If anyone makes it into heaven, they
will have nothing to boast about. Without Jesus, nobody will enter
heaven. Just believing in Jesus, will not save you. You need to
know Him, follow and obey Him, until the end. Jesus is the WAY. If
you don’t follow Him, you will not find the entrance into heaven.
He is the TRUTH. Without Him guiding you, you will not know the
truth. He is the LIFE. Without Him there is no life, and without Him
there is no eternal life.
heaven. Just believing in Jesus, will not save you. You need to
know Him, follow and obey Him, until the end. Jesus is the WAY. If
you don’t follow Him, you will not find the entrance into heaven.
He is the TRUTH. Without Him guiding you, you will not know the
truth. He is the LIFE. Without Him there is no life, and without Him
there is no eternal life.
Jesus called me many years ago, to make
disciples who will know Him, follow and obey Him. I am here to put
your hand in His hand, so that you can follow Him.
disciples who will know Him, follow and obey Him. I am here to put
your hand in His hand, so that you can follow Him.
Jesus wants to disclose Himself to you,
so that you can hear His voice, see His kingdom and be part of His
kingdom, which is the Kingdom of God. You need to accept Him as your
Lord and Master, bow before Him, plead forgiveness of your past sins,
turn from your sins, stop sinning, be baptized in water for the
washing off of your sins. Invite Jesus into your heart, ask Him to
baptize you in the Holy Spirit, so that His Spirit will come and
dwell in you, to teach and guide you every step of the way.
so that you can hear His voice, see His kingdom and be part of His
kingdom, which is the Kingdom of God. You need to accept Him as your
Lord and Master, bow before Him, plead forgiveness of your past sins,
turn from your sins, stop sinning, be baptized in water for the
washing off of your sins. Invite Jesus into your heart, ask Him to
baptize you in the Holy Spirit, so that His Spirit will come and
dwell in you, to teach and guide you every step of the way.
He is faithful. He will not leave you,
nor forsake you. If you do wrong, He will convict you, so you can
repent and correct your ways. If you keep on straying from Him, He
will discipline and chastise you. Sometimes His chastisement will be
severe. It is all because He loves you and cares for you. If you do
make it into heaven it will be because of Him. You must hold His hand
and never let go. If you keep on straying and turn from Him, you will
end up in hell, because of your own unwillingness to follow and stay
with Him.
nor forsake you. If you do wrong, He will convict you, so you can
repent and correct your ways. If you keep on straying from Him, He
will discipline and chastise you. Sometimes His chastisement will be
severe. It is all because He loves you and cares for you. If you do
make it into heaven it will be because of Him. You must hold His hand
and never let go. If you keep on straying and turn from Him, you will
end up in hell, because of your own unwillingness to follow and stay
with Him.
Without Jesus, you will not make it
into heaven. You will not make it on your own, not with your Bible
alone, not with Christian friends, nor with your church, not with
your preacher or pastor, not with anybody other than Jesus. You will
not make it because of your own initiatives, or good works, mighty
achievements, only through OBEDIENCE to Jesus, holding His hand,
following Him. All the glory will go to Jesus. Without Him, we can do
into heaven. You will not make it on your own, not with your Bible
alone, not with Christian friends, nor with your church, not with
your preacher or pastor, not with anybody other than Jesus. You will
not make it because of your own initiatives, or good works, mighty
achievements, only through OBEDIENCE to Jesus, holding His hand,
following Him. All the glory will go to Jesus. Without Him, we can do
Have you put your hand in His hand and
are you following Him?
are you following Him?
May Jesus bless you.
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