Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Imaginary Christians Churchgoers Bible Believers
The world is full of imaginary Christians, people who believe in the
Bible. They imagine that they are Christians but they are not followers
of Jesus Christ. They are not DISCIPLES of Jesus Christ. They do not
know Him. They read the Bible. They repeat a few lines of prayer after
somebody else, they say they believe in Jesus Christ. They say they are
Christians, they believe they are saved but they never knew Jesus
Christ. They never repented of sin. they never obeyed Him, they were
never BORN AGAIN. They never changed, they never became followers of
Jesus Christ but they imagine that they are Christians. They never
followed Jesus Christ one day. They are SINNERS. They never gave up
anything for Jesus. They live for themselves but they imagine that they
are going to heaven. They are deceiving themselves. They are in for a
rude awakening, a very bad surprise. The day that they die they will
stand before Jesus and He will say to them:"Go away from Me, I never
knew you, you workers of unrighteousness." They imagined that they were
saved. They imagined that they were Christians.
They went to church,
they read the Bible, they went to conferences and read the books of
"inspired" preachers, but they never knew Jesus Christ. They are
imaginary Christians.
The majority of professing Christians imagine
that they are followers of Jesus Christ. They do not know Him. They have
no relationship with Him. His sheep HEAR His VOICE. They LISTEN to Him.
They FOLLOW Him. They Do as He commands. These imaginary Christians
just read the Bible and quote you verses. They go to church and they go
to worship. They belong to a church but they do not belong to Jesus
Christ. They are not born again. They are SINNERS.
If you are a BORN
AGAIN child of God then you have turned your back to the world and to
yourself and you follow after Jesus Christ. You sin no more. You do the
will of God. You will be persecuted. You will be hated. You will go
where Jesus sends you, not where you think. You will not live by
IMAGINATION, you will walk by the truth because you will know Him for
real. You will give up everything and do what He tells you to do. You
will sacrifice yourself and your life because you know the King, because
you have seen Him Kingdom and you know Him for real.
Are you an
imaginary Christian, or do you know Jesus Christ? Are you a DISCIPLE of
Jesus Christ? Are you born again of the Spirit of God and have you
turned away from your own ways? Have you received the baptism in the
Holy Spirit and are you lead by the Spirit of God? Do you do the will of
God or do you run after your imagination?
Dear friend, have you met
Jesus Christ for real? Do you truly follow and obey Him? Or are you
playing religion, church, Bible games, debates, your own opinion? If you
follow Jesus Christ all that matters is to HEAR His VOICE and to DO His
will. If you do not hear His voice and if you do not go after Him every
day, then you are not one of His sheep. Then you are just an imaginary
deluded believer and you will end up in hell.
Wake up and seek Jesus
Christ. Wake up before it is too late. Seek Jesus Christ with all your
heart and you will find Him. Follow Him and obey Him until the end or
you will perish.
May Jesus bless you.
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