A person who has come face to face with
Jesus Christ, who has fallen on his knees before the King of kings
and cried out to Him from his heart is IMMEDIATELY CHANGED,
TRANSFORMED, BORN AGAIN. He is immediately a different person.
Immediately he realizes his own wickedness and he wants to be clean,
he wants to be pure like his Master. He hates sin and immediately
Jesus delivers him from his vices, from those things that bind him.
Immediately that person is TRANSFORMED, he is like a clean slate,
like a white piece of paper and then that person immediately wants to
be baptized in water so that he can be washed clean from the sins
that cling to him.
If that person stays with Jesus then
the likeness of Jesus Christ starts forming on that white page, that
clean slate, and you can see Jesus Christ forming in that person but
many people become RELIGIOUS and the likeness that forms in them is
WICKED, they become pharisees, self-righteous. It is not the likeness
of Christ that is in them.
The likeness of Jesus Christ is not
built on filth and that is why He gives us a CLEAN SLATE. We are BORN
AGAIN, we are CLEAN. But then we have to STAY WITH JESUS and through
our relationship with Him, walking WITH HIM daily, we BECOME LIKE
HIM. We get changed into His likeness. Have you become like Jesus
Christ since you met Him. Did you really meet Him? Did He clean you
out? Were you washed clean of your filth immediately?
Many are just indoctrinated but they
are fakes, they are false, they were never washed clean, they are
trying to be what they ARE NOT. You need to be washed clean by the
blood of Jesus. You need to get on your knees before Him and cry out
to Him and He will wash you clean. YOU NEED TO CRY UNTIL YOUR TEARS
WASH YOU CLEAN. You are a different person IMMEDIATELY because you
lose your burdens, you lose your filth, you lose your own
personality, you become born again and the likeness of Jesus Christ
can be formed in that NEW PERSON that He planted in you.
Have you been BORN AGAIN?
May Jesus bless you.
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