To sin is a choice that you make. To be holy and not sin is also a choice. Nobody can force you to sin. You can take a horse to water but you cannot force it to drink. To say that you cannot stop sinning is a lie. The truth is that you don't want to stop sinning.
If you want to have eternal life you have to obey and follow Jesus. You have to REPENT which means that you have to TURN from sin, STOP SINNING, turn from following after your own desires and OBEY Jesus. To repent and follow Jesus is a choice that you must make. You must stop sinning, stop cursing, lying, fornicating, cheating, committing adultery, watching pornography or whatever sins you are practicing and you must obey the teachings and commands of Jesus as they are also recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. You must first stop sinning and then be baptized for the forgiveness of your past sin. Then you must SIN NO MORE. All of that is YOUR CHOICE, YOUR DECISION.
If you are not willing to stop sinning and be baptized in water then you can just as well give up the hope of ever entering heaven. Then you should carry on with your life with the knowledge that you are heading for hell. If holiness is not for you and you enjoy your sin, then best enjoy it because it is the only pleasure that you will have. Hell awaits you. The wages of sin is death. If you sin, you will burn.
Jesus saves from sin. If you REPENT and be baptized He blots out your past sin, He forgives you past sin and offers you eternal life, IF you follow and obey Him and sin no more, but if you go back to sin and following your own mind, you will perish, you will end up in hell. You have to follow and obey Jesus until the end of your life. If you decide to stop following and obeying Jesus, He will not stop you or hold you back. You follow and obey Jesus voluntarily, because you want to.
If you are serious and wish to follow Jesus, and demonstrate by your obedience to Him that you are serious, by REPENTING of sin and being BAPTIZED IN WATER, by seeking Him in prayer and devoting your life to Him, then He promised to make you NEW, BORN AGAIN a Child of God. He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and give of His Spirit to be in and with you, to guide and teach you, to stay with you ALWAYS. Bur if you turn away from Him, disobey Him and go back to sin and following your own desires, you will end up in hell with all those who disobey Jesus.
To sin is a decision. To follow Jesus and obey Him is a decision, that you make, but you will bear the consequences of your decisions. If you once knew Jesus and followed Him but you have strayed, you can repent and go back to Him, if you are still alive, but once you die, it is over. Judgment awaits. No sinners will enter heaven.
Have you made up your mind to repent, stop sinning and follow Jesus, or are you heading for hell. I pray that you make the right decision and follow Jesus.
May Jesus bless you.
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