Sunday, February 22, 2015

Saturate Your Soul with the Spirit of God

From the fullness of the heart speaks the mouth. That with which we fill ourselves is what comes out from our mouths. If we are filled with the Holy Spirit then the words of God will come out of out mouth. How do we get filled with the Spirit of God?
We first have to EMPTY ourselves of the things of the world before Jesus in repentance, CLEAN OUT THE HOUSE and invite Jesus Christ IN and then ask Him to FILL you with His Spirit. When you pray, do not just use an idle repetition of words but WAIT on Him with yearning. Ask Him to FILL you, WAIT on Him. Ask Him to FILL you with His Spirit and always go back for MORE. Spend time in prayer with Jesus, WAITING on Him and let Him fill your mind and soul with His goodness, with His Spirit. Once He has baptized you in the Holy Spirit He will give you a NEW TONGUE WHEREBY YOU CAN PRAY UNINTERRUPTED even by your own thoughts, where you just SOAK UP the presence of the Living God and you ABSORB and ALLOW Him to FILL you with His Spirit so that from your mouth will come STREAMS OF LIVING WATER. Go wait on Jesus, YEARN for Him, SEEK Him with all your heart and He will FILL you with His Holy Spirit. (Song)

Here is my cup Lord,
I lift it up Lord,
Come and quench the thirsting of my soul.
Bread of Heaven, feed me till I want no more!
Here is my cup,
Fill it up to overflow!

Here is my cup Lord,
I lift it up Lord,
Come and quench the thirsting of my soul.
Bread of Heaven, feed me till I want no more!
Here is my cup,
Fill it up to overflow!

Here is my cup Lord,
I lift it up Lord,
Come and quench the thirsting of my soul.
Bread of Heaven, feed me till I want no more!
Here is my cup,
Fill it up to overflow!

Do you hunger and thirst for Jesus? Then go spend time with Him and let Him fill your cup, let Him fill your soul, let Him fill you with His Holy Spirit and you will never hunger and never thirst again. Go to Jesus, He alone is the FOUNTAIN OF LIFE, Let Him fill you to overflow.

May Jesus bless you.

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