Thursday, July 28, 2016

Jesus Christ SPEAKS LOUD and CLEAR in Plain Language

Jesus Christ is God. He made the voice and He made the ear and He SPEAKS. He speaks in PLAIN LANGUAGE and His sheep HEAR His VOICE. They LISTEN to Him.

Jesus Christ speaks to me in plain English. I understand what He says. Many people claim that God has spoken to them, through the Bible, through some fuzzy feeling, through somebody's prophecy. They have NOT heard from God. If you have not heard from God, then do not say that you have heard from Him. Do not LIE about it. God does not excuse LIARS, much less does He excuse those who lie in His Name, those who say that God has spoken to them and He has not spoken to them. If God has not spoken to you DO NOT say that He has spoken to you, like so many preachers do. They are LIARS and God will judge them.

God speaks. His sheep HEAR His VOICE. All those who are lead by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. They HEAR His VOICE. They LISTEN to Him. They FOLLOW Him. But if you do not hear the voice of God, SEEK HIM! Seek Him with all your heart and you will find Him. Ask Him and He will speak to you, but don't lie about it.

Don't go after your own feelings. Don't assume things. Don't take Bible scripture and then assume, come to some conclusions. You are only deceiving yourself and those whom you are lying to.

God does not tolerate liars. We have to walk in truth. If you did not hear His voice DO NOT say that you did. Wait on Him, seek Him with all your heart and you will find Him. Do not mock God. Do not lie in the Name of God. You will be judged. God is a Consuming Fire.

 Those who know Him FEAR Him. They LISTEN to Him and they FOLLOW Him. They DO what He tells them to do.

I hear the voice of God. I follow Jesus Christ. That is why you see me hear and I warn you today: YOU WILL SEE PREACHERS FALLING OVER DEAD IN THEIR PULPITS BECAUSE THEY HAVE LIED IN THE NAME OF GOD.

God is not mocked. Seek Him with all your heart. Follow Him with all your power and He will reveal Himself to you as REAL. Jesus Christ is ALIVE, He is GOD. Seek Him and you will find Him. Listen to Him and He will speak to you.

May Jesus bless you.

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