Wednesday, March 20, 2019

LIVING A DREAM The Christian Reality Show

Many Christians are living a dream,
fueled by the worldly churches and their ungodly preachers. Preachers
are no longer men of God but rather men of the church and men of the
world. They are entertainers and inspirational speakers that tickle
the ears of the believers, to make them laugh and be happy in their
delusion, the dream world that they are living in. Church has become
a reality show to follow after the world that does not want to face
reality but rather be watching reality TV.
Many Christians believe they are saved
but they are no different from those who do not believe. They are
delusional. Salvation is not about what you believe, it is about what
you have become and what you are doing as outcome of your faith. If
you are a Christian then you have become a child of God and a
follower of Jesus Christ.
Following Jesus is not WATCHING a show,
but BEING the show. The model of the show is Jesus. Those who follow
Him are like Him. Jesus gives eternal life to those who FOLLOW Him,
His sheep. Jesus said:”My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and
they follow Me; 28and I give eternal life to them,”John
10:27,28. If you do not FOLLOW Jesus you will not have eternal life.
If you do not HEAR His voice, then you are not His sheep. Watching or
being part of the church reality show will not save you. You have to
follow and obey Jesus to have eternal life.
You do not follow Jesus by going to
church. You have to obey Him, repent, turn from sin, stop sinning, be
baptized in water for the forgiveness of your sin. Then seek Jesus
with all your heart. He will give His Holy Spirit in you, to teach
and guide you. You will be born again, a child of God, who hears His
voice and can follow Him. You will become one of His sheep. Listen to
Him, follow and obey Him every day, until the end and He will give
you eternal life, IF you follow Him until the end. Obey and live
according to the commands and teachings of Jesus as recorded in
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Do you go to church to watch a reality
show, or ARE you the reality show? Can the world see Jesus in you?
Are you following after men, celebrities, preachers and inspirational
speakers, or are you following Jesus and listening to Him? Are you
one of His sheep and do you follow Him?
May Jesus bless you.

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