself. You did not believe that I was alive, you did not
seek Me, you lived to please yourself; why do you want to come to Me
Are you real with Jesus
Christ, do you truly know Him? If you really believe what is written
in the Bible you will fall on your knees and you will cry out to
Jesus with all your heart; you will seek Him. You will say, "Lord
speak to me please, I want to know you Lord Jesus!" You will
seek Him with all your heart and He will reveal Himself to you and
you will know Him for real. If you really believe you will keep on
seeking, you will keep on listening to Him, you will keep on
following Him. You will not want to live without Him, you will run
away from sin, you will make sure that your relationship with Jesus
Christ is always perfect. If you really believe, if you are REAL with
Jesus Christ, you will not care what other people think, what they
say about you. You will only be concerned about your relationship
with Jesus Christ, because that is all that matters now and for
Christ, do you truly know Him? If you really believe what is written
in the Bible you will fall on your knees and you will cry out to
Jesus with all your heart; you will seek Him. You will say, "Lord
speak to me please, I want to know you Lord Jesus!" You will
seek Him with all your heart and He will reveal Himself to you and
you will know Him for real. If you really believe you will keep on
seeking, you will keep on listening to Him, you will keep on
following Him. You will not want to live without Him, you will run
away from sin, you will make sure that your relationship with Jesus
Christ is always perfect. If you really believe, if you are REAL with
Jesus Christ, you will not care what other people think, what they
say about you. You will only be concerned about your relationship
with Jesus Christ, because that is all that matters now and for
Are you real with Jesus
Christ? Do you truly know Him and follow Him every day, or do you
believe what you do not know? Get real with Jesus Christ and He will
be real with you, and He will be real for you, in you and through
you. Jesus Christ is alive, He is God Almighty. Get real with Jesus
before it is too late.
Christ? Do you truly know Him and follow Him every day, or do you
believe what you do not know? Get real with Jesus Christ and He will
be real with you, and He will be real for you, in you and through
you. Jesus Christ is alive, He is God Almighty. Get real with Jesus
before it is too late.
May Jesus bless you.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Don't let satan ROB you
Modern-day Christian
believers are spiritually deprived, powerless against sin and against
satan. They have been robbed by satan because they believe lies; they
do not have the Holy Spirit, they do not have Jesus Christ. Jesus
Christ gives His Holy Spirit in those who believe in Him, who obey
Him and who seek Him. Without the Holy Spirit we have no power and we
cannot stand against the devil, we cannot overcome.
believers are spiritually deprived, powerless against sin and against
satan. They have been robbed by satan because they believe lies; they
do not have the Holy Spirit, they do not have Jesus Christ. Jesus
Christ gives His Holy Spirit in those who believe in Him, who obey
Him and who seek Him. Without the Holy Spirit we have no power and we
cannot stand against the devil, we cannot overcome.
Most modern day believers
think they are saved because they believe in Jesus. They go after
Bible knowledge but they have no knowledge of God; they do not know
Jesus Chris, they are spiritually deprived and dead, because they do
not have the Holy Spirit that Jesus Christ promised to those who seek
Him, and who obey Him; who repent and who are baptized in water. The
first believers were earnestly seeking the baptism in the Holy
Spirit. They did not have Bibles; they were not seeking Bible
knowledge. They were seeking to be filled with the Spirit of Christ,
with the Holy Spirit and once they received the Holy Spirit they went
out in the power of the Spirit. The disciples, the apostles did not
have Bibles; they did not teach people to read the Bible, they did
not explain the Bible to them, they taught them the words of Jesus
Christ and they demonstrated the power of the Holy Spirit because
they were filled with Spirit. They were not full of human wisdom and
scripture verses, they will filled with the power of God; they healed
the sick and they brought people to repentance. The power of God work
through them because they were praying in the Spirit; they overcame.
They overcame the lusts of the flesh, they overcame satan and they
endured with Jesus Christ until the end. The first martyr for Christ,
Stephen, did not go to Bible school but he was filled with the Spirit
and he preached like few preachers know how to preach today even if
they've spent years in Bible School. It is because they don't have
the Spirit of Christ. Stephen was filled with the Spirit of God and
the apostles were filled with the Spirit of God, with the Holy Spirit
and Jesus Christ promised that same Spirit in us to be witnesses for
Him, to bear fruit for Him.
think they are saved because they believe in Jesus. They go after
Bible knowledge but they have no knowledge of God; they do not know
Jesus Chris, they are spiritually deprived and dead, because they do
not have the Holy Spirit that Jesus Christ promised to those who seek
Him, and who obey Him; who repent and who are baptized in water. The
first believers were earnestly seeking the baptism in the Holy
Spirit. They did not have Bibles; they were not seeking Bible
knowledge. They were seeking to be filled with the Spirit of Christ,
with the Holy Spirit and once they received the Holy Spirit they went
out in the power of the Spirit. The disciples, the apostles did not
have Bibles; they did not teach people to read the Bible, they did
not explain the Bible to them, they taught them the words of Jesus
Christ and they demonstrated the power of the Holy Spirit because
they were filled with Spirit. They were not full of human wisdom and
scripture verses, they will filled with the power of God; they healed
the sick and they brought people to repentance. The power of God work
through them because they were praying in the Spirit; they overcame.
They overcame the lusts of the flesh, they overcame satan and they
endured with Jesus Christ until the end. The first martyr for Christ,
Stephen, did not go to Bible school but he was filled with the Spirit
and he preached like few preachers know how to preach today even if
they've spent years in Bible School. It is because they don't have
the Spirit of Christ. Stephen was filled with the Spirit of God and
the apostles were filled with the Spirit of God, with the Holy Spirit
and Jesus Christ promised that same Spirit in us to be witnesses for
Him, to bear fruit for Him.
The reason why believers
are fruitless, without the fruit of the Holy Spirit, without the
power of the Holy Spirit is because they do not have the Holy Spirit;
they do not know Jesus Christ and even those who have received the
baptism in the Holy Spirit and can pray in tongues, they've been
deceived by satan and they do not pray in tongues. Believers do not
pray in tongues in church anymore because it's not respectable, it's
not acceptable. They want to be accepted by the world but they don't
care to deny Jesus Christ and to neglect the gift that he has given
to them. Those who pray in tongues are speaking to God. They don't
care who is listening because those who listen to them can in any
case not understand what they saying. if I pray in tongues and my
brother next to me prays and tongues then both of us are speaking to
God, we're not speaking to each other. We do not bother each other,
we do not interfere with each other because we are speaking to God.
If brothers from different nations and different languages that
cannot even understand each other, but who are filled with the Holy
Spirit, when they get together and they pray in the Spirit they are
of the same Spirit and the Holy Spirit functions in and through them
because they are listening to the Head, they are serving the Master,
they are not busy with each other. Believers want to come together
and have some friendship club, they want to be accepted by each
other; they don't come together to pray to be edified in the Spirit
and for the Spirit of God to work in and through them, to build the
Body of Christ because they are not of the Body of Christ they are of
the church club and they have no relationship with God, they do not
know Jesus Christ and that is why they powerless. They are all
sinners, they are fornicators, adulterers, whores, immoral people
coming together in a church club in the name of Jesus but they serve
satan. They are of the world, they are not of God, they are utterly
powerless and that is why the power of God cannot work through them
they are evil, satan lives in them not Jesus Christ, they're full of
demons. If Jesus Christ lives in you, you will be holy, you will be
pure, you will not sin; you will occupy yourself with Jesus, with the
kingdom of God. You will be praying in tongues, you will be speaking
to God; you won't care to speak to people, you will speak to people
when God tells you to speak to people; but otherwise your businesses
is with God. Believers are deprived, they are spiritually dead. The
Spirit of God is not in them they are playing church-games.
are fruitless, without the fruit of the Holy Spirit, without the
power of the Holy Spirit is because they do not have the Holy Spirit;
they do not know Jesus Christ and even those who have received the
baptism in the Holy Spirit and can pray in tongues, they've been
deceived by satan and they do not pray in tongues. Believers do not
pray in tongues in church anymore because it's not respectable, it's
not acceptable. They want to be accepted by the world but they don't
care to deny Jesus Christ and to neglect the gift that he has given
to them. Those who pray in tongues are speaking to God. They don't
care who is listening because those who listen to them can in any
case not understand what they saying. if I pray in tongues and my
brother next to me prays and tongues then both of us are speaking to
God, we're not speaking to each other. We do not bother each other,
we do not interfere with each other because we are speaking to God.
If brothers from different nations and different languages that
cannot even understand each other, but who are filled with the Holy
Spirit, when they get together and they pray in the Spirit they are
of the same Spirit and the Holy Spirit functions in and through them
because they are listening to the Head, they are serving the Master,
they are not busy with each other. Believers want to come together
and have some friendship club, they want to be accepted by each
other; they don't come together to pray to be edified in the Spirit
and for the Spirit of God to work in and through them, to build the
Body of Christ because they are not of the Body of Christ they are of
the church club and they have no relationship with God, they do not
know Jesus Christ and that is why they powerless. They are all
sinners, they are fornicators, adulterers, whores, immoral people
coming together in a church club in the name of Jesus but they serve
satan. They are of the world, they are not of God, they are utterly
powerless and that is why the power of God cannot work through them
they are evil, satan lives in them not Jesus Christ, they're full of
demons. If Jesus Christ lives in you, you will be holy, you will be
pure, you will not sin; you will occupy yourself with Jesus, with the
kingdom of God. You will be praying in tongues, you will be speaking
to God; you won't care to speak to people, you will speak to people
when God tells you to speak to people; but otherwise your businesses
is with God. Believers are deprived, they are spiritually dead. The
Spirit of God is not in them they are playing church-games.
They think education and
Bible knowledge, church membership, will get them into heaven. It
won't; if you do not have the Spirit of Christ and you are not led by
the Spirit then you do not belong to Jesus Christ. If you have no
desire for the Spirit of Christ and if you are not willing to go and
labor in prayer, seek God with all your heart and be receptive,
responsive, and say Lord please fill me with the Spirit, you will not
receive it; If you are not serious about God then you will not
receive anything from Him. If you do not desire Him; if you are not
hungry, if you are not thirsty, if you're not desperate for the Holy
Spirit, you will receive nothing.
Bible knowledge, church membership, will get them into heaven. It
won't; if you do not have the Spirit of Christ and you are not led by
the Spirit then you do not belong to Jesus Christ. If you have no
desire for the Spirit of Christ and if you are not willing to go and
labor in prayer, seek God with all your heart and be receptive,
responsive, and say Lord please fill me with the Spirit, you will not
receive it; If you are not serious about God then you will not
receive anything from Him. If you do not desire Him; if you are not
hungry, if you are not thirsty, if you're not desperate for the Holy
Spirit, you will receive nothing.
Believers are so full of
themselves, so full of Bible knowledge, so full of their own
opinions, that there is no space for God; there is no space for Jesus
Christ. They are so full of sin and wickedness and worldliness, there
is no space for Jesus, there is no desire for Jesus Christ, but they
think they are going to heaven; they are on the highway to hell; they
are sitting in their church clubs, quoting Bible verses to each other
and proving their salvation while they have no knowledge of God, they
have no power of the Holy Spirit in them because they are sinners. If
you are a child of God you will not sin, you will keep yourself pure
and holy because the Holy Spirit of God does not operate through a
sinner. If the Holy Spirit of God is not flowing through you then you
are not of Christ. If you do not keep that stream flowing then you
will spiritually die, you will go stagnant and you will be cut off
and burned because you will bear no fruit. Is Satan robbing you
because you are busy with other things? You are listening to other
people, you are spending your time with a Bible and you cannot do
what the Bible says, you have no power to obey Christ because you
don't have the Spirit of Christ in you? It is no good just reading
about it. talking about it, quoting Bible verses; if you are not
walking the walk, if you are not filled with the Spirit, following
Jesus Christ and bearing fruit, you are only deceiving yourself.
themselves, so full of Bible knowledge, so full of their own
opinions, that there is no space for God; there is no space for Jesus
Christ. They are so full of sin and wickedness and worldliness, there
is no space for Jesus, there is no desire for Jesus Christ, but they
think they are going to heaven; they are on the highway to hell; they
are sitting in their church clubs, quoting Bible verses to each other
and proving their salvation while they have no knowledge of God, they
have no power of the Holy Spirit in them because they are sinners. If
you are a child of God you will not sin, you will keep yourself pure
and holy because the Holy Spirit of God does not operate through a
sinner. If the Holy Spirit of God is not flowing through you then you
are not of Christ. If you do not keep that stream flowing then you
will spiritually die, you will go stagnant and you will be cut off
and burned because you will bear no fruit. Is Satan robbing you
because you are busy with other things? You are listening to other
people, you are spending your time with a Bible and you cannot do
what the Bible says, you have no power to obey Christ because you
don't have the Spirit of Christ in you? It is no good just reading
about it. talking about it, quoting Bible verses; if you are not
walking the walk, if you are not filled with the Spirit, following
Jesus Christ and bearing fruit, you are only deceiving yourself.
We need to be filled with
the Holy Spirit. We need to be praying in the Spirit; the Holy Spirit
of God needs to be flowing through us continuously. We need to be led
by the Spirit of God to do the will of God but if you spend your time
on Facebook and YouTube and with the Bible and with other Christians
fellowshipping; when are you going to spend time with God? When
you're going to spend time praying, if you are sitting watching your
television all day and watching TV preachers? When will you have time
to spend with Jesus Christ. You are only deceiving yourself dear
friend. You have no knowledge of God. Get serious about Jesus Christ
before it is too late because if you are not serious about Him and
you do not seek Him with all your heart and if His Spirit is not
working through you, you will perish, you will end up in hell. We
have to deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow Jesus Christ
every day; we have to be led by the Spirit of God. What guides you
and me? Our desires, the church? Are we conformed to the world? Do we
want to be like other people? Are the lusts of the flesh driving us,
the things of the world, our ambitions, our own thoughts, our own
opinion? Or are we led by the Spirit of God? Is Jesus Christ on the
throne of your and my heart or are we just deceiving ourselves? We
need to wake up and go after Jesus, be serious follow Him until the
very end, walk in the Spirit, pray in the Spirit sing in the Spirit,
live in the Spirit because if you are not in the Spirit you are in
the flesh and you will perish.
the Holy Spirit. We need to be praying in the Spirit; the Holy Spirit
of God needs to be flowing through us continuously. We need to be led
by the Spirit of God to do the will of God but if you spend your time
on Facebook and YouTube and with the Bible and with other Christians
fellowshipping; when are you going to spend time with God? When
you're going to spend time praying, if you are sitting watching your
television all day and watching TV preachers? When will you have time
to spend with Jesus Christ. You are only deceiving yourself dear
friend. You have no knowledge of God. Get serious about Jesus Christ
before it is too late because if you are not serious about Him and
you do not seek Him with all your heart and if His Spirit is not
working through you, you will perish, you will end up in hell. We
have to deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow Jesus Christ
every day; we have to be led by the Spirit of God. What guides you
and me? Our desires, the church? Are we conformed to the world? Do we
want to be like other people? Are the lusts of the flesh driving us,
the things of the world, our ambitions, our own thoughts, our own
opinion? Or are we led by the Spirit of God? Is Jesus Christ on the
throne of your and my heart or are we just deceiving ourselves? We
need to wake up and go after Jesus, be serious follow Him until the
very end, walk in the Spirit, pray in the Spirit sing in the Spirit,
live in the Spirit because if you are not in the Spirit you are in
the flesh and you will perish.
Do not allow satan to
deprive you of your prize, of eternal, life because if you are not in
Christ and Christ is not in you, you will perish, you will not enter
Hi kingdom. Seek Jesus with all your heart. Obey Him, go after Him
and let His Spirit guide you into all truth.
deprive you of your prize, of eternal, life because if you are not in
Christ and Christ is not in you, you will perish, you will not enter
Hi kingdom. Seek Jesus with all your heart. Obey Him, go after Him
and let His Spirit guide you into all truth.
May Jesus bless you
Monday, August 22, 2016
Praying in the SPIRIT According to the WILL of God
The most important thing
that we as children of God can do and should do is to pray but we do
not always know rightly what you pray, how to pray, what to pray for.
Jesus Christ taught us to pray for the will of God to be done here on
earth as it is in heaven.
that we as children of God can do and should do is to pray but we do
not always know rightly what you pray, how to pray, what to pray for.
Jesus Christ taught us to pray for the will of God to be done here on
earth as it is in heaven.
This world is in turmoil.
There is so much uncertainty and we do not know what to pray. I don't
know what to pray but Jesus Christ sent us the Holy Spirit; the Holy
Spirit knows what the will of God is and He will guide us into what
to pray how to pray. The apostle Paul wrote in Romans chapter 8 verse
26, "the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know how
we ought to pray, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groan
too deep for words and He who searches our hearts now is the mind of
the Spirit because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to
the will of God." That is why Jesus Christ promised the Holy
Spirit to come and dwell in us to be with us, to guide us, to comfort
There is so much uncertainty and we do not know what to pray. I don't
know what to pray but Jesus Christ sent us the Holy Spirit; the Holy
Spirit knows what the will of God is and He will guide us into what
to pray how to pray. The apostle Paul wrote in Romans chapter 8 verse
26, "the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know how
we ought to pray, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groan
too deep for words and He who searches our hearts now is the mind of
the Spirit because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to
the will of God." That is why Jesus Christ promised the Holy
Spirit to come and dwell in us to be with us, to guide us, to comfort
and teach us what to say,
how to pray. He gives His Holy Spirit in those who seek Him, who
repent of sin, repent of their own ways, and yearn for Him with all
their heart, who are baptized in water and then He fills them with
the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes and dwells in them and prays
with their spirit to God. They pray in the spirit. I thank Jesus that
He gave me His Holy Spirit and whereas Ii do not know what to pray, I
am not at a loss because He lives in me and He prays with me and
through me according to the will of God; and therefore I invite you
now to pray with me for yourself, for this world, because God knows
what we need and if we allow the Spirit of God to pray in us and with
us and through us then we pray according to the will of God and our
prayers are answered. If you have not yet received the baptism in the
Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit dwelling in you and praying with your
spirit then I want to encourage you seek Jesus; seek the baptism in
the Holy Spirit, the indwelling of His Spirit in you so that you can
pray in the spirit dear friend.
how to pray. He gives His Holy Spirit in those who seek Him, who
repent of sin, repent of their own ways, and yearn for Him with all
their heart, who are baptized in water and then He fills them with
the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes and dwells in them and prays
with their spirit to God. They pray in the spirit. I thank Jesus that
He gave me His Holy Spirit and whereas Ii do not know what to pray, I
am not at a loss because He lives in me and He prays with me and
through me according to the will of God; and therefore I invite you
now to pray with me for yourself, for this world, because God knows
what we need and if we allow the Spirit of God to pray in us and with
us and through us then we pray according to the will of God and our
prayers are answered. If you have not yet received the baptism in the
Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit dwelling in you and praying with your
spirit then I want to encourage you seek Jesus; seek the baptism in
the Holy Spirit, the indwelling of His Spirit in you so that you can
pray in the spirit dear friend.
Pray with me and believe,
put your trust in Jesus let your heart reach out to Him for whatever
your desire, your problem might be, and He will hear you; come and
pray with me.
put your trust in Jesus let your heart reach out to Him for whatever
your desire, your problem might be, and He will hear you; come and
pray with me.
Heavenly Father we bow
down before Thee, o mighty God; Lord and we thank Thee that we are
not on our own. Thy Spirit in us knows what we need and also knows
what Thy Spirit requires, knows Thy will o God. And therefore Lord,
we pray that Thy Spirit will pray in and through us according to the
will so that Thy will be done. Hallelujah ...praying in tongues....
down before Thee, o mighty God; Lord and we thank Thee that we are
not on our own. Thy Spirit in us knows what we need and also knows
what Thy Spirit requires, knows Thy will o God. And therefore Lord,
we pray that Thy Spirit will pray in and through us according to the
will so that Thy will be done. Hallelujah ...praying in tongues....
... Hallelujah, Lord. Our
expectation is in Thee, our hope is in Thee Father; we pray O Lord
that our prayer and our supplication before Thee will be before Thy
throne room and be answered, our needs will be supplied and that Thy
Spirit be manifested in and through us, last Lord Jesus; that Thy
kingdom come Thy will be done Father, according to Thy precious will
so that we become one with Thee, that we be guided by Thy Spirit
Father; have the mind of Christ through the Spirit of Christ dwelling
in us and praying through us. We bless and we honor and we praise
Thee Father. I pray Lord whoever is watching this video and who
desires Thy Spirit, Lord; that they open their heart that they reach
out to Thee, seek Thee Father for Thy gift of Thy Spirit to indwell
them to pray through them too so that they can be one with Thee, in
unity with Thee , in communion with Thee Father so that we can be one
in the Spirit one in Thy kingdom, and one for Thy will to be done
here on earth as it is in heaven. Guide us dear Father we pray in
Jesus' precious Name. Hallelujah. Amen
expectation is in Thee, our hope is in Thee Father; we pray O Lord
that our prayer and our supplication before Thee will be before Thy
throne room and be answered, our needs will be supplied and that Thy
Spirit be manifested in and through us, last Lord Jesus; that Thy
kingdom come Thy will be done Father, according to Thy precious will
so that we become one with Thee, that we be guided by Thy Spirit
Father; have the mind of Christ through the Spirit of Christ dwelling
in us and praying through us. We bless and we honor and we praise
Thee Father. I pray Lord whoever is watching this video and who
desires Thy Spirit, Lord; that they open their heart that they reach
out to Thee, seek Thee Father for Thy gift of Thy Spirit to indwell
them to pray through them too so that they can be one with Thee, in
unity with Thee , in communion with Thee Father so that we can be one
in the Spirit one in Thy kingdom, and one for Thy will to be done
here on earth as it is in heaven. Guide us dear Father we pray in
Jesus' precious Name. Hallelujah. Amen
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Why satan does not want you to pray in tongues
Satan wants to stop people
from praying but especially he wants to prevent them from receiving
the baptism in the Holy Spirit and being able to pray in tongues,
because if you pray Satan is powerless against you. He also knows
that if you can pray in tongues, you can now pray all day long, while
you are going about your normal life, because when you pray in the
Spirit then your mind is unfruitful but your spirit prays.
from praying but especially he wants to prevent them from receiving
the baptism in the Holy Spirit and being able to pray in tongues,
because if you pray Satan is powerless against you. He also knows
that if you can pray in tongues, you can now pray all day long, while
you are going about your normal life, because when you pray in the
Spirit then your mind is unfruitful but your spirit prays.
As we read in first
Corinthians chapter 14 verse 14, "for if I pray in a tongue my
spirit prays but my mind is unfruitful." When you pray satan
wants to distract you and he plays on your mind. He puts all kinds of
things, thoughts and distractions, in your mind but when you pray in
tongues then you pray with the spirit and your mind is unfruitful, so
Corinthians chapter 14 verse 14, "for if I pray in a tongue my
spirit prays but my mind is unfruitful." When you pray satan
wants to distract you and he plays on your mind. He puts all kinds of
things, thoughts and distractions, in your mind but when you pray in
tongues then you pray with the spirit and your mind is unfruitful, so
cannot distract you.
Further he does not know
what you are praying because you are praying mysteries to God. Paul
wrote in 1st Corinthians chapter 14 verse 24, " the one who
speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God; for no one
understands but in his spirit he speaks mysteries." So, what
mysteries are we praying when we do pray in tongues? The Apostle Paul
writes in Romans chapter 8 verse 26, "the Spirit helps us in our
weakness. For we do not know how we ought to pray but the Spirit
Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words, and He
who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit because the
Spirit intercedes for the Saints according to the will of God."
When we pray in tongues the Holy Spirit prays through us and
what you are praying because you are praying mysteries to God. Paul
wrote in 1st Corinthians chapter 14 verse 24, " the one who
speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God; for no one
understands but in his spirit he speaks mysteries." So, what
mysteries are we praying when we do pray in tongues? The Apostle Paul
writes in Romans chapter 8 verse 26, "the Spirit helps us in our
weakness. For we do not know how we ought to pray but the Spirit
Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words, and He
who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit because the
Spirit intercedes for the Saints according to the will of God."
When we pray in tongues the Holy Spirit prays through us and
with us according to the
will of God. Although we do not understand what we are praying the
Holy Spirit intercedes through us according to the will of God and we
are edified in our spirit, we are built up in our communion, our
relationship with God. We read in 1st Corinthians chapter 14 verse 4,
"the one who speaks in a tongue edifies himself but the one who
prophesies edifies the church. Now I wish that you all spoke in
tongues but even more that you would prophesy; and greater is the one
who prophesies than the one who speaks in tongues unless he
interprets so that the church may receive edifying." However,
you first have to pray in tongues and be edified, be built up in your
spirit before you can receive revelation from the Holy Spirit to be
able to prophesy. The Apostle Paul further rights in 1st Corinthians
chapter 14:18, "I thank God, I speak in tongues more than you
all; however in the church I desire to speak five words with my mind
so that I might instruct others, rather than 10,000 words in a
tongue." We have to be praying in tongues all day, always, so
that we are edified and built up so that streams of living water will
flow through us and the Holy Spirit will be manifested in and through
us. The Holy Spirit manifests in and through the Spirit filled
believer, through prophecy, through revelation, through a word of
knowledge, through healing, and miraculous working of the Spirit of
God. The power of the Holy Spirit is manifested in and through those
who are filled with the Holy Spirit and who stay filled with the Holy
Spirit. You only stay filled with the Holy Spirit if you pray in the
spirit, so that the Spirit of God flows through you, streams of
living water that bring life to you, edify you and through you
identify the body of Christ. We cannot bear fruit if we are not led
by the Spirit of God; we cannot be led by the Spirit of God if the
Spirit of God does not dwell in us and flow through us.
will of God. Although we do not understand what we are praying the
Holy Spirit intercedes through us according to the will of God and we
are edified in our spirit, we are built up in our communion, our
relationship with God. We read in 1st Corinthians chapter 14 verse 4,
"the one who speaks in a tongue edifies himself but the one who
prophesies edifies the church. Now I wish that you all spoke in
tongues but even more that you would prophesy; and greater is the one
who prophesies than the one who speaks in tongues unless he
interprets so that the church may receive edifying." However,
you first have to pray in tongues and be edified, be built up in your
spirit before you can receive revelation from the Holy Spirit to be
able to prophesy. The Apostle Paul further rights in 1st Corinthians
chapter 14:18, "I thank God, I speak in tongues more than you
all; however in the church I desire to speak five words with my mind
so that I might instruct others, rather than 10,000 words in a
tongue." We have to be praying in tongues all day, always, so
that we are edified and built up so that streams of living water will
flow through us and the Holy Spirit will be manifested in and through
us. The Holy Spirit manifests in and through the Spirit filled
believer, through prophecy, through revelation, through a word of
knowledge, through healing, and miraculous working of the Spirit of
God. The power of the Holy Spirit is manifested in and through those
who are filled with the Holy Spirit and who stay filled with the Holy
Spirit. You only stay filled with the Holy Spirit if you pray in the
spirit, so that the Spirit of God flows through you, streams of
living water that bring life to you, edify you and through you
identify the body of Christ. We cannot bear fruit if we are not led
by the Spirit of God; we cannot be led by the Spirit of God if the
Spirit of God does not dwell in us and flow through us.
The only way that the Holy
Spirit will flow through us is if we remain in constant prayer in the
spirit and keep our relationship our contact with Jesus Christ alive;
if we stop praying in the spirit stop communicating with God in the
spirit then we become stagnant and unfruitful spiritually passive and
spiritually dysfunctional. satan knows that when you continuously
praying in tongues he is powerless against you because you are filled
with the Holy Spirit power. That is why he discourages people and
gets others people to discourage them to be baptized in the Holy
Spirit and to pray in the spirit. Those who do not have the Spirit of
Christ flowing through them are powerless against satan and that is
why they cannot overcome, We need to be praying in the spirit to
overcome the wiles of the devil and do the will of God. Are you going
to allow satan to disarm you, to steal from you that which God has
promised to you; the Holy Spirit power from on-high?
Spirit will flow through us is if we remain in constant prayer in the
spirit and keep our relationship our contact with Jesus Christ alive;
if we stop praying in the spirit stop communicating with God in the
spirit then we become stagnant and unfruitful spiritually passive and
spiritually dysfunctional. satan knows that when you continuously
praying in tongues he is powerless against you because you are filled
with the Holy Spirit power. That is why he discourages people and
gets others people to discourage them to be baptized in the Holy
Spirit and to pray in the spirit. Those who do not have the Spirit of
Christ flowing through them are powerless against satan and that is
why they cannot overcome, We need to be praying in the spirit to
overcome the wiles of the devil and do the will of God. Are you going
to allow satan to disarm you, to steal from you that which God has
promised to you; the Holy Spirit power from on-high?
Are you going to remain
powerless or will you seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit that
Jesus Christ promised to those who obey Him and who wish to follow
Him? Are you going to allow Satan to stop you from praying in tongues
so that the Spirit of God can flow through you? The choice is yours
because the promise is for all those who believe in Jesus Christ and
who want to be fruitful in His kingdom. Choose today whether you will
be an overcomer or whether you will be defeated by satan.
powerless or will you seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit that
Jesus Christ promised to those who obey Him and who wish to follow
Him? Are you going to allow Satan to stop you from praying in tongues
so that the Spirit of God can flow through you? The choice is yours
because the promise is for all those who believe in Jesus Christ and
who want to be fruitful in His kingdom. Choose today whether you will
be an overcomer or whether you will be defeated by satan.
May Jesus bless you.
Saturday, August 20, 2016
All the different churches
of the world are like restaurants that serve different meals to suit
that tastes of different believers; they each preach their own flavor
of the gospel and they all claim to bring people to salvation. But
that is a dangerous lie.
of the world are like restaurants that serve different meals to suit
that tastes of different believers; they each preach their own flavor
of the gospel and they all claim to bring people to salvation. But
that is a dangerous lie.
There is only one gospel
that saves. The different churches preach that which their audiences
like. They exclude other things and they add some condiments to
entertain the audience, their membership. They are busy playing
church, they are not of the kingdom of God.
that saves. The different churches preach that which their audiences
like. They exclude other things and they add some condiments to
entertain the audience, their membership. They are busy playing
church, they are not of the kingdom of God.
There is only one gospel
that saves and that is the words of Jesus Christ. We cannot pick and
choose, exclude the things that we do not like and add some other
things that appealed to us, then we are away from the truth; we are
away from the WAY, away from Jesus Christ. There is only one way that
leads to eternal life and that is, utter obedience to the words of
Jesus Christ, following His way. He commanded that all men who
believe in Him repent of sin and of following their own ways, and go
after His way; live in holiness and righteousness and follow His
teachings, that they repent of worldliness cleanse themselves of all
unrighteous and be baptized in water for the washing off of their sin
and then go after Him; be baptized in the Holy Spirit so that the
Spirit of Christ will dwell in them and that they will be led by the
Spirit, the Holy Spirit. If we do not have the Spirit of Christ we do
not belong to Him. We might have a church a la carte, we might have a
Bible, we might have our own fellowships, our own opinions, our own
ideas; but if we do not submit ourselves to the guidance and
discipline of the Holy Spirit and obey Jesus Christ, follow Him every
day, every step of the way until the very end, we will not have
eternal life.
that saves and that is the words of Jesus Christ. We cannot pick and
choose, exclude the things that we do not like and add some other
things that appealed to us, then we are away from the truth; we are
away from the WAY, away from Jesus Christ. There is only one way that
leads to eternal life and that is, utter obedience to the words of
Jesus Christ, following His way. He commanded that all men who
believe in Him repent of sin and of following their own ways, and go
after His way; live in holiness and righteousness and follow His
teachings, that they repent of worldliness cleanse themselves of all
unrighteous and be baptized in water for the washing off of their sin
and then go after Him; be baptized in the Holy Spirit so that the
Spirit of Christ will dwell in them and that they will be led by the
Spirit, the Holy Spirit. If we do not have the Spirit of Christ we do
not belong to Him. We might have a church a la carte, we might have a
Bible, we might have our own fellowships, our own opinions, our own
ideas; but if we do not submit ourselves to the guidance and
discipline of the Holy Spirit and obey Jesus Christ, follow Him every
day, every step of the way until the very end, we will not have
eternal life.
There is only one way that
leads to life and that is to follow Jesus Christ His Way, under the
guidance of His Holy Spirit. If you do not have the Holy Spirit you
cannot follow Jesus Christ. His sheep listen to His words; they
follow Him and they serve Him, they do His will. They go with Him
every day until the very end. There's only one way that leads to life
and that is Jesus Christ.
leads to life and that is to follow Jesus Christ His Way, under the
guidance of His Holy Spirit. If you do not have the Holy Spirit you
cannot follow Jesus Christ. His sheep listen to His words; they
follow Him and they serve Him, they do His will. They go with Him
every day until the very end. There's only one way that leads to life
and that is Jesus Christ.
Are you on the straight
and narrow way that leads to life? Do you follow the guidance of the
Holy Spirit or do you prefer one of the various a la carte Gospels of
the world that all lead to destruction? Seek the way; seek Jesus
Christ, obey Him, be baptized in water, be baptized and filled with
the Holy Spirit and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit or else
you will not find the narrow door that leads to eternal life.
and narrow way that leads to life? Do you follow the guidance of the
Holy Spirit or do you prefer one of the various a la carte Gospels of
the world that all lead to destruction? Seek the way; seek Jesus
Christ, obey Him, be baptized in water, be baptized and filled with
the Holy Spirit and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit or else
you will not find the narrow door that leads to eternal life.
May Jesus bless you.
a la carte,
Jesus Christ,
Friday, August 19, 2016
Speaking in Tongues through the Holy Spirit
Jesus Christ promised many
wonderful experiences and manifestations of the Holy Spirit to those
who believe in Him. We read in Mark chapter 16 verse 15, "And He
said to them, ( the disciples) "Go into all the world and preach
the gospel to all creation. He who has believed and has been baptized
will be saved but he who has disbelieved will be condemned. These
signs will accompany those who have believed; in My name they will
cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up
serpents and if they drink any deadly poison it will not hurt them;
they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover." These
signs will follow, and one of the signs that followed was on the day
of Pentecost; those who received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, they
started speaking in other tongues. All those who are baptized in the
Holy Spirit will be able to speak in tongues, to pray in tongues at
anytime that is what Jesus promised to those who believe in Him and
obey Him. There is much deception and misconception about the baptism
in the Holy Spirit. I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit many
years ago after seeking for the baptism in the Holy Spirit for quite
some time, many years actually, and one day while I was praying and
praising Jesus in private, I was filled with the Holy Spirit and I
started speaking in tongues; and ever since I've been able to speak
in that tongue. Jesus gave me a tongue by which I can speak to God
anytime. I don't know what I'm saying but the Spirit of God in me
knows what I need. We do not know rightfully what to pray always, but
when the Holy Spirit is in us He prays with us, in us, and through us
according to the will of God. I speak to God I'm not speaking to
people as the apostle Paul wrote in 1st Corinthians chapter 14 verse
24, "for the one speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to
God; for no one understands, but in his spirit he speaks mysteries."
i read verse 14, "for if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays
but my mind is unfruitful." My mind is not in what I'm praying
because I don't know what I am praying. The Holy Spirit is giving me
this entrance that's flowing through me. I pray in tongues anytime
right now while looking to you, {SPEAKING IN TONGUES....
wonderful experiences and manifestations of the Holy Spirit to those
who believe in Him. We read in Mark chapter 16 verse 15, "And He
said to them, ( the disciples) "Go into all the world and preach
the gospel to all creation. He who has believed and has been baptized
will be saved but he who has disbelieved will be condemned. These
signs will accompany those who have believed; in My name they will
cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up
serpents and if they drink any deadly poison it will not hurt them;
they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover." These
signs will follow, and one of the signs that followed was on the day
of Pentecost; those who received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, they
started speaking in other tongues. All those who are baptized in the
Holy Spirit will be able to speak in tongues, to pray in tongues at
anytime that is what Jesus promised to those who believe in Him and
obey Him. There is much deception and misconception about the baptism
in the Holy Spirit. I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit many
years ago after seeking for the baptism in the Holy Spirit for quite
some time, many years actually, and one day while I was praying and
praising Jesus in private, I was filled with the Holy Spirit and I
started speaking in tongues; and ever since I've been able to speak
in that tongue. Jesus gave me a tongue by which I can speak to God
anytime. I don't know what I'm saying but the Spirit of God in me
knows what I need. We do not know rightfully what to pray always, but
when the Holy Spirit is in us He prays with us, in us, and through us
according to the will of God. I speak to God I'm not speaking to
people as the apostle Paul wrote in 1st Corinthians chapter 14 verse
24, "for the one speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to
God; for no one understands, but in his spirit he speaks mysteries."
i read verse 14, "for if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays
but my mind is unfruitful." My mind is not in what I'm praying
because I don't know what I am praying. The Holy Spirit is giving me
this entrance that's flowing through me. I pray in tongues anytime
right now while looking to you, {SPEAKING IN TONGUES....
Do I know what I'm going
to say next? No, but I speak and the Holy Spirit gives it to me to
speak. I can pray in tongues in my mind, at any time, at will, and
while I'm praying my mind is not in what I'm saying. My mind can be
busy with a problem at work, and while I'm busy with my problem at
work, in my spirit I pray; I pray in tongues in my mind. I say,
"Lord help me, I don't know what to do, Lord I don't know what
to say to this person," maybe somebody asked me a difficult
question I don't know what to say. I say Lord I don't want to lie,
please give me the words Lord; I want to testify to this person, I
don't know what to say, please give me the words," so while I'm
listening to this person my mind is unfruitful but in my spirit I
pray, { PRAYING IN TONGUES... ..]
to say next? No, but I speak and the Holy Spirit gives it to me to
speak. I can pray in tongues in my mind, at any time, at will, and
while I'm praying my mind is not in what I'm saying. My mind can be
busy with a problem at work, and while I'm busy with my problem at
work, in my spirit I pray; I pray in tongues in my mind. I say,
"Lord help me, I don't know what to do, Lord I don't know what
to say to this person," maybe somebody asked me a difficult
question I don't know what to say. I say Lord I don't want to lie,
please give me the words Lord; I want to testify to this person, I
don't know what to say, please give me the words," so while I'm
listening to this person my mind is unfruitful but in my spirit I
pray, { PRAYING IN TONGUES... ..]
My spirit is praying to
God; Why? because i am praying, I'm praying through the Spirit of God
in me. I'm connected to God all the time and the Holy Spirit that
dwells in me never sleeps. He always knows what I need to say, what I
need to do to do the will of God and to be pleasing to Jesus, and
that is why He gave the Spirit.
God; Why? because i am praying, I'm praying through the Spirit of God
in me. I'm connected to God all the time and the Holy Spirit that
dwells in me never sleeps. He always knows what I need to say, what I
need to do to do the will of God and to be pleasing to Jesus, and
that is why He gave the Spirit.
The apostle Paul also
wrote in Romans chapter 8: 26, "in the same way the Spirit helps
us in our weakness for we do not know how we ought to pray but the
Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words
and He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit because,
the Spirit intercedes for the Saints according to the will of God."
I don't rightfully know what to pray, I don't know what to do in this
circumstance, but because I pray in the Spirit [Praying in tongues..]
the Spirit of God manifests Himself in the natural, gives me wisdom,
gives me understanding, He gives me an answer, and I'm led by the
Holy Spirit of God because the Spirit of God dwells in me and I pray
in the Spirit. The Spirit of God flows through me.
wrote in Romans chapter 8: 26, "in the same way the Spirit helps
us in our weakness for we do not know how we ought to pray but the
Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words
and He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit because,
the Spirit intercedes for the Saints according to the will of God."
I don't rightfully know what to pray, I don't know what to do in this
circumstance, but because I pray in the Spirit [Praying in tongues..]
the Spirit of God manifests Himself in the natural, gives me wisdom,
gives me understanding, He gives me an answer, and I'm led by the
Holy Spirit of God because the Spirit of God dwells in me and I pray
in the Spirit. The Spirit of God flows through me.
Am I in a trance? Am I
drunk? No! I'm sober; my spirit is praying to God. You must be of a
sound mind to be led by the Spirit of God, but you must have the Holy
Spirit of God dwelling in you and you must pray in the Spirit so that
the Spirit of God can manifest through you. You first have to receive
the baptism in the Holy Spirit, with the speaking of tongues, the
ability to speak in tongues before the Spirit of God can flow through
you, and manifest through you. That is why Jesus said to the
disciples, "go to Jerusalem and wait until you receive the gift
of the Holy Spirit. The first gift that you receive is the in filling
with the Holy Spirit. There are many gifts; interpretation, a word of
wisdom, knowledge, healing, according to that which is required by
the Spirit of God, that which God wants us to do because we are led
by the Spirit of God. If it is healing that is required, He works it
through us, IF we are tuned in, if His Spirit is flowing through us.
If it's a word of knowledge or understanding He will give it to us if
we are tuned in, if we are busy with the kingdom of God. You are not
in a trance when you are led by the Holy Spirit; you are tuned in to
the Spirit of God but the Spirit of God must dwell in you. You must
have received the Holy Spirit and you have to exercise that gift of
the Spirit. You can pray in tongues at any time when you are filled
with the Holy Spirit and you MUST pray in tongues. You must exercise
the gift of the Holy Spirit must flow through you. Many people only
want the gift and then they think they have salvation, but they have
no relationship with Jesus. Their relationship dies right there
because they do not exercise the gift the Holy Spirit, is not
operating through them.
drunk? No! I'm sober; my spirit is praying to God. You must be of a
sound mind to be led by the Spirit of God, but you must have the Holy
Spirit of God dwelling in you and you must pray in the Spirit so that
the Spirit of God can manifest through you. You first have to receive
the baptism in the Holy Spirit, with the speaking of tongues, the
ability to speak in tongues before the Spirit of God can flow through
you, and manifest through you. That is why Jesus said to the
disciples, "go to Jerusalem and wait until you receive the gift
of the Holy Spirit. The first gift that you receive is the in filling
with the Holy Spirit. There are many gifts; interpretation, a word of
wisdom, knowledge, healing, according to that which is required by
the Spirit of God, that which God wants us to do because we are led
by the Spirit of God. If it is healing that is required, He works it
through us, IF we are tuned in, if His Spirit is flowing through us.
If it's a word of knowledge or understanding He will give it to us if
we are tuned in, if we are busy with the kingdom of God. You are not
in a trance when you are led by the Holy Spirit; you are tuned in to
the Spirit of God but the Spirit of God must dwell in you. You must
have received the Holy Spirit and you have to exercise that gift of
the Spirit. You can pray in tongues at any time when you are filled
with the Holy Spirit and you MUST pray in tongues. You must exercise
the gift of the Holy Spirit must flow through you. Many people only
want the gift and then they think they have salvation, but they have
no relationship with Jesus. Their relationship dies right there
because they do not exercise the gift the Holy Spirit, is not
operating through them.
Many want to use the gift
for wrong reasons; many churches want to use the gift of healing or
prophecy for their own benefit and they do it. They try to attract
the people. They make the people believe that they are something
special with this gift that they've got and they use it to attract
people to capitalize on it, to build their own church, their own
kingdom. God will judge them because the gift is for the kingdom of
God not for our personal benefit. The Holy Spirit that Jesus gives in
us is for us to serve Him but we need the Holy Spirit. There are are
other manifestations of the Holy Spirit but it all starts with being
filled with the Holy Spirit in the first place and being able to
speak in tongues, everyone! Jesus said these signs will follow those
who believe; they WILL speak in tongues, amongst other things, but if
we are not following Jesus, if the Holy Spirit is not functioning
through us then these things won't happen. We have to be in the
Spirit. We have to be led by the Spirit. The Holy Spirit will never
control you nor manipulate your Many people say they are going into a
trance and then they speak in tongues. I'm not in a trance. I'm
speaking to you from my mind but while I'm speaking to you from my
common sense. in my mind and explaining to you you how the Holy
Spirit indwells me I'm praying in tongues. I say, "Lord give me
the right words to convey to the world how the Holy Spirit works and
manifests Himself through those who are led by the Spirit of God."
You need the Holy Spirit and it is through our dependence on, through
the flow of the Holy Spirit through us, that we grow in knowledge and
understanding of the kingdom of God. If you do not have the Holy
Spirit you cannot see the kingdom of God because He reveals himself
in and through us by His Spirit dwelling in us.
for wrong reasons; many churches want to use the gift of healing or
prophecy for their own benefit and they do it. They try to attract
the people. They make the people believe that they are something
special with this gift that they've got and they use it to attract
people to capitalize on it, to build their own church, their own
kingdom. God will judge them because the gift is for the kingdom of
God not for our personal benefit. The Holy Spirit that Jesus gives in
us is for us to serve Him but we need the Holy Spirit. There are are
other manifestations of the Holy Spirit but it all starts with being
filled with the Holy Spirit in the first place and being able to
speak in tongues, everyone! Jesus said these signs will follow those
who believe; they WILL speak in tongues, amongst other things, but if
we are not following Jesus, if the Holy Spirit is not functioning
through us then these things won't happen. We have to be in the
Spirit. We have to be led by the Spirit. The Holy Spirit will never
control you nor manipulate your Many people say they are going into a
trance and then they speak in tongues. I'm not in a trance. I'm
speaking to you from my mind but while I'm speaking to you from my
common sense. in my mind and explaining to you you how the Holy
Spirit indwells me I'm praying in tongues. I say, "Lord give me
the right words to convey to the world how the Holy Spirit works and
manifests Himself through those who are led by the Spirit of God."
You need the Holy Spirit and it is through our dependence on, through
the flow of the Holy Spirit through us, that we grow in knowledge and
understanding of the kingdom of God. If you do not have the Holy
Spirit you cannot see the kingdom of God because He reveals himself
in and through us by His Spirit dwelling in us.
To speak in tongues is not
always to speak a known language. You might inadvertently speak a
known language because when you speak in tongues you don't know what
you say. It happened on the day of Pentecost that that the disciples
who were Galileans, they spoke in other tongues from all over the
world. They do not even know it but the Holy Spirit was giving them
utterance and these people who were in Jerusalem and heard these
people making this noise, they heard that they were speaking of that
great deeds of God in their own languages. They said, "these
Galileans, how come they are speaking our languages, where did they
learn it? They never learned, they never understood it and even after
that day they never understood because the Holy Spirit gave utterance
to them. I have spoken languages that I did not even know that I was
speaking in them. One night during a broadcast I was speaking in
tongues and somebody afterwards asked me whether I can speak Spanish.
I sad: No I don't, I don't know a word of Spanish; but they said I
was speaking Spanish. I was not, our speaking to God and the
always to speak a known language. You might inadvertently speak a
known language because when you speak in tongues you don't know what
you say. It happened on the day of Pentecost that that the disciples
who were Galileans, they spoke in other tongues from all over the
world. They do not even know it but the Holy Spirit was giving them
utterance and these people who were in Jerusalem and heard these
people making this noise, they heard that they were speaking of that
great deeds of God in their own languages. They said, "these
Galileans, how come they are speaking our languages, where did they
learn it? They never learned, they never understood it and even after
that day they never understood because the Holy Spirit gave utterance
to them. I have spoken languages that I did not even know that I was
speaking in them. One night during a broadcast I was speaking in
tongues and somebody afterwards asked me whether I can speak Spanish.
I sad: No I don't, I don't know a word of Spanish; but they said I
was speaking Spanish. I was not, our speaking to God and the
utterance that He gave me
was in Spanish. I did not know it, but to that person it was a sign
that the Holy Spirit is in me; because the Holy Spirit gives
was in Spanish. I did not know it, but to that person it was a sign
that the Holy Spirit is in me; because the Holy Spirit gives
When you speak in tongues
you speak to God. You are busy speaking to God you are not speaking
to people. You do not preach to people by speaking in tongues, like
so many and uninformed people say. When you preach, you preach from
your mind, but when the Holy Spirit gives you utterance you speak
things that you do not know, and that is why interpretation of
tongues is required when there was a message in tongues, like a
you speak to God. You are busy speaking to God you are not speaking
to people. You do not preach to people by speaking in tongues, like
so many and uninformed people say. When you preach, you preach from
your mind, but when the Holy Spirit gives you utterance you speak
things that you do not know, and that is why interpretation of
tongues is required when there was a message in tongues, like a
Tongues with
interpretation is a different matter and I will explain that in
another video; but it is important for you to understand that we
first need to be fulled with the Holy Spirit. We first need to
receive the indwelling Spirit of Christ in us. We have to first
repent, be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit, before we can be led
by the Holy Spirit. And all those who have received the baptism in
the Holy Spirit can speak in tongues at any time. The Spirit of God
dwells in them.
interpretation is a different matter and I will explain that in
another video; but it is important for you to understand that we
first need to be fulled with the Holy Spirit. We first need to
receive the indwelling Spirit of Christ in us. We have to first
repent, be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit, before we can be led
by the Holy Spirit. And all those who have received the baptism in
the Holy Spirit can speak in tongues at any time. The Spirit of God
dwells in them.
I've been speaking in
tongues for many years and I will forever speak in tongues, because
it is the gift that God gave me, by which I speak to Him, as Peter
also said on the day of Pentecost, "the promise is for you and
for your children, and for everybody who is far off, those whom the
Lord God will call unto Himself. It is Emmanuel, God with us, the
Holy Spirit of God dwelling in us, and manifesting Himself through us
because we follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit; we are led by the
Spirit, we make ourselves available to Him as vessels of honor, as
servants of God. Those who are being led by the Spirit of God they
are the sons of God. Have you received the Holy Spirit? Do you have a
desire for the Holy Spirit? If you do not have the Spirit of Christ
you do not belong to Him. You need the Holy Spirit. Many people do
not know it; you know it. Seek Him, repent, be baptized in water;
seek Him with all your heart and He will fill you with the Holy
tongues for many years and I will forever speak in tongues, because
it is the gift that God gave me, by which I speak to Him, as Peter
also said on the day of Pentecost, "the promise is for you and
for your children, and for everybody who is far off, those whom the
Lord God will call unto Himself. It is Emmanuel, God with us, the
Holy Spirit of God dwelling in us, and manifesting Himself through us
because we follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit; we are led by the
Spirit, we make ourselves available to Him as vessels of honor, as
servants of God. Those who are being led by the Spirit of God they
are the sons of God. Have you received the Holy Spirit? Do you have a
desire for the Holy Spirit? If you do not have the Spirit of Christ
you do not belong to Him. You need the Holy Spirit. Many people do
not know it; you know it. Seek Him, repent, be baptized in water;
seek Him with all your heart and He will fill you with the Holy
May Jesus bless you.
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Receiving the Holy Spirit Baptism
Jesus Christ promised the baptism in
the Holy Spirit to those who believe in Him and who obey Him, the
Spirit of Christ living in them, streams of living water flowing
through them, but very few believers receive the baptism in the Holy
Spirit. Many do not even know about the Holy Spirit, they do not know
how to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
the Holy Spirit to those who believe in Him and who obey Him, the
Spirit of Christ living in them, streams of living water flowing
through them, but very few believers receive the baptism in the Holy
Spirit. Many do not even know about the Holy Spirit, they do not know
how to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ promised the Holy Spirit,
I read from John chapter 7 verse 37:"Now on the last day the day
of the feast Jesus stood and cried out saying, "If anyone is
thirsty let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me as the
Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living
water." But this He spoke of the Spirit whom those who believed
in Him were to receive; for the Spirit was not yet given because
Jesus was not yet glorified." The Holy Spirit was only given
after Jesus was glorified after His death and resurrection and after
He ascended to heaven. Therefore, before He ascended He commanded the
disciples to go to Jerusalem and wait for the Holy Spirit.
I read from John chapter 7 verse 37:"Now on the last day the day
of the feast Jesus stood and cried out saying, "If anyone is
thirsty let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me as the
Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living
water." But this He spoke of the Spirit whom those who believed
in Him were to receive; for the Spirit was not yet given because
Jesus was not yet glorified." The Holy Spirit was only given
after Jesus was glorified after His death and resurrection and after
He ascended to heaven. Therefore, before He ascended He commanded the
disciples to go to Jerusalem and wait for the Holy Spirit.
We read in Acts chapter 1 verse 4,
"Gathering and them together He commanded them not to leave
Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised, "Which"
He said, "you heard from Me; for John baptized with water but
you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now."
So the disciples went to Jerusalem and they were waiting but they
were praying, waiting on this Holy Spirit that Jesus promised, the
streams of living water that would be in them and flow through them,
the Power that they would receive from on-high. We read in acts
chapter 2 verse 1, "When the day of Pentecost had come they were
all together in one place and suddenly they came from heaven noise
like a violent rushing wind and it filled the whole house where they
were sitting. And there appear to them tongues as of fire
distributing themselves, and they rested on each of them. And they
were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other
tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance." So then
everybody wanted to know what was happening and Peter stood up and he
spoke. We read in Acts chapter 2 verse 38, "Peter said to them,
"Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ
for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the
Holy Spirit. "For the promise is for you and your children and
for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to
Himself. The Holy Spirit was not just promised to them, to the first
believers, it was promised to all those who would believe in Jesus
Christ even to us, to you and to me. I have received the Holy Spirit
like many others have also received the Holy Spirit baptism, streams
of living water, the Spirit of Christ living in me. And the promise
is for everyone who believes and who obeys Jesus Christ who repents
and who is baptized in water and who seeks that streams of living
water flowing from the inner man, streams of healing, revelation, the
power of God, the fruit of the Spirit, that relationship with Jesus
Christ, that constant awareness of His presence; living in His
presence, Jesus Christ in you, Emmanuel, the mystery of all ages,
that Christ can dwell in a person, because that is what happens when
you are baptized in the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ comes and He dwells
in you. Very few believers experience the baptism in the Holy Spirit
and many want to know how: How do you receive the baptism of the Holy
Spirit? It is Jesus Christ Himself who baptizes in the Holy Spirit,
it is He Himself who makes His Spirit to dwell in you ,to come and
live in you, to flow through you; streams of living water, Christ in
"Gathering and them together He commanded them not to leave
Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised, "Which"
He said, "you heard from Me; for John baptized with water but
you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now."
So the disciples went to Jerusalem and they were waiting but they
were praying, waiting on this Holy Spirit that Jesus promised, the
streams of living water that would be in them and flow through them,
the Power that they would receive from on-high. We read in acts
chapter 2 verse 1, "When the day of Pentecost had come they were
all together in one place and suddenly they came from heaven noise
like a violent rushing wind and it filled the whole house where they
were sitting. And there appear to them tongues as of fire
distributing themselves, and they rested on each of them. And they
were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other
tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance." So then
everybody wanted to know what was happening and Peter stood up and he
spoke. We read in Acts chapter 2 verse 38, "Peter said to them,
"Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ
for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the
Holy Spirit. "For the promise is for you and your children and
for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to
Himself. The Holy Spirit was not just promised to them, to the first
believers, it was promised to all those who would believe in Jesus
Christ even to us, to you and to me. I have received the Holy Spirit
like many others have also received the Holy Spirit baptism, streams
of living water, the Spirit of Christ living in me. And the promise
is for everyone who believes and who obeys Jesus Christ who repents
and who is baptized in water and who seeks that streams of living
water flowing from the inner man, streams of healing, revelation, the
power of God, the fruit of the Spirit, that relationship with Jesus
Christ, that constant awareness of His presence; living in His
presence, Jesus Christ in you, Emmanuel, the mystery of all ages,
that Christ can dwell in a person, because that is what happens when
you are baptized in the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ comes and He dwells
in you. Very few believers experience the baptism in the Holy Spirit
and many want to know how: How do you receive the baptism of the Holy
Spirit? It is Jesus Christ Himself who baptizes in the Holy Spirit,
it is He Himself who makes His Spirit to dwell in you ,to come and
live in you, to flow through you; streams of living water, Christ in
We have to seek, yearn for Him. Our
relationship with Jesus Christ is through prayer. The disciples went
to Jerusalem and they waited on Him; they were in prayer, they were
focused on Jesus, praying, worshiping Him, seeking Him yearning for
Him with all their heart and that is how you receive the baptism in
the Holy Spirit. You have to invite Jesus in; into your heart into
your being, so that He will fill you come and dwell in you and that
those streams of living water, the Spirit of Christ will flow through
you. If you earnestly seek Jesus, wait on Him, ask for His Spirit
invite Him in, He will come and He will dwell in you, but you first
have to repent you have to clean out your life clean, out your house
make space for Jesus; be baptized in water in obedience to Him to not
only clean up your life, your mind, but also your body and present
yourself to Him as a holy temple where He can dwell, and He will fill
you. Streams of living water will flow through you; you will speak in
other tongues, heavenly tongues. You will communicate with God in a
tongue you do not understand and you will be able to speak in that
tongue at any time, even in your mind, in your sleep; because you
will be permeated with the Holy Spirit. But you have to keep it
flowing; you have to speak that tongue. YOU have to pray in that
tongue because if you do not exercise the gift, the Spirit of God
dwelling in you, then you will go dormant and it will stop flowing,
that stream of living water. YOU have to keep it flowing; you have to
keep yourself as a willing suitable instrument, a vessel in the hand
of God for His Spirit to flow through. You have to live your life to
please Jesus; focus on Him, receive your guidance and your wisdom
from Him. Keep on seeking Him so that that river of life living water
will keep on flowing through you. That is the mistake that many
people make once they received the baptism in the Holy Spirit; they
think they have salvation and they neglect their relationship with
Jesus Christ. Many of them turn away from Jesus and they are still
able to speak in tongues because He never takes His gift away from
you. Many go back to sin and they still speak in tongues but their
relationship with Jesus Christ is destroyed. The Holy Spirit will
convict, speak to, draw them back to Him, chastise them, but if they
continue in their wicked ways they will get cut off and burned; they
were end up in Hell. The Holy Spirit is not a guarantee of salvation,
it is our connection, a gift, the Spirit of God living in us, but if
we stop the flow we will dry up and we will eventually get cut off
and burned. So we have to keep that flow moving through us through
our relationship with Jesus Christ, always praying, always waiting on
Him, always listening, to obeying, following Him, seeking His will
and doing it, keeping our communion our relationship with Him alive
and doing our part, doing what He commands us to do, what He guides
us to do, and then we can bear fruit for the kingdom of God. But we
need to yearn for Him, seek for Him until we receive Him and then we
must cherish, make sure that our relationship with Him is always
right, keep ourselves pure, holy, willing, eager, to do His will and
follow Him until the very end, and He will use us for His kingdom.
Without the Holy Spirit we cannot serve Jesus. Without the Holy
Spirit we cannot hear His voice, we cannot receive His guidance; we
need the Holy Spirit. Go and seek that indwelling Holy Spirit of
Christ. Seek Him with all your heart and you will find Him. He will
fill you and streams of living water will flow through you.
relationship with Jesus Christ is through prayer. The disciples went
to Jerusalem and they waited on Him; they were in prayer, they were
focused on Jesus, praying, worshiping Him, seeking Him yearning for
Him with all their heart and that is how you receive the baptism in
the Holy Spirit. You have to invite Jesus in; into your heart into
your being, so that He will fill you come and dwell in you and that
those streams of living water, the Spirit of Christ will flow through
you. If you earnestly seek Jesus, wait on Him, ask for His Spirit
invite Him in, He will come and He will dwell in you, but you first
have to repent you have to clean out your life clean, out your house
make space for Jesus; be baptized in water in obedience to Him to not
only clean up your life, your mind, but also your body and present
yourself to Him as a holy temple where He can dwell, and He will fill
you. Streams of living water will flow through you; you will speak in
other tongues, heavenly tongues. You will communicate with God in a
tongue you do not understand and you will be able to speak in that
tongue at any time, even in your mind, in your sleep; because you
will be permeated with the Holy Spirit. But you have to keep it
flowing; you have to speak that tongue. YOU have to pray in that
tongue because if you do not exercise the gift, the Spirit of God
dwelling in you, then you will go dormant and it will stop flowing,
that stream of living water. YOU have to keep it flowing; you have to
keep yourself as a willing suitable instrument, a vessel in the hand
of God for His Spirit to flow through. You have to live your life to
please Jesus; focus on Him, receive your guidance and your wisdom
from Him. Keep on seeking Him so that that river of life living water
will keep on flowing through you. That is the mistake that many
people make once they received the baptism in the Holy Spirit; they
think they have salvation and they neglect their relationship with
Jesus Christ. Many of them turn away from Jesus and they are still
able to speak in tongues because He never takes His gift away from
you. Many go back to sin and they still speak in tongues but their
relationship with Jesus Christ is destroyed. The Holy Spirit will
convict, speak to, draw them back to Him, chastise them, but if they
continue in their wicked ways they will get cut off and burned; they
were end up in Hell. The Holy Spirit is not a guarantee of salvation,
it is our connection, a gift, the Spirit of God living in us, but if
we stop the flow we will dry up and we will eventually get cut off
and burned. So we have to keep that flow moving through us through
our relationship with Jesus Christ, always praying, always waiting on
Him, always listening, to obeying, following Him, seeking His will
and doing it, keeping our communion our relationship with Him alive
and doing our part, doing what He commands us to do, what He guides
us to do, and then we can bear fruit for the kingdom of God. But we
need to yearn for Him, seek for Him until we receive Him and then we
must cherish, make sure that our relationship with Him is always
right, keep ourselves pure, holy, willing, eager, to do His will and
follow Him until the very end, and He will use us for His kingdom.
Without the Holy Spirit we cannot serve Jesus. Without the Holy
Spirit we cannot hear His voice, we cannot receive His guidance; we
need the Holy Spirit. Go and seek that indwelling Holy Spirit of
Christ. Seek Him with all your heart and you will find Him. He will
fill you and streams of living water will flow through you.
That is what Jesus promised to those
who believe in Him and who obey Him. They will live in His presence,
now already
who believe in Him and who obey Him. They will live in His presence,
now already
May Jesus bless you.
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Being LED by the Holy Spirit
The difference between a child of God and other people is not just in what he believes. The difference is that a child of God is LED by the Spirit of God, by the Holy Spirit. If we do not have the Holy Spirit, then we do not belong to Jesus Christ.
He gives the Holy Spirit IN those who believe in Him and who obey Him, who REPENT and are baptized in water. If the keep on seeking Him then He gives His Spirit IN them and they are GUIDED by the Holy Spirit. That is how they follow Jesus. If we do not have the Holy Spirit then we do not belong to Jesus.
The world, the unbelievers, cannot receive the Holy Spirit. It is only those who OBEY Jesus Christ that receive the Holy Spirit. Those who receive the Holy Spirit also have the ability to pray in tongues because they have the Spirit of God indwelling in them and through the Spirit of God dwelling in them they communicate with Him and He guides them. Therefor Paul writes in Romans 8:14 that "those who are being LED by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God" the children of God.
Have you received the Holy Spirit? Are you being LED by the Spirit of God? Are you REALLY a child of God?
May Jesus bless you.
children of God,
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
The world is in darkness, turmoil,
despair, uncertainty; but there is LIGHT and that Light is Jesus
despair, uncertainty; but there is LIGHT and that Light is Jesus
Jesus Christ said: "I am the Light
of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will
have the Light of life.” John 8:12.
of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will
have the Light of life.” John 8:12.
The only problem is that the world does
not want Jesus Christ.
not want Jesus Christ.
Jesus said: (I read from John
3:19)“This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world,
and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds
were evil. 20“For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does
not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. 21“But
he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may
be manifested as having been wrought in God.”
3:19)“This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world,
and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds
were evil. 20“For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does
not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. 21“But
he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may
be manifested as having been wrought in God.”
If we come to the Light, to Jesus
Christ, He will guide us into all truth, but if we love darkness and
love sin, we will avoid Jesus Christ, we will run away from Him and
we will be in darkness, despair. It is our choice, whether we want to
come to the Light and have LIFE, whether we want to come to Jesus
Christ, turn away from our sin, our selfishness and seek the Light,
seek Him, seek the truth and then He will give us eternal life. But
we have to choose.
Christ, He will guide us into all truth, but if we love darkness and
love sin, we will avoid Jesus Christ, we will run away from Him and
we will be in darkness, despair. It is our choice, whether we want to
come to the Light and have LIFE, whether we want to come to Jesus
Christ, turn away from our sin, our selfishness and seek the Light,
seek Him, seek the truth and then He will give us eternal life. But
we have to choose.
Do we choose LIGHT and LIFE or do we
choose DARKNESS and JUDGMENT? Those who do not turn to Jesus, who do
not come to the Light, will perish in darkness and in their sin; they
will spend eternity in damnation.
choose DARKNESS and JUDGMENT? Those who do not turn to Jesus, who do
not come to the Light, will perish in darkness and in their sin; they
will spend eternity in damnation.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ,
Monday, August 15, 2016
The DISCIPLINE of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is not
only the Comforter but He is also the Taskmaster of those who follow
Jesus Christ, those who have been confirmed by Him as being serious
about following Him. I'm talking about those who have received the
Holy Spirit just like the disciples and the first followers of Jesus,
those who have the Holy Spirit indwelling them and who can pray in
tongues. If you cannot pray in tongues you have not received the Holy
Spirit, the Comforter, the Holy Spirit that indwells every true
follower of Jesus Christ; He will teach us and He will guide us and
He will discipline us. He will teach us obedience. Jesus Christ
Himself who showed us the way, learned obedience through what He
suffered. We read about Jesus in Hebrews chapter 5verse 7: "In
the days of His flesh He offered up both prayers and supplications
with loud crying and tears to the One able to save Him from death and
He was heard because of his piety. Although He was a Son, He learned
obedience from the things which He suffered. And having been made
perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal
only the Comforter but He is also the Taskmaster of those who follow
Jesus Christ, those who have been confirmed by Him as being serious
about following Him. I'm talking about those who have received the
Holy Spirit just like the disciples and the first followers of Jesus,
those who have the Holy Spirit indwelling them and who can pray in
tongues. If you cannot pray in tongues you have not received the Holy
Spirit, the Comforter, the Holy Spirit that indwells every true
follower of Jesus Christ; He will teach us and He will guide us and
He will discipline us. He will teach us obedience. Jesus Christ
Himself who showed us the way, learned obedience through what He
suffered. We read about Jesus in Hebrews chapter 5verse 7: "In
the days of His flesh He offered up both prayers and supplications
with loud crying and tears to the One able to save Him from death and
He was heard because of his piety. Although He was a Son, He learned
obedience from the things which He suffered. And having been made
perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal
If we follow Jesus Christ
we will have to learn obedience. We will have to submit ourselves to
the Taskmaster, the Holy Spirit, and He will discipline us. It is for
our own good; it is so that we can learn to submit ourselves to the
will of God and that we can bear fruit for His kingdom and thereby
bring glory and honor and unto Him. That is His purpose and if we do
not serve His purpose we are useless,worthless, we will get cut off
and burned,
we will have to learn obedience. We will have to submit ourselves to
the Taskmaster, the Holy Spirit, and He will discipline us. It is for
our own good; it is so that we can learn to submit ourselves to the
will of God and that we can bear fruit for His kingdom and thereby
bring glory and honor and unto Him. That is His purpose and if we do
not serve His purpose we are useless,worthless, we will get cut off
and burned,
Every child that He
accepts, He disciplines. If we are not disciplined then we are not
children of God. If we do not submit ourselves to Jesus and obey Him,
follow Him every day then we cannot be useful and fruitful for His
accepts, He disciplines. If we are not disciplined then we are not
children of God. If we do not submit ourselves to Jesus and obey Him,
follow Him every day then we cannot be useful and fruitful for His
We read in the book of
Hebrews chapter 11 about the heroes of faith those who overcame. We
read in Hebrews chapter 12 about the discipline of God to whichthey
submitted themselves. I read from
Hebrews chapter 11 about the heroes of faith those who overcame. We
read in Hebrews chapter 12 about the discipline of God to whichthey
submitted themselves. I read from
Hebrews chapter 12 verse
1:"Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses
surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin
which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race
that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus the author and
perfecter of faith who for the joy set before Him endured the cross,
despising the shame and as sat down at the right hand the throne of
God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners
against Himself so that you do not grow weary and lose heart.”
1:"Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses
surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin
which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race
that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus the author and
perfecter of faith who for the joy set before Him endured the cross,
despising the shame and as sat down at the right hand the throne of
God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners
against Himself so that you do not grow weary and lose heart.”
Jesus Christ himself
suffered. He offered prayers to the Father, crying out loud. He was
in pain; He was in agony, but He endured. He was rejected and He was
persecuted, He was tortured and He was killed; but He endured the
suffering, endured the pain, and He overcame. He did the will of the
Father. Even so we must learn to submit ourselves in the same way and
do the will of God.
suffered. He offered prayers to the Father, crying out loud. He was
in pain; He was in agony, but He endured. He was rejected and He was
persecuted, He was tortured and He was killed; but He endured the
suffering, endured the pain, and He overcame. He did the will of the
Father. Even so we must learn to submit ourselves in the same way and
do the will of God.
I read further, Hebrews
chapter 12 verse 4:" for you have not resisted to the point of
shedding blood in your striving against sin; and your forgotten the
exhortation which is addressed to you as sons, "My son do not
regard lightly the discipline of the Lord nor faint when you are
approved by Him for those whom the Lord loves He disciplines, and He
scourges every son whom he receives." It is for discipline that
you endure; God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there
whom his father does not discipline? But if you are without
discipline, of which we all have become partakers, then you are
illegitimate children and not sons. Furthermore, we had earthly
fathers to discipline us and we respected them; shall we not much
rather be subject to the Father of spirits and live? For they
disciplined us for a short time as seemed fit to them, but He
disciplines us for our good so that we may share in His holiness. All
discipline, for the moment, seems not to be joyful but sorrowful; yet
to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the
peaceful fruit of righteousness. Therefore, strengthen the hands that
are weak, and the knees that are feeble, and make straight paths for
your feet so that the limb which is lame may not be put out of joint
,but rather be healed. Pursue peace with all men and the
sanctification without which no one will see the Lord. See to it that
no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness
springing up causes trouble, and by it may be defiled; that there be
no immoral or godless person like Esau, who sold his own birthright
for a single meal. For you know that even afterwards; we desired to
inherit the blessing he was rejected, for he found no place for
repentance, though he sought for it with tears."
chapter 12 verse 4:" for you have not resisted to the point of
shedding blood in your striving against sin; and your forgotten the
exhortation which is addressed to you as sons, "My son do not
regard lightly the discipline of the Lord nor faint when you are
approved by Him for those whom the Lord loves He disciplines, and He
scourges every son whom he receives." It is for discipline that
you endure; God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there
whom his father does not discipline? But if you are without
discipline, of which we all have become partakers, then you are
illegitimate children and not sons. Furthermore, we had earthly
fathers to discipline us and we respected them; shall we not much
rather be subject to the Father of spirits and live? For they
disciplined us for a short time as seemed fit to them, but He
disciplines us for our good so that we may share in His holiness. All
discipline, for the moment, seems not to be joyful but sorrowful; yet
to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the
peaceful fruit of righteousness. Therefore, strengthen the hands that
are weak, and the knees that are feeble, and make straight paths for
your feet so that the limb which is lame may not be put out of joint
,but rather be healed. Pursue peace with all men and the
sanctification without which no one will see the Lord. See to it that
no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness
springing up causes trouble, and by it may be defiled; that there be
no immoral or godless person like Esau, who sold his own birthright
for a single meal. For you know that even afterwards; we desired to
inherit the blessing he was rejected, for he found no place for
repentance, though he sought for it with tears."
Jesus calls us unto utter
devotion to Him, righteousness and holiness and obedience to His
voice, to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. And He will discipline us.
Every child that He accepts will be disciplined; we will suffer and
we will learn through what we suffer. If you have been baptized in
the Holy Spirit and you have truly become born-again, a child of God
you will be disciplined but it is up to you and me to either accept
that discipline, learn obedience and live, or to reject the
discipline of God and be rejected, be cut off and burned. If we are
not transformed into His likeness; if we are not righteous and holy
and utterly obedient to the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, then
we are useless for the kingdom of God, we are not worthy of Him and
we will get cut off and burned.
devotion to Him, righteousness and holiness and obedience to His
voice, to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. And He will discipline us.
Every child that He accepts will be disciplined; we will suffer and
we will learn through what we suffer. If you have been baptized in
the Holy Spirit and you have truly become born-again, a child of God
you will be disciplined but it is up to you and me to either accept
that discipline, learn obedience and live, or to reject the
discipline of God and be rejected, be cut off and burned. If we are
not transformed into His likeness; if we are not righteous and holy
and utterly obedient to the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, then
we are useless for the kingdom of God, we are not worthy of Him and
we will get cut off and burned.
I read from John chapter
15 verse 1, the words of Jesus:"I am The True Vine and My Father
is the vine
15 verse 1, the words of Jesus:"I am The True Vine and My Father
is the vine
dresser. Every branch in
Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away, and every branch that
bears fruit, He prunes so that it may bear more fruit. You are
already clean because of the word which I've spoken to you. Abide in
me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it
abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. I am
the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he
bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone
does not abide in Me and I in him, he is thrown away as a branch and
dries up; and they gather them and cast them into the fire and they
are burned. If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask
whatever you wish and it will be done for you. "My Father is
glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be My
disciples. "Just as a Father has loved Me, I have also loved
you; abide in My love. If you keep my Commandments you will abide in
my love; just as I have kept my Father's Commandments and abide in
His love. These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in
you, and that your joy may be made full."
Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away, and every branch that
bears fruit, He prunes so that it may bear more fruit. You are
already clean because of the word which I've spoken to you. Abide in
me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it
abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. I am
the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he
bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone
does not abide in Me and I in him, he is thrown away as a branch and
dries up; and they gather them and cast them into the fire and they
are burned. If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask
whatever you wish and it will be done for you. "My Father is
glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be My
disciples. "Just as a Father has loved Me, I have also loved
you; abide in My love. If you keep my Commandments you will abide in
my love; just as I have kept my Father's Commandments and abide in
His love. These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in
you, and that your joy may be made full."
His plans with us are
good, but we have to remain in Him. We have to abide in Him, we have
to submit ourselves to His discipline. We have to allow the Holy
Spirit to have His way in us, submit to Him and allow Him to change
us, to transform us. We will suffer. Jesus Christ Himself learned
through what He suffered. I suffer. Every true child of God who
wants to follow Him suffers, because He has to teach us. It is not my
will, it is His will, it is not my ideas and my thoughts, it is His
Spirit who guides us into all truth, into His ways into His plans. It
is God's Way; is not my way, and unless I deny myself pick up my
cross and follow Jesus Christ everyday, His way, I will not enter His
kingdom. If we resist the discipline of the Holy Spirit we will get
cut off and burned. If we do not allow Him to prune us, to correct
us, so that we can share His holiness and that we can bear fruit for
His kingdom, we will get cut off and burned. We will be disciplined
by the Holy Spirit. It is an honor and it is a privilege of a child
of God to live under the discipline of the Taskmaster, the Holy
Spirit the Comforter that He sent to guide us into all truth. If we
grieve the Holy Spirit of God then we will get cut off and burned,
like so many, who have received the Holy Spirit but they chose to
disobey Him, to go their own way to follow their own mind, to run
after people, to be conformed to the world, to live in sin, to look
back to where they came from, and to desire the things of the world;
they were cut off and burned. If we do not subject ourselves to the
discipline of the Holy Spirit we will not bear fruit; we will not
enter the kingdom of God.
good, but we have to remain in Him. We have to abide in Him, we have
to submit ourselves to His discipline. We have to allow the Holy
Spirit to have His way in us, submit to Him and allow Him to change
us, to transform us. We will suffer. Jesus Christ Himself learned
through what He suffered. I suffer. Every true child of God who
wants to follow Him suffers, because He has to teach us. It is not my
will, it is His will, it is not my ideas and my thoughts, it is His
Spirit who guides us into all truth, into His ways into His plans. It
is God's Way; is not my way, and unless I deny myself pick up my
cross and follow Jesus Christ everyday, His way, I will not enter His
kingdom. If we resist the discipline of the Holy Spirit we will get
cut off and burned. If we do not allow Him to prune us, to correct
us, so that we can share His holiness and that we can bear fruit for
His kingdom, we will get cut off and burned. We will be disciplined
by the Holy Spirit. It is an honor and it is a privilege of a child
of God to live under the discipline of the Taskmaster, the Holy
Spirit the Comforter that He sent to guide us into all truth. If we
grieve the Holy Spirit of God then we will get cut off and burned,
like so many, who have received the Holy Spirit but they chose to
disobey Him, to go their own way to follow their own mind, to run
after people, to be conformed to the world, to live in sin, to look
back to where they came from, and to desire the things of the world;
they were cut off and burned. If we do not subject ourselves to the
discipline of the Holy Spirit we will not bear fruit; we will not
enter the kingdom of God.
There is no easy way of
salvation. There is only one way and that is God's Way. Follow and
obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit, or you will not find the narrow
door; you will not enter into the kingdom of God. May we all learn to
accept discipline, obey the Holy Spirit and endure with Jesus Christ
until the very end
salvation. There is only one way and that is God's Way. Follow and
obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit, or you will not find the narrow
door; you will not enter into the kingdom of God. May we all learn to
accept discipline, obey the Holy Spirit and endure with Jesus Christ
until the very end
May Jesus bless you.
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Sunday, August 14, 2016
You will receive POWER
Modern Christianity
is powerless. It is a powerless against sin. Christians say they
cannot stop sinning. It is powerless against satan; it is powerless
against temptation, it is conformed to the world. The reason why
Christians believers are powerless is because they do not have the
Holy Spirit.
We need the power of the
Holy Spirit dwelling in us to be effective witnesses for Jesus
Christ. We need the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome. Eternal
life is for those who overcome. Jesus Christ promised the Holy Spirit
to His disciples and to all those who would seek Him and who would
follow Him. The disciples of Jesus Christ were scattered when He was
taken captive to be crucified by the Romans and the instigation of
the Jews. Even Peter, who swore that he would never deny Jesus,
denied him three times. The disciples did not have the power to be
witnesses. They did not have the power to be faithful to Jesus and we
see that after Jesus was resurrected before He ascended to heaven,He
gathered the 12 and He commanded them to go to Jerusalem and wait for
the Holy Spirit that was promised.
We read in Acts chapter 1
verse 4: Gathering them together He commanded them not to leave
Jerusalem but to wait for what the Father had promised, "which"
He said, "you heard from Me, for John baptized with water, but
you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now."
read in verse 8: "but
you will receive POWER when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you
shall be My witnesses, both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria
and even to the remotest part of the earth." The Holy Spirit was
poured out on the day of Pentecost.
We read in Acts chapter 2
verse 1:"When the day of Pentecost that come they were all
together in one place and suddenly there came from heaven a noises
like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they
were sitting, and there appeared to them tongues as of fire,
distributing themselves and they rested on each one of them. And they
were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with tongues
as the Spirit was giving them utterance."
We read in verse 5: "Now
there were Jews living in Jerusalem, devout men from every nation
under heaven, And when the sound occurred, the crowd came together
and were bewildered because each one of them was hearing them speak
in his own language. They were amazed and astonished, saying:"Why,
are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we
each here them in our own language, to which we were born? Parthians
and Medes and Elamites and the residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and
Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the
districts of Libya around Cyrene, and visitors from Rome both Jews
and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs - we hear them in our own tongues
speak of the mighty deeds of God.
And they all continued an
amazement and perplexity saying to one another, "What does this
mean." But others were mocking and saying, They are full of
sweet wine."
When the Holy Spirit came
on these disciples,men from Galilee, the Holy Spirit gave them
utterance, they spoke of the great deeds of God in languages that
they had never heard before and therefore the people were amazed. How
is this possible?
And Peter explained to
them. Verse 14: "but Peter taking his stand with the 11, raised
his voice and declared to them: "Men of Judea and all you who
live in Jerusalem, let this be known to you and give heed to my
words. For these men not are drunk as you suppose, for it is only the
third hour of the day; but this is what was spoken of through the
prophet Joel: And it shall be in the last days, God says, that I will
pour forth of My Spirit on all mankind; and your sons and your
daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and
your old men shall dream dreams; even on My bond slaves both men and
women I will in those days pour forth of My Spirit and they saw
prophesy. And I will grant wonders in the sky above and signs on the
earth below, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke. The sun will be
turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and
glorious day of the Lord shall come. And it shall be that everyone
who calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved."
Peter spoke some more
words to them and we read in verse 37: "Now when they heard this
they were pierced to the heart and they said to Peter and the rest of
the apostles:"Brethren, what shall we do? Peter said to
them:"Repent, and each of you be baptized in the Name of Jesus
Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the
gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you and your children
and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to
Himself. And with many other words he solemnly testified and kept on
exhorting them saying: "Be saved from this perverse generation!"
So then those who had received his word were baptized; and that day
there were added about 3,000 souls. They were continually devoting
themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the
breaking of bread and two prayer." These men, these disciples of
Jesus Christ, the ones who ran away who denied Him, who were
scattered like sheep without a shepherd when they lost their Master,
their Shepherd He was taken up into heaven, they were all on there
own, but He had promised them a Comforter to be with them. He
promised them the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit that was that was
given on the day of Pentecost filled them with power and with
boldness. The same Peter who ran away when a little girl asked him
whether he was of Jesus, the same man was full of the power of the
Holy Spirit and with boldness he explained to these people what had
happened, that the Holy Spirit of God had been given that that which
the prophet Joel had prophesied about the outpouring of the Holy
Spirit that that had taken place and that the Holy Spirit would be
poured out on all flesh on all those who call in the name of the
Lord, not just on some. And on that same day those who believed, who
repented and who were baptized in water, received that same Holy
Spirit power, they also spoke in tongues. When we read the rest of
the book of Acts and the New Testament we see that wherever the
gospel of Jesus Christ was preached and people accepted Him,repented
and were baptized, they yearned for, they sought after and they
received this glorious Holy Spirit. They were endowed with power from
above. They were witnesses for Jesus. His apostles went on to die for
Him and many of those who accepted Jesus were persecuted, they were
killed for the name of Jesus but they had the power to continue; they
had the power, even under persecution to witness for Jesus, to stand
for Jesus, they had the power. Why? Because they had the Holy Spirit.
Today we have a lot of
professing Christians with Bible knowledge and wisdom of their own
but they don't have the power of the Holy Spirit; they cannot stop
sinning, they cannot stand against the wiles of the devil. They are
conformed to the world, but they don't have power. It is because they
never received the Holy Spirit; they don't have the power of God in
them. If we do not have the power of the Holy Spirit we cannot be
witnesses for Jesus; we cannot stand for Him. We need that power of
the Holy Spirit in us and we need to be filled with the Spirit; we
need to have His Spirit flowing through us, streams of living water
so that we can bring life to this world, be light in darkness.
Most professing Christians
are darkness; they are just like the world. They go after the things
of the world. They are just deceived and they think they have
salvation, but they're not overcomers. We have to overcome evil, we
have to overcome ourselves, we have to deny our self and go after
Jesus Christ. We need the POWER of the Holy Spirit. It is not an
optional extra; it is a requirement. Without the Holy Spirit we
cannot follow Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit will guide us into all
truth and tell us things to come, the Holy Spirit will reveal Jesus
Christ to us, will reveal His will to us. We cannot bear fruit if we
do not remain in Christ. You cannot be in Christ if the Spirit of
Christ is not in you and if you do not follow the guidance of the
Spirit of Christ. Then you're on your own, you're running after your
mind and you cannot please God. And every branch in Christ that does
not bear fruit will get cut off and burned. You need the power of the
Holy Spirit, you need the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
All those who receive the
baptism in the Holy Spirit have the ability to speak in tongues; they
speak mysteries to God and the Spirit of God flows through them, the
power of God works through them because they are filled with the
Spirit, the Spirit of the Living God resides in them. If you have
not received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and the ability the
supernatural ability to speak in tongues at any time, you have not
received the Holy Spirit.
Dear friend, it was
promised to everybody, to all those who believe. Jesus promised the
Holy Spirit will be poured out on all flesh, all those who believe
and who accept Him, nobody excluded, only those who believe and
accept Him The world cannot receive the Holy Spirit.
Those who do not believe
and obey Jesus Christ cannot receive the Holy Spirit and they do not
belong to Him. If we do not have the Spirit of Christ we do not
belong to Him; we are not His children and we are part of His
Have you received the Holy
Spirit? Is the Spirit of Christ dwelling in you and are you being led
by the Spirit of God. Those who are being led by the Spirit of God,
they are the children of God. Do you have His Spirit? Is He dwelling
in you and are you following Him? Are you truly a child of God? Do
you have the power to overcome, the power to resist the devil, the
power to endure with Jesus until the end and not deny Him? You need
that power or else you will not make it into the kingdom of God? Only
those who endure with Jesus Christ until the very end, only they will
be saved.
May Jesus bless you.
Holy spirit,
Jesus Christ,
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