Sunday, February 16, 2014

Against The Flow

If you follow Jesus you will mostly be against the stream, contrary to convention, you WILL NOT GO WITH THE FLOW because you will be following Jesus Christ. You will not lean on your own understanding and use your common sense but you will be LISTENING to Jesus Christ and FOLLOWING Him. You will DO what He tells you to do.
Dead fish float with the stream and CONVENTIONAL CHRISTIANS are not followers of Jesus Christ because Jesus does not conform to convention. Jesus IS GOD and those who follow Him are LIKE HIM, they do what he tells them to do. They are not like the other so called “Christians,” group animals, because Jesus' sheep LISTEN to HIS VOICE and they INDIVIDUALLY follow Him where He guides them.
Do you GO WITH THE FLOW? Are you conformed to the world? Do you first look and see what others do and then you follow along? Or do you confidently follow Jesus Christ even when other people think that you are crazy? Do you really KNOW Jesus Christ and do you TRUST Him? Or do you need a Bible verse or other people's approval to justify your actions? If you really love, TRUST and follow Jesus all that will matter to you is STAYING CLOSE TO HIM, DOING what He tells you to do and having His approval.
Are you going with the flow or are you going with Jesus?

May Jesus bless you.

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