Somebody asked me what it feels like to
receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ explained it to
the Samaritan woman at the well, as we read in John chapter 4 verse
14. Jesus said: "whoever drinks of the water that I will give
him shall never thirst, but the water that I give him will become in
him a well of water springing up to eternal life," and that is exactly how I
receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ explained it to
the Samaritan woman at the well, as we read in John chapter 4 verse
14. Jesus said: "whoever drinks of the water that I will give
him shall never thirst, but the water that I give him will become in
him a well of water springing up to eternal life," and that is exactly how I
experienced it. I was seeking for the baptism in the
Holy Spirit. I was praying and I was praising Jesus and then I had
this feeling coming over me, this fullness, I was being filled up
from the belly upwards and it bubbled up out of my mouth and I
started speaking in other tongues, praising Jesus. I had this
overwhelming experience of Jesus Christ, His love and His presence in
me, His joy and His peace, and that is how it is to receive the
baptism in the Holy Spirit. But we need to keep that fountain flowing
and we only do that through our relationship with Jesus, through
prayer. If you stop praying, if you stop worshiping
this feeling coming over me, this fullness, I was being filled up
from the belly upwards and it bubbled up out of my mouth and I
started speaking in other tongues, praising Jesus. I had this
overwhelming experience of Jesus Christ, His love and His presence in
me, His joy and His peace, and that is how it is to receive the
baptism in the Holy Spirit. But we need to keep that fountain flowing
and we only do that through our relationship with Jesus, through
prayer. If you stop praying, if you stop worshiping
Jesus, stop serving Him, that water
stops flowing, that Living Water. We have to keep that Living Water
flowing through our relationship with Jesus, through obeying Him,
seeking Him, praying, praising Him, spending time with Him, always
our being tuned in to Him so that that well of living water can flow
through us, that the Spirit of God can dwell in us.
stops flowing, that Living Water. We have to keep that Living Water
flowing through our relationship with Jesus, through obeying Him,
seeking Him, praying, praising Him, spending time with Him, always
our being tuned in to Him so that that well of living water can flow
through us, that the Spirit of God can dwell in us.
We must live in holiness and obedience
to Jesus Christ, because the Holy Spirit does not share our bodies
with demons. Jesus said that a well cannot give bitter and sweet
water, so either we have the living water of Jesus flowing through us
or we have some other things flowing through us. Many people profess
to have received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, some of them make
noises but the question is: Does the Spirit of Christ flow through
us? Can Jesus be seen in us? Do we witness for Jesus Christ? Do we
experience that presence of Christ? Do we hear His voice? Do we
listen to Him? Do we follow Him? Are we ambassadors for Jesus Christ?
Do we really have the Spirit of Christ? Many people try to emulate
others who are speaking in tongues. They make noises but the Spirit
of God is not in them. The question is:"Do we have the Spirit of
Christ in us?
to Jesus Christ, because the Holy Spirit does not share our bodies
with demons. Jesus said that a well cannot give bitter and sweet
water, so either we have the living water of Jesus flowing through us
or we have some other things flowing through us. Many people profess
to have received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, some of them make
noises but the question is: Does the Spirit of Christ flow through
us? Can Jesus be seen in us? Do we witness for Jesus Christ? Do we
experience that presence of Christ? Do we hear His voice? Do we
listen to Him? Do we follow Him? Are we ambassadors for Jesus Christ?
Do we really have the Spirit of Christ? Many people try to emulate
others who are speaking in tongues. They make noises but the Spirit
of God is not in them. The question is:"Do we have the Spirit of
Christ in us?
Only Jesus can fill us with that
Living Water. He promised it to all who would ask. He said to the
woman at the well:"If you knew who it was that is asking you for
a drink of water you would have asked Him and He would have given you
living water." That living water is promised to everybody,
everyone who would come to Jesus, who would empty themselves of the
desires of the flesh and of sin, of worldliness, and desire to be
filled with the Living Water, the Holy Spirit that Jesus would give,
the fountain of Living Water that Jesus would give in those who ask
Him, who desire Him, who want to be one with Him.
Living Water. He promised it to all who would ask. He said to the
woman at the well:"If you knew who it was that is asking you for
a drink of water you would have asked Him and He would have given you
living water." That living water is promised to everybody,
everyone who would come to Jesus, who would empty themselves of the
desires of the flesh and of sin, of worldliness, and desire to be
filled with the Living Water, the Holy Spirit that Jesus would give,
the fountain of Living Water that Jesus would give in those who ask
Him, who desire Him, who want to be one with Him.
If we desire the Holy Spirit, that well
of Living Water in us, Jesus Christ dwelling in, us we have to go to
Him. We have to turn from evil, obey Jesus, repent and be baptized in
water for the washing off of our sins, ask Jesus and He will fill you
with the Holy Spirit the Living Water, but then we have to keep that
Living Water flowing, through our relationship with Jesus, through
praying and staying tuned in to Him, always desiring Jesus Christ
above all other things.
of Living Water in us, Jesus Christ dwelling in, us we have to go to
Him. We have to turn from evil, obey Jesus, repent and be baptized in
water for the washing off of our sins, ask Jesus and He will fill you
with the Holy Spirit the Living Water, but then we have to keep that
Living Water flowing, through our relationship with Jesus, through
praying and staying tuned in to Him, always desiring Jesus Christ
above all other things.
Do we have that well of Living Water
streams of Living Water flowing in and through us and out from us
into this world bringing light in darkness? Do we have Jesus Christ
in us?
streams of Living Water flowing in and through us and out from us
into this world bringing light in darkness? Do we have Jesus Christ
in us?
May Jesus bless you.
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