If you want to have eternal life you
will have to make up your mind and follow Jesus. Deny yourself every
day, pick up your cross and follow Him. You will have to LEAVE BEHIND
your friends and those who do not want to follow Jesus with you.
You cannot participate in the same
things any more. Every day, you will have to get up in the morning,
have your mind on Jesus, LISTEN and FOLLOW Him. You might be living
in the same house with other people who do not follow Jesus, you
might be working with other people who do not follow Jesus but you
need to leave them behind and YOU must follow Jesus every day and DO
what is pleasing to Him.
Jesus said that when He comes two will
be sleeping in one bed, the one will be taken and the other will be
left. Two will be working in the field, the one will be taken and the
other will be left. Do you go with Jesus every day? Or are you
staying behind with your friends? Are you going with them? If we do
not go WITH Jesus every day and live to please Him then we will not
go with Him when He comes. We WILL be LEFT BEHIND.
May Jesus bless you.
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