Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Mystery of all Ages Revealed

The mystery of all ages is displayed in those people who have accepted Jesus Christ and have become BORN AGAIN. They are changed into His likeness. It is a miracle to see how people are changed in a moment when they are truly born again. They receive a NEW NATURE, the nature of Jesus Christ. They are NOT SINNERS ANY MORE, they are children of God and they seek to obey their Father.
The mystery of all ages is JESUS CHRIST IN US, in those who have become children of God.
Very few professing Christians are children of God. Many of them have just been taught doctrine, but it has not become part of them, the nature of Christ is not displayed in them. They have the knowledge, they read the Bible and they have the words of Jesus but they cannot obey Him because they have NOT BEEN BORN AGAIN.
It is only when we EMPTY ourselves of ourselves and TAKE ON THE NATURE OF CHRIST that we become like Him. Then only are we CHILDREN OF GOD who display the nature of Jesus Christ.
Have you taken on the nature of Jesus Christ? Have you truly been born again? Have you become totally obedient to Jesus Christ and are you following Him?

Jesus is COMING! Are you READY?

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