Sunday, October 27, 2019


The world is in despair. People live in
fear, uncertainty and doubt. Many die of anxiety fear and stress.
Others commit suicide. People are mean treacherous, shellfish. They
betray each other. You can't trust anybody. The whole world is in the
power of darkness, lies, deceit, immorality There is no real love,
faithfulness and compassion. Spouses betray each other. Mother's
abort their own babies, killing them in the womb. Children turn on
and murder their parents.
We are being lied to and exploited.
Where there should be truth and righteousness their is lies and
corruption. Governments are corrupt. What should be used for good is
used for evil. The truth is twisted. Churches twist the truth. They
use the Bible and the gospel of Jesus Christ to manipulate, deceive,
abuse, rob and exploit believers. They are wicked to the core and
have been so for a long time, but they are being exposed. All the
lies and fraud are being made public. The bottom line is that you can
trust nobody and never could. The only One whom you can really trust
and who can help is Jesus Christ, but the world does not know Him.
Sadly the churches and religious leaders know Him least. They are
using religion to deceive and use people for their own benefit.
Jesus is ALIVE. He is mighty. He can
CHANGE you today and GIVE you a NEW LIFE, hope, peace, joy, freedom
and expectation, not only for this life but for eternity. Jesus wants
to save you from your miserable existence and give you LIFE, HOPE and
expectation. He wants to make you a child of God. All that you have
to do is to accept and receive Him, invite Him into your life and
embrace Him. Invite Him into your life and embrace Him and His ways.
You can experience this NEW LIFE even
today, if you call on Jesus today. He will make you new inside, in
your soul. He will lift your depression and give you peace and joy.
He will set you free from bondage and despair. You can experience the
peace, joy, hope and expectation today, now if you call on Jesus, you
can have a taste of the heavenly water for your soul, but there are
certain things that you will have to keep on doing to keep on
experiencing it. Jesus offers you LIFE, new life. He will adopt you
as a child of God with all the benefits, promises and the expectation
of eternal life IF you accept and receive Him, but you will have to
stay with Him to have those benefits.
You will experience Jesus and His
benefits and you will KNOW Him more and better the longer you stay
with Him. If you call on Jesus from your heart and receive Him, you
will experience Him. A drink of Living Water will transform you and
give you LIFE.
Here is what to do to stay with Jesus.
Jesus is spirit. We communicate with Him in our spirit through
prayer, speaking to Him, listening to Him. He speaks IN us, putting
His thoughts and words into our mind. Keep praying, listening,
Stop sinning immediately. Jesus gave
you new life, a clean slate. He cleaned the record of sin against
you, when you received Him. Sin separates you from Jesus. The moment
you sin, darkness returns and you are separated from Jesus. Your
peace and joy will go away if you sin. Immediately repent. Ask Jesus
forgiveness, and He will restore your peace and joy.
Remove all sin and evil from your life.
Be pure and holy, and you will experience Jesus.
Read the words of Jesus in Matthew,
Mark, Luke and John, in the Bible. Obey them rigorously. Be baptized
in water as Jesus commanded.
Stay in communion with Jesus, in your
mind, always praying. He will put His thoughts in you, in your mind.
Seek Him. Pray in your own words, from your heart.
The more you seek Him, the more He will
reveal Himself to you. Keep obeying Him and He will baptize you in
the Holy Spirit. His Holy Spirit will dwell in you and He will lead
and guide you in all things.
Jesus will not leave you, nor will He
reject you. If you leave Him, stop following, obeying, listening and
communicating with Him, darkness will return. You will be separated
from Jesus if you sin. Unless you repent and go back to Jesus, you
will fall back into death and despair, you will end up in hell.
Jesus gives eternal life to those who
STAY with Him until the end. Quitters will not make it into heaven.
We have to stay with Jesus until the
end to have eternal life.
Do you want to TASTE LIFE, the Living
Water that Jesus gives? Then go on your knees and call on Him from
your heart. Pray, meaning it. Speak to Him your own words. Accept
Him. Receive Him into your life.
Do you want LIFE, now and for eternity?
Then go after Jesus with all your power. Obey Him, STAY with Him
until the end.
May Jesus bless you.

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