Many people have heard the message of
Jesus Christ preached, responded, believed and received Jesus into
their lives. Jesus saves whomever calls on Him, and He promises them
eternal life, but we have to follow and obey Jesus to stay
spiritually alive. If we do not obey Jesus we destroy our
relationship with Him and nullify His promises.
their lives. Jesus saves whomever calls on Him, and He promises them
eternal life, but we have to follow and obey Jesus to stay
spiritually alive. If we do not obey Jesus we destroy our
relationship with Him and nullify His promises.
Most Christians are spiritually
dysfunctional because they never grew in their relationship with
Jesus.. We only grow in our relationship with Jesus through prayer
and obedience. Sin separates us from Jesus. We have to immediately
stop sinning and remove from our lives those things that cause us to
sin or stray from Jesus. Some things we have to avoid, others we can
eliminate. We have to firstly repent, turn from all sin and be
baptized in water as a public confession that we have died to sin and
commit to live for righteousness and holiness, washing off our past
sins so we can live our new lives in holiness for Jesus. God is
spirit and He communicates to us in our spirit, in our mind. The
unbeliever communicates with demons and is inspired by demons to do
dysfunctional because they never grew in their relationship with
Jesus.. We only grow in our relationship with Jesus through prayer
and obedience. Sin separates us from Jesus. We have to immediately
stop sinning and remove from our lives those things that cause us to
sin or stray from Jesus. Some things we have to avoid, others we can
eliminate. We have to firstly repent, turn from all sin and be
baptized in water as a public confession that we have died to sin and
commit to live for righteousness and holiness, washing off our past
sins so we can live our new lives in holiness for Jesus. God is
spirit and He communicates to us in our spirit, in our mind. The
unbeliever communicates with demons and is inspired by demons to do
The Holy Spirit convicts of sin,
righteousness and judgment. If we obey Him and do right, He gives us
His approval by giving peace in us, that passes all human
understanding. If we seek Jesus He will communicate with us in our
spirit. He promised His Holy Spirit to come and dwell in those who
seek and obey Him. We must seek the approval and peace of Jesus, not
the acceptance of men or the pleasure of sin. Our relationship with
Jesus and our obedience to Him produces joy and peace. Sin separates
us from Jesus and brings us under conviction of the Holy Spirit
resulting in spiritual death. We must live in obedience to the words
of Jesus as they were also recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Those are the words of eternal life, for those who obey them, until
the end. It is all about our relationship with Jesus. If we don’t
have Jesus, we don’t have life.
righteousness and judgment. If we obey Him and do right, He gives us
His approval by giving peace in us, that passes all human
understanding. If we seek Jesus He will communicate with us in our
spirit. He promised His Holy Spirit to come and dwell in those who
seek and obey Him. We must seek the approval and peace of Jesus, not
the acceptance of men or the pleasure of sin. Our relationship with
Jesus and our obedience to Him produces joy and peace. Sin separates
us from Jesus and brings us under conviction of the Holy Spirit
resulting in spiritual death. We must live in obedience to the words
of Jesus as they were also recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Those are the words of eternal life, for those who obey them, until
the end. It is all about our relationship with Jesus. If we don’t
have Jesus, we don’t have life.
Church activities, Bible study and
religion cannot save nor bring us closer to Jesus. We must stay close
to Jesus, follow and obey Him, then He will reveal Himself to us and
be real to us.
religion cannot save nor bring us closer to Jesus. We must stay close
to Jesus, follow and obey Him, then He will reveal Himself to us and
be real to us.
If we draw closer to Jesus, He draws
closer to us. All we need is Jesus. We each have to work on our own
relationship with Jesus, nobody else can do it for us. Most believers
are just busy with dead religious practices. They receive no
confirmation from Jesus, either because they never experienced Him,
or because they are not serious. They communicate and interact well
with satan, but they have no interaction with Jesus. If they do not
wake up and get real with Jesus, they will perish because they are
numb and almost dead towards Jesus. They must REVIVE, COME ALIVE
spiritually before it is too late.
closer to us. All we need is Jesus. We each have to work on our own
relationship with Jesus, nobody else can do it for us. Most believers
are just busy with dead religious practices. They receive no
confirmation from Jesus, either because they never experienced Him,
or because they are not serious. They communicate and interact well
with satan, but they have no interaction with Jesus. If they do not
wake up and get real with Jesus, they will perish because they are
numb and almost dead towards Jesus. They must REVIVE, COME ALIVE
spiritually before it is too late.
If we follow Jesus, we will be holy,
will not sin, will be witnesses for Jesus and produce fruit of
holiness and righteousness. Those who do not bear fruit will get cut
off and burned, like dead branches. They will end up in hell.
will not sin, will be witnesses for Jesus and produce fruit of
holiness and righteousness. Those who do not bear fruit will get cut
off and burned, like dead branches. They will end up in hell.
those who are spiritually dying, passive and fruitless, this warning
speaks in Revelation 3:1-3 “He who has the seven Spirits of God and
the seven stars, says this: ‘I know your deeds, that you have a
name that you are alive, but you are dead. 2‘Wake
up, and strengthen the things that remain, which were about to die;
for I have not found your deeds completed in the sight of My
God. 3‘So
remember what you have received and heard; and keep it, and
repent. Therefore if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief,
and you will not know at what hour I will come to you.”
those who are spiritually dying, passive and fruitless, this warning
speaks in Revelation 3:1-3 “He who has the seven Spirits of God and
the seven stars, says this: ‘I know your deeds, that you have a
name that you are alive, but you are dead. 2‘Wake
up, and strengthen the things that remain, which were about to die;
for I have not found your deeds completed in the sight of My
God. 3‘So
remember what you have received and heard; and keep it, and
repent. Therefore if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief,
and you will not know at what hour I will come to you.”
we ALIVE in Christ, eagerly following Jesus, or do our deeds show
that we are spiritually dead? Do not delay, REVIVE, COME ALIVE to
Jesus and produce fruit worthy of Jesus.
we ALIVE in Christ, eagerly following Jesus, or do our deeds show
that we are spiritually dead? Do not delay, REVIVE, COME ALIVE to
Jesus and produce fruit worthy of Jesus.
Jesus bless you.
Jesus bless you.
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