You need to have a passion for holiness, for righteousness, for the kingdom of God. You need to have a passion for Jesus Christ, to be pleasing to Him, to be acceptable to Him.
Most believers just want salvation. They want to do the minimum and still get into heaven. They still want to serve the world, serve themselves and also be children of God. That is impossible.
Jesus said that we must strive hard to find the narrow door because many will try very hard and not be able. Most Christians are slaves to sin. They say they cannot stop sinning. It is because they do not care for sin, they do not care for holiness. They do not care for the kingdom of God. They have no passion for Jesus Christ.
Do you have a passion for Jesus Christ. Is it driving you to do His will, to seek His will, to be pleasing to Him. Are you really serious about the kingdom of God.
Do you have a passion for Jesus Christ?
May Jesus bless you.
Thank you my are Truly a son of God. I understand about passion for Jesus Christ. My only desire in life is to follow The Lamb wherever He goes...For wherever else is there to go?