Wednesday, November 6, 2013

You don't need CHURCH

The modern self-satisfying man-glorifying Christianity emphasizes FELLOWSHIP WITH OTHER PEOPLE and education, building yourself up whereas Jesus Christ came to BRING US INTO FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD, WITH HIMSELF.
Jesus said:”WATCH AND PRAY ALWAYS”. Modern Christianity tells you to COME TO CHURCH, TO SPEND TIME WITH OTHER PEOPLE, TO STUDY YOUR BIBLE. Jesus brings us into fellowship with Himself, being led by His Spirit, not into fellowship with other people. If we follow Jesus Christ then WE bring others into fellowship with Jesus Christ AND God our Father because we ourselves are in unity with God, WE have fellowship with God. But if we have fellowship with other people and if we are busy with ourselves, educating and building up ourselves we are busy with ME and MY and OTHER PEOPLE and not with the living God.
We cannot be led by the Spirit of God if we are not in communion with God, if we do not spend time LISTENING to HIM, following HIM, if we are not continuously TUNED IN and busy with our heavenly Father. It is not our relationship with other people that brings us into the kingdom of heaven, it is our relationship with the living God.
With whom is your relationship? Do you have relationship with other people or are you in fellowship with the living God, LISTENING, OBEYING and DOING what He commands you to do so that you can bring other into communion with Him also? Is your relationship with people or with God?

May Jesus bless you.


  1. I understand we need to focus primarily on GOD but the bible says we are not to give up meeting with other disciples and after Jesus died it says they continued to meet daily. Doesnt meeting others make us stronger in the faith? .lt can be lonely not meeting others with the same convictions. What did God make ministers for if not to guide us in a church setting? And arent we supposed to break bread and drink the blood of Christ together?

    1. If you follow Jesus you will never be alone friend. If you fellowship with other people you are not spending time with Jesus. How much time are you spending with Jesus?

  2. How do l go about hearing the voice of Jesus? I ve been quietly waiting and praying.

    1. Keep o praying, dear friend. Knock and it will be opened unto you. Seek and you will find. Jesus bless you.
