Friday, October 31, 2014

Far from God

God is always close to us, He has always been with us. He gives us the SPIRIT that keeps us alive. God is SPIRIT and even though God is almighty and He is with us He does not intrude on us and He does not force us.
Jesus is knocking at the door of every heart, wanting to come in, to be WITH us, to be IN US. If we open that door and invite Him in He will come in and be with us. He will make His SPIRIT to dwell with us but if we reject Him, if we kick Him out then He will go. If we open the door to the devil then Jesus leaves. If we listen to the devil and ignore Jesus then Jesus will go quiet on us, He will not force us, He will not scream at us. If we reject Him there will come a day when He will also reject us because Jesus is always near to us, He is WITH US to help us, to guide us, to protect us but those who reject Him now will be away from Him for eternity. The moment that God takes away the SPIRIT OF LIFE that is in us then this body perishes and then we stand before Jesus and if we rejected Him all our life then He will also reject us, He will send us away. He will say to many in that day that they die:”Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness,” because they would not LISTEN to Him, they would not invite Him in. They disregarded Him and they listened to the devil, they went after their own lusts, they did what they wanted to do, they were not interested in their Maker.
God is always close to us. Jesus is always knocking at the door of our heart, wanting to come in, to be with us, to help us, guide us to coach us, to give us eternal life but if we don't want Him He will leave us.
God is close to you and me. Are we close to Him? Jesus wants to be close with us, are you close with Jesus?

May Jesus bless you.

Far from God

God is always close to us, He has always been with us. He gives us the SPIRIT that keeps us alive. God is SPIRIT and even though God is almighty and He is with us He does not intrude on us and He does not force us.
Jesus is knocking at the door of every heart, wanting to come in, to be WITH us, to be IN US. If we open that door and invite Him in He will come in and be with us. He will make His SPIRIT to dwell with us but if we reject Him, if we kick Him out then He will go. If we open the door to the devil then Jesus leaves. If we listen to the devil and ignore Jesus then Jesus will go quiet on us, He will not force us, He will not scream at us. If we reject Him there will come a day when He will also reject us because Jesus is always near to us, He is WITH US to help us, to guide us, to protect us but those who reject Him now will be away from Him for eternity. The moment that God takes away the SPIRIT OF LIFE that is in us then this body perishes and then we stand before Jesus and if we rejected Him all our life then He will also reject us, He will send us away. He will say to many in that day that they die:”Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness,” because they would not LISTEN to Him, they would not invite Him in. They disregarded Him and they listened to the devil, they went after their own lusts, they did what they wanted to do, they were not interested in their Maker.
God is always close to us. Jesus is always knocking at the door of our heart, wanting to come in, to be with us, to help us, guide us to coach us, to give us eternal life but if we don't want Him He will leave us.
God is close to you and me. Are we close to Him? Jesus wants to be close with us, are you close with Jesus?

May Jesus bless you.

Far from God

God is always close to us, He has always been with us. He gives us the SPIRIT that keeps us alive. God is SPIRIT and even though God is almighty and He is with us He does not intrude on us and He does not force us.
Jesus is knocking at the door of every heart, wanting to come in, to be WITH us, to be IN US. If we open that door and invite Him in He will come in and be with us. He will make His SPIRIT to dwell with us but if we reject Him, if we kick Him out then He will go. If we open the door to the devil then Jesus leaves. If we listen to the devil and ignore Jesus then Jesus will go quiet on us, He will not force us, He will not scream at us. If we reject Him there will come a day when He will also reject us because Jesus is always near to us, He is WITH US to help us, to guide us, to protect us but those who reject Him now will be away from Him for eternity. The moment that God takes away the SPIRIT OF LIFE that is in us then this body perishes and then we stand before Jesus and if we rejected Him all our life then He will also reject us, He will send us away. He will say to many in that day that they die:”Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness,” because they would not LISTEN to Him, they would not invite Him in. They disregarded Him and they listened to the devil, they went after their own lusts, they did what they wanted to do, they were not interested in their Maker.
God is always close to us. Jesus is always knocking at the door of our heart, wanting to come in, to be with us, to help us, guide us to coach us, to give us eternal life but if we don't want Him He will leave us.
God is close to you and me. Are we close to Him? Jesus wants to be close with us, are you close with Jesus?

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, October 30, 2014


HELL IS GROWING EVERY DAY. Every day people are dying and they are cast into hell because they chose to reject Jesus Christ and to do what is evil. Jesus Christ alone is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE. The only way to have eternal life is to follow and to obey Jesus Christ.
Those who die IN CHRIST, DOING His will after they have followed and obeyed Him all of their life, THEY will go into the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of God is also growing, with those who were IN CHRIST, who lived to please Jesus. The kingdom of God is growing at a smaller pace than hell because very few people choose to follow and obey Jesus Christ.
We have a choice where we will spend eternity. If we do not choose to follow and obey Jesus and if we do not endure with Him every day until the very end, doing His will, living in holiness and righteousness then we will end up in hell because that was our choice.
What is your and my choice? Do we follow and obey Jesus or will we also like this wicked generation, go into the depths of hell for eternity? What is your and my choice, heaven or hell?

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Churches on the WRONG ROAD

Most churches are on the wrong road. They are on the broad road that leads to destruction and they are taking all their members with them. They all use the Bible but they have different teachings. Jesus Christ alone is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE and His teachings are the teachings of eternal life. His words were recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. If we read those words that Jesus spoke and taught in the gospels and we OBEY them, we REPENT of sin, TURN away from wickedness, are BAPTIZED IN WATER and we obey the words of Jesus then He will reveal Himself to us, He will give His Spirit, the Holy Spirit IN US and He Himself will guide us into all truth.
There is only ONE WAY to eternal life and that is to FOLLOW and OBEY Jesus Christ. If your church does not lead you to Jesus and obedience to HIM then they are leading you to HELL.
Are you following your church and their doctrines or are you following and obeying Jesus Christ?

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Jesus CARES for YOU

Jesus Christ loves you and He cares for you and He has taken care of you for all of your life, or else you would not be alive today. Everything that we receive comes from Jesus, He gives us life and He takes care of us. He wants to take care of us for eternity, He wants to give us eternal life IF we allow Him, IF we go after Him, FOLLOW Him and OBEY Him, TRUST Him and seek to please Him.
But if we keep on rejecting Him then He will allow us to go our own way and do things our way, to take care of our own affairs and then we will perish. If we go after Jesus, put our trust in Him, obey Him and follow Him He will take care of us for eternity, not just this life but He will give us ETERNAL LIFE.
Jesus cares for you. Do you care for Him? Because if you don't, you will perish.

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, October 27, 2014


People have many plans but very few of those plans succeed. Things do not work out as we planned. In the end all those things come to nothing. There is only ONE plan that leads to eternal life and that is GOD'S PLAN.
If we SEEK Jesus, live to please Him, follow and obey Him then He will guide us into His plan and we will have eternal life. Do not waste your life, seek Jesus, follow Him and He will make all things work together for good. In the end you will be the WINNER.

May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Having trouble CONNECTING with Jesus Christ

Many people believe in Jesus Christ but they have not connected with Him yet. Others have difficulty connecting with Jesus. Those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are children of God. Jesus Christ is not just an attachment, an App (Application) on your iphone. If Jesus Christ is not the center of your life and of your being then you do not know Him. You cannot TAKE ON Jesus like you TAKE ON religion, you cannot load Him up like you load and APP on your iphone, you need to CONNECT with Jesus, BOW DOWN before Him and make Him the center of your life. You have to abandon your SELF, your own ideas, because without Jesus Christ you have NO LIFE. If Jesus is not the center of your life, your whole existence, then you don't know Him.
You cannot USE Jesus as an ADD ON, you cannot just consult Him when it suites you, inquire of Him when you are in trouble. Jesus will not stay on the side lines of your life. If you want to have eternal life you have to GO AFTER Him, you have to abandon all else, you have to SEEK Him with all your heart and live to please Him. You have to abandon sin, abandon your own ideas and SEEK to please Him in EVERYTHING.
Jesus is GOD ALMIGHTY, He has the BIG PLAN. If you do not abandon your plans you cannot fit into His plan. If you want eternal life you HAVE TO fit into His plan. Abandon your plans and go after Him and He will guide you along His plan, HIS WAY. Jesus Christ is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, He is the ONLY WAY to eternal life. If you do not go after Him with all that you are and have and OBEY Him then you cannot BE CONNECTED, neither STAY CONNECTED with Him and you will not have etenal life. You cannot serve nor follow Jesus with a half heart, you have to go after Him with ALL YOUR POWER until the very very end.
Have you connected with Jesus and are you following Him every day? Do you have HOPE of eternal life? Because without Jesus there is no life. CONNECT with Jesus and stay with Him until the very end.

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


The wages of sin is death. If we stumble and fall into sin it can cause us to end up in hell. Satan is doing his best to make us stumble so that we can end up in damnation. Even though we might be very careful we might stumble at times. The only way that we will NOT STUMBLE is if we STAY FOCUSED ON Jesus, if we keep our eyes on Him and we get our guidance from Him, if we do not act on our own, our own judgment, our own initiative but if we live constantly, moment by moment under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. In everything we have to FIRST ASK JESUS how to react, what to do, or else we will stumble.
If we keep our eyes on Jesus, stay focused on Him, He will not allow us to stumble. Make sure that you do not stumble. Stay focused on Jesus, always in prayer, always ask of Him and He will guide you so that you will not stumble, you will not sin, you WILL be pleasing to Him. The only way to have eternal life is to follow Jesus Christ step by step. If you take your eyes off Him YOU WILL STUMBLE!
Do not stumble, follow Jesus.

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Do not DISMISS the Holy Spirit

Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, God with us, the Holy Spirit HIMSELF speaks to each and every person every day. Jesus Christ IS the SPIRIT, the Holy Spirit and He convicts the world of sin, righteousness and judgment. He knocks at the door of every person's heart wanting to come in and have mealtime with us, to guide us and to teach us, to make us His own, but most people DISREGARD Jesus Christ, they DISMISS Him. Most Christians dismiss Jesus in favor of listening to other people and in favor of their own understanding of the Bible. Jesus speaks to them every day, He convicts them, He calls them but they don't LISTEN to Him, they DISREGARD Him, they DISMISS Him.
If we dismiss Jesus today and in this life He will also dismiss us when we come to the end of this life, because He will say to many people in that day:”Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness.” Many of those will be Christians, believers, who thought that they were saved but they never LISTENED to the Holy Spirit.They followed their own mind, other people, their own devices, they rejected and dismissed Jesus.
Jesus Christ is speaking to YOU. Do you dismiss Him or do you embrace Him? Do you follow and obey Him or do you reject Him?

May Jesus bless you.

Where is Jesus?

Jesus is God and God is SPIRIT. We cannot see spirit but we ourselves are also spirit and we live in a body. The reason why we do not perceive, SEE Jesus Christ is because we are in the physical and we want to perceive things with our physical senses by hearing, seeing, feeling, tasting. If people cannot physically see, feel, touch or understand things then they say it doesn't exist but yet we are SPIRIT. If we become spiritually ALIVE, tuned in, then we will see Jesus, we will SEE GOD.
Jesus is everywhere, He has always been, He is God. All things were made by Him and through Him and in Him, by His POWER all things hold together. Without Jesus nothing can exist. We ourselves will not exist without Jesus, He keeps us alive, He is always present, He knows everything about us but we are unaware of Him because we are not tuned in to Him.
If we SEEK Jesus we will FIND Him. If we ASK Him He will reveal Himself to us in the physical and in our spirit, our spirit will come alive and we will see Jesus. Jesus said that those who are pure in heart, they will see God. What separates us from God is sin. If we REPENT OF SIN, turn away from sin and seek Jesus with all our power, PRAY to Him, CALL OUT to Him, ASK HIM to reveal Himself to you then He will reveal Himself to you and you will KNOW that Jesus is ALIVE. Your SPIRITUAL SENSES will come alive and you will HEAR, SEE and PERCEIVE Jesus all the time.
His sheep LISTEN to His VOICE and they FOLLOW Him. We cannot follow Jesus if we do not know Him, if our SPIRITUAL SENSES are not alive and TUNED IN to Jesus. If we seek Him we will find Him, if we draw closer to Him He will draw closer to us and He will reveal Himself to us so that we will KNOW Him for REAL. He will MANIFEST Himself in the physical, in the things around us, in our lives, we will SEE the hand of God but FIRST we have to purify ourselves so that we can SEE HIM. Those who are PURE IN HEART, they will SEE GOD.
Seek Him with all your heart and you will find Him, you will SEE Him, you will KNOW Him and you will be able to TESTIFY about Him. Seek Jesus and you will find Him.

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


The only way that you can follow Jesus Christ is if you KNOW Him. If you do not KNOW Him you cannot FOLLOW Him. If you SEEK Him you will FIND Him, He will REVEAL HIMSELF to you. Most believers do not know Jesus. They just believe in the Bible and what other people tell them but they don't know Jesus, they are LOST.
Jesus Christ is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE, if we do not FOLLOW HIM we are LOST, but we cannot follow Him if we do not know Him. His sheep LISTEN to His VOICE and they FOLLOW Him. You cannot follow Jesus by reading the Bible or by listening to other people, following their advice. If you need wisdom, ASK OF GOD who gives to all men freely. If you seek Jesus you will FIND HIM, if you draw closer to Him He will draw closer to you and He will reveal Himself to you, you will KNOW Him.
SEEK Him with all your heart and you will find Him, follow Him, stay with Him and He will guide you, He will give you eternal life. Without Jesus you are LOST.
Are you following Jesus?

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

From the HEART

People act and react from that which is in their heart. Wicked people are wicked at heart, kind and friendly people are kind at heart. Wicked people do not care for the suffering of others, they don't care to hurt an animal, they are selfish, in their heart they are wicked.
If we love Jesus we love Him from the heart but if we have to learn to love Him and serve Him from a Book, then we are fakes and liars because at heart we don't love Him, we are children of the devil, because from our heart we bring forth evil. From that which is in the heart man acts and speaks, that is the source of everything that he does. Sinners SIN because at heart they are sinners but if we are born again and we have met Jesus Christ, then at heart we are different and we LOVE Him, we SERVE Him FROM THE HEART. We don't want to sin, we are not interested in the world and the things of the world, we are not interested in the desires of the flesh, we love Jesus and we want to please Him. You don't learn from a Bible how to love Jesus. If it is not in your heart then you don't know Him, you are not a child of God. If wickedness is in your heart you are a son of the devil and you need a NEW HEART. You need to meet Jesus and fall in love with Him and He will give you a NEW HEART and then you will be different. You won't be a sinner any more, you will care for HIM and for His Kingdom and you will be careful to do that which is pleasing to Jesus.
Most Christians don't know Jesus, they are not born again. They are wicked at heart. They are trying to DO and to BE what they ARE NOT because it does not come from their heart.
Do we love Jesus from the heart? Do we really care? Have we been changed? Are we born again? Are we sinners or are we PURE, HOLY, SAINTS, children of God, FROM THE HEART?

May Jesus bless you.

From the HEART

People act and react from that which is in their heart. Wicked people are wicked at heart, kind and friendly people are kind at heart. Wicked people do not care for the suffering of others, they don't care to hurt an animal, they are selfish, in their heart they are wicked.
If we love Jesus we love Him from the heart but if we have to learn to love Him and serve Him from a Book, then we are fakes and liars because at heart we don't love Him, we are children of the devil, because from our heart we bring forth evil. From that which is in the heart man acts and speaks, that is the source of everything that he does. Sinners SIN because at heart they are sinners but if we are born again and we have met Jesus Christ, then at heart we are different and we LOVE Him, we SERVE Him FROM THE HEART. We don't want to sin, we are not interested in the world and the things of the world, we are not interested in the desires of the flesh, we love Jesus and we want to please Him. You don't learn from a Bible how to love Jesus. If it is not in your heart then you don't know Him, you are not a child of God. If wickedness is in your heart you are a son of the devil and you need a NEW HEART. You need to meet Jesus and fall in love with Him and He will give you a NEW HEART and then you will be different. You won't be a sinner any more, you will care for HIM and for His Kingdom and you will be careful to do that which is pleasing to Jesus.
Most Christians don't know Jesus, they are not born again. They are wicked at heart. They are trying to DO and to BE what they ARE NOT because it does not come from their heart.
Do we love Jesus from the heart? Do we really care? Have we been changed? Are we born again? Are we sinners or are we PURE, HOLY, SAINTS, children of God, FROM THE HEART?

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, October 20, 2014


If Jesus Christ is not your LIFE, your AMBITION and your FUTURE then you have no future, you are doomed, because Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY. Without Jesus we do not have LIFE, without Jesus we have no future. If we do not KNOW, FOLLOW and GO AFTER Jesus we are LOST and everything we do is in vain, it will end up in destruction and in the end we will also end up in damnation.
Seek Jesus with all your heart, find Him, follow Him, go after Him, live for Him and He will guide you, He will give you LIFE and a FUTURE, eternal life, with Him. If we have no business with Jesus right now then we will not spend eternity with Him, we will spend eternity in damnation.
Without Jesus there is NO FUTURE.

May Jesus bless you.  

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Purify your heart, your mind your walk, your senses, everything, clean up your act and get your focus on Jesus Christ. Seek Him with everything that is in you and you will SEE Him, you will EXPERIENCE Him, you will SEE God.
Those who are pure in heart, they will see God. We have to cleanse ourselves of all iniquity, purify our minds, clean up and get rid of everything that separates us from God, your TV, your wrong friends, the things that you occupy yourself with, senseless entertainment, movies, video games, those things that you fill your mind with, those things that you buy with money that you don't have (debt), those things that you lust after and desire, things that you do not need.
All we need is Jesus, all we need is to be in close relationship with God. If we go after Jesus, if we desire Him with all our heart and put all other things away from us, unnecessary things, those things that distract us, sinful things, those things that soil us, that fill our minds with wickedness and selfishness; if we CLEANSE ourselves of all those things and focus on Jesus, we will SEE Him, we will EXPERIENCE Him, we will see the hand of God moving all over because GOD IS IN CONTROL.
If we TURN TO Jesus and turn away from sin, turn away from wickedness, we will find Him, we will SEE Him. But most people turn from God, they run away from God, they run away from Jesus and then they go into darkness. Go to Jesus, He is LIGHT, and let His light FILL YOU and you will WALK IN THE LIGHT, He will guide you every step of the way.

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Be consistent

Many believers are UP and DOWN in their relationship with Jesus Christ. Some days they are serious and they follow Him, other days they deny Him and then other things are more important, their friends, their ambitions, their own things.
If we want to follow Jesus we have to be consistent. Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and for ever, and He expects of us to follow Him EVERY DAY. Jesus said:”Whoever WISHES to come after Me must deny himself,  pick up his cross EVERY DAY and come here follow Me.” If we are lukewarm, if we are up and down in our relationship with Him then we are not serious and He will VOMIT us out, He will REJECT us.
We have to MAKE UP OUR MINDS and BE SERIOUS, we have to follow Jesus EVERY DAY and give Him our UTMOST, EVERY DAY.
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Do not FIT IN

If we obey and follow Jesus Christ then we will not take pleasure in the things of the world, we will not try to fit in with the world but we will seek to be pleasing to Jesus. If we fit in with this world, if we are like other people, we enjoy the same pleasures of sin and senseless entertainment then we fit out of the Kingdom of God. If we want to be like others, like celebrities who are sinful people who take pleasure in sensuality, vain things, then we cannot be going after Jesus, we cannot be seeking to be pleasing to Him and we will not fit into the Kingdom of Heaven.
We have to make up our minds where we want to spend eternity. Do we want to have eternal life? Then we HAVE TO obey Jesus Christ and we have to FIT into the kingdom of Heaven, but if we are of the world and we love the things of the world then the love of Jesus cannot be in us, then we cannot be seeking to be pleasing to Him and we WILL NOT spend eternity with Him. We have to make up our minds and DO what is pleasing to Jesus.
Many people just read the Bible, they don't DO what Jesus said, they don't obey His words as written in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and therefor they will not be pleasing to Him, they will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven because they will not FIT IN. They fit in to the world but they fit OUT OF the Kingdom of God.
Are we striving to fit into the kingdom of God?

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Overcome Fear Depression Anxiety

Many believers suffer from fear, anxiety and depression. It is because they do not really believe in Jesus, because they do not really trust Him. Perfect love drives out fear. If we are right with God and if we trust in Him then we have no reason to fear. A believer that fears does not trust Jesus and we must find out why we are anxious, why we fear, why we are depressed. It is because our relationship with Jesus is not right. If we fix our relationship then we have no reason to fear.
Jesus is faithful, He cannot fail. If we trust Him and we BELIEVE that He makes all things work together for good to love Him and who obey Him then we have nothing to fear. If we as believers are living in fear, anxiety and depression then we must find out what the cause is of that fear. If we have sin in our lives we have reason to fear because the wages of sin is death and we can expect punishment. If we REPENT of that sin then we have no reason to fear. If we fear because we do not trust Jesus then that fear is sin and we have to repent of it. We have to FULLY trust Jesus, without faith it is impossible to please God, so if we have fear and anxiety we must repent of it and TRUST in Jesus. Start praising Him, start thanking Him because He is good! Jesus will never fail, He will never let us down but if we do not trust Him we will not follow Him nor obey Him and then we will live in fear.
The reason for fear is because we are separated from God. Get rid of those things that separate you from God and you will have peace. Start praising and thanking Jesus because HE IS GOOD! Get your focus on Him and you have no reason to fear. Trust Him, praise Him and He will fill you with His peace and joy.

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Sacrifice your WILL

If you want to follow Jesus and have eternal life you have to SACRIFICE YOUR WILL to Jesus Christ, your own desires, your own pleasures, your own ambitions, you have to give it all up and submit yourself to Jesus Christ and DO what He tells you to do. You have to live in obedience to Him.
Jesus said:”Whoever WISHES to come after me must DENY HIMSELF, pick up his cross every day and come here follow Me.” You DENY YOURSELF, you don't go where you want to do, you don't DO what you want to do, you SUBMIT yourself to Jesus. You deny yourself your own pleasures, your own desires, your own ambitions and you go after Jesus Christ, you DO what He tells you to do. You become a servant, a slave, to the Kingdom of God. Jesus said:”Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all the other things will be added unto you.” Do not worry about the things of the world. Do not worry about what you will eat, what you will drink, where and how you will live, go after Jesus Christ and He will guide you. He will tell you which job to do. It might not be the job of your choice, He might put you into a job that will utterly humble you but because you follow Jesus you DO what He tells you to do, because you have accepted Him as your MASTER.
If we are not willing to sacrifice our will, to DENY OURSELVES and to utterly submit to Jesus, He cannot be our LORD, He cannot be our MASTER and if we reject Him, if we disregard Him then He will also disregard us, He will REJECT us! He will say to us:”Go away I never knew you, you worker of wickedness, go away, you would never follow Me, you would not go with Me.” If we are not willing to submit to Jesus right now in this life and follow Him until the very end then we will have no business with Him when we come to the end of this life because then our life will END.
Are we willing to submit to Jesus and LIVE? Do we truly want eternal life? Do we want Jesus Christ?

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


If you follow Jesus Christ and you speak His words you will not be a celebrity preacher, you will not be popular, you will not be sought after by churches. You will be hated and persecuted. Jesus said that:”You will be hated by all men because of Me.”
If we walk with Jesus and He lives in us we will be rejected by this world. They will do to you what they did to Jesus, they will hate you. The words of Jesus, the gospel that saves, is not popular with the religious people of this world.
Seek Jesus, obey Him and let Him live in you and just like Jesus you will be rejected by this world. If we are accepted and and popular with this wicked generation, if we fit into this world and it's religious system then we fit out of the Kingdom of God and we are not suitable to be servants of Jesus Christ.

May Jesus bless you.


If you follow Jesus Christ and you speak His words you will not be a celebrity preacher, you will not be popular, you will not be sought after by churches. You will be hated and persecuted. Jesus said that:”You will be hated by all men because of Me.”
If we walk with Jesus and He lives in us we will be rejected by this world. They will do to you what they did to Jesus, they will hate you. The words of Jesus, the gospel that saves, is not popular with the religious people of this world.
Seek Jesus, obey Him and let Him live in you and just like Jesus you will be rejected by this world. If we are accepted and and popular with this wicked generation, if we fit into this world and it's religious system then we fit out of the Kingdom of God and we are not suitable to be servants of Jesus Christ.

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Triumph OVER your circumstances

We are IN this world but not OF this world. If we remain IN CHRIST, DOING the will of God, FOLLOWING the guidance of the Holy Spirit then we OVERCOME, we REIGN in our circumstances, in spite of our handicaps and our dispositions because we are DOING the purpose of God, we REIGN. But if we go after the world and follow worldly wisdom we will perish because the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.
We have to STAY IN CHRIST, OBEY the Holy Spirit and then we will REIGN, we will be FREE, we will not be controlled by this world, by the things of the world, by FEAR and ANXIETY, peer pressure. Those things will not have a hold on us, our circumstances will not affect us because our actions are determined by the Spirit of God IF we STAY IN CHRIST, IF we OBEY Jesus Christ. We have to STAY in Jesus and DO His will then we will overcome. We will overcome the world, we will overcome sin, the desires of the flesh, the fears and anxieties of this world, the despair about all the things that are going on, everything that is happening because the Lord directs the footsteps of His children, those who FOLLOW HIM. We are here for His purpose to DO what He called us to do, to BE VICTORIOUS even in our circumstances.
If we stay IN Jesus, IN CHRIST, IN OBEDIENCE to Him, IN communion with Him, we OVERCOME the world. Are you REIGNING, ENDURING in your circumstances or are your circumstances getting you down? Are you an overcomer because you remain IN Christ?

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

What we talk about

From the fullness of the heart speaks the mouth. What do we talk about? What is in our hearts? Do we whine and complain? Do we talk about other people? Do we talk about ourselves? Do we talk about TV, sports, our church, the Bible? Or do we talk about Jesus? Are we witnesses for Jesus? Or are other things more important in our lives?
If we truly follow Jesus Christ we will only talk about Jesus. Are we truly children of God and witnesses for Jesus Christ? What is in our hearts? What is on our mind and what do we talk about?

May Jesus bless you.  

Comply with Jesus not the Bible nor other people

Jesus Christ ALONE is Lord. HE will decide who will have eternal life and who will not. We have to satisfy Him to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. We have to obey HIM and HE has to be pleased with us. Jesus ALONE will decide who will enter into heaven.
Jesus will say to many who believed that they were saved, He will say to them:”Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness.” Jesus Christ will decide, nobody else. We have to comply with HIM ALONE. It is no use complying with the Bible, with what other people say. If we disregard Jesus we will perish! We have to KNOW HIM, LISTEN to HIM, FOLLOW Him and OBEY Him, we have to COMPLY with HIM, be acceptable to HIM, nothing else matters.
Do you know Jesus? Do you LISTEN to Him? Do you FOLLOW Him and OBEY Him? Do you COMPLY with Jesus Christ? Will He APPROVE you and allow you entrance into His Kingdom, will He give you ETERNAL LIFE the day that you die?
Jesus Christ is the FINAL AUTHORITY. Do you comply with HIM?

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, October 10, 2014

ASK for the will of God

The only way that we can have eternal life is if we FOLLOW Jesus, OBEY Him and DO what is pleasing to Him. Those who are led by the Spirit of God THEY are the sons of God. If we do not know what the will of God is WE MUST ASK. We must ask every day, every moment, He will tell us. If you do not know what is wrong in your life, if you do not know what it is that separates you from God, ASK, PRAY! Ask Jesus and He will tell you.
Only Jesus can tell you but if you do not ask you will not receive and if you do not ask you will not know and you will not be able to DO what is pleasing to God. We have to GO AFTER Jesus, we have to SERVE Him, We have to ASK Him to SHOW us, to TELL us what He wants us to do.
Don't trust in people, don't trust in what people say, don't trust in what you hear or what you read, trust in Jesus and He will guide you. Be led by the Holy Spirit and you will be able to DO what is pleasing to God. ASK and He will guide you.

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Understanding the WILL OF GOD

Many believers have a zeal for God but they lack understanding of the will of God, that which God requires of them. God has a plan and a purpose for every child of His but only God Himself, Jesus Christ, can tell you and give you UNDERSTANDING of what He requires of you. Only Jesus Christ Himself can give you that GUIDANCE and UNDERSTANDING if you SEEK Him and IF you FOLLOW Him.
Believers seek guidance in the wrong places. They seek it in the Bible, they seek it with preachers and with other people. Jesus Christ is ALIVE and He sent us His SPIRIT, the Holy Spirit to GUIDE us into all truth and to TELL us all things but believers do not TRUST the Holy Spirit and many have not been taught to LISTEN to the Holy Spirit, they run after people and other things. We have to be LED and GUIDED by the Holy Spirit, we have to seek Jesus, PRAY, WAIT on Him, be FILLED with the Holy Spirit, be taught and guided by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of TRUTH who will guide us into all truth.
Go PRAY, go WAIT on the Lord, SEEK Him earnestly and He will guide you by His Spirit, He will give you UNDERSTANDING. Stay with Him, OBEY Him, be guided by Him and HE will guide you into all truth.

May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

REPENT and you will SEE Jesus

If you repent from your wicked and selfish ways and you turn to Jesus and you seek Him with all your heart, if you invite Him into your life then He will come in, you will SEE Him and you will KNOW Him. Those who are PURE IN HEART they will SEE God.
If you throw out all the evil things and you make SPACE for Jesus Christ, if you open your heart to Him and invite Him in, He will come in and He will reveal Himself to you. He will give you LIFE and He will give you PEACE, He will totally CHANGE you, He will make you NEW. He will ACCEPT you as a child of God, you will be TRANSFORMED INTO HIS LIKENESS, you will become LIKE HIM, not like the world. You will be LIKE Jesus because as we go after Him, SEEK Him, ABSORB Him into our lives we become transformed into His likeness, we become Children of God and we DO the WILL OF GOD.
Repent, turn to Jesus and He will give you LIFE.

May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Playing with words DEAD RELIGION

Many so called Christians base their faith on selected verse from the Bible and with those verses they try to prove their security of salvation. These people are practicing DEAD RELIGION from a book, the Bible, because they do not know Jesus, the living God.
The kingdom of God is not WORDS or WORD GAMES, the kingdom of God is POWER, the POWER of Jesus Christ that transforms a sinner into an obedient child of God that DOES the will of God and who walks in the POWER of the Holy Spirit, being GUIDED by the Holy Spirit, having a REAL RELATIONSHIP with the Living God. Such a person does not depend on a book or selected verses, he speaks from his relationship, his TESTIMONY of Jesus Christ, of KNOWING the Living God and those things that God does in his life. Such a person talks about what he heard from God, what he has experienced at the hand of God, to him Jesus Christ is REAL and ALIVE. He does not run around quoting Bible verses to prove his salvation, such a person talks about his LORD and MASTER whom he KNOWS.
A true child of God KNOWS the ONE in whom he believes, he KNOWS his Father and he can talk about his Father, he does not base his faith on verses in a book. These phony (fake) Christians study the Bible and try to prove their salvation and their security of salvation with some Bible verses but they themselves do not know nor follow Jesus Christ, they are only fooling themselves because they are practicing DEAD RELIGION FROM A BOOK.
Do you KNOW the Living God? Have you been transformed by Jesus Christ? Is Jesus REAL to you? Do you LISTEN to His voice and FOLLOW Him every day? Do you GO where He sends you and do you see the hand of God moving every day? Do you SERVE the Living God or are you practicing DEAD RELIGION FROM A BOOK?

May Jesus bless you.

Monday, October 6, 2014

REST for your soul

There is only ONE place to find rest for your soul and that is when you are IN CHRIST, when you are DOING what Jesus wants you to do. If you fix your mind on Christ and seek Him with all your heart then He will FILL your mind with His Spirit and His Spirit will guide you into those things that are pleasing to Him.
It does not matter what your circumstances are, it doesn't matter what happens around you but if you are IN CHRIST, if His Spirit is guiding you and you LISTEN, FOLLOW and OBEY His Spirit speaking IN you then you will have PEACE. Even though the world around you may be in turmoil, Jesus will give you His peace that passes all understanding. If you seek to please other people or want to fit in with the world, you will be in turmoil but if you seek to be pleasing to Jesus all the time you will be IN HIS PEACE.
Fix your mind on Jesus, seek Him with all your heart ALWAYS, and you will live in His peace, in His presence.

May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Good people DO go to hell

God made everybody good but people do evil things. There is no man that is just good. Somebody came to Jesus and said to Him:”Good Teacher...” and Jesus said to him:”No man is good, only God is good.” Good people will also end up in hell because nobody IS good. We have to DO GOOD, we have to FOLLOW AND OBEY Jesus. He has written His laws in our hearts and if we LISTEN to Him, in our heart and we OBEY Him and if we DO GOOD, we will live, but if we do wicked things, if we sin and disobey Jesus we will perish.
The wages of sin is death and we will all be judged by our deeds, good or bad. God will reward every man for what he has done. Those who persistently keep seeking the will of God and keep DOING what He guides them to do will be rewarded with eternal life, but those who selfishly go after their own desires and do wicked things will perish.
Nobody is good but we have to DO GOOD to be pleasing to God.

May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Your Legacy

What will we leave behind the day that we die? How will we be remembered? Were we destroyers, fighters, killers or did we serve the purpose that Jesus called us for? Did we build the Kingdom of God? All that really matters is whether we built the Kingdom of God, whether we were useful for the purpose that God called us for.
All our works, good works that we did, will be tested by God's fire and if our works are burned we will receive no positive reward but we will also be judged for all we have done, good or bad and God will reward every man for what he has done. Were our works pleasing to Jesus? What reward do we expect?
Those who did not follow and obey Jesus will perish, will be rejected, they will go into damnation. Jesus gave talents to each one of His children. If we did not use those talents for His kingdom we will be cast out into eternal darkness where there will be whaling and gnashing of teeth. What reward do we expect? What is our legacy? How will we be remembered in eternity? Will we be in glory with Jesus in His Kingdom or will we be in eternal damnation?

May Jesus bless you.

Your Leagacy

What will we leave behind the day that we die? How will we be remembered? Were we destroyers, fighters, killers or did we serve the purpose that Jesus called us for? Did we build the Kingdom of God? All that really matters is whether we built the Kingdom of God, whether we were useful for the purpose that God called us for.
All our works, good works that we did, will be tested by God's fire and if our works are burned we will receive no positive reward but we will also be judged for all we have done, good or bad and God will reward every man for what he has done. Were our works pleasing to Jesus? What reward do we expect?
Those who did not follow and obey Jesus will perish, will be rejected, they will go into damnation. Jesus gave talents to each one of His children. If we did not use those talents for His kingdom we will be cast out into eternal darkness where there will be whaling and gnashing of teeth. What reward do we expect? What is our legacy? How will we be remembered in eternity? Will we be in glory with Jesus in His Kingdom or will we be in eternal damnation?

May Jesus bless you.

Your Leagacy

What will we leave behind the day that we die? How will we be remembered? Were we destroyers, fighters, killers or did we serve the purpose that Jesus called us for? Did we build the Kingdom of God? All that really matters is whether we built the Kingdom of God, whether we were useful for the purpose that God called us for.
All our works, good works that we did, will be tested by God's fire and if our works are burned we will receive no positive reward but we will also be judged for all we have done, good or bad and God will reward every man for what he has done. Were our works pleasing to Jesus? What reward do we expect?
Those who did not follow and obey Jesus will perish, will be rejected, they will go into damnation. Jesus gave talents to each one of His children. If we did not use those talents for His kingdom we will be cast out into eternal darkness where there will be whaling and gnashing of teeth. What reward do we expect? What is our legacy? How will we be remembered in eternity? Will we be in glory with Jesus in His Kingdom or will we be in eternal damnation?

May Jesus bless you.

Your Leagacy

What will we leave behind the day that we die? How will we be remembered? Were we destroyers, fighters, killers or did we serve the purpose that Jesus called us for? Did we build the Kingdom of God? All that really matters is whether we built the Kingdom of God, whether we were useful for the purpose that God called us for.
All our works, good works that we did, will be tested by God's fire and if our works are burned we will receive no positive reward but we will also be judged for all we have done, good or bad and God will reward every man for what he has done. Were our works pleasing to Jesus? What reward do we expect?
Those who did not follow and obey Jesus will perish, will be rejected, they will go into damnation. Jesus gave talents to each one of His children. If we did not use those talents for His kingdom we will be cast out into eternal darkness where there will be whaling and gnashing of teeth. What reward do we expect? What is our legacy? How will we be remembered in eternity? Will we be in glory with Jesus in His Kingdom or will we be in eternal damnation?

May Jesus bless you.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Learners that never become DOERS

Many professing Christians think that if they study the Bible they will get to heaven. If we do not OBEY Jesus Christ and FOLLOW Him, deny ourselves every day, pick up our cross and follow Him we WILL NOT enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Many people just read the books, Christian books, they watch the videos, listen to other people's testimonies, they go to church, they listen to the preacher but they do not follow Jesus. They never become doers, they just deceive themselves, they talk the talk and they quote scripture but they are not following Jesus Christ, they have no testimony of their own.
Many people are just professional learners, readers, but they never become DOERS and that is why they will perish. If we do not FOLLOW Jesus we will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We have to become DOERS of the WORD and not just learners who deceive ourselves.

May Jesus bless you.

Learners that never become DOERS

Many professing Christians think that if they study the Bible they will get to heaven. If we do not OBEY Jesus Christ and FOLLOW Him, deny ourselves every day, pick up our cross and follow Him we WILL NOT enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Many people just read the books, Christian books, they watch the videos, listen to other people's testimonies, they go to church, they listen to the preacher but they do not follow Jesus. They never become doers, they just deceive themselves, they talk the talk and they quote scripture but they are not following Jesus Christ, they have no testimony of their own.
Many people are just professional learners, readers, but they never become DOERS and that is why they will perish. If we do not FOLLOW Jesus we will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We have to become DOERS of the WORD and not just learners who deceive ourselves.

May Jesus bless you.

Learners that never become DOERS

Many professing Christians think that if they study the Bible they will get to heaven. If we do not OBEY Jesus Christ and FOLLOW Him, deny ourselves every day, pick up our cross and follow Him we WILL NOT enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Many people just read the books, Christian books, they watch the videos, listen to other people's testimonies, they go to church, they listen to the preacher but they do not follow Jesus. They never become doers, they just deceive themselves, they talk the talk and they quote scripture but they are not following Jesus Christ, they have no testimony of their own.
Many people are just professional learners, readers, but they never become DOERS and that is why they will perish. If we do not FOLLOW Jesus we will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We have to become DOERS of the WORD and not just learners who deceive ourselves.

May Jesus bless you.

Learners that never become DOERS

Many professing Christians think that if they study the Bible they will get to heaven. If we do not OBEY Jesus Christ and FOLLOW Him, deny ourselves every day, pick up our cross and follow Him we WILL NOT enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Many people just read the books, Christian books, they watch the videos, listen to other people's testimonies, they go to church, they listen to the preacher but they do not follow Jesus. They never become doers, they just deceive themselves, they talk the talk and they quote scripture but they are not following Jesus Christ, they have no testimony of their own.
Many people are just professional learners, readers, but they never become DOERS and that is why they will perish. If we do not FOLLOW Jesus we will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We have to become DOERS of the WORD and not just learners who deceive ourselves.

May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

They don't want to LISTEN

God treats all men equal. He has written His laws in our hearts and we know right from wrong. He sent His Holy Spirit to convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment. God speaks to all men but VERY FEW LISTEN. If we LISTEN we will HEAR. If we draw closer to Him He will draw closer to us. If we need wisdom we must ASK FROM GOD, He gives to all men freely.
If we do not know the truth it is because we do not seek the truth. Jesus Christ IS the truth and if we seek the truth Jesus Christ will REVEAL HIMSELF TO US, but people don't want to LISTEN. They look for SUBSTITUTES, they believe in those things that are pleasing to them.
Seek the TRUTH and Jesus Christ will reveal Himself to you and you will HEAR Him SPEAKING to you.
May Jesus bless you.

They don't want to LISTEN

God treats all men equal. He has written His laws in our hearts and we know right from wrong. He sent His Holy Spirit to convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment. God speaks to all men but VERY FEW LISTEN. If we LISTEN we will HEAR. If we draw closer to Him He will draw closer to us. If we need wisdom we must ASK FROM GOD, He gives to all men freely.
If we do not know the truth it is because we do not seek the truth. Jesus Christ IS the truth and if we seek the truth Jesus Christ will REVEAL HIMSELF TO US, but people don't want to LISTEN. They look for SUBSTITUTES, they believe in those things that are pleasing to them.
Seek the TRUTH and Jesus Christ will reveal Himself to you and you will HEAR Him SPEAKING to you.
May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Do not accept the testimony of men

It is foolish and fatal to accept the testimony of men, of people, to trust in man because ALL MEN ARE LIARS. We can only trust in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ Himself ALONE is the TRUTH and if we want to know the truth we must ASK HIM, WAIT on Him and He will tell us the truth. Those who run after other people will be deceived and they will be lost, they will perish because Jesus Christ Himself is the ONLY WAY, He is the only TRUTH.
The testimony of other people about Jesus should encourage us to seek our OWN RELATIONSHIP, our own experience with Jesus Christ. Do not blindly trust other people. It does not matter who they are and what they claim, ALL MEN ARE LIARS. All men are corruptible. Trust no man, follow Jesus Christ ALONE and you will never be disappointed.

May Jesus bless you.