Jesus Christ IS Lord and He REIGNS.
Whatever He WILLS, He DOES. Everything belongs to Him and He is in
UTTER CONTROL of everything. Whatever happens in this world is under
His power and IN HIS CONTROL.
You cannot force Jesus Christ, you
cannot make Him do what you want because He is Lord, He is KING, He
is MASTER. What you need to do is you must FORCE YOURSELF to SUBMIT
to Jesus, to FOLLOW and to OBEY Him, IF you want to be part of His
Kingdom and have Eternal Life. Jesus Christ gives eternal life to
those who FOLLOW Him, who OBEY Him, who DO what is pleasing to Him.
You cannot force others to follow and
obey Jesus but you have to FORCE YOURSELF, you have to SUBMIT
yourself, DENY your flesh, deny yourself your own instincts, your own
desires and FORCE YOURSELF to follow and obey Jesus Christ, even
against that which you want. You have to SERVE Him as LORD and OBEY
Him. You have to AT ALL COST repent from serving yourself , OBEY Him,
be holy, righteous and UTTERLY OBEDIENT to Jesus IF you want to be
part of His Kingdom. If you don't, if you reject Him, you are not
suitable for the Kingdom of God and you will not enter.
Those who love Jesus FORCE their way
into the Kingdom of God by SUBMITTING THEMSELVES to Jesus. That is
why Jesus said:”Whoever WISHES to come after Me must deny himself,
pick up his cross and come here follow Me every day.” Are you
FORCING YOURSELF to follow Jesus by submitting yourself to Him and do
His will to be pleasing to Him and to SERVE Him as LORD?
If you will not SERVE Him, you will not
enter His Kingdom and you will not have eternal life.
May Jesus bless you.
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