Thursday, February 22, 2018

Christians and Sickness

Jesus Christ never promised good
health, wealth or prosperity to those who follow Him. He promised
them eternal life on certain conditions. Those conditions were that
we follow Him, obey Him, stay with Him and endure with Him until the
very end.
He promised us that we will be hated by
all men, that we will be persecuted, that we will enter the kingdom
of heaven through much tribulation. He never promised us an easy
time. We will learn through what we suffer if we follow Jesus Christ,
but we have to endure with Him until the very end.
Children of God will suffer. They will
suffer sickness. They will suffer persecution. They will suffer
misfortune. They will have to give up many things in life, they will
have to give up the pleasures of sin to follow Jesus Christ. It is a
road of suffering not of the pleasures of the flesh, however if we
endure with Jesus until the end we will be saved. If we endure with
Him we prove that we are worthy of Him, but if we give up and turn
away from Him when things go difficult, when we have to endure
persecution, when we get sick, when we lose our job, when we're
rejected by people because of Jesus Christ, if we would give up, then
we are not worthy of Him. We have to endure with Jesus through all
circumstances until the very end.
Jesus promised that He will never leave
us. He will never forsake us. He will be with us in tribulation. He
will teach us and He will guide us, He will always be there for us,
but we have to stay with Him. Are we worthy of Jesus? Are we willing
to stay with Him and to endure with Him until the very end? Only
those who endure with Jesus through all circumstances, through all
tribulation and trials, only they will enter His kingdom.
May Jesus bless you.

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