Friday, March 15, 2019


I have been a serious Christian for many 
years and I believed that I was saved and living a good Christian
life but on July 28, 1998 I had  a heart attack and I died. I left
my body and I was on my way to Hell. I knew it was final and I was not coming back.

I was not living in sin. I was baptized in water, baptized in the Holy Spirit, 
speaking in tongues. To my mind and my understanding I was doing
right, living a good Christian life, but there I was, I had left my
body, I was floating on my back, being drawn down a dark black hole,
on my way to hell. I pleaded with Jesus to let me come back, but all
to no avail. Eventually I said:"Lord,  let me please go
back and  warn the world that Jesus is alive and hell is

Then Jesus allowed me
to come back. My full testimony is on my Youtube
and on my website.

Many people
have asked me what I was neglecting and what I was doing wrong, that
caused me to be going to hell. I was going by my own understanding of
the Bible and I was not bearing fruit for the kingdom of God. 
After that Jesus taught me that I have to walk with Him and be led by
the Holy Spirit, to be able to bear fruit.
  Jesus said
that every branch in Him that does not bear fruit will get cut off
and burned. I was a branch and I was in Christ, born again but I was
not bearing fruit because I followed my own mind and was not led by
the Holy Spirit, and so I was being cut off.

We read in Micah 6:8 "He has told you, O
man, what is good;

And what does
the LORD require of you

But to do
justice, to love kindness,

And to
walk humbly with your God?"

read the scriptures and we often do not know how to practically apply
them, how to walk with God.

In the
first place we have to TURN TO GOD, seek His way, not our way. God
only way to have eternal life is to believe in Jesus and therefore to
follow Him. How do we obey Jesus in the first place?

turn from sin, stop sinning altogether, sin no more, do not sin. "Do
justice,  love kindness."  Repent, turn from following your
own desires, lusts and ambitions. Make it your ambition to be holy
and pleasing to God. Make it your ambition to do the will of God and
live a life that is pleasing to Him. Be baptized in water for the
forgiveness of your sin as Jesus commanded. Live your life in
obedience to the teachings and commands of Jesus,  as they were
also recorded in Matthew,  Mark,  Luke  and John. If you do not
take these first steps and obey the teachings and commandments of
Jesus,  you cannot follow Jesus, you cannot walk with Him and you
do not have the hope of eternal life.

to church, reading the Bible, paying tithes, fellowship with other
Christians, preaching, casting out demons, speaking in tongues,
building churches,  doing religious things,  all of those things
that many Christians do ARE ALL IN VAIN if you do not obey His words,
repent and be baptized and then FOLLOW Him.

want to remind you that Jesus said: 21“Not everyone who says to Me,
‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does
the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. 22“Many will say
to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name,
and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many
miracles?’ 23“And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew
7:21-23. Jesus was talking to believers. Unbelievers do not prophesy
in the name of Jesus, neither do they cast out demons or perform
miracles. Jesus was saying that those who PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS are
not known by Him. 

Christians today are living in sin. They say they are under grace,
not under law, but they PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS. Guess what? Jesus will
say to them: ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE
LAWLESSNESS.’  Without holiness no man shall see God. Those
Christians are not walking with God, they are following satan,
many of them preachers and respected pastors with huge ministries and
churches, who speak in tongues,  prophesy,  cast out demons, heal
the sick and perform miracles in the name of Jesus. They are
doing all those things but they are not living holy, therefor they
have no communion with Jesus. Their fruit is bad because they are
living in sin and not bringing others to repentance and holiness.

The foundation of our walk with Jesus is
OBEDIENCE to His Teachings and commandments and HOLINESS. Without
those we will not progress in our walk with Him. In short: Repent and
be baptized,  and be holy. Set yourself aside for Jesus, 
dedicate your life to Him, seek Him in prayer, and He will
Himself to you. Jesus said:
” “He
who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and
he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and
will disclose Myself to him.”John
 14:21. If
we demonstrate to Jesus our love for Him through our obedience to
His commandments, He will reveal Himself to us. He will come
and dwell in us. He will give His Holy Spirit in us to be with us
and GUIDE us, so that we can FOLLOW Him

You cannot follow Jesus
blind faith" like
so many claim to do. 
 “Faith comes
from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ
10:17. You need to HEAR from Jesus to be able to FOLLOW Him and
DO what He requires of you. Jesus said: "My sheep
hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me;
John 10:27. The
apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:14 
all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of
 You have to be one of His
sheep,  who HEAR His VOICE,  LISTEN and
FOLLOW Him.  He speaks through His Spirit, the Holy Spirit,
that He gives  in those who OBEY Him.

You have to go after Jesus to have eternal
life. You have to follow Him.
 You have
to seek and obey His guidance.
have to seek His approval. 

Why was I on my way to hell even though,
by my understanding and by accepted Christian standards I was
a good Christian? I was still the Boss of my life. I lived
to please ME. I had to dedicate
life to Jesus, repent from my plans, ambitions and desires and
become a SHEEP,  a disciple who follows Him, hears from Him and
does what He wants me to do. I had to become a servant of the kingdom
of God and
 serve the Lord, Jesus

I had to repent, turn from my opinion,
insight and understanding and learn from Jesus what He wanted me
to understand. The Bible took on new meaning for me. I was reading it
with fresh eyes and a new mind. My mind had to be renewed,
reformatted, by listening to Jesus, following the guidance of
the Holy Spirit. Years of indoctrination
listening to other “Christians
had to
be wiped off and retaught, replaced with TRUTH. What I have learned
is not to trust in my own understanding or what I previously
learned or experienced, but to LISTEN  to the Master's VOICE,
trust, obey and follow Him.
ASSUME. Always ask and follow His guidance. Do not trust in your
own understanding,  neither ask the opinion of others, even if
they are also disciples of Jesus. Follow and obey Jesus even if
you are the only one that goes in the direction that He sends
 Jesus  will guide you, but
you have to FOLLOW  and keep following Him until the end.

Without faith it is impossible to please
God. You cannot follow Jesus if you do  not absolutely trust
Him. You only get to truly know Him if you WALK WITH HIM.

Do you understand  what I am telling you?
Are you ready to WALK WITH JESUS and do what God requires
of you, dear friend.  It is a narrow  lonely road and only
few are on it, but it is the only road that leads to eternal life.

May Jesus bless you.

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