I want to tell you about
something very wonderful that Jesus Christ promised to all those who
believe in Him, but most Christians do not have it. Most Christian
believers have a church, they have a Bible and they believe they have
salvation, but they do not have this gift that Jesus promised to
those who obey Him.
something very wonderful that Jesus Christ promised to all those who
believe in Him, but most Christians do not have it. Most Christian
believers have a church, they have a Bible and they believe they have
salvation, but they do not have this gift that Jesus promised to
those who obey Him.
He promised the Holy
Spirit who will guide them step-by-step every step of the way. Do you
believe Jesus? Do you believe that this gift is for you? Are you
being led by the Holy Spirit, step-by-step? I want to read for you
where Jesus promised this gift to His disciples. I read from John
16:5 But now I am going back to Him who sent Me and none of you asks
me: "Where are you going? But because I have said these things
to you, sorrow has filled your heart. But I tell you the truth, it to
your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away the Helper
will not come to you, but if I go, I will send them to you and He,
when He comes will convict the world concerning sin, and
righteousness, and judgment; concerning sin because they do not
believe in Me, and concerning righteousness, because I go to the
Father and you no longer see Me, and concerning judgment because the
ruler of this world has been judged. I have many more things to say
to you, but you cannot bear them now, but when He the Spirit of Truth
comes, He will guide you into all the truth, for He will not speak on
His own initiative; but whatever He hears, He will speak, and He will
disclose to you, what is to come. He will glorify Me, for He will
take of Mine and will disclose it to you. All things that the Father
has are Mine. Therefore, I said that He takes of Mine and will
disclose it to you."
Spirit who will guide them step-by-step every step of the way. Do you
believe Jesus? Do you believe that this gift is for you? Are you
being led by the Holy Spirit, step-by-step? I want to read for you
where Jesus promised this gift to His disciples. I read from John
16:5 But now I am going back to Him who sent Me and none of you asks
me: "Where are you going? But because I have said these things
to you, sorrow has filled your heart. But I tell you the truth, it to
your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away the Helper
will not come to you, but if I go, I will send them to you and He,
when He comes will convict the world concerning sin, and
righteousness, and judgment; concerning sin because they do not
believe in Me, and concerning righteousness, because I go to the
Father and you no longer see Me, and concerning judgment because the
ruler of this world has been judged. I have many more things to say
to you, but you cannot bear them now, but when He the Spirit of Truth
comes, He will guide you into all the truth, for He will not speak on
His own initiative; but whatever He hears, He will speak, and He will
disclose to you, what is to come. He will glorify Me, for He will
take of Mine and will disclose it to you. All things that the Father
has are Mine. Therefore, I said that He takes of Mine and will
disclose it to you."
Jesus Christ promised the
Holy Spirit to His disciples and after He was crucified, and
resurrected, before He ascended to heaven, we read in Acts chapter
one, Jesus commanded them to go to Jerusalem and wait for the Holy
Spirit. We read in Acts chapter 2 where the Holy Spirit was given on
the day of Pentecost, and the promise is for all those who believe
in Jesus. I read from Acts chapter 2:38. "Peter said to
them:"Repent and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus
Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the
gift of the Holy Spirit, for the promise is for you and for your
children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God
will call to Himself."
Holy Spirit to His disciples and after He was crucified, and
resurrected, before He ascended to heaven, we read in Acts chapter
one, Jesus commanded them to go to Jerusalem and wait for the Holy
Spirit. We read in Acts chapter 2 where the Holy Spirit was given on
the day of Pentecost, and the promise is for all those who believe
in Jesus. I read from Acts chapter 2:38. "Peter said to
them:"Repent and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus
Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the
gift of the Holy Spirit, for the promise is for you and for your
children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God
will call to Himself."
The promise is for you
also, and for me. Jesus promised that He will give His Holy Spirit in
us, to guide us, to teach us, to be with us, every step of the way.
Those who follow Jesus will never be in darkness because they are led
by the Holy Spirit. But most believers do not have the Holy Spirit.
Why is that? Do you believe that the Holy Spirit will guide you in
everything, in every aspect of your life, so that you can be pleasing
to God, and that you can live fruitfully, that you can serve your
purpose for which Jesus has called you, for which you were made?
also, and for me. Jesus promised that He will give His Holy Spirit in
us, to guide us, to teach us, to be with us, every step of the way.
Those who follow Jesus will never be in darkness because they are led
by the Holy Spirit. But most believers do not have the Holy Spirit.
Why is that? Do you believe that the Holy Spirit will guide you in
everything, in every aspect of your life, so that you can be pleasing
to God, and that you can live fruitfully, that you can serve your
purpose for which Jesus has called you, for which you were made?
Do you really believe that
the promise is for you, that He will guide you every step of the way?
The question is, are you being led by the Holy Spirit? Are you truly
a child of God? Have you received the Gift? Do you trust Him and do
you follow Him? Have you obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ? Have you
repented and been baptized in water? Have you been born again? Have
you received the Gift of the Holy Spirit? That is what makes you a
child of God, when you are led by the Holy Spirit. And He promised it
to everyone who believes in Him. Many boast in their church, in their
salvation, that they believe that they have, based on scripture that
they quote. They just believe it but they have no proof, their proof
is the Bible. Take away the Bible, they've got no proof. The proof
that you are a child of God is whether you are being led by the
Spirit of God, whether you follow Jesus Christ, whether you have
received, Holy Spirit and whether you follow His guidance every day
of your life, every step of way. That is what Jesus called us for. He
said:"Follow me." We cannot follow Him without the Holy
Spirit,and that is why He promised the Holy Spirit to those who obey
Him, to those who obey the gospel, the words of Jesus; those who
repent turn away from sin, and are baptized in water, they will
receive the Holy Spirit.
the promise is for you, that He will guide you every step of the way?
The question is, are you being led by the Holy Spirit? Are you truly
a child of God? Have you received the Gift? Do you trust Him and do
you follow Him? Have you obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ? Have you
repented and been baptized in water? Have you been born again? Have
you received the Gift of the Holy Spirit? That is what makes you a
child of God, when you are led by the Holy Spirit. And He promised it
to everyone who believes in Him. Many boast in their church, in their
salvation, that they believe that they have, based on scripture that
they quote. They just believe it but they have no proof, their proof
is the Bible. Take away the Bible, they've got no proof. The proof
that you are a child of God is whether you are being led by the
Spirit of God, whether you follow Jesus Christ, whether you have
received, Holy Spirit and whether you follow His guidance every day
of your life, every step of way. That is what Jesus called us for. He
said:"Follow me." We cannot follow Him without the Holy
Spirit,and that is why He promised the Holy Spirit to those who obey
Him, to those who obey the gospel, the words of Jesus; those who
repent turn away from sin, and are baptized in water, they will
receive the Holy Spirit.
But many Christians, many
believers are in sin. They are not following after Jesus, and sin
separates us from God. If you are in sin, the Holy Spirit will
convict you of your sin. You will not have the confidence to ask
Jesus for guidance, and you will not trust Him because you will not
believe that He will give you what is best for you. You will be going
after your own will, and after your own desires, and therefore you
will not trust God. But if you are submitted to Jesus, and you truly
seek the will of God then you will trust the guidance of the Holy
Spirit, then you will ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you
will trust Him and you will follow Him, and thereby you will prove
that you are a child of God. You will not want to live without the
guidance of the Holy Spirit, you will not want to live without Jesus
living in you, because you will know that without Jesus you can do
nothing. You will seek His guidance and follow His guidance everyday,
every step of the way. He will guide you in all things, every step of
the way, every day of your life, until the very end, if you follow
believers are in sin. They are not following after Jesus, and sin
separates us from God. If you are in sin, the Holy Spirit will
convict you of your sin. You will not have the confidence to ask
Jesus for guidance, and you will not trust Him because you will not
believe that He will give you what is best for you. You will be going
after your own will, and after your own desires, and therefore you
will not trust God. But if you are submitted to Jesus, and you truly
seek the will of God then you will trust the guidance of the Holy
Spirit, then you will ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you
will trust Him and you will follow Him, and thereby you will prove
that you are a child of God. You will not want to live without the
guidance of the Holy Spirit, you will not want to live without Jesus
living in you, because you will know that without Jesus you can do
nothing. You will seek His guidance and follow His guidance everyday,
every step of the way. He will guide you in all things, every step of
the way, every day of your life, until the very end, if you follow
Do you believe it? Do you
really believe the words of Jesus? Do you believe it's promised for
you? So dear friend, are you being led by the Spirit of God? Are you
a son of God, or are you just deceived and believe that you have
salvation but you have no relationship with Jesus, and you're not led
by the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you, and without Jesus,
without the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you are in darkness. Repent
of all your sins, your selfishness, your worldliness, your rebellion
against God, your dependence on yourself, and on other people, your
unwillingness and your doubt, and come to Jesus with a pure heart.
Obey His words, if you've never been baptized, (NOT SPRINKLED AS A
BABY), be baptized in water, and ask Him for His Holy Spirit. follow
the guidance of His Holy Spirit and He will guide you every step of
the way.
really believe the words of Jesus? Do you believe it's promised for
you? So dear friend, are you being led by the Spirit of God? Are you
a son of God, or are you just deceived and believe that you have
salvation but you have no relationship with Jesus, and you're not led
by the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you, and without Jesus,
without the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you are in darkness. Repent
of all your sins, your selfishness, your worldliness, your rebellion
against God, your dependence on yourself, and on other people, your
unwillingness and your doubt, and come to Jesus with a pure heart.
Obey His words, if you've never been baptized, (NOT SPRINKLED AS A
BABY), be baptized in water, and ask Him for His Holy Spirit. follow
the guidance of His Holy Spirit and He will guide you every step of
the way.
May Jesus bless you.
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