Those who wish to follow Jesus need to repent of self-confidence. Self-confidence is in direct opposition to trusting in Jesus. Trusting in your own abilities and judgment will prevent you from following and obeying Jesus.
Without Jesus we can do nothing. Without Jesus you will not make it into heaven. True faith in Jesus requires that you submit yourself fully and unconditionally to Him. Firstly you have to obey His teachings, live according to His commands as recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Repent of sin and of going after your own ways, be baptized in water, as Jesus commanded. Seek Jesus, seek His guidance. He will give His Holy Spirit in you to teach and guide you, but you have to TRUST Him more than your SELF, or else you will not obey Him. The commands of Jesus and the guidance that He gives you, will not always make logical sense to you. If you trust and follow Jesus you will be regarded as crazy, by the world and by unbelievers, even professing Christians. Most professing Christians will reject, ridicule and persecute you, because they trust in themselves, their Bible knowledge, their church, worldly systems and other people.
Faith in Jesus, means to deny yourself, deny your self-confidence, and trust in Him above all things. If you do not trust AND follow Jesus your faith is useless. If you do not OBEY Him but rather follow after your own opinion or interpretation of the Bible, then you are Antichrist, unbelieving, not fit for heaven.
"Those who are being led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons (children) of God."Romans 8:14.
Is your trust and and confidence in Jesus? Do you follow Him, or do you rather trust in yourself?
May Jesus bless you.
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