Jesus Christ is ALL that you need. If
you have Jesus you need nothing more. One night many years ago Jesus
spoke to me. He said to me:”Go to whomever I send you and take
their hand and put their hand in My hand and I will guide them. Jesus
Christ Himself is the Good Shepherd. His sheep LISTEN to His VOICE
and they FOLLOW Him.
I am here to take your hand and put it
in the hand of Jesus. Follow Jesus and you need nothing more. All
that you need is Jesus. I am not giving you a Bible, I am giving you
ETERNAL LIFE, I am giving you Jesus Christ. If you take His hand and
you follow Him He will guide you every step of the way and He will
give you ETERNAL LIFE. All that you need is Jesus Christ. Have you
found Jesus Christ, have you found eternal life?
May Jesus bless you.