Monday, June 20, 2016

Understanding the Calling and WILL of God

Jesus Christ has called many to follow Him but they do not follow Him because they lack understanding of their calling and of the will of God. That is because they do not stay with Jesus, they do not ask His guidance. The run around to other people and go and look for guidance and confirmation from others. Their focus is not on Jesus Christ. They start doubting and when things do not work out the way that they thought or expected then they turn against the Lord, they feel sorry for themselves because of their circumstances.

Jesus said that whoever puts his hand to the plow and looks back is not worthy of Him. If you want to follow Jesus you must get your wisdom from Him. You must pray and wait on Him so that He will guide you and teach you. If you run to other people then you will fall into all kinds of doubt and you will be lost. Without faith it is impossible to please God. If you do not utterly trust Jesus Christ you cannot follow Him and you will not fulfill His calling. You have to trust Him with all your heart, burn your bridges, do not look back. Go after Jesus, let go of everything. If you hold on to anything it will hold you back and prevent you from doing what Jesus wants you to do. If Jesus calls you then you WAIT on Him. You stay with Him and if you are not sure you ask Him, you keep on praying  and He will guide you.

To walk by faith is to by hearing the Word of God, to HEAR His VOICE, to be guided by the Holy Spirit and to gain understanding from Jesus Christ, from your relationship with Him.

You do not gain understanding from reading the scriptures and listening to other people. If your guidance and understanding does not come from Jesus Christ Himself, if you are not lead by the Holy Spirit then you cannot follow Jesus, you cannot please Him, you cannot do what He called you for.

Jesus is calling people who will fully trust Him, follow Him and go after Him. Those who do not trust Him are not worthy of Him,. they will not follow Him and they will not be pleasing to Him .

Trust Jesus with all your heart. Go after Him. Do not look back , do not waver, do not hesitate. Do not doubt. Stay focused on Him. Wait on Him and go after Him and He will guide you every step of the way.

May Jesus bless you.

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