Many Christians are always looking for
excuses for sin and sinfulness. They are disqualifying themselves for
the kingdom of God. Sinners will not have eternal life. Without
holiness no one will see God.
the kingdom of God. Sinners will not have eternal life. Without
holiness no one will see God.
Professional athletes subject
themselves to strict diets and rigorous training programs to be
competitive. They do not allow themselves to indulge in anything,
however tempting it might be, that can affect their performance.
They take utmost care to compete in such a way that they will win the
race. They abide by the rules and they mind their steps that they
might not stumble or hurt themselves, because that will disqualify
them. They do not look for, neither do they make excuses because
they know that they will only have themselves to blame if they do not
win the race and get the prize.
themselves to strict diets and rigorous training programs to be
competitive. They do not allow themselves to indulge in anything,
however tempting it might be, that can affect their performance.
They take utmost care to compete in such a way that they will win the
race. They abide by the rules and they mind their steps that they
might not stumble or hurt themselves, because that will disqualify
them. They do not look for, neither do they make excuses because
they know that they will only have themselves to blame if they do not
win the race and get the prize.
Sinners are losers. Sin separates you
from God. Sin disqualifies you for the kingdom of God, even one lie,
a “white “ lie, will soil your garment, and prevent you from
entering heaven. There is no excuse for sin.
from God. Sin disqualifies you for the kingdom of God, even one lie,
a “white “ lie, will soil your garment, and prevent you from
entering heaven. There is no excuse for sin.
Repent, stop sinning, be baptized in
water for the forgiveness of your sin. Be holy. Sin no more. Follow
Jesus until the end and He will give you eternal life. Obey His
teachings and commandments as recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and
John. Ask Him for His Holy Spirit to come and dwell in you and be
with you to guide you into all truth.
water for the forgiveness of your sin. Be holy. Sin no more. Follow
Jesus until the end and He will give you eternal life. Obey His
teachings and commandments as recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and
John. Ask Him for His Holy Spirit to come and dwell in you and be
with you to guide you into all truth.
Do not look for
excuses. Do not sin. You will only have yourself to blame if you miss
heaven and spend eternity in hell.
excuses. Do not sin. You will only have yourself to blame if you miss
heaven and spend eternity in hell.
May Jesus bless you.
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