Friday, April 5, 2019


satan wants to destroy you, now and for eternity. He wants you to
spend eternity in hell. The wages of sin is death. The soul that sins
will die. satan
 wants you to
keep on sinning because then you will end up in hell. Without
holiness no one shall see God. Those who do not live holy have
no communion with God. Their sin separates them from God.
As long as you are in sin you are powerless against satan, you
are in his power, being destroyed and on your way to hell.
Jesus can
set you free from the bondage of sin and addictions, if you call
on Him, if you go on your knees  and pray, humble yourself
before Him, and ask Him. Jesus will forgive your past sin
and set you free, but the only way that you will be able to stay
free is if you stay with Jesus and obey Him. If you go back to
sin, you will be enslaved
Then you have delivered yourself back into the hands of
 satan and
you will be in a worse situation than before you called on
you want to live, and have eternal life you have to stay with
Jesus and SIN NO MORE.
 Only Jesus
can give you eternal life but then you have to stay with
Him and obey Him.
 Obey His words, His
teachings and commandments as also recorded in Matthew,
Mark,  Luke  and  John.  REPENT of all
sin, every sin, immediately. If you sin again you will be back in the
hands of satan. One single sin, separates you from Jesus
and puts you in danger of hell fire. If you stumble and
the Holy Spirit will immediately convict you.
you immediately repent and ask Jesus forgiveness, He will forgive you
and your relationship with Him will  be restored, but if you
were careless, or deliberately sinned with the intention of
later asking forgiveness, then Jesus will not  forgive
you. Jesus is not fooled. He knows the intention of every heart.
Your sin will separate you from Jesus and put you back in
power of satan. Unless you sincerely repent and plead
Jesus  forgiveness you will remain in the power
of satan
 and he
will destroy
forgiveness of your sins.
 That is what
Jesus commanded and that is what He requires of everyone who
wishes to follow Him  and have eternal life. Baptism of
the believer is an act of obedience, a
 public confession
of faith  and  a demonstration of your commitment
to follow Jesus and submit your life to Him. Without that
attitude and commitment, baptism is just a meaningless
ritual. That is why infant
is not valid.
 An infant has no sin,
cannot repent, nor believe and commit to follow Jesus. 

whole world is in the power of the evil one,  satan.
Only those who stay with Jesus have the power to overcome sin
and evil, but they have to fight and resist the devil. They have
to resist temptation. If you live holy, you have confidence
to call on Jesus when you are tempted, and He will give you the
power to overcome, but if you live in sin, your  sin
separates you from Jesus and you are destroyed by satan.
holy, be righteous, do not
 yield to
temptation. Stand with Jesus, resist the devil and he will flee from
 If you sin, you will burn. Keep
your mind on Jesus and on holiness. Do not give satan
foothold. Avoid temptation. Run from sin. Do not keep
sinful company with worldly  friends.
watching movies and TV that can contaminate your mind with lust
and worldliness. Corruption comes through lust.
what you watch and listen to. Stop following after
celebrities and famous people.  Stop trying to be like
them. Stop running after endless entertainment and pleasures of
the flesh.
 Stop reading and
absorbing fantasies. Stop living in a dream world. Open your
eyes and
 face reality. Life
is not a reality show or a soap opera. All those things are lies,
inspired by satan, to distract, deceive  and destroy
you. Be sober. Keep your mind and thoughts pure and holy.
Keep yourself busy with productive things. Don't waste your time on
social media and endless texting.
cannot overcome satan
 by being
idle, hiding in a corner, or locking yourself up behind high walls.
If you run from satan
 he will
stab you in the back, he will get you  from behind. Neither will
you defeat him by compromising. Don't make friends with the devil.
Don't  listen to him. Don't get into discussions with him. You
have to be on the offensive, on the attack.
become complacent.  Never underestimate satan. He will
do all he can to get you to sin, because he knows, that if you
sin you are done, doomed and on your  way to hell. 
one sin caused Adam to die. One sin caused Esau to lose his
first birth right, and even though he tried to repent, he
could never get it back. One sin is enough to cause you to end
up in hell for eternity. Don't let the devil get you.
your  focus on Jesus. Pray always, even in your mind. Ask Jesus
to fill your mind with His thoughts, guidance and wisdom. Ponder on
His words, His teachings and commandments. Jesus will
guide you and give you understanding and wisdom, if you
stay  focused on Him. He will guide you in every
aspect of your life. Without Jesus we cannot win. Without
Jesus you cannot defeat satan. Without Jesus you can do
Jesus bless you.

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