Many people claim to be Christians, followers of Jesus Christ. They belong to a church, they practice religion, they read their Bibles, they quote Bible verses and some of them can say very nice long prayers but if you look at their lives they are exactly like the world. Their deeds prove that they are not of Jesus, they are of this world.
If we follow Jesus Christ and we are children of God we prove by our deeds that we are children of God, not by our words of by our claims, or what we claim to believe, our beliefs. It is HOW WE LIVE. Are we LIKE JESUS, are we following Jesus and doing that which is pleasing to Him? The PROOF is in how we ARE, how we ACT, what we DO. Are we LIKE JESUS CHRIST? Are we sons of God or do our deeds prove that indeed we are hypocrites and sons of the devil. It is not the verses that you can quote of the claims that you can make, it is HOW YOU LIVE. We prove by our DEEDS whether we are children of God.
Are we children of God or are we indeed sons of satan disguising ourselves as children of God?
May Jesus bless you.
Yes i agree. the Lord Jesus revealed it to me they are the luke warm church. BUT this disciple works out the cost to give with a willing heart a total love commitment and choose to live a surrender life for JESUS each day. Surrendering his country, his properties, his family, his finances, his health, yes even his worries, his anguish, his problems, his pain, his uneasiness, his fear, his miseries, his doubts, his concerns, his cares ect. daily for JESUS! For JESUS said to HIS disciple, “If anyone desires to come after ME, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow ME. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for MY sake will save it. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost?” This disciple turns now to the LORD JESUS in faith, trusts HIM and never relies on his own understanding but rather acknowledge the LORD in all his ways. The hunger to know JESUS and the power of HIS resurrection is present. The fellowship of his LORD sufferings is to pick up his cross daily and to attune to HIS death. Not that he have already attained or already perfected it but he press on and do not give up!!! he laid hold of that for which CHRIST JESUS has also laid hold on him and forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, press and grinding toward the goal having his eyes fixed on JESUS.