Wednesday, July 17, 2019


The biggest deception is in the church
and satans biggest tool of deception is the Bible. satan is the
father of lies and he is the master deceiver, that is why he does his
most damaging work where it would be least expected, in churches.
Just like he used the Scriptures to tempt Jesus, he most successfully
uses the Bible to deceive Christians.
The vast majority of
churches preach false doctrines, twisting Bible scripture and adding
their own doctrines to mislead the believers, promising them
salvation based on lies and falsehoods. The bigger the church, and
the more famous the preacher, the bigger the deception. The true
gospel of Jesus Christ does not have many followers.
The modern
Bible has 66 books and many chapters, but it is only a small part of
the Book that leads to eternal life, and that is the words of Jesus
Christ, as also recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The Old
Testament leads up to the coming of Jesus, who preached the kingdom
of God. The apostles, in the New Testament, preached the gospel of
the kingdom, the words of Jesus.
The words of Jesus are
SPIRIT and they are LIFE. They lead those who obey them to eternal
life. That is why the words of Jesus are not preached in most
churches. When they are preached, they are softened, down played and
made less important, while the false doctrines of men are emphasized.
Jesus warned the pharisees: "BUT IN VAIN DO THEY WORSHIP ME,
Most churches disregard the words of Jesus. Some teach that
water baptism is not necessary, disobeying the commands of Jesus.
Others baptize infants, which is an invalid practice. Baptism only
follows repentance and confession of faith in Jesus, which an infant
cannot do.
If we do not even obey Jesus in the least, how shall we
obey Him in greater things. Many churches preach that it is
impossible to stop sinning, which is a doctrine of satan. They preach
a false grace gospel, based on twisting the words of the apostle
Paul. Believers foolishly run after these false preachers and
deceivers, blind leaders of the blind, leading them to a certain
Church members follow after their
church, not after Jesus. They uphold the teachings and doctrines of
the churches, which are a mixture of Bible scripture and the rules of
men, rather than the words and commandments of Jesus. They are
religious bigots, not followers of Jesus. That is why they will
perish. They have been deceived by satan through false church
doctrines and twisted Bible scripture.
Jesus Christ alone is the
WAY, the LIFE and the TRUTH. Obey His words, repent and be baptized,
live according to His commandments, as recorded in Matthew, Mark,
Luke and John. Get out of church, stop following men. Follow Jesus
and He will give you eternal life.
May Jesus bless you.

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