Many people who are serious about
following Jesus Christ are in bad situations and they do not know how
to get out of it. If we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and
Master then we belong to Him in TOTAL with our situation and we have
to trust Him WITH our situation IN our situation. We must ask Him why
we are in that situation. Maybe we have a sickness, maybe we are
going through trials but if we follow Jesus and we are SERIOUS about
doing His will, being pleasing to Him then we have to TRUST Him
because He guides our footsteps and only Jesus can change the
situation or maybe He is using that situation to change us, to make
us useful for His Kingdom. It might be that the situation will become
a testimony for Jesus but we don't know. We will only gain
UNDERSTANDING if we TRUST in Jesus and we wait on Him.
We must not moan and complain. If we
have accepted Jesus then we accept our situation because Jesus guides
our footsteps and whatever we do, we do to the glory of God. If we
complain about our situation then we are complaining against Jesus,
we are dissatisfied with Him. In everything we have to submit to Him.
Let Him guide us and use us for His Kingdom. We have to LIVE to
glorify Jesus, not matter our situation and He will use that
situation for His glory but we have to STAY with Him.
Jesus is LORD. We have to let HIM be
in control and let Him have His way with us and He will use us for
His Kingdom. If we do not submit to Him He cannot use us for His
Kingdom and we are worthless to Him. Whatever your situation, commit
it to Jesus, submit to Him, draw closer to Him and let Him use that
situation for His glory. Jesus knows what He is doing. If we stay
WITH HIM we will soon learn what He is doing WITH and THROUGH us.
May Jesus bless you.
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