Monday, June 5, 2017

Divine Calling

I am not a preacher. I don't have a title I don't have a ministry. I don't have a church. I don't have a following, but I do have a calling. I was a business manager all my life. Most of my life I've worked in factories, but Jesus Christ called me.

One night He spoke to me. He said:"Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations. Go wherever I send you, and take their hand and put it in My hand and I will guide them." Jesus called me to make disciples that hear His voice, that know Him and that follow Him; and that is what I am here to do, is to do what He tells me to do. He speaks to me, He guides me, He teaches me and He commands me, and I speak His words. I'm here to take your hand and put it in the hand of Jesus so that you can know Him and follow Him. The kingdom of God is about Jesus Christ, the Lord, knowing Him, obeying Him and following Him.

Without Jesus we can do nothing. You don't need a church, you don't need a preacher, you don't need anything but Jesus Christ. All you need is Jesus. Jesus will say to many people in that day:"Go away I never knew you." What will He say to you?  Do you know Him? Now is the time to get to know Jesus, to follow Him until the very end. If we do not know Him now, we will not know Him the day that we die and then it will be too late to get to know Him . Now is the time to seek Jesus with all your heart. Jesus Christ is the way. Follow Him and you will have life.

May Jesus bless you.

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