Sunday, December 8, 2013

Understanding God

The only way that you can KNOW and UNDERSTAND God is if you know Jesus Christ because Jess Christ reveals God Himself to you. The apostle John wrote in 1 John 5:20 “And we know that the Son of God has come, and He HAS GIVEN US UNDERSTANDING so that we can know the true God. And now we live in fellowship with the true God BECAUSE WE LIVE IN FELLOWSHIP WITH HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST. He is the only true God, and HE IS ETERNAL LIFE.”
If you do not KNOW Jesus you do not know God and you do not have LIFE. If you have no fellowship with Jesus you don't have eternal life. You cannot find God in the Bible. You cannot find UNDERSTANDING through your studies and through your endeavors. You need REVELATION of Jesus Christ and you find that when you seek the LIVING GOD, Jesus Christ ON YOUR KNEES, when you HUMBLE yourself before your MAKER and you CALL OUT TO HIM and you CONNECT WITH HIM in you SPIRIT and you say:”Lord I need Thee! Please, please reveal Thyself to me!”
If you seek Him you find Him and He will reveal Himself to you because HE IS GOD, He made you!. The only way to know God is to KNOW Jesus Christ THE LIVING GOD.
Do YOU know Jesus Christ?

May Jesus bless you.

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